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1. Wedng metaurgy s the study of metaurgy pertanng to?

A.Wedng processes B.Wedng technques C.Both A & B D.None of these

Ans: C
2.A pro|ecton wed s a type of?
A.Resstance wed B.Arc wed C.Gas wed D.Fet wed
Ans: A
3.Armoured tanks are made of?
A.Armoured stee B.Md stee C.Tor stee D.Carbon stee
Ans: A
4.Armour stee s havng tense strength around?
A.50 to 60 kg/mm square B.60 to 70 kg/mm square
C.70 to 80 kg/mm square D.80 to 90 kg/mm square
Ans: C
5.The procedure for wedng stee castns are conformed to?
A.ISI 1030-1962 B.ISI 1030-1961 C.ISI 1762-1961 D.None of these
Ans: A
6.Whch ehect become more pronounced wth ncreasng frequency?
A.Skn ehect B.Proxmty ehect C.Current ehect D.Frequency ehect
Ans: C
7. Wedng metaurgy s concerned wth?
A.Metng of eectrode B.Base meta C.Sag meta D.A above Ans: D
8.These wed symbos have no arrow-sde or other-sde sgncance?
A.Pro|ecton or seam wed B.Back or backng wed C.Surface or groove wed D.Fash and upset
wed Ans: D
9. Wedng meurgy s concerned wth?
A.Gas meta reacton B.Surface phenomena C.Sod state reactons D.A above Ans: D
10.A back or backng wed s a type of?
A.Groove wed B.Resstance wed C.Arc and gas wed D.Upset wed
Ans: C
11. The eectrodes whch have a coatng of oxdes of ron and manganese and scates are caed?
A.Basc eectrodes B.Acdc eectrodes C.Chemca eectrodes D.None of these
Ans: B
12.Ths symbo ndcates a surface to be but up?
A.Groove wed B.Surface wed C.Corner |ont D.Lap |ont Ans: B
13.The recrystased wed meta has?
A.Maxmum ductty B.Crack resstance C.Both A & B D. None of these
Ans: C
14.Wedng drawngs are a speca type of ths knd of drawng?
A.Symbo B.Perspectve C.Assemby D.Isometrc Ans: C
15.Wedabty depends?
A.Upon the process ntended B.On the servce condtons ntended C.Both A & B D. None of these
Ans: C
16.Whch of the foowng s one of the basc types of weded |onts?
A.T-|ont B.Rear |ont C.Ange |ont D.Groove |ont
Ans: A
17.The changes takes pace n Heat ahected zone due to?
A.Heat B.Pressure C.Weather D.None of these
Ans: A
18.The corroson resstance of weded |onts nuenced by?
A.Chemca coposton of wed meta B.Chemca composton of parent meta
C.wedng process empoyed D.A above Ans: D
19.Corroson resstance of weded |onts s ehected due to?
A.Parent meta thckness B.Number of passes C.Arc current D.Speed of wed
Ans: E
20.The strongest consttuent of stee s?
A.Ferrte B.Perate C.Cementte D.Austente
Ans: B
21.The tense strength of Perate s?
A.18 tons per square nch B.56 tons per square nch
C.65 tons per square nch D.None of these
Ans: B
22.Speccaton for 1.5% manganese stee castns has been expaned n?
A.ISI 2708-1964 B.ISI 1030-1962 C.ISI 1762-1961 D.None of these
Ans: A
23.Hgh frequency current n meta conductors tends to ow at the surface of the meta. Ths s caed?
A.Skn ehect B.Proxmty ehect C.Current ehect D.Frequency ehect
Ans: A
24.Eectrc Arc was rst deveoped n the year?
A.1801 B.1810 C.1081 D.1800 Ans: A
25.Mnmum votage of drect current for estabshng an arc s:
A.400 vots B.40 vots C.14 vots D.4 vots
Ans: B
26.The temperature of eectrc arc s about?
A.3000 deg Cesus B.300 deg Cesus C.3500 deg Cesus D.350 deg Cesus
Ans: C
27.S.W.G. stands for?
A.Sutabe wre gauge B.Seected wre gauge C.Speca wre gauge D.Standard wre gauge Ans: D
28.In case of medum coated eectrodes, the rato of coatng dameter to the core wre dameter s from?
A.1.2 to 1.3 B.1.3 to 1.4 C.1.4 to 1.5 D.1.5.to 1.6 Ans: C
29.In|ector type bow ppe s of?
A.Low pressure type B.Hgh pressure type C.Medum pressure type D.None of these
Ans: A
30.Centra whte cone s found n?
A.Carborsng ame B.Oxdsng ame C.Natura ame D.None of these
Ans: C
31.Whch s destructve meta test?
A.Fame test B.Magnet test C.Coour test D.Chse test Ans: A
32.Kndng temperature s about?
A.1250 deg Cesus B.1500 deg Cesus C.1350 deg Cesus D.1400 deg Cesus Ans: C
33.The requred votage for 100 to 120mm thck stee pate nspected by X-rays radography s?
A.220 K.V. B.400 K.V. c.1000 K.V. D.150 K.V. Ans: B
34.The markng of a spot wed s ahected by?
A.The surface condton of the matera to be weded. B.The eectrode pressure.
