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Catchment and Trade Area Analysis of Big Bazaar GT Road

Submitted to Lovely Professional niversity
In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of degree
ted by:
Mr. Rajeev Gupta
!"PART#"$T %&
This is to )ertif* that the pro+e)t report titled , $ at)hment - T r a de A r e a a n a l* s is
o f B ig B a .a ar /T R o a d 0 a la n d h a r 1 )arried out 2* M r 3 Amit 4at*al5 S6o M r 3
7as hmi r Si ngh has 2een a))omplished under m* guidan)e - super8ision as a
dul* registered MBA student of the 9o8el* 4rofessional Uni8ersit*5 4hagwara3
This pro+e)t is 2eing su2mitted 2* him in the partial fulfillment of the requirements
for the award of the Master of Business Administration from 9o8el* 4rofessional
&is )apstone represents his original wor: and is worth* of )onsideration for the
award of the degree of Master of Business Administration3
;Name - Signature of the Fa)ult* Ad8isor<
I5 Amit
4at*al5 here2*
de)lare that the pro+e)t presented is genuine
done originall* 2* me and has not 2een pu2lished or
su2mitted elsewhere for the requirement of a degree
programme3 An* literature5 data or wor:s done 2* others and
)ited within this pro+e)t has 2een gi8en due
a):nowledgement and listed in the referen)e se)tion3



The world of te)hnolog* is growing 8er* fast3 %hate8er we read in 2oo:s is not
suffi)ient to follow this pa)e of te)hnolog*3 At this point5 we would li:e to pla)e
on our deep sin)ere sense of gratitude to all those esteemed persons whose
)onstant en)ouragement made us wor: untiringl*3
%ith profound re8eren)e we e>press our deepest sense of gratitude to our pro+e)t
mentor 6guide # r 1 Ra 2 ee v G u3t a from Management department of 9o8el*
4rofessional Uni8ersit*5 who has helped us a lot in our pro+e)t1 $AT$&MENT -
whom this pro+e)t would not ha8e 2een possi2le3
%e would also li:e to than: all fa)ulties and our friends for pro8iding support and
immense help whene8er needed3
A2o8e all with deepest sense of regards we 2ow to our esteemed parents for their
2lessings on us to )omplete our tas: su))essfull*3
Spe)ial than:s go to all mem2ers of our group for their )o@operation5 )onsistent
moral support and guidan)e without whi)h we would not 2e a2le to )omplete our
pro+e)t wor:3
Signature of the student

Tab le of Cont en t
Sr3 No3 4 a r t i) u la r s 4age No3
Cha3ter .
Cha3ter ,
Cha3ter 4
C e r t i f ica t ion
! ec la r a t ion
A c 5 n o 6 le d g e m e n t
) nt r o du c t ion
.1. "7ecutive Summary
.1, )ntroduction of Retail )ndustry
.14 )ntroduction To Com3any
.18 About Big Bazaar Jalandhar
.19 Reason for Choosing To3ic
.1: Sco3e of Study
% b2 ec t ives of R e s e a r c h
L it e r a t u r e R e vie6
41. Catchment area analysis
41, Retailing in )ndia
414 Share of %rganized Retail sector
418 %rganized retail format in
419 #a2or Players in Retail sector
41: Present )ndia Scenario
41; Big Bazaar e73ects ,-< surge
in )/!ay scale
41= Big Bazaar #aha Bachat
41> )ndia Retail Journey
41.- &uture Pers3ective of Retail
41.. Strategies Trends and
41., Big Bazaar in )ndia
41.4 Gro6th of retail sector
r 8
Cha3ter 9
h & r a m e
6 o r 5
R e s e a r c h
# e th o d o log


91,1. Sam3le Size "C
91,1, Sam3ling Techni?ue "C
914 !ata Collection Tools "C
9141. Primary data "C
9141, Secondary !ata "C
918 )nstrument @ #easures "B
919 Procedure &ollo6ed "B
r :
r ;
r >
!a t a Ana ly s is
& ind in gs And
Conc lu s ion
comments and
B ib liog r a 3h y
Ann e7u re
A Bu est ionn aireC
.1. "7ecutive Summary
This pro+e)t report is 2asi)all* ha8ing the )ontent related to Big Ba.aar3 In following
pro+e)t we ha8e done a sur8e* through our instrument that is questionnaire To Study
DThe Catchment Area and Trade Area Analysis of Big Bazaar G T Road
The Indian retail industr*Ione of the fastest growing industries in the )ountr* o8er
the past )ouple of *earsI is no e>)eption3 The *ear gone 2* was pa):ed with
se8eral signifi)ant de8elopments for the Indian retail industr*5 in)luding the entr* of
man* glo2al pla*ers5 growing a))eptan)e of the modern formats5 the su))ess of
man* spe)ialt* retail formats5 and the rising )ompetition in the regional mar:ets
2e*ond the metros and Tier B )ities3 On the other hand5 the after effe)ts of the
glo2al e)onomi) turmoil are 2eing felt in India as well5 and the e)onom* is
e>pe)ted to grow at a signifi)antl* lower rate o8er the ne>t # *ears3 $onsequentl*5
o8erall )onsumption le8els5 part i)ular l* dis)ret io nar * spend and impulse
pur)hases ha8e 2een affe)ted5 whi)h5 in turn5 has resulted in a lower growth rate for
the industr* for the )urrent *ear3
The i n d u s t r *J s ) h a ng in g lands)ape and emerging )hallenges5 the fo)us of
industr* pla*ers too is )hangingK with a strong emphasis on profita2le growth in the
)urrent s)enario3 &en)e5 retail )ompanies are in)reasingl* )on)entrating on
strengthening e>isting operations and assessing options for growth t h r o u g h
) o n s o lid a t io n 5 w h i l e ) o n t i n u i n g t o in n o
8 a t e 3
.1, )$TR%!CT)%$ T% R"TA)L )$!STR(
Retail is Indias largest industr*5 a))ounting for o8er BC per )ent of the )ountr*s
/4 and around eight per )ent of the emplo*ment3 Retail industr* in India is at the
)rossroads3 It has emerged as one of the most d*nami) and fast pa)ed industries with
se8eral pla*ers entering the mar:et3 But 2e)ause of the hea8* initial
