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To review the program code for compliance with standards and design.
This procedure will be followed whenever a program is to be reviewed. The number and type of programs that
will be taken up for code review will be defined in the Project Plan.
Activity Responsibility
Initiate review PL
Conduct manual review TM/ML*
Conduct automated code review Developer
Incorporate review comments Developer
A person other than the developer. The Quality Reviewer may participate if required by the Project Plan.
Completed program code
Coding Standards
Design Specifications
Code Review Checklist
Automated code review tool (if applicable)
Project Plan
Whenever a program is ready for code review, it will be reviewed to ensure that:
- The code takes care of all requirements specified in the design.
- The code complies with the programming standards.
- Adequate and appropriate comments are given in the code to ensure readability.
- Consistent naming conventions are followed.
Input to the code generator tool will need to go through peer review, where
applicable. Applicability will be decided by the PL along with DAG.
Review will be performed to the level of detail and in the manner prescribed in the
Project Plan. The review comments will be recorded as described in the Review
Reporting and Defect Logging procedure (PP3030).
A combination of manual and automated code reviews shall be performed. The
review shall leverage the use of available automated code review tools for
standards compliance.
The developer will resolve the review comments and incorporate agreed solutions.
The reviewer will verify that all the review comments have been suitably resolved.
In case of any contention, the PL will resolve the issue.
A decision table can be drawn based on the Code Walkthrough data (Refer to the
Code Walk through matrix in Appendix C of the Software Metrics Program (TCS-
iQMS-109)) to evaluate the quality of the review process and to take decision on
moving to next activity or phase (e.g., testing).
Review Report PF3030A
Defect Log PF3030B

Associates Contributed Content Follows
The content below is provided collaboratively by associates for illustrating iQMS. It should not be considered as official TCS process/data. Consult respective process owners for clarifications
== Explanatory Notes ==
This section is part of :
1. Project Procedures Manual

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