Eagle Point Tutorial

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Installation Instruction.
Open Project.
Surface Modeling.
Horizontal Alignment.
Vertical Alignment.
Cross Section.
Run Design.
Generate Reports and Output of Graphics.
Compatibility of Programs:
Eagle point is a sort of an Add-ons software of AutoCAD.
Select Eagle point version in accordance with the use of
AutoCAD. The selected version of Eagle point should be
compatible with AutoCAD version.
In this tutorial AutoCAD 2004 and Eagle point 2009 are used.
Goto Eagle Points software folder.
Open Setup.exe a window will appear.
Click on Install Local License (Single seat).
Click Next
Select AutoCAD version and its location or path.
Click Next
Completing the Installation and click Finish
Open Eagle point (from Desktop shortcut or specified directory.
To insert the AutoCAD drawing click Create New Project
button as shown.
Select Eagle Point Project Click Next => a new window
appear shown below.
Project Description:
To make new project write project file name in this text field. Or
open the existing file click open box button and select the file from
Project Drawing:
To make new project you have to give path or Select
AutoCAD drawing in this text field.
Project settings:
Choose required Units from here.
Click on Finish button
Select Drawing and Click OK
Now your Drawing is attached with Eagle point and will be
open automatically in AutoCAD.
It will beuseinmakingVertical profileof GeometricDesign.
It will beuseinextractingof crosssectiondata.
Draw a boundary from poly line command around terrain.
Shut off all the layers except layers of contours & boundary.
Now in Eagle Point. Go to
Product menu & select
Surface Modeling.
A new window of surface
modeling will be appear.
Now go to prepare menu => select Manage Surface
Model => click New Surface Model
New window will appear, in this window you have to give
description of surface modeling according to your
requirements or use default configurations.
Click OK & Close Manage surface model windows.
The picture shown in next slide.
Now go to Triangulate menu => Select Surface Model
from Contours.
Select Surface Model as previously define.
In Boundary drop box select Select
Apply all checks which is required as shown in picture.
Note: check if required User External Point File(s) .
Click on Apply button.
After clicking Apply button, the AutoCAD window will
automatically maximize.
select the all contours line carefully ( not boundary line
included), & Press Enter.
select the boundary line and press Enter.
The following windows will appear which shown.
Click OK to continue the process.
As the process is being done the Surface Modeling or
Triangulation will be appear in the AutoCAD drawing.
Close Triangulate Surface Model from contours and
Surface Modeling windows.
Before going to next step, turn off Triangulation (TIN) &
Boundary layer and Turn On the layer of Contours text.
Locatefeasiblepathof ROW.
DesignHorizontal line, curves/spirals.
Right of Way
In AutoCAD drawing select poly line and draw a line which
shows the centerline of road, from beginning to end.
While drawing a path carefully study the contours and select
most feasible path which give minimum horizontal or vertical
curves or cuts & fills.
Now Goto File menu => New => Select RoadCalc New
project click Next.
Give description and click Next then click Finish.
A new window will appear to open RoadCalc .
Select Roadcalc and click OK
A window of RoadCalc appear
Goto Alignment menu => select Convert Objects to
Select the center line and press Enter then select the beginning
point of center line
A new window will be appear
Select Alignment as Center line & click Apply button.
Center line will be align as shown (in red).
Goto Alignment menu=> select Edit Data
A new window appear shows the stations of PI of center line.
Click on curve data.
A new window shows the Horizontal Curve Data such as
Radius, Tangent, Length etc.
Click Horizontal Speed Tables.
Horizontal speed Tables provides option to create horizontal curves
according to AASHTO guidelines.
It also provides different speeds and according to that it gives the
Radius of the curve and other parameters including Superelevation
Select Design or required speed, radius and other parameter as
per requirement and click Create Curve button.
Select all PIs point and click OK.
Close horizontal speed tables.
The Horizontal Curve data may shows the overlapping of curves,
super elevation etc.
Remove overlapping errors by adjustment the parameters of curves
such as Radius, length of curve etc or super elevation data.
This is a trial and hit process to eliminate errors, it may
change the parameter or speed.
