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Molecular basis of lithium action: integration of

lithium-responsive signaling and gene expression
RH Lenox and Le Wang
Molecular Neuropsychopharmacology Program, Department of Psychiatry, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine,
Philadelphia, PA, USA
The clinical efficacy of lithium in the prophylaxis of recurrent affective episodes in bipolar
disorder is characterized by a lag in onset and remains for weeks to months after
discontinuation. Thus, the long-term therapeutic effect of lithium likely requires reprogram-
ming of gene expression. Protein kinase C and glycogen synthase kinase-3 signal
transduction pathways are perturbed by chronic lithium at therapeutically relevant concentra-
tions and have been implicated in modulating synaptic function in nerve terminals. These
signaling pathways offer an opportunity to model critical signals for altering gene expression
programs that underlie adaptive responses of neurons to long-term lithium exposure. While
the precise physiological events critical for the clinical efficacy of lithium remain unknown, we
propose that linking lithium-responsive genes as a regulatory network will provide a strategy
to identify signature gene expression patterns that distinguish between therapeutic and
nontherapeutic actions of lithium.
Molecular Psychiatry (2003) 8, 135144. doi:10.1038/
Keywords: lithium; gene; protein kinase C (PKC); glycogen synthase-3 (GSK-3); myristoylated
alanine-rich C-kinase sustrate (MARCKS)
Lithium (Li

) has been the standard pharmacological

treatment for bipolar disorder (BPD) (manic-depres-
sive illness) over the last 50 years (see reviews:
Goodwin and Ghaemi,
Lenox and Manji,
and Lenox
and Hahn
). Dysregulation of the balance of activation
of signaling pathways in critical brain regions such as
limbic and associated cortical/subcortical areas may
underlie the often-wild oscillations in the behavioral
states of mania and depression in patients genetically
predisposed to BPD.
Furthermore, it is thought that
once the disease has been triggered and clinically
manifest in the absence of treatment, long-term
compensatory changes in the central nervous system
set the stage for more frequent and severe affective
episodes over time.
The clinical efficacy of lithium
in preventing recurrent affective episodes requires a
lag period for onset and is reversed upon disconti-
nuation of treatment only after weeks or months.
virtue of its prophylactic properties, lithium is
thought to target the underlying pathophysiology
of the disease, yet the precise molecular mechanism
for this therapeutic action remains elusive. Evi-
dence from both in vitro and in vivo studies has
demonstrated that lithium exerts multiple effects on
neurotransmitter/receptor-mediated signaling, ion
transport, signal transduction cascades, hormonal
and circadian regulation, and profoundly alters gene
expression patterns (see reviews Lenox and Hahn,
Lenox et al,
Manji and Lenox,
Williams and
and Manji and Lenox
). Intense interest
has been focused upon phosphoinositide (PI) meta-
bolism and glycogen synthase kinase-3 (GSK-3)-
mediated signal transduction that are perturbed by
chronic lithium at therapeutically relevant concentra-
Lithium acting through these pathways is
thought to provide initial signals that could elicit
extensive reprogramming of gene expression, a para-
digm necessary for the long-term therapeutic effect of
lithium treatment.
Furthermore, since the activity of
a given gene is likely regulated by a chain of proteins
encoded by other genes, a signature gene network
may be used to better represent the reprogrammed
lithium-responsive gene response. Identifying such a
lithium-responsive gene network in brain would
allow us to distinguish between subsets of genes
underlying therapeutic and nontherapeutic actions of
lithium. In this article, we discuss the rationale for
using a well-defined neurobiologically and pharma-
cologically relevant target to identify a lithium-
responsive element and critical transcription factor(s)
that may ultimately define a network of genes
Received 3 July 2002; revised 23 October 2002; accepted 28
October 2002
Correspondence: Dr RH Lenox, Mailstop: BWL-103A, CNS Drug
Discovery Program, Aventis Pharmaceuticals, Route 202-206
North, Bridgewater, NJ 08807, USA.
