Physics - Chapter 6 Review

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Chapter 6 Review :)

1. Momentum is a vector that can be defined by what equation?

- P = (mass) (velocity)

2.The impulse-momentum theorem says a net external force applied constantly to an

object for a certain time interval will cause a CHANGE in the object’s momentum equal
to the product of???
- The Mass and Velocity squared

3. What happens to TOTAL momentum of ALL objects that interact with each other??
- Remains constant regardless of the nature of forces between the objects

4. In every interaction between TWO isolated objects, the CHANGE in momentum of the
first object is…??
- equal to and in the OPPOSITE direction of the CHANGE in momentum of the
second object

5. Two objects stick together and move as one mass after the what type of collision?
- Inelastic

6. In what type of collision is momentum conserved but kinetic energy is NOT

- Inelastic

7. In what collision is Kinetic Energy converted to internal elastic potential energy, sound
energy and other types of energy when the objects deform?
- Inelastic

8. Two objects return to their original shapes and move away from the collision
- Elastic

9. What are both momentum and kinetic energy conserved in??

- Elastic

10. How many collisions are either elastic or perfectly inelastic?

- Few

11. Is the momentum of a MASSIVE object moving at a HIGH velocity large or small?

12.) Is the momentum of a small object moving with a very HIGH velocity large or small?

13.) What does a change in momentum take??

- FORCE and timee

14.) A small force acting for a long time can produce the same change in momentum as
- a large force acting for a short time

15.) If the time interval is extended this allows the smaller force to cause a what in
16.) What happens to momentum in ALL interactions between ISOLATED objects?
- Momentum is CONSERVED

17.) In which interaction is the Change in momentum of the FIRST object equal to AND
oPPosite the Change in momentum of the SECOND object???
- An interaction between isolated objects

18.) In which collision do objects stick together and move as one mass AFTER the
collision takes place?
- PERFECTLY iNelastic <3

19.) Both MOMENTUM && Kin3t!c energy ARE conserved in what collision??

20.) MOMENTUM is conserved :) BUT K!n3tic energy is NOT:( ??

-PERFECTLY iNelastic

21.) In this collision TWO objects return to ORIGINAL shape and move away from collision
- EL@$tic

22.) Stopping times and distances depends on the…..?

- Impulse- momentum theorem

23.) What describes the relationship for interactions between ISOLATED OBJECTS??
- Law of Conservation of momentum

24.) What is conserved in COLLISIONS?

- M0m3ntum!

25.) When objects push away from each other is the momentum conserved??
- DUHHH (yess)

26.) The change in momentum is equal to…???

- ImPulSe

27.) If the momentum in one object INCREASES after a collision then what happens to
the momentum of the other object??
- it decreases :(

28.) In REAL collisions are the forces CONSTANT?

- Nopee

29.) In what type of system is the momentum EQUAL to the COMBINED momentum
BEFORE the collision??
- Isolated systemm

30.) In ANY type of collision what happens to the TOTAL momentum?

- It remains CONSTANT

31.) What can Kinetic Energy sometimes be CONVERTED to??

- Internal energy
32.) An object becomes ONE object AFTER the Collision moving with the same velocity in
which collision??
- PERFECTLY iNelastic

33.) These objects are deformed during collision and lose some kinetic energy in what

34.) Objects are SEPARATE after collision??


35.) If a collision produces sound, this represents a decrease in kinetic energy which
means this collision is NOT Inelastic??
- FALSE, it means that this collision IS inelastic and is NOT elastic ( since it lost KE)

36.) Which collision has a constant total momentum and the total kinetic energy
throughout the collision???
-Perfectly Elastic

** Momentum is conserved in all collisions.

**Kinetic energy is only conserved in elastic collisions.

**the total momentum is always the same before and after the collision

**Elastic collisions: Kinetic energy is conserved in elastic, which are also called
completely elastic, collisions.
-To solve these problems, use both momentum and kinetic energy conservation.

**Inelastic collisions: Kinetic energy is not conserved in inelastic collisions.

-To solve these problems use momentum conservation but not kinetic energy

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