Ofbiz Debugging

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1. How to Debug OFBIZ
You should first become as familiar with OFBIZ as possible by studying the tutor
ials and the cookbooks for the tools. The cookbooks are
especially important because they show many of the subtleties of the framework w
hich may not be at first apprent but could cause problems.
You should also become familiar with the underlying technologies such as Freemar
ker, Beanshell, and XML. You may also experience problems
which are wholely unrelated to OFBIZ, such as those caused by your database or s
erver, and those problems would have to be fixed separately.
Then, you should look through the log files carefully for the possible causes of
your error. OFBIZ provides an enormous amount of information
in the log files, so the trick is finding which one applies to the problem you a
re experiencing. This is more of an art than a science. What
seems to work for us is to look for something in particular, such as something r
elated to the application you are working on or a change that
you may have made, and see if you can find it in the log file. If you really ca
nnot find anything useful in the log file, then add your own
logging messages until you have enough information to figure out what is going o
This guide will show you how the log files in OFBIZ work, how to add your own lo
gging, and what some common messages mean. It will assume that
you understand Java and the other related technologies, so the focus will be on
issues and messages unique to OFBIZ.
2. The OFBIZ Log Files
OFBIZ creates several log files and stores them all in the logs/ directory (open
taps-0.9 and prior versions) or framework/logs/ directory (post
opentaps-0.9) The files are:
- ofbiz.log.? - All logging messages generated by OFBIZ. This is cycled throu
gh, so ofbiz.log is most recent, ofbiz.log.1 is older, and ofbiz.log.2
is older than ofbiz.log.1
- console.log - A dump of everything that should be shown on the console while
OFBIZ is running. May not be available.
- access_log.? - A log file similar to the Apache httpd logs in format and sho
ws the requests to the server. Cute but not useful for debugging.
Most of the time, you will be looking at either ofbiz.log or console.log. Since
there is so much content, you should open them in an editor so you
can page through or search the logs.
3. Finding Log Messages
Java log messages are the easiest to find. They will have the name of the class
and the line number where the log message is generated:
111770[PaymentGatewayServices.java:776:INFO ] (Capture) Invoice [#10110] total:
Minilang methods will all show Log.java as the name of the class, such as this:
112499[ Log.java:103:INFO ] Finished quickShipEntireOrder:\nshipm
entShipGroupFacilityList=[[shipmentId=10120, facilityId=WebStoreWarehouse, shipG
roupSeqId=00001]]\nsuccessMessageList=[Created shipment with ID [10120] for ship
group ID [00001] for facility ID [WebStoreWarehouse]]
If you use the print directive in beanshell, the content of your print will just
show up like this in the middle of the log file:
2006-07-19 13:46:26,373 [ ServiceDispatcher.java:450:DEBUG] [[Sync service fini
shed- total:0.027,since last(Begin):0.027]] - 'ecommerce / getProductCategoryAnd
parentCategory = TABLE-LINENS-SOLIDS
2006-07-19 13:46:26,874 [ PriceServices.java:802:INFO ] PromoPrice and Prod
uctPriceAction had null amount and no default price was available, using list pr
ice: 2.0 for product with id 15899
If you use Debug methods in beanshell, you will get something like this:
2006-07-19 13:46:26,373 [ ?:?] parentCategory = TABLE-LINENS-SOLIDS
You may want to add your own information about where the log message is coming f
rom if you cannot find your minilang or beanshell log messages.
Everything generated by freemarker, screen-widget, or form widget will show up d
irectly on your browser screen. There is nothing to look for in the logs unless