Molecular Psychiatry (2003) 8, 135144
& 2003 Nature Publishing Group All rights reserved 1359-4184/03 $25.00
implicated in mood stabilization for the treatment of
bipolar disorder.
Lithium and phosphoinositide/protein kinase C
signaling pathway
Lithium has been shown to be an inhibitor of a
number of structurally similar magnesium-dependent
phosphomonoesterases at K
values within the
therapeutically relevant range of concentrations
(0.81.2 mM).
It was recognized over two decades
ago that lithium is a potent inhibitor of the intracel-
lular enzyme, inositol monophosphatase (IMPase)
0.8 mM), which converts inositol monopho-
sphate to inositol.
Biochemical and Genetic
studies subsequently identified the upstream inositol
polyphosphatase as an additional target for
Thus, receptor G-protein-coupled PI
hydrolysis has been extensively investigated as a site
for the action of lithium as a mood stabilizer (see
review Manji and Lenox;
see Figure 1). Furthermore,
since there is evidence that the mode of enzyme
inhibition of IMPase is uncompetitive, the preferen-
tial site of action for lithium was proposed to be the
most overactive receptor-mediated neuronal path-
ways undergoing the highest rate of phosphatidyl
(4,5) bisphosphate (PIP
) hydrolysis.
While it was
posited that lithium produces its therapeutic effects
via a consequent reduction in relative concentrations
of myo-inositol and PIP
concentrations, data-driven
support for this hypothesis has been highly depen-
dent upon the cell and animal models under
Much of this inconsistency may
be related to the relatively small size of the signal-
Figure 1 Lithium-responsive signal transduction pathways focused on PI/PKC and GSK-3 signaling. Lithium directly
inhibits the enzyme inositol monophosphate phosphatase (IMPase; K
E0.8 mM). Binding of ligands to G-protein-coupled
receptors (GPCRs) activates PLC and causes hydrolysis of PIP
to inositol-1,4,5 trisphosphate (IP
) and DAG. IP
release from cellular store, and DAG activates DAG-dependent protein kinase C (PKC). In the presence of receptor
ligands, long-term inhibition of IMPase results in a depletion of myo-inositol (myo-I) and an accumulation of DAG followed
by a downregulation of PKC isozymes a and e. On the other hand, lithium is a potent inhibitor of glycogen synthase kinase-3b
(GSK-3b; K
E2 mM) leading to the stabilization of b-catenin, which enters the nucleus to activate LEF/TCF-dependent genes.
Lithium-responsive gene network is hypothetically proposed to be activated through PKC and GSK-3 signaling pathways and
their crosstalk at therapeutically relevant concentrations. Abbreviations: A, receptor agoinst; Akt/PKB, a serine/threonine
kinase; APC, adenomatous polyposis protein; axin, a homolog of Drosophila product of the fused locus; CMP-PA, cytidine
monophosphate-phosphatidate; DAG, diacylglycerol; Dsh, dishevelled; G, G protein; GBP, GSK-3 binding protein; GSK-3,
glycogen synthase kinase-3; IP3, inositol-1,4,5-trisphosphate; LEF/TCF, LEF(lymphoid enhancer element)/TCF(T cell factor-
1) family transcription factors; LRE, lithium-responsive promoter element; MUNC, a synaptic protein that contains DAG
binding domain; PI, phosphatidylinositol; PIP
, phosphatidylinositol 4,5 bisphosphate; PP2A, protein phosphatase 2A; PLC,
phospholipase C; Wnt, a secreted glycoprotein ligand for Wnt/b-catenin signaling pathway.
Molecular basis of lithium action
RH Lenox and Le Wang
Molecular Psychiatry
dependent pools of myo-inositol and PIP
, as well as
the fact that the lithium-induced reduction of myo-
inositol appears to be dependent upon multiple
factors including cell-type and tonic activity of the
receptor-coupled PI signaling pathway.
