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Sarah Gemanil
Coleen Grace Navarro
1. On Civil Disobedience by Henry David Thoreau
Government is best which governs least or not at all. The American government, what
is but a tradition, had ailed to urther an! enterprise and sustaining it"s integrit! towards posterit!. #t
does not $eep the countr! ree. #t does not settle the %est. #t does not educate.
The government"s endeavor to enorce and control onl! rustrates the reedom and will
o the people. This also implies how men can be successll! imposed on or the onerous advantage o
the government. The people can live better even without the government. The character inherent in the
American people has done all that has been accomplished, which could have been more i not o the
government"s regulations and intervention.
Substitution of underlined words:
&nderlined words 'ossible substitutes
motto adage
government authorit!
governs controls
e(pedient prudent
tradition heritage, custom
unimpaired intact
posterit! ne(t generations, successors
integrit! principle
vitalit! continuit!
machiner! s!stem
imposed ordered
urthered promoted
enterprise venture
alacrit! avidit!, intense desire
educate develop, cultivate
character nature
got in its wa! intervene
trade and commerce e(change
eects conse)uence
intentions purpose
mischievous malicious

%riting About +eading
Address at the ,edication o the
Gett!sburg National Cemeter!
%ar - a test on a nation"s endurance o dedication.
#t was eight! seven !ears ago when our athers introduced us a new nation, imbued on the principle o
libert! and e)ualit!. Now, our dedication to uphold these principles are challenged, we are engaged in a
great civil war. And as our ight continues, we share this dedication to those who lost their lives on the
.ut, in a larger sense, we cannot dedicate/we cannot consecrate/we cannot
hallow/this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here have
consecrated it ar above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note nor
long remember what we sa! here, but it can never orget what the! did here. #t is or us, the
living, rather, to be dedicated here to the uninished wor$ which the! who ought here
have thus ar so nobl! advanced. #t is rather or us to be here dedicated to the great tas$
remaining beore us0that rom these honored dead we ta$e increased devotion to that
cause or which the! gave the last ull measure o devotion1 that we here highl! resolve that
these dead shall not have died in vain1 that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth o
reedom1 and that government o the people, b! the people, or the people, shall not
perish rom the earth.

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