Close all windows except RoadCalc.
Now horizontal curves has been established.
To design ROW goto Alignment menu =>select Offset.
In Offset Alignment, select Centerline as Alignment to Offset.
Then give the Offset distance, it will be half of you ROW (for 3.6 m
ROW offset will be 1.8) and click Apply
A offset object is appear, it may ROW Right.
Again goto Offset Alignment, select Centerline as Alignment to
Offset. Then give the Offset distance, it will be -ve half of you
ROW (for 3.6 m ROW offset will be -1.8) and click Apply
A offset object is appear, it is ROW Left.
Close Offset Alignment window
The ROW and center line will be appear as shown.
Now goto Alignment => select Convert Objects to
Alignment=> select object (ROW Left from
AutoCAD)=>pick beginning point.
A new window of Convert Objects to Alignment will appear.
Select ROW Left as alignment then click Apply.
Do same process for ROW Right.
After completing this process, the ROWs will be appear in
Aqua blue color.
The Horizontal alignment is completed with this step.
Extract profile.
Vertical Profile
Vertical Curve
Goto RoadCalc => Profile menu=> select Extract profile
from surface model.
Select profile Name as Centerline
Select Surface Model as Surface1 ( as descript in surface
Click OK
Now AutoCAD drawing will be appear Select Centerline of
Road. And wait for processing
After completing the process the profile will show like shown
in picture. (Note: if profile dont appear, use command of
Zoom-Extent in AutoCAD i.e. z Enter e Enter.
To draw vertical alignment select polyline and draw on profile
in such manner that it will give minimum vertical curves and
cuts & fills or as per requirement.
Now again goto profile and select Convert Object to Profile
and then select the polyline which were drawn in previous
step. Press Enter then Click Next.
Select profile as Centerline then click Finish
Now vertical profile appear in red color as shown.
Goto Profile menu => select Edit Data.
The profile data such as PVI or VPI points, Stations,
elevations, Grade etc. are available in this window.
Click on Curve Data.
Vertical curve data will be appear. Click Vertical Speed
Vertical Speed Tables provides speeds and other data of
Vertical curves according to AASHTO guidelines.
Select Design speed and click on Create Vertical Curve.
Select all VPIs points and click OK
Close Vertical Speed Tables.
Adjust Vertical profile curves like done it on Horizontal
curves (if required).
Close all windows except RoadCalc.
Now Vertical Profile will be appear.
This the completion of Vertical Alignment.
Extract CrossSection
Typical CrossSection
Goto Cross section menu= > select Manage Surface.
Goto Design tab=> click New Surface.
Give name of surfaces and type Normal.
Create following surface.
Pavement Surface
Dummy (extra surface, it will not use in defining).
Close Manage Surface window
Goto Cross Section menu=> select Extract Cross Section
Give Begin Station and End Station and other Options such
as Stationing interval.
Click OK
Check Extract of
Give Corridor Edges
Marks Stations, it gives the
require station for extraction.
(marked all stations).
Click OK it will create
cross section information
(cuts & fills).
Goto Cross Section=> select Edit Cross Section
Data. It will shows the Cross section data or extracted
Close this window.
Goto typical Cross Section => Select Manage Typical
Section=> click New Typical Section
Give name and Description and click OK
Now goto Typical Section=> select Construction Typical
Section. A new window will appear.
Select Typical section which defined in previous step and
click on Precision Input
In AutoCAD a new file appear. Here you have to draw a cross
section of Highway Road. It will be done by draw section on
AutoCAD or by using Precision Input Commands.
By using Precision Input Commands, 1
select a Starting
point by clicking this button.
Click on Intersection point of Cross lines on AutoCAD
drawing, and press enter.
Now have to construct cross section by Precision Inputs.
The commands have to put here.
These are the commands available to construct the typical
section. Type the command on the second line and hit the
Enter key. The window will ask you for the information
needed based on the command. Keep using the Enter key, do
not close this window. The typical section has to be created in
a continuous way beginning at the crosshair point on the
drawing. You have to draw only half of the section.
RoadCalc can create a mirror image for the other side.
