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Organi zati on Target Customer Category Demands/Expectati ons

Strategy to draw the demand
Venture Pi ntarmas
Sdn Bhd - A Print ed
Circuit Board
Assembly (PCBA)
manufact urer
Elect ronics devices
and inst rument s
True Friends - Good
reput at ion is maint ain
so t hat cust omer
would cont inue t heir
cont ract of
manufact uring.
On t ime delivery wit h no
compromise in finish good
qualit y at an excellent cost
Ident ify t he i nternal weaknesses -
prebui l d preparati on, machi ne
readi ness, materi al s preparati on so
t hat product ion t urn around t ime is
achievable as per agreed.
provide clear guideline and process flowt o
product ion t eam t o achieve zero defect so
t hat On-Time-Delivery (OTD) does
meet .
A bakery maki ng
and sel l i ng breads,
pastri es, cakes and
cooki es
Daily walk-in
cust omer who buy
past ries,cupcakes and
St rangers - Daily walk
in cust omer
Delicious and fresh
cakes,breads and past ries.
Variet ies of cake design t o
cat er special occasions.
Daily plan t ype of past ries,cookies and
breads t o make and sell. St udy cust omer
peference so not produce somet hing t hat
is less favor and no ret urn in invest ment .
Propose special design or exclusive flavor
for cust omer special occasion.
Sekol ah Sul tan
Al am Shah,
Putrajaya - A
boarding school t hat
recognized as school
of premier and smart
St udent s who passed
examinat ion at
dist inct ion level
But t erflies - St udent s
will only be in school
for short t imes. When
t hey had finish t heir
st udy and gain t heir
t ransact ional
sat isfact ion t hey will
leave t he school.
Assurance t hat st udent s who
graduat e from t his school will
be success not only in academia
but as well as in moral value
who can compet e
int ernat ionally.
A comprehensi ve l earni ng procedure
t hat does not only consist s of t he st andard
t eaching/learning procedure by t he
minist ry of educat ion but an addit ional
st rat egic planning for st udent s t o achieve
school philosophy t o produce individuals
who are knowledgeable, honorable and
responsible t owards t hemselves, t he school
and communit y. For example, organise
Summer schools. This summer schools
comprises of Personal Development
programme t o nourish t he soul and excit e
t he spirit for all t hose involved - t aking
Et on College developing programme as a
Starbucks - A
roast er and ret ailer of
whole bean and ground
Coffee lover True Friends - Loyal
cust omer who seek for
good qualit y coffee
Conducive environment t hat
feel like home while having a
good t ast e of coffee t hat gives
full sat isfact ion in just a sip.
Creat ing an at mosphere t hat make
cust omer's feel as if t hey are at home in
t heir own living room. Making t he place
t he most appropriat e place t o socialize
wit h friends. Branding and making mind
space, t hat everyt ime cust omer would
want a coffee t he first t hing in mind is
St arbucks.
- Operators train to be skilfull for different type of test machine.
- Procedures is compulsory to follow - to impart this attitude in every operators.
- Regular inspection during the process by production supoervisor to control the quality.
- Specific testing procedures, type of testing (eitehr 5Dx, ICT test, Functional Test, Flying Probe test) to be
define before boards reach the back end process .
- Test programme must be ready 24hrs before board reach testing process.
- Engineer/production superviser must ensure sample board is ready for upfront fine tuning before the
bulk quantity arriverd at the testing station.
- Time frame to get replace components for debug board is within 2hours from the failure being
- A control sheet by front-end production to record any compononet quality issue detected and pass
down the info to the test team; reduce the turn around time at the testing area to investigate on the
root-cause if failure persist.
- PM is carry out regularly and cannot be miss, regardless of production capacity. It must be plan ahead
and share to the related department in advance for upfront planning so that it won't have impact to the
delivery and revenue.
- Machine lifetime effect the efficiency and accuracy.
- Boards transfer from one station to another must be using trolly and place on the tray to avoid
contamination, components missing that can lead to test failure.
- Boards pending in production more that 24hrs must be keep in ESD bag.
- Regular checking on the prodction area temperature and moisture to keep at the std level all the time -
placing the digital thermometer at every angle of productio area.

Change Strategy in Venture Pintarmas Sdn Bhd production to encounter problem of high variation in test results that contribute
to high rate of board failures; will result to fail On-Time-Delivery (OTD)

Lean Manufacturing to improve production
quality in Venture Pintarmas Sdn Bhd
Result FG with best quality, at the zero
defect, within management turnaround time
and on time delivery.
Production Flow - Respond to the changing
need of customers but the best quality is
maintained at the same time. Every process
complete as per target time lead time and
passed every stations quality inspection.
Always ensure quality at the first time. Will
result to low cost and efficient delivery for
every process.
Operational Stability - Immediately stop
production line for any quality issue detect and
improvement immediately. Maintain 5S
practice at any station.
Prepared by: Seri Anis Binti Sofian, MR121146
Lecturer: Dr Halim Shah Dato Hamzah
Subject: QCM, MRB 2233

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