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MCU-FDTMF Medical Foundation

College of Medicine
Department of Pathology
!" The hallmar# of acute inflammation i$
%" Increa$ed &lood flo'
(" )u&or* calor* dolor increa$ed permea&ility of microcirculation
C" Increa$ed +a$cular permea&ility
D" ,a$cular $ta$i$
-" The mo$t efficient &actericidal compound pre$ent in neutrophil$ i$ the
%" %rachidonic acid meta&olite$ C" Ly$o$omal en.yme$
(" H-/--MPO-Halide $y$tem D" Hydrogen pero0ide
1" Leu#otriene$ are deri+ed from arachidonic acid through the help of thi$ en.yme
%" Pho$pholipa$e C" Cycloo0ygena$e
(" Lipoo0ygena$e D" Lipo0in$
2" The hallmar# of chronic inflammation i$
%" Increa$ed permea&ility of microcirculation
(" Migration of macrophage$ at $ite of in3ury
C" Ti$$ue de$truction
D" Mononuclear cell infiltration
4" %n e0ample of tumor $uppre$$or gene
%" p41 C" ra$
(" C-myc D" &cr
5" % lymph node &iop$y 'a$ diagno$ed a$ tu&erculo$i$" Thi$ type of necro$i$ i$
characteri$tic of
%" Coagulati+e C" Ca$eou$
(" Li6uefacti+e D" 7angrenou$
8" 9hich of the follo'ing $u&$tance$ accumulate$ in athero$clerotic &lood +e$$el$:
%" Fatty acid$ C" Trygliceride$
(" Chole$terol e$ter$ D" Pho$pholipid$
;" <Heart failure cell$< found in the lung$ in Chronic Pa$$i+e Conge$tion are actually="
%" Lymphocyte$ C" >eutrophil$
(" Eo$inophil$ D" Macrophage$
?" The outcome of throm&o$i$ 'herein the throm&i tend$ to 7)O9 due to depo$ition of
additional platelet$* fi&rin and red &lood cell$
%" )e$olution C" Propagation
(" Organi.ation D" )ecanali.ation
!/" Mo$t common cau$e of death in &urn patient$ 'ho got into $hoc# i$
%" @ep$i$ C" Dehydration
(" CHF D" Hemorrhage
!!" Thi$ type of hyper$en$iti+ity reaction i$ mediated &y IgE
%" Type I C" Type III
(" Type II D" Type I,
!-" One of the three ma3or component$ of acute inflammation include
%" %lteration in +a$cular cali&er that lead$ to a decrea$e in &lood flo'
(" @tructure change$ in the micro+a$culature permitting pla$ma protein$ and
leu#ocyte$ to lea+e the circulation
C" Ti$$ue de$truction
D" Healing &y connecti+e ti$$ue
!1" Heat and redne$$ in acute inflammation i$ due to the follo'ing pathogenetic
%" Increa$ed +a$cular permea&ility C" @ta$i$
(" Increa$ed &lood flo' D" Leu#ocytic margination
!2" The uterine endometrial lining thic#en$ during the proliferati+e pha$e of the
men$trual cycle" Thi$ i$ due to
%" Hypertrophy C" Hyperpla$ia
(" Dy$pla$ia D" Metapla$ia
!4" 9hich of the follo'ing di$order$ i$ mo$t li#ely to &e a$$ociated 'ith an e0udate$
rather than a tran$udate:
%" Conge$ti+e heart failure C" @uppurati+e inflammation
(" >ephrotic $yndrome D" Peritoniti$
!5" 9hich of the follo'ing condition$ 'ill >OT cau$e edema:
%" @odium retention C" O&$truction of lymph flo'
(" Increa$ed hydro$tatic pre$$ure D" Increa$ed oncotic pre$$ure
!8" The role of hi$tamine in acute inflammatory re$pon$e include
%" Platelet relea$e and aggregation
(" Increa$ed +a$cular permea&ility of the +enule$
C" Increa$ed +a$cular permea&ility of the arteriole$
D" Mem&rane ly$i$
!;" The central figure in chronic inflammation i$ the Macrophage &ecau$e of it$ role in
