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Volunteer Handbook

Tree City Comic Con 2014
Volunteer Handbook

Table of Contents

Directors List
General Volunteer Information
Rules of Conduct
Volunteer Policies
Harassment Policy
Volunteer Rights and Responsibilities
Customer Service 101
Volunteer "Need to Knows"
Areas of Operation
The Day of!
Volgistics, VicNet and VicTouch

Tree City Comic Con 2014
Volunteer Handbook


Welcome Volunteer!
Welcome and thank you for choosing to be part of the first annual Tree City Comic Con event! We are
very excited to be hosting this amazing event and very grateful for all of the help that you as a volunteer
will bring to the table. Thank You!
In order for this event to run smoothly, it will take nothing sort of a small army of highly motivated and
dedicated individuals. Our success will be directly linked to the generous contribution of time and
energy provided by our volunteers and event staff.
We have put this handbook together to help you, our volunteer, understand how the partnership
between Tree City Comic Con staff and volunteers will function. To help ensure the best of working
relationships, please read through these pages carefully.
We would ask that you not take your role in volunteering lightly. You will put in long hours, most of
which will be spent on your feet. You might not get to enjoy the event the same way the attendees will.
While there will be sacrifices made, there are also great benefits. You will get the opportunity to see
how a pop culture event runs from the inside. You will have the chance to meet new people (even some
that are famous!), make new friends and help us rock the City of Trees!
We truly appreciate the time and energy you are willing to give to help us make this event the best.
As always, May the Force Be With You.

Tree City Comic Con Volunteering Directors

Tree City Comic Con 2014
Volunteer Handbook

Tree City Comic Con Event Directors

Ginger Pryor- Event Director
Kevin Hansen- Event Director
Mason Pryor- Director of Volunteering
James Fuhriman- Co-Director of Volunteering
Kristal Glenn- Media Coordinator
Feliena Chaulk - Special Guest Coordinator
Kira Parker - Costume Guild President
Adam Garvey - Audio Visual Director

Special Partners with Tree City Comic Con
David Moore - Expo Idaho Director
Steven - Expo Idaho Security
Jeremy Wellard - Allied Barton Manager

Charity Partner-
Make-A-Wish: Idaho Chapter

Stevens-Henager College
RMAV- Rocky Mountain Audio Visual
MeTV Boise & 12KTRV
Lennon Design

Tree City Comic Con 2014
Volunteer Handbook

General Volunteer Information

How do I become a volunteer?
A volunteer staff member receives all of the volunteer request applications. The volunteering directors
team reviews each application. Applicants will be sorted into two categories:
Agent In Charge (Team Captains; will be assigned to a specific station.)
All applicants selected to be an Agent in Charge will be interview before being assigned the title
and responsibility.
Event Volunteer (assigned to different stations throughout the event.)
Specific applicants will be interviewed if they are assigned to any team working directly with celebrities,
security or any station dealing with money.
Based on the areas on interest on the application, the volunteer staff will review your application and
you will be assigned to a team that we feel you will be the best fit as part of our awesome team. You will
get notifications of shifts that come available before the event begins. You will be able to select the
shifts you want to work at that time.
Please remember that applying for a position does not automatically guarantee acceptance. The event
directors reserve the right to remove an applicant from the volunteer roster if they are found to not
have an attitude conducive to volunteering.
Congrats, You've been Chosen
Orientation will be held at the beginning of October. This will be a chance to meet your directors and
fellow volunteers. The dates and time of orientation are listed below. Participation in one of the
trainings is mandatory.
Wednesday, October 1
from 6pm to 8pm
Thursday, October 2
from 6pm to 8pm
Friday, October 3
from 6pm to 8pm
Saturday, October 4
from 10am to 12pm
Saturday, October 5th from 1pm to 3pm.

