Francis Baily News: 10th October No. 3

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No. 3

Kitchen Vacancies
ISS, our school meals
supplier, has a vacancy for a
temporary kitchen assistant
10 hours per week. Please
speak to the ofce for more

Asthma Inhalers
Whilst we appreciate
parents putng asthma
inhalers in easily identfable
individual bags we do not
have unlimited storage
space and ask that the bags
provided are as small as
possible. Thank you,

Francis Baily News

Charity Collectons
An important part of learning in school is for the children to consider those less
fortunate than themselves. One of the ways we do this is to get involved in a large
number of charitable actvites. Some are proposed by the children themselves or
through the School Council.
As a school we understand that we quite regularly ask for your support with such
causes and are always stunned by your generosity.
However I want to make clear that we do not expect children and families to sup-
port everything we do, many of you make your own private donatons to charita-
ble causes close to your heart or just dont have the ability to contnually help
others every tme we ask.
I want to assure you that we do not keep any record of who donates or doesnt
and would never exclude a child from taking part in something because they
haven't brought in 1 or made a physical donaton of some sort. On non-uniform
days children, whether contributng or not, can wear non-uniform; all donatons
are placed in a collectng vessel and no register or tck sheet is used.
I menton below our two most recent charitable collectons and again we are truly
grateful for your response.
Macmillan Cofee Morning
Many thanks to everyone who donated cakes and/or came and bought at the
Cake Sale on Friday 26 September. The School Council raised 207 for this good
A further thank you to everyone who was able to make a donaton to our Harvest
collecton. I have been informed by the West Berks Food Bank that we contribut-
ed 164kg of food and other items. It did seem a lot when I could hardly move in
my ofce during collecton day!
Scooters and Bikes
We are contnually reminding children about the need for care when riding or cy-
cling to school. The following message was recently published (30/9)in a local
communicatons system by a concerned member of the public.
Could you do a shout out for parents with kids that ride
scooters to Francis Bailey please. This morning I witnessed
a boy of around 10, wearing a helmet (luckily) riding a scoot-
er, by the Kennet school roundabout on Station Road, he
didn't look either way and just scooted straight off the path
and straight across the road into on coming traffic. It caused
2 cars to do emergency stops. Not only did one car miss him
by a few inches but it was so close to being a multi car acci-
dent too. Please can parents with kids that ride to school,
talk to them about road safety. I don't want to witness anyone getting hurt.
I will take Road Safety as my theme for assemblies on Monday to remind children
of how they should be behaving outside of school in order to keep themselves and
others safe.
Positive Behaviour

Whilst we will expect all
behaviour to be of the
highest standard we will
pay particular focus in the
first few weeks to;

Work quietly when
asked and do not dis-
turb others

Education Service
Access, Planning, Governance and Trading Team
Council Offices
West St Newbury
Berkshire RG14 5LD

Please ask for:
Direct Line: 01635 519030
Dear Parent

West Berkshire Council is seeking a sponsor for a new primary school to be built on the Newbury College site on Monks Lane. You may have seen
information about this in the press. The school will be a new 210 place primary school with a 26 place nursery and will help meet the high demand for
primary school places in Newbury. The new school represents a substantial Council investment in Newbury Town education.

We hope that the school will open in September 2016, although this could change. To ensure that local primary schools are protected, to start with
the school will admit up to 26 children into the nursery, 30 Reception children, 15 into Year 1 and 15 into Year 2. The school will build up to its full
capacity of 210 children and 26 nursery aged children over time.

The design of the school will be future proofed so that, if additional primary school places are needed, the school can be expanded to 420 places or
even 630 places. The nursery will be designed so that it could also expand to accommodate 52 nursery children.

The process to establish a sponsor takes some time, with the final decision being made by the Secretary of State for Education. The Council is re-
quired to develop the plans and detail about the school with the named sponsor. There will be a public consultation on the proposals so that local
people can have their say. We realise that you will be especially interested in matters like school admissions, catchment areas and school transport/
traffic impact and these will all be covered in the consultation in Summer 2015.

There are frequently asked questions on our website on the Consultation Finder pages.

If you have a question about this proposal please email

The Expressions of Interest process started on October 1
2014 and ends on November 15

Yours faithfully

Caroline Corcoran
Service Manager
(Access, Planning, Governance & Trading)

School Field

Can I please ask parents who come through from the Kennet site to use the footpath around the perimeter of the field.
Many parents do in fact do this but especially in the drier months a significant number of parents and pupils cross the field.
I ask for two reasons:
To protect the grass playing surface more important as we enter a wetter period
To reduce the noise levels which are sometimes experienced during lessons/exams in the Kennet Sixth Form block
adjacent to the field
Thanks in advance for your cooperation

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