%" (rea#do'n of collagen and fi&ronectin
(" Production of /- and >itric o0ide meta&olite$
C" Emigration from the &lood $tream to $ite of in3ury
D" Inhi&ition &y cyto#ine$ and o0idi.ed lipid$
!?" % &iop$y of the $tomach re+eal an area of malignant change characteri.ed &y
+ari$i.ed* compactly arranged neopla$tic gland$ lined &y moderately differentiated
cell$" 9hich of the follo'ing term$ refer to malignant tumor of glandular epithelium:
%" @arcoma C" Teratoma
(" Chori$toma D" %denocarcinoma
-/" 9hich of the follo'ing $tatement$ in >OT true of red infarct$:
%" It occur$ in organ$ 'ith dou&le &lood $upply
(" Commonly found in the heart and #idney$
C" @een in +enou$ occlu$ion 'ith infarction
D" @een in organ$ 'ith 'ell de+eloped ana$tomo$i$
-!" 9hich of the follo'ing condition$ i$ a complication of &oth direct in3urie$ to the lung$
and $y$temic di$order$:
%" %telecta$i$ C" Diffu$e al+eolar damage
(" Pulmonary edema D" Pulmonary conge$tion
--" 9hich of the follo'ing condition$ of the lung i$ characteri.ed &y a&normal permanent
enlargement of the air $pace di$tal to the terminal &ronchiole accompanied &y
de$truction of their 'all$ 'ithout o&+iou$ fi&ro$i$:
%" Emphy$ema C" Chronic &ronchiti$
(" (ronchial a$thma D" (ronchiecta$i$
-1" % $pectrum of immunologically mediated predominantly inter$titial lung di$order$
cau$ed &y inten$e often prolonged e0po$ure to inhaled organic du$t$ and
occupational antigen$ i$
%" Pulmonary al+eolar proteino$i$
(" (ronchioli$ o&literan$ pneumonia
C" De$6uamati+e inter$titial pneumoniti$
D" Hyper$en$iti+ity pneumoniti$
-2" %n acute fe&rile re$piratory di$ea$e characteri.ed &y patchy inflammatory change$
in the lung$ confined to the al+eolar $epta and pulmonary inter$titium
%" Primary atypical pneumonia C" (ronchopneumonia
(" Lo&ar pneumonia D" Lo&ular &ronchopneumonia
-4" % $y$temic di$ea$e of un#no'n cau$e characteri.ed &y non-ca$eating granuloma in
many ti$$ue$ and organ$ particularly in the hilar lymph node$* lung$* eye* and $#in
%" @ilico$i$ C" Idiopathic pulmonary fi&ro$i$
(" @arcoido$i$ D" %$&e$to$i$
-5" Mo$t common &enign tumor of the lung di$co+ered incidentally a$ a coin le$ion on
routine A-)ay e0amination i$
%" (ronchial carcinoid$ C" Hamartoma
(" Thymoma D" (ronchogenic cy$t
-8" Mo$t common cau$e of a$piration pneumonia i$ ho$pitali.ed patient$
%" @treptococcu$ pneumonia C" Haemophilu$
(" @taphylococcu$ aureu$ D" P$eudomona$ aerogino$a
-;" Mo$t common type of a$thma that &egin$ in childhood and triggered &y
en+ironmental antigen$ $uch a$ du$t* pollen$ and food i$
%" >on-atopic a$thma C" %topic a$thma
(" Drug induced a$thma d" Occupational %$thma
-?" Mo$t common manife$tation of a$&e$to$ e0po$ure often containing calcium $een on
the anterior and po$terior a$pect of the parietal pleura
%" %$&e$to$ &ody C" Ferruginou$ &odie$
(" Pla6ue$ D" %mphi&ole
1/" 9hich of the follo'ing $yndrome i$ characteri.ed &y the appearance of proliferati+e
glomerulonephriti$ and hemorrhagic inter$titial pneumoniti$:
%" 7oodpa$ture $yndrome C" Barteagner $yndrome
