Shelter Shorts October 2014 Brians

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2014 BOARD 2


Rivers & bluffs animal shelter Rivers & bluffs animal shelter Rivers & bluffs animal shelter Rivers & bluffs animal shelter
This Issue
Coming up
2014 2014 2014 2014
Inside Inside Inside Inside
16th RABAS -
General Meeting

6th Wake Up Santa
20th- Holiday Bake
Sale at Tractor Sup-

Mary Weeks donated $10,000.00 to RABAS on Friday, September
. This generous donation will certainly help us reach our goal of
an animal shelter for the PdC Area. Thank you, Mary. A picture and
short article will be in the local papers shortly.

President- Randy Paske
1300 East Wells Street
Prairie du Chien, WI 53821

Vice-President / Newsletter Editor Bev Pozega
32398 Gran Grae Road
Prairie du Chien, WI 53821
608-326-2914 wyalusing

TreasurerJill Cipra
1014 South17th Street
Prairie du Chien, WI 53821

SecretaryCheryl Statz
425 South Fillmore St.
Prairie du Chien, WI

Board Member- Julie Whyte
322 South Wacouta Avenue
Prairie du Chien, WI 53821

Board Member- John Ryan
12890 Markley Hollow Road
Bagley, WI 53801

Board Member- Donna Heilmann
1702 East Fowler Street
Prairie du Chien, WI 53821
Current balance as of August 21st, 2014

Checking Account Balance - $38,415.81; Total C.D.s- $148,548.33
Mary Weeks donation is not included in this total.

Treasurers Report Treasurers Report Treasurers Report Treasurers Report
Jill Cipra Treasurer
Check us out on the Web Check us out on the Web Check us out on the Web Check us out on the Web
Thanks to randy Paske for keeping this website up to date!
Like us on Facebook Like us on Facebook Like us on Facebook Like us on Facebook
Rivers and Bluffs animal shelter-pdc
2014 Board of Directors

2 shelter shorts shelter shorts shelter shorts shelter shorts/ october 2014

SHELTER SHORTS is a monthly newsletter intended to
keep Rivers and Bluffs Animal Shelter volunteers and sup-
porters connected. With everyones hectic schedules, we
know it is often difficult, if not impossible to attend month-
ly meetings or to work at all of our fundraisers.
Everyone is invited to submit articles for the newsletter. To
do so, please call Bev at 608-326-2914 or email her at wy-
General monthly meeting will now be board
meetings that are open to everyone. Each com-
mittee will report on progress that has been
made since the last meeting. Board meetings
will start at 6 p.m. and are held on the 3rd
Thursday of each month in the Community
Room of City Hall. Please use the back door for
entrance. The next meeting will be on
October 16th.
Volunteer hours will be collected by Randy P. at monthly meetings or
you can email your hours to Randy at

Rivers and Bluffs animal shelter Rivers and Bluffs animal shelter Rivers and Bluffs animal shelter Rivers and Bluffs animal shelter
September meeting update
September Meeting of Rivers & Bluffs Animal Shelter was exciting to say
the least. The energy level in the Community Room of City Hall was about as high
as I have ever seen it. Paula Gutzmer gave an eye-opening presentation on the steps
needed to move to the next phase building. Seven committees were formed
Building, Public Relations, Membership, Fundraising, Finance, Grants & Founda-
tions and Operations. If you would like to join any of the committees, please con-
tact Steve Tibbets at or reply to this email. The more the mer-
rier. The building committee has been very active, and I believe that they will have
some exciting news to share at next weeks meeting. Public Relations and Member-
ship have had 2 joint meetings to date. Public Relations will meet again on Thurs-
day, October 9
. The first fundraising committee meeting will be held the week of
October 12
. General monthly meeting will now be board meetings that are open
to everyone. The meetings from this point should be much more streamlined as we
will hear from each committee on the progress made since the last meeting. Crisse
Reynolds, Crawford County Animal Control Officer, will be available for a meet
and greet at next weeks meeting. She will explain her job duties and talk about her
recent training in Madison. The meeting will follow Crisses program. I hope to
see many of you there. We had a great
turnout at the September meeting.
Also, a new secretary has been nomi-
nated for RABAS. RABAS has been
without a secretary since Merilee has
stepped down. At the September meet-
ing the board unanimously voted Cher-
yl Statz as the new secretary. Welcome
aboard Cheryl, and thank you for taking
on this important position. Thank you
to Merilee for her time on the board as
secretary. You did a great job!
Cheryl and her husband, Steve Tibbetts recently moved here from Maine. Both Ste-
ve and Cheryl are very interested in RABAS and are serving on a number of com-

Kwik Trip gas cards
4 shelter shorts shelter shorts shelter shorts shelter shorts / october 2014