in8estments required5 2rea: e8en is diffi)ult to a)hie8e and man* of these pla*ers
ha8e not tasted su))ess so far3 &owe8er5 the future is promisingK the mar:et is
growing5 go8ernment poli)ies are 2e)oming more fa8ora2le and emerging
te)hnologies are fa)ilitating operations3 Retailing in India is graduall* in)hing its wa*
toward 2e)oming the ne>t 2oom industr*3 The whole )on)ept of shopping has
altered in terms of format and )onsumer 2u*ing 2eha8ior5 ushering in a
re8olution in shopping in India3
Sprawling shopping )enters5 multi@storied malls and huge )omple>es offer
shopping5 entertainment and food all under one roof3 The Indian retailing se)tor is at an
infle>ion point where the growth of organi.ed retailing and growth in the
)onsumption 2* the Indian population is going to ta:e a higher growth tra+e)tor*3
The Indian population is witnessing a signifi)ant )hange in its demographi)s3 A
large *oung wor:ing population with median age of #D *ears5 nu)lear families
in ur2an areas5 along with in)reasing wor:ing@women population and emerging
opportunities in the ser8i)es se)tor are going to 2e the :e* growth dri8ers of the
organi.ed retail se)tor in India3
Retailing is the final step in the distri2ution of mer)handise @ the last lin: in the
Suppl* $hain @ )onne)ting the 2ul: produ)ers of )ommodities to the final
)onsumers3 Retailing )o8ers di8erse produ)ts su)h as foot apparels5 )onsumer
goods5 finan)ial ser8i)es and leisure3
A retailer5 t*pi)all*5 is someone who does not effe)t an* signifi)ant )hange in the
produ)t e>e)s 2rea:ing the 2ul:3 &e6 She are also the final sto): point who ma:es
produ)ts or ser8i)es a8aila2le to the )onsumer whene8er require3 &en)e5 the 8alue
proposition a retailer offers to a )onsumer is eas* a8aila2ilities of the desired
produ)t in the desired at the desired times3
In the de8eloped )ountries5 the retail industr* has de8eloped into a full@fledged
industr* where more than three@fourths of the total retail trade is done 2* the
organi.ed se)tor3 &uge retail )hains li:e %al@Mart5 $arr four /roup5 Sears5 7@ Mart5
M)onalds5 et)3 ha8e now repla)ed the indi8idual small stores3 9arge retail formats5
with high qualit* am2ian)e and )ourteous3
.14 )ntroduction to Com3any
Future /roup understands the soul of Indian )onsumers3 As one of Indias retail
pioneers with multiple retail formats5 we )onne)t a di8erse and passionate )ommunit* of
Indian 2u*ers5 sellers and 2usinesses3 The )olle)ti8e impa)t on 2usiness is
staggering= Around ##C million )ustomers wal: into our stores ea)h *ear and )hoose
produ)ts and ser8i)es supplied 2* o8er "C5CCC small5 medium and large entrepreneurs and
manufa)turers from a)ross India3 And this num2er is set to grow3
Future /roup emplo*s "A5CCC people dire)tl* from e8er* se)tion of our so)iet*3 %e
sour)e our supplies from enterprises a)ross the )ountr*5 )reating fresh emplo*ment5
impa)ting li8elihoods5 empowering lo)al )ommunities and fostering mutual growth3 %e
2elie8e in the JIndian dream and ha8e aligned our 2usiness pra)ti)es to our larger
o2+e)ti8e of 2eing a premier )atal*st in Indias )onsumption@led growth stor*3
%or:ing towards this end5 we are ushering positi8e so)io@e)onomi) )hanges in
)ommunities to help the Indian dream fl* high and the !Soe "i #$idiya% soar on)e
again3 This approa)h remains em2edded in our ethos e8en as we rapidl* e>pand our
footprints deeper into India3
.18 About Big Bazaar Jalandhar
Big Ba.aar at 'i8a $ollage 0alandhar is more than a h*permar:et3 It )aters to e8er* need
of *our famil*3 %here Big Ba.aar offers a unique offer is its 8alue for mone*
proposition for Indian )ustomers3 At Big Ba.aar5 $ustomers are assured the 2est
produ)ts at the 2est pri)es @ thats what we guarantee3 %ith the huge and e8er
in)reasing arra* of pri8ate la2els5 Big Ba.aar wel)omes )onsumers into the world of
fashion and general mer)handise in)luding home furnishings5 utensils5 )ro):er*5
)utler*5 sports goods and so mu)h more at pri)es that will pleasantl* surprise *ou3 This
is +ust the 2eginning3 In the near future we plan to add mu)h more to )omplete *our
shopping e>perien)e and delight *our famil* with e>)eptional 8alue3
.19 Reason for choosing the to3icF/
Big Ba.aar itself ga8e us the opportunit* to wor: on the li8e
pro+e)t that is $at)hment Area Anal*sis of Big Ba.aar /T
road 0alandhar3
As it is a li8e pro+e)t it will pro8ide us great opportunit* to
learn a2out the retail industr*3
.1: Sco3e of study
%ith the help of primar* data gi8en 2* the respondent during sur8e* and se)ondar*
data5 stud* is done to help the Big 2a.aar to understand the mar:et potential i3e3 to
:now the potential area from where most of the )ustomers are 8isiting the store5 also to
anal*.e the )ustomer preferen)es and their potential )ustomers and )urrent
mar:et position of Big Ba.aar3
Cha3ter ,
,1 %b2ective of the researchF
B3 To anal*.e the area )o8ered 2* Big Ba.aar /T road 0alandhar3
#3 To anal*.e the fa)tors on whi)h the )at)hment area depends3
"3 To identif* the potential )ustomers profile for 2ig 2a.aar3
41 L)T"RATR" R"')"+
41. Catchment area analysis
South 6est Regional !evelo3ment Agency Gloucester Retail !evelo3ment Study
Retail Anal*sis is an inherentl* )omple> and d*nami) issue 2e)ause of intera)tions that
o))ur 2etween different retail )enters3 If all retail )enters were ali:e5 offering e>a)tl*
