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edition, December 2011
Oberheim SEM-V
Oberheim SEM-V
Version 1.0
Project management
Kevin Molcard
Product management
Frdric Brun Romain Dejoie
Adrien Courdavault
Kevin Molcard
Niccol Comin
Shaun Ellwood (decoderdei!n"com# Mor!an $errier
Sound design
Norita%a &'u%ata
(len Darce)
Drew Neumann
Carl *o+!ren
(re! Sava!e
Deja.u Sound
Kevin *am'
$ierce /arnec%e
0im Cow!ill
0aon 1earn
Richard Courtel
Ed ,en E)c%
Ro!er *)on
Drew Anderon
Ree% 1avo%
Norita%a &'u%ata
$ierce /arnec%e
Antoine Bac%
,omo)a Fu%uchi
S)lvain Miemer
Niccol Comin
S2ecial than% to ,om 3'erheim +or creatin! uch an ama-in! )nthei-er4 and to (i'on
Cor2oration4 Koh Du%ai4 A%i 5ia%4 Charle Ca2i 6.4 $aul Steinwa)4 Silvere *etellier4
1outon 1a)ne4 Fran% 3rlich4 Steve *inde)4 Sean /eit-mann4 *aurent (uerin4 *aurent
Coueron4 Ale7 ,hea%ton4 Chritian *a++itte
8 AR,&R6A S"A" 9 :;;;<=>:: 9 All ri!ht reerved"
?4 Chemin de Malacher
@A=?> Me)lan
Table of Contents
1 ntroduction............................................................................................................!
" nstallation And Aut#ori$ation..............................................................................1%
=": /indow intallation (B$C.6S,ACD#""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""":@
="= MAC 3S B intallation""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""":?
="@ Authori-ation""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""":E
="@": Re!itration""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""":E
="@"= *icene download""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""":D
% &uic' Start............................................................................................................"1
( Using )#e *+er#eim SEM V..................................................................................."(
?": &e o+ $reet"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""=?
?":": Choice o+ a Ban%4 ,)2e4 $reet"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""=?
?":"= Savin! a uer 2reet"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""=F
?":"@ 6m2ortC E72ort o+ a 'an% o+ 2reet""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""=D
?"= &e o+ Controller""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""=D
?"=": $otentiometer""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""=D
?"="= Switche"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""=A
?"="@ .irtual %e)'oard""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""=A
?"="? M6D6 control""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""=A
?"@ S)nthei-er E72ander Module""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""=;
?"@": .C3"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""@>
?"@"= .CF""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""@:
?"@"@ EN. :"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""@:
?"@"? EN. ="""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""@=
?"@"E *F3 :"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""@=
?"@"F Su' 3c (3'erheim SEM . ori!inal#""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""@=
?"@"D *F3 = (3'erheim SEM . ori!inal#"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""@@
?"@"A E++ect (3'erheim SEM . ori!inal#""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""@@
?"@"; 3ut2ut""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""@?
?"@":> Ar2e!!iator (3'erheim SEM . ori!inal#"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""@?
?"@":: ,une And $ortamento""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""@?
?"? ,he to2 2anel modulation module"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""@E
?"?": Ke)'oard Follow"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""@E
?"?"= .oice $ro!rammer""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""@F
?"?"@ Modulation Matri7""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""@D
?"E E++ect""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""@D
?"E": 3verdrive""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""@A
?"E"= Choru"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""@A
?"E"@ Dela)"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""@A
! )#e +asics o, su+tracti-e s.nt#esis.......................................................................%/
E": 3cillator4 or .C3"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""@;
E":": Sawtooth""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""?>
E":"= $ule""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""?>
E":"@ $ule width Modulation""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""?:
E":"? S)nchroni-ation"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""?:
E":"E Su' 3cillator"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""?=
E":"F Noie"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""?=
E":"D Filter or .CF""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""?=
E":"A Am2li+ier or .CA """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""??
E"= 3ther module """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""??
E"=": ,he %e)'oard""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""??
E"="= ,he envelo2e !enerator """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""?E
E"="@ *ow +reGuenc) ocillator""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""?E
0 Elements *, Sound Design....................................................................................(1
F": Sim2le S)nth Bra""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""?D
F"= Clavinet<li%e deca)in! ound with %e)'oard +ollow""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""?A
1 Modes *, *2eration...............................................................................................!0
D": Standalone""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""E>
D"= .S,@H"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""E:
D"@ F?<'it com2ati'lit)"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""E:
D"? &in! a .S, and Audio &nit intrument in A'leton *ive"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""E:
D"E R,AS 9 $ro ,ool""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""E=
D"F Cu'ae .S,"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""E?
D"D *o!ic I Audio &nit (MAC 3S B onl)#""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""EE
1 N)R*DU3)*N
4rom t#e ,irst *+er#eim s.nt#esi$er u2 to )AE5
,homa Elro) 3'erheim wa 'orn on 0ul) D
:;@F in Manhattan4 Kana" 1i +irt attem2t at
'uildin! electronic eGui2ement came a+ter leavin! &C*A4 when he 'uilt an am2li+ier +or the $A
)tem o+ hi +riendJ 'and4 the &nited State o+ America" 3nce that wa com2leted4 the in!er
+or the &nited State o+ America a%ed ,om i+ he could 'uild them a rin! modulator< o he et
to wor% reearchin! how to create it" ,han% to an article ') 1arald Bode4 3'erheim wa a'le
to hand 'uild a model uita'le +or muical a22lication" ,hi wa the ver) +irt 2iece o+ hi
le!endar) muic eGui2ment4 and the 'e!innin! o+ a lon! carrer in the cra+tin! o+ uniGue and
+a'ulou oundin! electronic intrument" ,he rin! modulator wa an intant ucce and
'ecame widel) ued in muic 2roduction4 mot nota'l) in the oundtrac% o+ the +ilm KBeneath
the $lanet o+ the A2eK"
Eventurel)4 hi rin! modulator wa releaed to the mar%et a Maetro Rin! Modulator RM<:A4
!arnerin! wide2read 2oitive +eed'ac% and ued ') man) muician li%e 1er'ie 1ancoc%4 0an
1ammer4 0ohn *ord and more"
)#e Maestro RM61A Ring Modulator
A +ew )ear later4 3'erheim 'ecame ver) intereted with the ound o+ intrument 2la)ed
throu!h a *elie rotar) 2ea%er" ,hi +acination in2ired him to 2lan and contruct a 2hae
hi+tin! e++ect which wa intended to imitate the *elie 2ea%er oundL it wa releaed a
Maetro $S<:" 6t too wa a true ucce and old nearl) =E4>>> unit"
AR,&R6A 9 3'erheim SEM . 9 &erJ manual E
)#e Maestro PS61A P#ase S#i,ter
In 1969, he founded Oberheim Electronics.
t the !"" show In 19#1, $om Oberheim approached lan %obert &earlman of %& Instruments, Inc. and
as'ed him to become an %& dealer in (os n)eles. fter a positi*e con*ersation, Oberheim Electronics
became the first dealer of %& on the west coast of the +.,. and sold %& s-nthesi.ers to man- musicians
includin) (eon %ussel, %obert (amm and /ran' 0appa.
