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26 Worksheet (A2)

Data needed to answer questions can be found in the Data, formulae and relationships sheet.
1 Calculate the force experienced by an oil droplet with a charge of 3.2 10
C due to a
uniform electric field of strength ".0 10
# m
2 $he diagram shows two parallel, hori%ontal plates separated by a &ertical distance of 3.0 cm.
$he potential difference between the plates is '00 #.
a Calculate the magnitude and direction of the electric field between the plates. (3)
b Describe the electric field between the plates. (2)
c * charged oil droplet of weight '.+ 10
, is held stationary between the two plates.
i -tate whether the charge on the droplet is positi&e or negati&e.
.xplain your answer. (2)
ii Determine the charge on the oil droplet. (2)
3 Calculate the force experienced by an electron tra&elling at a &elocity of +.0 10
m s

at right angles to a magnetic field of magnetic flux density 0.1/ $. (3)
4 $he diagram shows an electron mo&ing at a constant speed of /.0 10
m s
in a plane
perpendicular to a uniform magnetic field of magnetic flux density +.0 m$.
a Calculate the force acting on the electron due to the magnetic field. (3)
b 0hat is the centripetal acceleration of the electron1 (2)
c 2se your answer to b to determine the radius of the circular path described by the electron. (2)
*- and * 3e&el 4hysics 5riginal material 6 Cambridge 2ni&ersity 4ress 2010 1
26 Worksheet (A2)
5 $he diagram shows the tra7ectory of an electron tra&elling into a region of uniform magnetic
field of flux density 2.0 m$. $he electron enters the region of magnetic field at !08.
a Draw the direction of the force experienced by the electron at points A and B. (1)
b .xplain why the electron describes part of a circular path while in the region of the
magnetic field. (1)
c $he radius of cur&ature of the path of the electron in the magnetic field is ".0 cm.
Calculate the speed v of the electron. (")
d .xplain how your answer to c would change if the electron described a circular path
of radius 2." cm. (2)
6 * proton of 9inetic energy 1" 9e# tra&elling at right angles to a magnetic field describes
a circle of radius of ".0 cm. $he mass of a proton is 1.: 10
a -how that the speed of the proton is 1.: 10
m s
. (3)
b ;or this proton, calculate the centripetal force pro&ided by the magnetic field. (3)
c Determine the magnetic flux density of the magnetic field that 9eeps the proton mo&ing
in its circular orbit. (3)
d <ow long does it ta9e for the proton to complete one orbit1 (2)
7 $he diagram shows a &elocity=selector for charged ions. >ons of speed v emerge from the slit.
a $he parallel plates ha&e a separation of 2.+ cm and are connected to a ".0 9# supply.
* magnetic field is applied at right angles to the electric field between the plates such
that the positi&ely charged ions emerge from the slit of the &elocity=selector at a speed of
'.0 10
m s
. Calculate the magnetic flux density of the magnetic field. (')
b >ons from the &elocity=selector pass into a mass spectrometer which contains another magnetic
field, of flux density B. $he ions all ha&e charge Q but either ha&e mass m
or mass m
. -how
that the difference in the radius of the two isotopes in the magnetic field is gi&en by?
@r A
v m m B C
2 1

*- and * 3e&el 4hysics 5riginal material 6 Cambridge 2ni&ersity 4ress 2010 2
26 Worksheet (A2)
8 *n electron describes a circular orbit in a plane perpendicular to a uniform magnetic field.
a -how that the time T ta9en by an electron to complete one orbit in the magnetic field is
independent of its speed and its radius, and is gi&en by?
m D 2
where B is the magnetic flux density of the magnetic field, e is the charge on an electron
and m is the mass of an electron. (")
b .xplain in words how a faster electron ta9es the same time to complete one orbit as a slower
electron. (1)
-core? E
*- and * 3e&el 4hysics 5riginal material 6 Cambridge 2ni&ersity 4ress 2010 3

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