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Vuorimiehentie 5, Espoo
P.O.Box 1000, FI-02044 VTT
Tel. +358 20 722 111, Fax +358 20 722 7001
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland is the largest multitechnological
applied research organisation in Northern Europe. VTT provides high-end
technology solutions and innovation services. From its wide knowledge base,
VTT can combine different technologies, create new innovations and a sub-
stantial range of world class technologies and applied research services thus
improving its clients competitiveness and competence. Through its interna-
tional scientic and technology network, VTT can produce information,
upgrade technology knowledge, create business intelligence and value
added to its stakeholders. VTT is a non-prot-making research organisation.
Research, development and
commercialisation activities in
printed intelligence
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014


From roll-to-roll.. roll-to-product
Editors: Maaria Malinen, Jani-Mikael Kuusisto
Graphic design: Tuija Soininen
Copyright: VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland 2010
FROM ROLL-TO-ROLL TO ROLL-TO-PRODUCT ............................................................................................................................ 4
PRINTED DIAGNOSTICS AT ORION DIAGNOSTICA ..................................................................................................................... 8
Taking consumer packaged goods sustainably to the digital era ............................................................................................. 10
Taking packaging graphics to the next level with ecological holograms ........................................................................... 12
Enhancing the package with mobile digital information and augmented reality ............................................................ 15
Active paper enables new biodegradable functionalities for the consumer packaged goods industry .................. 18
Printable memory cards ................................................................................................................................................................. 20
Printed functional lms embedded into consumer packaged goods and packaging ............................................... 22
Thin OLED light sources bring life and avor to fast-moving consumer products .......................................................... 24
Biobased substrates for printed intelligence ............................................................................................................................. 26
Printed intelligence offers new opportunities in medical diagnostics and research-based industries ............................ 28
Roll-to-roll polymer-based microuidics for life science applications .................................................................................. 30
Label-free detection methods in diagnostics and drug discovery ....................................................................................... 33
Printed microuidic platforms for Immunoassays .................................................................................................................... 36
Paper-based immunodiagnostics ................................................................................................................................................ 39
POCTER allows POC tests to be analysed anywhere ............................................................................................................ 41
New electronics manufacturing technologies offer greater freedom for product design ........................................................ 44
The mobile microscope used as an interface to printed applications .................................................................................. 46
From consumer products to consumer electronic products ................................................................................................. 49
Flexiblility of lighting enables new end products .................................................................................................................... 53
New user interfaces ....................................................................................................................................................................... 56
Printed backplanes for exible displays .................................................................................................................................... 58
Drivers of printed intelligence adoption in the construction and energy sectors, and the industrial
and home environments ............................................................................................................................................................... 60
Making volume production a reality .......................................................................................................................................... 64
Aluminum based particular ink for printed electronics applications .................................................................................... 66
Sol-gel technology has the potential for versatile sensing applications .............................................................................. 68
Upscaling towards factory-scale R2R production .............................................................................................................. 70
Roll-to-roll pilot patterning of electrodes ................................................................................................................................. 74
Non-contact electrical sintering of conductor grids for optoelectronic devices .............................................................. 76
Room-temperature sintering enables novel hybrid solutions ............................................................................................ 78
Real-time measurement systems for printed intelligence process quality monitoring ........................................................ 80
Taking printed intelligence developments out of the lab into products
What are printed intelligence products
made of?
Sugar and spice and all things nice?
A few years back, when attending printed electronics or
related conferences, one may still have gained the same
sense as when listening to that familiar nursery rhyme
about what little boys and girls are made of. Perhaps, the
individual ingredients and components listed in conference
papers for printed electronics were more correct than the
metaphorical ingredients of the children in the poem, but
while it is possible to envision boys and girls, many stake-
holders in printed electronics have struggled to envision
what products these new printed components could re-
ally amount to.

Printed electronics and intelligence is a technology-inten-
sive industry in its early stages, and it is undoubtedly very
excited about the future prospects of its printed compo-
nents, thin lm layers, etc. These developments have large-
ly been driven by technical research institutions and R&D
departments of companies. The visions of the industry
have therefore also been technology heavy and the devel-
opments in a predominantly technology push mode. Prod-
uct developers have been unfortunately few, and the end
market needs (specication data sheets) that the indus-
try has been trying to satisfy have therefore perhaps, in
parts, been too strongly inuenced by well-known and es-
tablished technological component benchmarks.
Products based on todays novel
printing capabilities
VTT, an applied technical research centre, has been in-
vesting strongly in technological printed intelligence devel-
opments and related infrastructure since the late 1990s.
For nearly eight years now, our printed intelligence teams
have also tried with varying degrees of success to iden-
tify factors for technology pull (market needs and opportu-
nities). Together with VTT colleagues involved in various
other elds of technology and business arenas beyond the
electronics sector, our team has built customer relation-
ships with end-users outside the traditional eld of elec-
tronic components supply. We have also deployed indus-
trial designers in many projects for product ideation, and
during the past four years, weve also employed business
development specialists.
Despite such efforts, the number of end products devel-
oped for/with our customers has been rather limited. This
is partly because the expectations and excitement of po-
tential end customers when rst hearing of printed elec-
tronics also often heighten to levels that current techno-
logical capabilities are not yet able to meet.
When balancing market needs and wants with current
technological capabilities, VTT has learned that printed in-
telligence technologies have the potential to disrupt and
expand end markets. Ultimately, many rst market execu-
tions start off as niche applications which may still throw
off many established industrial players but these could
rapidly grow to new heights.
We are happy to say that although few, the rst custom-
er products exist and have been successfully introduced
to markets and new ones are in the pipeline! VTTs most
public customer relationship in printed intelligence is with
Orion Diagnostica, with which VTT has collaborated close-
ly in the development of the surface cleanliness indicator
Clean Card (see page 8 for Orion Diagnosticas thoughts
on printed intelligence).
Further inspired by the initial success of the rst printed in-
telligence products in the markets, VTT made the decision
to advance its strategic research programme in printed in-
telligence to a commercialisation programme. The aim of
this programme is to introduce successfully technologies
from the laboratory to early market trials and commercial
adoption. Our most important measure of success is the
number of products brought to market by its customers
during 2010-2013 and the societal and business impacts
Jani-Mikael Kuusisto, Harri Kopola
this work is starting to have. We also continue internally to
measure actively the business success of VTTs printed in-
telligence spin-offs and the investment capital they have
raised, the share of direct contract research work com-
pared with public and jointly funded research, royalties
from its IPR licensing, and other such measures.
Research beyond components
By entering a phase of commercialisation, VTT has by no
means abandoned its area of core strength in printed in-
telligence: namely applied research. To further strengthen
our position as a leader in roll-to-roll-printed intelligence,
we now embrace more strongly a philosophy of roll-to-
products. This annual review is a testimony of our strong
commitment and efforts to help industrial companies
make it to the end market with their new products. This re-
port is a collection of extended abstracts of the most im-
portant public research and development results as well
as commercialisation efforts in printed intelligence at VTT
during 2010.
From this report, you will learn about some of the market
opportunities VTT and its customers are pursuing and the
type of work being done in our main targeted end custom-
er business arenas: consumer packaged goods, medical
and diagnostics, consumer electronics, and construction
and energy.
VTT has a wide range of technology products in the early
stages of commercialisation and some of these are high-
lighted in the context of these business arenas.
The nal section of this report highlights VTTs continued
efforts in materials and processes for printed intelligence.
The VTT researchers extensive experience of the inter-
faces between novel liquid phase materials and roll-to-roll
processes continues to bear fruit in the form of new ma-
terial and process inventions. The facilities at VTT are be-
ing built toward more pilot-scale production capabilities, al-
lowing us to demonstrate not only proof of technology but
also more proof of industrial-scale production. The end
components are embedded in end devices that are tested
in the markets by end customers providing more proof of
product based in part on printed intelligence.
VTT continues to be an active party at EU-level and many
cross-national-level jointly funded projects. We also con-
tinue to promote more developments in integrated smart
Collaborative efforts to realise products
None of the work at VTT will produce societal and busi-
ness impacts if it is done in isolation. We have therefore
continued to build our research and commercialisation
In the summer of 2009, VTT and the Oulu-based universi-
ties established PrintoCent, a community aimed at creat-
ing business from emerging printed intelligence and opti-
cal measurement technologies. Within PrintoCent, there is
collaboration among globally leading companies as well as
smaller companies that engage in joint demonstrator and
piloting projects.
Figure 1. Observations on the printed intelligence industry, and drivers to commercialisation at VTT.
The community also aims to enforce supporting infra-
structure in the areas of education, research and nancing.
In addition to industrial money, these efforts are strong-
ly backed by regional and national public funding sourc-
es, including the EU. This funding is enabling the building
of the PrintoCent pilot production facilities at VTT in Oulu.
The rst equipment is already installed and operational in
the hall, and the biggest line will be delivered in 2011.
With this unique piloting environment, VTT and its partners
are now able to develop and manufacture prototype prod-
ucts on the rst industrial scale. This allows companies to
reduce the commercial and technical risk before investing
in their dedicated commercial-scale production lines. We
warmly invite companies and investors to contact us to
see how the PrintoCent network and VTTs services and
technologies could help expedite developments from R&D
laboratories to products in the market.
The emerging printed intelligence industry and its custom-
er value chains require new types of solution providers
and system integrators offering new business opportuni-
ties. In part, VTT and the PrintoCent community promote
the emergence of a Finnish printed intelligence industrial
cluster. For this reason, we at VTT also encourage our re-
searchers to seek spin-off opportunities. Furthermore, VTT
has started work with Invest in Finland to help companies
establish printed intelligence R&D units and other opera-
tions in Finland.
More proof of cash inow
Materials companies have carried much of the industrial
weight in developments to date in the printed electronics
and printed intelligence industry. This is only natural, as
materials are a key enabler. These companies are there-
fore in an excellent position to capture signicant added
value once the end product markets take off.
As an industry, however, we have so far struggled to devel-
op products that signicantly satisfy existing market needs
and wants. Cash inow to companies in the eld has there-
fore still been limited.
While there is continued excitement and active research ef-
forts to improve printed component performance, more ef-
fective and environmentally friendly next-generation mate-
rials and processing techniques, i.e., the sugar and spice
and all things nice, ever more product and market orien-
tation is instilled into these developments. In other words,
companies and institutions VTT included are seeking
more actively to apply laboratory-scale, proven technolo-
gies and capabilities to the development of new products
and systems. This is also an opportune time for process
equipment suppliers, system integrators, end product de-
velopers and producers to dene and capture their roles in
the evolving supply and customer value chains.
Potential end customers for new printed technologies are
also learning in practice about the status (the possibilities
as well as the limitations) of new printed technologies. New
innovation around near-term product possibilities is taking
root. Product ideas are rapidly being demonstrated and
tested in the market and efforts to scale up to production
are on the way.
VTT Printed Intelligence is already actively involved in all
this and is looking to further partner with companies with
the aim of seeing their product ideas realised from the lab-
oratory to industrial production.
We would like to thank all our industrial and research part-
ners, colleagues, nancial backers, and PrintoCent part-
ners. We hope this report encourages innovative compa-
nies and people with entrepreneurial spirit to continue to
actively approach us to learn about these emerging tech-
nological possibilities and to take them toward products in
commercial use.
November 2010
Harri Kopola
VP Strategic research
Microelec. & electronics
tel. +358 20 722 2369
Jani-Mikael Kuusisto
Business development manager
Director, Printed Intelligence commericialisation program
tel. +358 20 722 3008
Terho Kololuoma
Research Coordinator
Printed Intelligence
tel. +358 20 722 2154
Customer managers, Business arena coordinators and Technology managers
Tomi Erho
Medical and diagnostics
tel. +358 20 722 5671
Antti Kemppainen
Customer manager
Printed Intelligence
Constr. & energy
tel. +358 20 722 2309
Eero Hurme
Customer manager
Printed Intelligence
tel. +358 20 722 6191

Arto Maaninen
Research Professor
VP of microelec. &
tel. +358 20 722 2348
Pia Qvintus
Technology manager
Functional bre products
tel. +358 20 722 5314
Janne Suhonen
Director of operations
tel. +358 20 722 2298
Kari Rnk
Consumer electronics
tel. +358 20 722 2005
Raimo Korhonen
Technology manager
Printed functional
tel. +358 20 722 3044
Orion Diagnostica is a pioneer in printed diag-
nostics. Since 2003, Orion Diagnostica has par-
ticipated in open-minded research in this eld in
collaboration with VTT Technical Research Cen-
tre of Finland. The role of Orion Diagnostica has
been to bring the customers voice to the tech-
nology-driven world of printing. No doubt, the
emerging potential of printed intelligence will
open a new era for combining traditional print-
ing technology with a variety of innovative appli-
cations as well as broad multidisciplinary exper-
tise in, e.g., microbiology, chemistry, material
sciences and product design. The ultimate goal
is to come up with future products and services
that not only offer novel, convenient and cost-
effective production but also completely new
benets and solutions to the customer.
Novel cleanliness monitoring solution
made possible by printing
The rst example of the fruitful collaboration between
Orion Diagnostica and VTT is Orion Clean Card PRO
(Figure 1), which was launched in 2009. Orion Clean
Card PRO is a new-generation, instrument-free hygiene
test for monitoring one of the fundamentals of good hy-
giene: the effectiveness of surface-cleaning practices.
The test reagent used to detect the presence of protein
residues is printed on a tissue located under the perfo-
rated part of the test card. When proteins are present
on the surface and come into contact with the reagent,
an easy-to-see colour change from yellow to green or
blue occurs within 30 seconds. The darker the colour
becomes, the more protein (i.e., dirt) there is on the sur-
face. If the surface is clean, no colour change will take
place. The test is very simple to carry out: just moisten
the surface with a drop of water and wipe with the test
The innovative wipe concept of Orion Clean Card PRO,
made possible by roll-to-roll printing technology, helps,
Printed diagnostics at Orion Diagnostica
for example, to ensure a safe food chain by making it
simpler, faster and more affordable to monitor the hy-
giene of all surfaces that are in contact with food. In ad-
dition to food manufacturers and caterers, other organ-
isations with stringent hygiene requirements can also
benet from using the test, for example, to check hy-
giene standards in hospital wards.
Simple, reliable and cost-effective methods are becom-
ing increasingly important in the hygiene monitoring
area, as a result of the self-monitoring regulations that
cover food processing, cost constraints and peoples
growing general awareness of the importance of good
hygiene. Orion Clean Card PRO signals a new, smarter
way of ensuring that surfaces are and stay clean.
Awarded collaboration between Orion
Diagnostica and VTT
In April 2010, Orion Clean Card PRO received the In-
novation Award of the Chemical Industry Federation in
Finland. This award honoured the fruitful and close col-
laboration between Orion Diagnostica and VTT and the
11-member research and development team that has
Figure 1. Orion Clean Card PRO allows the user to check
very quickly that surfaces are as clean as they should
be in places with high standards of hygiene, e.g., in food
handling or hospitals. Photo: Orion Diagnostica Oy
Aino Takala, Jaakko Rissanen
been key to the development of Orion Clean Card PRO
(Figure 2). This award is granted every second year in
recognition of an innovation with industrial application
and substantial commercial potential in the chemical
Contact info
For further information on Clean Card PRO and Ori-
on Diagnostica developments in printed diagnostics,
please contact: orion.diagnostica@oriondiagnostica.
Orion Diagnostica in a snapshot
Orion Diagnostica is part of the Orion Group, Finlands
leading healthcare company, which develops, manufac-
tures and markets pharmaceuticals, active pharmaceu-
tical ingredients and diagnostic tests for markets world-
Orion Diagnostica specialises in easy-to-use, cost-ef-
fective clinical diagnostic tests and hygiene monitoring
solutions designed to improve healthcare effectiveness
and individual well-being. Orion Diagnosticas product
Figure 2. The winning team: from Orion Diagnostica, Leena Aro, Anne-Marie Ackermann, Veli-Mies Hiv, Anna Kai-
sa Kylm, Juhani Luotola, Pauliina Pettil and Pivi Rikkinen-Holm; from VTT, Mikko Kernen, Terho Kololuoma, Kati
Salonen and Jenni Tomperi. Photo: Juha Rahkonen
range covers diagnostic tests for detecting infectious
diseases and disorders affecting bone and soft-tissue
metabolism, as well as specic protein and hormone as-
says. Its hygiene monitoring tests allow companies and
institutions to detect contamination by microorganisms
or product residues and to monitor the effectiveness of
cleaning and disinfection routines in locations with strict
hygiene requirements.
Orion Diagnosticas agship product is the QuikRead
system, a point-of-care system for measuring C-reac-
tive protein on a ngerstick blood sample. In 2010, Ori-
on Diagnostica launched the next-generation QuikRead
go system with the fastest quantitative CRP test on
the market. Orion Diagnosticas products are sold
worldwide through subsidiaries, sales ofces and a dis-
tributor network covering more than 60 countries.