It is of
interest in this regard that a significant lithium-
induced reduction in myo-inositol levels in the right
frontal lobe has been observed in bipolar patients
prior to clinical response using proton magnetic
resonance spectroscopy.
However, these and other
data suggest that while inhibition of IMPase may
represent an initial effect of lithium, reducing myo-
inositol levels may be more critical to the specificity
of the cellular site of action for lithium than its long-
term therapeutic efficacy (see review, Lenox and
Such data in turn supported the hypothesis that
short-term lithium exposure in selective neuronal
populations in brain undergoing heightened activa-
tion would result in diacylglycerol (DAG)-mediated
activation of protein kinase C (PKC), subsequent
downregulation of PKC isozymes, and long-term
downstream changes in brain.
PKC isozymes have
been implicated in the regulation of neurotransmitter
release, neuronal excitability, and long-term changes
in PKC-regulated protein function, neuroplasticity,
and gene expression. PKC activity is tightly regulated
by virtue of not only the distinct distribution of its
family of isozymes, but its required translocation to
the membrane associated with phosphorylation and
binding to a receptor for activated C-kinase (RACK)
proteins, and ultimate autocatalysis upon prolonged
activation. Several laboratories including our own
have demonstrated that short-term lithium treatment
activates PKC, and long-term lithium treatment down-
regulates PKC isozymes in a PI-signaling-dependent
manner in brain.
Studies of chronic lithium (1mM)
exposure in both in vivo and in vitro models from our
laboratory and others have demonstrated a reduction
in PKC isozymes a and e in rat subiculum and in CA1
regions of the hippocampus, which has been repli-
cated in immortalized hippocampal cell model
Furthermore, administration of myo-
inositol to rats has been reported to reverse the
downregulation of PKCe in brain following chronic
lithium. These studies have led to investigations
examining PKC regulation in man (see reviews, Manji
and Lenox,
Jope and Song,
Wang et al,
et al
). Recent studies using human post-mortem
brain homogenates revealed an increased association
of the receptor for activated C kinase-1 (RACK1) with
PKC isozymes in frontal cortex of subjects with BPD,
suggesting that interactions between these proteins
may be also altered in bipolar disease.
In addition,
there is intriguing evidence that tamoxifen, a drug
known to inhibit PKC in vitro, was effective in an
initial clinical study of acutely manic patients with
Thus, it appears that chronic lithium-depen-
dent modulation of receptor-coupled PIPKC signal-
ing pathways may contribute to the long-term action
of lithium in the brain.
Lithium and Wnt signaling pathway
Glycogen synthase kinase 3b (GSK-3b) is a serine/
threonine kinase that is constitutively active in cells
and negatively regulates its substrates, one of which is
b-catenin, a downstream effector of the Wnt signaling
pathway controlling dorsalventral axis specification
and cell fate determination in various organisms
including Dictyostelium, sea urchins, zebrafish, and
GSK-3 activity is regulated through multi-
ple proteins in a complex (Figure 1), where GSK-3 is
activated in the presence of axin, adenomatous
polyposis coli (APC), dishelveled (Dsh) and pro-
motes phosphorylation of b-catenin for ubiquitin
proteosome-mediated degradation.
On the contrary,
GSK-3 binding protein (GBP), which is required
for axis formation in Xenopus, could join the comp-
lex to inhibit GSK-3 activity, in part, by preventing
axin from binding GSK-3.
When b-catenin
accumulates in cytoplasm, it translocates into nu-
cleus and activates T-cell factor (TCF) and lymphoid
enhancer element (LEF)-dependent gene transcrip-
tion, through which the Wnt pathway controls
numerous developmental processes. The full reper-
toire of the genes containing LEF/TCF responsive
elements in their promoters has not been defined.
Patterning genes Ultrabithorax in Drosophila, sia-
mois, and nodal-related gene-3 in Xenopus,
man genes c-myc and cyclin D1,
and connexin43
and E-cadherin
represent major LEF/TCF-respon-
sive genes discovered to date. Other possible
targets of GSK-3 may include AP-1, CREB, NF-kB,
heat shock protein 1, and CCAAT/enhancer
binding proteins.
