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Tsingy de Bemaraha Strict

Nature Reserve
Tsingy de Bemaraha Strict Nature Reserve
Tsingy de Bemaraha Strict Nature Reserve comprises karstic landscapes and limestone
uplands cut into impressive 'tsingy' peaks and a 'forest' of limestone needles, the spectacular
canyon of the Manambolo river, rolling hills and high peaks. The undisturbed forests, lakes
and mangrove samps are the habitat for rare and endangered lemurs and birds.
&utstanding 'niversal (alue
Brief synthesis
The Tsingy de Bemaraha )ntegral Nature Reserve is located in the %istrict of "ntsalova and
in the region of the central est part of Madagascar. )t is part of the Melaky region, in the
autonomous province of Maha*anga, and locali+ed beteen ,,-.,/ to ,,-01/ longitude east
and 23-24/ to 25-65/ latitude south. )ts total area is 204,666 ha.
The Reserve offers a ide variety of geomorphological structures. )t is a veritable cathedral
of limestone and offers one of the most spectacular natural landscapes of the 7rand )sland
and even of the orld. The estern part of the plateau presents a very dissected or
8lapie+9e/ relief, most of hich is covered by a dense, dry and deciduous forest. )n its eastern
part, the forest is interspersed by savannas.
The Tsingy of Bemaraha is considered a centre for endemism by its ealth in faunal and
floral species.
Criterion (vii): The Tsingy de Bemaraha )ntegral Nature Reserve represents rare or
eminently remarkable geological phenomena and of e:ceptional beauty. )t presents
impressive geological elements including karstic scenery ith a highly dissected limestone
massif, crossed by a deep river gorge hich is the spectacular e:pression of a stage of
evolution of the earth in the form of a ; forest of sharp stones < ith high limestone
pinnacles rising up to 266 metres, forming veritable cathedrals, offering a grandiose,
spectacular natural landscape. !urther, ; the Tsingy < of the limestone plateau forms an
unusual feature of outstanding beauty, uni=ue in the orld, universally recogni+ed by the
effect created by the shades of forest green on metallic reflections of the grey karst >bristles?.
Criterion (x): The Tsingy de Bemaraha )ntegral Nature Reserve contains communities of
rare and@or threatened animal species. )n addition to a forestry cover of more than 30,666 ha
and e:cellent e:amples of principal types of ecosystem from rainforest habitats to very dry
ones, the property contains a very rich biological diversity on a orld level, due to its faunal
and floral species, their rarity and containment presenting spectacular adaption and insular
characteristics, enabling the conservation in situ of endemism and biological diversity. The
same applies to the habitats of very rare species all threatened ith e:tinction, hich are
either endemic or subordinateA 22 species of BemurC D bird speciesC 4 local endemic
amphibian speciesC 21 endemic reptile species including the famous miniscule chameleon,
Brookesia perarmataC as ell as a species of rodent, Nesomys lambertoni, that only e:ists in
the Reserve. Binked to the diversity of habitats, systematic research ill ithout doubt shortly
enable the addition of ne species to this list. !urthermore, certain surrounding lakes, also
dependent on the hydrological system of the property, have been listed as Ramsar sites.
Since its national listing in 2541, the protection of the Reserve is partially assured due to the
very difficult access formed by the karst barriers and vegetation formations still intact.
#urrently, the dense, dry forest covers an area of 36,666 ha, that is a little more than half of
the Reserve. )t still constitutes a suitable habitat for the conservation of animal and plant
species. "nother part of the property is composed of karst system ElimestoneF, forming an
e:ceptional landscape. The savanicole formation occupies nearly all the other half of the
Reserve E,1.DGF. This entire +one, that contains botanical characteristic elements of the
landscape, provides favourable natural conditions for livestock breeding. #onse=uently, each
year, anthropogenic fires cover some areas of the savanna and affect a part of the borders
and the forests. Human and cattle disruption to the integrity must be part of the elements to
monitor in the Reserve.
Irotection and management re=uirements
The Reserve has the status of ; )ntegral Natural Reserve < representing the strongest
protection at the national level, since 2541. 'ntil 2556, apart from the presence of a #hief of
the Reserve, staff from the Ministry of Jater and !orests assures the protection in situ, the
property has not had any organi+ed management structure. Hoever, the 7overnment,
'NKS#& and JJ! ere illing to allocate funds to improve management and
conservation. To this end, a document hich is at the same time a strategic management
plan for the Reserve, as prepared to constitute an overall planning reference. Iresently, the
Reserve has a management and conservation plan, including bush fire control, and the
implementation of this plan as already undertaken during this decade.