Figure 2 The winning team: from Orion Diagnostica Leena Aro Anne Marie Ackermann Veli Mies Hiv Anna Kai
Consumer packaged goods (CPG) theyre so
familiar, require little involvement from us, and
often so inexpensive to use that we as consum-
ers may not have noticed the rapid evolution
within these product categories. But take al-
most any CPG category or individual brand and
think back 10, 20, 30 years. Most certainly the
product category you are thinking about and
the brands within them despite their familiarity
will have changed signicantlyif nothing else
at least the packaging looks a little different and
the products are available in more places than
before. Also, if you were to search for informa-
tion on these brands, you would nd a range of
online content and services intended to support
the use of said products.
CPG products and brands will continue to develop and
evolve. In this section we explore how printed intelligence
will in part be shaping their future.
The challenge: better performance and
Today the CPG sector is faced with challenges from in-
creasing cost of energy and raw materials. Furthermore
environmental sustainability including nding ways for re-
placing especially petroleum-based packaging materials
to sustainable materials is a cornerstone of product de-
velopment. CPG companies are committing major R&D
resources with the continued aim of delivering increas-
ingly better product performance but with better recycla-
bility, re-use, less materials, and less waste.
For years CPG product and retail value chains have in-
vested in improving information ow and communications
to make production and logistics chains as efcient as
possible and reducing costs (and waste) in the back-end
processes. Major efforts have also been taken by com-
panies to improve the products themselves taking ad-
vantage e.g. of state-of-the-art materials and production
Taking consumer packaged goods sustainably to
the digital era
techniques. The next frontier is improving consumer ex-
perience and emphasizing ease-of-use while at the same
time optimising product re-use, recovery and minimis-
ing waste.
Meanwhile, many attention grabbing major innovations of
today have been enabled by the evolution of electronics,
computing devices, information systems and networks.
Gradually with ubiquitous (or pervasive) computing every
little item in the world is expected to have intelligence in
itself and be connected to the Internet of Things. While
the sensibility of such a vision is often questioned, this vi-
sion has already been a key driver in the eld of printed
While durable goods could well house electronics, intro-
ducing such functionalities to consumable and perisha-
ble CPGs particularly with claims for environmental sus-
tainability seems like a far fetched idea. With printed
intelligence, VTT is approaching this vision not from the
perspective of introducing electronics everywhere, but
with the aim of extending the functions of printed matter
so that they more effectively act as a part of products or
wider information systems.
Printed intelligence technologies are an enabler of:
1) Linking the physical and the digital product
2) Physical product enhancing functionalities with less
material and with sustainable material.
Digital and physical product
experiences converge
With the rapid spread of the internet, mobile and social
media, CPG brand owners have actively sought to take
advantage of the possibilities it creates to connect with
consumers. However, at the same time they have strug-
gled with the disconnect between physical product (pur-
chase and consumption) experience and access to myr-
iad types of digital content and services associated to
the product.
Eero Hurme, Jani-Mikael Kuusisto
The rapid market expansion of smart phones during the
past few years has started to bring some relief. Mobile
devices increasingly come with embedded cameras
that can read codes and images on packaging and oth-
er printed media - linking the consumer to online con-
tent with increasing ease. With further improvements to
usability, these so called cross-media or hybrid-media
solutions will eventually hit mainstream. Rapid advanc-
es in mobile software and hardware are currently driving
this development. With printed intelligence technologies
some of this value-add will also be captured in the phys-
ical items themselves. Most importantly from the per-
spective of high volume cost effective products no ex-
pensive electronic tags or modules on packaging are re-
quired to get started. Instead new types of coding and
ink technologies will bring access codes and sensing/in-
dicator features, which make the physical product and
package a key component in the usage paradigm. Fur-
thermore this will make the scarce package graphics real
estate more visually appealing and consumer engaging
increasing the communications and media value of pack-
ages. Some examples of technologies already proven in
the lab and available for rst market trials are covered in
the coming articles.
New products with printed components
With further developments in printed intelligence sub-
strates, materials, printing processes, printed systems
and their interconnections to wider information systems
more advanced functionalities may begin to make their
way into high volume CPG products and packaging. In
addition to connecting physical packaging and products
to online content and services, printed intelligence also
enables the enhancement of existing product categories
with new printed features introduced into the products
themselves or the development of fully new types of CPG
products, which build on novel printed functionalities.
Various novel sensing and indicating features can already
be delivered with packaging. These features can help
you better chose and use the product. As an example
imagine a cleaning liquid bottle that comes with an indi-
cator that senses the cleanliness of your household sur-
face and guides in the proper dosage for your cleaning
needs; or imagine a breath freshener gum package that
indicates bad breath.
The CPG product itself could also contain simple electron-
ics, uidics, or chemical functionalities injection moulded
or laminated into the product. An example of simple elec-
tronics is e.g. light emitting toothbrushes. Products such
as this could already be realised with traditional electron-
ics components. However, by including printed compo-
nents into these systems, the end devices can be made
more cost effectively and with less use of materials. Print-
ed components also introduce new form factors and pos-
sibilities for product design.
New inks and substrates are being developed to realise
printed functionalities sustainably and cost-effectively in
CPG products. However, the recycling of such high vol-
ume products, especially those including electronic com-
ponents, still requires more development and increasing
collaboration with waste management authorities and
businesses. New separation technologies for waste han-
dling are in development.
Where it starts
Printed intelligence technologies will take physical CPG
products to the digital era. Rapid market executions are
made possible through the combination of printed intel-
ligence with traditional packaging and product manufac-
turing techniques, plus the ubiquitous availability of smart
phones and other mobile readout devices.
Ultimately the vision is to increase the value of CPG
products to consumers, and by means of improved to-
tal product sustainability. The correct balance between
back-end information systems/services and added func-
tionality within a package or product is currently a chal-
lenge to predict and will likely vary across product cate-
gories. VTT works closely with world leading FMCG (Fast
Moving Consumer Goods) brand owners and innovative
smaller CPG companies to develop applications for exist-
ing and emerging technologies. Input from these compa-
nies and their consumer research and market trials are in
turn fuelling R&D for next generation products. We invite
companies throughout the CPG value chains to join us in
these developments.
The future of consumer packaged goods is interactive
and intelligent. When implemented well and sustainably
it will all be so easy to use and ubiquitous that you, as a
consumer, may one day not remember the days when
CPG packaging and products did not include these val-
ue added features.
Holographics in packaging is considered to
provide nice dynamic effects that liven up the
graphics and increase the attractiveness of
packages. Being conned to a limited number
of production technologies and carrier materi-
als limits its use. At the same time, most of to-
days holographic solutions are seen to produce
harmful waste during production and after use.
VTT has developed technologies and process-
es to produce holograms without metals and
vacuum-coated materials, so production is sim-
Taking packaging graphics to the next level with
ecological holograms
ple and no harmful waste is created. The possi-
bilities for graphic designers are also greatly ex-
panded, as these ecological holograms can be
cost-effectively applied to packaging materials,
which has not been possible before.
Traditionally, holograms provided complex 3D images
that came to the front of the image surface when light-
ed from a specic angle. These provided a very strong
3D effect. Simple holographic images have been used
Figure 1. Principle of hot embossing.
Raimo Korhonen, Eero Hurme, Olli-Heikki Huttunen
for packaging decoration for several years. These are no
longer 3D but dynamic. The image changes when it is
looked at from different angles or when the angle of the
light changes. These images are visible in normal light-
ing environments. A metal coating is used to give a good
reection on the surface and a strong effect. Sometimes,
these effects are even considered too strong and visual-
ly distracting. VTT has developed technology to produce
sufciently strong and visually appealing effects without
metal coatings.
Technology: Production by hot
VTTs ecological holograms are produced by a process
called hot embossing (Figure 1). In this process, a heat-
ed tool is pressed onto the surface of the substrate. The
nanoscale patterns on the surface of the tool are cop-
ied onto the surface of the substrate by applying heat
and pressure. The nanoscale patterns form diffractive
gratings that guide the light beams that hit the surface
to form holographic images. Thus, no materials, such as
pigments, are used to make the colours and images, only
surface patterns are required.
The production of holograms can be integrated into print-
ing or packaging phases in the manufacturing chain. For
example, an embossing unit can be integrated into a
printing machine, or an embossing machine can be part
of the packaging process. The production takes place in
a normal atmosphere, so no vacuum-coating phases are
Sustainable expansion of the use of
Ecological holograms (Figure 2) made by hot emboss-
ing can be used for brand promotion and brand protec-
tion purposes. They can be used on packages on which
holograms have not been used before because of the low
environmental burden and suitability for high production
volumes. VTTs ecological hologram technology can pro-
vide large dynamic visual effect surfaces, fully covered or
patterned, or small patterned areas.
Without the need for metallic lm and with the possibility
of producing transparent holograms, designers are given
more freedom to combine the dynamic visual effects of
holograms with static printed graphics. Holograms can
provide subtle effects imitating nature, like the surface of
ice or water, or they can provide strong glittering patterns
to attract attention.
As with traditional holographics, various hidden fea-
tures are also available for brand authentication purpos-
es. Holograms can have micro-texts or micro-patterns
that can be seen with a microscope. They can even
have special effects that can only be seen when illumi-
nated with a laser-pointer. The added benet is that the
production of these security features can be integrated
within a wider range of product and packaging proc-
ess steps beyond traditional labelling, lamination and
stamping processes.
VTTs ecological holograms can be applied to many dif-
ferent types of plastic and paper surfaces used in prod-
Figure 2. VTT ecological holograms.
uct packaging (Figure 3). At the core of its development
is the combination of a wide range of skills in optics, ma-
terials, biomaterials, machine and processing technolo-
gies that expand beyond those of traditional holograph-
ics. As an example, in order to decrease the environmen-
tal burden of coated papers, VTT has developed a starch
coating that can be used instead of mineral coatings. The
starch coating in paper improves its printability and at
the same time improves the thermoplastic properties of
the surface. In other words, holograms can now be pro-
duced directly onto the paper coating something that is
not possible with mineral coatings.
One application of VTTs ecological hologram technolo-
gy is transfer holograms. A user obtains a hologram stick-
er and can transfer the hologram image onto a wide va-
riety of surfaces, using either heat or just hand pressure.
These holograms can even be applied to 3D surfaces.
Transfer holograms can supplement the existing transfer
image markets: dynamic images on stickers for children,
nail decorations, etc.
VTTs ecological hologram technology can also have
sensing properties. For example, the holographic im-
age or part of it can be made to disappear when there is
moisture in the air. This feature can be used as, for exam-
ple, tamper evidence or quality control features of pack-
ages. When the dry package is opened, moisture enters
the package, part of the holographic image disappears
and a text or image appears. Another application exam-
ple is a holographic effect on a label on a chilled mug or
bottle. When humidity condenses on a cold surface, part
of the holographic image disappears and text or an im-
age appears.
Vision: dynamic graphics on packaging
Now designers can select hologram designs from a li-
brary, pattern them and combine them with graphical im-
ages. In the future, designers will be able to make holo-
gram design themselves with special software that imme-
diately shows how the designed hologram looks on the
surface of a 3D model of a package.
Ecological holograms on packages are the next step to-
ward a vision of making dynamic images on CPG pack-
ages. VTT is also developing technologies for printed illu-
minating surfaces and printed power supplies. In the fu-
ture, these technologies provide the possibility to create
dynamic and illuminating patterns on packages.
This work was conducted by a number of people within
VTT. The main scientists in charge of the research were
Tomi Erho, Johanna Hiitola-Keinnen, Eero Hurme, Olli-
Heikki Huttunen, Raimo Korhonen, Arto Maaninen, Thea
Sipilinen-Malm, Antti Sunnari and Pia Qvintus.
This work was funded by VTT and Tekes the Finnish
Funding Agency for Technology and Innovation.
Figure 3. Holograms used in packaging.
Technology Manager
+358 20 722 3044
VTT has developed several novel solutions
for the digital enhancement of packages. One
method uses recognition of objects in the cam-
era phone image to identify the package and
connect to additional digital information. Anoth-
er method uses augmented reality to create en-
tertainment linked to the package. Responses
to these kinds of solutions have been positive
in the user trials and business studies carried
out by VTT. The enhancement technologies of-
fer benets to all players in the value chain, and
the consumer will also be better informed.
More and more information competes for the limited
space on packages. Consumers want easily readable in-
formation in multiple languages. At the same time, the
brand owner wants to communicate directly to the con-
Enhancing the package with mobile digital
information and augmented reality
Caj Sdergrd, Jouko Hyvkk
sumer and receive his or her feedback. One way to over-
come the space limitations and make the package inter-
active is to offer additional product information to the us-
ers mobile phone. This print-to-web linking technology is
often referred to as hybrid media.
Several technical solutions exist for enabling this linking
between the physical package and digital information.
Image processing programs in modern mobile phones
can read the existing EAN 1D barcodes printed on the
packages [1] as well as 2D matrix codes [2]. Similarly, vis-
ual codes hidden in the printed images (watermarking)
can be read [3]. Codes can also be completely omitted
by recognising the package as a visual object from the
camera image using mobile image recognition technol-
ogy (ngerprinting). In addition to these optical methods,
electronic linking methods include RFID tags, magnetic
and even ultrasonic methods.
Figure 1. Offering additional product information on the mobile phone by image based recognition of the package with-
out a need for 2D codes or any other codes.
Benets for the end-user and brand
VTTs user and business studies [4] show that hybrid me-
dia offer benets in the form of cost savings, new busi-
ness opportunities, added value to existing business
and increased customer loyalty to all players in the val-
ue chain. For the end-user, it holds clear promises be-
cause modern consumers increasingly want product in-
formation such as origin, production conditions, ecologi-
cal footprint, user instructions and prices. For the impor-
tant food product category, many want information and
recommendations on nutritional content and recipes. In
some cases, it is not enough to view the information, the
user also wants to transfer the product information to his
or her own database, such as VTTs Hypert system [1]
in which nutritional data on the food item are transferred
into a personal cumulative food diary.
For the product seller or brand owner, there is similarly a
signicant benet in being able to establish a communi-
cative link to the consumer and, through this, foster the
customer relation in the long term. For both partners, it
is benecial that the user engages in the product. Here,
playfulness and entertainment offered by, e.g., augment-
ed reality, are essential.
Looking ahead a few years, phones and other mobile
devices will become increasingly smart with high per-
formance processors, graphics accelerators, huge stor-
age, fast connections and complex software. They will
have multiple accurate cameras and sensors, RFID
readers and 3D displays, including glasses with eye
projection. These smart mobile devices will commu-
nicate with their physical environment, including prod-
uct packages, in numerous ways. The packages will of
course also communicate with other objects like re-
frigerators in this Internet of Things world. Sources
of product information, such as the GS1 daily product
databases maintained by manufacturers and retailers,
will be opened to the consumer. This will lead to a situ-
ation in which every product will have its digital replica
that all consumers can access through their personal
mobile device.
Object recognition with a camera phone
VTTs mobile image recognition technology for packages
is currently based on: a) a dedicated camera phone ap-
plication, b) image recognition algorithms, and c) a da-
tabase consisting of information related to the packag-
es. Altogether, they constitute a hybrid media solution in
which a physical package is linked to digital information
without any additional 2D matrix codes. The linking proc-
ess can be compared with detecting a ngerprint and
matching it to a particular person in a database. In VTTs
case, the database consists of pre-collected features of
the packages and all their related digital information. The
Figure 2. Augmented reality enhancement of printed object like books and packages. This visual effect can be enjoyed
on a laptop computer with web camera, on a smartphone or with special glasses.
mobile application is mainly used as a user interface: tak-
ing a picture of a product from any viewing angle and
then showing the recognition result and digital content to
the user (Figure 1).
Compared with other actors in the mobile image rec-
ognition eld, such as Googles Goggles and Nokias
Point&Find, VTTs solution can easily be integrated into
the printing production process, enabling an automatic
generation of database models.
VTTs image-based hybrid media technology is not lim-
ited to packages. For example, in [5] it was used to link
the pages of an everyday English study book to assort-
ed digital content such as listening tasks and gram-
mar exercises. In this trial, it was tested extensively by a
school class of children.
There are currently more than 750 million illiterate adults
in the world, but the mobile phone penetration rate is
still high, even in regions such as Africa. Using the im-
age recognition technology with, e.g., a medicine pack-
age, could link the user to digital content such as spo-
ken dosage instructions.
Using augmented reality to entertain
the consumer
Consumer entertainment is also important in package
communication. VTT has studied augmented reality (AR)
as a novel tool to create playfulness connected to pack-
ages. In AR, the view of a package as seen through the
camera of a phone or laptop is overlaid with correct-
ly positioned and scaled 3D graphics. When the pack-
age is moved in front of the camera, the overlaid graph-
ics move accordingly. The 3D graphical representation is
either linked to the package by printed graphical cues
markers or by scene recognition similar to that de-
scribed above. Compared with competing AR solutions,
like Metaio, VTTs technology allows a higher level of pho-
torealism of the overlaid 3D graphics (illumination, shad-
ows) as well as novel ways of controlling the movements
(jumping, eye blinks) of the 3D character.
Currently, most of VTTs AR applications work on PCs
equipped with web cameras (see www.vtt./multimedia).
In VTTs projects on augmented books (Figure 2) (see, its AR software has been down-
loaded by numerous users with many different PCs and
found to work without problems. VTT has also developed
AR applications for mobile phones exhibited at, e.g., the
World Expo in Shanghai.
Of the numerous VTT staff engaged in hybrid media and
augmented reality, the following have researched interac-
tive packages in the ImmediaLink, PrintIntelligence and
AR package projects: Maiju Aikala, Maija Federley, Lii-
sa Hakola, Pertti Moilanen, Tatu Harviainen, Eero Hurme,
Timo Kinnunen, Otto Korkalo, Ulf Lindqvist, Aino Menso-
nen, Anu Seisto and Anna Viljakainen.
[1] Jrvinen, P., Jrvinen, T., Lhteenmki, L., S-
dergrd, C. HyperFit: hybrid media in personal nutri-
tion and exercise management. Second International
Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies
for Healthcare (PervasiveHealth). Tampere, Finland,
30 Jan.-1 Feb. 2008. IEEE, pp. 222226.
[2] Bckstrm, C., Sdergrd, C., Udd, S. 2006. A vid-
eo processing method for convenient mobile read-
ing of printed barcodes with camera phones. Multi-
media Content Analysis, Management, and Retriev-
al 2006. Proceedings of SPIE. 2006, Vol. 6073, p..
[3] Hnninen, H., Nuutinen, M. & Oittinen, P. Visibility
and Annoyance of Digital Watermarks. Graphic Arts
in Finland 36(2007)1, pp. 2-17.
[4] Lindqvist, U., Aikala, M., Federley, M., Hako-
la, L., Mensonen, A., Moilanen, P., Viljakainen, A. &
Laukkanen, M. 2010. Hybrid media in packaging.
Printelligence. Espoo: VTT, 2010. 52 p. + app. 7 p.
(VTT Working Paper 142.) ISBN 978-951-38-7488-9.
[5] Seisto, A., Federley, M., Kuula, T. & Vihavainen, S.,
Book alone is not enough enriching printed learn-
ing material with digital mobile technology. Espoo:
VTT, 2010. 37 p. + app. 39 p. (VTT Research Notes
2539.) ISBN 978-951-38-7632-6; 978-951-38-7633-
3. http://www.vtt./inf/pdf/tiedotteet/2010/T2539.
Technology Manager
Tel. +358 20 722 5963
Paper as base material enables low-cost biode-
gradable and functional solutions with a wide
range of product design possibilities. The main
advantages of paper for this use are versatility
in design and the potential for extremely high-
volume production. Together, these can also
create opportunities in completely new applica-
tion areas, especially when combined with ac-
tive elements that enhance functionality.
Currently, the CPG industry is very interested in improving
performance with less waste. This translates into a need
for enhanced functionality and environmental sustainabil-
ity. Fortunately, paper with (bio)active functionalities can
help in both of these areas. In this article, we discuss bio-
active paper and other printed indicators.
Novel functionalities and companion
products enable better performance
In terms of performance, (bio)active paper can help in
two ways. Firstly, it enables the development of com-
pletely new types of CPG products based on novel print-
ed functionalities. Secondly, it can be used in compan-
ion products, which can help in the choice and use of the
product. Examples of these include different indicating
and monitoring tests, such as cleanliness indicators to
be sold with cleaning products or breath-freshener gum
packages that indicate bad breath.
An example of enabling technologies for active paper
is the fabrication of uid-guiding channels on paper by
exographic printing (Figure 1). Additional (bio)chemical
functionalities can be embedded by, e.g., inkjet printing
within the channels to make this a simple indicator.
Printed indicators in food packaging
The delivery of safe food to the consumer is a key pri-
ority to both industry and authorities. Packaging plays a
crucial role in safety, as its most important functions are
preservation and protection of food.
Active paper enables new biodegradable functionalities
for the consumer packaged goods industry
Figure 1. Coloured water droplets applied to paper in
which uid-guiding channels have been created with
exographic printing.
Kalle Airo, Tomi Erho
VTT has developed, e.g., time-temperature indicators for
monitoring cold chain and oxygen, which can tell wheth-
er a food package has been opened before. The rst (bio)
active elements were adhesive labels, i.e., stickers that
could be added to or inside the (food) packaging.
The next logical step from add-on indicators was to print
the indicators directly onto the labels and the packaging.
This simplies the production process and opens up new
design possibilities. In the future, it is likely to become
possible to use bioactive paper as packaging material, in-
tegrating the novel functions into the package itself and
into the companion products discussed above.
Companion products and
biodegradable materials lessen waste
Bioactive paper can help to reduce waste in two ways.
The companion products mentioned in the earlier para-
graph can help consumers to use the correct amounts
of products. On the other hand, paper is biodegradable
material that can also be recycled. This makes it more en-
vironmentally sound than many rival materials. This is of
great importance, as environmental sustainability is a ma-
jor focus area of R&D activities in the CPG industry.
Digital and physical product
experiences converge
In addition to simple, visually readable indications, more
information and services can be included in the indica-
tor using a mobile phone reader. Currently, hybrid me-
dia are often based on 2D barcodes and camera phone
software that reads them. In the future, image recognition
will most probably be used to recognise packaging with-
out barcodes or other indicators visible to the human eye.
VTT has been developing hybrid media, i.e., solutions
linking printed media to the Internet, since the 1990s. In
recent years, VTT has studied solutions incorporating
both hybrid media and bioactive indicators. In these solu-
tions, the active indicator eld could be embedded in 2D
barcodes or other graphics. These can be used in, e.g.,
monitoring the food supply chain and anti-counterfeiting
VTT offers the whole development
chain for CPG products
VTT has built capabilities offering the whole development
chain for active consumer packaged goods. It has capa-
bilities ranging from material science, biomarker research
and recombinant antibody development needed for bio-
active indicators to product fabrication and mass man-
ufacturing needed to bring the inventions into everyday
use. VTT also develops software to join physical and dig-
ital product experiences using mobile phones and com-
puters together with printed intelligence.
This work has been conducted by a number of peo-
ple within VTT in numerous research projects, e.g., Bio-
Act, BioAct2, Sustainpack and Naspack. The people in-
volved in this work include Juuso Olkkonen, Kaisa Leh-
tinen, Maria Smolander, Thea Sipilinen-Malm, Eero
Hurme, Nikolai Beletski, Jali Heilmann and Liisa Hakola.
Business Development Specialist
Tel. +358 20 722 6506 T
A novel printed memory technology has been
developed for low-cost, high-volume applica-
tions. The memory is electrically post-fabrica-
tion programmable and features a simple, re-
sistive, low-voltage read and write. The mem-
ory cards target applications such as access
codes to services (ePIN) and electronic ques-
tionnaires (storage-on-paper). The work is part
of the PriMeBits EU FP7 project coordinated
by VTT.
Printed logic and memory is estimated to gain a signi-
cant market by the end of the current decade [1]. Rele-
vant application areas range from simple data-carrying
cards to programmable RFID tags. The research and
development efforts on different printable memory tech-
nologies have increased during recent years with clear
successes, for example, in mass fabrication, reliability,
low-voltage operation and retention time. Here we focus
on the resistive Write-Once-Read-Many (WORM) mem-
Printable memory cards
Ari Alastalo, Tomi Mattila, Terho Kololuoma, Jaakko Leppniemi
ories that are based on the Rapid Electrical Sintering
(RES) [2-5] developed by VTT.
In RES [2-5], after printing and drying, a voltage is ap-
plied over the printed conductor which results in a rapid
sintering of the nanoparticle structure and a related dra-
matic change in the conductivity. Thus, the operation
corresponds to writing of a simple resistive two-state
write-once-ready-many memory (the low conductance
0 state vs. the high conductance 1 state). As the -
nal resistance can be systematically and precisely con-
trolled, e.g., by the value of a series resistor [3], an ex-
pansion to a multi-level operation is available to increase
the memory capacity. Several contact and non-contact
methods can be used for the memory readout. For ex-
ample, either an external coupling to each of the bits
can be used or a memory addressing logic can be fab-
ricated on the printed product. The external coupling to
each of the bits can be galvanic or a wireless near-eld
contact such that of the Nicanti reader [6].
Figure 1. An example of the fully roll-to-roll-printed memory cards at VTT. The inset shows the magnied view of the two-
layer memory layout: the small electrically programmable bits (dark area) bridge the electrode gap in the printed structure.
Application opportunities
Electronics access codes
To demonstrate electronic pin-code (ePIN) applications,
low-cost memory cards and reading/writing devices
have been developed. The codes stored on the cards
as shown in Figure 1 can link to personalised informa-
tion on the internet or provide access codes to services
(tickets, online services, etc.). The increasing availability
of SD card slots in laptop PCs can provide a convenient
interface to the memory cards.
Electrical inquiry cards
The electrical inquiry card demonstrator, shown in Figure
2, is developed together with Stora Enso. Possible ap-
plications for such products are in marketing, customer-
feedback collecting (such as conference feedback), and
gaming. In this demonstrator a printed exible battery
(Enfucell SoftBattery by Enfucell Ltd., Finland) is used
to sinter a memory bit when a corresponding answering
button is pressed closing the circuit between the bat-
tery, bit and a feedback LED that are in series.
The research has been supported by the EU FP7 Pro-
gramme in the PriMeBits ( project
(Grant Agreement no. 215132).
[1] WDMA & oe-a Organic Electronics Association. Or-
ganic and Printed Electronics, 3rd edition. 2009.
Figure 2. The electronic questionnaire card demonstrator developed in the PriMeBits-project by StoraEnso and VTT.
[2] Sepp, H. and Allen, M. Pat. WO 2008/009779 A1.
[3] Allen, M., Aronniemi, M., Mattila, T., Alastalo, A.,
Ojanper, K., Suhonen, M. & Sepp, H. Electri-
cal sintering of nanoparticle structures. Nanote-
chnology, Vol. 19 (2008) 17, 4p.
[4] Leppniemi, J., Aronniemi, M., Allen, M., Mattila, T.,
Alastalo, A. & Sepp, H. Printed WORM-memory on
Flexible Substrate Based on Rapid Electrical Sinter-
ing of Nanoparticles, in press. IEEE Transactions on
Electron Devices.
[5] Alastalo, A. et al. Printable WORM and FRAM mem-
ories and their applications. LOPE-C 2010 Confer-
ence, Frankfurt, Germany, May 31 - June 2 2010.
[6] Nicanti Oy. Nicanti Printed Protection. 2010. http://
Senior Research Scientist
Tel. +359 20 722 7136
In the future, industrial consumer package
goods designers will gain more design free-
dom, as manufacturing technology develops to-
wards more exible, design-friendly and inex-
pensive forms of integrated new functionalities
and electronics. New methods will change the
production processes and enable manufactur-
ing of entirely new kinds of products.
New levels of consumer engagement to
With integrated new functionalities or simple electronics,
consumer packaged goods can be made more appeal-
ing, desirable or eye-catching. Products with, e.g., holo-
graphic gures (Figure 1) or blinking LED lights (Figure 2)
will be noticed more easily by consumers.
Future products could also be smarter and activate the
eye-catching feature only when somebody approaches
or touches them, with, e.g., integrated capacitive sen-
Printed functional lms embedded into consumer
packaged goods and packaging
Kari Rnk
The consumer packaged goods themselves can also
act as a user interface, helping the consumer to ac-
quire more information on the product or other peoples
opinions and ratings, and thus help in decision-making.
Consumers could also answer with a squeeze or give
feedback using a user interface integrated into the prod-
uct package, e.g., by means of printed touch buttons
and memory elements.
How is the integration done
VTT is conducting active research in the eld of print-
ed electronics and hybrid manufacturing of integrated
smart systems. The research focuses on combining
manufacturing technologies such as roll-to-roll-printed
functionalities, injection moulding and traditional com-
ponent assembly to enable seamless integration of the
new technology into traditional products at a compara-
tively low cost. This approach is called Printed Hybrid
Figure 1. Hot embossed holographic lm injection molded into plastic.