Tree City Comic Con 2014
Volunteer Handbook

Rules of Conduct

We understand that being a part of this event will get the adrenaline pumping and your smiles wider.
However, for the safety and sanity of others, we have to lay down a few ground rules. Follow them and
things will go great. Disobey and you will be asked to behave and then asked to leave. We reserve the
right to ask you to leave your post and or the event for certain behaviors.
You will be a representative of the event by being a volunteer. With that, there are expectations that are
in place that you need to honestly fulfill.
While working as a volunteer, please understand the difference in taking initiative and taking
Do not make promises or guarantees to exhibitors, artists, guests, celebrities or any other
interested party.
Do not represent yourself as a staff member or director or as someone authorized to broker
deals, take money or do any other official business for Tree City Comic Con. Brokering any deals
will be grounds for being asked to leave your post and possibly the event and future events.
Please refer interested individuals or parties that would like to get involved with Tree City Comic
Con to your agent in charge or any event director.
Here are some ground rules:
Respect the property of the event site, attendees, staff members, fellow volunteers and guests.
This includes refraining from causing damage to any property, event site owned or owned by
Tree City Comic Con and sponsors.
Do not participate in or facilitate the theft of any property or personal belongings. If you see or
hear of something, let your Agent in Charge know right away.
Do not use any thing owned by the event site, Tree City Comic Con or its sponsors for personal
use or gain.
Do not loan anything owned by the event site, Tree City Comic Con or its sponsors to anyone.
No one except event directors have the authorization to make this decision.
Respect all event directors and staff members and any directions they give you. If you get
conflicting information from any director or staff, please ask for clarification or ask your agent in
charge for additional details. Only a director can change your post once assigned.
Do not instigate or participate in any activity that could result in injury, fighting or horseplay
while acting as a volunteer.
You will be well versed before the event of your duties for the event. If you feel that you cannot
fulfill the required duties, please get with a volunteer director or your agent in charge.
Perform your duties to the best of your ability. Ask questions if there is anything you do not

Tree City Comic Con 2014
Volunteer Handbook

In the event of conflict or difficulty, please refer to this handbook for guidance. If you have
further questions or the need is urgent, please get with your agent in charge.
Always be friendly and courteous.
We reserve the right to ask you to leave the premises if we feel your behavior is threatening or
obnoxious. We all want to have a great experience but when you are on duty you are expected
to be respectful and a team player.

Tree City Comic Con 2014
Volunteer Handbook

Volunteer Policies

In addition to the rules of conduct, there are some additional policies that must be adhered to at all
times. Read them, remember them, follow them! Ask your agent in charge or an event director for any
clarification that is needed.
Tree City Comic Con is committed to the safety of everyone that attends the event. We will provide the
necessary orientations, trainings and equipment to make the event safe. It will require a great deal of
team work to accomplish this goal. If at any time you do not feel safe or that you can accomplish the
task at hand, please let your agent in charge know immediately. Anyone that does not ask for help or
does not utilize safety measures put themselves at risk of injury, you are expected to adhere to the
regulations and policies put into place by both Tree City Comic Con and Expo Idaho.
All volunteers must be over the age of 18.
Please arrange for child care before the event. You are not allowed to be accompanied by minor
children while on post.
You will be asked to wear the provided shirt and volunteer badge while on duty. Badges will be
area specific and must be worn at all times while working the event.
You are not to participate in any behavior that would promote or conduct personal business.
We would ask that you do not smoke while on duty. Breaks will be provided and you are free to
smoke then. Please make sure to smoke in designated smoking areas.
There is to be no drinking alcohol or use of illegal drugs while working for TCCC.
Any and all personal information that you have submitted in confidential and can only be
accessed by the Director(s) of Volunteering.
We will never ask you for anything identifying like social security numbers, race, ethnicity,
religion, gender, political affliction, etc.
Whatever you have submitted is safe! Only a court order could force us to release your
We do not discriminate against potential volunteers due to any physical or mental disability.
Please keep in mind that there are specific responsibilities for each position. If a volunteer
cannot meet the needs of said position then we will work hard to find a suitable position.
Accommodations can be met! However, any accommodation that creates an undue hardship on
event staff and directors or that would endanger the health or safety of others will be denied.
As a volunteer you have been carefully placed in your assignment because we feel that is where
you will be the most successful in helping us put on an amazing event. Personal Reassignment is
prohibited and can cause your volunteer credentials to be revoked. The Event Directors have the
right to reassign you to a different area of the con based on the needs of the event. This is a
team effort and we want our team to be amazing, and this can only be achieved if we work
together as a team.

Tree City Comic Con 2014
Volunteer Handbook

Harassment Policy

We are working hard to make our event a safe place for all. We expect our event to be safe for anyone
that comes in; worker, celebrity and attendee. We have put a zero tolerance policy in place for any kind
of harassment. Here are a few areas in which harassment will not be tolerated: harassment due to
ethnicity, creed, religion, political affiliation, gender, gender identity, sexual identity, sexual orientation,
fandom, etc.
Again, zero tolerance. This can include physical assault, verbal harassment, sexual harassment, stalking,
unwanted physical touching or advancement or inappropriate photography. Inappropriate photography
is defined as anything where the subject feels that they are being degraded, stalked, exploited or
disrespected through being photographed.
Harassment is defined by the victim:
No means No
Stop means stop
"Go away" means go away
If it is determined- either by observation or my complaint- that there has been an individual or group
has been harassed or is harassing, any or all of the following things can happen:
Warned to cease and desist
Asked to leave the convention
Banned from the convention
There will be security at the event. We reserve the right to escort a harasser from the property.
Depending on the severity of the offence, the police will be called and a complaint will be filed.
To report any harassment, please find your agent in charge, event director or a member of security. You
can always go to the information center to get help. If you feel your safety or the safety of others in
danger, err on the side of caution and call 911 and then find your agent in charge immediately.
We care about your safety! If you feel that you are being harassed in a non-emergency situation, please
report your problems to your agent in charge or to an event director. If you cannot find someone, please
go to the information booth and ask for an event director. Please talk to us before you try taking matters
into your own hands. We will have emergency personnel and security on site to help in difficult

