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AP Calculus AB


Christian Mills B-2


Congratulations on signing up for AP Calculus!! This class will focus on the concepts of limits, derivatives,
definite and indefinite integrals and their applications as preparation for a Calculus II course in college or the
AP Calculus BC course. We will explore the communication aspect of mathematics and how concepts can have
multiple representations in preparation for the AP Exam.


Grade sheet and Portal
I will make available to you a sheet where you can keep track of your own grades upon request, but this year
you will be able to access your grades 24 hours a day, 7 days a week through PCS Portal at . You will use your Pinellas Domain/Network Credentials to access Portal. Your
parents or guardians will use their former Parent password issued by the school.

Homework (20 % of 9 week grade)
Homework is due the day after it is assigned and maybe checked daily. Completed assignments will be
worth 5 points. Late completed assignments will be worth 3 points. Incomplete assignments will not be
accepted. The test day will be the last day I will accept assignments for that unit. If you are absent, you must
turn in your assignment the day you return. If it is an extended absence, you will have as many days to make
up the assignment as you were out. If you have a code 2 or 3 (school function), it is your responsibility to
make up the work and turn it in on time or before your absence. Teacher discretion will prevail in special

Quizzes (30% of 9 week grade)
Quizzes will be announced and unannounced. At the end of the 6 weeks I will drop the lowest quiz grade if
you have taken all the quizzes. If you have not taken all the quizzes I will drop the one you missed.

Test (50% of 9 week grade)
There will be at least 2 tests each 6 weeks. Tests are 100 points each. You will be required to take a quiz or
test even if you are absent on the review day. If you are absent on a test day, you can expect to take the test
the day you return. If you cannot take the test on the day you return then you must take the cumulative test
after school toward the end of the marking period. The test will cover the major concepts of the 6 weeks. If
you do not need to make up a test you may take the cumulative test and use the grade you earn as a
replacement grade for your lowest test grade. Reviewing the tests taken during the 6 weeks we will be a
good way to study for the cumulative test.

Six week and Semester grades
The grading scale for the 6-wk grade is consistent with the County:
A 90-100, B 80-89, C 70-79, D 60-69, F 59 and below.
Your semester grade will be the average of your 3 six weeks grades and your exam grade based on the
point system. All students taking AP Calculus will be required to take the Mid-Term.


You will need a scientific calculator (that has Calculus commands) and/or a graphing calculator
(preferred) if you have one. I require a graphing calculator for this class. If you do decide to buy a graphing
calculator I recommend a TI84+ or a Casio Prizm or equivalent. If you will have trouble acquiring a
graphing calculator for this course, please let me know and arrangements can be made on an individual
basis. Rental Calculators are available. Graphing Calculators will be available in class.


There are many expectations for this class; amongst them is daily note taking, homework completion, use
of the graphing calculator, willingness to work individually and in groups, and, most importantly, an open
mind to learn and broaden your view of mathematics.

After School Help

Keep up with your daily assignments or you will quickly get so far behind it will be difficult to catch up.
When I ask previous calculus students what they would recommend to you to be successful in calculus the
most common response is, Do Homework!! Ill be available for help after school nearly every day (check
with me!!). Please, if you need help, dont wait until test time. Some students come in after school and just
work on their homework. Another study strategy I strongly recommend is setting up a study group that
meets regularly or find a study buddy you feel comfortable working with. It can be fun and very effective if
the participant(s) are serious about learning Calculus. If you do poorly on a test either come in after school
to review it or use one of the other tutoring sources to make sure you grasp the material and will be ready
for the optional test at the end of the 6 weeks. It is important to ask questions!

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