Since 2552, an institution mandated by the Malagasy State assures the management and
conservation of this site, the ; National "ssociation for the Management of Irotected
"reas <, that has become the ; Madagascar National Iarks <. Moreover, a change in the
status from the )ntegral Nature Reserve to National Iark is envisaged to redefine physically
and legally the boundaries as ell as the eventual promotion of ecotourism, in permanent
consultation ith the neighbouring communities and the State.
)n the border areas of the property, the management of ild fires in gra+ing lands ith the
communities remains one of the ma*or management concerns especially in the northern part.
"t the same time, developing tourism impacts shall be monitored to use as a socioLeconomic
integration tool hich does not negatively affect the integrity of the property in the midL or
longLterm, hist being a stimulant for local development. The financial income resulting from
the development of ecotourism is beginning to have its positive impacts on conservation
Bong %escription
The integral nature reserve of Tsingy of Bemaraha lies D6L36 km inland from the est coast
in the northern sector of the "ntsingy region of the Bemaraha Ilateau, north of the
Manambolo River 7orge. The additional forests and lakes nominated include all the
remaining native forest, mangrove and lakes beteen the est coast and the Bemaraha
Reserve, lying beteen the Sohanina and Manambolo rivers.
Much of the reserve integral to Tsingy de Bemaraha comprises limestone karst, delimited to
the east by abrupt cliffs hich rise some .66L,66 m above the Hanambolo River valley and
e:tend several tens of kilometres from north to south. The estern slopes rise more gently,
and the hole estern region of the reserve forms a plateau ith rounded hillocks hich
slope aay to the est. To the north undulating hills alternate ith limestone e:trusions,
hereas in the south e:tensive pinnacle formations make access e:tremely restricted. The
Hanambolo River 7orge is on the southern edge of the reserve. Both seasonal and
permanent rivers flo on the plateau Edraining to the estF, and numerous permanent
springs arise at the base of the Tsingy on both sides.
(egetation is characteristic of the calcareous karst regions of estern Madagascar, ith
dense, dry, deciduous forest, and e:tensive anthropogenic savannahs.
The fauna of the region has not been studied in any detail. The Tsingy is the only knon
location for chameleon, and the only estern dry forest site knon for Madagascar greyL
throated rail Eonly previously knon from northLestern and eastern MadagascarF. The
reserve is also the only protected area here the endemic nesomyine rodent is knon to
occur and there is also an unconfirmed report of ayeLaye *ust outside the reserve. &ther
notable species include goshak, hich may be threatened, and lemur, all of hich are Eor
may beF threatened.
SourceA 'NKS#&@#BT@JH#
Historical %escription
%ecember 2541, and is no protected under %ecree No. DDL4,4 of 2 $une 25DD. The ancient
cemeteries ithin the Manambolo 7orge, the gorge itself, and the Mforeet rochersM Ehich
includes the reserveF, are all designated Mnatural monuments and sitesM under a decree of 40
"ugust 25.1, all three being listed by an 'arrete' 22 !ebruary 25.5. Hoever, this latte r
designation does not imply any degree of management or protection.
SourceA "dvisory Body Kvaluation
The species listed belo represent a small sample of iconic and@or )'#N Red Bisted animals
and plants found in the property. #licking on the number in brackets ne:t to the species ill
reveal other Jorld Heritage Iroperties in hich a species has been identified. These species
are identified in an effort to better communicate the biological diversity contained ithin
Jorld Heritage properties inscribed under criteria i: and@or :.
Accipiter henstii @ Henst's 7oshak
Accipiter madagascariensis @ Madagascar Sparrohak
Anas bernieri @ Madagascar Teal
Ardea humbloti @ Madagascar Heron
Ardeola idae @ Madagascar IondLheron
Avahi occidentalis @ Jestern Joolly Bemur
Brookesia perarmata @ "ntsingy Beaf #hameleon
Canirallus kioloides @ Madagascar 7reyLthroated Rail
Cheirogaleus medius @ !atLtailed %arf Bemur
Circus macrosceles @ Madagascar Harrier
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