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1.0 Introduction
When someone learns a second language s/he claims to manage all the skills in that
language; however, there exists a problem because both languages are not managed
emotionally in the same way. I mean that a bilingual person cannot discuss every topic in
both languages, for example embarrassing topics. Michael . !ond and "at#Ming $ai
%&''() identify in embarrassing language in the bilinguals* case it is more comfortable
talking about embarrassing topics in the second language than in the first language; it is
relatively easier.
My research looks for some evidence that shows if actually bilinguals prefer to talk
about embarrassing language in their second language than in the first one. In my
experiences the hypothesis is true. I have noticed that we as bilinguals +ust throw out words
in the second language but we do not necessarily pay attention in what we are actually
saying, and I feel it is the reason for preferring the second language instead of the first to
talk about embarrassing topics.
In this introduction I will address the following issues. In part (.( I will explain my
interest in the topic; in the next part I will talk about the methodology I used to solve the
problem; then in part (., the significance of the study. "his will follow by the context of the
research in section (.-; then in (.. I will describe the background of the researcher. In the
next section I will explain the location of the research. /inally, the introduction ends with
the research aims and the research 0uestions %(.1 and (.2).
1.1 W! I "# r$%$"rcin& ti%
"he origin of the idea for the research is my own interest in the area of bilingualism.
3o I am researching this because I have a personal interest in the embarrassing language
topic but at the same time with bilinguals* personalities. 4s a bilingual student, I have
noticed that bilingual people have some problems or do not feel very comfortable talking
about embarrassing topics in their mother tongue more than in their second language, and I
think it also depends on what they consider as an embarrassing topic. 4lmost always the
first and the second language never functions in the same way because bilinguals may not
have a complete sense of what they are saying in the second language. 4lso I have noticed
that some of my classmates are used to saying one to each other some embarrassing
language %bad words) but instead of feeling embarrassed or angry by that they +ust laugh. In
this example I think if they had used the words in 3panish the reactions would have been
4nother reason why I am researching this is because it is part of my studies. 3o, I
am interested in doing a good research and I want to do something interesting for me and
other people who are interested in bilingualism topic, focus on how two languages
%3panish/5nglish) function related to embarrassing language. 4nd also I am interested in
what are the attitudes that bilinguals have towards their two languages using embarrassing
I also want to do this research because I am involved in the situation of using or
talking about embarrassing language. In my experience when I use this kind of language it
is not easier for me to say something embarrassing in my mother tongue as it is in the
second language and I feel less embarrassed doing this in the second one. 3o I would like to
know if other bilingual people feel the same embarrassment or not.
1.' M$todo(o&!
"he methodology I will use in this research pro+ect is 0ualitative focused on
0uestionnaires observations and interviews. "hese three are designed in order to get
information about bilingual*s attitudes toward embarrassing language in all its aspects. I am
going to choose different embarrassing topics in order people use them to observe their
attitudes towards them. In order to apply those observations I will used conversations or
interviews created by the participants some of them will be in 3panish and others in
5nglish. I will explain in detail the procedures of the methodology in 6hapter "hree.
1.) T$ %i&ni*ic"nc$ o* t$ %tud!
I feel that this research has some important significance. 7ne is provide information
about the thoughts that may come to bilinguals* minds in their languages related to
embarrassing language. 4s I mentioned before some bilinguals do not feel anger by using
embarrassing language; in contrast, I feel they are comfortable using it in the second
language more than in the first one.
4lso I feel that the thoughts that bilinguals have are related with the way that
bilinguals manage the sense in each language. I mean many bilinguals do not have the
common sense or meaning of the words in their two languages so, I feel that their attitudes
toward the first language are more conscious than in the second language; moreover, the
meanings that each bilingual give to the words are different; I think that bilinguals* mind
work in a different way so this research is focused on providing how this mind works and
why bilinguals manage their two languages in different ways.
4nother significance of this research is to provide what kind of conflicts bilinguals
have in their languages production related to embarrassing language. I have noticed that
some bilinguals have more problems to talk about embarrassing topics in their first
language than in the second because they feel less secure in the first and less annoying in
the second one. In some cases they prefer to talk about embarrassing topics in one language
more than the other one and I feel almost always bilinguals do it in the second language.
1.+ T$ cont$,t o* t$ r$%$"rc
"his research is related to sociolinguistics factors because the languages have
different ways of expressing the same meaning and because languages are not an external
thing of humans, it is something that makes up a part of who we are because the language is
our identity.
/urthermore, bilingualism is also an important part of this research because it is
focused on the reactions that bilinguals have in either their two languages toward
embarrassing language. 4lso is important to mention that bilingualism in society could help
to understand the different reactions that exist in bilinguals* mind; as well as, the attitudes
that bilinguals have toward both languages.
4nother important part of this research is embarrassment into a second language
that is the main point here. It was taken from an article related to code#switching; however,
I do not consider that it can be part of this research because I consider embarrassing or
unembarrassing topics do not depend on the code#switching, but in the connection that
bilinguals do with the words in the two languages.
1.- B"c.&round o* t$ r$%$"rc$r
I am a bilingual speaker in the university where I am doing the research pro+ect;
reason for which I am interested in bilingual area, especially to embarrassing language
topic. 4lso I am interested in embarrassing language working in bilingual people*s mind
and finally, I am interested in how bilinguals manage their languages. "he idea came from
my previous relation with 8bilingual education9 so I felt interest in it and then in
bilingualism area that is not the same but they are related in some way, as well as, other
1./ W$r$ t$ r$%$"rc i% 0$in& don$ "nd 1!
"he research is done in a public university non 5nglish speaking country. In this
school people are learning 5nglish as a second language and the mother tongue of these
people is 3panish. 7ne of the reasons to do the research in this school is because I have
easy access to the school and easy access to the people* responses, also I can interview and
ask as many people as I need it from different levels and at the same time I can get different
points of view of embarrassing language.
4nother reason no less important is that people are involved in the area of the
research. !ecause of they are emerging in bilingual situations they almost always face
different situations related to embarrassing language and I have noticed they face this
situations especially with bad words.
1.2 R$%$"rc "i#%
"he principles aims of this research study are:
"o investigate if there are different attitudes in using embarrassing language in two
"o investigate the reactions that bilinguals have related to embarrassing language.
"o investigate the attitudes that bilinguals have toward embarrassing language.
1.3 R$%$"rc 4u$%tion%
My research is guided by a general 0uestion and two more which I need to answer
first in order to answer the general one. "he research 0uestions are the following:
Is there a difference in attitudes of bilingual speakers about using sensitive or
embarrassing language in their mother tongue as compared to their second
language; %Is it easier to speak of embarrassing things in the mother tongue or in the
second language;)
o What are the reactions and why do bilinguals have different attitudes toward
embarrassing language produced in either of their two languages;
o What are the factors that make bilinguals feel less or more embarrassment;
%"hey involve feelings or the topic they talk).
1.5 Conc(u%ion
In the next chapters I will discuss the theoretical background of this research
%6hapter "wo), In 6hapter "hree I will describe the methodology used in the research. "he
following chapter %four) the results will be known as well as the answer to the research
0uestions will be given. /inally in 6hapter /ive I will discuss the implications of my
research pro+ect and the limitations of the same.

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