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Autotrophs make their own food through

photosynthesis or chemosynthesis.
Heterotrophs can not make their own
food and therefor must eat other
organisms. They can be categorized into
three groups: carnivorous (eat other living
animals), omnivores (eat both animals
and plants), herbivores (eat only plants),
and detrivores (eat only dead matter).
Metabolic Pathways are the orderly
sequences of chemical reactions, with
enzymes regulating the pathway.
In the presence of sunlight and enzymes,
6CO2(g)+6H2O(l) ->C6H12O6(s)+6O2(g)
Photosynthesis is the process by which
green plants, and some bacteria, use
chlorophyll to trap solar energy and
synthesize glucose; it converts solar
energy into chemical potential energy.
Cellular Respiration
is the process by
which organisms
obtain ATP energy
from food. They
convert high energy
compounds into low
energy compounds
using mitochondria.
The most photosynthesis occurs in
single-celled, oceanic organisms
such as algal blooms and
phytoplankton. If the conditions are
right these organism will bloom; the
green tint caused by this bloom can
be seen from outer space.
Factors That Effect Photosynthesis are temperature, light intensity,
concentration of CO2 and the pigments present within the organism. The rate of
photosynthesis is proportionate to light intensity, regardless of temperature, but
will plateau by a certain intensity due to other limiting factors such as CO2 levels.
Chloroplasts are membrane
bound organelles that carry
out photosynthesis. They
contain chlorophyll and even
have their own separate
DNA from the cell. This
coupled with it's possession
of ribosomes allow
chloroplasts to reproduce
when they want to via
Light-Dependant Reaction: The light reaction starts with water
within the plant being heated up to the point where it breaks apart
(also called photolysis) into 2 hydrogen ions, two electrons, and an
oxygen atom (the oxygen atom combines with a second oxygen
atom and is expelled from the plant). The electrons in Photosystem
I are also effected by this solar energy and rise from ground state to
an excited state. The two electrons in Photosystem I move through
an electron transport chain to the NADP reductase. While this is
happening, the two electrons from Photosystem II become excited
and move down an electron transport chain to Photosystem I to
replace the missing electrons; in turn, the two electrons from the
photolysis of water replace Photosystem II's electrons. The NADP
reductase takes a hydrogen ion from the thylakoid space (also
known as the lumen) and attaches it to the NADP to create NADPH.
The other hydrogen ions transfer through the ATP synthase with an
ADP molecule and a phosphate molecule to create ATP. This ATP
and NADPH are transported to the Calvin-Benson Cycle.
Cyclic vs. Non-Cyclic Electron Flow
In cyclic electron flow, only the photosystem one is involved.
Electrons reach an excited state and are ejected from the
photosystem. After returning to ground state through an electron
transport chain, the electrons are returned to photosystem one.
Calvin-Benson Cycle: First, NADPH and ATP, which have been created by the
light-dependant reaction, are deposited in the stroma with three ribulose
biphosphates and three carbon dioxide molecules. The rubisco enzyme takes
in the RuBP and CO2; in turn, the enzyme expels a 6-carbon molecule (on the
diagram, it's labelled as the Short-lived intermediate) which quickly breaks
into two three carbon molecules with one phosphate attached to each.
These new molecules (the PGAs - also labelled the 3-Phosphoglycerates) are
given a second phosphate from ATP and become PGAP (1,3-
Bisphosphorglycerate). The oxidation of the ATP causes it to become ADP.
This PGAP will take a hydrogen atom from the NADPH and become PGAL
(Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate). One PGAL from each cycle will be set aside
for the production of glucose and the other five use ATP to restart the cycle
as RuBP. Two PGAL are required to create a glucose molecule, so the cycle
must run through twice. A total of 6 CO2, 18 ATP, and 12 NADPH are required
to make one glucose molecule. The left over ADP and NADP are returned to
the thylakoid discs to be resynthesized into ATP and NADPH.
Water is split apart by the process of photolysis. The H
ions are
pumped into the lumen of the thylakoid disk. The two electrons
from the hydrogen are passed into photosystem II (PS680)
Sunlight excites the electrons in Photosystems I and II which
travel down electron transport chains to their respective
locations (NADP reductase and Photosystem I)
The energy from the electron transport chain sends the -
Light-Dependant Reaction
A Rubisco enzyme combines three carbon dioxide atoms with ribulose
bi-phosphate . The resulting molecule almost immediately breaks apart
into two PGA molecules.
With the addition of 3 ATP molecules, the PGA becomes PGAP. -
The PGAP reduces NADPH to NADP and becomes PGAL. -
One PGAL is removed from the cycle, the other five go through
reactions that form them into ribulose bi-phosphate.
Cycle repeats and the second PGAL combines with the first to create a -
Light-Independent Reaction
8:20 PM
Biology 20-30 Page 1
Sunlight excites the electrons in Photosystems I and II which
travel down electron transport chains to their respective
locations (NADP reductase and Photosystem I)
The energy from the electron transport chain sends the
hydrogen ions through the ATP synthase and allows ADP to
become ATP.
The PGAP reduces NADPH to NADP and becomes PGAL. -
One PGAL is removed from the cycle, the other five go through
reactions that form them into ribulose bi-phosphate.
Cycle repeats and the second PGAL combines with the first to create a
glucose molecule
Biology 20-30 Page 2

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