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Key Ideas

The Power Zone!

CP nC... here l am agaln referrlng Lo Sean Caln! Maybe l am
more of a fan LhaL l choose Lo admlL. 1haL llule green book,
1he lundamenLal 3, acLually alnL half bad! Well now, back Lo
Lhe polnL. ChapLer four ls all abouL Lhe ower Zone" ! l
know Lhls may seem llke a very personal declslon, buL l
encourage your Lo reconslder! So oen we Leachers nd
ourselves ued Lo Lhe fronL of Lhe room, or aL our desks. (l
mean l know you all have llke hours ln Lhe day Lo [usL slL aL
your desk and surf Lhe neL or compleLe all LhaL paperwork!
8lghL?) l know LhaL documenL cameras are llke one of Lhe
greaLesL lnvenuons slnce sllced bread, buL are Lhey really
helplng or hurung. Caln says LhaL Lhe mosL eecuve Leachers
Lake advanLage of Lhe power zone". 1hey place Lhemselves
ln close proxlmlLy Lo one sLudenL, small groups of sLudenLs
and /or Lhe whole class." lL makes sense Lo me LhaL a
Leacher on Lhe move" wlll know more abouL her sLudenLs,
Lhelr undersLandlng of Lhe learnlng, and Lhelr behavlor lf, he
or she lsn'L sLuck up aL Lhe fronL ln lecLure posluon. ?es, yes,
l hear your groans already! ?ou may be Lhlnklng, 8uL l really
do make wlse use of Lhe documenL camera. l lnvolve
sLudenLs even when l am up aL Lhe fronL!" l have no doubL
LhaL many of your are eecuve from Lhe fronL, however Lhls
shouldn'L be your prlmary locauon for lnsLrucuon. Caln even
goes so far as Lo say we should be wllllng Lo sacrlce
furnlLure and dlsLracuons, so LhaL our seaung arrangemenL
allows for easy Leacher roamlng! ?lkes, l am preuy parual Lo
some of my chalrs and bookshelves. :-) Any how... Lhese are
[usL my LhoughLs, Lake Lhem as you wlll. l am passlonaLe
abouL sLudenL engagemenL, andl knCW LhaL Lhe more
acuve l am ln Lhe classroom, Lhe more l see and geL Lo know
whaL my sLudenLs A8L or A8L nC1 dolng/undersLandlng!
A Word about VOCABULARY...
As I was reading some curriculum! I noticed that parts
of speech were mentioned in the vocabulary lessons!
When we are teaching kids to look "in# the word to
identify parts that help with meaning! it is also
important to have them consider how the word is being
used$ Knowing if the word is functioning as a noun!
verb or some kind of describing word! is imperative to
understanding meaning$ When students can do this!
context and comprehension take on a whole new life$
Of course! this is no easy task! Maybe! however! it%s just
one more way that we can help our ELLs &and others'
make sense of this crazy beautiful language we call
FOCUS For the week of Oct. 13th to Oct. 17th
The Language & Learning Post
Weekly News, Tips and information for the classroom teacher of English Language Learners!
Idiom/Figurative Language of the week:
Thanksgiving isnt too far away, and I cant wait to eat some
great food. The only problem is my eyes are always bigger
than my stomach! I always seem to fill my plate with more
food than I can eat. I get half way done, and I am STUFFED!
by, Alissa Tubbs
ESL Teacher at Lawrence
kinder First Second Third Fourth Fifth Sixth
We will use and
reuse basic
vocabulary in
meaningful ways.
We will use graphic
organizors to show
the main idea or
what our reading
was about.
We will
understanding of
English by
explaining topic,
main idea, and
We will
understanding of
English by
summarizing key
events in the text.
We will
understanding of
English by making
inferences that are
supported by the
We will analyze text
to determine what
the point of view is,
why the author
chose that point of
view, and other
character choices
made by the author.
We will analyze text
to determine what
the point of view is,
why the author
chose that point of
view, and other
character choices
made by the author.
I will speak in
sentences to
explain things we
do in the classroom
for reading and
I will create a chart
to compare parts of
the text.
l wlll Lell a parLner how l
know Lhe Loplc of Lhe
LexL and make an
lnference abouL whaL
Lhe auLhor Lhlnks ls Lhe
mosL lmporLanL ldea ln
Lhe LexL.
I will retell/
summarize events
in the text.
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Speaking of being a teacher on the move and using the power
zone... Here ae two videos about the benefits of the Promethean
Activslate! If you have one of these in your roo, click below to see how
to get started using it!

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