/hile wor%in! +or AR$4 he noticed that AR$=E>> had the 2oi'ilit) o+ 2la)in! two note at the
ame time (%nown a duo2honic#M he +ound thi much more interetin! and 2ower+ul than
re!ular mono2honic )nthei-er4 and o he decided to modi+) the AR$=F>>4 em2owerin! it
with the ame duo2honic 2otential a the AR$=E>> in :;D@"
6n addition to 'ein! an electronic wi-ard4 ,om 3'erheim wa alo an educated com2uter
en!ineer and u'eGuentl) dei!ned the DS<= di!ital eGuencer to control AR$ or Moo!
)nthei-er" ,hi 2ioneerin! device wa a hu!e te2 +orward 'ecaue the DS<= wa one o+ the
ver) +irt di!ital eGuencer4 and wa the +irt te2 toward ma%in! hi S)nthei-er E72ander
Module (or SEM#"
)#e *+er#eim DS6"A digital se7uencer
6n Ma) :;D?4 he howed the SEM4 that he dei!ned with the hel2 o+ Dave Roum o+ E<mu
S)tem4 at the Audio En!ineerin! Societ) Convention in *"A" ,he SEM wa the +irt
)nthei-er with the name N3'erheim ElectronicO on the mar%et"
AR,&R6A 9 3'erheim SEM . 9 &erJ manual F
)#e *+er#eim SEM
,om e72anded it conce2t a!ain with the hel2 o+ Dave Roum and Scott /ed!e (Co<+ounder
o+ E<mu S)tem# ') creatin! 2ol)2honic )nthei-er that were in e++ect com'ination o+ the
SEM with a di!ital %e)'oard in one carr)<cae"
,he) were %nown a the N3'erheim =<voice (,.S<:#O and N3'erheim ?<voice (F.S<:#O
)nthei-er4 and were releaed in :;DE"
1e reali-ed that o2eratin! thee 2ol)2honic )nthei-er in real time wa not 2ractical +rom a
muician tand2oint o he 'e!an to thin% o+ an alternate olution4 omethin! that would
render the intrument more trai!ht +orward and ea) to ue" ,he anwer he came u2 with
wa the $ol)2honic S)nthei-er $ro!rammer which could tore the )nthei-erJ ound
ettin!" ,hi wa the +irt voice 2ro!rama'le )nthei-er4 and a hu!e te2 in the world o+
ound )nthei"
AR,&R6A 9 3'erheim SEM . 9 &erJ manual D
)#e *+er#eim (6Voice
,he 3'erheim ?<.oice )nthei-er had a nota'le +eatureL it wa the one o+ the +irt electronic
intrument to 'oat multi<tim'ralit)" ,he ?<.oice wa or!ani-ed with the !rou2 o+
inde2endent mono2honic )nthei-er (SEM#4 which were controlled ') mater controller
ection that handled the main !lo'al control (it couldnJt however et the all 2arameter value
i"e" 3SC wave+orm4 +ilter reonance4 +ilter t)2e#"
,hi 2eci+ication< while alread) a major innovation in the world o+ )nthei-er< made it
li!htl) un2ractical to edit the machine in real time" 3n the other hand i+ the 2la)er wanted to
have di++erent ound +or ever) in!le note in the chord4 it wa 2oi'le< ma%in! it a trul)
2ower+ul and uniGue electronic intrument" ,here+ore4 when 2la)er 2la)ed a lead4 di++erent
ound would 'e 2roduced4 in a c)clical manner< a ver) di++erent a22roach to )nthei-er ')
toda)J tandard" 6t i worth notin! that thi +eature made %e) 2lit and union availa'le a
,he ne7t machine ,om created4 the N3'erheim A voiceO wa ver) imilar to the ?<voice4 and
can 'e ummari-ed 'aicall) a the F.S<: 2lu ? e7ternall)<com'ined SEM module" 6t
releaed in :;DD"
)#e *+er#eim 86Voice
A+terward4 3'erheim Electronic continued to 'e a 2roli+ic )nthei-er com2an)4 releain! the
3B<:4 3B<B4 3B<Ba4 3B<A4 B2ander and Matri7F and :=4 all hi!hl) re!arded and in+luential
6n :;AE4 3'erheim Electronic cloed4 however" 6t 'rand and ome o+ the 2roduct are
continued ') (i'on (uitar Cor2oration" ,om recentl) 'e!an 2roducin! hand<made u2dated
SEM and ha announced the releae o+ a ucceor to hi ori!inal ?<voice availa'le in the ne7t
+ew )ear"
AR,&R6A 9 3'erheim SEM . 9 &erJ manual A
A +etter emulation t#an's to )AE
< tandin! +or ,rue Analo! Emulation < i a new technolo!) dedicated to the di!ital
re2roduction o+ analo! circuit"
/hen im2lemented in o+tware code4 ,AE
al!orithm !uarant) the re2ect o+ hardware
2eci+ication" ,hi i wh) the 3'erheim SEM<. o++er an un2aralleled Gualit) o+ ound"
6n detail4 ,AE
Aliasing6,ree oscillators9
Standard di!ital )nthei-er 2roduce aliain! in hi!h +reGuencie4 and alo when uin! $ule
/idth Modulation or FM"
allow the 2roduction o+ totall) aliain!<+ree ocillator in all conte7t ($/M4 FMQ#4 and
at no e7tra C$& cot"
Linear ,re7uenc. s2ectrum o, an e:isting ;ell6'no;n so,t;are s.nt#esi$er
Linear ,re7uenc. s2ectrum o, t#e *+er#eim oscillator made ;it# )AE
AR,&R6A 9 3'erheim SEM . 9 &erJ manual ;
<etter re2roduction o, analog ;a-e,orms9
3ri!inal analo! ocillator ued ca2acitorR char!e and dichar!e c)cle to 2roduce common
wave ha2e (aw tooth4 trian!le4 Guare#" ,hi mean that wave+orm were li!htl) curved"
allow the re2roduction o+ the ca2acitor dichar!e"
)em2oral re2resentation o, a ;a-e,orm on a *+er#eim SEM
)em2oral re2resentation o, t#e *+er#eim SEM6V ;a-e,orm t#an's to )AE
6n addition4 ori!inal analo! ocillator were unta'le" Actuall)4 their wave ha2e were alwa)
li!htl) di++erent +rom one 2eriod to another" Alo4 due to analo! hardware enitivitie4 new
2eriod tri!!er time varied with the tem2erature and other environmental condition"
imulate the inta'ilit) o+ ocillator4 hel2in! to create warmer ound4 o+ten !iven the
a++ectionate term o+ N+atO"
AR,&R6A 9 3'erheim SEM . 9 &erJ manual :>
<etter re2roduction o, analog ,ilters
allow the emulation o+ analo!<dei!ned +ilter in a much more 2recie wa) than an)
e7itin! di!ital +ilter" 6n 2articular4 ,AE
ha mana!ed to re2roduce the le!endar) 3'erheim
<:=dB low<2a reonant +ilter with !reat re2ect toward the ori!inal"
3om2arati-e res2onse ,ilters
AR,&R6A 9 3'erheim SEM . 9 &erJ manual ::
,tandard 112d3 di)ital low1pass
resonant filter from a typical
software synthesizer
4er- selecti*e 112d3 resonance
filter of the Oberheim ,E"