the same shops and ser8i)es with regards to pri)e and qualit* then we )ould assume that
the population within the )at)hment would spend all of its mone* in the nearest )entre3
&owe8er5 different )enters are not the same and peoples mo2ilit* means that the*
will often tra8el to their preferred destination instead of their )losest one3
$hanges in population5 a))ess and retailing also alter relati8e attra)ti8eness3 An
important element of the stud* is therefore to pro8ide a ro2ust assessment of the
)urrent )at)hment area of the )it*5 ta:ing into a))ount different t*pes of retailing su)h
as food and non@food5 with the latter disaggregated into 2ul:* and non@2ul:* goods3
41, Retailing in )ndia
GRetail in )ndiaH&@B S3ecial Bureau A,--9C #umbai
Retailing is )onsidered as a sunrise industr* toda* after InfoTe)h3 It is the most
happening industr* with almost all the 2ig pla*ers3 Retailing is one industr* that is
waiting to e>plode3 The Indian Retail se)tor has )aught the worldJs imagination
in the last few *ears3 Topping the list of most attra)ti8e retail destination list
for three *ears in a row5 it had retail giants li:e %al@Mart5 $arrefour and Tes)o
up potential partners and waiting to enter the fra*3 IndiaJs retail growth was largel*
dri8en 2* in)reasingdisposa2le in)omes5 fa8ora2le demographi)s5 )hanging lifest*les5
growth of the middle )lass segment and a high potential for penetration into ur2an and
rural mar:ets3 %ith the onset of the glo2al finan)ial )risis5 Indian retailers ha8e 2een
suffering from the effe)ts of rapid )redit squee.e5 high operating )osts and low
)ustomer )onfiden)e3
414 Share of %rganized Retail sector
Anonymous1 Times of )ndia1 #umbaiF AAug .;I ,--=C
Organi.ed retailing is 2ound to grow tremendousl*5 pro8ided the rights are
adopted3 There is an in)redi2le amount of a)ti8it* in terms of )reation of retail
oriented spa)e a)ross India3 As per some estimates5 there are o8er #CC retail
mall pro+e)ts under )onstru)tion or under a)ti8e planning stage spanning o8er #A
)ities3 This ma* translate into o8er #A million sq3 ft3 of new retail spa)e in the
mar:et within this *ear3 &uge retail formats5 with high qualit* am2ien)e and 8er*
)ourteous and am2i8alent sales staff5 are regular features of retail formats in most
Asian )ountries3 &owe8er in India e>pe)t for a few 2ig towns where modern
retailing formats a2ound5 these features are grossl* missing3 ETI/ e>pe)ts
organi.ed retailing to slowl* penetrate the se)ond rung and smaller town whi)h will
)atapult the growth rate for the se)tor3 E8en though the 2ig retail )hains are
)on)entrating on the upper segment and selling produ)ts at higher pri)es li:e
)rossroads5 a:2arall*Ls and shoppers stopK retail stores are sprouting to )ater the
needs of middle )lass3 %ith a huge middle )lass 4opulation the retailers li:e R4/ and
Food %orld are tapping this mar:et3 The mar:et is flooded with produ)ts that are
2randed and un2randed3
418 %rganized retail format in )ndia
#umbai A,-->C
Ea)h of the retail stars has identified and settled into a feasi2le and sustaina2le
model of its own3
Shopper Stop= epartment store format
%estside= Emulated the mar:s - Spen)erJs model of BCCM pri8ate la2el5
8er* good 8alue for mone* mer)handise for the entire famil*
/iant And Big Ba.aar@&*permar:et6)ash -)arr* stores Food %orld And
Nilgiris/Supermar:et format3
4antaloons and the &ome Store@Spe)ialt* retailing3
Tanishq@ &as 8er* su))essfull* pioneered a 8er* qualit* organi.ed
retail 2usiness in fine +ewelers3
419 #a2or Players in Retail sector
A&ebruary ,-->C
Ea)h of these retail stars has identified and settled into a feasi2le and sustaina2le
2usiness model of its own3 Rather surprisingl*5 ea)h has de8eloped a unique model3
+estside has 8er* su))essfull* emulated a Mar:s - Spen)er model ;of BCC per )ent
pri8ate la2el5 8er* good 8alue for mone* mer)handise for the entire famil*<3 S3encerJs
!aily and $ilgris ha8e su))essfull* shown the 8ia2ilit* of the Nsupermar:etL
format in India and its a2ilit* to )o@e>ist with the u2iquitous 0irana store3 Pantaloon
has 2oth demonstrated the potential of Ospe)ialistO retailing in India3
IndiaLs Top Retailers Are=
.C B ig B a z a a r / P a nt a loo n s F Big Ba.aar5 a di8ision of Future 'alue Retail ;India<
9td is alread* IndiaLs 2iggest retailer3 In the *ear #CC"@CD5 it had re8enue of Rs
EAG3"B )rores- 2* #CBCK it is targeting re8enue of Rs3GGCC
,C & ood + o r ld F Food %orld in India is an allian)e 2etween the R4/ groups in
India with air* Farm International of the 0ardine Matheson
4C T r in e t h r a F It is a supermar:et )hain that has predominant presen)e in
the southern state of Andhra 4radesh3
8C A 3na B a z a a rF It is an Rs BDC@)r )onsumer )o@operati8e so)iet* with a
)ustomer 2ase of o8er B# la:h5 plans to )ater to an upwardl* mo2ile
ur2an population3
9C # a r gin & r e e F It is a 7erala 2ased dis)ount store5 whi)h is uniforml* spread
a)ross #DC Margin Free fran)hisees in 7erala5 Tamil Nadu and 7arnata:a3 It is a
m a +o r )ompetitor for Big Ba.aar at Tri8andrum3
41: Present )ndia Scenario
A1S Sharma A#arch ,-.-C
India is the )ountr* ha8ing the most unorgani.ed retail mar:et3 Traditionall* it is a
famil*Js li8elihood5 with their shop in the front and house at the 2a):5 while the*
run the retail 2usiness3 More than HHM retailers fun)tion in less than ACC square feet