Please continue ordering cat and dog treats from They donate 25% of each or-
der placed, to RABAS!
Rabas Rabas Rabas Rabas- -- - ongoing fundraisers ongoing fundraisers ongoing fundraisers ongoing fundraisers
U. s. bones
Kwik Trip Gas sales from August 21st through
September 18th totaled $$2200.00 for a profit of
$220.00. Once again thanks to everyone who sup-
ports RABAS through the purchase of these cards. If
you are not supporting RABAS through the purchase
of the KT Gas Cards, would you please consider do-
ing so? Jill, Donna and I are only a phone call away.
If more people were to purchase KT gas cards, we
could do away with the labor intensive food stands.
Phoneraiser Please continue to save and donate your old cell phones, smart phones and ink car-
tridges. They can be dropped off at Tender Care Animal Hospital, Radio Shack or just bring them
to a RABAS meeting. Donna, as always thank you for your time and effort in this project.
5 october 2014 / shelter shorts shelter shorts shelter shorts shelter shorts 5

Rivers and bluffs animal shelter Rivers and bluffs animal shelter Rivers and bluffs animal shelter Rivers and bluffs animal shelter

Past fundraisers
Schwans and Amazon.Com To support RABAS by placing an order from Schwans, please visit
the following website:
Even though the 20% donation period is over, Schwans will still donate 5% of each order placed to
RABAS. Amazon Smile is a website operated by Amazon that lets customers enjoy the same wide
selection of products, low prices, and convenient shopping features as on The difference
is that when customers shop on AmazonSmile (, the AmazonSmile Foundation will
donate 0.5% of the price of eligible purchases to the charitable organizations selected by customers.
Please consider either or both of these fundraisers when shopping online from Schwans and Amazon.
It doesnt get any easier than this. We recently received $10 through Amazon Smile. Thanks to those
of you who have ordered from Schwans or
McGregor Fall Festival/Shihatas Orchard Food Stand Fundraisers are now history. Thanks
to those who baked or worked at McGregor and Shihatas the first weekend in October. The weather
was certainly not the nicest to say the least (cold and windy), but the foodstand at Shihatas sold out on
both days (about 50 brats and 24 hot dogs on Saturday and 72 brats and 48 hot dogs on Sunday) and we
sold almost everything that we had in McGregor. We did not have enough of anything to sell at
McGregor on Sunday. A special thank you goes to Alexis Burns for baking over 90 large cookies. Con-
sidering it takes cup of cookie dough per cookie, the time and amount of ingredients used was ex-
tensive. Thanks also to Kathy P for making the cutest catnip mice toys and doggie bags, Phil for the
cute Christmas tree ornaments and Deb for the gourd bird houses and painted gourds. I am very dis-
appointed to say that we were forced to cancel the 2
weekend in McGregor due to lack of volunteers
for Saturday. We needed one person to help Randi K., but no one was available. We will forfeit the
$75 in booth fees as well as the loss of between $600 - $1000 expected income for both days. Profit at
Shihatas after all expenses is $436.00. Profit from McGregor for one day was $513.00. We will need
to deduct $75 fee so net profit is $438.

Pampering For Pets Ashley Christensen of Mistified LLC spon-
sored Pampering for Pets once again this fall. By donating 40% of her
services from Sept. 12
Sept. 20
, Ashley donated almost $400 to
RABAS. A press release with a picture will soon be in the local papers.
Thank you, Ashley for your generous donation!

6 rabas rabas rabas rabas / october 2014
Other news
Rivers & bluffs animal shelter Rivers & bluffs animal shelter Rivers & bluffs animal shelter Rivers & bluffs animal shelter
Pounds Off People and Pets Community Dog Walk (POPP) continues, but with not many
participants. A fall walk on the island is a great outing for canines and their humans. With the
cold weather and shorter days, these walks will soon be over until spring. The group meets on
Tuesday evenings at 6 p.m. in the parking lot just east of the Villa Louis and north of the Sculp-
ture Park. Randy usually posts status of dog walk on our website
( or Facebook.
WAGS (Working with Animals to Gain Socialization) also known as Foster Dogs and
Prisoners has been postponed due to liability and the fact that CASAs insurance company will
not permit them to take their dogs into the prison. To say the least, those of us who have been
working on this over the last few months are very disappointed
Adoptions, Losses, People Looking for a New Pet, Pets in Need of a Forever Home
Donna H recently added a new Shih Tzu, named Zoey to her family. It would not be correct to say
that Donna rescued Zoey as she was well cared for and much loved in her previous home. But Zo-
eys former family realized that they did not have the time to devote to her that she deserved.
Donna had been keeping her eyes and ears open for the possibility of a Shih Tzu in need of a new
home. When she learned of Zoey, she jumped at the chance to give Sadie and Molly a sister.
Our sympathy goes out to George and Mary Tilley of Richland Center who lost their beloved
Schnauzer, Mitzi earlier this summer. I know how much she is missed by George and Mary.
Our sympathy also goes out to Phil Dwornik who lost his good friend Cody a few weeks ago.
Congratulations to Dr. Jami and staff who have found homes for all the kittens born at Tender Care
this past August. The mother cat is still in need of a forever home.
Therapy Dog Teams Paula Gutzmer and Maggie continue their regular visits to Prairie Maison
and the hospital. Deb and Jaz drop in at Walter Schmidt for visits. Deb and Jaz will start visiting
Bluff View School on a weekly basis in November. My dogs and I will cover for Paula at the hospi-
tal twice in October. Hopefully in November the dogs and I will start visiting BA Kennedy School
on a regular basis as well as a visit to the Opportunity Center.