TAE made "oo) resonance filter:
first 112d3 resonant filter to be that
m2lementation o, so,t cli22ing
6n analo! )nthei-er4 2articularl) 3'erheimJ4 the reonant +ilter at the .CA ue a current
limitin! +unction4 2reventin! the i!nal +rom 'ein! too loud (o+t cli22in!#"
re2roduce thi current limitin! +unction4 ma%in! the ound more natural" 6t alo allow
+ilter to enter el+<ocillation li%e ori!inal hardware )nthei-er do"
So,t6cli22ing trans,er ,unction
AR,&R6A 9 3'erheim SEM . 9 &erJ manual :=
*ow<2a reonant +ilter
6n2ut 3ut2ut
Current limiting
6nert the CD<R3M into the drive" E72lore the content o+ the CD<R3M4 dou'le clic% on the icon
named Oberheim SEM V"
At the +irt te2 o+ the intallation4 chooe the item(# to intallL
Standalone a22lication allow )ou to ue 3'erheim SEM . without an) DA/"
.S,@ i a new verion o+ .S, 2lu!<in" 6+ )ou onl) ue a .S, @ com2ati'le DA/ uch a
Cu'ae F4 )ou donJt have to intall the 2reviou verion o+ the .S, 2lu!<in4 o )ou can
a+el) unchec% N.S, 2lu!<inO"
6+ )ou ue a F?<'it $C with F?<'it /indow )ou can unchec% N.S, 2lu!<inO and N.S, @
R,AS i +or $rotool4 i+ )ou ue $rotool 2leae chec% thi 2lu!<in"
For more 2eci+ic in+ormation on thee 2rotocol4 2leae re+er to Cha2ter D"
6+ an) dou't4 jut elect all item4 the) wonJt each much di% 2ace"
A22lication and 2lug6in select ;indo;.
Ne7t4 i+ )ou have choen to intall the .S, ="? 2lu!<in4 )ou have to elect the detination
+older in the +ollowin! window"
AR,&R6A 9 3'erheim SEM . 9 &erJ manual :@
As de,aultD t#e %"6+it 2lug6in ;ill +e installed into Program 4iles @:80C and t#e 0(6+it 2lug6in
into Program 4ilesE3ommon 4iles
Sou can chan!e the detination +older4 i+ necear)" For e7am2le4 i+ )ou ue Cu'ae and all
other 2lu!<in had 'een intalled into the +older Stein'er! T .S, $lu!in4 )ou can elect the
+older a the detination o+ the 3'erheim SEM . .S, 2lu!<in"
,he intallation 2ro!ram now ha enou!h in+ormation to com2lete the intallation" /hen the
intallation 2roce i com2leted4 2leae 2roceed to authori-ation te2"
"." MA3 *S A NS)ALLA)*N
6nert the CD<R3M into the drive" E72lore the content o+ the CD<R3M4 then dou'le<clic% on the
icon named N3'erheim SEM . Setu2 MacO"
Follow thee te2L
read and acce2t the End &er *icene A!reement4
elect the item(# to intall which are Standalone4 .S,4 Audio&nit or R,AS"
AR,&R6A 9 3'erheim SEM . 9 &erJ manual :?
nstallation t.2e selection ;indo;
/hen 2rom2ted4 enter the adminitrator name and 2aword o+ )our com2uter in the
authentication window"
Aut#entication ;indo;
,he intallation 2ro!ram now ha enou!h in+ormation to com2lete the intallation" /hen the
intallation 2roce i com2leted4 2leae 2roceed to authori-ation te2"
".% AU)=*R>A)*N
".%.1 Registration
Now that )our 3'erheim SEM . ha 'een intalled4 )ou have to re!iter and authori-e the
,he +irt te2 i to re!iter )our o+tware in order to o'tain the activation code that will ena'le
)ou to actuall) ue the o+tware"
Sou hould have hand) the licene erial num'er o+ 3'erheim SEM . and the unloc% code
AR,&R6A 9 3'erheim SEM . 9 &erJ manual :E
(thee are inte!ral 2art o+ the o+tware and are 2rinted on a mall 2latic card#
Connect )our com2uter to the 6nternet4 and !o to thi we' 2a!eL
6+ )ou alread) have an Arturia account et
u24 im2l) lo! inL
6+ )ou donRt have an) Arturia account )et4
2leae create one nowL
,hi will ta%e )ou to thi +orm to +illL
3nce )ou are lo!!ed into )our account4 )ou can re!iter )our 3'erheim SEM . and o'tain )our
activation code"
(o to the NM) Re!itered $roductO ection o+ )our account and clic% on the NAddO 'uttonL
6n the +orm that a22ear4 elect N3'erheim SEM .O +rom the dro2 down menu4 and %e) in )our
)nthei-er serial num+er and unloc' code (a written on the re!itration card#L
AR,&R6A 9 3'erheim SEM . 9 &erJ manual :F
Sou hould then ee the con+irmation creenL
And +inall) there i a creen +rom which )ou can co2. t#e eLicenser acti-ation code" ,he
ver) ame in+ormation i ent to )ou ') email a a 'ac%u2"
".%." License do;nload
Now that )ou have retrieved the activation code4 launch the e*icener Control Center" ,hi
a22lication ha 'een automaticall) intalled on )our com2uter alon! the 3'erheim SEM .4 it i
accei'le thereL
/indowL Start T $ro!ram T e*icener T e*icener Control Center
Mac 3S BL Finder T A22lication T e*icener Control Center
,he hereunder creenhot have 'een ta%en under a Mac 3S B runnin! com2uterM however the
2roce i trictl) identical under a machine runnin! /indow B$C.itaCD" ,he ame +unction
a22l)4 onl) the !ra2hical uer inter+ace di++er4 and 2oi'l) alo the lan!ua!e ued" ,hee
mall detail hould not 2revent )ou +rom undertandin! the +ull 2roce"
6n the e*icener Control Center main window )ou hould ee a NSe*O (So+t<e*icener# virtual
don!le intalled onto )our com2uter"
AR,&R6A 9 3'erheim SEM . 9 &erJ manual :D
Oberheim SEM V
Oberheim SEM V
1111 2222 3333 4444
)#e eLicenser 3ontrol 3enter main ;indo;D s#o;ing an em2t. So,t6eLicenser
6n the e*icener Control Center menu4 clic% on the NEnter Activation CodeO 'utton4 and enter
the code when 2rom2ted" Sim2l) 2ate in the @=<di!it code )ouRve jut co2ied +rom )our
account on the AR,&R6A we'iteL
Enter t#e acti-ation code
Select the detination +or )our licene" De+ault detination i So+t<e*icener virtual don!le4 'ut
)ou can alo ue the &SB<e*icener hardware don!le i+ availa'leL
AR,&R6A 9 3'erheim SEM . 9 &erJ manual :A
Oberheim SEM V
Dongle destination ,or t#e license
,he e*icener Control Center i now read) to download the o+tware licene that will allow )ou
to ue 3'erheim SEM ."