of shopping spa)e3 The Indian retail se)tor is estimated at around Rs HCC5CCC )ores5
of whi)h the organi.ed se)tor a))ounts for a mere # per )ent
indi)ating a huge potential mar:et opportunit* that is l*ing in the waiting for the
)onsumer sa88* organi.ed retailer3 4ur)hasing power of Indian ur2an )onsumer is
growing and 2randed mer)handise in )ategories li:e Apparels5 $osmeti)s5 Shoes5
%at)hes5 Be8erages5 Food and e8en 0eweler5 are slowl* 2e)oming lifest*le produ)ts that
are widel* a))epted 2* the ur2an I ndian )onsumers3 Indian retailers need to ta:e
ad8antage of this growth and di8ersif* and introdu)e new formats and ha8e to pa*
more attention to the 2rand 2uilding pro)ess3 The emphasis here is on retail as a 2rand
rather than retailers selling 2rands3 The fo)us should 2e on 2randing the retail
2usiness itself3 In their preparation to fa)e fier)e )ompetiti8e pressure5 Indian retailers
must )ome to re)ogni.e the 8alue of 2uilding their own stores as 2rands to
reinfor)e their mar:eting positioning5 to )ommuni)ate qualit* as well as 8alue
for mone*3 Sustaina2le )ompetiti8e ad8antage will 2e dependent on
translating )ore 8alues )om2ining produ)ts5 image and reputation into a )oherent
retail 2rand strateg*3
41; Big Bazaar e73ects ,-< surge in )/!ay scale
Anonymous1 Business line1 Bangalore AAug .;I ,-.-C
Big Ba.aarLs fi8e@da* Independen)e a* sale has done Jquite wellL a)ross all its
formats5 a))ording to sour)es in the )ompan*3
,O8erall we ha8e done well5 )ontrar* to the fear of impa)t of inflation and
)onsumers not spending3 For instan)e5 on the last da* ;August BA<5 these two
formats ;Big Ba.aar and Food Ba.aar< re)orded sales of o8er Rs BCC )rore51
Big Ba.aar e>pe)ted a #C per )ent hi:e in Maha Ba)hat sales o8er the same period last
*ear and )losed with sales of Rs "CC@DCC )rore3 This is the fifth edition of JMaha
Ba)hatL5 a fi8e@da* annual shopping e8ent a)ross #BC stores of Big Ba.aar and Food
41= Big Bazaar #aha Bachat
SinghI A1 A,-.-C
Big Ba.aar has )ome up with the greatest sa8ings of this *ear3 Starting from BBth
August5 the fight against pri)e rise led 2* Big Ba.aar will )ontinue up to BAth
August5 #CBC3 All the Big Ba.aar stores a)ross India seem to 2e glorif*ing in this
Maha Ba)hat season3
(ou )an also a8ail the JMaha Ba)hat Sale online at www 3 2 ig 2 a.aa r 3 ) o m3 E8en
shopping through SMS )an 2e done3 Send ,BB MB1 to A"E"E or $all at BGCC@#CH@
##AA to a8ail their offers3 Some e>)lusi8e offers in)lude GB )m 9$ T' at Rs3
BH5HHC and #CM off on Mo2ile 4hones3 (ou )an also get huge 2enefits at Food
Ba.aar3 9aptops are a8aila2le from Rs3 BD5HHC )ompared to the normal Rs3 BF5HHC
Mar:et 4ri)e3 %hether it is Ele)troni)s goods5 Food Stuffs5 Fashion5 Mo2iles5 &ome
Needs or Furniture5 Big Ba.aar does not lea8e an* se)tion out of this Maha Ba)hat
Sale3 So5 get read* for those A a*s3 (ou would ne8er li:e to miss those goodies5 at
su)h )heap pri)es3 And for me5 I would ne8er li:e to miss # $old rin:s for the 4ri)e of
41> )ndia Retail Journey
'ana2yaI #1 A,-..C
IndiaJs retail +ourne* seemed pi)ture perfe)t with the most attra)ti8e stops5 still
une>plo it ed and under@penetrated3 Fa8ora2le demographi)s5 stead* e)onomi)
growth5 eas* a8aila2ilit* of )redit5 and large s)ale real estate de8elopments were
fuelling the growth of India appro>imatel* at the rate of US #A 2illion3 The
opportunit* was there for all to see and India was the destination of )hoi)e for top
glo2al retailers3 In this en8ironment5 IndiaJs own 2lue )hip )ompanies li:e
Relian)e5 Bhatia and R4/ di8ersified to add retail to their se)tor portfolio3
$onsidering all these fa)tors5 it was a good time for Indian retail3 %ith the ad8ent of
the glo2al meltdown5 India )ould not )ompletel* insulate from its harsh effe)ts3 As per
the $artesian sur8e*5 almost all :e* industries in India ha8e 2een negati8el* impa)ted
2* the slowdown and retail is no e>)eption3
41.- &uture Pers3ective of Retail )ndustry
#aini1A A3ril A,-..C
%e should noti)e the fundamental shifts in the wa* Indians shop in the near future3
The *ear #CC" )ould 2e a landmar: *ear for organi.ed Indian retailing3 A))ording to
re)ent stud* done 2* ETI/ the organi.ed retail industr* is e>pe)ted to grow 2* "C M
in the ne>t fi8e *ears and is e>pe)ted to tou)h Rs DACCC)r3 Thus5 the growt h potential
for the organi.ed retailer is enormous3 Metro from /erman* is a 8er* su))essful and
resour)eful retailer and their )ash - )arr* format )ould offer a good
run for mone* to others3 Some others will also find legitimate wa*s to operate in
India5 for e>ample5 Mar:s - Spen)erJs5 Mango and ShopRite3
But due to the e)onomi) downturn5 the organi.ed retail penetration5 whi)h was
e>pe)ted to tou)h BE per)ent 2* #CB# from the )urrent A per)ent5 is li:el* to tra)e
BC3D per)ent onl*3
4 1 . . Strategies Trends and %33ortunities
James A,-..C
$onsumers are )urrentl* sitting on the fen)e and the )hallenge for retailers will 2e to
offer the right 2aits to get them 2a): to stores3 Retailers ha8e to fo)us on growing
profits through sales growth and not mere )ost@)utting strategies3
There will 2e a sharp )ut in o8erall sales growth in *ear ;#CCG@CH<5 2ut a mar:ed
impro8ement in 2ottom lines with pla*ers fo)using on effi)ien)ies1@ 7ishore
Bi*ani5 ;$hief E>e)uti8e Offi)er5 Future /roup3< Retailing in India is graduall*
in)hing its wa* toward 2e)oming the ne>t 2oom industr*3 The whole )on)ept of
