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Bill of materials

A 'bill of materials or Product structure (sometimes bill
of material or BOM) is a list of the raw materials, sub-
assemblies, intermediate assemblies, sub-components,
parts and the quantities of each needed to manufacture
an end product. A BOM may be used for communication
between manufacturing partners, or conned to a single
manufacturing plant.
A BOM can dene products as they are designed
(engineering bill of materials), as they are ordered (sales
bill of materials), as they are built (manufacturing bill of
materials), or as they are maintained (service bill of ma-
terials or pseudo bill of material). The dierent types of
BOMs depend on the business need and use for which
they are intended. In process industries, the BOM is also
known as the formula, recipe, or ingredients list. In elec-
tronics, the BOM represents the list of components used
on the printed wiring board or printed circuit board. Once
the design of the circuit is completed, the BOM list is
passed on to the PCB layout engineer as well as compo-
nent engineer who will procure the components required
for the design.
1 Modular BOMs
In most cases BOMs are of hierarchical nature, with the
top level representing the nished product which may be a
sub-assembly or a completed item. BOMs that describe
the sub-assemblies are referred to as modular BOMs.
An example of this is the NAAMS BOM that is used
in the automotive industry to list all the components in
an assembly line. The structure of the NAAMS BOM is
System, Line, Tool, Unit and Detail.
The rst hierarchical databases were developed for au-
tomating bills of materials for manufacturing organiza-
tions in the early 1960s. At present this BOM is used as
a data base to identify the many parts and their codes in
automobile manufacturing companies.
A bill of materials implosion links component pieces
to a major assembly, while a bill of materials explosion
breaks apart each assembly or sub-assembly into its com-
ponent parts.
A modular BOM can be displayed in the following for-
A single-level BOM that displays the assembly or
sub-assembly with only one level of children. Thus
it displays the components directly needed to make
the assembly or sub-assembly.
An indented BOM that displays the highest-level
item closest to the left margin and the components
used in that item indented more to the right.
Modular (planning) BOM
A BOM can also be visually represented by a prod-
uct structure tree, although they are rarely used in the
For example, one them is Time-Phased
Product Structure
where this diagram illustrates the
time needed to build or acquire the needed components
to assemble the nal product.For each product, the time
phased product structure shows the sequence and dura-
tion of each operation.
2 Congurable BOM
A congurable bill of materials (CBOM) is a form of
BOM used by industries that have multiple options and
highly congurable products (e.g. telecom systems, data-
center hardware (SANS, servers, etc.), PCs, autos).
The CBOM is used to dynamically create end-items
that a company sells. The benet of using CBOM struc-
ture is that it reduces the work-eort needed to maintain
product structures. The congurable BOM is most fre-
quently driven by congurator software, however it can
be enabled manually (manual maintenance is infrequent
because it is unwieldy to manage the number of per-
mutations and combinations of possible congurations).
The development of the CBOM is dependent on having
a modular BOM structure in place. The modular BOM
structure provides the assemblies/sub-systems that can be
selected to congure an end-item.
While most congurators utilize top-down hierarchical
rules syntax to nd appropriate modular BOMs, main-
tenance of very similar BOMs (i.e., only one compo-
nent is dierent for various voltages) becomes highly
excessive. A newer approach, (Bottom-Up/Rules-Based
Structuring) utilizing a proprietary search engine scheme
transversing through selectable componentry at high
speeds eliminates the Planning Modular BOM duplica-
tions . The search engine is also used for all combinato-
rial feature constraints and GUI representations to sup-
port specication selections.
To decide which variant of the parts or components are
to be chosen, they are attributed by the product options
which are the characteristic features of the product (busi-
ness). If the options of the product build an ideal boolean
it is possible to describe the connection be-
tween parts and product variants with an boolean expres-
sion, which refers to a subset of the set of products.
