Recruiter Conversation

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Recruiter: Hello, Is this Nalinikanth?

Nalinikanth: Yes, who is on the line.

Recruiter: Hi nalinikanth, This is Rajinikanth, is this right time to call you?
Nalinikanth: Yes, tell me.
Recruiter: Thank you, I am calling from Novo software solutions regarding
jo o!!ortunity.
Nalinikanth: Regarding which com!any?
Recruiter: This o!!ortunity for "i!ro, #ochi as a $%I&& develo!er. "e got
your !ro'le. How much years of e(!erience you have?
Nalinikanth: I have around )* years of e(!erience. +$r, ).- years of
Recruiter: "hat is your relevant e(!erience?
Nalinikanth: .ame, ).-yeras
Recruiter: currently where are you working?.
Nalinikanth: currently I am working for Infosys angalore.
Recruiter: R u willing to Re allocate?
Nalinikanth: Yes.
Recruiter: /re you working as a !ermanent or contract em!loyee.
Nalinikanth: I am !ermanent to the .ahitya Technologies 0vt 1td, and I
de!loyed into Infosys.
Recruiter: 2ould you !lease tell me the .ahitya Technologies /ddress.
Nalinikanth: .ahitya Technologies located in Hyderaad.
Recruiter: Nalinikanth, why do you want to change 3$%?
Nalinikanth: 0resently I am working as a contract asis, I am looking for
!ermanent em!loyee.
4or my !rofessional growth.
0resently I am working for same domains5 I want to work on di6erent
7y rother is working in infosys in anglore so I want to relocate to anglore
to live with my rother.
I want to e(!lore into di6erent location efore I get married.
7y huy or wife is working in hyderaad.she was unale to get locate to
%anglore so I want to get relocate to Hyderaad.
Recruiter: what8s your 9uali'cation?
Nalinikanth: %.Tech 2.&.
Recruiter: 2ould you !lease tell me your o:cial email id?
Nalinikanth: .orry, Rajinikanth. /t this short !eriod I don8t want to disclose
my email id, I will tell you later.
I don8t want to e(!lore my email id ecause it is totally o:cial to me.
Recruiter: what is the notice !eriod?
Nalinikanth: ;< =ays.
Recruiter: will you join within >) days.
Nalinikanth: Yes, If you com!lete this !rocess within this week, surely I can
join. %ecause my !roject also ending in this week.
Recruiter: "hat is your 2T2 now.
Nalinikanth: ).-10/
Recruiter: How much you are e(!ecting?
Nalinikanth: ;<? hike, means @.) 10/.
Recruiter: will you come for the face to face interview tomorrow?
Nalinikanth: I can come for the face to face interview, ut that is not
!ossile in the week days. 2ould you !lease arrange on weekends only.
$k I can come for 4A4 interview ut I am !laning to going to my home town
y tomoro morning. If not I will come surely.
Recruiter: #, 2ould you !lease come on sky!e at least.
Nalinikanth: .ky!e is ok for me, ut I have to check my availaility and I
will inform you.
Recruiter: k Nalinikanth, Nice talking with you. %ye
Nalinikanth: k Thanks you ye.
Some persons asks like this questions:
Recruiter: "hat8s your current 0roject?
Nalinikanth: 7y current !roject is Cnity %anking
Recruiter: who is your client.
Nalinikanth: my client is Cnity ank, C..
Recruiter: could you !lease tell me aout your !roject?
Nalinikanth: e(!lain aout your !roject orally.
Recruiter: "hat is =ashord+ /ny technical Duestion,
Nalinikanth: =o you know the $%I&&.
Recruiter: I don8t know.
Nalinikanth: so, y you are asking aout $%I&&. 3ust conduct interview, then
I will tell the answers.
If you are busy at that time:
Nalinikanth: sorry, right now I am usy, could you !lease call me after
some time+your availaility time,
Nalinikanth: sorry, right now I am usy. 2ould you !lease send 3=+ 3o
=escri!tion, to my mail id. I will follow u! with you.
If you got calls from 7N28s
1ike "i!ro, Infosys, 7ahindra satyam, I%7, 2T., T2., /ccenture
.im!ly tell to them
Right now I am usy, could you !lease call me after some time. $r Not

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