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... through Bertha Dudde

God's permission.... Human free will....
Human free will is the reason for eer!thing people infli"t on ea"h
other# whi"h so often results in unspea$a%le suffering and !et is
permitted %! God. &lthough His almight! power "ould indeed
preent it %ut it would %e a restri"tion of free will if the human
%eing was preented to "arr! out what he wants to do.
'f God too$ his free will awa! the human %eing would %e for"ed
%a"$ into a state of "ompulsion. 't would %e impossi%le for him to
test his free will during his period of life on earth. & human %eing
has to %e a%le to a""omplish what he intends to do# onl! then "an it
%e said that he has the means of self determination during life on
Onl! when the effe"t of free will# in a %ad sense# is dire"ted against
people who are "ons"iousl! "onne"ted with God and who pra! to
Him for prote"tion# will God preent the latter from %eing harmed
%! %ad will# %ut then the %ad will is (udged as an a""omplished a"t.
&t the moment an endless num%er of people are su%(e"ted to the
same ill will# thus the! also share responsi%ilit! for the suffering of
the time.... if the! approe of a"tions whi"h result from it. )he! will
not %e free from guilt until the! re(e"t a"ts of eil. *ondoning an
a"t of eil ma$es them partl! responsi%le for the suffering that
results from it.
Howeer# what "ountless man! people "onsider right# although it is
the greatest wrong# will not %e reersed %! God %e"ause people
need to understand their wrongdoings themseles or the! will
alwa!s do the same again without re"ognising their wrong as su"h.
+eertheless# this does not mean that God's (usti"e will not
interene when humanit!'s a"tiit! %e"omes so e,tensie that
humanit! itself is in danger.
But een this interention is merel! to let people's free will %e"ome
a"tie again and# in iew of the huge suffering# turn towards
good.... so that the human %eing now# of his own free will# stries
to ma$e up for what he# due to his preious approal# either
dire"tl! or indire"tl! has "aused himself.
God must permit humanit!'s a"tions# He does not want to
determine the will of a human %eing %efore ma$ing his own free
de"ision. Howeer# when he has finall! de"ided# God will redu"e the
effe"ts where ne"essar! and permissi%le without interfering with
the free will of the human %eing....
-u%lished %! friends of new reelations of God . 'nformation#
download of all translated reelations# theme/%oo$lets at0


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