(" Paraneopla$tic $yndrome D" Lam&ert-Eaton mya$thenic $yndrome
1!" Mo$t common location of $econdary tu&erculo$i$ in the lung
%" Hilar area C" Peripheral
(" (a$e D" %pe0
1-" % fatal complication of ruptured aortic aneury$m and +a$cular trauma
%" Chylothora0 C" Hydrothora0
(" Hemothora0 D" Empyema
11" Mang Cuanito* 5/-year-old man* ha$ &een $mo#ing for many year$* he e0perienced
chronic cough and 'eight lo$$ for the pa$t 5 month$* no fe+er no nau$ea and
+omiting" He had one &out of hemopty$i$ and 'ent to the E) for con$ultation" A-ray
$ho'$ a 5 cm ma$$ on the medial upper lo&e" (roncho$copy $ho'$ a ma$$ on the
$egmental &ronchu$" 9hich of the follo'ing cytologic finding$ i$ li#ely to &e found in
thi$ patient:
%" Pre$ence of acid fa$t organi$m on $putum e0am
(" Pre$ence of malignant $6uamou$ cell$ in $putum
C" Pre$ence of numerou$ necrotic de&ri$ and inflammatory cell$ in $putum
D" Pre$ence of reacti+e me$othelial cell$ in pleural fluid e0am
12" Mang Cuan* 54-year-old male 'ith a hi$tory of $mo#ing 'ith producti+e cough for
many year$ came in at the emergency room 'ith difficulty of &reathing" Che$t A-ray
$ho'$ prominent &lood +e$$el$ and large heart" Patient 'ent into cardiore$piratory
arre$t" )e$u$citation done &ut to no a+ail" Hi$tologic $ection ta#en from the lung at
autop$y $ho'$ enlargement of the mucu$ $ecreting gland$ of the trachea and
&ronchi" 9hat i$ the mo$t li#ely diagno$i$:
%" Emphy$ema C" Chronic &ronchiti$
(" (ronchial a$thma D" (ronchiecta$i$
14" Mang Tony* 44-year-old man ha$ no ma3or medical pro&lem$ in the pa$t year* 2
month$ prior to con$ultation the patient e0perience malai$e and 'eight lo$$ of !/ #g"
The patient i$ a non-$mo#er* no fe+er* no difficulty of &reathing" Che$t A-ray $ho'$ a
multiple $olid nodule$ $cattered throughout the lung field$" 9hat i$ the mo$t li#ely
%" (ronchogenic carcinoma C" Malignant me$othelioma
(" Meta$tatic carcinoma D" (ronchioal+eolar carcinoma
15" Mang Toma$* 24-year-old man had an epi$ode of myocardial infarction he 'a$
&rought to the emergency room and 'a$ intu&ated" Upon intu&ation he $uffer$
a$piration of ga$tric content$" For the ne0t 4 day$ he de+elop$ non-reproducti+e
cough and fe+er" Che$t A-ray $ho'$ a 1 cm ma$$ in the right lung 'ith ele+ated air
fluid le+el" 9hat i$ the mo$t li#ely diagno$i$:
%" (ronchopulmonary $e6ue$tration C" %telecta$i$
(" (ronchiecta$i$ D" Lung a&$ce$$
18" Hemodynamic pulmonary edema $een in conge$ti+e heart failure i$ due to
%" Increa$ed oncotic pre$$ure C" Increa$ed hydro$tatic pre$$ure
(" Decrea$ed inter$titial o$motic pre$$ure D" Increa$ed al&umin
1;" @udden death in patient$ 'ith pulmonary em&oli$m i$ cau$ed &y
%" (loc#age of &lood flo' through the lung$
(" %telecta$i$
C" De+elopment of chronic o&$tructi+e pulmonary di$ea$e
D" De+elopment of pulmonary hyperten$ion
1?" % lymphohematogenou$ di$$emination of pulmonary tu&erculo$i$ 'ould gi+e ri$e to
%" ,acitary fi&roca$eou$ tu&erculo$i$ C" Tu&erculou$ &ronchopneumonia
(" Pott$ di$ea$e D" Miliary tu&erculo$i$
2/" The plau$i&le mechani$m in the de+elopment of emphy$ema i$