shopping has altered in terms of format and )onsumer 2u*ing 2eha8ior5 ushering in
a re8olution in shopping in India3 Modern retail has entered India as seen in
sprawling shopping )enters5 multi@storied malls and huge )omple>es offer shopping5
entertainment and food all under one roof3 The Indian retailing se)tor is at an
infle>ion point where the growth of organi.ed retailing and growth in the
)onsumption 2* the Indian population is going to ta:e a higher growth tra+e)tor*3 The
Indian population is witnessing a signifi)ant )hange in its demographi)s3 A large
*oung wor:ing population with median age of #D *ears5 nu)lear families in ur2an
areas5 along with in)reasing wor:ingwomen population and emerging
opportunities in the ser8i)es se)tor are going to 2e the :e* growth dri8ers of the
organi.ed retail se)tor in India3
In mid@#CCF 7ishore Bi*ani announ)ed a new strateg* for his group= DGarv se bolo
hum 5an2ooshainE @ Translated ,Say (esI ) am stingy1 6ith 3rideE %ith this
)ampaign5 the )ompan* aimed to sa8e US "E3A million in a period of one *ear3 The
idea was to openl* a))ept that )ost@)utting needs to 2e implemented and then
aggressi8el* eliminate ineffi)ien)ies3 The mo8e ensured that internal o8erlapping of
fun)tions was a8oided within 8arious departments3 At the 2a):@ end5 human
resour)es and information te)hnolog* were integrated in an organi.ed manner3
41., Big Bazaar in )ndia
Coo51sharell A,-..C
There was a time not so long ago that large department stores were a )ompletel*
foreign )on)ept in India @@ 2ut not an*more3 The Big Ba.aar is one su)h department
store to ha8e set up shop a)ross the )ountr*3 Sin)e its first outlet opened in 7ol:ata in
late #CCB5 the Big Ba.aar has spread to towns and )ities at an alarming rate3
%ith a slogan of &'s se sasta aur a(($a )a$i a$i*& ;ONowhere )heaper or 2etter than
thisPO<5 the Big Ba.aar targets itself dire)tl* at the a8erage IndianLs lo8e of following the
)rowd and s)ram2ling for a good dis)ount3
Stores are laid out to repli)ate a mar:et en8ironment5 with items all thrown in
together3 4romotions su)h as&Sabse Saste +ee ,i& ;$heapest Three a*s< and
&Puraa ,o- Naya .o& ;/i8e Old5 Ta:e New< result in shoppers flooding the stores5 to
the point that some stores ha8e 2e)ome so o8er)rowded the*L8e had to )lose3
41.4 Gro6th of retail sector
0ul5arni A,-.,C
Retail is one of the 2ooming se)tors of India in the present times3 Retail5 one of
IndiaJs largest industries5 has presentl* emerged as one of the most d*nami) and fast
pa)ed industries of our times with se8eral pla*ers entering the mar:et3
A))ounting for o8er BC per )ent of the )ountr*Js /4 and around eight per )ent of
the emplo*mentK retailing in India is graduall* in)hing its wa* toward 2e)oming
the ne>t 2ooming industr*3 Another )redi2le fa)tor in the prospe)ts of the retail se)tor
in India is the in)rease in the *oung wor:ing population3
The retailing )onfiguration in India is fast de8eloping as shopping malls are
in)reasingl* 2e)oming familiar in large )ities3 %hen it )omes to the
de8elopment of retail spa)e spe)iall* the malls5 the Tier II )ities are no longer
2ehind in the ra)e3 If de8elopment plans till #CCF is studied it shows the
pro+e)tion of ##C shopping malls5 with B"H malls in metros and the remaining GB in
the Tier II )ities3 The go8ernment of states li:e elhi and National $apital
Region ;N$R< are 8er* up2eat a2out permitting the use of land for the
)ommer)ial de8elopment thus in)reasing the a8aila2ilit* of land for retail spa)eK thus
ma:ing N$R render to ACM of the malls in India3 IndiaJs 8ast middle )lass and its
almost untapped retail industr* are :e* attra)tions for glo2al retail giants
wanting to enter newer mar:ets3
Cha3ter 8
81 Research &rame 6or5
81. *y3othesis
&C Q
B3 Ma+or $onsumers are not mainl* from 0alandhar and 4hagwara3
#3 $ustomers of Big Ba.aar are not (oungsters3
Cha3ter 9
Research #ethodology
91 Research #ethodology
91. Research !esign
The resear)h design for this resear)h is descri3tive in
91, Sam3ling design
A sampling design is a definite plan for o2taining a sample from a gi8en population3
It refers to the te)hnique or the pro)edure the resear)her would adopt in sele)ting
items for the sample a))ording to the resear)h pro2lem3
91,1. Sam3le Size
The sample si.e of )ustomers )onsidered for the resear)h is BCC respondents for
in store anal*sis 2* using )on8enient sampling te)hnique3
91,1, Sam3ling Techni?ue
Non@pro2a2ilit* @ )on8enient sampling in Big Ba.aar with an appro>imate si.e of
914 !ata Collection
9141. Primary
4rimar* data will 2e )olle)ted 2* ta:ing inter8iew from the potential respondents
in the form of questionnaire3 The questions in the questionnaire would 2e in
the form of rating@s)ale5 open@ended - )lose@ended questions whi)h would 2e
logi)all* framed in order to a)hie8e the a2o8e stated o2+e)ti8es3
$losed ended questions3
Open ended questions3
Multiple )hoi)e questions3
9141, Secondary !ata
Se)ondar* data will 2e o2tained through information from pre8ious
literature5 reports5 newspapers5 referen)e 2oo:s5 maga.ines and we2sites3
918 )$STR#"$T A$! #"ASR"S
%e used as our questionnaire as our instrument3 There we used different )ondition
2* whi)h we )an )ome to :now a2out the )ustomer per)eption to Big Ba.aar3 %e
also tried to anal*.e the trade area of Big Ba.aar and profile of )ustomer who )ome
