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Media Planning Basics-

1.Advertising budgets are shifting

2.Media fragmentation
3.Media Explosion
4.Media uses
Key players
1.Media plans
2.Planning roles
3.Media functions
6.Specialized agencies
Information Service
1.Client information
2.Market Research
3.Competitive advertising
4.Media usage profles
5.Media coverage area
6.Consumer Information
The Media Plan
1.Media plan
3.Target Audience and Media Use
4.The Aperture concept
Measured Media Objectives-
4.Efective frequency
5.Media efciency and waste
Media Mix Selection
i. Media strengths
ii. Gross Rating Points (GRPs)
iii. Targeted Rating Points (TRPs)
iv. Cross Media Integration
v. Media Strategy
vi. Target Audience
vii. The Media used
viii. Time frame
ix. Duration
x. size
Media Objectives
I. High reach strategy (Reminders, easy to understand product)
II. Low frequency strategy(Well known brands, simple messages)
III. High Frequency strategy(Complex product, build excitement, counter
IV. Media Targeting Strategies
V. Geographical strategies
VI. Category Development Index
VII. Brand Development Index
Media Mix Strategies
1.Media weighting
2.Size, Length and position
3.Media Optimization Modeling
4.scheduling strategies
5.When to advertise?
6.How long?
7.How often?
8.Flighting strategy
9.Pulsing strategy
Media Buying Basics
1.Provide inside information to media planners
2.Select specifc media vehicles
3.Negotiate and contract for time and space
4.Bargain for preferred positions
5.Secure extra support/value-added media services
6.Monitor media choices during and after the
8.Handle billing and payment
9.Ensure make goods
Perform post-campaign evaluation
The Creative side and Message strategy
The art and science of advertising
The role of creativity
Creative Strategy
Creative (Novel, Original, Diferent and unexpected)
Strategic (meets advertising objectives)
What the ads says ?
How it is said?
Key Points in a Creative Brief
Problem that can be solved by communication.
Target audience and key insights into their attitudes and behavior.
Brand position and other branding decisions, such as personality and image.
Communication objectives that specify the desired response to the message by
the target audience.
Proposition or selling idea that will motivate the target to respond.
Media considerations about where and when the message should be delivered.
Creative direction that provides suggestions on how to stimulate the desired
consumer response. These arent creative ideas but may touch on such
execution or stylistic direction as the ads tone of voice.
Message objectives
Creative Strategy Approaches
Head and Heart
Hard sell and soft sell
Frazers Six Creative Strategies
Generic, Preemptive, Unique Selling
Proposition, Brand Image, Positioning,
Resonance, and Afective
Taylors Six Segment Strategies
The Creative Process
How to get an idea:
1. Immersionread, research, learn about problem.
2. Ideationlook at the problem from every angle; generate as many ideas as
3. Brainfogyou may hit a wall and want to quit.
4. Incubationlet your subconscious work on it.
5. Illuminationthe idea often comes when youre relaxed and doing something
6. EvaluationDoes it work? Is it on strategy?
Copy Writing
Write Efective Copy
Be succinct
Be single-minded
Be specifc
Get personal
Keep a single focus
Be conversational
Be original
Use variety
Use imaginative description
Advertising writing style
Tone of voice, Grammar, Adese
Two categories of copy
Display copy, Body copy
How to write headlines
Attract only prospects
Work with the visual to stop and grab readers
Identify product and brand; start the sale
Lead readers into body copy
Two categories of headlines
Straightforward and informative
Draw reader in , Build brand image
How to write other display copy
Captions, Subheads, Taglines and slogans
Techniques for Creating Slogans
Direct Address: Have it your way; Think small.
A startling or unexpected phrase: the NYNEX campaign used,
If its out there, its in here, which is an example of a twist on
a common phrase that makes it unexpected.
Rhyme, rhythm, alliteration: uses repetition of sounds, as in
the Wall Street Journals sloganThe daily dairy of the
American Dream.
Parallel construction: uses repetition of the structure of a
sentence or phrase; Morton Salts When it rains, it pours.
Cue for the product: Folgers Good to the last drop; John
Deeres Nothing runs like a Deere, Wheaties Breakfast of
Music: In the valley of the Jolly, ho-ho-ho, Green Giant.
Combination (rhyme, rhythm, parallel): Its your land, lend a
hand, is the slogan for Take Pride in America.
How to Write Body Copy
Body copy
Writing styles
Lead paragraph
Closing back paragraph
Print Media Requirement
Less intrusive medium
Ads more straightforward and informative
Better ad production
More informative, longer copy
Focus on service or store personality
Little space for explanation; keep it simple
Posters and outdoor advertising
Creative concept marries words and visual
Product literature
Detailed copy about a product, company, or event more informative with longer
Radio Copywriting
Sound efects
TV Copywriting
Other TV tools
Scripts, Storyboards, Photoboards
The written version of the commercial
Prepared by the copywriter
The visual plan or layout of the commercial
Prepared by the art director
Uses photos instead of art for images

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