%" Increa$e relea$e of ela$ta$e in neutrophil$ and macrophage$
(" Increa$e alpha-! anti-tryp$in en.yme
C" Pre$ence of o&$truction of a tumor of foreign &ody 'ith concomitant infection
D" Increa$e re$pon$i+ene$$ of the &ronchial tree
2!" The ma3or cau$e of celiac $prue i$
%" (acterial infection
(" Deficiency of ,itamin (!-
C" Hyper$en$iti+ity to gliadin fraction of 'heat gluten
D" Lymphatic o&$truction
2-" 9hich of the follo'ing $tatement$ i$ >OT a characteri$tic of 9hippleD$ Di$ea$e:
%" Cau$ed &y a gram-po$iti+e actinomycete
(" It i$ a $y$temic condition that may in+ol+e any organ of the &ody
C" There i$ an increa$ed incidence of $mall inte$tinal adenocarcinoma
D" ,illi e0panded &y the den$e infiltrate of macrophage$ impart$ a $haggy gro$$
appearance to the inte$tinal muco$al $urface
21" The hi$tologic criterion for the diagno$i$ of acute appendiciti$ i$ &a$ed on finding thi$
type of cell infiltrating the mu$culari$ propia
%" Hi$tiocyte$ C" Lymphocyte$
(" Monocyte$ D" >eutrophil$
22" 9hich of the follo'ing $tatement$ i$ >OT a characteri$tic of CrohnD$ Di$ea$e:
%" %$$ociated 'ith e0trainte$tinal manife$tation$ li#e migratory polyarthriti$ and
an#ylo$ing $pondyliti$
(" 7ranulomatou$ reaction in all layer$ of in+ol+ed inte$tine
C" )e$pon$e to $urgery i$ good
D" @#ip area$ are $een &et'een in+ol+ed $egment$ of inte$tine
24" Di$accharida$e deficiency i$ cla$$ified under 'hich of the follo'ing ma3or cau$e$ of
mala&$orption $yndrome
%" Defecti+e Intraluminal dige$tion
(" Lymphatic o&$truction
C" Primary muco$al cell a&normalitie$
D" )educed $mall inte$tinal $urface area
25" In ulcerati+e coliti$* inflammation i$ limited to the
%" Muco$a C" @ero$a
(" @u&muco$a D" Tran$mural layer
28" Large area$ of hemorrhagic green ulceration of the muco$a and green-&lac#
necro$i$ through the 'all* e0tending to the $ero$a of the appendi0 i$ mo$t li#ely
a$$ociated to 'hich of the follo'ing $tage$ of acute appendiciti$:
%" %cute gangrenou$ appendiciti$ C" %cute $uppurati+e appendiciti$
(" Early acute appendiciti$ D" )uptured acute appendiciti$
2;" Leon* -4-year-old male complained of intermittent diarrhea and lo'er a&dominal
pain" %n upper 7-I $erie$ $ho'ed $egmental narro'ing in the ileum" Micro$copic
finding$ of the le$ion $ho'ed inflammation from the muco$a to the $ero$a 'ith the
pre$ence of non-ca$eating granuloma$" The mo$t li#ely diagno$i$ i$
%" Celiac $prue C" CrohnD$ di$ea$e
(" Tropical $prue D" 9hippleD$ di$ea$e
2?" Henry* 24-year-old* male $uffer$ from epi$odic a&dominal &loating 'ith flatulence
and e0plo$i+e diarrhea after attending a 'ee#-long community cele&ration of the
dairy indu$try during the re$t of the year* he doe$ not con$ume mil# $ha#e$ or ice
cream and i$ not $ymptomatic" 9hich of the follo'ing condition$ &e$t account$ for
the$e finding$:
%" Celiac $prue C" Di$accharida$e deficiency
(" Ulcerati+e coliti$ D" 9hippleD$ di$ea$e
4/" Co$ie* 2/-year-old female* ha$ a total $erum &iliru&in concentration of ;" ? mgEdl and
a direct &iliru&in le+el of 5"; mgEdl" The $erum %lanine aminotra$fera$e F%LTG le+el i$
