The People Fundraising To STOP Poverty 100814

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The People:

Fundrai si ng t o STOP povert y!

For as he thinks in his
heart, so is he
Proverbs 23:7
To free ourselves from the curse of poverty and corporate
oppression, we must first know our right to such freedom
comes from God, we must think we are free, and we must
see ourselves free!
Christ has redeemed us from the curse. Galatians 3:13
Jesusbecame poor, that you through His poverty might be rich. 2 Corinthians 8:9
If you be Christs, then are you Abrahams seed, and heirs according to
the promise.
Galatians 3:29
And Abram was very rich in cattle, in silver, and in gold. Genesis 13:2
That the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles Galatians 3:14
The blessing of the Lord makes rich and He adds no sorrow with it. Proverbs 10:22
For all the land which you see I will give to you and to your posterity
Genesis 13:15
To manifest the prosperity
bestowed on us, in our personal
lives and communities,
we must think we are wealthy,
and recognize our wealth!
Studies show Americans spend
approximately $10 trillion a year on
what could be called
nonessential purchases
(i.e. fashion, electronics, recreation,
By 2015, it is estimated
African-Americans, alone, will
hold $1.1 trillion of that
buying power!
The issue is not that
The Peopledo not
have money.
The issue is we need the Church.
The Church is instructed to deliver
the poor and those in need.
We can do so by the administration
of the free economy of the Bible!
With this bible-based economic
model, ThePeople
have the power
right NOW
to break the curse of poverty
and the struggle of living
without the traditional
9 to 5 job!
By using the power of business
to return to the old path of
pure fundraising!
Jeremiah 6:16
Lets Do Some Critical
All business entities
to raise funds,
business entities
provide products,
services, or
entertainment people
need or want.
With those funds, businesses
can create jobs.
But, for a large majority of our nations population,
those jobs pay unlivable wages, or simply not enough
for individuals to live the abundant life Jesus died for
ALL people to possess
while business
owners enjoy
huge profits!
and build their
Should we be angry business owners exercise
their God-given right to get wealth?
Must we demand employers pay us a higher
minimum wage that will keep us classified as the
working poor?
Because we each have the
same God-given right and power to
personal, abundant wealth!
Acts 2:44-45 & Acts 4:34-35
shows The People can
fundraise just to take care of
Meet Needs.
Therefore, the time has come
for The Peopleto use the
power of business,
to channel a portion of their
$10 trillion nonessential
wealth, to create a coalition of
companies to employ and pay
ourselves to raise funds and
administer holistic solutions for
our communities and society!
ThePeoples Business Product(s):
STOP Poverty
End the paycheck-to-paycheck struggle
Transition individuals and families from government assistance/dependence
to financial empowerment & independence
Reduce all levels of government spending
Drive-down high tax rates
Redeem time for family and personal purpose
Through the coalition of professional fundraising companies who raise funds for
community/national needs, and give back a portion of those funds as taxable income to
the public, ThePeoplewill give ThePeoplean opportunity to receive multiple streams
of income that will:
The Peoples Business Service:
The administration of for-profit professional fundraising.
MVP Administrators (MVPA) represents the Church
standing in the marketplace to mobilize ALL people in
our commission to deliver the poor and those in need.
Our mission to STOP poverty is spearheading a
financial revolution and a new sector in the for-profit
professional fundraising industry by establishing the
first company where The Peopleemploy and pay
themselves by raising funds for the needs of their
communities and society.
We believe The Peopleare the Most Valuable Players
in rebuilding our nations economy and our
communities as we administer solutions from the Bible!
For more details, visit our website at:

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