LEF1 was recently found to be
critical to the generation of dentate gyrus granule
cells and the development of the hippocampus in
In addition, GSK-3 could phosphorylate
NF-AT, facilitating its export from the nucleus,
and thus antagonizing NF-AT-dependent gene tran-
Lithium mimics Wnt signals by inhibition of GSK-3
both in vitro and in vivo. This suggests that the often-
observed developmental effects of lithium, which
could not be explained by inhibition of IMPase, may
be in fact a result of inhibition of GSK-3b.
acid also inhibits GSK-3,
but its control over the
b-catenin stability differs from lithium. While lithium
stabilizes b-catenin via inhibition of GSK-3, VPA-
induced b-catenin accumulation is through increased
expression of b-catenin rather than stabilization of
the protein.
GSK-3 has also been implicated in
synaptic function. For example, GSK-3b inhibition
induces the synapsin I clustering in the formation of
synapses and neurotransmitter release.
In addition,
GSK-mediated phosphorylation of MAP-B and tau
proteins regulate microtubule assembly and stabiliza-
tion at synapses.
Clinical studies have demon-
strated that specific GSK-3 inhibitors mimic the
therapeutic action of mood stabilizers and might
therefore be plausible drugs in treating bipolar
Molecular basis of lithium action
RH Lenox and Le Wang
Molecular Psychiatry
Crosstalk between PKC and GSK-3b signaling
Certain PKC isoforms have been shown to phosphor-
ylate and inactivate GSK-3b in vitro.
However, Wnt-
induced b-catenin accumulation is only partially
inhibited in vivo by PKC inhibitors and by chronic
treatment of cells with phorbol ester.
This sug-
gests that Wnt/b-catenin pathway may comprise two
components, one is mimicked by lithium and the
other involves PKC. Further studies demonstrated
that some PKC isoforms (TPA-sensitive) are involved
in the Wnt-induced GSK-3b inactivation, whereas
others (atypical PKC) contribute to b-catenin degrada-
On the other hand, certain Wnt and Frizzled
homologs have been reported to regulate PKC differ-
entially; i.e. some stimulate PKC but have no effect on
expression of b-catenin target genes, while others,
capable of activating b-catenin target genes, do not
activate PKC.
New data also establish that Frizzleds
are bonafide G-protein-coupled receptors.
example, Frizzled-1 couples via G-protein G
and G
to the b-cateninLEF-TCF pathway. Frizzled-2 cou-
ples via G
and G
to downstream effectors including
mobilization. In addition, the disheveled pro-
teins may also mediate phosphoinositol signal trans-
duction, leading to the activation of PKC.
Thus, the
mutual interaction between several components of
PKC and GSK-3 signaling pathways suggests a model
of crosstalk between the two pathways (Figure 1). In
view of the fact that the relative K
for lithium
inhibition of IMPase vs that for GSK-3b favors an
interaction of lithium in the PI/PKC signaling path-
way in brain, chronic lithium might interact with
GSK-3b in vivo by virtue of crosstalk at therapeuti-
cally relevant concentrations.
Lithium and synaptic function
While there is evidence for effects of lithium on the
expression of numbers of genes in brain, including
the DNA binding and transactivation of AP-1 tran-
scription factors
and both pro- and antiapoptotic
genes through the AKT/PKB signaling pathway,
for the purpose of this discussion we will focus upon
the long-term action of lithium in the brain that stems
from its interaction with the PI/PKC signaling path-
way. There is significant evidence that alterations in
downstream targets in this pathway have functional
consequences related to synaptic signaling in the
brain, which actually may be amplified through
crosstalk with GSK-3b signaling as noted above.
PKC isozymes have been implicated in neurotrans-
mitter release, and a number of synaptic proteins are
possible substrates for PKC. Phorbol ester (PMA) has
been shown to evoke synaptic potentiation (PESP) at
the nerve terminal by presynaptic PKC acting on the
release machinery.
