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In Company Upper-intermediate - Second Edition Answer Key: Unit 4

Voice and Visuals

page 30
E 3
Have a look at this. As you can see,
One thing youll immediately notice is that
Id particularly like to draw your attention to
Id also like to point out
And perhaps I should mention
Just to give you some of the ackground to this,
!o put this into some kind of perspective,
"learly then, what these figures show is
!he lesson we can learn from this is
E !
a lets dim the run lights
lets go with a live link#up to
c weve set up a short product demo
d well e handing out samples in a minute
e lets go online and take a closer look at
page 3"
E #
a $ %fluent and confident&
' %fluent ut oring&
c ( %hesitant&
d $ %fluent and confident&
e ' %fluent ut oring&
f ( %hesitant&
E 3
He doesnt pause and fails to stress important words.
E 4
He is pausing and stressing in the wrong place.
E !
)e tend to pause after stressed words.
page 3#
E $
% &ow to spea' e((ecti)ely and relate to an audience
c sel(-%elie(
*A+E 34
,A-+UA+E ,I-KS
*ocaulary+ ,resentations
"ommenting on statistics
a increased tenfold
b quadrupled
c more than tripled
d nearly doubled
e plateaud
f almost halved
Which of the above means the same as a fourfold increase? b
a huge massive
b significant considerable
c moderate reasonable
d slight modest
a phenomenal spectacular
b encouraging promising
c disappointing unimpressive
d disastrous miserable
-etaphor+ trends and developments
And on the stock market today
mountaineering equipment pea"ed
military hard#are boomed
lifts #ere up and do#n
"itchen "nives #ent up sharply
but the housing mar"et totally collapsed
After a nervous start
rubber bounced bac"
medical supplies quic"ly recovered
the automotive industry rallied
rifles shot up
and vacuum cleaners also pic"ed up after lunch
In some of the fiercest trading seen in the "ity
s#im#ear plunged
mining equipment hit roc" bottom
ice s"ates slipped a little
alcoholic beverages slumped
and the mar"et for raisins completely dried up
.y close of trade
fire#or"s s"yroc"eted
$ro%ac reached an all&time high
but paper products #ere stationary
mens soc"s remained unchanged
and theatre curtains fell dramatically
/rammar+ -odal vers
a mustnt pay
b neednt ta"e' neednt have ta"en
c didnt need to #ait' mustnt #ait
d #ould have studied
e #ould be' must have been
f #ont have left
g could
1 shouldnt
2 must have
! #ouldnt
( #ould have
) neednt have
* cant
+ could have
, ll
- cant
1. could have
11 must
12 #ont
1! might
1( ll
,hrase .ank+ 0escriing and commenting on visuals
Introduction/ d' l' o' p
Context/ f' h' i' m
Highlights/ a' c' e' g
Conclusions/ b' 0' "' n

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