3 Multi-Level BOMs
A Multi-Level Bill of Materials (BOM), or referred as an
indented BOM, is a bill of materials that lists the com-
ponents, assemblies, and parts required to make a prod-
uct. It provides a display of all items that are in parent-
children relationships. When an itemis a sub-component,
unnished part, etc., all of its components, including n-
ished parts and rawmaterials, are also exhibited. Amulti-
level structure can be illustrated by a tree with several
levels. In contrast, a single-level structure only consists
of one level of children in components, assemblies and
4 See also
Bill of material based on characteristics
5 References
[6] [7]
[1] Bill of Materials. The Free Dictionary. Retrieved
September 28, 2008.
[2] Bill of Materials. Inventory Interface. Gerald Drouil-
lard. December 28, 2001. Retrieved June 7, 2011.
[3] Reid, R. Dan; Sanders, Nada R. (2002). Operations Man-
agement. John Wiley & Sons. pp. 457458. ISBN 0-
[4] Malakooti, Behnam (2013). Operations and Production
Systems with Multiple Objectives. John Wiley & Sons.
ISBN 978-1-118-58537-5.
[5] Super BOM. SAP ERP 6.0. SAP. 2012. Archived from
the original on 2012-07-17. Retrieved 2012-07-17.
[6] W. Herlyn (2012) (in German), PPS im Automobil-
bau Produktionsprogrammplanung und -steuerung von
Fahrzeugen und Aggregaten, Mnchen: Hanser Verlag,
ISBN 978-3-446-41370-2
[7] W. Herlyn (1990) (in German), Zur Problematik der Ab-
bildung variantenreicher Erzeugnisse in der Automobilin-
dustrie, Dsseldorf: VDI Verlag, ISBN 3-18-145216-5
[8] Arena Solutions BOMControl. Arena Solutions.
[9] Ciiva collaborative BOM. Ciiva Bill of Materials Col-
laborative Software.
6 External links
BOM template used for PCB assembly Bill of ma-
terials template used for printed circuit board as-
sembly service.
7 Text and image sources, contributors, and licenses
7.1 Text
Bill of materials Source: Contributors: Toby Bartels, Maury Markowitz,
Pnm, Jnc, Stewartadcock, JesseW, BenFrantzDale, Utcursch, Zondor, YUL89YYZ, RJHall, Bobo192, Mdd, Espoo, RJFJR, Nugget-
boy, Bellenion, Rjwilmsi, Thedatastream, Tysto, Chobot, YurikBot, Van der Hoorn, Voidxor, Jeremy Visser, Freeformer, Nino Gonzales,
Mlibby, Josh Triplett, SmackBot, Misterb, Edgar181, QEDquid, Bluebot, MalafayaBot, Mshockle, Freek Verkerk, D3j4vu, Gerben1974,
Kochipiper, Doceddi, Timtrent, Alaibot, Marek69, Pinaghosh, Navneetsrivastava, PhilKnight, Magioladitis, Allstarecho, NikonMike, Fc-
super, Rods42, GaborLajos, Squids and Chips, Benvenutoben, FMasic, Wings of Darkness, Yintan, Indiapiyush, Oxymoron83, Dangelow,
Sak31122, ClueBot, The Thing That Should Not Be, Indigobuttery13, PixelBot, Nathan Johnson, Addbot, Tide rolls, Lightbot, Yobot,
Nallimbot, AnomieBOT, Materialscientist, Citation bot, Brunonar, LOUCHAN, Sageeyes7, BenzolBot, Just a guy from the KP, Jesse V.,
RjwilmsiBot, EmausBot, K6ka, Trojan65, Bobsageturmom, ClueBot NG, Momo1997, Fox2k11, Wilmjakob, Moskidmore, Wikiuser13,
LieutenantLatvia, Lemanlake, JaconaFrere, Monkbot, Moorshed k, Dbernard05 and Anonymous: 83
7.2 Images
File:Commons-logo.svg Source: License: ? Contributors: ? Original
artist: ?
File:Schneckengetriebe.png Source: License: CC-BY-
SA-3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Thorsten Hartmann
7.3 Content license
Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0

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