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From the principals office

I received a letter the other day from a new parent of South Olive Christian School. The letter said how
the school has made a positive impact for Christ in the life of her child. She wrote, I can tell you that 3
weeks in to the school year, we have seen some MAJOR changes in our child....changes we have hoped
and prayed for, but never thought would happen! He has confidence, he is happy, he completes his
homework on his own/on time and has a sense of pride in who he is, but mostly he is learning about his
Creator! That is so very important to us!

I am proud of being your principal and excited in the direction this school is heading.

Meet the New Principal -Kent Ezell, SOCS new principal would like to meet you. He especially wants to meet
long-time supporters of SOCS. Kent will e !osting a coffee meet-and-greet on "!ursday #e$ery week% after-
noons at &'(). *ou do need to +S,- wit! -!yllis in t!e office y .ednesday morning. -lease call /&/-012-0334.

Pig-in-the-blankets -.e made o$er (2) dozen pigs on 5onday nig!t. "!ank you to all w!o !elped. "!is is a
great fundraiser for our sc!ool, and we appreciate your time and en6oy getting to know you. Special t!anks to
t!e grandparents t!at !elped as well. *our lo$e for t!is sc!ool and our mission does not go unnoticed.

Pizza Hot Lunch --lease find attac!ed a pizza order form for 7riday, Octoer &1.

School Pictures --icture day is e!"# $ctober %& eginning at 8am. -lease find attac!ed to t!is 9eacon t!e
order form, t!at must e turned in y your student#s% on picture day.

'ttention (al)ar* +inner Ser)ers' Michelle ,amps# ,ris -aarsma# -o!i +iemer# .on*a Sootsma# /eck*
Martin# 0rica1/ren!a agner# 2 3ouwhorsts" Cal$ary c!urc! is located at 4)) 9eeline +d., Holland, 48434.
-lease e t!ere on Saturday at 4'()pm s!arp. .e need to try and wear a w!ite #lig!t% top wit! lack #dark%
pants, wit! !air tied ack. .e will set up for t!e an:uet, eat dinner t!ere, and clean up to e out y 8'))pm.
-lease call Stacey Campins wit! any :uestions ; 884.8812. "!ank you a!ead of time for taking time out of
your weekend to ser$e<<

Papas# Pumpkins# an! Pizza -=ads of (-Sc!oolers and -resc!oolers are in$ited to come wit! t!eir student
to >-apas, -umpkins, and -izza ?ig!t@ at Sout! Oli$e C!ristian Sc!ool on 5onday, Octoer 31 from /'))-
1'()pm. "!e (-Sc!oolers and -resc!oolers along wit! t!eir dads will eat pizza and decorate a pumpkin to-
get!er. "!e kids will also e ale to s!ow t!eir dads t!eir classroom and t!e great t!ings t!ey are doing at
sc!ool. -lease +S,- to -!yllis in t!e office, or to 5rs. ,eld!eer, y 5onday, Octoer 3).

Soup Supper -An 6ust 4 weeks, .hurs!a*# No)" 4 from 5678-9688pm, come and en6oy !omemade soups, !ot
99B or creamed turkey, and a yummy dessert. "!is will e a great nig!t not to cook. An$ite your family and
friends and en6oy. #Cll proceeds to enefit Sout! Oli$e C!ristian Sc!ool.%

October 9, 2014
A Look Ahead
15-Picture Day
17-KONA Ice Truck
Teachers Convention
3-Pig-in-the-blankets 6pm
6-Soup Supper 4:30-7:00pm
10-Parent/Teacher Evening
18-Picture Retakes
21-Thanksgiving Feast
26-NOON Dismissal

6230 120th Ave. Ph.# (616) 875-8224 Email Web Site:
Mission Statement: South Olive Christian School provides outstanding, Christ-centered education
for all who desire it, regardless of a familys income level, equipping students to use their unique
gifts and talents to serve and flourish in Gods ingdom!
Authentic Community Christ-centered Education Affordable for All

,-:th gra!e Parent1.eacher (onferences will e !eld on Mon!a*# No)" %8 from &678-:678pm" DDD"!e special "eac!ersE Spanis!, 5usic,
-!ys Ed F Computer will e a$ailale in t!e gym from /'()-0'))pm. Please return the attache! note with *our time preference b*
e!nes!a*# $ct" %&" ;f *ou !ont return it# the teachers will assign *ou a time"

Preschool Parent1.eacher (onferences -?ew t!is year, 5rs. ,eld!eer will e offering fall and spring conferences. 5rs. ,eld!eer will e
!olding conferences on 5onday, ?o$. &) from 2'))-0'()pm, and "uesday, ?o$. && from &&'42amG3'42pm. -lease return t!e attac!ed conference
sc!edule to sc!ool y .ednesday, Oct. &2. Af you !a$e :uestions please talk to 5rs. ,eld!eer.