Inhibition of protein kinase C at
the presynaptic terminal attenuates the phorbol ester-
induced synaptic potentiation (PESP), supporting a
role for PKC in synaptic potentiation.
chelating presynaptic Ca
does not significantly
affect PESP, indicating that only certain PKC isoforms
such as PKCe, whose activation does not require Ca
are important in mediating the neurotransmitter
release at nerve endings. In fact, chronic lithium-
facilitated neurotransmitter release has been linked to
the isoform-specific decrease in PKC a and e in the
absence of significant alterations in other PKC iso-
Synaptic transmission is regulated by two
mechanisms: an increase in the Ca
sensitivity of
exocytosis (release probability) and an increase in the
amount of releasable synaptic vesicles (the pool size).
DAG, which activates PKC, specifically increases the
pool size but not the release probability. Recently, a
new family of proteins, Munc13/unc13 proteins,
initially identified in C. elegans, was found to contain
DAG receptor. This raises an interesting possibility
that chronic lithium action in part may be mediated
through interaction of DAG with Munc proteins. In
support of this hypothesis, presynaptic loading of a
synthetic peptide with the sequence of the N-terminal
domain of Doc2a interacting with Munc13 attenuates
In addition, Munc18-1 was found to interact
with syntaxin1, a member of SNARE complex that
promotes large dense-core vesicle docking.
fore, lithium-induced changes in synaptic transmis-
sion can be mediated by a complex network of
synaptic proteins through both PKC and Munc
signaling pathways. In addition to direct modulation
of Munc through DAG, lithium has also been shown
to enhance the expression of a gene encoding cysteine
string proteins (CSPs) at therapeutically relevant
CSPs are novel synaptic vesicle
components conserved in evolution,
which also
interact with the SNARE neurotransmitter release
Lithium and MARCKS: a downstream target
for PI/PKC signaling
Accumulating evidence over the past several years
has identified a target in the brain for the action of
chronic lithium that is in the PI/PKC signaling
cascade and possesses pharmacological characteris-
tics consistent with the therapeutic properties of
lithium in man. Activation of PKC results in the post-
translational phosphorylation of various proteins,
most prominent of which is the myristoylated
alanine-rich C-kinase substrate (MARCKS) in brain
(Blackshear, 1993). MARCKS has been implicated in
processes requiring signal-dependent changes in
actin-membrane plasticity and cytoskeletal restruc-
It can crosslink actin, bind calcium/
calmodulin, interact with the plasma membrane,
and has been linked to organization of polypho-
sphoinositide (PI (4,5)P
) signaling domains,
regulation of phospholipase D,
MARCKS is preferentially expressed
in dendritic branches and axon terminals within
limbic and limbic-associated regions of brain, as well
as neuronal growth cones necessary for normal brain
Molecular basis of lithium action
RH Lenox and Le Wang
Molecular Psychiatry
Within brain and neurons in cul-
ture, MARCKS protein is expressed in neurites and
synaptosomes, and is colocalized with synaptic
PKC-MARCKS signaling has been im-
plicated in vesicular trafficking of neurotransmitter in
living neurons,
and in the regulation of various
processes including synaptic transmission at nerve
Electrophysiological and behavioral
studies in heterozygote mutant mice have shown that
50% reduction in MARCKS significantly affects
long-term potentiation (LTP) and hippocampally
dependent behavior.
These data indicate that
MARCKS plays an important role in the mediation
of neuroplastic processes in the developing and
mature CNS.
