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September 11, 2014
6:00 PM

Lakefield Ern Malchow Bingham Lake Carol Goeman
Round Lake Keith Stubbe Jackson Ken Temple
Round Lake Kurt Lintelman

OTHERS PRESENT Dan Olsen, Naomi Pederson

1 - Open Meeting: The meeting was called to order at 6:10 PM by Keith Stubbe, Chairperson.
2 Board Laptops- Lee distributed board laptops and gave a short tutorial on passwords and usage.
Board material will now be e-mailed instead of distributing paper copies.
3 Review Minutes: The minutes of the August 21, 2014 meeting were approved on a motion by Ern
Malchow and seconded by Ken Temple. All were in favor and the motion carried.
4 Review Financials & Approve Payables: The group reviewed the July financials and budget detail. A
motion to pay the bills was made by Ern Malchow and seconded by Carol Goeman. All were in favor and
the motion carried.
In the absence of John or Darren as second signers, a motion to allow Naomi to be the second signer
was made by Ern Malchow and seconded by Carol Goeman. All were in favor and the motion carried.
5 Old Business:
a. Insurance Quote - The board was requested to go back to their Cities and ask about
coverage under the Joint Powers Agreement. Some of the member communities have
reported that board members are automatically covered under the League of MN Cities.

b. Marketing Strategy Dan reported that we are collecting applications. Midcontinent is
building in Jackson. Premier from Iowa will also be building in Jackson. He distributed a Sales
Incentive Program. The group reviewed and discussed the information. Dan researched and
found cable companies are currently paying around $113 per TV sale. A motion to proceed
with the marketing strategy was made by Ken Temple and seconded by Ern Malchow. All
were in favor and the motion carried.
c. Structure/Job Description Dan has started pulling job descriptions from Windom. A sample
personnel policy manual was included in the board materials.
d. Other Techs are staying busy locating and getting things ready for winter. The office is
working on a new collections process and on-line customer care.
6 New Business
a. Other- Connect America Funds are available. We are looking at a map of areas underserved
by broadband.
7 Adjournment: Having no further business to discuss, a motion to adjourn was made by Ern Malchow
and seconded by Ken Temple. All were in favor and the meeting adjourned at 8:05 PM.

Respectfully submitted by
Naomi Pederson
Southwest MN Broadband Services

Keith Stubbe, Chairperson Date

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