to Big Ba.aar3
919 PR%C"!R" &%LL%+"!
The wa* we )ompleted this pro+e)t was 2* ta:ing permission from the Manager
of Big Ba.aar to gi8e permission so that we )an fill up our questionnaire inside
the store3 This pro+e)t )annot 2e done out store as our main moti8e was to stud*
the Trade area of Big Ba.aar3 %ith this one of our o2+e)ti8e we also anal*.ed
satisfa)tion le8el of
:1.1 #arital Status
Single BG
Married G#
Total BCC
In the following sur8e* it is )on)luded that the ma+or foot fall in the Big Ba.aar is of
Unmarried ;Single< i3e3 G#M - the married population is BGM3
:1,1 Age Grou3
Below #C BF
#B@"C FC
AB A2o8e C
Total BCC
AnalysisF / From this )hart it is )lear that the ma+or footfall in the store is of the #B@
"C age groups i3e3 FC M from the )olle)ted sample3 Below #C it is BFM5 "C@DC was
DC@AC it is EM3 9ess senilit* 8isits Big 2a.aar3 It gi8es us indi)ation that the ma+or
footfall is of *oungsters in the Big Ba.aar3
:141 #ode of visiting store
$ar ""
Two@%heeler #G
Auto@Bus "E
%al:@In "
Total BCC
AnalysisF/From this ta2le we ha8e )on)luded that the )ustomers who )ome
for shopping in Big ha8e their own 8ehi)le either two wheeler or $ar3 In
the following Sur8e* ""M of the sample ha8ing )ar - the* 8isit to store 2* )ar3On
the other hand #GM ha8ing two wheeler - the* 8isit 2* two@wheeler3 It was
intersting to find that "HM of the sample 8isit Big 2* pu2li) transport either
2* Auto or 2*
:181 &amily Size
# Mem2ers B
" Mem2ers B#
D Mem2ers AE
A Mem2ers ##
Other H
Total BCC
AnalysisF / AEM of the sample ha8ing Famil* si.e of D mem2ers - ##M of the
sample ha8ing famil* si.e of A mem2ers3 %e ha8e anal*.ed that the B#M ha8ing
onl* " mem2ers in the famil* - other famil* si.e i3e3 more than A mem2ers are onl*
HM of
the sample3
:191 %ccu3ation
Self Emplo*ed #H
/o8ernment Emplo*ed #
4rofessional E
Salaried D
&ome ma:er "
Student AE
Total BCC
Out of BCC sample si.e the ma+or population was student that is AEM3 %e )an sa*
that the ma+or )ustomers of Big Ba.aar are students then Self emplo*ed whi)h is
#HM of
total population3
:1:1 *o6 many times you visit Big Bazaar in a monthK
B Time BD
# Times BH
" Times #A
D Times B#
A Times BB
E Times G
F Times #
G Times C
H Times C
BC Times F
BD Times B
BA Times B
Total BCC
%hen we anal*.ed a2out the frequen)* that )ustomer 8isiting Big Ba.aar in a
month we )ame to :now that the ma+or frequen)* is "3 It was interesting to :now
that the frequen)* range was 8ar*ing from #@" as we )an see in 4i $hart # times
is D"M of population where as three or four times is "FM ea)h of population3 It is
)on)lude that
the frequen)* of 8isiting Big Ba.aar is ranging #@D times in a
:1;1 !o you 5no6 about #onthly and +ednesday Saving Bazaar at Big
(es "H
Total BCC
%hen we tried to :now a2out the awareness le8el a2out the )ustomers of Big
Ba.aar it was sad to :now that ma+or population was unaware a2out 8arious
s)hemes gi8en 2* Big Ba.aar3 It was li:e EB out of BCC populations were
unaware a2out the
:1=1 *o6 did you 5no6 about the schemesK
Newspaper #B
T3' Ad8ertisement F
&oardings G
9o)al %al:@In C
%ord of Mouth "
9eaflets B
Others B
Total DB
%hen we tried to noti)e a2out whi)h medium Big Ba.aar is reall* putting effe)t on its
)ustomers it )ame out to 2e ABM was effe)ted 2e)ause of the a)ti8ities done on
Newspaper and se)ondl* it was &oardings and then T ' ad8ertisement3
:1>1 Satisfaction levelF
:1>1. Pricing

B B#
# ##
" BD
D B"
Total BCC
Satisfa)tion le8el of )ustomers ta:ing pri)ing as its fa)tor we )an see that GE of
the population out of BCC rated # out of F ta:ing pri)ing as its fa)tor then )omes
BG of
population rated E out of F3
:1>1, Buality of Product

# G
" BF
F "F
Total BCC
%hen we too: !ualit* of 4rodu)t ma+or population was satisfied rating F or A out of
:1>14 Buality of Service Provided
B "
# E
" BD
D #D
Total BCC
Ser8i)e pro8ided we )an sa* is a8erage as it was mi> response from population as
rating 8aried not 2* mu)h and was around D to F3 But A" of popultion was satisfied
the ser8i)e pro8ided 2* Big Ba.aar3
:1>18 'ariety of %ffers Available
B "
# D
" BB
D #D
F ##
Total BCC
There are num2er of offers run 2* Big Ba.aar whi)h was seen 2* the rea)tion of
)ustomers3 %e )an sa* AG of popultion was satisfied 2* the offers run 2* Big Ba.aar3
:1>19 Convenience 6hile Sho33ing
# #
" BA
D B#
E #G
Total BCC
AnalysisF/ It is anal.ed that $on8enien)e %hile Shopping is great in Big Ba.aar
most of the $ustomers feels on diffi)ult* to find the produ)t - to wal: in the store3BG
)ustomers ha8e rated A for the )on8enin)e out of F - BG )ustomers ha8e rated E out F3
It was that #G )ustomers ha8e rated F out of F3
:1>1: Ambience of the store
# #
" BD
F "C
Total BCC
