Paper No. 4

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West Visayas State University

College of Education
Gratuate School

Worksheet using a Calculator

Mean and Standard Deviation

The mean is a measure of central tendency calculated by dividing the sum of all values by the
number of values in the data set.

The standard deviation is the measure of the variation of a set of data in terms of the amounts
by which the individual values differ from their mean.


1. A local golf club had a tournament recently. The following data gives the scores for a round of
18 holes of golfer for 17 men and women randomly selected from the men’s and women’s
leagues respectively.

Men 86 67 91 78 82 66 70 91 111
74 76 101 78 77 84 74 71
Women 100 99 86 94 97 80 116 106 102
96 89 99 98 93 93

Compute the mean and standard deviation for each sample. How do they compare? What do you
observe regarding the results obtained?

2. The following data give the weights (in pounds) of a random sample of 36 college students,
males (M) and females (F).
Males 173 192 180 135 192 167 178 189 139
190 200 130 175 160 181 159 168 124
Females 100 136 99 147 102 157 163 106 113
110 90 123 121 119 145 95 103 120

Compute the mean and standard deviation for the following weights of
a. Men only
b. Women only
c. All students
Solution No.

1. The mean for ungrouped data is given by where  is the sample size and the ∑ 
is the sum of all values.
The sample standard deviation is given by
√ where s2 = ∑   is the sample

We compute the mean and standard deviation for each of the two sets of golf score using the


• Press Mode. Select 3: STAT MODE 3

• Select 1:1-VAR 1
• Enter each of the data in the table then press AC
• Calculate the mean
SHIFT 1 4 2

• Calculate the standard deviation SHIFT 1 4 4

Whenever we want to refer to the same data again SHIFT 1 2

The data will be kept in the calculator’s memory.

We obtain the following calculations:

For the scores of the men’s league we have mean = 81 and the standard deviation = 12.078. On
the other hand for the women’s league, we have the mean = 96.533 and the
standard deviation = 8.441.

x   1

81 12.07787233

x   1

96.5333333 8.441958698
The mean results show that the average score for men in golf is lower, x = 81 than that of the women,
x = 96.533. These results indicate that for the sample scores obtained during the tournament, the
men’s average score was better than of the women’s.

The standard deviation, s = 12.078 obtained from the men’s scores is higher than that obtained from
the women’s scores, s = 8.441. This suggests a more heterogeneous sampling of the men’s scores
– the scores are spread over a relatively larger range around the mean.

On the other hand, there is more homogeneous sampling of the women’s scores- scores are spread
over a relatively smaller range around the mean.

Solution No.

2. We follow the steps given in the previous activity to calculate the mean and the standard
deviation using the calculator.
We first enter all male weights in table to item a. Then we enter all the female weights to
answer item b. Lastly, we enter all weights (both males and females) to answer question c.

a. For male students we have x1 = 168.44 , s1 = 23.06.


168.4444444 168.4444444

b. For female students we obtain x2 = 119.38 , s2 = 21.90


119.3888889 21.90390481

c. For all students we obtain x = 143.91 , s = 33.32


143.9166667 33.31869917

The average weight for the male students x1 is heavier than the average weight of the female
students, x2. For the whole population, the average weight x = 143.91 is the average of
x 1 = 168.44 and x 2 =119.38; a value midway between x 1 and x 2. X is also called the combined
mean of both data sets.

One property of the mean is that if we know the means and the sample sizes of two or more
data sets, we can calculate the combined mean of both data sets. The combined mean can be
calculated using the formula


We use the following calculator keystrokes, applying the formula:

[ Operations ]
• Press Mode. Select 1: COMP MODE 1

• Press Shift Setup SHIFT MODE (SETUP)

1: MthIo 2: Line IO
3: Deg 4: Rad
5: Gra 6: Fix
7: Sci 8: Norm

• Select MthIO
• Enter quotient sign ∎

• Enter 18(168.44) 1 8 ( 1 6 8 • 4 4 )

+ 1 8 ( 1 1 9 • 3 8 )
• Enter +18(119.38)
• Enter 36 3 6 =
• Get decimal equivalence

 .  +  


 . .
We obtain x = = 143.91, which is the same answer we calculated in c.

The standard deviation obtained from the male weights is almost the same as that obtained from the
female weights s1 = s2 ≅ . The weights are clustered slightly around the mean. The standard
deviation for the combined weights is higher, suggesting that the weights are more spread around
the mean.

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