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Parklands Community Primary School

Home School Agreement

Parklands Community Primary School offers equal
opportunities for all pupils whatever their age, gender, ethnicity,
attainment and background to develop to the full their personal,
intellectual and practical capabilities.

This involves a partnership between parents, staff, pupils and
governors. We value the support that families provide for their
children and the school.

The school provides a happy, caring and purposeful
atmosphere where children are encouraged to be
independent and develop their natural talents and abilities.
We have high standards of behaviour based on respect for

We are committed to safeguarding and promoting the
welfare of all children in our school. All adults working in school
have been subject to appropriate checks to ensure that pupils
are safe.

What do we want the pupils of Parklands to leave our school with?
The best possible literacy and mathematical skills to prepare them for the
world beyond.
Good manners and respect show respect for themselves, respect for others
and their property, demonstrating compassion and tolerance for those around
An awareness of the risks they may face in the world beyond. An
understanding of how to keep themselves safe, including when using
information and communication technology.
Experience of taking responsibility and making a positive contribution in their
own community demonstrating the skills to be a responsible citizen, including
financial and personal management.
Ambition and aspiration self-awareness and the motivation to strive to be
the best they can be, showing a willingness to take risks and resilience to
keep on going despite obstacles they may face.
Positive independent learning skills and self-motivation adaptability and
flexibility to solve problems; determination; curiosity and commitment.
An honest sense of right and wrong, empathy and accountability for their own
Pride in themselves, their achievements, their community, their aspirations
and talents.

To achieve this, the school will:
Provide your child with a high standard of education to help them
to make progress in their learning.
Ensure that classrooms are stimulating and challenging.
Celebrate your childs achievements.
Care for your childs safety and wellbeing.
Regularly meet with you to discuss your childs progress,
achievement and targets.
Provide information to you about our school, including relevant
policies, meetings, activities, workshops and events.
Set appropriate homework which supports your childs in
developing or applying the skills they have been taught.
Ensure that children are able to learn in a calm and safe
environment by encouraging all children to show friendship and
respect for others and follow the school rules.
To support the school in achieving its aims, parents/carers will:
Ensure that children have a good attendance record and arrive
Encourage children to behave well and follow the school rules.
Keep school informed of any problems which may affect a childs
health, work or behaviour.
Check that children come to school prepared with equipment such
as PE kit when needed.
Discuss any issues or concerns with relevant school staff as soon
as they arise so that appropriate action can be agreed and any
issues resolved quickly.
Encourage children to keep on top of homework and other tasks.
To ensure that all children do their best at Parklands, pupils will:
Respect other childrens culture, race, feelings and beliefs.
Behave in a safe and sensible way and look after school property.
Work hard and be resilient to try to achieve targets, completing
homework and bringing it to school on time.
Bring into school everything that is needed for the day (PE Kit /
Homework / Reading book).
Ask for help from an adult in school when it is needed.
Show kindness and take responsibility for what they do and say.
Use the internet safely and responsibly.

Parent: .

Pupil: .

School: .
October 2014

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