Figure 2. LED lights integrated on a plastic label. Dem-
onstrator produced in PrintoCent.
New printed components, roll-to-roll processing, and
the integration of post-printing assembly and integra-
tion processing offer unique potential for new products,
and leaner and efcient logistics and value chains with
less material loss and mechanical parts. This all leads
to more compact and environmentally friendly products
with new interesting functionalities, appealing design
and intuitive and engaging user experiences.
VTTs competence and capabilities cover broadly the
whole value chain from materials, component design
and processing to system integration, concept dem-
onstrations, process control instrumentation and pilot
manufacturing. With active industrial designer involve-
ment, these developments are leading to novel product
ideas, and product developers are rapidly nding new
product opportunities with Printed Hybrid Systems.
This work has been conducted by a number of people
within VTT. The main scientists in charge of the system
integration research have been Jukka-Tapani Mkinen,
Teemu Alajoki, Kimmo Kernen, Mikko Heikkinen, Mat-
ti Koponen and Tuomo Jaakola. Printed Hybrid System
Product Line is managed by Kari Rnk.
Senior Research Scientist
Tel. +358 20 722 2005
VTT brings light to places no man has brought
light before. Researchers at VTT are developing
ultra-thin, printed light sources for displaying
dynamic signage icons, characters or numerals
on exible planar surfaces. The realisation of
this novel signage technology is based on three
enabling platforms polymer light-emitting ma-
terials, printing deposition methods and roll-to-
roll processing techniques. VTT envisions that
the rst generation product applications of its
printed OLED technology will be value-added
communication features that enhance the in-
teraction between fast-moving consumer prod-
ucts and their end-users.
According to the market research and analyst rm Na-
noMarkets, signage products manufactured using print-
ed and organic electronics are expected to generate a
2.5 billion dollar worldwide market within the next ve
years [1]. While most of the attention on OLED technol-
ogy comes from a lighting and display industry perspec-
tive VTT has chosen to focus on developing technolo-
gy to produce high-volume OLED signage products. This
strategic decision positions VTT and its technology in
the cross section of the two fast-growing OLED target
end markets. At the same time it opens up a window of
opportunity for creating new business from novel prod-
ucts that are based on the competitive strenghts of VTTs
high-volume and cost-efcient OLED technology.
Competitive edge
OLED roll-to-roll production technology developed by
VTT is unique and clearly differentiated. It enables fast
and ultra-low-cost deposition of polymer light-emitting di-
odes by printing on exible plastic substrates (Figure 1).
Roll-to-roll printing as a deposition method has sever-
al distinct advantages compared with the vacuum dep-
osition technologies, which are the traditional process-
ing methods for small molecule-based OLEDs. The main
Thin OLED light sources bring life and logic to fast-
moving consumer products
advantages include high speed of fabrication, low mate-
rial consumption and wastage, fabrication of large areas
as well as the use of well established printing techniques
and machinery.
Freedom of design
VTTs agile production process enables freedom of de-
sign in terms of size, shape and colour of the exible OLED
light sources. As a result, the light sources can be used
to add functionality and form factor, or address innovative,
structurally integrated illuminating needs in many kinds of
fast-moving consumer products. Examples of such prod-
ucts include functional packaging, smart cards, smart
textiles, medical disposables, cosmetic products, games,
Riikka Suhonen, Markus Tuomikoski, Jukka Hast, Riku Rikkola
Figure 1. Flexible printed OLED light source.
toys and novelties [2]. Due to the unique design capabili-
ties, VTTs OLED technology provides a source for new
product innovation in existing and emerging markets that
cannot be addressed competitively by currently available
illumination or display technologies.
Platform for new product innovations
VTT has also developed a wireless power supply concept
to drive the exible OLED light sources without cords and
wires (Figure 2). The wireless power supply concept uses
electric energy provided by a standard 13.56 MHz RFID
reader to drive the OLED light sources. The RFID-driven
OLEDs can be added as a dynamic feature into cordless
products such as smart cards, tags and product pack-
aging. The generated effects can be supported by an in-
tegrated circuit and used to develop communication, au-
thentication and access management features lacked by
existing fast-moving consumer products. To give an ex-
ample, OLED light sources could be integrated into con-
ventional print products such as point-of-sale displays,
high-end product packages or promotional yers used
by many well-known brands in consumer marketing
Business from printed OLED technology
VTT facilitates short-term commercialisation of its roll-to-
roll printing technology for producing OLED signage ele-
ments for fast-moving high-volume products. One of the
key enabling factors behind the commercialisation efforts
is the new PrintoCent pilot production line at VTT. This
equipment can be used to produce OLED elements for
prototyping and limited market trials. VTT is active and in-
terested in new product development projects that sup-
port the adoption of VTTs exible OLED technology into
novel product applications within existing or new target
end markets.
Outside the short-term commercialisation objective, VTT
continues to serve its customers as the leading R&D serv-
ice provider in the eld of roll-to-roll-printed OLED technol-
ogy. OLED product line at VTT offers its services in partic-
ular to companies in materials, lighting and display busi-
nesses in order to improve their R&D capabilities for ma-
terial formulation, printing deposition methods, roll-to-roll
processing and online measurements. VTTs competen-
cies, knowledge and technology infrastructure offer our
customers the worlds leading R&D platform for devel-
oping next-generation OLED technologies and products
based on printing and roll-to-roll processing technologies.
This work has been conducted by a number of people
within VTT. The main scientists in charge of the research
were Marja Vlimki (roll-to-roll printing), Tiina Maaninen,
Kaisa-Leena Visnen and Arto Maaninen (printable cath-
ode inks) from the Printed Functional Solutions Centre.
[1] NanoMarkets. Signs of the Future: Opportunities
for Printable and Organic Electronics in the Signage
Market. 2008. 10 p.
[2] NanoMarkets. Disposable Electronics: The First
Wave for Printed and Organic Electronics. 2007. 2 p.
ht t p: //www. nanotopbl i m?i d=
846C6798-3048-7802 9358981CA922FF95.
Research Scientist
Tel. +358 20 722 2266 T
Figure 2. Wirelessly powered exible OLEDs.
Biobased, biodegradable and/or recyclable so-
lutions are in increasing demand in packaging
applications due to the growing concerns about
environmental issues. VTT has world-class ex-
perience of developing paper and board all the
way from bre composition to the nal printed
product for multiple applications
Increasing demand for biobased
A number of printed intelligence features, especially elec-
tronic features, require a stable, smooth and preferably
non-absorbent substrate. For this reason, different kinds
Biobased substrates for printed intelligence
Tomi Erho, Pia Qvintus
of synthetic plastics have been the substrates of choice
for printed electronics developments. Plastics are also
commonly used in a range of consumer goods packages,
thus providing an easy base on which to print the func-
tionalities directly.
Due to the growing concerns about environmental issues
together with the uncertainty an the prise of oil, the CPG
companies, together with the packaging industry, are
looking for new biobased, biodegradable or recyclable
solutions. Paper wrapping and packaging board are self-
evident examples of such solutions.
Figure 1. VTTs SUORA environment will dramatically improve the possibilities to test new products, process concepts
and new types of equipment, as well as raw materials, in realistic papermaking conditions.
Figure 2. Paper coating can be performed roll-to-roll with a range of equipment on various scales (see also page 73).
The surfaces of these materials may need to be formed
differently, however, in order for them to function well with
printed electronic features [1].
VTT can develop and pilot from bre to the nal product
VTT has world-class experience in developing paper and
board for multiple applications all the way from bre com-
position to the nal printed product. VTT has extensive
development experience as well as on-going activities in
the development of biobased materials to replace syn-
thetic materials or minerals in, for example, paper and
packaging solutions [2, 3].
VTT also has the potential to perform all the steps in pilot-
ing roll-to-roll trials of printed intelligence on a bre base
starting from pulping, going through web forming (Figure 1)
into coating and printing paper or board rolls (Figure 2).
The actual sample packages can also be formed with
VTTs die-cutting and creasing equipment.
This work requires a combination of expertise by individ-
uals at the knowledge centres of Fibre Processes, Func-
tional Fibre Products, Process Chemistry, Bioprocessing
and Printed Functional Solutions, among others.
[1] Bollstrm, R., Mttnen, A., Tobjrk, D., Ihalainen,
P., Kaihovirta, N., sterbacka, R., Peltonen, J. & Toi-
vakka, M. A multilayer coated ber-based substrate
suitable for printed functionality. Organic Electronics,
Vol 10 (2009) 5, pp. 1020-1023.
[2] Bryner, M. Making paper from potatoes. Chemical
Week, Vol. 168 (2006) 2, p. 24.
[3] Harlin, A., Edelmann, K.,Immonen, K., Mroueh, U-M.,
Pingoud, K. & Wessman, H. Industrial Biomaterial Vi-
sions - Spearhead Programme 2009-2013. Espoo:
VTT, 2009. 87 p. (VTT Tiedotteita Research Notes
2522). ISBN 978-951-38-7553-4; 978-951-38-7554-
1. http://www.vtt./inf/pdf/tiedotteet/2009/T2522.
Senior Research Scientist
Tel. +358 20 722 5671 T
Diagnostics are an essential part of health care
and the research-based industry. VTT offers ca-
pabilities for the whole development chain, from
biomarker research and recombinant antibody
development to microuidic platform design
and mass manufacturing.
Diagnostic tests are essential in
modern health care
Diagnostic tests are an important part of health care. Cur-
rently, some 60-70% of medical decisions are based on di-
agnostic tests, and the diagnostics industry is now a mul-
ti-billion-dollar market. There is a growing requirement for
low-cost, mass-manufactured, point-of-care (POC) solu-
tions however. These POC tests are needed in the build-
ing up of the health care systems in developing countries
as well as for improving the efciency of the systems in de-
veloped countries. They are used by medical profession-
als in hospitals, physicians ofces, ambulances and re-
tail clinics as well as by the patients and consumers them-
selves at home.
For medical professionals, point-of-care testing enables
faster decision-making and streamlining of health care proc-
esses, as less tests need to be conducted in central labo-
ratories. For consumers, POC tests make it easier to moni-
tor their own health and chronic conditions at home. On the
whole, POC tests enable distributed testing and screening,
which also make it possible to nd medical conditions at
earlier stages, lessening their negative impact.
Advances in diagnostics are also
important in research-based industries
The same technologies as those used in medical diagnos-
tics can also advance life sciences and other research-
based industries. For example, microuidistics (the control
and manipulation of uids in geometrically constrained mi-
croscale devices) has facilitated major biochemical appli-
cation advancements in diagnostics, bioterrorism detec-
tion and drug discovery. In these elds, the microuidic ap-
proach reduces the sample volume and performance time
of immunoassays and enables other benets of miniaturi-
sation, integration and automation.
Roll-to-roll printing for mass
manufacturing and rapid prototyping
VTTs expertise in roll-to-roll manufacturing provides a
cost-effective and high-volume method for producing di-
agnostic products. It also enables better design of the
test products, which can even be demonstrated by rapid
prototyping with the same production method.
Cost savings can be achieved both in materials and pro-
duction methods. E.g. paper is an order of magnitude
cheaper than the current materials and printing process-
es are considerably faster than the current manufacturing
methods. The reduction in cost allows for disposability of
the tests, which in turn enables product and process in-
novation in health care and wellbeing.
The use of printing processes also offers new possibilities
in the design of diagnostics products. The tests can be
designed for, e.g., ease of use when sampling or reading
results. This versatility in design together with the poten-
tial for extremely high-volume production can also create
opportunities for the diagnostics industry in completely
new application areas.
VTT offers the whole development
chain for diagnostic platforms
VTT has built capabilities to offer the whole chain from
biomarker research and recombinant antibody develop-
ment to microuidic platform design and fabrication, as
well as optical and electronic reader development. The
printed intelligence approach with R2R printing technol-
ogy also offers a cost-efcient way to mass manufacture
diagnostic products.
Please read on to learn more about our capabilities and
recent research.
Printed intelligence offers new opportunities in medical
diagnostics and research-based industries
Markku Knskoski, Tomi Erho, Kalle Airo
Roll-to-roll hot embossed apillary electophoresis chip, lidded by solvent bonding (see also page 30)
This article compiles the benets of roll-to-roll-
fabricated microuidic platforms and highlights
their suitability for life science applications.
Microuidics in a nutshell
Microuidics refers to a multidisciplinary science eld in-
volving the control and manipulation of uids in geometri-
cally constrained microscale devices. Microuidic lab-on-
a-chip technologies represent a revolution in laboratory
experimentation, bringing the benets of miniaturisation,
integration and automation to many research-based in-
dustries. The attractiveness of microuidics is based on
several inherent advantages such as minute sample con-
sumption, the integration of sample preparation and anal-
ysis steps, as well as reduced analysis times.
Microuidics has facilitated major biochemical applica-
tion advancements in diagnostics, bioterrorism detection
and drug discovery. Numerous potential applications ex-
Roll-to-roll polymer-based micro uidics for life science
ist for biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, public health, ag-
riculture, etc. Cell sorting and cell-based assays, genom-
ics and clinical diagnostics including point-of-care and
patient-operated assays are currently of vigorous inter-
est in life sciences.
The future looks bright
According to the EMMA Emerging Markets for Microuid-
ic Applications report by Yole Development [1], drug dis-
covery was recognised as the rst market for microuid-
ics. Microuidic products have been commercialised by
SME and the big instrumentation companies and are on
their way to becoming part of the gold standard technol-
ogies used in research applications [1].
Many diagnostic companies have positioned microuid-
ics on their development road map as a key technology
to support their growth strategy. Microuidics is clearly
identied as an enabling technology to support the devel-
Figure 1. Roll-to-roll hot-embossed capillary electrophoresis chip, lidded by solvent bonding.
Ralph Liedert, Lotta Amundsen, Markku Knskoski
Figure 2. Rolls of roll-to-roll hot-embossed plastic lm with microuidic channel structures.
opment of the point-of-care and molecular biology mar-
kets [1].
Microuidics has a strong competitive advantage in the
diagnostic market, enabling analysis automation and
decentralisation, as well as in facilitating molecular di-
agnostic emergence and success [1]. The microsystem
technologies market for healthcare applications is ex-
pected to grow from $1.2 billion in 2009 to $4.5 billion in
2015, representing over 1 billion units per year in 2015
[2]. It is predicted that wireless systems will exceed the
market share by as much as 50% [2].
Roll-to-roll technology enables mass
The fabrication of microuidic devices from conven-
tional materials, such as glass and silicon, is tedious
and time-consuming. Microuidic products are dedi-
cated to research applications and are still produced
in low volumes [1]. According to a market analysis by
Yole Development [1], the penetration of microuidics
in the diagnostic market will require technology valida-
tion from a manufacturability point of view. Technolo-
gies that tackle the diagnostic markets cost and reg-
ulation pressure will succeed, and such standardisa-
tion is likely to lead to a structuration of the industrial
food chain [1].