!-4 UEL* and the a$partate aminotran$fera$e F%@TG le+el i$ !/; UEL" % li+er &iop$y
$ho'$ hi$tologic finding$ characteri$tic for @clero$ing cholangiti$" 9hich of the
follo'ing ga$trointe$tinal tract di$ea$e i$ mo$t li#ely to coe0i$t in thi$ patient:
%" Celiac $prue C" Tropical $prue
(" Ulcerati+e coliti$ D" 9hippleD$ di$ea$e
4!" % middle-aged male complain$ of food $tic#ing $ome'here &et'een mouth and
$tomach" Monometry re+eal$ a peri$tal$i$" The mo$t po$$i&le diagno$i$ i$
%" @teno$i$ due to $e+ere ga$troe$ophageal reflu0
(" Parae$ophageal hiatal hernia
C" %chala$ia
D" Hen#erD$ di+erticulum
4-" Co$hua* -4-year-old* medical $tudent de+eloped $harp epiga$tric pain relie+ed &y
eating" %n upper 7" I" $erie$ demon$trated a ! cm ga$tric ulcer" 9hich of the
follo'ing feature$ i$ not compati&le 'ith the clinical finding$:
%" The $i.e of the ulcer doe$ not differentiate a &enign from malignant ulcer"
(" Heaping-up margin i$ rare in the &enign ulcer &ut characteri$tic of malignant
C" The &a$e of the peptic ulcer i$ $mooth and clean
D" Ulcerati+e le$ion in the greater cur+ature i$ more li#ely to &e cla$$ic peptic ulcer
41" Coan* -4-year-old* female* de+eloped diarrhea* a&dominal pain* and rectal &leeding"
@igmoido$copy $ho'ed numerou$ ulcer$" Idiopathic inflammatory &o'el di$ea$e
'a$ con$idered" 9hich of the follo'ing finding$ i$ more compati&le to CrohnD$
Di$ea$e than to ulcerati+e coliti$:
%" Crypt a&$ce$$ formation deep in muco$a
(" Increa$e incidence of adenocarcinoma of colon
C" P$eudopolyp formation &et'een ulcer$
D" Pre$ence of granuloma$ in the colonic 'all
42" Ce$ar* 14-year-old male had a hi$tory of heart &urn* regurgitation of $our &ra$h*
dy$pnea* &urning e$ophageal pain and $lo'ly &ut progre$$i+e dy$phagia" He 'a$
admitted to the emergency room &ecau$e of lo&ar pneumonia" The mo$t po$$i&le
cau$e of hi$ pneumonia i$ due to a$piration and can &e attri&uted to 'hich of the
follo'ing condition$:
%" E$ophageal atre$ia C" @liding hiatal hernia
(" )eflu0 e$ophagiti$ D" E$ophageal di+erticulum
44" Imelda* 5-year-old* girl* had a &loc#y* reddi$h &ro'n ra$h and 'a$ treated 'ith
a$pirin* $he de+eloped fatty change of the li+er" The mo$t li#ely diagno$i$ i$
%" @u&acute @clero$ing panencephaliti$
(" ,aricella-Ho$ter infection
C" )eyeD$ $yndrome
D" Poliomyeliti$
45" )onnie* 24-year-old* alcoholic 'ent on a &inge for - 'ee#$" He 'a$ found comato$e
and in li+er failure" Hi$ li+er at autop$y $ho'ed $e+eral hepatocyte$ 'ith hyaline
Mallory &odie$ in the cytopla$m" Thi$ finding i$ mo$t typical of
%" %lcoholic hepatiti$ C" Hepatic $teato$i$
(" %lcoholic cirrho$i$ D" Hepatocellular tumor
48" Fely* !;-year-old* female* pre$ent$ 'ith a&dominal pain locali.ed to the right lo'er
6uadrant* nau$ea and +omiting* mild fe+er* and an ele+ation of the peripheral
leu#ocyte count to !80!/
EL" E0amination of the $urgically re$ected appendi0 i$ mo$t
li#ely to re+eal
%" %n appendi0 'ith normal appearance
(" >eutrophil$ 'ithin the mu$cular 'all
C" Lymphoid hyperpla$ia and multinucleated giant cell$ 'ithin the mu$cular 'all
D" % dilated lumen filled 'ith mucu$