Option Type Function
Absxy A This allows you to placethebreakpoint usingthevalues for an AbsoluteX and AbsoluteY, referenced to
dXdY XY This allows you to place the breakpoint using the values for a Delta X and a Delta Y fromthe last
dXS XS Thisallowsyoutoplacethebreakpointusingthevaluesfor aDeltaX and%Slope.
dXH XH Thisallowsyoutoplacethebreakpointusingthevaluesfor aDeltaX andH/V Slope.
dXV XV Thisallowsyoutoplacethebreakpointusingthevaluesfor aDeltaX andV/H Slope.
dYS YS Thisallowsyoutoplacethebreakpointusingthevaluesfor aDeltaY and%Slope.
dYH YH Thisallowsyoutoplacethebreakpointusingthevaluesfor aDeltaY andH/V Slope.
dYV YV Thisallowsyoutoplacethebreakpointusingthevaluesfor aDeltaY andV/H Slope.
Reset Pen R Thisstartstheprecisioninput commandover. Thiswill leavesegmentsthat havejust beendrawnandallow
youtostart fromadifferentbreakpoint.
Undo U This removes theprevious segment addedandpositions thecursor ontheprevious breakpoint. This option
isonlyavailableafter asegment hasbeenplaced. It isnot availableinthemiddleof drawingasegment.
eXit X This stops theprecisioninput command. Only availableafter asegment has beenplaced. Not availablein
themiddleof drawingasegment.
PT Code Use
-6through-3 Thesecodes areusedtodenotethefour SuperelevationLimit points onadividedhighway typical
sectionthat followthesamerules asthe2PT Code. They producesubsurfacesuperelevationlike
the2PT Code.
0 Thisisusedtodenoteapoint onacross-sectionthat isnot assignedtoanyspecial properties.
1 This codeis usedto represent thepoint onthetypical sectionthat is controlledby theCenterline
Alignment andCenterlineProfile.
3and4 This codeis used to denotetheToe of Foreslopeand Toeof Cutslopeor whereaditch segment
begins and ends. It is used duringtheRun Design command when awidth controlled slopeor a
R.O.W. controlledslopeisprocessedor whentheFill Ditchestoggleison.
10 This code is used to denote the outside top of the shoulder. When this code exists, it tells
RoadCalc wheretocheck for rollover, if thisoptionhasbeenspecifiedbytheuser.
1000and1001 Thesecodesrepresent theleft andright catchpoints(or daylight points) respectively.
Example, to draw the following cross-section:
2-lane undivided highway
3.6 m lanes, 2% crown
3 m paved shoulder, 4% slope
1.5 m foreslope, H/V: 3/1
0.5 m ditch
Start by clicking the moving crosshair to identify the starting point
of the typical section on the drawing, type 1 for the PT code and hit
Enter key. This code will establish the centerline of the alignment.
For the next point, type dXS and hit Enter, type 3.6 and hit Enter,
type -2 and hit Enter, type 6 and hit Enter. This will draw a line
3.6m wide with a -2% slope. The code will identify the end point
as the end of the pavement.
For the next point, type dXS and hit Enter, type 3 and hit Enter, type
-4 and hit Enter, type 10 and hit Enter. This will draw a line 3.0 m
wide with a -4% slope. The code will identify the end point as the
end of the shoulder.
For the next point, type dXH and hit Enter, type 1.5 and hit Enter,
type -1/3 and hit Enter, type 3 and hit Enter. This will draw a line
1.5 m wide with a 1/3 down slope. The code will identify the end
point as the left side of the ditch.
For the next point, type dXdY and hit Enter, type 0.5 and hit Enter,
type 0 and hit Enter, type 4 and hit Enter. This will draw a line 0.5
m wide with no slope. The code will identify the end point as the
right side of the ditch.
For the next point, type dXH and hit Enter, type 1.5 and hit Enter,
type 1/3 and hit Enter, type 0 and hit Enter. This will draw a line
1.5 m wide with a 1/3 down slope.
For the next point, type dXdY and hit Enter, type 0.5 and hit Enter,
type 0 and hit Enter, type 4 and hit Enter. This will draw a line 0.5
m wide with no slope. The code will identify the end point as the
toe of the cut slope.