Roll-to-roll (R2R) hot embossing is a promising mass-
manufacturing method for polymer microuidic devic-
es in which a heated embossing cylinder transfers its
features onto a continuous thermoplastic polymer lm
(Figure 2). The relatively short contact time between the
stamp roller and the polymer lm in R2R hot embossing
enables all essential hot embossing steps to be integrat-
ed and controlled in sub-seconds.

Owing to the continuous web feeding in R2R, quality is
less operator-dependent and more repeatable than in
piece-by-piece-handled static hot embossing presses.
Once the optimum parameter settings for a certain web
material and stamp design have been established, R2R
hot embossing is a suitable technology for fast, con-
tinuous, parallel and low-cost production of microuidic
components for various applications.
Towards life science applications
At VTT, R2R-fabricated microuidic platforms have been
tested in both nucleic acid analysis and immunoassays.
R2R-fabricated platforms enable different types of analy-
sis, including lateral ow tests and electrophoretic analy-
ses. If desired, R2R-fabricated microuidic channels can
be partially functionalised by inkjet printing of size-con-
trolled biomolecule spots. Inkjet printing of both antibod-
ies and nucleic acid sequences has been tested with the
aim of capturing target molecules from the sample. The
results are very promising. Electrophoretic separations
of nucleic acid sequences on R2R-fabricated platforms
have also been demonstrated [3, 4].
Towards greater complexity
Future projects aim to integrate additional functionali-
ties into printed microudic chips, such as hydrophobic/
hydrophilic surface patterning, printing of biomolecules,
and on-chip solutions for valves, switches, thermo reg-
ulation and electrical connectivity. A high grade of in-
tegration helps to reduce the amount of special equip-
ment currently still used for chip handling, such as exter-
nal pumps, lters, illumination and read-out devices. On-
chip solutions will also make this technology more wide-
ly accessible beyond the doctors ofces and other on
site use. The ease of use, high reliability, long shelf life
and low-cost solutions for microuidic chip platforms can
boost the commercial future of this technology.
This work has been conducted by a number of people
within VTT. The main scientists in charge of the research
were Ralph Liedert, Leena Hakalahti, Sanna Uusita-
lo, Marika Kurkinen (R2R technology), Harri Siitari, Hans
Sderlund, Lotta Amundsen, Tarja Nevanen and Petri Sa-
viranta (life science applications).
This work was carried out in the VTT qb3 Project, which
was made possible with the nancial support of Tekes
the Finnish Funding Agency for Technology and Innova-
tion. Qb3 refers to the California Institute of Quantitative
Biosciences. The VTT qb3 Project has been conducted
in close collaboration between VTT and the University of
California Berkeley (UCB). We are especially grateful to
Professor Richard Mathies (UCB) for his invaluable com-
mitment throughout the project. The authors would also
like to acknowledge the nancial support of the following
companies and the invaluable guidance of the represent-
atives of these companies in the steering group of the
project: Orion Diagnostica Ltd, PlexPress Ltd, Mobidiag
Ltd, Medisize Ltd, Glycos Finland Ltd, Zora Biosciences
Ltd, Labmaster Ltd, Ciba Speciality Chemicals Ltd and
Panimolaboratorio Brygge.
[1] EMMA Emerging Markets for Microuidics Applica-
tions. Yole Development, 2007. 150 p.
[2] BioMEMS 2010. Microsystems devices driving
healthcare applications. Yole Development, 2010.
203 p.
[3] Amundsen, L. et al. Transcript analysis with the aid
of afnity capture and gel electrophoresis on micro-
chips. LACE2009 15th Latin American Symposium
of Biotechnology, Biomedical, Biopharmaceutical
and Industrial Applications of Capillary Electrophore-
sis and Microchip Technology. Seville, Spain, 2-6 Oc-
tober 2009.
[4] Amundsen, L. et al. Transcript and gene analyses by
gel electrophoresis on microchips. Microuidics in
Bioanalytical Research and Diagnostics. Espoo, Ha-
nasaari, 30 September-1 October 2010.

Research Scientist
Tel. + 358 20 722 2337 T
Label-free detection technology is an emerg-
ing method for drug discovery, proteomic stud-
ies and antibody screening. Drug discovery ap-
plications could make considerable cost reduc-
tions by establishing new, more straightforward
detection protocols. Label-free technology ena-
bles time savings by offering more detailed in-
formation for kinetic studies and shorter cycle
times, due to the lack of the need for custom
standardisation assays. Mass-producible dis-
posable sensor chips for generic sensing with
high sensitivity against selected analyte are the
goal of the future for label-free detection.
The Western drug discovery market was worth $17.40 bil-
lion in 2007 and exhibited an annual growth rate of 13.0
per cent in 2007. Researchers who are actively working
in drug discovery have made remarkable progress in un-
derstanding the molecular mechanisms involved in dis-
ease. This is largely due to the advancements in technol-
ogies such as RNA interference (RNAi) and gene expres-
sion, and the development of live cell assays, laboratory
automation systems, biomarker discovery and other re-
search tools. The future of High Throughput Screening
(HTS) will be largely determined by the level of funding
committed to the activity by pharmaceutical companies.
During the past few years, however, the drug discovery
task has shifted slightly from simply identifying promis-
ing leads to identifying dead-end leads as early as pos-
sible in the process. Advancements made in the area of
High Content Screening (HCS), Fragment-Based Drug
Discovery (FBDD) and label-free technology will be the
main driving factors for the growth in screening during
the next few years. [1]
Technology to simplify molecular
interaction studies
In the diagnostic eld of drug discovery, proteomic stud-
ies and antibody screening have conventionally been car-
Label-free detection methods in diagnostics and drug
ried out using molecular labelling techniques. Label-free
methods are an emerging technology that enables direct
measurement of molecular interactions without the need
for label elements. Tagging proteins with labels can lead
to changes in the protein structure and function. This can
be avoided with label-free methods. In the future, label-
free detection could also enable the use of natural ligands
and substrates instead of the specic label-amiable ones
required with conventional methods. [2]
Kinetic studies observed in real time
The most attractive prospect of label-free methods for
the drug discovery industry is the real-time monitoring of
binding interactions. Most label-based screens do not al-
low for real-time analysis, which can lead to important
observations being missed on the way to the end result,
especially in kinetic studies. In the drug discovery busi-
ness, time savings translate almost directly into cost sav-
ings. [2]
The cost benets are a strong selling
Label-free detection is a strong prospect for shorten-
ing cycle times because it does not require the devel-
opment of custom standardisation assays. Some of the
current techniques suffer from a lack of robust quality
assays, which can lead to neglected target pools. The
majority of these orphan targets contain protein-pro-
tein interactions that go unnoticed during the screen-
ing. Label-free methods study protein-protein interfac-
es, and this could solve the orphan target problem. This
is a strong selling point for pharmaceutical and biotech
companies. [2]
Label-free methods offer higher
throughput in fragment screening
Fragment screening is a new and interesting drug
discovery method that is presently carried out using
methods that suffer from very limited throughput and
the consumption of large quantities of sample proteins.
Sanna Uusitalo, Markku Knskoski, Jussi Hiltunen
Label-free technology offers higher throughput and re-
quires a far lower sample quantum, making it attrac-
tive to companies involved in fragment-based drug dis-
covery. [2]
Polymer-based optical sensors meet
the requirements of massproducible,
disposable sensor chips
Conventional analytical techniques are usually expen-
sive, both in terms of personnel and equipment, and one
of the principal requirements is to perform screening
tests without a specialised infrastructure. The limitations
of current sensors include large dimensions, sometimes
limited sensitivity and inherent single-parameter meas-
urement capability. One key concept with potential to
meet these requirements is the optical polymeric sensor
platform illustrated in Figure 1. On this platform, light in-
teracts with the analyte, modifying the light propagation
properties that can be observed by monitoring the inter-
ferogram (Figures 1 and 2). An experimentally obtained,
typical interferogram from a waveguide sensor is illus-
trated in Figure 2. The key advances of the waveguide
sensors are high sensitivity and the possibility of cancel-
ling drift effects due to, for example, a change in ambi-
ent temperature. The core of the R&D is the mass-pro-
ducible, disposable sensor chip for generic sensing with
high sensitivity against the selected analyte.

Polymers enable an integrated
fabrication of micrometer and sub-
micrometer features with printing
Polymers have become important component mate-
rials in making discrete optical components and inte-
grated optical devices because of their good optical
properties, the most important of which are high op-
tical transmittance and versatile processability at rel-

Figure 2. Example of an interferogram produced by a la-
bel-free waveguide sensor.
Figure 1. Optical waveguide-based concept for label-free sensing.
Figure 3. Mould and printed polymeric replica of a 2 m single-mode waveguide containing a Bragg reector with a pe-
riod of 400 nm.
atively low temperatures as well as their potential for
low-cost production. With a printing method, high
quality integrated optical platforms and circuits can be
fabricated at relatively high volumes [3, 4]. An addition-
al advantage of printing fabrication is the fact that sub-
micrometer or sub-wavelength nanophotonic features
are processable during the same process step, with
other features. Figure 3 shows an example of this kind
of device containing a single-mode optical waveguide
with a sub-wavelength reector producing optical res-
onance effects.
The Micro- and Nanotechnology Centre of the University
of Oulu is acknowledged for the focused-ion-beam (FIB)
processing of the nano-photonics structures on the print-
ing moulds.
[1] Overview of the European Drug Discovery Market,
M221-55. Frost & Sullivan. 2008. 98 p.
[2] Advances in label-free detection technologies (tech-
nical insight), D12D. Frost & Sullivan. 2008. 73 p.
[3] Optics Express, Vol 17 (2009), pp. 22813-33833.
[4] Wang, M., Hiltunen, J., Uusitalo, S., Puustinen, J.,
Lappalainen, J., Karioja, P. & Myllyl, R. Fabrication
of Optical Inverted-rib Waveguides using UV-imprint-
ing. Microelectronic Engineering, 2010. 4 p.
Research Scientist
Tel. +358 20 722 2203 T
VTT is developing R2R printing technologies
for manufacturing microuidic platforms that
can be used in diagnostics and environmen-
tal analyses. The microuidic approach reduc-
es the sample volume and performance time
of immunoassays. Printing technology offers
a exible and low-cost way to mass manufac-
ture disposable diagnostic chips for the point-
of-care market.
Immunoassays are used to detect
small amounts of biomarkers
Immunoassays are most commonly used to detect
small amounts of biomarkers from human sera or physi-
ological uids, and to screen for infectious or toxic sub-
stances and environmental contaminants. Today, this is
most often performed in microtiter plates in 96-well for-
mat in a laboratory environment. Due to the increasing
need to reduce healthcare costs, there is a growing de-
Printed micro uidic platforms for immunoassays
Leena Hakalahti
mand for simple, easy-to-use test platforms that allow
quantitative immunoassays to be performed at doctors
ofces and at home. Nitrocellulose-based lateral ow
assays form the rst generation of these point-of-care
(POC) tests, but as they are not able to give quantitative
results, as such, more sophisticated solutions are under
extensive development.
Miniaturised solutions are needed for
The microuidic approach offers the most promising
technology platform for the development of miniatur-
ised solutions for in vitro diagnostics and environmental
monitoring. In microuidic systems, the sample volume
and test performance time can be reduced signicant-
ly. When microtiter wells are compared with microuid-
ics, the sample volumes can typically be reduced from
100 ls down to l level and the performance times from
several hours down to a few minutes.
Figure 1 a) Schematic illustration of an immunoassay in a microuidic channel.
VTT offers the whole chain of
capabilities for the development of
point-of-care assay platforms
VTT has effectively built capabilities to offer new so-
lutions for customers in the diagnostic eld. VTTs re-
search panel contains the whole chain from biomar-
ker research and recombinant antibody development
to microuidic platform design and fabrication. The print-
ed intelligence approach with R2R printing technology of-
fers a cost efcient way to mass manufacture microuid-
ic chips intended for use in the point-of-care eld. With-
in this technology, the hot embossing technique is used
to print microuidic channels on thermoplastic polymers.
Inkjet printing is used for the deposition of capturing an-
tibodies into the channels. To cover the channels with
plastic lms, the solvent bonding method or adhesive
polymer materials are used. R2R printing tools and meth-
ods are suitable for rapid prototyping of different microu-
idic designs as well as mass manufacturing of the chips
of interest. Together with capabilities for the development
of recombinant antibodies and sensitive assay formats,
VTT can offer the whole package for fabricating custom-
ised assay platforms.

The detection of cardiac markers and
virus antigens has been demonstrated
VTT has demonstrated immunoassays in microuidic
chips fabricated by the methods described above. Car-
diac biomarkers (CRP, proNT-ANP and troponin) and
some virus antigens have been used as model ana-
lytes. In these assays, specic cardiac marker antibod-
ies have been immobilised on the chip in order to cap-
ture the analytes from the sample. The sample, togeth-
er with the labelled secondary antibodies, has been ap-
plied and own through the channel. Fluorescence sig-
nals have been detected using a CCD camera together
with reader software (Figure 1).
In a microuidic chip, multiple analytes can be detected
as an array in one channel. An example of a multichan-
nel chip and the detection of four different virus antigens
in parallel channels is shown in Figure 2.
Towards extended functionality
The technical abilities to integrate different functionali-
ties onto the chips are currently under development. The
functionalities include, for example, sample handling,
Figure 1 b) Fluorescence signals of the CRP immunoassay in microuidic channels.
0 ng/ml 0,1 g/ml 1,0 g/ml 2,0 g/ml
uid ow regulation and detection elements. In con-
nection with chip development, more sensitive meth-
ods and portable readers for detection are also strongly
present in the research portfolio.

This work has been conducted by a number of people
within VTT. The main scientists in charge of the research
were Ralph Liedert, Marika Kurkinen, Sanna Uusitalo,
Olli-Heikki Huttunen, Satu Prokkola, Sanna Aikio, Petri
Saviranta, Liisa Hattara, Kristiina Takkinen and Harri Sii-
The work was mainly carried out in the Welfare2 and
QB3 projects with the nancial support of Tekes the
Finnish Funding Agency for Technology and Innovation.
The author would also like to acknowledge the nan-
cial support of the following companies and the invalua-
ble guidance of the representatives of these companies
in the steering group of the projects: Orion Diagnostica
Ltd, Nokia OyJ, Magnasense Ltd, PlexPress Ltd, Mo-
bidiag Ltd, Medisize Ltd, Glycos Finland Ltd, Zora Bio-
sciences Ltd, Labmaster Ltd, Ciba Speciality Chemicals
Ltd and Panimolaboratorio Brygge.
Senior Research Scientist
Tel. +358 20 722 2312
Figure 2. Virus immunoassay in a multichannel, hot-embossed microuidic chip.
Virus 1
Virus 2
Virus 3
Virus 4
Virus 5
Paper as a base material for diagnostics tools
enables low-cost biodegradable solutions with
novel design possibilities. VTT has demon-
strated a paper-based diagnostic test in which
the detection antibodies were inkjet-printed on
paper. This technology could open complete-
ly new application areas for the diagnostics in-
Paper provides a sustainable material
solution for diagnostics
With growing demands for low-cost, quick and easy-to-
use diagnostics, a need for biodegradable material solu-
tions is emerging. The natural tendency of paper to ab-
sorb liquids, together with the fact that paper is a biode-
gradable material from non-food biomass, makes it an
ideal platform for low-cost indicative diagnostics.
Printed paper diagnostics could widen
the application areas for diagnostics
Research and development of paper-based diagnostics
has attracted an increasing number of research groups
worldwide [e.g. 1-5] Simple paper-based testing has the
potential to improve health-care processes in the devel-
oped countries, make diagnostics more widely available
in developing countries and enable new tools to be used
in environmental and well-being-related testing. Paper-
based testing without reader devices could potentially be
used to monitor the condition of a person or the environ-
ment on a daily or weekly basis, e.g., in order to know
when it is time to make a more in-depth laboratory anal-
ysis. This could reduce the number of unnecessary lab-
oratory tests.
The mechanical strength of paper endures high-volume
processing with printing and converting methods. In ad-
dition to the low production costs, this allows the design
of paper-based diagnostics to take a wide range of forms
beyond those used in traditional diagnostics to meet ap-
plication-specic usability demands. Further graphics
Paper-based immunodiagnostics
Tomi Erho
or instructions could also be printed on the same paper
sheet as the tests.
Technology demonstrator shows the
VTT has developed a printed, paper-based, lateral ow
test. This has been demonstrated with a haemoglobin
test that shows if haemoglobin is present in the uid ap-
plied to the paper test. The outcome of the test can be
seen visually as two lines forming on the paper when
haemoglobin is present in the sample similar to the
well-known indication method used in human pregnan-
cy tests.
The paper was specially developed for this purpose in or-
der to have suitable physical and chemical characteris-
tics of the paper sheet. Capturing antibodies were inkjet-
printed on the paper. From these components, a lateral
ow test was constructed, similar to traditional nitrocellu-
lose-based lateral ow test devices. Sample liquid con-
taining detection antibodies conjugated to gold nanopar-
ticles was dropped on the lower pad in Figure 1, and the
liquid owed through the test membrane. One or two red
lines were formed on the paper, depending on whether
there was a detectable amount of haemoglobin on the
This demonstration shows that it is possible to conduct
immunodiagnostics on paper in a similar way to exist-
ing diagnostic systems. Future efforts in the area will fo-
cus on exploiting the production capabilities of paper and
nding suitable applications for which the use of paper is
a benet.
This work has been conducted by a number of people
within VTT. The main scientists in charge of the research
were Tuija Teerinen (Biochemistry), Timo Lappalainen
and Pia Vento (Paper Technology), Leena Hakalahti and
Marika Kurkinen (Inkjet Printing of Antibodies).
This work has been carried out in the BioAct2 Project,
which was made possible by the nancial support of
Tekes the Finnish Funding Agency for Technology and
Innovation. The author would also like to acknowledge
the nancial support of the following companies and
the invaluable guidance of the representatives of these
companies in the steering group of the project: UPM-
Kymmene Oyj, BASF Oyj, Tervakoski Oyj, Orion Diagnos-
tica Oy, Hansaprint Oy and Oy Medix Biochemica Ab.
The details of this research were published in an oral
speech in the Next Generation Dx Summit, Washington
DC, 24-26.8.2010. The details were also written in a sub-
mitted article: Lappalainen, T. et al. Cellulose as a novel
substrate for lateral ow assay.
[1] Pelton, R. Bioactive paper provides a low-cost plat-
form for diagnostics. Trends in Analytical Chemistry,
Vol. 28 (2009) 8, pp. 925-942.
[2] Martinez, A. W., et al. Diagnostics for the Developing
World: Microuidic Paper-Based Analytical Devices.
Analytical Chemistry 2010, 82, pp. 3-10.
[3] Abe, K. et al. Inkjet-printed paperuidic immuno-
chemical sensing device. Analytical and Bioanalyti-
cal Chemistry 2010, 398, pp. 885-893.
[4] Li, X. et al. Fabrication of paper-based microuidic
sensors by printing, Colloids and Surfaces B: Bio-
interfaces 76, 2010, pp. 564-570.
[5] Balu, B. et al. Patterning of superhydrophobic paper
to control the mobility of micro-liter drops for two-di-
mensional lab-on-paper applications. Lab on a Chip
2009, 9, pp. 30663075.
Figure 1. When the sample liquid contains no haemo-
globin (left), only one line is formed to show that the test
has functioned. When the sample liquid contains a de-
tectable amount of haemoglobin (right), two lines are
Senior Research Scientist
Tel. +358 20 722 5671
VTT has developed point-of-care knowhow and,
for this reason, reader technology is also an im-
portant part of this development. The POCTER
reader is suitable for several types of applica-
tions. In the future, wireless and touch-screen
displays will enable more powerful use of the
Point-of-care (POC) tests are a growing market. They are
typically used in the home and ambulances as well as
health centres and hospitals. Point-of-care solutions and
their development require reader technology to analyse
and archive results.
POCTER is based on the imaging of the
VTT has developed a rapid and quantitative point-of-
care test reader (POCTER) that is reliable and easy to
use (Figure 1). The reader is a small (150x70x50 mm
hand-held device for systematic analysis and archiving
of measurement data. This reader is based on imaging
of the test. In addition to normal imaging, this reader can
image selected spectral components as well as uores-
cence samples.
The reader is suitable for many
An interchangeable mechanical adapter for various test
cartridges makes it possible to use the same reader with
several types of POC applications. The best-known test
is the pregnancy test. The reader is connected to a com-
puter via a USB, which is also a power connection; thus,
no separate power connection or battery is needed. The
reader platform is modular. For example, the LED cong-
uration or imaging geometry can be customised for differ-
ent kinds of applications. This POCTER reader has been
used in the development of VTT paper-based immunodi-
agnostics; see page 39.
POCTER allows POC tests to be analysed anywhere
Rami Mannila
Wireless and touch-screen are the
future of POCTER
An independent reader with a touch-screen display can be
developed based on this reader. Data analysis can be per-
formed in the reader and the results could be saved to the
reader or transferred via a wireless connection to a com-
puter or server. The reader could be equipped with ultra-
violet or infrared LEDs, besides red, green and blue LEDs.
This work has been conducted by a number of peo-
ple within VTT. The main scientists in charge of the re-
search have been Christer Holmlund (electronics), Hans
Toivanen (mechanics) and Rami Mannila (optics).
Research Scientist
Tel. +358 20 722 4649