Tree City Comic Con 2014
Volunteer Handbook

Volunteer Rights and Responsibilities

As a volunteer, you have rights and responsibilities:
Your rights:
To receive appropriate orientation, training and supervision to adequately perform my job.
To receive a clear job description and to have a good understanding of my roles and
To be given information, guidance, support, resources and tools to do my job.
To be heard with sincere concern and given a response to suggestions, questions and concerns.
To be treated with respect for my efforts and contributions.

Your responsibilities:
To consider my work as a volunteer a serious and professional commitment and view the
position as valid and important.
To responsibly and correctly clock in and out for my shifts and follow the procedures for access
to the event.
To be accountable to the rules, policies and procedures of both TCCC and the Expo Idaho Center.
To sign and submit and paperwork necessary before volunteer work begins.
To keep all information entrusted to me confidential.
To meet time commitments and to show up ready to work. Be considerate and give adequate
notice if I will be unable to fulfill my shift.
Smile and have fun as you make this event memorable for our attendees, celebrities, vendors,
artists, and last but not least your fellow volunteers.

Tree City Comic Con 2014
Volunteer Handbook

Customer Service 101

In the grand scheme of things, it all boils down to good customer service. The ultimate task of a
volunteer is to provide our attended and guests with the best and safest experience possible.
To that need, here are some good tips to keep in mind:
Always be courteous and smile.
Always have a copy of the program and programming schedule on hand. A large portion of
questions will be about where things and when things start.
Know the location of booths for Artists and Vendors.
When asked a question, offer to find the information for them rather than I dont know.
One great way to assist our attendees amazing customer service is in the event that you may not
have the answer right there, the best approach is to say You know, I do not know at the
moment, but give me a moment to find out for you so I can better help you out. By phrasing it
this way you are showing our guests that you care about them enough to find out, and make
sure that you keep your word.
Offer to help someone you see struggling.
Use positive language.
Never physically touch an attendee or their children.
Contact staff or security personnel to request emergency medical and or law enforcement
Remain calm when faced with confrontation.
Be aware of the proximity of supervisors, staff and security personnel in your area.

Tree City Comic Con 2014
Volunteer Handbook

Volunteer "Need to Knows"

There are a few nuggets that you need to know about and understand before the event. Here they are:
Dress Code
As much as you might want to dress up at the event, while on duty we ask that you follow the following
dress code. If you choose to show up in something different, you will not be allowed to volunteer.
You will be provided a shirt and a badge that must be worn at all times while on duty at the event. The
badge will serve as your admission into the event and will be needed to get into assigned areas and into
restricted areas as applicable. It will also allow you into the volunteers break room.
Please wear appropriate pants.
Jeans, khakis, shorts, skirts and kilts are all acceptable. Skirts and shorts must be below the knee. The
waist of paints or similar bottoms must fit at and be at your waist.
Please refrain from wearing dirty or torn clothing.
Please keep in mind that most of your shift will be spent on your feet- wear something that you won't
regret. No open-toed shoes will be allowed.
Keep whatever you choose to wear under your tops and bottoms where they belong. You are not
allowed to show any undergarments at all. You are representing Tree City Comic Con- please keep that
in mind.
Please be considerate of your own personal hygiene.
If you choose to not follow the dress code- be ready to either change or not be assigned your location.
When on break/lunch or while off duty please remove your badge so that you can enjoy your
break/lunch or time off. If you are completing your shift for the day, feel free to change into whatever
costume you want. Just remember to change your shirt and take off your badge.
Personal Cell Phone Usage
While youre on your shift, please be responsible in your use of your mobile phones. Do not text or surf
while volunteering. This will be strictly enforced!
Cameras and Celebrities Disclaimer: Please be aware that some celebrities are under contract and do
not allow unauthorized photographs to be taken. If you have any questions, please refer to your agent in
charge regarding this. If it is discovered that you are taking unauthorized photos of celebrities that have
specifically made this request, Event directors can revoke your credentials and ask you to leave the event.