AnalysisF/ %hen we tal:ed a2out the am2ien)e of the store3The results we found
out that "C )ustomers rated F out of F for the am2ien)e of the store i3e3 the* are
highl* satisfied whereas BF )ustomers rated E out of F on the other hand BF
)ustomers rated A out of F 3 uring the sur8e* we also found out that B )ustomer
rated B out of F - BH )ustomers rated D out of F3
:1>1; Par5ing S3ace
# "
" G
Total BCC
AnalysisF/ Satisfa)tion le8el for the par:ing spa)e is good5 most of the )ustomers
are highl* satisfied with par:ing spa)e pro8ided to them3 AB )ustomers rated F out
of F5
H )ustomers rated E out of F5 BF )ustomers rated A out of F3
:1>1= %verall Sho33ing "73erience
B #
# B
" #
A ##
E B#
Total BCC
AnalysisF/ O8erall Shopping E>perien)e5It is )on)luded that most of the )utomers
ha8e rated A out of F for the satisfa)t ion5 whereas B# )utomers ha8e rated E out of F5 on
the other hand there are AF )ustomers who rated F out of F for the e>perien)e3 It is
)on)luded that the $ustomers are satisfied with the o8erall Shopping E>perien)e3
:1.-1 *o6 far is your Residence from Big BazaarK
9ess than A 7m D"
7m to BC 7m ""
More than BC 7m #"
Others B
Total BCC
%hen we anal*sed the trade area of Big Ba.aar the Trade area )ome out to area
around 9o8el* 4rofessional Uni8ersit* that is D"M of population 2elongs to
parti)ular area3 Then it was #"M population BC7m far from Big Ba..ar3
:1..1 !o you 5no6 about the Great "7change %ffer at Big BazaarK
(es A#
Total BCC
It was interesting that ma>imum of population was aware of this s)heme that is A#M
of population was aware whereas DG M are not aware of the /reat E>)hange offer3
:1.,1 Trade Area
0alandhar "H
7apurthala #
94U D"
9udhiana "
4hagwara BB
Na:odar #
Total BCC
%hen the data was anal*sed it was seen that D"M of population was from near 2*
uni8ersit* that is 9o8el* 4rofessional Uni8ersit* and "HM of population was from
&)$!)$GS @
Conclusion @ &indings of the Research
B3 From following sur8e* it is )on)luded that the ma+or foot fall in the Big
Ba.aar is of Unmarried ;Single< i3e3 G#M - the married population is BGM3
#3 The )ustomers of Big Ba.aar are *oungsters of the #B@"C age groups i3e3 FC M
from the )olle)ted sample3 Below #C it isBFM5 "C@DC was FM5 DC@AC it is EM3
No senilit* 8isits Big 2a.aar so often3 It gi8es us indi)ation that the ma+or
footfall is of *oungsters in the Big Ba.aar3
"3 The )ustomers who )ome for shopping in Big Ba.aar ha8e their own
8ehi)le either two wheeler or $ar3 In the following Sur8e* ""M of the
sample ha8ing )ar - the* 8isit to store 2* )ar3 On the other hand #GM
ha8ing two wheeler - the* 8isit 2* two@wheeler3 It was interesting to find
that "HM of the sample 8isits Big Ba.aar 2* pu2li) transport either 2*
Auto or 2* Bus as the* are *oungsters3
D3 Out of BCC sample si.e the ma+or population was student that is AEM3 %e
)an sa* that the ma+or )ustomers of Big Ba.aar are students and #HM was
self emplo*ed3
A3 %hen we anal*.ed a2out the frequen)* that )ustomer 8isiting Big Ba.aar in
a month we )ame to :now that the ma+or frequen)* is two3 It was interesting
to :now that the frequen)* range was 8ar*ing from #@" as we )an see in 4i
# times is BHM of population where as three or four times is "FM ea)h of
population3 It is )on)lude that the frequen)* of 8isiting Big Ba.aar is ranging
#@D times in a month3
E3 The onl* medium to ma:e aware the )ustomers a2out 8arious s)hemes was
through Newspaper though the awareness le8el a2out the )ustomers of
Big Ba.aar it was sad to :now that ma+or population was unaware a2out
8arious s)hemes gi8en 2* Big Ba.aar3
F3 %hen the data was anal*.ed that the ma+or )hun: of )ustomers that is D"M
of population was from near2* uni8ersit* that is 9o8el* 4rofessional
Uni8ersit* and "HM of population was from 0alandhar3
G3 Seeing the satisfa)tion le8el on 8arious fa)tors most of the )ustomers was
ha8ing good satisfa)tion le8el that is rating of A out of F on rating s)ale3
But when we see the satisfa)tion le8el of )ustomers regarding ser8i)e
pro8ided and offers offered 2* Big Ba.aar it was up to 8er* good le8el that is
E out of F on rating s)ales3
H3 Most of the )ustomers were aware a2out the /reat E>)hange offer 2* Big
Ba.aar as depi)ted in the graph whi)h is A#M3
CST%#"R C%##"$TS
CST%#"R C%##"$TS
B< %hen we go for re))e some )ustomers are satisfied and some are not satisfied3
#< Man* produ)ts are una8aila2le so it ma:es a pro2lem for us at times
"< %hile returning at times the* ma:e me stand for a long time at the 2illing )ounter3
D< The qualit* of )lothing should 2e de8eloped also5 some 2rands should 2e in)luded3
A< 4ut some more 2ig mar:et tea)hers in the store for high le8el quantit*3
E< ItRs good 2ut produ)ts are old3
