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I. Using the words in parentheses, complete the text below with the appropriate tenses.

1. Every Monday, Sally (drive) her kids to football practice.

2. Usually, I (ork) as a secretary at !"#, but this su$$er I (study)
%rench at a lan&ua&e school in 'aris. #hat is hy I a$ in 'aris.
(. Shhhhh) "e *uiet) +ohn (sleep) .
,. -on.t for&et to take your u$brella. It (rain) .
/. I hate livin& in Seattle because it (rain, alays) .
0. I.$ sorry I can.t hear hat you (say) because everybody (talk) so
1. +ustin (rite, currently) a book about his adventures in #ibet. I hope he can
find a &ood publisher hen he is finished.
2. +i$3 -o you ant to co$e over for dinner toni&ht4
-enise3 5h, I.$ sorry, I can.t. I (&o) to a $ovie toni&ht ith so$e friends.
6. #he business cards (be, nor$ally ) printed by a co$pany in 7e 8ork. #heir
prices (be) ine9pensive, yet the *uality of their ork is *uite &ood.
1:. #his delicious chocolate (be) $ade by a s$all chocolatier in ;urich, Sit<erland.
II. Choose the correct form for each verb.
1. I ======== lunch in the cafeteria every day.
1. have
2. a$ havin&
2. It ======== *uite hard > perhaps e shouldn.t &o out toni&ht.
1. snos
2. is snoin&
(. 8ou on.t find +erry at ho$e ri&ht no. ?e ======== in the library.
1. studies
2. is studyin&
,. @ook) +unko ======== into the ater.
1. Au$ps
2. is Au$pin&
/. Sal$an is rich > he ======== a Mercedes.
1. drives
2. is drivin&
0. MarieBClaude isn.t a Canadian. I ======== she co$es fro$ %rance.
1. believe
2. a$ believin&
1. -on.t &ive +an any cheese. She ======== it)
1. hates
2. is hatin&
2. I ======== cra<y)
1. think
2. a$ thinkin&
6. I ======== to #oronto ne9t #hursday. -o you ant to co$e4
1. &o
2. a$ &oin&
1:. 5nce a eek, I ======== to an art class at the colle&e.
1. &o
2. a$ &oin&
III. Choose the correct answer.
1. I a$ livin& in @ondon no. B Dhat does this sentence $ean4
I have $oved to @ondon to stay there for ever.
I a$ in @ondon only for a li$ited period of ti$e.
I a$ &oin& to $ove to @ondon soon.
2. De are $eetin& #o$ toni&ht. B Dhat does this sentence $ean4
#he action is arran&ed for the near future.
#he action is takin& place no.
#he action $i&ht take place.
(. I.$ orkin& hard at the $o$ent. B Is the sentence correct even if I a$ not orkin& at the
$o$ent of speakin&4
,. ?e is playin& football. B Dhich situation cannot be e9pressed by present pro&ressive4
#o e9press that the $atch is &oin& on ri&ht no.
#o e9press that he does not play football re&ularly, but only for a li$ited period of
#o e9press that he plays football re&ularly.
/. @ook) #he Millers are $ovin& house. B Dhich of the folloin& situations is e9pressed by
the present pro&ressive4
#hey are in the $iddle of the action.
#he action is &oin& to take place ne9t eek.
#hey ill co$e back to this place one day.
IV. Choose the correct statement.
1. I live in @ondon. B Dhat does this sentence $ean4
#his is $y per$anent address.
#his is $y address only for a li$ited period of ti$e. Aust recently $oved there.
2. #he lesson starts at half past ei&ht. B Dhat does this sentence $ean4
#he action has already taken place.
#he action is set by a ti$etable.
#he action $i&ht take place.
(. ?e opens the book and reads. B Dhich situation is e9pressed by the si$ple present4
?e opens the book first and then starts readin&.
?e opens the book after havin& read so$ethin&.
?e opens the book readin& so$ethin& else at the sa$e ti$e.
,. #he sun sets in the est. B Dhich situation is e9pressed by the si$ple present4
#he sun alays sets in the est.
#he action is &oin& on ri&ht no.
If e are lucky, the sun $i&ht set in the est today.
/. ?e plays football. B Dhich situation cannot be e9pressed by the si$ple present4
If e ant to say that the action is &oin& on ri&ht no.
If e ant to say that football is one of his hobbies.
If e ant to say that he is able to play football.
V. Ask questions using WHO :
1. She works here because the salary is good.(1)
2. The student gives the teacher his report card.(2)
3. Sam wants to talk to his friend. (2)
. The children are watching a movie now. (1)
!. That girl is phoning her grandmother now. (2)

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