<earbook -9ecky 5artin will e doing our yearook t!is year, and s!e is looking for some !elp from you. Af you !a$e taken any pictures of
students eH' sports, c!apel, classroom, or e$ents, please email t!em to !er at ecky;p! S!e would like t!em any time
so s!e can meet !er deadline. Send as many as you want and s!e will determine w!ic! ones to use. "!ank you in ad$ance for your !elp.

all (alen!ars6 "!e wall calendars are !ere. "!ey include uplifting Scripture passages along wit! stunning pictures of Iods creation for
t!e year 3)&2. -lease call any of t!e middle sc!ool students or t!e sc!ool office to purc!ase one or more. "!ey make wonderful gifts for t!e
special people in your life. "!e calendars sell for J0.)).

0=citing .3;P News -.e !a$e launc!ed on-line "+A- orders. *ou may purc!ase gift cards directly from S!! 34 !ours per
day. Af you are ready to go wit! t!is option, simply contact Cmy Koetsier for our sc!ool Enrollment Code. *ou may call !er at 012.14)/, or
email !er at ken)//; Effecti$e Octoer &, t!is is t!e way you will e ordering "+A-.

School ;ncome -.e recei$ed J/(.34 from t!e -apergator t!is :uarter. .e also recei$ed J&)/.8) from 5ei6er +ewards, and J43.(3 from
"arget +ewards. .e appreciate t!e opportunity to e a part of t!ese programs, and t!ank you for participating.

/eacon 'nnouncements -Af you !a$e an announcement to e included in t!e 9eacon, please !a$e it to -!yllis in t!e office no later than noon
on e!nes!a*. "!ank *ou<

Snow +a*s1Fog +ela*s1;nclement eather
SOCS policy is t!at if .est Ottawa -ulic Sc!ools closes or delays sc!ool, we also will close or delay sc!ool. .e will communicate to you in two
ways' One we will post on t!e I+CAK system. I+CAK collects sc!ool closing information and t!en gi$es t!e information to tele$ision and radio
stations. "!e ot!er is t!at we will post on SOCS 7aceook page. ;f there is a two-hour !ela*# there will be N$ three-school or preschool"

/o= .ops -.e will e sending in all oHtops at t!e end of Octoer. -lease ring your oHtops to sc!ool now and drop t!em in t!e asket in t!e
office y Octoer 30. (ampbells Soup Labels -can e turned in to t!e same asket. "!is is a great fundraiser for t!e sc!ool. "!ank you
for participating<

Paper >ator --lease continue to recycle your paper products in our -aper Iator. #Kocated in our parking lot.% 3emin!er? please do not put
cardoard into t!e -aper Iator. "!e -aper Iator takes newspaper, catalogsLmagazines, officeLsc!ool paper, 6unk mail, telep!one ooks,
!ardLsoft co$er ooks, and noteooks. "!anks< "!is is a great fundraiser for t!e sc!ool.

(ar!boar! 3ec*cle -"!e dumpster located in t!e parking lot for Cardoard +ecycle is for school use onl*" "!ank you for your cooperation.

($MM@N;.< 'NN$@N(0M0N.S6
-arents of ?eworns-7ift! Irade'Strollers to Scooters will take place on 7riday, Oct. &) from /'()-0'() pm at Engedi C!urc! in Holland. =an
Seaorn will delig!t t!e audience wit! !is !onesty and !umor as !e imparts wisdom and practical ideas t!at parents can take !ome and imple-
ment. "ickets are J&) per parent. -urc!ase t!roug! winningat! or call Mulie at 113-&1((, eHt. &34.

Octoer &( ; 8'()am Cll parents are in$ited to Menison 9ile C!urc! to come !ear parent educators, Moey F Carla Kink, address (rafting *our
(hil!s (haracter# a key issue at t!e !eart of parenting. .!at kind of people will t!ey grow up to ecome, and !ow can we influence t!em to
make t!e rig!t c!oices for t!e rig!t reasonsN "!is su6ect matter is rele$ant to any stage in parenting, e$en grandparents. C!ildcare is a$ail-
ale for t!ose w!o need it. C ookstore will also e a$ailale wit! great resources for growing your knowledge in Iodly parenting. Contact
9ecky -usztai #/3/-3)8-0380 or lpusztai; for more information or to +S,- c!ildcare needs.

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