Chronic treatment with lithium at therapeutically
relevant concentrations significantly downregulates
MARCKS protein and mRNA (50%) in both rat brain
and immortalized hippocampal cells.
activation of PKC by phorbol esters in immortalized
hippocampal cells also downregulates the MARCKS
suggesting a role for PKC in the regulation
of MARCKS gene (Macs) expression in brain. The
lithium-induced downregulation of MARCKS protein
is dependent upon the myo-inositol concentration
and the level of activation of receptor-coupled PI
Addition of inositol completely reverses
the lithium-induced downregulation of MARCKS,
indicating that the downregulation of MARCKS was
mediated via the phosphoinositol pathway.
more, lithium-induced down regulation of MARCKS
is only apparent after chronic, but not acute, admin-
istration and persists beyond abrupt withdrawal of
the drug for an extended period of time; paralleling
the clinical time course for the therapeutic effects of
lithium during initial treatment as well as its
discontinuation. Of interest, the structurally unre-
lated mood-stabilizer, valproic acid (VPA), shares the
property of lithium in reducing the MARCKS expres-
sion in hippocampus, but carbamazepine (CBZ) and
other psychotropic agents (antianxiety, analgesic,
antipsychotic, antidepressant, calcium-channel
blocker) as well as other monovalent cations such as
rubidium do not alter MARCKS regulation.
the other hand, VPA-induced downregulation of
MARCKS is inositol-independent, and has an addi-
tive effect on MARCKS regulation, consistent with
clinical data supporting greater efficacy of the
combined treatment in refractory bipolar patients.
These findings point to a common mechanism, in
which MARCKS may be a shared target for both
lithium and VPA. Thus, we have proposed that the
reduction of MARCKS protein following long-term
lithium administration alters pre/postsynaptic mem-
brane structure and stabilizes aberrant neuronal
signaling in key brain regions of patients with
The regulation of MARCKS expression repre-
sents a highly valued target for the long-term action of
mood stabilizers, not only by virtue of its underlying
neurobiological properties but also in light of its
pharmacological sensitivity and selectivity for struc-
turally unrelated drugs with efficacy in the prophy-
lactic treatment of BPD. While MARCKS remains an
attractive target for illustrative purposes in defining a
lithium-responsive gene network, it is evident that
other targets, such as prolyl oligopeptidase (POase),
which appears to mediate the common effect of
lithium, CBZ and VPA on growth cone stability and
has been implicated in affective disorders, may at
some point represent a similar opportunity.
Perspective: linking the lithium-responsive genes
as a network
The mechanisms underlying the prophylactic treat-
ment of BPD by lithium are likely to be hardwired in
the genomic DNA. Despite all the reports of how
individual gene expression can be modulated in
response to lithiums exposure, there is as yet no
strategy available for the identification of the lithium-
responsive genomic regulatory network in brain.
Many studies have focused on determining the effect
of lithium on one or a few genes at a time, an
approach that is not adequate for the analysis of large
regulatory control system organized as networks.
Gene-specific expression is controlled by specific
cis-regulatory target sequence embedded in promoters
and the cognate binding transcription factors encoded
by a set of regulatory genes. The functional linkages of
such a genomic regulatory network include elements
that exhibit multiple interactions between the outputs
of regulatory genes and corresponding cis-regulatory
genomic sequences. Thus, identifying networks of
transcription factors and the genes they regulate in
response to lithium exposure is important to under-
stand the biological responsiveness of an organism to
lithium and the prophylactic properties of its action
in brain.
Studies in our laboratory have demonstrated that
the lithium-induced reduction of MARCKS protein
was accompanied by a downregulation of MARCKS
mRNA with no evidence for a change in the half-life
of the mRNA.
Furthermore, synthesis of nascent
RNA for MARCKS and the Macs promoter activity
were also found to be significantly reduced in
chronic, but not acute, lithium-treated immortalized
hippocampal cells. Both reductions were signifi-
cantly enhanced in the presence of activation of
receptor-coupled PI signaling.
We have identified
for the first time a lithium-responsive promoter
sequence located in the upstream region (993/
713) of the Macs promoter.