Figure 1. The POCTER reader with imaging head.
Business from technology
Point-Of-Care Test Reader
POCTER - rapid and quantitative lateral ow test
strip reader is reliable and easy to use. POCTER is
a small, hand-held device for systematic analysis
and archiving of lateral ow strip measurement
Flow channel analysis based on uorescence emission or
particle reectivity
Quantitative and qualitative evaluation of uorescent label and
gold particle test strips
Real-time analysis of reaction kinetics
High dynamic-range imager for lateral strips
Interchangeable mechanical adapter for various lateral ow
test cartridges
Small size
Analysis software
Illumination LEDs for different kind of lateral strips
Red (630 nm), green (530 nm) and blue (470 nm)
Test strip support Fluorescent labels (e.g. Alexa 488, Estapor F-XC010 and similar)
Gold/latex paricle test strips
High dynamic-range imager Digital signal processing
Imaging area 20x30 mm
Image format 450x700 pixels
Up to 2 analysis per second
Standard lter (Schott OG550), interchangeable
Connection USB 2.0
Strip cartridge adapter Customized adapter manufactured according to customer specications or template
Size 150x70x50 mm
Analysis software Data acquisition
Single ow-channel analysis
Quantitative analysis of gold particle reectivity or uorescence emission for control and
dsmeasurement lines
Photographic documentation and saving of analysis results
Reliable, versatile design
Signicantly reduces R&D time of lateral ow tests
Easy to use - also suitable for end-users and Point-of-
Care (POC) applications
Low volume shipments through VTT
Licensing and contractor network for OEM
Standard model specications
Technology and market foresight Strategic research Product and service development IPR and licensing
Assessments, testing, inspection, certication Technology and innovation management Technology partnership
Roll-to-roll hot embossed plastic lm with microuidic channel structures (see also page 31)
Innovative products from Printed Hybrid
In the future, industrial product designers will gain more
design freedom, as manufacturing technologies devel-
op towards more exible, design-friendly and inexpen-
sive forms of electronics. New methods will change the
production processes and enable manufacturing of
entirely new kinds of products.
Modern electronics manufacturing and communica-
tions technology offers countless possibilities to cre-
ate new types of consumer products that are intelli-
gent and connected to the surrounding environment.
The work of VTT Printed Intelligence in the consum-
er electronics business arena focuses on the follow-
ing key areas.
Increased connectivity and functionality
Firstly, many products are already capable of connect-
ing to the Internet. With advances in integrated elec-
tronics, these will increasingly interface and inter-
act with other physical objects and smart devices. By
creating simple modules, such as the compact mo-
bile phone microscope with integrated LED illumina-
tion, there can now be a new easy-to-use interface be-
tween printed matter and the digital world. These elec-
tronic device interactions with the physical world can
enable a wide range of new functionalities. Examples
of these include mobile micro-code reading for brand
protection or access to digital content on printed ob-
jects, analysis of print quality, or medical diagnostics
in your pocket.
Secondly, there are numerous opportunities for elec-
tronic products that could be connected to the web
and/or communicate with the environment and each
other. For example, embedded sensors in common
construction materials and components, or in furniture,
could sense, interpret and extract information from the
surrounding environment. This information could be
movement, sounds, power usage, moisture or air qual-
ity readings. These create exciting new opportunities
for remote monitoring and control of the traditional in-
frastructure. Increasing the amount of embedded func-
tionality in consumer products also raises the impor-
tance of improving the usability of electronic products.
Future user interfaces will be more exible and cover
larger areas, and be embedded, visually appealing and
more intuitive, thereby providing new types of user ex-
periences. VTT has worked on several new approach-
es such as in-moulded optical touch screens and ex-
ible, wide-area-printed 3D user interfaces.
Thirdly, many consumer products do not yet have any
electronics or sensor functionality inside them. There
is huge potential for new product innovations that in-
crease the functionality of current non-smart prod-
ucts. An example could be a baby spoon that includes
an embedded temperature sensor to warn if a product
is too hot. Another example could be a smart jug that
simultaneously measures and weighs the content with
embedded strain gauges(Figure 1).
Enabling new applications
Future applications of plastic-based electronics could
include mobile phones and electronic appliances, par-
ticularly for the home and the automotive industry. It
will also be possible to make new types of lighting and
decoration products using integrated sensors, light
sources and light guides.
VTT is conducting active research in the field of print-
ed electronics and hybrid manufacturing of integrated
smart systems. The research focuses on combining
manufacturing technologies such as roll-to-roll-print-
ed functionalities, injection moulding and traditional
component assembly to enable seamless integration
of the new technology into traditional products at a
comparatively low cost. This approach is called Print-
ed Hybrid Systems. Through the hybrid manufactur-
New electronics manufacturing technologies offer
greater freedom for product design
Kari Rnk, Howard Rupprecht
ing approach, the printed electronics industry also
benefits from faster time-to-market compared with
fully printed products such as backplanes for flexi-
ble OLED displays. VTT is actively building a global-
ly unique pilot production facility to enable proof-of-
concept demonstrations and small-scale production
ramp-up for customers.
Design freedom at low costs
The Printed Hybrid Systems approach gives designers
greater freedom to create new types of products with
the following attributes:
Flexibility and light weight
Low-cost conformal integration
3D system miniaturisation air out
Intuitive user interfaces
Large-area embedded functionality
In addition to simple passive structures like conduc-
tors, resistors and dielectrics, active optoelectronic
components such as Organic Light-Emitting Diodes
(OLEDs) and Organic Photo Voltaics (OPVs) have also
been printed at VTTs pilot production facility. VTTs
aim is to create hybrid systems, and to achieve this we
are developing methods to attach standard electronic
components such as Si-based processor chips or bat-
teries to exible printed circuit boards.
By combining the expertise of this low-cost electronics
manufacturing technology with the efcient 3D shap-
ing technology of injection moulding, there is great po-
tential to build a new high-throughput manufacturing
technology platform that can deliver complex optical,
electrical and mechanical functions with relative ease.
New printed components, roll-to-roll processing and
the integration of post-printing assembly techniques
offer unique potential for new types of product. They
also enable leaner logistics and value chains with less
material loss and fewer mechanical parts. This all leads
to more compact and environmentally friendly prod-
ucts with new functionality, appealing design and an
intuitive user experience.
VTTs competence and broad capability set covers the
whole value-chain from materials, component design
and processing to system integration, concept dem-
onstrations, process control instrumentation and pilot
manufacturing. With active industrial designer involve-
ment, these developments are leading to novel product
ideas, and product developers are rapidly nding new
product opportunities with Printed Hybrid Systems.
Figure 1. The usability of everyday items can be improved by integration.
A microscope add-on module for a camera
phone has been developed at VTT. The core
component of the module is a special plastic
lens that can be manufactured cost effectively
in large volumes by injection moulding. Since
its introduction a few years ago, the module
has raised great interest in several companies
and elds of technology.
Medical point-of-care diagnostics is developing at a rap-
id pace, as the results of biotechnology research nd
their way into commercial products. Product packag-
es will also contain increasing intelligence in the future.
These are examples of printed functionalities that are
The mobile microscope used as an interface to printed
Jukka-Tapani Mkinen, Raimo Korhonen
being developed at VTT. As camera-equipped mobile
phones have become standard accessories that most
of us carry around in our pockets, it will be possible to
use these devices as interfaces to various printed ap-
The add-on device can be used with most standard mo-
bile phone cameras and it allows the users to take pic-
tures of objects at 0.01 mm resolution [1]. The combi-
nation of portability, connectivity and data processing
capability make mobile phones a powerful platform for
developing new devices. The high-resolution imaging
achieved with the add-on module can be used in sever-
al applications ranging from inspection to medical diag-
nostics and entertainment.
Figure 1. Mobile phone with a microscope module.
The microscope module is very small, so it ts in the
pocket and forms a very compact analysis package
with a mobile phone (Figure 1). The manufacturing
costs of the module are extremely low compared with
traditional microscopes [2]. Images can be recorded,
processed and shared in an instant, on the spot, with-
out the need to take the imaged object to a special lab-
oratory. All the communication possibilities of the mo-
bile phone can be used to send and access informa-
tion. This offers opportunities to vendors to make com-
pletely new types of service products based on web

The mobile microscope reduces
To make counterfeiting more difcult, products and
packages can be marked with very small security
codes that can even be individualised. A mobile phone
microscope can be used to read these codes. The
codes could be like very small 2D bar codes, e.g., 3
mm by 3 mm or even smaller. The mobile phone mi-
croscope can recognise patterns of 10 micrometers,
so even codes of hundreds of micrometers per side
can be used. Printing methods are practical for mil-
limetre-sized codes. Laser engraving can be used to
make individualised, sub-millimetre codes for products
and packages.
Paper surfaces have random height variations that
cause very small printing variations. These variations
make every printed code individual. Random variations
can be generated in the code with a laser, using spe-
cial algorithms when engraving. These small variations
make copying of the codes extremely difcult. The small
variations can be detected by a mobile phone micro-
scope because of its high resolution. Machine vision
techniques can also be used in detecting the 3D sur-
face microstructure.
The microscope module is straightforward to use with
different types of mobile phones. Anti-counterfeiting ex-
perts can use it to recognise the authenticity of prod-
ucts. As the microscope module can be produced using
cost-effective, high-volume production methods, it can
also be distributed to consumers as, for example, part
of a marketing campaign.
The mobile microscope inspects print
The mobile phone microscope is ideal for print quality
inspection because of its resolution of 10 micrometers.
Details of print patterns can be recognised with this res-
olution. The mobile phone microscope replaces loops or
standard microscopes and speeds up problem solving.
For example, eld experts at ink vendors can inspect
Figure 2. Image of a blood smear sample taken with a mobile microscope.
the print quality near the printing machines during trials
runs and immediately send photos to their centrally lo-
cated knowledge centres for analysis and quick advice.
The mobile microscope helps make
One of the most basic tools in medical diagnostics is the
microscope. It is the rst tool in the evaluation of many
diseases, such as skin cancer, tuberculosis, malaria and
parasites. The great benet of combining a microscope
with the mobile phone platform is the ability to record
and transfer images in an instant with a device that can
be carried around easily. In developing countries around
the world, there are many remote locations in which cel-
lular phone networks are available outside the electric
grid. These networks can be used to transfer images
taken with the mobile microscope to doctors and spe-
cialists who can analyse the images and make a diagno-
sis. With the help of GPS location data connected to the
pictures, the doctors can also follow the progression of
infectious diseases in real time.
The mobile microscope can be used for point-of-care
purposes by combining it with printed components for
applications like home pregnancy tests or blood sample
analysis (Figure 2). Microvias printed on disposable test
foils move uids from a drop to an analysis area where
the biological substances react with specially designed
markers that change colour or where the blood cells be-
come evenly spread for counting or structural analysis.
Advanced smart phones have impressive data process-
ing capabilities that can be used for image analysis and
interpretation of diagnostic measurement data. Results
can also be compared with vast databases located on
remote servers.
The future of the mobile microscope
The work on the mobile microscope is continuing in the
MobiSens Project, which is made possible with nan-
cial support from several Finnish companies and Tekes
Senior Research Scientist
Tel. +358 20 722 2262
the Finnish Funding Agency for Technology and Inno-
vation. The project concentrates on specic commercial
applications of the device and the development of web-
based technology and services.
Add-on module technical
Size: 82mm x 37mm x 12mm
Weight: 32g (including battery)
Imaged area: 3mm x 4mm
Image resolution: 5m-10m (depending on the phone
This work has been conducted by a number of people
within VTT. The main scientists in charge of the research
were Jukka-Tapani Mkinen, Karri Niemel and Heimo
Kernen (optical instrumentation), Markku Knskoski
(point-of-care diagnostics) and Raimo Korhonen (secu-
rity markings and print quality).

[1] Mkinen, J-T. & Kernen, K. Inmould integration of
a microscope add-on system to a 1.3 Mpix camera
phone. Proceedings of SPIE. 2007. Vol. 6585, pp.
[2] Bumer, S. (ed.). Handbook of Plastic Optics, 2nd
ed. Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, Germany, 2010, pp. 266-
In the future, industrial product designers will
gain more design freedom, as manufacturing
technology develops towards more exible,
design-friendly and inexpensive forms of elec-
tronics. New methods will change the produc-
tion processes and enable manufacturing of
entirely new kinds of products.
Modern electronics manufacturing and communications
technologies offer huge potential to create new types of
consumer products that are smart and connected to the
surrounding environment. An example could be a baby
spoon that has an embedded temperature sensor to
warn if a product is too hot. Another example could be a
smart jug that simultaneously measures and weighs the
content with embedded strain gauges.
Future applications employing plastic-based electronics
could include mobile phones and electronic appliances,
particularly for the home and the automotive industry . It
will also be possible to make, for example, new types of
From consumer products to consumer electronic
lighting and decoration products using integrated sen-
sors, light sources and light guides.
What can hybrid system integration
offer future consumer products?
VTT is conducting active research in the eld of print-
ed electronics and hybrid manufacturing of smart sys-
tems. The research focuses on combining manufactur-
ing technologies such as roll-to-roll-printed functionali-
ties, injection moulding and traditional component as-
sembly to enable seamless integration of the new tech-
nology into traditional products at a comparatively low
cost. This approach is called Printed Hybrid Systems
In the future, electronic products will be designed more
freely, as electronics circuits are printed on exible foils
instead of conventional rigid circuit boards. It will be
possible to produce comparatively low-cost electron-
ics in very large quantities using exible plastic foils and
continuously running roll-to-roll (R2R) printing technol-
Kari Rnk, Jukka-Tapani Mkinen, Mikko Paakkolanvaara
Figure 1. The Smart Spoon product concept.
Figure 2. Examples of future possibilities of design and added functionalities by hybrid integration. a) The current prod-
uct can be upgraded to new attractive designs. b) Electronic products can be made waterproof.
In addition to simple passive structures like conductors,
resistors and dielectrics, active optoelectronic compo-
nents such as Organic Light-Emitting Diodes (OLEDs)
and Organic Photo Voltaics (OPVs) have also been print-
ed at VTT. VTTs aim is to create hybrid systems, and to
achieve this it is developing methods to attach stand-
ard electronic components such as Si-based processor
chips or batteries to exible printed circuit boards.
By combining the expertise of this low-cost electronics
manufacturing technology with the efcient 3D shaping
technology of injection moulding, there is great potential
to build a new high-throughput manufacturing technol-
ogy platform that can deliver complex optical, electrical
and mechanical functions.
Examples of future product ideas
Figure 1 shows an example of a product concept. The
Smart Spoon contains sensors for temperature and
weight measurements. Sensors, user interface compo-
nents such as an OLED display, and energy harvesting
solar cells have been manufactured by printing on exi-
ble foil. The foil, with additional electronic components, is
integrated into the handle using plastic injection mould-
ing. The result is a product that can be used like any oth-
er spoon but has additional functions such as measur-
ing the temperature of coffee or the weight of a portion
of sugar.
The main objective of system integration development
is to enable multifunctional plastic foils with high com-
pactness, a high degree of autonomy, overall integration
of several functionalities and reduced installation costs.
System performance, reliability and cost optimum will
be sought for the specied application requirements.
This will be done by hybrid integration of the best-suit-
ed combination of functionality building blocks, such as
lighting elements, photovoltaics, batteries, sensors, RF
Figure 3. Technology and concept demonstrators for hybrid systems and polymer integration
1. Large-area-printed capacitive sensor system for new types of user interfaces, e.g., in games. (see page 56).
2. Flexible autonomous power source and storage integration with roll-to-roll-printed organic photovoltaic devices and
thin lm batteries for, e.g., wireless sensors.
3. NFC-powered, exible OLED with SMT diode and capacitors for, e.g., point-of-sales environments. (see page 24).
4. Soft, battery-powered printed electrochromic display with membrane switch for, e.g., cards, packages and books.
5. Flexible illumination/display with embedded ILEDs in laminated multilayer polymer foil for, e.g., decorative illumination
in product covers or packages. (see page 53).
6. Over-moulded LEDs on origami foil for, e.g., eye-catching effects or indicators
7. Over-moulded roll-to-toll printed OLED for, e.g., eye-catching effects or indicators
8. Over-moulded control electronics for an optical touch screen. (see page 56).
9. Hot embossed decorative diffractive gratings embedded in, e.g., product covers or packages. (see page 22).
and CPUs, as well as high-throughput and high-yield
manufacturing processes such as lamination, printing,
bonding and encapsulation. The integrated manufactur-
ing vision is combined with roll-to-roll-compatible, stop-
and-go post-processing or component assembly on ex-
ible foil and injection moulding.
Figure 2 shows some examples of future possibilities of
design freedom. The added functionalities have been vis-
ualised by industrial designer students inspired by the po-
tential of plastic integration.
What have concepts and demonstrators
already proven?
VTT Printed Intelligence has designed and manufac-
tured several integration concept demonstrations in a
number of research projects over the past couple of
years. Flexible systems and rigid 3D structures based
on assembled foil over-moulding are shown in Figure 3.
VTT Printed Intelligence partner for
future products
VTT Printed Intelligence is actively looking for opportu-
nities to create new polymer-based customer products
with interesting, new value-adding features, appealing
design and new user experiences. VTT Intelligence could
be your desired partner with design and manufacturing
competence, demonstration capability and worldwide
networking in order to help you design and manufacture
your new products.
This work was conducted by a number of people within
VTT. The main scientists in charge of the system integra-
tion research were Jukka-Tapani Mkinen, Teemu Alajoki,
Kimmo Kernen, Antti Kernen, Mikko Heikkinen, Mik-
ko Paakkolanvaara, Matti Koponen and Tuomo Jaakola.
The Printed Hybrid System Product Line is managed by
Kari Rnk. Antti Kemppainen is Customer Manager for
this area.
The research work on system integration was carried out
in several projects, including PROFIT, FILAS, MOFO and
SPANT, and was made possible by the nancial support
of Tekes the Finnish Funding Agency for Technology
and Innovation. System integration for Flexible Autono-
mous Cost Efcient Energy Source and Storage devel-
opment was carried out in the FP7 FACESS Project -
nanced by the European Commission.
Senior Research Scientist
Tel. +358 20 722 2005
VTT Printed Intelligence objectives for lighting
focus on developing thin, exible and cost-ef-
cient solutions. Cost-efciency will be sought
by roll-to-roll processes and the ability to inte-
grate lighting elements into product structures
and product packages. The main application ar-
eas of interest are decorative lighting, backlight-
ing and point-of-purchase, signage and interior
lighting, and architectural lighting. VTT technol-
ogy development in exible lighting has focused
on fully roll-to-roll printed OLEDs (Organic Light
Emitting Diodes; inorganic LED chips in lami-
nated multilayer polymer foil structures and the
integration of lighting elements into smart pack-
aging and products.
The global lighting market is currently going through radi-
cal change and it is therefore considered one of the most
dynamically developing elds in electronic devices. The
main technical drivers for this disruption are the rap-
id progress in Solid State Lighting (SSL), semiconduc-
tor technologies, and organic and large-area electron-
ics. On the other hand, changing legislation and societal
needs, such as improved energy efciency, sustainability
and CO2 reduction, are shaping customer behaviour and
market dynamics.
Flexible signage elements based on
printed polymer OLED light sources
VTT Printed Intelligence develops exible and thin poly-
mer OLED light sources that easily integrate into a wide
range of high-volume end products and open up new val-
ue-adding uses for light. Due to the mechanical exibility
and simple device architecture, polymer OLED technolo-
gy developed by VTT Printed Intelligence provides huge
future potential for novel, ultra-thin, exible and illuminat-
ing elements, especially in the elds of commercial sig-
nage and decorative home lighting solutions of all sizes
and shapes.
Flexiblility of lighting enables new end products
The solubility of the polymer materials used in this type of
OLED technology enables the usage of solution-based
deposition techniques such as printing. Roll-to-roll print-
ing as a deposition method has several distinct advan-
tages compared with vacuum deposition technologies,
which are the traditional processing method for small
molecule-based OLEDs. These advantages include the
high speed of fabrication, low material consumption and
wastage, and low processing temperature, which en-
ables the use of exible substrates. Additional benets
comprise direct patterning, fabrication of large areas as
well as the use of well-established printing techniques
and machinery.
The exible, thin polymer OLED light sources developed
by VTT will be manufactured by printing the elements in
a continuous, scalable, roll-to-roll process, allowing the
technology platform to meet exibly the needs of the di-
verse, rapidly changing markets.
The rst generation of exible and printable OLEDs will
be applied to a wide variety of products with a relatively
low cost and short product life. The second generation
of this next-generation technology will deliver signicant-
ly improved lifetime expectancy while maintaining the key
value propositions freedom of design and low cost.
Flexible illumination based on
embedded LED chips by polymer
Flexible illumination is pursued, in particular, in applica-
tions that require elastic, thin and light illumination struc-
tures, such as architectural lighting solutions, conformal
lighting in vehicles and vessels, and intuitive user inter-
faces in vehicles, handheld devices and household ap-
The technical solution to producing exible illumination
structures is to screen print electrical wiring onto polymer
foils, embed inorganic light-emitting diode (LED) chips
Kimmo Kernen, Kari Rnk, Riku Rikkola
within multilayer polymer foils and nally laminate the foils
together using hot lamination. The lamination process
melts the polymer layers together and produces effec-
tive shielding for LED chips and contacts against envi-
ronmental stresses, such as moisture and pressure. It is
also possible to use the laminated structure as an insert
in the injection-moulding process to achieve freeform 3D
illumination structures. The approach of combining sev-
eral manufacturing technologies gives designers greater
freedom to create new types of products with the follow-
ing attributes:
Flexibility and light weight
Low-cost conformal integration
3D system miniaturisation air out
Intuitive user interfaces
Large-area embedded functionality
The technology uses a standard screen-printing process,
and the contacting of the LED chips is implemented with-
out wire bonding and use only a standard die bonder. The
future vision is to transfer the printing and assembly to
roll-to-roll production of exible illumination products us-
ing a single layer polymer backplane structure.
The technology can be applied with several visible LED
types including the primary colours of blue, green and
red. In addition, it can be applied to contact ultraviolet
(UV) and infrared (IR) LED chips. The white light illumi-
nation modules can be based on blue LED chips and a
screen-printed phosphorous layer or use three primary
colour chips in each illumination pixel and colour mixture
effect. The colour mixture system enables variable col-
our illumination system implementations. The use of the
main visible region colour LED chips enables a large-area,
thin, colour display implementation in the future. The use
of UV and IR LED chips also enables the potential imple-
mentation of various kinds of medical, measurement and
communication applications.
The developed technology allows versatile tuning of
characteristics of the exible illumination element includ-
ing tuning of dimensions, brightness, colour tempera-
ture, colour-rendering index (CRI) and uniformity. High
brightness can already be achieved with very small op-
erating currents (e.g., 11.600 cd/m
with 2 mA for indi-
vidual LEDs). A simulation tool has been developed to
demonstrate the achievable illumination uniformity and
brightness of the system based on Matlab software.
This simulation tool enables optimisation of backlight-
ing system performance against cost. The cost evalu-
ation was performed using Cost of Ownership (COO)
Figure 1. Roll-to-roll processed OLED lighting elements.
From lighting elements to functional
VTT Printed Intelligence also develops system integra-
tion of lighting elements on exible plastic substrates
into smart packaging, general and automotive lighting
as well as signboards. The main objective is the devel-
opment of multifunctional plastic foils with high com-
pactness, a high degree of autonomy, overall integration
of several functionalities and reduced installation costs.
System performance, reliability and cost optimum will
be sought for the specied application requirements.
This will be done through hybrid integration of the best-
suited combination of functionality building blocks, such
as the lighting element, photovoltaic, batteries, sensors,
RF and CPUs, as well as high throughput and high yield
manufacturing processes such as lamination, printing,
bonding and encapsulation.
This work has been conducted by a number of people
within VTT. The main scientists in charge of the research
were Jukka Hast, Markus Tuomikoski, Riikka Suhonen,
Marja Vlimki, Arto Maaninen and Riku Rikkola (OLED
development) and Kimmo Kernen, Mikko Heikkinen
and Kari Rnk (system integration and embedded LED
The work with embedded LED chips has been carried out
in the FILAS Project, which was made possible by the -
nancial support of Tekes the Finnish Funding Agency for
Technology and Innovation. System integration develop-
ment is being carried out in, for example, the FP7 PRIAM
Project nanced by the European Commission.
Figure 2. Flexible illumination demonstrator, 50 x 75 mm