To draw the pavement, reset the start point by typing Reset pen and
hitting Enter. You can draw in AutoCAD a line that is 0.7 m in
length to identify the new start point. Remember to erase it later.
Click on the moving crosshair to select the end of this new line as
the depth of the pavement.
For the next point, type dXS and hit Enter, type 3.6 and hit
Enter, type -2 and hit Enter, type 0 and hit Enter. This will
draw a line 3.6m wide with a -2% slope that will represent the
bottom of the pavement layer.
For the next point, type dXS and hit Enter, type 3 and hit
Enter, type -4 and hit Enter, type 0 and hit Enter. This will
draw a line 3.0 m wide with a -4% slope.
For the next point, type dXdY and hit Enter, type 0 and hit
Enter, type 0.7 and hit Enter, type 0 and hit Enter. This will
draw a line 0.7 m vertical line. Make sure the line close the
pavement area. The left side of the pavement area should be
open to reflect that it continues to the right side.
After completing these steps Mirror the Typical Section
Right to Left by clicking this button.
Now the Graphics of Cross section will be shown like below.
Click Define Typical Section
A new window will appear
Select particular layer such as Sub-
Surface and click Define button.
After clicking Define button the
AutoCAD drawing will appear Click
within close boundary of particular
layer which have to define. Such as
sub-base in this e.g.
Define all the layers of Pavement and Click OK to save the
settings. And close Typical Cross Section window.
The AutoCAD drawing will be appear as shown.
Edit DesignLocations.
Now goto Process=> select Manage Condition Table
Click New condition Table.
Name the condition table and click OK
Close the Manage Condition Table
Again goto Process =>Select Edit Design Location
A new window will appear. Click New Typical Section
Field Station such as 0+00, Typical Section=>TS ( as
Transition Type=>Do not Transition to next Station
Click OK
Now click New Condition
Table Location
In New Condition Table
Location give station 0+00
Select Condition Table
Click OK
Close Edit Design Locations
Now goto Process =>Select Run
Mention Starting Station
Use Method=> Step Through
Click on Run button.
After completing the
process the Cross
section and cuts and
fills shown at
different locations or
By clicking View
Section get
different sections of
different station.
Close the windows of Cross Sections.
This is the completion of Run design of the project.
Plan& Profilesheets.
To generate reports of Alignment, Cross Section & Profile,
goto respective menus and select Generate Report option
and print it.
Goto Output menu=> one can get
Cross-Section sheets, Plan and Profile
sheets, Mass Diagram sheets & other
Goto Output menu=>Select
Cross-Section Sheets
Click on New Cross Section Sheets.
Check Starting and Ending Stations
and click OK
After processing number of sheets
generate which shows the Cross
Close Cross section sheets window.
Goto Output menu=> Select
Plan & Profile sheets
Check or modify sheet settings
according to requirement.
Click New Plan and Profile.
Give Starting and Ending Stations
and Click OK
The number of sheets will be
Click View Graphics option,
one can view the Plan and
Profile sheets at different ranges
of stations.
Close Plan and Profile Sheets
The Graphics will be appear as
Goto Output menu=>Select Mass
Diagram Sheets
Check or Modify Sheet Settings.
Click New Mass Diagram Sheets
Give Starting and Ending Stations
and Click OK
After processing the Mass Diagram
will be appear on AutoCAD.
Close Mass Diagram Sheets
The Mass Diagram will be appear
as shown.
Goto Output menu=> Select Volumes
It will give the cuts & fills area, volume and other
information's about original surface soil and Pavements.
It is a very important option in EGPT.
It is provided in every menu of RoadCalc i.e. Alignment,
Cross Section & Profile.
It will compare the Data and the Graphics compatibility
during working, if any alter in graphics happen, one can
update graphics or data.
One can intentionally alter or set the graphics on AutoCAD
and update Data on EGPT.
Synchronize Graphics & Data Option.
View Graphics is also an option
provide in every menu, to view the
particular graphics of Alignment,
Cross Section, Profile etc.

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