F< Ele)troni)s and shoes are not )leaned on a dail* 2asis3
G< Apparels are not up to date3
H< No proper guidan)e from the staffRs side3
BC< Billing ta:es so mu)h time3
.C Treatment to customerF First priorit* should 2e gi8en to the )ustomers3
,C BillingF Sin)e people ha8e )omplained that 2illing ta:es a lot of time while
pur)hasing produ)ts from 2ig 2a.aar and the* ha8e to wait for a long time in a queue
for the same3 &en)e5 Big 2a.aar should loo: forward to impro8e its 2illing s*stem so
that it 2e)omes )on8enient for the )ustomers3
4C CleanlinessF 4rodu)ts are not properl* dusted on a dail* 2asis as per the )omplaints
filed 2* the )ustomers often 8isiting Big Ba.aar3 Therefore5 the* should maintain
proper le8el of )leanliness in their en8ironment3
8C A33roachabilityF No2od* is approa)hing the )ustomer properl* )reating pro2lems
for )ustomers to understand a2out the 8arious produ)ts3 Big 2a.aar should pa* heed
towards impro8ing approa)ha2ilit* towards )ustomers3
9C Stoc5 3dationF The* should tr* to update the e>isting sto): that the* ha8e so that
the )ustomer gets the latest of the produ)ts laun)hed in the mar:et3
:C Buality of 3roductsF The* should in)lude 2rands also in their sto): in order to
ensure the qualit* that is the ma+or requirement of the )ustomers3
B3 www 3 f n2n e w s 3 ) o m 6a r t i) le 6p r in t 3 a s p Sarti)leidQBAD"G
#3 h tt p= 66ww w 3 d o ) s to ) 3 ) o m 6d o ) s 6FEAFG#AG 6 M a r : e t in g @ S t r a t e g ie s @ o f @
9 ou is @ 4hillipe
"3 h tt p= 66ww w 3 in 3 : p m g 3 ) o m 6T 9 T F ile s 64 i) t u r e s 6I n d ia nT R e t a il T M a r CH 3 p d f
D3 h tt p= 66ww w 3 s ) r i2 d 3 ) o m 6d o ) 6A"FBACE" 6 BE6 T h e @ / lo 2 a l@ R e t a il @ indu s t r * @
A n @ o 8 e r 8 ie w
A3 h tt p= 66ww w 3 d o ) s to ) 3 ) o m 6d o ) s 6FEEGFGD# 6 T h e s is@ o n @ R e t a il @ M a n a g e m e n t
E3 h tt p= 66ww w 3 ) ) i3 in 6p d f 6 s u r 8 e * s T r e p o r t s 6 in d ia s T r e t a ilT s e) t o r 3 pdf
F3 h tt p= 66f o o t w ea r s in f o lin e t h r ee 3 t r ip o d 3 ) o m 6 in d ia n T r e t a il T indu s t r * T it s Tg r o w t h
G3 h tt p= 66ww w 3t h e h ind u 2 u s in e ss li n e 3 in6) a t a l* s t 6#CC" 6 CB6C# 6 s to r ie s 6#CC"CBC#
CCCACBCC 3 h t m
H3 ww w 3 in 3 : p m g 3 ) o m 6T 9 T F ile s 64 i) t u r e s 6I n d ia n T R e t a ilT M a r CH 3 p d f
BC3 goindia3a2out3)om6od6shopping6gr62ig@2a.aar3htm
BB3 h tt p= 66ww w 3t h e h ind u 2 u s in e ss li n e 3 ) o m 6t o d a * s @ p a p e r 6t p @
mar:eting6arti)leBCCBEAH3e)eSrefQar)hi8e Bangalore5 Aug3 BF
B#3 h tt p= 66 t r i8 a n d r u m 3 m * o ff e r s h o p 3 ) o m 6 lo ) s ea r ) h 6 S s ea r ) h Q B ig M #C B a .aa rM #C
M a h a B a) h a t
B"3 h tt p= 66ww w 3 s ) r i2 d 3 ) o m 6d o ) 6A"""HEC" 6 $ A T $ & M E N T @
A R E A @ A N A 9 (S I S
Anne>ure I
!uestionnaire esign
I am students of 9o8el* 4rofessional Uni8ersit*3 As a part of our )urri)ulum5 we
ha8e to underta:e a $apstone 4ro+e)t3 The Title of the pro+e)t is ,A study
of the Catchment Area and Trade area analysis of Big Bazaar GT Road
Jalandhar3 I Request *ou to pro8ide me the following details3
B3 Marital Status=
Single Married
#3 Age /roup=@
Below #C #B@ "C "B@ DC DB@AC AB A2o8e
"3 &ow did *ou )ommute to 2ig Ba.aar
$ar Two wheeler Auto Bus %al: in
Others ;4lease spe)if*<UUUU3333
D3 Famil* Si.e
# " D A Others ;4lease spe)if*<UUUUUU
A3 O))upation
Self Emplo*ed /o8ernment Emplo*ee 4rofessional Salaried
&ome Ma:er Student if *es Uni8ersit*6$ollege UUUUUUUU
E3 &ow man* times do *ou 8isit Big Ba.aar in a monthS
F3 o *ou :now a2out the Monthl* and %ednesda* sa8ings 2a.aar at Big
(es No
G3 If *es5 how did *ou :now a2out the Monthl* Sa8ings Ba.aar and %ednesda*
Sa8ings Ba.aar at Big Ba.aarS
News 4aper T3'3 Ad8ertisement &oarding
SMS 9o)al %al:@in %ord of Mouth
9eaflet Others ;4lease
Rate *our satisfa)tion le8el of Big Ba.aar with respe)t to the following features on a
B@F s)ale3
B@9east satisfied5 F@most satisfied ;Tic5 the A33ro3riate Column<= @
4arti)ulars B # " D A E F
a3 4ri)ing
23 !ualit* of the produ)t
)3 !ualit* of the ser8i)e pro8ided
d3 'ariet* of offers a8aila2le
e3 $on8enien)e while shopping
f3 Am2ien)e of the store
g3 4ar:ing Spa)e
h3 O8erall Shopping E>perien)e
H3 &ow far is *our residen)e from Big Ba.aar
9ess than A :m A to BC :m More than BC :m
BC3 o *ou :now a2out the great e>)hange offer at Big Ba.aarS
(es No
4lease gi8e *our 8alua2le )omments=@
I am sin)erel* than: *ou for gi8ing up a part of *our 8alua2le time and parting
with 8er* useful information whi)h will help us a great deal in our
resear)h pro+e)t3 %e would li:e to share our findings of this resear)h with
*ou in near

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