(contains six 25 x 25 mm
blue LED modules with a
thickness of 300 m).
Senior Research Scientist
Tel. +358 20 722 2272 T
The increasing importance of good usability in
electronics products is leading to a requirement
for new exible, large-area user interfaces. The
development is also driven by ubiquitous intelli-
gence, which leads to a requirement for embed-
ded and visually appealing or non-disturbing
UIs. Two new approaches are described here:
in-moulded optical touch screens and exible,
wide-area-printed 3D user interfaces.
The importance of integrated user interfaces is growing
rapidly due to the increasing amount of embedded func-
tionality in consumer products. A clear trend can also be
seen in the increasing size of user interfaces. A good ex-
ample of this is the wide adaptation of touch screens, e.g.,
in terminal devices. Printed electronics also offer an op-
portunity to implement large-area sensors cost-efciently.
Two new user interfaces (optical touch screens and large
area sensors) have been introduced by VTT.
In-moulded optical touch screens
Key benets of in-moulded touch screen technology are
perfect transmissivity, due to the fact that no new layers
are introduced between the actual screen and the view-
er, and 3D formability, which allows the addition of touch
functionality around device covers with the same assem-
bly. The latter is also an implication of novel integration
methods and paradigms: touch functionality can be an
integral part of the device cover. The control electronics
may also be moulded in, and the electronics may still be
assembled onto planar lm in a standard pick-and-place
process (the 3D formation is done at the mould insert
phase). Due to the fact that electronics are moulded in,
the touch panel is highly environment proof and durable.
The multi-touch functionality a demand nowadays is
trivial to implement.
This technology is most suitable for small to midsize ter-
minals, such as mobile phones, industrial and medi-
cal terminals and, naturally, any hand-held (or automo-
bile) devices. The potential cost-efciency benet is at-
tained from mass-market devices, as the board, roll-to-
roll-printed lm, is very cheap to produce. The technolo-
gy does allow novel applications with high environmen-
tal and durability demands to be produced in lower vol-
umes however.
The optical touch screen is based on a plastic structure
that operates as a waveguide structure. The light is at-
New user interfaces
Antti Kernen, Antti Kemppainen
Figure 1. Light attenuation in the waveguide.
Figure 2. Overmoulded touch screen demonstrator.
The multi-touch functionality is indicated by coordinate
tenuated when the screen surface is touched (Figure 1).
When several light sources and detectors are used as an
array, the signal attenuation can be localised, leading to
touch screen operation (Figure 2).
The new manufacturing method developed and patented
by VTT leads to a very cost-efcient, simple and robust
touch screen product. The manufacturing technology is
based on a exible, roll-to-roll-printed wiring board on
which the components are attached using the pick-and-
place assembly process. The exible component board
is then put into the injection moulding process. The in-
jection moulding forms the 3D mechanics of the prod-
uct (Figure 3).
Wide-area-printed, contactless user
Roll-to-roll printing can be used to produce capacitive
sensor structures in sizes exceeding the typical panel
size of, e.g., exible, printed circuit boards, cost-efcient-
ly. These features can be used to produce sensors with
an extremely large sensing area. In addition, the scaling
of the structure leads to the possibility of recognising an
object in the sensors vicinity. A 3D user interface can
therefore be formed that recognises, e.g., the users hand
location above the sensing surface in the x-y direction as
well as the distance from the surface.
Figure 4 illustrates a demonstrator for a game application.
The glider is tilted by moving the hand to the left or right,
and the nose is lifted or lowered by raising or lowering the
hand. Other potential applications for this user interface
could be found in, e.g., other graphical products such as
Figure 3. Part of the overmoulded optical touch screen.
3D forms can be implemented in the moulding process,
even though touch components can be assembled in a
planar structure.
interactive posters. The sensor technology enables at,
3D-formable and exible integration.
In addition to the printed sensor surface, only a simple
electronics card is required for measurement and data
processing. The electronics can, for example, output x, y
and z co-ordinates to the application running on a PC or
an embedded system.
This work has been carried out in MOFO and SPANT
projects and was supported nancially by Tekes the
Finnish Funding Agency for Technology and Innovation.
This work has been conducted by a number of people
within VTT. The main scientists in charge of the research
were Janne Aikio, Mikko Heikkinen, Antti Kernen, Pent-
ti Korhonen, Mikko Koutonen, Juha Sumn and Arto Yli-
saukko-Oja. Special acknowledgements also go to Jus-
si Autio and Mikko Lahtinen and the team from Tuonela
Productions Ltd. for their ideas and game development.
Figure 4. Non-contact user interface used as a game
Senior Research Scientist
Tel. +358 20 722 2034
Flexible displays offer benets of being light-
weight, robust and bendable and thereby unique
advantages over conventional display technol-
ogy. Before exible displays enter the markets,
the ancillary electronics also need to be exible.
This article gives an introduction to and an over-
view of exible electronic backplanes used to
control and drive exible displays.
How do backplanes work?
Flexible displays can be made using different technol-
ogies, such as liquid crystals, electrophoretics, elec-
trowetting and organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs).
Regardless of the display technology, the electron-
ic platform driving the display also needs to be exible.
This electronic platform, called the display backplane,
consists of a grid of transistors that switch the display
pixels on and off.
Benets of using exible substrates in
The market interest in exible displays originates from their
properties of being lightweight, thin, bendable and en-
during against mechanical impact. Compared with con-
ventional rigid glass substrates, the use of exible sub-
strates gives freedom to backplane manufacturing tech-
nology. The current approach to realising them is based
on conventional processing methods, such as photoli-
thography, vacuum processing and etching steps. How-
ever, the fabrication method can also be based on print-
ing, which is a large-area, low-cost technology and there-
by a natural choice for exible display applications.
Where will display backplanes be used?
Flexible displays will be seen in products such as e-read-
ers, smart cards, labels, e-posters, mobile phones and
watches. The market for exible and printed displays was
well below one billion euros last year but is expected to
grow into a multi-billion euro market during this decade
[1]. Market growth of this size would make exible dis-
Printed backplanes for exible displays
Kimmo Solehmainen, Henrik Sandberg, Antti Kemppainen
plays one of the fastest growing sectors in printed elec-
The future of large-area printed
backplanes for exible displays
The ease of applying printing-based manufacturing tech-
nology to the realisation of the backplane depends on the
display technology. As it has already been demonstrated
that OLEDs can be realised using roll-to-roll printing tech-
nology, it would be logical to use printing for OLED back-
planes as well. A major challenge for the backplane arises
from the fact that OLEDs are driven by constant current.
This sets stringent requirements for the printed transistor
in terms of performance and parameter variation. There is
no doubt that we will see large-area printed backplanes
for OLEDs in the future, but the rst demonstrations of
large-area, roll-to-roll printed exible backplanes will be
for some other display technology.
Technological considerations
Electrophoretic displays (EPDs) and liquid crystal dis-
plays (LCDs) are driven by voltage and are therefore eas-
ier applications than OLED displays for roll-to-roll printed
backplanes. For portable electronics, reective or trans-
ective LCD congurations allow low power consumption
and good contrast. When realising transective LCDs,
transparent substrates and a small transistor footprint
are crucial for an optimum aperture ratio. Thus, the fabri-
cation concept needs to enable both small and large di-
What is VTT doing in exible backplane
VTT has studied and developed printed transistor manu-
facturing intensively for over a decade, focusing mainly on
high throughput printing technologies. The work towards
backplanes for exible displays (Figure 1) realised with
large-area fabrication methods is currently being stud-
ied in the 14-million euro European Union-funded project
POLARIC, co-ordinated by VTT [2]. Novel processes,
devices and materials for organic transistors and display
backplanes are studied in the project. The major tech-
nological outcome will be enabled by applying nanoim-
print lithography when realising small transistor channel
lengths, resulting in a revolution in organic transistor per-
formance. A further leap in transistor performance will re-
sult from the self-aligned transistor fabrication concept,
which accurately sets the critical patterns and layers on
top of each other.
The related research has received funding from the Eu-
ropean Communitys Seventh Framework Programme
(FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement n247978. The
authors would also like to acknowledge the POLARIC
project partners for their collaborative efforts within the
[1] VDMA & Organic Electronics Association OE-A. Or-
ganic and printed electronics, 3rd edition. 2009.