!o trans"er #our license on another computer, or simpl# use Oberheim SEM V on se$eral
computers %one instance at a time&, #ou 'ill need(
to use an )S*+e,icenser hard'are dongle %the -Steinberg .e#/, sold separatel#, and
also used b# man# other so"t'are editors&0
in the e,icenser Control Center, to drag+and+drop #our license "rom the So"t+e,icenser
to the )S*+e,icenser.
!his trans"er, re1uiring a $alid 2nternet connection, can be done both 'a#s(
"rom So"t+e,icenser to )S*+e,icenser0
"rom )S*+e,icenser to So"t+e,icenser.
3lease chec4 the e,icenser documentation installed on #our computer "or an# "urther technical
Clic% on Start4 the 2ro!re 'ar hould advance until downloadin! i com2lete" A 2o2<u2
window will con+irm com2letion4 jut clic% NCloeOL
License do;nloaded success,ull.
AR,&R6A 9 3'erheim SEM . 9 &erJ manual :;
Now the main e*icener Control Center window hould how )our 3'erheim SEM . licene
intalled and activatedL
License is installed and acti-ated
6tR now time to launch the 3'erheim SEM ."
AR,&R6A 9 3'erheim SEM . 9 &erJ manual =>
Oberheim SEM V
% &U3F S)AR)
,hi cha2ter will hel2 )ou %now the main a2ect o+ how the 3'erheim SEM<. wor%" Sou will
'e 2reented with an overview o+ the di++erent 2art o+ the )nthei-er while uin! the 2ro!ram
+or the +irt time" Sou will alo +ind a detailed decri2tion o+ all vii'le ettin! and controller
in the +ollowin! cha2ter"
Cha2ter F KA +ew element o+ ound dei!nO4 i 2eciall) recommended +or thoe who are not
+amiliar with u'tractive )nthei and who wih to learn the 'aic in thi techniGue"
Using t#e 2resets
3'erheim SEM come with a !reat collection o+ 2reet ound 2ro!ram which were made ')
ome o+ the to2 )nthei-er ound dei!ner in the world" $reet are cate!ori-ed ') Ban%4
,)2e and Name"
,he 2reet elector are hown in three column4 +rom the ri!ht ide o+ the +lo22) di% icon to
the center o+ the tool 'ar"
AR,&R6A 9 3'erheim SEM . 9 &erJ manual =:
Main $anel
$itch Control
,ool Bar
,he Ban% ha u'<+older which are ort ') the name o+ the each o+ the ound dei!ner"
,he ,)2e ha u'<+older which i named with the ,)2e o+ the intrument"
For e7am2le4 i+ )ou choe the u'+older which named KN"&'u%ataK in the Ban% column then
chooe KBraK in the ,)2e column4 the lit o+ 'ra ound which made ') Mr" N"&'u%ata
a22ear on the ri!ht end column (2reet column#"
Selecting a 2reset
6+ )ou chooe KAll Ban%K and KAll ,)2eK4 the 2reet column how entire 2reet ound
2ro!ram o+ 3'erheim SEM ."
Modi,.ing t#e 2reset
V34 @Voltage 3ontrolled 4ilterC
Firt elect the +ollowin! 2reet L ,em2late C Bra C Sim2le Bra
,hi i a ver) im2le 'ra ound"
Second4 adjut the FREU&ENCS %no' in the .CF ection to le+t and ri!ht"
Sou ma) hear that tone i 'ecomin! o+ter or 'ri!hter 'ecaue now )ou are modi+)in! the cut<
o++ +reGuenc) o+ the .CF"
Adjut the FreGuenc) to a'out :>>1-4 then turn the M3D&*A,63N %no' ('elow FREU&ENCS#
to the center 2oition" Sou hould hear the tone 'ecome even o+ter"
,he value o+ the modulation %no' that control the cuto++ +reGuenc) o+ the .CF4 i de2endent
on the ettin! o+ EN. ="
*etJ et the modulation %no' to the ri!ht then turn the S&S,A6N %no' to the le+t o+ EN. =4
)ou will notice that the cut<o++ +reGuenc) o+ the .CF will 'e a++ected ') thi value"
Now liten to what ha22en when )ou turn the A,,ACK and the DECAS %no' o+ EN. ="
Now letJ to!!le the modulation ource +rom the EN. = to *F3 : or *F3 = ') movin! the witch
'elow the M3D&*A,63N %no'"
,he tone will chan!e continuoul) accordin! to the value o+ the *F3 rate"
Switch 'ac% to the EN. = and turn the modulation %no' to le+t end then adjut the +reGuenc)
%no' to the ri!ht end" Now the EN. modulation +or the .CF i inverted" Sou are now
modulatin! the .CF cuto++ ne!ativel)" ,r) chan!in! the attac%4 the deca) and the utain
AR,&R6A 9 3'erheim SEM . 9 &erJ manual ==
control o+ EN. = and liten to the reult"
*scillator mi:er
,he ocillator mi7er i in lower 2art o+ the .CF ection" Sou can chooe either the awtooth or
2ule wave +or each o+ the .C3"
6+ )ou adjut the .C3 : %no' to the to2 center 2oition4 )ou will not hear an) ound 'ecaue
the volume o+ the ocillator i at -ero"
*etJ turn the .C3 : %no' to the ri!ht4 the volume o+ the 2ule wave will 'e 2ro!reivel)
Now4 letJ turn the .C3= %no' +ull) le+t4 )ou can hear the mi7ed ound with the awtooth and
2ule wave"
*scillator tuning
6n the ocillator ection4 one o+ the mot commonl) ued i the tunin! +unction" /hen )ou clic%
on the FREU&ENCS %no' and dra! the moue4 thi %no' will adjut the ocillator 2itch in
emitone" /hen )ou ri!ht clic% or ControlVClic% and dra! the moue4 thi %no' will adjut the