Rivers & bluffs animal shelter Rivers & bluffs animal shelter Rivers & bluffs animal shelter Rivers & bluffs animal shelter
River and Bluffs Animal Shelter Membership Form
Student - $5.00 ____ Sponsor - $75.00 _____
Individual - $25.00 ____ Patron - $150.00 _____
Family - $35.00 ____ Benefactor - $500.00
I would like to make a monthly pledge of : ________ per month for a total of
$_______ per year.

Email:____________________________________ Phone Number:______________________

Please mail membership form to: River and Bluffs Animal Shelter
PO Box 421, Prairie du Chien, WI 53821
october 2014 / rabas rabas rabas rabas 7
Other news
Needed: Your email address!
Please include your email address when
filling out your membership form. This
is a fast and inexpensive method of
Postage, paper, envelopes and printing
costs add up! Electronic mailing of the
newsletter saves RABAS big $$$$!
Membership renewals & donations
Dog Obedience Classes A late fall/early winter session may be held if there is any interest.
Tee Shirts/Sweat Shirts have been ordered and should be done in just a few days. This was a spe-
cial order for those who wanted sweatshirts or long sleeved tees. We do have tee shirts available for
sale in maroon and indigo blue.
Memberships New & Renewals
Kurt and Peggy Smith - Family
Gary & Kathy Koch - Family

Donations: Amazon Smile, Halpin Tire Prairie Pool Puppy Paddle Sponsor, Tony Bland Me-
morial, Kurt & Peggy Smith in memory of Tom Bowler, Mary Briel, Gary & Kathy Koch, Salem
United Methodist Church Sunday School in appreciation for Bev & therapy dogs visit, Audrey
Rymarz Memorial, Debbie & Dennis Leeser, June Burns, Brenda Wilson and Randy Kluesner in
memory of Tom Bowler

Rivers and bluffs animal shelter Rivers and bluffs animal shelter Rivers and bluffs animal shelter Rivers and bluffs animal shelter
Patron members
Amy & Michael Enlow
Laura Elsinger

Paula Gutzmer
Stephanie McCumber

Sponsor members
Marilu Bintz
Patricia Dillman
Lu DeGuzman
family members
Tom & Marjorie Bennett
Sharon Boylen
Jennifer Clements
Donna & Dale Cipra
Jill & Brian Cipra
Mike & Mary Jane Faas
Eric & Betty Frydenlund
Randi & Mike Kluesner
Mike & Julie Hazen
Gary & Kathy Koch
Jami & Ken Quick
Ron & Kathy Quamme
John & Judy Ryan
Brent Seamans Kurt & Peggy Smith
Cheryl Statz and Steven Tibbetts
Bill & Nancy Stuart
Bill & Marlene Ziemer
George & Mary Tilley
Steve & Lynda Welter Honorary
individual members
Tori Armstrong
June Burns
Alexis Burns
Deb Cross
Marilyn Crubaugh
Phil Dwornik
Dawn Eggers
Monthly pledge member Student members
Mollee Whyte, Seth Sanders
Kelly Fishler
Janis Hein
Joe Hunzeker
Kristen Helgerson Kriegl
Marty Leeman

Deb Luebker
Kim Pinkham
Merilee Pleggenkuhle
Bev Pozega
Rosemary Reese
Sue Rider

Don & Eileen Klatt
Randy & Kathy Paske
Mike & Shelly Rider

8 s ss sh hh he ee el ll lt tt te ee er rr r s ss sh hh ho oo or rr rt tt ts ss s / october 2014 8
Shirley Wegmuller
Sally Whitish
Brenda Wilson
Julie Whyte
Donna Heilmann
Bonnie& Denny Fuller
Sandy Kittle
Linda Munson
Bonnie Olson
Ron Stark
Joe and Kay Schmitz
Frank & Mary Weeks
Bob & Diane Witt

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