4;" >elia* 1;-year-old* female* complain$ of fatigue and pruritu$" @he i$ found to ha+e
high $erum al#aline pho$phata$e and $lightly ele+ated $erum &iliru&in le+el$* and
$erum antimitochondrial auto&odie$ are pre$ent" % li+er &iop$y re+eal$ a mar#ed
Lymphocytic infiltrate in the portal tract$" Occa$ional granuloma$ are al$o $een" The
mo$t li#ely diagno$i$ i$
%" Primary @clero$ing cholangiti$ C" ,iral hepatiti$ ( infection
(" Primary &iliary cirrho$i$ D" Impacted gall$tone
4?" The finding$ of multiple* pale* yello'* hard round $tone$ 'ithin the gall&ladder i$
>OT a$$ociated 'ith 'hich of the follo'ing:
%" Oral contracepti+e C" O&e$ity
(" (iliary infection D" Hyperlipidemia $yndrome$
5/" Dilated $inu$oid$ and irregular cy$tic $pace$ filled 'ith &lood 'ithin the li+er 'hich
may rupture leading to ma$$i+e intra-a&dominal hemorrhage* are mo$t commonly
a$$ociated 'ith
%" @alicylate$ C" E$trogen
(" %na&olic $teroid$ D" %cetaminophen
5!" Tran$mural infarct$ commonly in+ol+e the$e three arterial +e$$el$ of the heart" The
LE%@T affected one i$ the
%" Left anterior de$cending C" )ight coronary
(" Left circumfle0 D" )ight circumfle0
5-" The heat failure cell$ are &y nature
%" %l+eolar lining cell$ C" Polymorphonuclear cell$
(" Macrophage$ D" Eo$inophil$
51" %ngina that i$ un$ta&le i$ clinically de$cri&ed a$
%" Tran$ient C" Precipitated &y phy$ical $tre$$
(" )elie+ed &y re$t D" Progre$$i+e
52" Thi$ organ i$ not prominent affected in right-$ided failure
%" Li+er C" Bidney$
(" Lung$ D" (rain
54" % cardiac ma$$ form an infant on micro$copic e0amination re+ealed <$pider cell$<"
9hat type of tumor i$ thi$:
%" Leiomyoma C" )ha&domyoma
(" My0oma D" Fi&roma
55" Ca$e$ of patent ductu$ arterio$u$ that are not i$olated are commonly a$$ociated
'ith the follo'ing condition$* E0cept
%" ,@D C" Coarctation
(" %@D D" Pulmonary $teno$i$
58" Hi$topathology e0amination of the heart of a patient 'ho died of %MI $ho'ed
coagulati+e necro$i$* edema* hemorrhage and neutrophilic infiltrate$" Ho' old i$ the
%" 1/ minute$ C" ! day
(" !- hour$ D" ! 'ee#
5;" >oli* !4-year-old* $tudent* had $ore throat and a 'ee# later de+eloped $'ollen 3oint$
and a murmur in the aortic +al+e area" 9hat i$ the diagno$i$:
%" Infecti+e endocarditi$ C" @LE
(" )heumatic heart di$ea$e D" Diphtheria
5?" Daniel* 14-year-old man* 'ho recently had an infarct de+eloped a loud pericardial
friction ru&" Thi$ i$ due to
%" %nother infarct C" @erou$ pericarditi$
(" Purulent pericarditi$ D" Fi&rinou$ pericarditi$
8/" 7eorge* 2/-year-old male* died of $ep$i$ 'ith DIC" Upon autop$y* $mall ma$$e$ of
fi&rin throm&i 'ere $een in the heart +al+e$" Ho' do you interpret thi$:
%" Patient had infecti+e endocarditi$ C" Patient had >(TE
(" Patient had rheumatic heart di$ea$e D" It i$ normal finding
8!" The &ile $alt$ aid in the emul$ification of dietary fat$ in the inte$tine$" They are
compo$ed of &ile acid$ that ha+e &een con3ugated 'ith
%" %l&umin C" 7lucoronic acid
(" %mino acid D" 7luco$e
8-" The mil#y appearance of $erum after fat inge$tion i$ called po$t prandial lipemia" The
lipemic appearance i$ cau$ed &y the pre$ence of