+ine tunin! o+ the ocillator"
,o hel2 )ou undertand 'etter the 'aic o2eration o+ the )nthei-er4 we have 2rovided ome
im2le ound 2ro!ram" /hen )ou clic% the center ,S$E column4 u'+older are di2la)ed ')
t)2e o+ intrument"
*etJ elect an) o+ the ound 2ro!ram that )ou want to tr)" ,r) turnin! a variet) o+ %no' and
witche on the main 2anel and liten to how the tone chan!e"
Sa-ing t#e 2reset
,he 2reet now )ou have modi+ied could 'e aved a a new Kuer 2reetK"
,o ave a uer 2reet4 2leae clic% on the icon o+ the +lo22) di% that how two di% tac%ed4
thi i the SA.E AS +unction" A dialo! window will o2en"
Clic% on the row to in2ut the 'an%4 t)2e and 2reet name" Clic%in! 3% will ave )our new
Sour new &er 2reet can now 'e edited" &in! SA.E or SA.E AS )ou can overwrite the
e7itin! 2reet or create new 2reet"
AR,&R6A 9 3'erheim SEM . 9 &erJ manual =@
(.1 USE *4 PRESE)S
$reet let )ou memori-e the ound o+ the 3'erheim SEM<. that )ou create" A 2reet
contain all o+ the in+ormation 2ertainin! to the re2roduction o+ a ound" 6n thi o+tware4 the
2reet are claed in NBan%O and N,)2eO in order +or )ou to Guic%l) and eail) acce the
e7act ound )ouJre loo%in! +or" Each Ban% contain a certain num'er o+ ,)2e4 which !enerall)
determine a %ind o+ oundL ,)2e CBaO4 ,)2e CSound e++ectO4 K,)2eC$adK etc" Each ,)2e
contain within itel+ a certain num'er o+ 2reet"
3'erheim SEM<. i hi22ed with everal NFactor)O 'an% made ') our international team o+
ound dei!ner" But it i 2oi'le to create new NuerO 'an% o+ ound4 each containin! a
num'er o+ ,)2e and $reet" For ecurit)4 the NFactor)O 'an% cannot 'e directl) modi+ied" 6t
i nonethele 2oi'le to create or twea% a ound 'aed on a +actor) 2reet and then ave it
a a N&erO 2reet"
(.1.1 3#oice o, a <an'D ).2eD Preset
,he in+ormation +or the Ban%4 ,)2e and $reet currentl) in ue ') the 3'erheim SEM<. i
2ermanentl) di2la)ed in the )nthei-er tool 'ar"
Dis2la. o, current <an'D ).2e and Preset
,o chooe a 2reet in the current ,)2e4 clic% on the 'o7 the +urthet to the ri!ht o+ the three" A
dro2down menu a22ear with a lit o+ the 2reet o+ the ame ,)2e" Sou can chooe another
2reet ') clic%in! on it name in the dro2down menu" A oon a the 2reet ha 'een choen4
)ou can 2la) the new ound on )our M6D6 %e)'oard or +rom )our eGuencer"
3#oose a 2reset in t#e same ).2e
,o chooe a 2reet in the ame 'an%4 'ut a di++erent t)2e4 clic% on the middle 'o7" A dro2down
menu a22ear with a lit o+ the ,)2e o+ ound availa'le in the current 'an%<chooe one" Each
,)2e lited in the menu !ive acce to a lit o+ 2reet in the ri!ht 'o7 that reem'le the ,)2e
2eci+ied" Clic% on the name o+ a 2reet in the ri!ht 'o7 in order to elect a 2reet o+ a new
AR,&R6A 9 3'erheim SEM . 9 &erJ manual =?
3#oice o, a 2reset in anot#er ).2e
,o chooe a 2reet in another main 'an%4 clic% on the le+t<mot 'o7" A dro2down menu
a22ear with a lit o+ 'an% availa'le" Each 'an% contain a certain amount o+ ,)2e and
$reet contained in each o+ the ,)2e u'<'an%"
Sou can thu +reel) chooe a 2reet ') clic%in! on it name"
3#oice o, a 2reset in anot#er main +an'
6n each dro2down menu4 the NAllO o2tion at the to2 allow )ou to o2en a u'<lit with all o+ the
t)2e availa'le in all o+ the 'an%" ,hi !ive )ou acce directl) to all o+ the 2reet o+ a !iven
t)2e4 +or e7am2le all o+ the 'ae4 no matter which 'an% the) are in"
,hi +unction i 2articularl) ue+ul to Guic%l) ee all o+ the 2reet o+ the ame t)2e"
AR,&R6A 9 3'erheim SEM . 9 &erJ manual =E
3#oice o, 2reset regardless o, +an'
/hen a 2reet ha 'een modi+ied an ateri% a22ear ne7t to it name in the tool 'ar"
(.1." Sa-ing a user 2reset
,o ave )our ettin! modi+ication in the current 2reet4 clic% on the NSave aO 'utton in the
tool 'ar" ,he ave dialo! window will a22ear on the creen center" 6t allow )ou to ave )our
ettin! modi+ication (!enerall) called a Kvoice 2ro!ramK# a &er 2reet"
HSa-e asI +utton in t#e tool +ar
A 2revioul) e72lained4 +actor) 2reet are not allowed to 'e modi+ied" Sou ma) create a new
KBan%K and K,)2eK +irt"
Creatin! a new Ban%4 ,)2e4 and avin! )our voice 2ro!ram a a &er 2reet i ea)" Sou jut
clic% on the 'o7 on the to2<le+t4 and t)2e in the name o+ )our new 'an%" ,hen move to the
ne7t 'o7 (the ,)2e 'o7# ') clic%in! or uin! the ta' %e) and t)2e in the ,)2e name )ou wih
to ue" At the end4 clic% Ko%K" Now all the necear) 2rocee +or avin! )our voice 2ro!ram
have 'een com2leted4 and )ou have )our own Ban% and ,)2e a well W
6+ )ou want to cancel thi 2roce without avin! )our voice 2ro!ram4 jut clic% on the KBK to
the le+t o+ the ta' in thi dialo! window"
HSa-e as PresetI dialog ;indo;.