C.The sze of wedng current. D.The tme of appcaton of the current.
E.The shape and area of the eectrode tp F.A above
Ans: B
35.D.C. wedng equpment used for under water wedng has a capacty of?
A.50 Amps B.100 Amps C.200 Amps D.300 Amps Ans: D
36. Pured ar becomes n qud state at:
A. - 100 degree Cesus B. - 180 degree Cesus C. - 182 degree Cesus D. - 82 degree Cesus Ans: C
37.Cacum carbde s produced by fusng coke wth?
A.Water B.Acd C.Lme D.None of these
Ans: C
38.Generay, the eectrodes are produced n the ength of?
A.250mm B.300mm C.350mm D.450mm E.A above Ans: E
39.The rough weds are due to?
A.Too ow current B.Too hgh current C.Wrong arrangement of eectrodes D.A above
Ans: D
40.The metas can be dented by?
A.Coour test B.Weght test C.Fame test D.Magnet test E.A above Ans: E
Mark following statements as True or False:
41.Poarty of anode s postve Ans: True
42.Wave ength of gamma rays s more than that of X-rays. Ans: False
43.Hgh pressure torches are aways of non-n|ector type. Ans: True
44.Metng pont of pure aumnum s ess than that of oxde of aumnum. Ans: False
45.4mm = 8 S.W.G. Ans: True
Fill in the blanks:
46.A ow hydrogen eectrodes s caed ....................... eectrode. Ans: Basic
47.Carbon monoxde gas s very ow n ......................... wedng. Ans: Arc
48.Laser stands for ............................................ Ans: LIght Amplication b! "imulate# emission of $a#iation
49.The core wore s of md stee or ....................... Ans: Low carbon steel
50.Temperature of oxy-acetyene ame s ......................... than that of oxy-hydrogen Ans: %igher
51.Accordng to ISI (815-1956), code number conssts of M foowed by sx dgt. In ths what does second dgt
stand for?
A.Type of coverng B.Wedng poston C.Wedng curretn condtons D.Mnmum tense strength of wed
meta Ans: B
52.DC eectrode postve and on AC wth open crcut votage over 95 vots s ndcated by?
A.D+ means B.D+ A95 means C.D- A95 means D.D+ A70 means
Ans: B
53. 10 SWG s equa to? A.10mm B.1mm C.3.2mm D.32mm
Ans: C
54.Whch one s best to ncrease the safety?
A.MOtor-generator B.Recter C.Transformer D.None of above Ans: A
55.In case of wedng n at poston, wed sope does not exceed?
A.50 degree B.40 degree C.20 degree D.10 degree Ans: D
56.The poston n whch t s easest to wed s?
A.Fat B.Horzonta C.Vertca D.None of these Ans: A
57.Znc fumes are produced by wedng of?
A.Gavansed ron B.Cast ron C.Wrought ron D.None of these
Ans: D
58.Infra red rays have a wave ength ranng from?
A.700 to 2000 mmcrons B.725 to 2500 mmcrons
C.725 to 3000 mmcrons D.750 to 2000 mmcrons
Ans: D
59.Hght pressure bow ppes s of?
A.Non-n|ector mxer pattern B.In|ector mxer pattern C.None of above Ans: A
60.Under water wedng s generay restrcted to?
A.Md stee B.Tor stee C.Hgh carbon stee D.None of these Ans: A
61.Commutator s used?
A.To coect current from armature B.To rectfy the armature AC nto DC
C.For both pruposes A & B D.None of these
Ans: C
62.An excess quantty of oxygen s mxed wth acetyene for burnng and obtanng?
A.Natura ame B.Oxdsng ame C.Carbrusng ame D.None of above
Ans: B
63.When an eectrc arc s struck, the eectrca energy avaabe for heat energy, s about?
A.30% B.40% C.50% D.60% Ans: C
64.Oxygen hoses are made to stand upto?
A.3 atmosphere B.10 atmosphere C.7 atmosphere D.5 atmosphere
Ans: B
65.The current n the wedng arc may vary from?
A.10 to 20 amperes B.100 to 200 amperes C.100 to 1000 amperes D.100 to 2000 amperesAns: D
66.The norma changng pressure of dssoved acetyene s?
A.5 atmospherc pressure B.10 atmospherc pressure
C.15 atmospherc pressure D.20 atmospherc pressure
Ans: C
67.The recrystased wed meta has?
A.Maxmum ductty B.Crack resstance C.Both A & B D.None of these Ans: C
68.Exposon wedng can be used for?
A.Beryum B.Tungsten C.Boron D.None of these Ans: D
69.DC wedng equpment used for under water wedng has a capacty of?
A.50 Amps B.100 Amps C.200 Amps D.300 Amps Ans: D
70.Lqud oxygen s converted back to gas by usng?
A.Gascator B.Generator C.Reguator D.Vaves Ans: A

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