The mutant promoter
lacking the 993/713 fragment not only did not
respond to chronic lithium expose but also had a
significantly reduced promoter activity, suggesting
that chronic lithium represses the transcriptional
activator(s) bound to this region. Until now, however,
no lithium-responsive transcription factor directly
bound to this region has been identified. While
specific transcription factors that bind to lithium-
responsive promoter element (LRE) remain to be
identified (Figure 2), current data suggest that the
Molecular basis of lithium action
RH Lenox and Le Wang
Molecular Psychiatry
mechanism by which chronic lithium represses the
Macs gene transcription are likely through: (a)
lithium-induced downregulation of DNA binding
activity and/or expression of transcription activator(s)
interacting with LRE; (b) lithium-induced down-
regulation of activator function of transcription
activator(s) acting at LRE; (c) lithium-induced disrup-
tion of the coordinate interaction between the distal
activating sequence-bound activator(s) and the prox-
imal core promoter sequence-bound basal transcrip-
tional machinery. The lithium-responsive 993/713
fragment contains significant enhancer/activator DNA
elements that are necessary to sustain the optimal
Macs gene transcription in cells.
While an atypical
Sp1 site, characterized by the presence of a prominent
GA-rich sequence, was identified within the 993/
713, a classical Sp1 site was found in the middle of
the GC-rich box close to a potential Z-DNA-forming
segment near the transcription initiation site.
Presence of Z-DNA forming segment signifies both
compositional and conformational changes influen-
cing the genomic landscape, the accessibility of cis-
acting elements, and the activation of gene transcrip-
tion in the core promoter region.
As summarized in
Figure 2, Macs promoter lacks typical TATA box,
and in the absence of a TATA box multiple Sp1 sites
in the promoter may control the transcription of Macs
A recent microarray experiment further showed
that the expression of as many as 37 genes from 4132
rat genes is altered during the chronic lithium
If these data were extrapolated to the
entire genome, there would be as many as 750 genes
that could potentially be regulated by lithium.
However, the majority of such studies using differ-
ential display and microarray analysis do not distin-
guish between direct activation of target genes by a
transcription factor and indirect effects resulting from
one transcription factor inducing the expression of a
second. Furthermore, the functional value of the vast
majority of these potential targets remains unknown.
Using our knowledge regarding a high-value pharma-
cologically relevant target such as MARCKS for the
action of chronic lithium in brain to identify lithium-
responsive elements that could serve to link lithium-
responsive genes as a regulatory network is both
intriguing and challenging. To establish such a gene
network, some studies have coupled the overexpres-
sion of a given transcription factor with microarray
experiments. However, the genes affected by the
overexpressed transcription factors may not represent
the true targets of those factors under physiological
conditions. Recently, using finite perturbations of
gene expression in conjunction with microarray
experiments that may mimic physiological conditions
has been advocated; thus differing from the drastic
Figure 2 Lithium-responsive promoter of the Macs gene. The Promoter region upstream of Macs is pharmacologically
responsive to chronic, but not acute, lithium exposure. A hypothetical activator complex binds to the upstream region of
Macs promoter and crosstalk with proteins in proximal promoter region including TBP, TAFs, Sp1, hypothetical tethering
proteins, etc. The gray rectangle box represents cis-regulatory enhancer elements (LRE) that may interact with specific
lithium-responsive transcription factors. Long-term treatment with lithium is postulated to repress the Macs transcription
through: (a) lithium-induced reduction in the DNA binding of the transcription activator(s) acting at the LRE; (b) lithium-
induced alteration in the expression and/or the transactivation function of lithium-responsive transcription activator(s)
acting at the LRE; (c) lithium-induced disruption of the interaction between enhancer complex formed at LRE and the
proximal transcription initiator. In the figure, # refers to potential intermediary factors mediating the indirect action of
chronic lithium on the Macs promoter.
Molecular basis of lithium action
RH Lenox and Le Wang
Molecular Psychiatry
changes incurred during transgenic overexpression or
In such studies, one can modulate
single gene expression using techniques such as
RNA interference (RNAi) one at a time and in a
systematic fashion among all the genes of interest.