AR,&R6A 9 3'erheim SEM . 9 &erJ manual =F
(.1.% m2ortB E:2ort o, a +an' o, 2resets
6t i 2oi'le to im2ort new 'an% o+ 2reet conceived +or the 3'erheim SEM<." ,o im2ort a
new 'an% o+ 2reet4 clic% on the 2reet 'an% im2ort 'utton on the tool 'arL
Preset +an' im2ort +utton on t#e tool +ar
/hen )ou clic% on thi 'utton4 a window will a22ear allowin! )ou to chooe the 2reet 'an%
+ile +or the 3'erheim SEM<. (N"o'7O e7tenion#" Chooe the +ile that )ou want to im2ort4 and
clic% on N32enO" ,he new 'an% o+ 2reet will automaticall) a22ear amon! the availa'le 'an%"
3'erheim SEM<. eGuall) o++er the 2oi'ilit) to e72ort )our own ound to archive them4 to
ue them on another machine4 or to ma%e them availa'le to other uer" 6t i 2oi'le to
e72ort a $reet4 a ,)2e4 or a Ban%" ,o e72ort the current Ban%4 ,)2e4 or $reet4 clic% on the
e72ort 'utton in the tool 'ar o+ the 2ro!ramL
3urrent 2resetB+an' e:2ort +utton in t#e tool +ar
Select the t)2e o+ e72ort that )ou want to 2er+orm ('an%4 t)2e or 2reet# and a window will
a22ear4 !ivin! )ou acce to a choice o+ detination +older and +ile name +or the 'an% that )ou
are e72ortin!"
(." U SE *4 3*N)R*LLERS
3'erheim SEM<. ue = t)2e o+ controllerL 2otentiometer and witche" *etR ta%e a loo% at
thoe = t)2e o+ controllerL
(.".1 Potentiometers
A 2otentiometer determine the value o+ the variou control 2arameter" $lace the moue
2ointer over the %no'4 clic% on it and move )our moue u2 and down ') dra!!in! (li%e movin!
the lider#" ,hi will rotate the %no' in the (&64 and di2la) the new value in a )ellow dialo!
'o7 that a22ear ne7t to the %no'"

6t normal) wor% a a KCoareK adjutement" 1owever4 %no' can alo wor% a KFineK
adjutement +or more 2reciion4 when )ou dra! )our moue with control %e) 2reed4 or ')
AR,&R6A 9 3'erheim SEM . 9 &erJ manual =D
uin! the ri!ht clic% on )our moue"
,o reet the 2arameter value4 dou'le clic% on the %no'4 the %no' will et to the center 2oition
immediatel) (wor% onl) on ome 2arameter#"
(."." S;itc#es
3'erheim SEM<. ha two t)2e o+ witche" Sim2l) clic% on thee witche to chan!e their
tate" Some are o+ the KonCo++K t)le4 other allow a election o+ one out o+ everal o2tion"
(.".% Virtual 'e.+oard
,he virtual %e)'oard which a22ear 'elow the main 2annel can ma%e the )nthei-er 2la) a
ound without an e7ternal mater M6D6 %e)'oard and without 2ro!rammin! midi note in a
eGuencer" 0ut clic% and dra! on a virtual %e) to hear the corre2ondin! ound"
(.".( MD control
All the %no' and witche o+ the 3'erheim SEM<. can 'e mani2ulated with e7ternal M6D6
controller" Clic% on the M6D6 ai!n 'utton all the wa) to the ri!ht o+ the tool 'ar" Sou will ee
the ai!na'le 2arameter hi!hli!hted in a 'lueCviolet color"
Clic% on one that )ouJd li%e to control +rom an e7ternal controller" Notice that a+ter clic%in!4 the
2arameter which i read) to 'e ai!ned ha a 'lac% rectan!le around it4 in order +or )ou to
ee which 2arameter )ou are a'out to ai!n"
Sou can alwa) chooe to move that +ocu ') clic%in! on another 2arameter" Now move the
e7ternal lider4 %no' or witch" Ai!nment will 'e done intantl)L the colour o+ the 2arameter
will 'ecome hi!hli!hted in red4 and a M6D6 Control Chan!e num'er will 'e di2la)ed" ,o
unai!n a 2arameter4 )ou can ri!ht<clic% on it"
MD assign +utton
AR,&R6A 9 3'erheim SEM . 9 &erJ manual =A
E:ternal MD assign ;aiting mode
E7ce2tionall)4 when )ou clic% on the .C3: and = +reGuenc) %no'4 the dialo! window will how
u2" 6t allow )ou to ai!n M6D6 controller to 'oth the coare and +ine +reGuenc) 2arameter
3#oosing 3oarseB4ine dialog ;indo;
,hi 2art i the core o+ the ound !eneration and almot ever)thin! that ma%e the 3'erheim
SEM<. what it i can 'e +ind here" Sou ma) notice that SEM tand +or S)nthi-er E72ander
AR,&R6A 9 3'erheim SEM . 9 &erJ manual =;
(.%.1 V3*
.C3 i an ocillator which !enerate the +oundamental audio i!nal to 'e 2roceed" ,here are
two .C3 ection in the SEM<.4 named .C3: and .C3="
6n thi ection4 )ou can et the 2itch ') uin! the +reGuenc) %no'4 modulation de2th +or
ocillator 2itch modulation or 2ule width amount" ,hee %no' are +ound 'elow the +reGuenc)
,heir wave+orm4 however4 are chooen in the .CF ection on the module"
,he 'ottom<mot %no' in the .C3 ection control the width o+ the 2ule wave" /hen thi
%no' et at center 2oition4 the 3SC !enerate a )mmetrical Guare wave4 and when it move
to cloc%wie or counter cloc%wie4 the wave+orm 2ro!reivel) chan!e to an a)mmetrical
ha2e and the tone alo chan!e with it"
,he witch in 'etween 3SC : and = i an onCo++ witch +or ocillator 2itch )nchroni-ation"
/hen thi witch i on the 2itch o+ 3SC = will 'e +orced to )nchroni-e with the 2itch o+ 3SC:"
5 6or more details o" OSC s#nc, please ha$e a loo4 at the net chapter.