Tree City Comic Con 2014
Volunteer Handbook

Areas of Operation

There are many different areas that make up Tree City Comic Cons event. For volunteering purposes,
the areas will be broken down into 8 different areas with each area having areas within it. Each area will
have an Agent-In-Charge (AIG) running command. One aspect of the con may have more than one area
participating (example- the main stage will have security, A/V services and events.)
Each person is placed in a particular area that we feel best suits our needs as a Comic Con and your
strengths as an individual. When you are assigned to an area, please stay in that area unless your AIC or
Director asks you to relocate. Self-reassignment causes an unbalance in workloads across the areas and
is strongly discouraged. Volunteers who feel the need to self- reassign will be asked to go back to their
home area, and if moves again will be asked to leave the con. If you feel there is an issue with your
assignment, please see a volunteer director or an AIC.
Here is a breakdown of each area:
Registration Services-
This is the first group that attendees will see upon arriving at the con. This will be the place
where attendees can buy tickets, pick up VIP swag etc. Volunteers in this area need to be well
versed in cash and line management.
The Registration booth is where attendees will get their tickets, pick up VIP swag and sign up for
different events. This is also the place where parents and kids are registered. Volunteers are
needed to staff the tables- sell tickets, pass out programs and the information as needed.
Volunteers will also need to keep crowds under control. Do not personally put the wristbands on
the attendees unless they have asked for your help. We want our guests to feel safe and secure
while attending Tree City Comic Con.
Guest Experience-
Information Booth
This area is where anyone can ask questions about the con, get directions, find a director or an
AIC. Volunteers in this area are on the front lines of the latest communication. They will be
staffed with all the needed materials so that they know what is going on and when it is going on.
Lost and Found & Kids Area
The lost and found area is the go-to for items that have been left behind and then found. This is
also the area where kids that are separated from their parties can be brought to while they wait
for their party. Volunteers in this area will be responsible for watching over the kids while they

Tree City Comic Con 2014
Volunteer Handbook

are waiting for parents/caregivers. Volunteers will need to verify that the name of the
parent/caregiver matches the name on the wristband of the child.
TCCC Store(s)
This is where attendees can buy TCCC swag and other items that are for sales. Volunteers in this
area will be responsible for selling merchandise to buyers. Volunteers will also be asked to help
with crowd control at the store front and offer directions as needed.
TCCC Cheerleaders
This team is comprised of enthusiastic people sent around to make sure that attendees are
having an enjoyable time. They will help work with crowd control to ensure happy lines.
Volunteers in this group will be responsible for helping to cheer the guests up and give them a
happy experience.
Security Services-
Event Security
This will be an area that will be expo wide and will be well managed. The purpose of this area is
to ensure that our guests, celebrities and attendees are safe and that issues are dealt with
quickly and efficiently. Volunteers in this area have to be on their A-game and need to be ready
to take care of any issues that arise.
Crowd Control
These areas will be expo wide and managed where needed. The purpose of this area is to
manage lines and crowds in areas identified. These areas will change as the con progresses.
Volunteers in this area will help manage lines and keep the enthusiasm following while
attendees are waiting. Areas of emphasis will be front gate, registration/check in areas, celebrity
autograph lines and photo op lines.
Weapons/Bag Check
This area will be at the end of the registration booth. This is where Security will check weapons
to make sure that they meet the preset criteria. If a weapon is found to be outside the
guidelines this is where they would be told that it needs to be returned to their car. Volunteers
in this area will assist with Allied Security as needed.
Vendor and Artist Alley
This area is where Vendors and Artists will be setting up their booths to sell goods/products to
attendees. Volunteers will assist vendors and artists with information and any needed issues.
Volunteers will also help attendees with questions and offer guidance or direction to different
areas of the con.