Figure 1. An artistic rendering of VTTs vision of a exible display based on solution processing.
[2] Solehmainen, K. Printable, organic, and large-area
realisation of integrated circuits. Plastic Electronics
Converging Electronics Week, Dresden, Germany
19-21 October 2010.
Senior Research Scientist
Tel. +358 20 722 7260 T
One potential application eld for printed in-
telligence, especially sensors, is construction
and energy. The technological requirements in
these application elds differ signicantly fron
those in disposable applications, such as the
consumer packaged goods arena. Long lifetime
and high performance are required, and there-
fore, relatively mature and proven technolo-
gies tend to dominate in these capital-intensive
elds. However, there are increasing demands
for new ubiquitous sensing technologies, e.g.
for structural health and safety monitoring in the
built environment. Printed electronics can offer
new technologies suitable for large-area, highly
integrated, cost-effective sensing applications.
Due to the requirements of hybrid systems in
this application space, the most feasible option
is to use the benets of both printed and mature
silicon-based electronics for this topic
In industrial applications, increasing automation of proc-
esses and systems leads to ever-greater demands for
measurements. These measurements can be crucial to
extending the lifetime, reducing the maintenance costs
and increasing the safety of an industrial product. All
these features are also important to minimise the envi-
ronmental loading of industrial production.
In the built environment markets, there is a driver that
supports new advanced printed technologies, especial-
ly for supporting the needs of elderly people living in a
home environment. This requires new technologies for
monitoring built environments as well as more sophisti-
cated automation. New technologies that improve safe-
ty, such as air, food or water quality control, are of in-
creasing importance. In addition, technologies are con-
stantly needed to ensure high energy efciency in build-
ings. This is a growing requirement with the rising ener-
gy costs and the need for increasingly environmentally
sustainable solutions. These are required, in particular,
for, e.g., automatic control of air conditioning, heating
and lighting.
These mentioned demands have led development in the
direction of ubiquitous (or pervasive) computing, mean-
ing a very high integration level of technologies into
products and systems. Pervasive computing requires
cost-efcient, highly integrated and distributed sensor
Benets of printed intelligence
Printed intelligence offers some important benets that
can enable new sensing solutions in built environments,
High throughout, wide-area production by printing
and roll-to-roll processing makes it economically vi-
able to produce sensing and monitoring systems
for large surfaces. This can be important for, e.g.,
monitoring industrial conditions or human activity in
Drivers of printed intelligence adoption in the
construction and energy sectors, and the industrial
and home environments
Antti Kemppainen
Figure 1. Large-area printed strain gauge sensors.
Figure 2. Large-area-printed strain gauge sensors are suitable for, e.g., windmill wings (photo: Lentokuva Vallas).
Figure 3. A printed light switch can be integrated into walls, wallpapers, plastics and a range of other materials.
i d i i bl f i d ill i ( h L k V ll
Cost-effective production
A thin exible form factor makes integration into var-
ious 3D surfaces possible without costly assembly
and the wiring process typical of the integration of
discrete sensors.
Strain gauges enable monitoring in
large surfaces
Strain gauges (Figure 1) are commonly used in industri-
al monitoring systems to measure forces and tensions
in structures. The gauges have been developed for dec-
ades and offer very high performance with high preci-
sion and excellent immunity to interference such as tem-
perature variation. Roll-to-roll printed sensors cannot yet
provide the same performance but already enable event
monitoring in very large surfaces. Alternatively, if printed
sensors are arranged in arrays, distortion prole meas-
urements, for example, can be used effectively. It is also
possible to integrate a network of sensors directly by in-
tegrating one foil rather than wiring discrete sensors to
inevitable measurement electronics
In other words, the strain gauge sensor matrix can
be used to measure a bending or distortion prole of
a large structure such as roof beams, masts of sailing
boats, windmill wings, etc. (Figure 2). Alternatively, large
sensors can be used for integrated entrance monitor-
ing in oor carpets or as safety switches in industry (lo-
cating people in hazardous zones). Printed strain gauge
sensors can be manufactured to be compatible with
most of the existing wired or wireless measurement in-
Wide-area sensing allows for
architectural changes
Wide-area capacitive sensing can be used in several in-
dustrial or home environment applications. For exam-
ple, non-contact user interfaces can be manufactured
using a combination of printed electrodes and capaci-
tive measurement. Figure 3 shows a gesture-based light
switch. The lights can be switched on by waving a hand
in front of the sensor from down to up, and switched off
by waving a hand from up to down. The dimmer effect
can be controlled by holding a hand in front of the sens-
ing area. The printed sensor element can detect hand
movements up to about half a metre away. This tech-
nology could be used in applications in which the switch
Figure 4. Picture collage of an intelligent couch in SuomiSoffas display at the Ageing Services trade fair
needs to be integrated into the wall structure for hygi-
enic or architectural reasons. Alternatively, robust user
interfaces can be embedded in walls, tables and oth-
er materials.
Similar technologies can also be used to monitor human
behaviour. Figure 4 shows intelligent furniture on display
at the Finnish Ageing Services trade fair. The sensors
are able to detect movements and positions on a couch.
Applications can be built for living environments for the
These research demonstrations were developed by per-
sonnel at VTTs Printed Functional Solutions and Net-
worked Intelligence knowledge centres in a number of
projects funded by VTT, Tekes and companies. The fo-
cus of the research ranged from manufacturing technol-
ogy to application and software development.
Rotary screen antenna printing.
Materials, printing processes and the compo-
nents they enable are the basis for new print-
ed intelligence. Two core strengths of VTT are
the extensive knowledge and experience of its
staff of material process interfaces and its ex-
tensive research and pilot production facilities
for printed intelligence. Activities and invest-
ments in these have continued to be strong.
The following extended abstracts highlight work car-
ried out at VTT in materials and processes with poten-
tial for a wide range of end applications. These and oth-
er related efforts are all designed to take printed intelli-
gence out of the lab and make volume production a re-
ality for companies actively developing or looking to de-
ploy printed intelligence technologies in end products.
Expanding the application space with
new materials and processes
As was shown in previous sections of this report, roll-
to-roll printing and coating of novel printed intelligence
products are expected to enable market disruptions in
various business arenas. With a growing understand-
ing of the potential needs within end products and so-
lutions, VTTs researchers have developed novel ma-
terials and processing techniques with wider applica-
bility in the areas of printed electronics and printed in-
New metal inks for cathode applications are now ready
for commercialisation. These inks deliver functional im-
provements such as lower turn-on voltages for OLEDs
and offer signicant cost advantages over traditional
silver-based inks. They are also aimed at further reduc-
ing the environmental burden of printed devices, there-
by further expanding the application elds of printed in-
telligence. A key part of the development of these ma-
terials is the extensive expertise required to tune the
material properties to be compatible with roll-to-roll
Making volume production a reality
A major research effort has also focused on developing
new processes such as lift-off, R2R etching, and elec-
trical and chemical sintering. These new developments
together with our currently proven processes printing,
hot embossing, nano-imprinting and laser processing
provide innovative solutions for the most demanding
printed intelligence manufacturing applications. The ul-
timate goal of these developments is to enhance the
performance of printed components while at the same
time lowering both production costs and capital invest-
Production control and real-time measurements are a
crucial factor in up-scaling production and improving
production yields. VTT has long experience of devel-
oping real-time optical measurement technologies for
a range of industries deploying roll-to-roll techniques
and continuous processes. These skills are now be-
ing deployed to develop real-time quality measurement
systems for printed electronics and optics.
Pilot production environment
The roll-to-roll and roll-to-product piloting environ-
ments at VTT have been further developed. For sev-
eral years, VTT has had a roll-to-roll piloting environ-
ment that includes table-top printers and room-size pi-
lot machines. VTT is now in the process of moving from
a room-size facility to a hall-size pilot production en-
vironment, bridging the gap between laboratory and
factory. The next-generation pilot production environ-
ment is currently being erected together with the Prin-
toCent community and its public nancing parties (the
EU, Tekes, Pohjois-Pohjanmaan liitto, City of Oulu).
With the rst new equipment instalments into the new
facility, it is now possible, e.g., to print in an inert at-
mosphere to achieve excellent results with sensitive
organic and inorganic materials. In 2011, a new two-
storey machine will be installed that combines printing
and converting technologies to support roll-to-product
Raimo Korhonen, Arto Maaninen
commercialisation efforts. The unique multi-discipli-
nary combination of developments in materials, proc-
esses and pilot production capabilities allows VTT to
serve its customers in large-scale commercialisation
collaborations as well as customer-proprietary product
development and production up-scaling projects.
VTTs staff has extensive knowledge and experience of material process interfaces.
Today, the most common printable, conductive,
particular inks are based on silver metal. Silver
has good conductivity, and it can be processed
using many different printing techniques. The
drawbacks of silver-based inks are their price
and hazardousness to the environment. This
limits their applicability to a range of high-vol-
ume applications, e.g., product packages. In or-
der to overcome these limitations, VTT has de-
veloped aluminium-based conductive ink for
printable electronics. The focus has been on or-
ganic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) for which
the advantage of aluminium ink is the tunability
of its work function with low work function met-
als, enabling better performance of the printed
devices. Besides OLEDs, aluminium-based ink
has several other interesting application areas
in printed electronics, such as in organic photo-
voltaics (OPVs), passive electrical components,
antennas, etc.
The markets for conductive, printable, particulate inks are
signicant and growing. Inks are typically based on sil-
ver and are used in both traditional electronics, such as
ceramics-based systems, and emerging technologies,
such as printable electronics. For example, NanoMarkets
estimates that the market for conductive silver inks will
reach $2.4 billion by 2015. The biggest opportunity will
be found in the RFID space, where revenues from silver
inks for RFID antennas alone are set to exceed $880 mil-
lion by 2015 [1].
Advantage of low work function
aluminium ink vs. silver
Silver is a leading conductor material with good conduc-
tivity, and it can be deposited using many different print-
ing and coating techniques under ambient conditions.
The drawbacks of silver-based inks are their price and
hazardousness to the environment and, hence, it cannot
Aluminum-based particular ink for printed electronics
Jukka Hast, Tiina Maaninen, Markus Tuomikoski, Arto Maaninen
be used in, for example, product packages. Another dis-
advantage is that the work function of silver is rather high,
4.6 eV, and it is not optimal for the standard direct organic
photovoltaics (OPV) cell or OLED structure.
The requirements of OLED and OPV applications have
driven VTT to develop this low work function, conductive
aluminium ink [2]. The work function of aluminium is 4.2
eV and, by doping it with magnesium (3.7 eV), it is possi-
ble to tune the work function of the ink even lower.
Applications related to low work
function aluminium ink
OLEDs have been the focus of our application develop-
ment of low work function aluminium ink. We have dem-
onstrated, for example, a fully printed two-colour OLED
using a printed aluminium cathode [3]. The aluminium ink
was one of the key elements when demonstrating fully
printed OLEDs, and it was also shown that when using
printed aluminium ink, the OLEDs turn-on voltage can
be lower than with an evaporated aluminium cathode. In
addition, when aluminium is mixed with magnesium, the
turn-on voltage can be decreased further to below 3 volts
[3]. Low operation voltage is crucial when OLEDs are be-
ing used in functional packages and other low-power
electronic devices, e.g., via a wireless power supply. Fig-
ure 1 presents different colour-printed OLED devices with
a screen-printed aluminium cathode.
Besides OLED and OPV applications, aluminium ink pro-
vides an interesting opportunity for use as a conductor
in passive electrical components. An example is shown
in Figure 2. Four-point conductivity measurements show
that the sheet resistance of a screen-printed aluminium
conductor is 60 m/sq when pure aluminium is used.
The typical sheet resistance for screen-printed micropar-
ticle silver pastes is about 20-50 m /sq. If the alumini-
um ink is doped with magnesium, the sheet resistance in-
creases to 120 m/sq.
The challenge of aluminium ink lies in the printing process,
which has to be performed in an inert atmosphere. This is
due to the rapid oxidation process in normal ambient air.
VTT has already demonstrated pilot processing of the ink
in a laboratory roll-to-roll setup [4]. In addition, VTT has de-
signed and built, with its project partners, the inert atmos-
phere printing machine shown in Figure 3. The purpose of
the machine is to study inert gas processability of alumin-
ium and other reactive inks. The machine details are intro-
duced in the poster on page 72. VTT aims to commercial-
ise of the ink production with an industrial producer in a
rapid time frame.
The work related to low work function aluminium ink was
carried out in the EU-FP6-IST-4315-ROLLED Project and
was made possible by nancial support from the Europe-
an Commission. The inert gas printing machine was devel-
oped in the EU-FP7-ICT-2007-1-215271-FACESS Project.
The authors are grateful to both project partners.
[1] Nanomarkets. Silver Inks Pastes for Printable Elec-
tronics: 2008-2015. 2008.
[2] Maaninen, T., Maaninen, A. & Tuomikoski, M. Con-
ductive ink and conductor. Pat. US2010/0092659 A1.
Publ. 15.4.2010
[3] Maaninen, A. All printed OLEDs for product packages
Results of EU-FP6-ROLLED project. Plastic Electron-
ics 2008, Berlin, Germany, 27-28 October 2008..
[4] VTT. Research and development activities in printed
intelligence 2009. Espoo: VTT. 76 p. + app. 3 p.
Figure 1. Printed OLED devices with screen-printed aluminium cathode.
Figure 2. Screen-printed aluminium conductors.
Figure 3. Inert gas printing machine.
Fi 2 S i t d l i i d t
Senior Research Scientist
+358 20 722 2042
Sol-gel materials containing a Si-O-Si network
can entrap biomolecules such as antibodies
and chimeric avidins. These sol-gel materials
can be used to encapsulate biological species
in a functional state. Generic sensing surfaces
have thus been created using printing technol-
ogies. Potential applications for printed bioac-
tive surfaces are platforms for biosensing, drug
screening and environmental analytical sys-
Sol-gels sense humidity and protect
from scratches
Sol-gels are versatile porous materials with good thermal
stability, scratch resistance and exibility. They are used
in many application areas, such as in moisture sensors,
hard coatings and scratch-resistant coatings on glasses.
They are also used in integrated optics (as waveguides
and micro-optical elements), conductive materials (pol-
ymeric conductors and particle-based inks), and as su-
per-hydrophobic and hydrophilic coatings in sensors. Ad-
ditional application areas can be found in the sealing and
packaging elds. Their use in biomedical applications,
such as controlled drug delivery systems and implanted
devices, has been studied intensively in recent years.
Sol-gels protect biomolecules
At VTT, the goal is to provide solutions that enable long-
term storage of biomolecules in lab-on-chip-type assay
systems. The stability of biomolecules, their ability to
bind their target analytes efciently and their reproducible
binding onto the chip surface are of utmost importance
[1]. Sol-gels have been developed that can be used in bi-
osensors as intermediates for stable immobilization of bi-
omolecules. Sol-gels act as a protective network, extend-
ing the lifetime of biomolecules in variable environmental
conditions. They thereby provide materials of choice for
maintaining the native physicochemical environment for
receptor molecules and retain their bioactivity on biosen-
sor surfaces.
Sol-gel technology has the potential for versatile
sensing applications
Liisa Kivimki, Leena Hakalahti
Chimeric avidin forms a generic binding
The processes were optimised for the manufacturing of
silane-based nanoparticles containing sol-gels that are
usable as protective surfaces for immobilized biomol-
ecules on biosensor chips. These sol-gels with doped
biomolecules can be deposited on plastic surfaces by
printing methods. Monoclonal antibodies and chimeric
avidin, ChiAVD(I117Y), were doped into these sol-gels,
and it was shown that these biomolecules retain their bi-
oactivity on biosensor surfaces. Covalent linkage chem-
istries were also used for the attachment of chimeric
avidins directly onto polymer surfaces or printed sol-gel
layers. Chimeric avidin ChiAVD(I117Y), developed by the
University of Tampere, the Institute of Medical Technol-
ogy (IMT)[2], is chemically and thermally stabilised and
has an extraordinarily high binding afnity towards bi-
otin. It can therefore function as a universal receptor for
biotinylated molecules, and it forms a generic binding
surface for immunoassay-type diagnostic applications.
The basic principle of a printed biosensor containing a
sol-gel-based binding surface is shown in Figure 1. Sol-
gel is applied to the hot-embossed plastic microuidic
channel by a printing technique. After the sample reser-
voir, porous sol-gel handles the liquid sample by func-
tioning as, e.g., a lter. At the detection zone, the sens-
ing layer, comprising the sol-gel with ChiAVD(I117Y) as
a receptor, is used for the immunouorometric detection
of the target analytes.
Flexible porous siloxane coating binds
A printable, porous sol-gel material, which, in addition to
the properties described above, has a size-optimizable
porous structure, has been developed by the Universi-
ty of Oulus Chemistry Department in co-operation with
VTT. This material offers a versatile platform for the de-
velopment of applications for separating, capturing and
concentrating particles. By tailoring the binding char-
acteristics of the attached capture molecules, the tar-
get analytes (e.g., small molecules such as steroids and
drugs, virus particles and cellular biomarkers) can be
processed from different types of uidic mediums such
as clean and waste water, urine and stools. The meth-
odology can be used in different types of analytical sys-
tems in biomedicine and environmental technologies.
Printing techniques offer cost
The sensing surfaces described above are deposited
on biosensors by printing techniques. Methods such as
coating, gravure printing and inkjet printing have already
been successfully tested on a laboratory scale. The next
step is to move towards a larger scale. Mass-manufac-
turing methods open the route for low-cost, disposable
platforms that can be exploited in the eld of point-of-
care diagnostics and environmental analytics.
Jarkko Heikkinen, University of Oulu, and Inka Mkel
and Mari Ylikunnari, VTT, are acknowledged for their con-
tribution to the development work.
The research was funded by the Tekes Functional Materi-
als Programme, VTT, the University of Tampere, the Uni-
versity of Oulu, and the companies Orion Diagnostica Oy,
BASF Oy, Oy Medix Biochemica Ab and Next Biomed
Technologies NBT Oy.
[1] Besanger, T. & Brennan, J. Entrapment of mem-
brane proteins in sol-gel derived silica, Journal of
Figure 1. Basic principle of a uidic channel containing two sol-gel-based areas in the biosensor platform.
Sol-Gel Science and Technology, (2006) 40, pp.
[2] Hytnen, V.P. et al. Design and construction of high-
ly stable, protease-resistant chimeric avidins, Jour-
nal of Biological Chemistry. 280 (2005), pp. 10228-
Research Scientist
VTT has carried out printed intelligence re-
search and development activities for roughly
one decade. Over the years, the research facil-
ities have been developed systematically from
table-top printing to room-size print machinery.
Currently, the facilities are being scaled up to
pilot production together with the PrintoCent
community. Where laboratory and room-scale
equipment are being used to develop and prove
new types of printed structures for various ap-
plications, the new facilities are aimed at provid-
ing further evidence of production-scale yields
as well as the rst product to initial customer tri-
als and market studies.
For several years, VTT has concentrated its printed intel-
ligence developments on roll-to-roll printing, and it has
built its facilities to meet these requirements. The step
from laboratory-scale to room-size pilot machines was
taken at the beginning of the millennium, and the next
step towards factory-scale roll-to-roll production is now
about to be realised.
Upscaling towards factory-scale R2R production
As one of the leading research and innovation centres
in the eld of printed intelligence, VTT has seen and is
committed to addressing the future needs of developing
larger production capabilities and associated machinery
and processing equipment to meet the emerging needs
of industry. The integration of several production technol-
ogies into one production line also makes it possible to
produce the desired applications with fewer production
runs, which enhances the understanding of in-line print-
ing processes and decreases the risk of unwanted phe-
nomena due to the added processing steps, e.g., with
multiple rewinding and unwinding steps. With the valu-
able lessons learned from earlier machine set-ups, VTT
continues to take calculated risks and invest in these rst-
of-their-kind R2R lines.
In 2010, VTT built a new printing hall in close collabo-
ration with and with nancial support from the Printo-
Cent community, which enables the next major step to-
ward full-scale pilot production printing. The new facili-
ty has been designed to provide the required surround-
ings and necessary support for state-ofthe-art print-
ing of new roll-to-roll-printed components and systems.
Figure 1. The printing machine hall will be completed in 2011.
Mikko Paakkolanvaara
Research Scientist
Tel. +358 20 722 3918
The new lines are designed to meet the needs for ap-
plications developed and demonstrated previously on a
laboratory scale.
Three new lines in the PrintoCent hall
With the new machinery, it is possible to produce multi-
ple thin lm layers on top of the substrate to generate the
desired end components and systems. As some of the
necessary layers are printed with inks that are sensitive
to oxygen and moisture, one of the newly erected lines
is dedicated to printing layers in an inert atmosphere,
including encapsulation with a lamination unit. This will
also allow new oxygen-sensitive, but cheaper, conduc-
tor materials such as aluminium ink to be used in ordi-
nary conductive layers (see page 66 for further informa-
Another process requirement close to the needs of vari-
ous application developments is the ability to evaporate
different elements on a roll-to-roll scale. With roll-to-roll
evaporation, it is possible to generate thin, uniform and
conductive layers or lines to work as cathodes in appli-
cations such as OPVs and OLEDs.
The biggest of these new investments is intended for
production upscaling, pilot production and integration of
various process steps in-line. The line will be complet-
ed and installed during 2011. With the upcoming line it
is possible to use a relatively wide selection of different
printing/coating methods including reverse and forward
gravure, rotary silkscreen, exo and slot die coating. In
this line, a variety of printing technologies are combined
into various converting technologies (rotary die-cut, hot
embossing and lamination). This increases the possibil-
ity of generating a greater number of different process
ow combinations for a wide range of different applica-
tion developments.
With all the techniques on the same line, it is also pos-
sible to reduce the printing rounds and number of
times the web reel is unwound and rewound in the roll-
to-roll stages of production. In addition to the large se-
lection of techniques available in a single production
line, the process capability in terms of registration ac-
curacy and curing capacity will also be improved. This
line will meet the increasing needs of the end device
and product developers. Once the new line is up and
running, the capabilities to develop and upscale roll-to-
roll-printed applications will have been raised to new
Proven parameters for upscaling
With the new PrintoCent printing facilities at VTT it is pos-
sible to generate information and conduct research on a
range of different applications, particularly from the pro-
duction point of view of upscaling and optimisation. As
the markets for printed intelligence are emerging and the
rst killer products are still in development, it is important
to test different kinds of possibilities to produce each ap-
plication. With interchangeable printing units and a vari-
ety of post-processing capabilities, it is possible to nd
the best way to produce each application as well as a
commercially suitable solution for use in mass production.
This information will eventually be valuable in further de-
ning xed production lines for the commercial produc-
tion of high-volume products.
Introduction to production lines
An introduction to VTTs production lines for use by print-
ed intelligence can be found in this yearbook on pages
The production line development, procurement and up-
scaling projects were conducted by a number of people
within VTT. The main employees with recent involvement
in these assignments were Jukka Hast, Mikko Kernen,
Pentti Korhonen, Rauno Mattila, Pekka Ontero, Mikko
Paakkolanvaara, Jaakko Pennanen, Jarno Petj, Juha
Sumen, Jenni Tomperi, Markus Tuomikoski and Antti Vei-
The procurement and upscaling tasks were carried out
in several projects, which were made possible with nan-
cial support from Tekes the Finnish Funding Agency for
Technology and Innovation as well as by EAKR Europe-
an Regional Development Fund. The author would also
like to acknowledge the invaluable guidance and collab-
oration of the PrintoCent community, as well as its nan-
cial supporters.

PICO Pilot printing line
2 printing units
forward gravure
R2R hot embossing unit
Corona substrate treatment unit
Lamination unit
Drying units (air, UV, IR)
Manual registration system with control cameras
Max. web width 250mm
Max. web velocity 120m/min
Installed in clean room (ISO7)
ROKO Pilot printing line
4 interchangeable printing unit slots
forward gravure
reverse gravure
rotary silk screen
Corona and plasma substrate treatment units
Lamination unit
Drying units (air, UV, IR)
Manual registration system with control cameras
Lift off, Paste etching, solvent lamination and ultrasonic washing
Max. web width 300mm
Max. web velocity 10m/min
NICO inert atmosphere printing line
2 interchangeable printing unit slots
forward gravure
rotary silk screen
Lamination unit
Drying units (IR)
Oxygen level on line between 0,1 - 1%
Max. web width 300mm
Max. web velocity 20m/min
R2R-PILOT printing line
to be installed during 2011
Business from technology
Roll-to-roll pilot facilities
printed intelligence
R2R post treatment unit
Die cutting unit
Slitter unit
Experiment line for camera development
Max. web width 300mm
Max. web velocity 50m/min
EVA R2R-evaporator
Metal thin lm evaporation
Nitrogen atmosphere
Max. web width 320mm
Max. web velocity 2m/min
PILOT coating line
1 coating unit slot
exo-type coating
soft bar coating
curtain coating
spray coating
Roll coating (2-roll and 3-roll)
Spray coating
Corona and plasma substrate treatment unit
Drying units (air, UV, IR)
Max. web width 550mm
Max. web velocity 90m/min
R2R laser processing
Laser sources
pulsed nano-, pico- and femtosecond lasers
Laser ablation of insulators and metallic coatings for example:
ITO, Ag, Au and Al.
Marking, perforation and cutting
Sintering of printed nanoparticles
Max. web width 400mm
Max. web velocity 30m/min
Technology and market foresight Strategic research Product and service development IPR and licensing
Assessments, testing, inspection, certication Technology and innovation management Technology partnership
Roll-to-roll patterning techniques for electrodes
have been one of the development aims at VTT.
Indium tin oxide, silver and aluminium elec-
trodes have been produced in a roll-to-roll envi-
ronment using three different patterning meth-
In devices such as OLEDs (Organic Light Emitting Di-
odes), OSCs (Organic Solar Cells) and OFETs (Organ-
ic Field Effect Transistors), electrodes can be patterned
using fast and cost-effective roll-to-roll (R2R) techniques.
Traditionally, indium tin oxide (ITO) or metal electrodes
have been patterned using the photolithography proc-
ess, which requires several processing steps, some of
which are not R2R compatible. New patterning tech-
niques therefore have to be applied to enable electrode
patterning in a R2R environment. In R2R patterning, thin
and continuous metal or ITO layers are coated (evapo-
ration, sputtering) before or after the electrode pattern-
ing by printing cost-effective, commercially available ma-
terials. The areas surrounding the electrodes are then re-
moved in R2R lift-off or etching processes.
Cost effective patterning of evaporated
and sputtered layers
Conductive inks used to print electrodes are typically ex-
pensive, and printed layers are less conductive, thick-
er, and more uneven than evaporated/sputtered layers.
Rough layers can easily cause short circuits in the devic-
es. A simpler method is to use R2R electrode patterning
processes that use the advantages of the evaporated or
sputtered layers. These methods are also cost-effective
and simple. There are three different methods available
for producing conductive oxide or metal electrodes on
plastic substrates. These methods are lift-off, wet etching
and paste etching. The materials used in these patterning
processes are typically commercially available and rela-
tively cheap. The investment costs are quite low, as the
patterning processes are easily integrated into pilot print-
ing machines, thus allowing R2R processing.
The R2R lift-off process is a suitable method for pattern-
ing metal electrodes such as aluminium, silver, gold and
copper. The electrodes have sharp edges and extreme-
ly smooth surfaces. Currently, the minimum feature size
is 40-50 m. R2R wet etching can pattern conductive
Roll-to-roll pilot patterning of electrodes
Mari Ylikunnari, Elina Jansson
Figure 1. Electrode patterning techniques in roll-to-roll environment.
oxide layers, mainly ITO. The electrode edges and mini-
mum feature size are the same as in lift-off patterning, as
both methods use exography. Another etching method,
i.e., paste etching, is suitable for patterning both metal
and conductive oxide electrodes. The edges are not as
sharp as with other methods, but open containers of cor-
rosive acids are avoided, making paste etching more us-
er-friendly. The minimum feature size is 50-140 m.
Roll-to-roll lift-off
The lift-off scheme is presented in Figure 1. Initially, a neg-
ative image of the electrodes is printed with exography
onto a exible substrate using different kinds of inks. Af-
ter the printing, a thin and continuous metal layer is evap-
orated onto the surface of the printed substrate. Finally,
the ink layer underneath the metal layer is removed using
an appropriate solvent, thus leaving only the metal elec-
trodes behind. The substrate is then washed with anoth-
er solvent to remove any residual solvents and detached
materials. Figure 2 shows aluminium-coated plastic sub-
strate patterned with the R2R lift-off process.
Roll-to-roll etching
Flexible ITO-coated polyester substrate (ITO-PET) has
been patterned with a roll-to-roll pilot production line us-
ing two different etching methods. The rst method used
exography printing whereas the second etching em-
ployed rotary screen printing. The process schemes are
presented in Figure 1. The rst method is so-called wet
etching in which the desired electrode pattern is print-
ed with exography as a direct image using a photore-
sist material in order to protect the ITO coating from the
etching solvent. Next, the unprotected ITO is etched with
an acidic solution. Finally, the resist is stripped away with
Figure 3. Patterned ITO with paste etching. Fi 3 P tt d ITO ith t t hi

