West Bengal Urban Population 2011

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Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) goods are popularly named as consumer packaged

goods. Items in this category include all consumables (other than groceries/pulses) people buy
at regular intervals. The most common in the list are toilet soaps detergents shampoos
toothpaste shaving products shoe polish packaged !oodstu!! and household accessories and
e"tends to certain electronic goods. These items are meant !or daily o! !re#uent consumption
and have a high return.
The Indian FMCG sector $ith a market si%e o! &'()*.+ billion is the !ourth largest sector in
the economy. The FMCG market is set to double !rom &', )*.- billion in .//+0/1 to &', 2/
billion in ./).. FMCG sector $ill $itness more than 3/ per cent gro$th in rural and semi0
urban India by ./)/. Indian consumer goods market is e"pected to reach (*// billion by
./)/.4air care household care male grooming !emale hygiene and the chocolates and
con!ectionery categories are estimated to be the !astest gro$ing segments. 5t present urban
India accounts !or 336 o! total FMCG consumption $ith rural India accounting !or the
remaining 2*6. 4o$ever rural India accounts !or more than */6 consumption in ma7or
FMCG categories such as personal care !abric care and hot beverages. In urban areas home
and personal care category including skin care household care and !eminine hygiene $ill
keep gro$ing at relatively attractive rates. 8ithin the !oods segment it is estimated that
processed !oods bakery and dairy are long0term gro$th categories in both rural and urban
areas.The gro$ing incline o! rural and semi0urban !olks !or FMCG products $ill be mainly
responsible !or the gro$th in this sector as manu!acturers $ill have to deepen their
concentration !or higher sales volumes.
Ma7or 9layers in this sector include 4industan &nilever :td. ITC (Indian Tobacco Company)
;estl< India GCMMF (5M&:) ,abur India 5sian 9aints (India) Cadbury India =ritannia
Industries 9rocter > Gamble 4ygiene and 4ealth Care Marico Industries ;irmaCoca0Cola
9epsi and others.5s per the analysis by 5''?C45M Companies 4industan &nilever :td
,abur India originates hal! o! their sales !rom rural India. 8hile Colgate 9almolive India and
Marico constitutes nearly 2-6 respectively ho$ever ;estle India :td and G'@ Consumer drive
.A per cent o! sales !rom rural India.
5 rapid urbani%ation increase in demands presence o! large number o! young population a
large number o! opportunities is available in the FMCG sector. The Finance Minister has
proposed to introduce an integrated Goods and 'ervice Ta" by 5pril ./)/.This is an
e"ceptionally good move because the gro$th o! consumption production and employment is
directly proportionate to reduction in indirect ta"es $hich constitute no less than 2A6 o! the
total cost o! consumer products 0 the highest in 5sia.. The bottom line is that Indian market is
changing rapidly and is sho$ing unprecedented consumer business opportunity.
West Bengal Urban Population 2011
Out of total population of West Bengal, 31.87% people live in urban regions. The total
figure of population living in urban areas is 29,093,002 of hi!h 1",9#",082 are
$ales an% hile re$aining 1",128,920 are fe$ales. The urban population in the last
10 &ears has in!rease% b& 31.87 per!ent.
'e( )atio in urban regions of West Bengal as 9"" fe$ales per 1000 $ales. *or !hil%
+0,#- se( ratio the figure for urban region stoo% at 9"7 girls per 1000 bo&s. Total
!hil%ren +0,# age- living in urban areas of West Bengal ere 2,7#0,7.#. Of total
population in urban region, 9."9 % ere !hil%ren +0,#-.
/verage 0itera!& rate in West Bengal for 1rban regions as 8".78 per!ent in hi!h
$ales ere 88.37% literate hile fe$ale litera!& stoo% at 7#.01%. Total literates in
urban region of West Bengal ere 22,32",.02.
West Bengal Rural Population 2011
Of the total population of West Bengal state, aroun% #8.13 per!ent live in the villages
of rural areas. 2n a!tual nu$bers, $ales an% fe$ales ere 31,8"",9". an% 30,338,1#8
respe!tivel&. Total population of rural areas of West Bengal state as #2,183,113. The
population groth rate re!or%e% for this %e!a%e +2001,2011- as #8.13%.
2n rural regions of West Bengal state, fe$ale se( ratio per 1000 $ales as 9.3 hile
sa$e for the !hil% +0,# age- as 9.9 girls per 1000 bo&s. 2n West Bengal, 7,820,710
!hil%ren +0,#- live in rural areas. 3hil% population for$s 12..8 per!ent of total rural
2n rural areas of West Bengal, litera!& rate for $ales an% fe$ale stoo% at 78."" % an%
#1.98 %. /verage litera!& rate in West Bengal for rural areas as 72.13 per!ent. Total
literates in rural areas ere 39,213,779.
Description Rural Urban
Population (%) 68.13 % 31.87 %
Total Population 62,183,113 29,93,2
!ale Population 31,8"",9"# 1",96",82
$e%ale Population 3,338,168 1",128,92
Population &ro't( 7.68 % 29.72 %
)e* Ratio 9#3 9""
+(il, )e* Ratio (-6) 9#9 9"7
+(il, Population (-6) 7,82,71 2,76,7#6
+(il, Percenta.e (-6) 12.#8 % 9."9 %
/iterates 39,213,779 22,32",#2
01era.e /iterac2 72.13 % 8".78 %
!ale /iterac2 78."" % 88.37 %
$e%ale /iterac2 61.98 % 76.1 %
West Bengal Population Growth Rate
The total population groth in this %e!a%e as 13.8" per!ent hile in previous %e!a%e it as
17.8" per!ent. The population of West Bengal for$s 7.." per!ent of 2n%ia in 2011. 2n 2001, the
figure as 7.79 per!ent.

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