Tree City Comic Con 2014
Volunteer Handbook

Volunteering Command
This is the area where all volunteers will start their day. Operations from here will include
checking in volunteers, passing out shirts and other swag. This area will also serve as the
command post for all volunteering activities. Volunteers here will help other check in for the
event and will tell volunteers where they are to be assigned and who their AIG is.
Celebrities Interaction-
Celebrity Coordination **This area is being run by Special Guests of TCCC.**
This area is responsible for all Celebrity wants and needs. This area will manage the green room,
autograph area, photo op area and other areas that celebrities might need. Volunteers will assist
celebrities with their daily schedule and other needs as assigned.
As a volunteer, if youre assigned to other areas of the event do not directly approach the
celebrities. If you have questions, refer to your agent in charge and they will communicate those
questions to the handler assigned to the celebrity who has been trained to work with the
Celebrity and their manager. We want to provide our celebrities a great experience at Tree City
Comic Con.
A/V Services-
A/V Operation **This area is being run by Special Guests of TCCC.**
This area is responsible for the management of all audio and visual aspects of the Con. This area
will cover all 3 buildings and will need to be staffed with knowledgeable staff. Volunteers help
set up and operate A/V services in all areas needed- including panel rooms and main floor show.
Costuming-**This area is being run by Special Guests of TCCC.**
This area is responsible for managing all aspects of costumes and the costume contest.
Volunteers in these areas are needed to help with the costume contest and needs identified by
those running the area.
Panel Rooms-
Panel rooms are where different celebrities and guests will present different panels to
attendees. Volunteers are needed to work A/V, provide crowd control and ensure attendees
and guests are cared for.
This area is where both board and video games will be housed. Volunteers will assist attendees
where needed and will help with starting/ending turns, games and crowd control.

Tree City Comic Con 2014
Volunteer Handbook

Set up and Tear Down Team-
Set Up
Set up will commence on Wednesday, October 15
for expo areas and other as needed and
directed. Thursday is A/V day and the expo will open to vendors and artists for set up. These
volunteers will be setting up for the event. Wednesday is expo Thursday is A/V.
Tear Down
Tear down will commence on Saturday evening after the doors close. Tear down will continue
into Sunday day. These volunteers are tearing down everything- Saturday night/Sunday Day

Tree City Comic Con 2014
Volunteer Handbook

The Day of!

On event day we hope that you wake up refreshed and excited to play hard and work harder!
We have created a sign in structure that we are asking all volunteers follow closely. This process was put
into place to help make sure that everyone is assigned to the correct location and get you checked in
correctly and quickly.
Here is the process:
Please arrive at least 15 minutes early to the Expo center.
Parking for volunteers will be in the main parking lot.
Once parked, please head to the volunteer command post. The volunteer command post will be in
the far right hand side of Western Town, which is located behind the expo center.
Once you arrive at the tent you will need to check in at the volunteer check in desk. Here you will
check in with one of the coordinators, receive your event pass, shirt and assignment.
Please make sure that you are always wearing your shirt and pass while volunteering.
The last thing you will need to do before entering the expo center is to clock in at the clock in
station. You will need a 4 digit code, which has been set as the last 4 digits of your phone number.
Once clocked in, please head to your assigned location. Your agent in charge will be waiting for you.
Shift done already?
Once your shift is over you will need to return to the volunteer command post to clock out. Again,
please use your 4 digit pin to clock out. Once clocked out, you are free to go and enjoy the con.
Please make sure to remove your volunteering pass and shirt. You are free to keep both as a token
of our thanks.

Tree City Comic Con 2014
Volunteer Handbook

TCCC Volunteer Swag

Besides being a part of the first annual Tree City Comic Con, there are a few awesome perks we are
offering our volunteers.
In addition to our thanks, all volunteers that complete their assigned shift will receive a ticket to enjoy
the con later that day or later in the weekend.
There will be more to come on this as more details come available.

Tree City Comic Con 2014
Volunteer Handbook

Volgistics, VicNet and VicTouch

In an effort to protect other peoples information and to keep paperwork in order, we have opted to
partner with an online volunteering portal. This portal will allow us to manage your information safely
and give online access to verify personal information and to view your schedules for event days.
The volunteer side of the portal is called VicNet.
Your username is going to be the email address that you have been receiving all of your TCCC
information from. The temporary password will be defaulted to Treecityvolunteer. After you log in for
the first time it will ask you to change your password. Please remember your password.
The link to access the volunteer portal is : .
Once you get an email from either Volgistics or from TCCC, please sign into the Volgistics portal and set
your new password. You will also want to take the time to verify that all of your personal information is
correct in the My Profile.
You may see some things about VicTouch which is part of the Volgistics software that we will be using at
the event. This software will allow volunteers to clock in and clock out and will allow event organizers to
see who is clocked in and where they should be.

Tree City Comic Con 2014
Volunteer Handbook

In the end

We hope that you all know how grateful we are to know that we have so many great volunteers working
with us to make this an incredible event. We have great things in store for Boise and we thank you for
going along on the ride with us.
Please keep in mind that in the world that we live in is always evolving and changing. The information in
this manual is subject to change, and we will let you know when they do. As we learn more about
different aspects of Comic Con we will grow this book with that information. Anything that is added to
this handbook will be sent out to the masses.

Mason and James

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