,he modulation %no' can have two di++erent +unctionL i+ turned to the le+t ide4 it will control
how much o+ the the elected modulation ource a++ect the ocillator +reGuenc)" But i+ turned
on the ri!ht ide4 it will a++ect the modulation o+ the 2ule width" 6n the center 2oition4 which
can 'e reached ') dou'le<clic%in! +or eae o+ ue4 there i no modulation o+ +reGuenc) or o+
2ule width"
,he witch 'elow the modulation %no' determine the .C3J modulation ourceL either EN.4
*F3: or *F3 ="
AR,&R6A 9 3'erheim SEM . 9 &erJ manual @>
(.%." V34
,hi ection determine the tone character o+ )our ound"
FREU&ENCS L ,hi 2arameter indicate the +reGuenc) to 'e +iltered which i de2endant on the
+ilter t)2e"
RES3NANCEL 6t normal) enhance the +reGuenc) determined ') the FREU&ENCS %no' e7ce2t
when the +ilter t)2e i et to notch"
5 6or more details about "ilter t#pe, please ha$e a loo4 at the net chapter.
M3D&*A,63N L ,he de2th o+ +ilter +reGuenc) modulation" V(cloc%wie# mean 2oitive value
and <(counter cloc%wie# mean ne!ative value" A dou'le clic% will reet the value to -ero"
,he +ilter t)2e elector i the %no' to the ri!ht o+ the M3D&*A,63N %no'" Sou can chooe the
t)2e o+ +ilter )ouJd li%e to ue4 amon! the ? %ind o+ +ilter t)2e availa'leL low 2a4 notch4
hi!h 2a or 'and 2a"
Modulation Source elector L ,hi witch determine the modulation ource a++ectin! the +ilter
+reGuenc)L EN.=4 *F3: or *F3="
3n the ver) 'ottom o+ the .CF ection are three additional Jmi7J %no'"
.C3 :L ,hi %no' wor% a wave+orm elector 'etween awtooth (i+ turned toward the le+t#
and 2ule (i+ turned toward the ri!ht# and alo wor% a volume +or each wave+orm4 ince the
center 2oint i no volume +or either wave+orm" Sou can dou'le<clic% on it to reet it to the
.C3 = L ,hi %no' wor% +or .C3=4 and the +unction i the ame a the .C3: %no'" Sou can
alo dou'le<clic% on it to reet it to the center"
EB, L ,hi %no' wor% a ource elector 'etween u' ocillator (i+ turned to the le+t# and the
noie (i+ moved to the ri!ht# and alo wor% a a volume control +or each audio i!nal" Sou can
dou'le<clic% on it to reet it to the center"
(.%.% ENV 1
EN. i an a'reviation o+ Envelo2e" 6t create a modulation ha2e that i ued to control the
.CA am2litude4 or volume4 o+ each SEM<. voice" ,hi ha2e i !enerated ever) time a note i
AR,&R6A 9 3'erheim SEM . 9 &erJ manual @:
2la)ed4 and the three %no' 2reent in the EN.: ection (Attac%4 Deca) and Sutain# hel2
determine the ha2e o+ the envelo2e"
6n the cae o+ the SEM<.4 the EN.: can alo 'e ent a a modulation ource to .C3:J 2itch or
2lue width"
(.%.( ENV "
EN. = i not directl) ent to a SEM<. 2arameter li%e EN. : (ent to the .CA#" 6t can 'e viewed
a an e7ternal Modulation ource4 and can 'e ent to the +ilter +reGuenc) in the .CF or ele to
the +reGuenc) or 2ule width modulation o+ .C3="
5 On Oberheim SEM+V, the Deca# 4nob controls the release time as 'ell. 3lease ha$e a loo4 net chapter
"or more details.
(.%.! L4* 1
*F3 : !enerate a inewave +or modulation 2ur2oe" ,he +reGuenc) %no' et how K+atK the
*F3 i runnin!" 6+ )ou turn the witch to the KonK 2oition4 the +reGuenc) will 'e )nchroni-ed
with the hot eGuencerJ tem2o and )ou can et the ratio 'etween :C@= to :F time the hot
)#e ,ollo;ing 2arameters include +rand6ne;D original modules o, ArturiaKs *+er#eim
SEM6V t#at t#e real SEM didnKt #a-e.
(.%.0 Su+ *sc @*+er#eim SEM V originalC
,he u22er witch determin the wave +orm o+ the Su' 3cillator4 either ine4 awtooth or
2ule" Sou can choe the 2itch to 'e either o+ : or = octave lower than .C3 :J 2itch" ,he
%no' on the ri!ht ide control the width o+ 2ule wave"
5 Sub Osc is not a independent oscillator, the pitch is al'a#s identical o" Osc 1 and is either 1 or 2
AR,&R6A 9 3'erheim SEM . 9 &erJ manual @=
octa$es lo'er. 6or the detail, please read the chapter 7.
(.%.1 L4* " @*+er#eim SEM V originalC
3n thi *F34 )ou can choe the modulation wave+orm ') uin! the u22er witchL either ine4
awtooth or Guare"
6+ )ou turn the KSSNCK witch to the K3NK 2oition4 the +reGuenc) will 'e )nchroni-ed with the
hot eGuencerJ tem2o and )ou can chooe the ratio 'etween :C@= to 7:F the tem2o"
6+ the KRE,R6(K i et to K3NK4 the *F3 2hae will 'e reet when a %e) i 2la)ed4 i+ there are
no other %e) 2reed" 3therwie4 the *F3 will 'e +ree<runnin!"
,he KFADE 6NK %no' allow the *F3 am2litude to rie continuoul) +rom the moment a %e) i
2reed4 with a duration which i et ') thi %no'"
,he *F3 = i a mono2honic *F3L when 2la)in! the 3'erheim SEM . in a 2ol)2honic wa)4 it will
modulate all voice identicall)" 3n the other hand4 *F3: i 2art o+ the SEM module4 o it i
re2licated in each voice"
(.%.8 E,,ects @*+er#eim SEM V originalC
3'erheim SEM<. ha @ %ind o+ e++ect (Ditortion4 Choru and Dela)#" Sou can turn them on
or o++ ') uin! the witche on the ri!ht ide and control the dr)Cwet 'alance ') adjutin! the
%no' to the le+t"
5 6or the details o" the "unction o" these e""ects, please read the chapter 8.