%" Chole$terol C" Fatty acid$
(" Chylomicron$ D" Pho$pholipid$
81" 9hich of the follo'ing apolipoprotein$* 'hen pre$ent in an increa$ed concentration*
'ould &e a$$ociated 'ith a decrea$ed ri$# of coronary artery di$ea$e:
%" %po %-I C" %po (-!//
(" %po (-2; D" %po C-II
82" 9hich type of inflammation i$ mo$t characteri$tic of acute rheumatic fe+er:
%" Myocarditi$ C" Pancarditi$
(" Pericarditi$ D" Endocarditi$
84" Thi$ di$ea$e of the heart pre$ent$ on early cyano$i$
%" %trial $eptal defect C" Patent ductu$ arterio$u$
(" Truncu$ arterio$u$ D" %trio+entricular $eptal defect
85" 9hich of the follo'ing $tatement$ a&out heart failure i$ true:
%" )ight $ided failure may re$ult in hepatomegaly
(" Cor pulmonale u$ually i$ due to $e+ere pulmonic $teno$i$
C" The clinical manife$tation of heart failure mo$t commonly reflect right-$ided
D" Dy$pnea i$ a re$ult of &lood $ta$i$ in the e0tremitie$
88" 9hich of the follo'ing di$ea$e$ re$ult$ from a familial a&$ence of high-den$ity
%" Bra&&eD$ C" 7aucherD$
(" Tangier D" Tay-@ach$
8;" The en.yme that e0i$t$ chiefly in $#eletal mu$cle* heart and &rain i$ gro$$ly acti+e
mu$cular dy$trophy and ri$e$ early in myocardial infarction i$
%" Lipa$e C" Tran$mina$e
(" Lactate dehydrogena$e D" Creatine #ina$e
8?" Cuanito* 12-year-old 'a$ found to ha+e total chole$terol of --4 mgEdl and an HDL
chole$terol of ;1 mgEdl" (a$ed on the$e re$ult$* thi$ indi+idual
%" I$ a &orderline high ri$# of coronary heart di$ea$e
(" @hould &e coun$eled to modify hi$ diet to reduce hi$ total chole$terol
C" @hould &e con$ulted to $ee hi$ phy$ician immediate to follo'-up te$ting
D" I$ pro&a&ly not &orderline high ri$# for coronary heart di$ea$e"
;/" % &lood $pecimen i$ dra'n for lipoprotein phenotyping" The te$t re$ult$ o&tained are
!" Triglyceride$ - -14 mgEdl F>, 2/-!52 mgEdlG
-" Total chole$terol - !?/ mgEdl F>, le$$ than -// mgEdlG
1" Pre&eta - lipoprotein fraction increa$ed
2" (eta- lipoprotein fraction normal
4" Chylomicron$ pre$ent
5" @erum appearance mil#y
The &e$t e0planation for the$e re$ult$ 'ould &e that the indi+idual e0hi&ited
characteri$tic of
%" % normal indi+idual C" Type II hyperlipoproteinemia
(" % non-fa$ting $erum protein D" Type I, hyperlipoproteinemia
;!" Hemoglo&in (artD$ i$ compo$ed of
%" Four alpha chain$ C" Four gamma chain$
(" Four &eta chain$ D" T'o alpha* t'o &eta chain$
;-" Ho'ell-Colly &odie$ are compo$ed of
%" D>% C" Iron
(" )>% D" Mitochondria
;1" The mo$t mature cell that can undergo mito$i$ i$ the
%" Myelo&la$t C" Metamyelocyte
(" Promyelocyte D" Myelocyte
;2" ,a$odilation and &ronchocon$triction 'ould &e a$$ociated 'ith 'hich &lood cell
%" Eo$inophilic C" (a$ophil$
(" >eutrophil$ D" Monocyte$
;4" Lymphocyte$ that produce immunoglo&ulin$ in re$pon$e to antigenic $timulation are
%" ( Lymphocyte$ C" Pla$ma cell$
(" T lymphocyte$ D" Thymocyte$
;5" To0ic granulation i$ mo$t commonly o&$er+ed a$ a Cytopla$mic inclu$ion of
%" Lymphocyte$ C" Monocyte$
(" Eo$inophil$ D" >eutrophil$
;8" 9hich of the follo'ing organ$ i$ >OT a $ite for hematopoie$i$ in the fetu$:
%" Li+er C" @pleen