those tools crashed.
4. Adding Your Own Logging Messages

To add your own logging messages in Java, use one of the OFBIZ Debug methods (or
g.ofbiz.base.util.Debug), such as logInfo, logWarning, logError, etc.:
Debug.logInfo("Now processing invoice " + invoiceId, module);
module is a String which is usually the name of the class and is set in most OFB
IZ Java classes at the top as a static.
To add a logging message in beanshell, use the same Debug method, but pass a Str
ing such as "" in place of module.
To add a logging message in freemarker, just display the variable you are trying
to track, such as:
${invoice} <#-- will display the entire GenericValue invoice -->
${invoice.invoiceId} <#-- will display the invoiceId field of invoice -->
To add a logging message in minilang, use the <log > directive and write out you
r value like you would in freemarker:
<log level="info" message="Now processing ${invoice}"/>
<log level="info" message="Now processing ${invoice.invoiceId}"/>
where level is used to set the level of logging, such as "info", "warning", "err
or", matching the Debug methods.
5. When You Need to Restart OFBIZ
You will need to restart OFBIZ server if you have changed any of the following:
- a Java file (don't forget to re-compile!)
- a config/ .properties file
- an entitymodel or entitygroup XML definition file
- a services or secas XML file
- a JPublish XML file
You do not need to restart the OFBIZ server if you have modified:
- a freemarker FTL template
- a beanshell BSH template
- a Screens XML file
- a Forms XML file
- the controller XML file (Note: on opentaps-0.8 and OFBIZ 3.x or earlier versio
ns, you will have to re-start if you modify the controller)
However, these files may require that you clear the cache in Web Tools > Cache M

6. Common Errors and What They Mean:
Cannot locate service by name (captureBillingAccountPayment)
* The service (captureBillingAccountPayment) was not found in any services.xm
l definition found.
Cannot find service location (org.ofbiz.order.order.OrderServices)
* This means that the services XML definition points to a resource which does
not exist. If it is a minilang or beanshell service, then the service engine
could not locate the file. If it is a Java service, then the class was not
found in any jar file in the path. Make sure that the file is where it's suppo
to be, that your Java classes have been compiled, and that your ofbiz-compo
nent XML points to the file.
Service method does not exist (com.opensourcestrategies.financials.invoice.Invoi
ceServices.setInvoiceDueDate(org.ofbiz.service.DispatchContext, java.util.Map))
* This means that this particular service has been defined in a services.xml,
but the Java method it refers to could not be found. Usually this happens beca
it was not compiled. If you've recently updated please use $ ant to compil
e again.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Could not get next sequenced ID for sequence
name: Party (Could not get next sequenced ID for sequence name: Party).
* System could not get the next automatic ID for the entity, in this case Par
ty. Usually a result of database disconnection.
ERROR: insert or update on table "inventory_item" violates foreign key constrain
t "inv_item_facility"
* Foreign key constraint violations are common problems that happen when you
try to set the value of a field to something which it cannot be set to, because
it is constrained by a foreign key to be only a value of another entity (ta
ble). For example, in this case, I tried to insert an InventoryItem entity with
a facilityId which did not exist in the Facility entity, so the "inv_item_f
acility" key was violated. To fix these problems, look for the constraint
(inv_item_facility in this case) in your entitymodel XML files, identify wh
ich entity and which field caused the problem, and make sure that your input is
valid or that your code is correct.
Error calling event: org.ofbiz.webapp.event.EventHandlerException: Service invoc
ation error (Commit transaction failed)
* This is a very nasty error message. What it actually means is that you cal
led a service which then triggered some other services down the line through an
ECA workflow, one of which has failed, thus causing your entire change of s
ervices to fail. The problem is that the service engine cannot track down the
error for you, so you have to go through the log file and find it yourself.
Go to your logs/ofbiz.log or logs/console.log and find the first error message
after your request began (it could be quite a ways down), and that will be
the one responsible for the problem.
Unable to bind UserTransaction/TransactionManager to JNDI
* This is a potential bug from the opentaps 0.8 and 0.9 and pre-Geronimo vers
ions of OFBiz which could happen on Linux. The solution may be found here:
Message: The entity name must immediately follow the '&' in the entity reference
org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: The entity name must immediately follow the '&' i
n the entity reference.
* This is an XSL:FO error and means that you had the character '&' in your te
xt, probably because it's part a description or address field. XSL:FO must be
properly formatted as xml, so make sure you put ?xml after all the text fie

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