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Segmund (Saomon) Borchardt (1841-1915)

|acob Saomon Borchardt and |ohanna (Maass) had seven chdren. Lous
and Kora and Em and Segmund were born before 1843 st n |astrow,
Adee, Ida and Hedwg were born after 1847 n Bromberg. Hedwg, the rst
who was born n Bromberg, ded as a baby, Lous ded n the age of 33 n
South Tyro, but a the others went to Bern, and after the death of father
|acob Saomon |oned mother |ohanna her chdren n Bern. About the
three chdren of Kora Hrschfed we don't know what happened. Em
|oned Segmund type foundry and had aso three chdren, Frtz emgrated
through Shangha to the UK, hs dvorced wfe emgrated wth hs daughter
Ace to Austraa.
Segmund, the Handesrchter und Kommerzenrat Borchardt, was a very
successfu busness-man, begnnng n the company of hs mother's
brother, than, n 1883, he took over the Schrftgessere Whem
Here are some very nce photos of the fonts they created:
a st of a the fonts: http://www.kngspor-
In 1884 hs brother Em |oned the company, n 1911 aso Segmund's son
Whem, and n 1915 Em's son Frtz. The house, where Segmund evd
wth hs famy, and the factory, were at Fredrchstr. 226, rght besde the
|ewsh Museum (http://www.| In 1938 the company
goes over to Genzsch & Heyse (Hamburg), Gebr. Kngspor, Schrftgu KG
and C. E. Weber (Stuttgart).
(pages 32-33)
Segmund marred Hedwg Berner from Nesse. She was thrteen years
younger than Segmund, but ded before hm, of cancer, but perhaps aso
because fe was hard to her, she had eght chdren, and two chdren ded
as babes, one at the age of 13. Her photo seems to me as she had
somethng sad. The other ve chdren: Pau's story s not cear: traveng
around, specay Tunesa, than beng taken to the concentraton camp
Dachau, reeased, escapng to UK and from there to the US - was he a spy
or not? For whom? Whem, who was ater ashamed of hs brother the
trator, emgrated to the US n 1935 wth wfe and three teenager-chdren.
Ese ded very eary, but her two chdren emgrated to the US. Anna ded
n Bern n 1936, but her son Werner escaped n May 1938 to New York,
wth hs wfe and two chdren Ua and Thomas, and the youngest one,
Kthe, emgrated to Paestne wth her two daughters Erka and Hed,
aready young women.

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