Once the perturbed systems are in a new steady state,
the levels of gene expression is measured against that
of reference by microarray or Taqman RCR. The
resulting data are arranged as a regulatory strength
matrix, from which a regulatory network exhibiting
genegene interactions could be inferred using ap-
proaches adapted from metabolic control analysis.
The method, however, lacks genome-wide efficiency
and does not provide direct evidence of in vivo
interaction of given transcription factors with their
respective cis-regulatory elements across the genome.
To address these questions, a new technology known
as chIpchip was developed, in which chromatin
immunoprecipitation (chIp) is coupled with micro-
array experiment (chip) to accelerate the genome-
wide detection of DNAprotein interactions in real
time and in real space. Using such a combined
approach as chIpchip, genome-wide mapping of
DNA binding sites for transcription factors (STE12,
GAL4, RAP1, SCB, MCB, MCM1, SFF, and SW15) has
been achieved in yeast.
This experimental
approach has also been successfully extended to
human genome, where DNA binding sites for E2F
and GATA-1 transcription factors are mapped genome
A lithium-responsive gene network will offer an
opportunity to define a pathway associated with the
long-term prophylactic properties of lithium, distinct
from its side-effect profile, which will drive the
discovery of novel agents for stabilization of mood
in patients with BPD (Figure 3). Recently, a regulatory
gene network that directs specific developmental
events has been identified in developing sea urchin
This provides a heuristic model for
constructing a lithium-responsive gene network as
a means to identify signature genes that direct
the therapeutic or nontherapeutic action of lithium.
While chromosome immunoprecipitation could start
with antibodies against several known lithium-
responsive transcription factors such as AP-1, CREB,
NF-kB, LEF/TCF, these are general transcription
Figure 3 Model for a gene network for lithium-responsive genes: defining the therapeutic effect of chronic lithium. A gene
network can be reconstructed by perturbation microarray and chlpchip methods (see test for details). A lithium-responsive
gene network will consist of a distinctive subset of genes that share a lithium-responsive element (LRE) as defined within the
Macs gene which is regulated by specific transcription factors referred to as TFs that are yet to be identified. Such a lithium-
responsive gene network (TF1) may subserve critical processes in the brain underlying cytoskeletal remodeling and
regulation of synaptic signaling, while a different subset of genes defined by lithium-responsive elements regulated by
transcription factors (TF2, TF3) may underlie processes such as cell proliferation. Since these different network of genes
underlie different physiological sequela of chronic lithium, modulation of gene expression involved in the cytoskeletal
restructuring and neuroplasticity by lithium may prove to be fundamental to the mood-stabilizing properties of lithium in the
brain, whereas regulation of genes involved in cell proliferation and immune response may be linked to lithiums
leukocytotic and antiviral effects.
Molecular basis of lithium action
RH Lenox and Le Wang
Molecular Psychiatry
factors that elicit far more gene expression than
necessary for the therapeutic action of lithium. Thus,
identifying lithium-responsive transcription factors
or promoter elements from highly valued targets such
as the Macs gene becomes extremely desirable. We
demonstrated that Macs promoter is pharmacologi-
cally responsive to chronic, but not acute, lithium
treatment at therapeutically relevant concentrations,
and possesses pharmacological properties consistent
with its expressed protein and clinical properties of
We further showed that the sites for lithium
responsiveness lie within an enhancer element of the
promoter that has the potential to interact with
a unique lithium-responsive activator complex
(Figure 3).
This raises the possibility that unique
transcription factors sensitive to lithium treatment
may be identifiable through this promoter. While
genes like Macs involved in the cytoskeletal restruc-
turing, synaptic transmission, and neuroplasticity
may relate preferentially to the long-term mood-
stabilizing properties of chronic lithium in the brain,
genes underlying cell proliferation and immune
response may serve to identify pathways associated
with lithiums leukocytotic and antiviral effects
(Figure 3). Thus, defining a lithium-responsive gene
network will provide the data for pathway mapping of
novel targets with better-defined mood-stabilizing
properties for the long-term treatment of BPD.
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Molecular basis of lithium action
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Molecular Psychiatry

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