(" (one marro' D" Bidney
;;" In early infancy the mo$t numerou$ cell$ of the &one marro' are
%" Erythro&la$t$ C" 7ranulocytic precur$or$
(" Lymphocyte$ D" Hi$tiocyte$-monocyte$
;?" 9hich cell cla$$ification i$ de$cri&ed &y the follo'ing @econd mo$t numerou$ cell in
the &loodI u$ually $mall and roundI inten$ely &lue cytopla$mI and nucleu$ 'ith
clumped dar# purple chromatin:
%" Monocyte C" Lymphocyte
(" >ull cell D" Pla$macyte
?/" 9hich of the follo'ing i$ mo$t +aria&le in normal marro':
%" Differential count of 4// cell$ C" ME ratio
(" Cellularity D" Iron $tage
?!" 9hich of the follo'ing i$ not a crucial area of )(C $ur+i+al and function:
%" Integrity of )(C cellular mem&rane C" Cell meta&oli$m
(" Intra+a$cular hemoly$i$ D" hemoglo&in $tructure
?-" 9hich of the follo'ing group$ of a&normal hemoglo&in$ are una&le to tran$port or
deli+er o0ygen:
%" Car&o0yhemoglo&in and methemoglo&in
(" Methemoglo&in and fetal hemoglo&in
C" Car&o0yhemoglo&in* $ulfhemoglo&in* and fetal hemoglo&in
D" Car&o0yhemoglo&in* methemoglo&in and $ulfhemoglo&in
?1" Production of primary granule$ cea$e$ and production of $econdary granule$
commence$ 'ith 'hat cell $tage:
%" Myelocyte C" Myelo&la$t
(" Promyelocyte D" Metamyelocyte
?2" % decrea$ed in 'hich of the follo'ing la&oratory re$ult$ i$ >OT a u$ual diagno$tic
criterion for anemia:
%" Hemoglo&in C" hematocrit
(" Platelet count D" )(C count
?4" 9hat i$ diagno$tic +alue of reticulocyte count in the e+aluation of anemia:
%" Determine$ re$pon$e and potential of the &one marro'
(" Determine$ compen$ation mechani$m$ for anemia
C" Determine$ the corrected )(C count after the calculation
D" Determine$ the potential $ampling error for )(C count
?5" % &one marro' ha$ large cell$ that ha+e eccentric py#notic nuclei" The cytopla$m of
the$e cell $tain$ +ery pale and ha$ a $triated appearance
%" Mega #aryo&la$t$ C" 7aucherD$ cell$
(" )eed-@tern&erg cell$ D" Large myelo&la$t$
?8" 9hich of the follo'ing i$ >OT a factor to &e e+aluated in the interpretation of a &one
marro' a$pirate $mear:
%" Maturation of red and 'hite &lood cell$ $erie$
(" ME ratio
C" Type and amount of hemoglo&in
D" E$timate of &one marro' acti+ity
?;" Lito -8-year-old ha$ a total 9(C count of 20!/
EL" The differential count i$ a$
follo'$ >eutrophil$ - -; F>, " 45G
Lypmhocyte$ - 54 F>, "12G
(and - "/- F>, "--G
Monocyte$ - "4 F>, - "2G
9hich of the follo'ing $tatement$ i$ true:
%" The percentage of lymphocyte$ i$ normal
(" The a&$olute num&er of lymphocyte$ i$ lo'
C" There i$ an a&$olute lymphocyto$i$
D" There i$ a relati+e lymphocyto$i$
??" The follo'ing condition$ fa+or$ diagno$i$ of CML rather than a leu#omoid reaction*
%" %&$ence of eo$inophil$ and &a$ophil$ in the peripheral &lood
(" Lo' L%P $core 'ith myelo&la$t$ through $eg$ in the peripheral &lood
C" Ph chromo$ome
D" Enlarge $pleen
!//" The principal defect in chronic granulomatou$ di$ea$e i$ in
%" Chemota0i$ C" Phagocyto$i$
(" Ly$o$omal function D" Production of o0ygen and radical
)eference Pathologic (a$i$ of Di$ea$e 8

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