Figure 2. Lift-off patterned aluminium.
organic solvent and subsequently washed with another
solvent. The second method is based on a commercially
available etching paste that is printed with rotary screen
as an indirect image. The ITO is etched away from the ar-
eas in which the etching paste is applied. After the etch-
ing, the paste is removed in a water-based solution. Fig-
ure 3 illustrates the ITO-PET substrate that has been pat-
terned with paste etching.
This work has been conducted by a number of people
within VTT. The patterning methods were developed
by Johanna Hiitola-Keinnen (lift-off, wet etching), Elina
Jansson (lift-off) and Mari Ylikunnari (wet etching, paste
etching). Operators Pekka Ontero and Rauno Mattila
took part in the development work.
The lift-off process development was mainly carried out
in the Mediss1 Project, which was made possible with
the nancial support of the Finnish Funding Agency for
Technology and Innovation (TEKES) and the New En-
ergy and Industrial Development Organization (NEDO)
from Japan. The etching processes were developed in
the Facess Project, which was funded by the European
Commission via the 7th Framework Programme (grand
agreement FP7-ICT-1-215271).
Research Scientist
Tel. +358 20 722 3901 T
As part of the materials and process research,
VTT has developed novel processes for electri-
cal sintering of conductor grids on a range of
optoelectronic devices such as photo-voltaic
(PV) cells, solid state lighting and displays. Non-
contact electrical sintering offers much poten-
tial as a compact and efcient process that can
be easily integrated with roll-to-roll production
techniques. The goal is ultimately to develop a
viable alternative to traditional thermal sintering
Metallic nanoparticle inks and pastes are recognised as
an enabling technology for printing high-quality conduc-
tors on low-cost, exible substrates. Conductor grids in
optoelectronic devices are example applications in which
a low metal ll factor and high conductivity are desired.
With traditional processing technology, high conduc-
tivity is obtained through thermal sintering of the nano-
particles, which is typically accomplished by heating the
whole printed structure in an oven. Sintering by oven-cur-
ing is often problematic due to the shrinking of the print-
ed substrate and damage to previously deposited layers.
Non-contact electrical sintering of conductor grids for
optoelectronic devices
Howard Rupprecht, Mark Allen, Ari Alastalo
It is generally considered to be an inconvenient process
stage, especially in the roll-to-roll (R2R) printing environ-
ment in which the required oven lengths may exceed tens
of meters and the equipment costs are high.
With the electrical sintering approach, the traditional sin-
tering oven is replaced by a highly compact non-contact
electrical sintering head [1,2]. Figure 1 illustrates the basic
principle whereby the head can be easily integrated into a
roll-to-roll production line in which the previously printed
electrical structures are then sintered in-line.
In the initial designs, a PCB-based head was tested with
some success, but this has now been superseded by a
new coaxial head design (Figure 2) that allows for a great-
er working distance (approx 100m), more effective con-
trol and higher throughput rates [3]. For lower volume di-
rect-write applications, the heads can also be directly in-
corporated into an X-Y positioning system.
Experimental work on photo-voltaic
The current process development activities are focusing
on producing conductor grids or ngers on Copper-Indi-
um-Gallium-Selenide (CIGS), thin-lm PV cells. This tech-
nology was chosen as CIGS cells are typically produced
in a roll-to-roll production environment and the previous-
ly deposited active layers are sensitive to high tempera-
ture processing after deposition. In addition to the obvi-
ous cost savings from eliminating thermal sintering ovens,
there is also scope to improve the electrical properties of
the ngers; this has the potential to drive overall efciency
improvements in the cell by facilitating the production of
narrower conductor grids that reduce shadowing.
Figure 1. Roll-to-roll integration of sintering head.
To simulate the eventual production process, testing has
been carried out with a sintering head that is attached to
an X-Y table. Process parameters such as speed, max-
imum power, working distance and number of passes
can then be adjusted to determine the optimum settings
for successful sintering. The impact of conductor grid
geometry and dimensions is also analysed, as this will
be a signicant factor in process integration and per-
Testing has been conducted on gridlines inkjet-printed on
a range of substrates (photo paper, ITO PET, AZO Glass
and CIGS cells). It is recognised that print quality and ink
formulation will inuence the results; the use of multiple
substrates allows work on easy-to-print materials as well
as the nal products. All tests use the same ANP silver
nanoparticle ink printed from a 50m inkjet nozzle.
Initial results
The photos in Figure 3 show successfully sintered grid-
lines on the test substrates. Initial analysis indicates that
well-formed gridlines with sufcient electrical conduc-
tivity have been created at speeds of approximately
25mm/s [3].
Further work is being conducted to optimise the sintering
head design to improve contact resistivity, bulk conduc-
tivity, and to ramp up to the desired roll-to-roll produc-
tion-scale speeds of about 100mm/s.
Further development
Development is continuing to determine the optimum
process settings and suitability as a replacement proc-
ess for oven sintering in PV manufacturing applications.
Beyond the initial focus on CIGS, there are also opportu-
nities for the process to be adapted for use with low tem-
perature organic substrates that are expected to be used
in the manufacture of other optoelectronic components
such as OLEDs and organic PV cells.
The encouraging results demonstrate that the process
has real potential as an integrated roll-to-roll production
technique that could soon replace traditional thermal sin-
tering in some applications.
[1] Sepp, H. & Allen, M. Method for manufacturing con-
ductors and semiconductors. Pat. FI 20060697 / US
60/832.144, Publ. July 21, 2006.
[2] Allen, M., Mattila, T., Alastalo, A. & Sepp, H. Method
and apparatus related to nanoparticle systems. Pat.
FI 20075428, EP 08157720.7, US 12/155.669, Publ.
June 8, 2007.
[3] Allen, M. et al. Electrical Sintering of Conductor Grids
for Optoelectronic Devices. LOPE-C Conference,
Frankfurt, Germany, May 31 June 2 2010.
Business Development Manager
Tel. +358 40 736 0685 T
Figure 2. Coaxial sintering head.
Figure 3. Sintered gridlines on test substrate materials.
VTT has developed a method to achieve sinter-
ing of nanoparticle inks at room temperature.
Conductivity above one-fourth of the bulk ma-
terial is demonstrated for printed silver conduc-
tors. Furthermore, the process enables the ef-
fective interconnection of discrete components
to printed structures on exible substrates. This
inspires great potential for hybrid solutions in
which silicon-based microchips are attached to
the printed system. The method is based on the
chemical removal of the nanoparticle stabilising
ligand through interaction between the ink and
the coating layer of the printing substrate.
Printed electronics components have mostly been dem-
onstrated on non-absorbing substrates, for which a ther-
mal curing stage is usually required after printing to evap-
orate the ink solvent and obtain the desired physical
properties of the printed structure. Coating a base sub-
strate with an optimal ink-receptive layer, however, can
provide in situ electrical functionalization of the printed
material without the need for any post-processing. Here,
the approach is used for sintering silver nanoparticles at
room temperature.
Room-temperature sintering enables novel hybrid
Mark Allen, Jaakko Leppniemi, Marja Vilkman, Ari Alastalo, Tomi Mattila
Sintering enables hybrid solutions
Conductors for, e.g., printed circuit boards (PCBs), are
conventionally patterned using photolithographic meth-
ods. Conductor printing can provide inherent cost ben-
ets, especially for a low ll-factor pattern. Inkjet printing
directly from a digital format can provide signicant R&D
cost savings, while roll-to-roll printing processes enable
high-volume production.
Metallic nanoparticles require sintering to render the
printed structure electrically conductive. Sintering by oven
curing is often challenged by the required thermal budget
(temperature level and duration).Here, nanoparticle sinter-
ing is accomplished in situ on the substrate at room tem-
perature via the strong chemical afnity of the substrate
coating layer for the nanoparticle stabilising ligand.
The interconnection of components (e.g., a microchip)
is rather complex and often regarded as the bottleneck
process phase. This directly affects the economics of,
e.g., radio frequency identication (RFID) tags, smart
cards and wireless sensors. In this work, the substrate-
facilitated sintering method is used as a novel approach
to attach discrete components to printed conductors
for which the sintered silver provides the metallic inter-
connections with good electrical and mechanical prop-
Many base materials, such as paper, plastics, textiles,
etc., can be coated with this type of acceptor coating lay-
er. These materials are also relatively inexpensive com-
pared with the uncoated substrates frequently used in
printed electronics, such as polyimide.
Inline printing and chip placement
The conductivity demonstrated via substrate-facilitated
sintering at room temperature is above 10 MS/m, which
is an adequate level of conductivity for most microelec-
tronics applications to avoid signicant heating or volt-
age drop. Figure 1 shows an overview of printed pattern-
Figure 1. Overview of silver patterning inkjet printed and
in situ sintered on a coated substrate.
ing where the silver nanoparticles are xed to the upper-
most substrate layer while the solvent is absorbed by an
underlying layer and transported outside the targeted ar-
eas (the ink solvent is visible as a glare around the print-
ed pattern). [1]
Substrate-facilitated sintering can be used to attach dis-
crete components to printed conductors: placing the
component electrodes on the partially wet-printed pat-
terning results in the formation of a metallic interconnec-
tion with good electrical and mechanical properties. The
interconnection method is illustrated schematically in Fig-
ure 2(a). In Figure 2(b), the interconnection method is
demonstrated with a surface-mounted LED. An electri-
cally conducting and mechanically stable interconnection
is formed via substrate-facilitated sintering, without the
need for any post-processing stages. [1]
The presented interconnection procedure can be used
for component assembly in an R2R and/or a digital print-
Figure 2. (a) Schematic illustration of the proposed interconnection procedure. (b) Surface-mounted LED interconnect-
ed to silver nanoparticle wiring. (c) Envisioned setup for drop-on-demand printing of circuit wiring and place-on-de-
mand interconnection of discrete components.
ing process. Figure 2(c) shows an exemplary setup in
which the circuit components are selectively placed onto
inkjet-printed nanoparticle ink electrodes during printing.
The placement accuracy is limited only by the accuracy of
the printers motorised stages.
[1] Allen, M., Leppniemi, J., Vilkman, M., Alastalo, A. &
Mattila, T. Substrate-facilitated nanoparticle sintering
and component interconnection procedure, Nanote-
chnology 21 (2010) 475204, 7 p.
Research Scientist
Tel. +358 20 722 7347
VTT has long experience in the development
of optical measurement technologies for con-
tinuous manufacturing processes. Previous-
ly, VTT has developed real-time quality moni-
toring and control systems for the pulp and pa-
per, steel and pharmaceutical industries. These
online measurements were mainly based on
spectroscopy and machine vision technologies.
Now, VTT is transferring this expertise to print-
ed intelligence process quality monitoring in re-
search and industrial-scale production.

VTT has already developed optical quality measurement
systems for printed electronics and optics. Several sys-
tems have been demonstrated in VTTs Pico and Roko pi-
lot printing lines. In this paper, we would like to introduce
the needs and challenges of printed intelligence produc-
tion measurements and present real-time measurement
systems that have already been implemented in VTTs
printing lines.
Traditional printing has established measurements for
quality control. The position of several layers and miss-
ing dots can easily be detected with camera systems.
The colour and thickness of traditional print can also be
measured with special instruments. The printing of func-
tional structures sets new requirements for the measure-
ments however. Some layers can be highly transparent,
so the position of the layers is more challenging to detect.
The thickness of normal print is typically several microme-
tres, but in the case of printed electronics, it may be only
tens of nanometres and, at the same time, the surface
smoothness should be excellent. In printed electronics, it
is not enough to inspect the visual quality of the intelligent
print; the functionality also needs to be detected.
Measurement challenges and needs
The measurement requirements of printed intelligence
can vary from web control and process tools (e.g., print-
ing rolls) diagnostics to end product quality inspections.
Web control needs to monitor and control the tension
and position of the web. In addition, in web control, the
nip pressure should be controlled in order to ensure the
quality of printed components and structures. Other criti-
cal parameters vary based on the applications, i.e., what
is being produced. Well-known measurement applica-
tions within the printed electronics roll-to-roll process in-
clude monitoring register accuracy, the quality measure-
ment of printed structures, real-time end product inspec-
tion, etc.
In the printed electronics eld, it is desirable to print ho-
mogeneous layers, not pixels or colours, as in traditional
printing. When the printable device (e.g., OSC or OLED)
is produced, the parameters for each layer are chosen
so that the desired function of the device is obtained.
When printed, each layers parameters have some vari-
ation that inuences the function of the completed de-
vice. To be able to control the printing result, several var-
iables, such as overall printing quality, ink wetting, cov-
erage, homogeneity, roughness, transparency, thick-
ness and functionality like conductivity, need to be ob-
served. As transparent layers and small breaches in, for
instance, conductors, cannot be seen by the human
eye, it is compulsory to perform imaging with an online
microscopy system.
Register accuracy monitoring system
for printable electronics production
Printed components are multilayer structures. Layer-to-
layer registering is therefore an essential issue when pro-
ducing working devices. A traditional register control sys-
tem is well suited to inks that are opaque or semitrans-
parent. When transmittance of the ink increases further,
however, traditional register control technology with vis-
ible area exposure light becomes useless. This is one of
the major challenges of register accuracy monitoring that
needs to be solved in the near future.
Real-time measurement systems for printed
intelligence process quality monitoring
Janne Suhonen, Raimo Korhonen, Satu Prokkola, Juha Sumen
Figure 1. a) VTTs register accuracy measurement system has been implemented in the Roko line, b) An example of
register accuracy detection , c) An example of register accuracy detection.
Figure 2. Prototype and sample pictures of the inuence of lightning.
Figure 3. a) Bad conductivity of antenna circuits can easily be seen, b) The uniformity of the OLED component can be
monitored by VTTs measurement tool.
VTT has developed a real-time measurement system for
register accuracy measurement (Figure 1). The system
consists of the measurement heads, electronics, optics
and touch screen panels. The spatial resolution of the
system is about 5 micrometres.
Real-time printing quality inspection
VTT has developed a measurement device prototype
(Figure 2a) to monitor printing quality. This device in-
cludes upper and lower lighting units that enable reec-
tion and absorption-based imaging. In total, seven dif-
ferent wavelengths of exposure light are included on the
lighting units. In addition to the VIS area, usable wave-
lengths also cover NIR and UV areas. By combining dif-
ferent wavelengths and lighting methods, it is possible
to distinguish better the printed layers inner structure,
e.g., homogeneity, and to differentiate transparent lay-
ers from the substrate (Figures 2b and 2c).

Figure 3 illustrates an example of microscopy imag-
ing system pictures of overall printing quality. The g-
ure presents two horizontal roll-to-roll-printed conduc-
tors with a bad wetting problem (line width 700 m). In
this case, the periodic breaks are 20 m wide. This kind
of small-scale imaging from the moving web places very
high demands on image capture because the image in-
tegration time must be short enough to prevent inac-
curacy on the image caused by the web moving. Line
speeds of printed electronics are currently 1-30 m/min,
but line speeds of up to several hundred metres per
minute are expected in the future. The required image
feature size can be as small as 5m.
The next development steps
VTTs research into optical measurement technologies
aims to bring on-line information to operators in order
to obtain immediate feedback on the printing process
quality. It is essential to obtain some basic real-time in-
formation (images of printing quality, layer thicknesses,
register accuracy to operators) in order to create work-
ing printed devices. The ultimate goal of the develop-
ment is to also use some closed loop applications and
100% inspection tools for printed electronics production.
This work has been conducted by a number of people
within VTT. The main scientists in charge of the research
were Juha Sumen and Satu Prokkola.
The results introduced in this paper come from the re-
search project PEOMIT (Optical Measurement Technol-
ogies for Printable Electronics) and the EU-coordinated
action project PRODI (Process and Diagnostics for Print-
able Electronics). These projects were funded by the EU,
VTT and Tekes the Finnish Funding Agency for Technol-
ogy and Innovation.
Customer Manager
Tel. +358 20 722 2298
a) b)

What is PrintoCent?
PrintoCent is a VTT lead initiative to create business and production environment for companies. The operational mode is focused on manu-
facturing product demonstrators and based on Printed Intelligent processes. Today, PrintoCent is truly a functioning multidisciplinary busi-
ness development environment with around 150 professionals working in the community.
PrintoCent Services
PrintoCent serves companies and collaborates with research institutes and education providers. The focus of the work is to manufacture
prototype products and product demonstrators that are based on R&D results of the PrintoCent founding members, SAB (Strategic Advisory
Board) members and other participating companies. There are many options for companies how to benet from cooperating with PrintoCent
starting from minor subcontracting or consulting to custom made product development and production. We have capability to organize train-
ing courses and post graduate courses, too.
Pilot Factory
PrintoCents Pilot Factory is a manufacturing environment designed for companies who are interested in taking developments in Printed Intel-
ligence closer to the market place and towards commercial production environment. PrintoCents pilot production reduces commercial and
technical risk before fully commercial operation kick off.
PrintoCent board chairman Director of PrintoCent business program
Harri Kopola Matti Koivu
+358 40 557 4867 +358 400 544 376
PrintoCent is designed to successfully introduce technologies
from lab to early market trials and commercial adoption.
European Union
European Regional Development Fund
For updates and more on VTT Printed Intelligence see:
For updates and more on VTT Printed Intelligence see:
Vuorimiehentie 5, Espoo
P.O.Box 1000, FI-02044 VTT
Tel. +358 20 722 111, Fax +358 20 722 7001



VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland is the largest multitechnological
applied research organisation in Northern Europe. VTT provides high-end
technology solutions and innovation services. From its wide knowledge base,
VTT can combine different technologies, create new innovations and a sub-
stantial range of world class technologies and applied research services thus
improving its clients competitiveness and competence. Through its interna-
tional scientic and technology network, VTT can produce information,
upgrade technology knowledge, create business intelligence and value
added to its stakeholders. VTT is a non-prot-making research organisation.
Research, development and
commercialisation activities in
printed intelligence
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

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