AR,&R6A 9 3'erheim SEM . 9 &erJ manual @@
(.%./ *ut2ut
,he *evel or Mater .olume %no' adjut the +inal out2ut level o+ the audio i!nal" 6t can ran!e
+rom <A>dB to V=?dB4 o 'e care+ul4 'ecaue it ma) caue audio cli22in! i+ et too hi!h"
,he So+t<cli2 +eature allow to introduce a ver) u'tle ditortion to the i!nal which 'rin!
ome additional warmth4 li%e on analo! out2ut ta!e" At hi!h volume level4 thi ma) caue
unwanted ditortion"
(.%.10 Ar2eggiator @*+er#eim SEM V originalC
/hen the u22er le+t witch i on4 the SEM automaticall) 2la) an ar2e!!io accordin! to the
note which )ou 2la)" /hen the witch i in the K13*DK 2oition4 the Ar2e!!iator continue to
2la) the note or chord which )ou 2la)ed a+ter %e) are o++< and until ne7t note or chord i
,he lower le+t witch determine the t)2e o+ ar2e!!io when more than : octave i 2la)edL
u2ward4 downward4 u2ward and downward4 or random note"
,he rate %no' controll the 2eed o+ ar2e!!io" 6+ the u22er ri!ht witch i on (S)nc#4 the 2eed
i )nchroni-ed with the hot eGuencer and the %no' wor% a tem2o ratio that i et
accordin! to the hot eGuencerJ tem2o"
,he lower ri!ht witch elect the octave ran!e o+ the ar2e!!io" (: to ? octave#
(.%.11 )une And Portamento
,&NE control the mater tunin! o+ 3'erheim SEM<. within AX?=>1- to ?F>1-"
,he $3R,AMEN,3 ection ha = 2arameter" ,he 3N<3FF witch and the %no' that adjut
2ortamento time in 'etween > milliecond to =>>> milliecond" $ortamento create a !lide in
2itch 'etween two note that are 2la)ed one o+ter the other"
AR,&R6A 9 3'erheim SEM . 9 &erJ manual @?
,he to2 2anel (which can 'e o2ened ') clic%in! on the N3$ENO 'utton on the ri!ht ide o+ the
tool'ar# !ive acce to @ 2ecial +unction e2eciall) made +or the 3'erheim SEM<." ,hee
advanced modulation +unction are not availa'le on the ori!inal analo! SEM and hi!hl)
enhance the ound ma%in! ca2acitie o+ the SEM<.L the NKe)'oard FollowO4 the NA .oice
2ro!rammerO4 and the NModulation Matri7O"
Ke)'oard +ollow i a +airl) common 2arameter +or man) %ind o+ )nthei-erM however4 thi
N%e)'oard +ollowO ha a everal new +eature which are ure to ma%e it tand out +rom the
(.(.1 Fe.+oard 4ollo;
,he Ke)'oard Follow module o+ the 3'erheim SEM<. allow )ou to modi+) the value o+ u2 to F
2arameter accordin! to the note that i 2la)ed on the %e)'oard" 6t doe thi ') lettin! )ou
draw the curve o+ Jreactivit)J4 o to 2ea%4 'etween the 2itch o+ the note and the 2arameter
?"?":": ActivateCDeactivate Ke)'oard +ollow
Sou can activate or deactivate %e)'oard +ollow +unction !lo'all) (+or all F 2arameter# and
individuall) +or each 2arameter"
,o activate or deactivate the entire %e)'oard +ollow +unction4 clic% on the to2 le+t 'utton (ne7t
to the word NKESB3ARD F3**3/O#L it will to!!le the +unction on and o++"
,o activate or deactivate individual %e)'oard +ollow 2arameter4 clic% on the corre2ondin!
'utton to the ri!ht o+ each individual 2arameter name (in the 2arameter column on the le+t#"
?"?":"= Multi 'rea% 2oint
Each %e)'oard +ollow 2arameter ha E de+ault 'rea% 2ointL = +i7ed 2oition 2oint (+or low and
hi!h end# and @ mova'le one in 'etween"
Sou can eail) add or remove the num'er o+ 'rea% 2oint" 0ut clic% an)where on the creen to
add a new 2oint" Ri!ht<clic% on the circle to remove the 'rea%2oint" ,o move a 'rea%2ointJ
2oition4 im2l) clic% and hold on the circle and move it ') dra!!in!"
,he num'er o+ the 'rea%2oint i limited to @="
AR,&R6A 9 3'erheim SEM . 9 &erJ manual @E
?"?":"@ *inear and e72onential lo2e
,he lo2e 'etween each 'rea%2oint can 'e 'etween linear or e72onential" Sou can chan!e the
curve 'etween two 2oint ') dra!!in! the u2 and down arrow that are in the middle o+ each
line e!ment 'etween two 'rea%2oint"
?"?":"? Chan!ea'le detination and activation witch
,he %e)'oard +ollow detination are chan!ea'le" 0ut ri!ht clic% on the column on the le+t
ideL a dro2 down menu will a22ear howin! )ou the 2arameter that can 'e ai!ned a
detination o+ the %e)'oard +ollow" Sou will alo have the o2tion o+ clearin! the current curve
+or the elected 2arameter"
(.(." Voice Programmer
,he A .oice $ro!rammer module o+ the 3'erheim SEM . allow )ou to chan!e the value o+ u2
to F 2arameter accordin! to the current tate de+ined ') the N'oardO (ee ="=#" ,he word
'oard re+erence the Circuit Board ued in the ori!inal 3'erheim 2ol)2honic )nthei-er to
!ive it =4 ? or A e2arate multi<tim'ral voice" /ith thi module4 )ou can thin% o+ the
3'erheim SEM . a an 3'erheim A<.oice )nthei-er4 where each voice can 2la) a di++erent
ound4 o2enin! u2 an entire world o+ multi<tim'ralit)"
?"?"=": ActivateCDeactivate .oice $ro!rammer
Sou can activate or deactivate Voice 3rogrammer +unction !lo'all) and individuall)" ,o activate or
deactivate entire +unction o+ the voice 2ro!rammer4 clic% on the to2 le+t 'utton (ne7t to N.oice
$ro!rammerO#L it will to!!le the +unction on and o++"
,o activate or deactivate individual .oice $ro!rammer ettin!4 clic% on the 'utton to the ri!ht
o+ the 2arameter name"
?"?"="= $ol)2hon)
,he 2ol)2hon) o+ 3'erheim SEM<. i4 in theor)4 limited to @= voice (de2end on C$& 2ower#"
1owever4 in order to re2roduce the multi<tim'ral +unction li%e a real 3'erheim ? voice or A
voice4 the SEM<. i eGui22ed with ei!ht ound module (which are called N'oardO#"
,o et the num'er o+ multi<tim'ral J'oardJ (when in 2ol) mode#4 clic% on 'utton : to A
(vii'le on the 'ottom o+ the window# to turn the corre2ondin! 'oard on or o++"
?"?"="@ ,he Barline
,he 'arline o+ the window allow one to o++et the deired 2arameter value +rom it ori!inal
value de+ined on the main 2anel (uin! the normal (&6 inter+ace %no'#" For each 'arline4 the
center 2oition re2reent the ame 2arameter value a the value de+ined on the main 2anelL
there i no modulation o+ the 2arameter" Movin! the 'arline u2ward mean !ivin! the
AR,&R6A 9 3'erheim SEM . 9 &erJ manual @F
2arameter a 2oitive o++et wherea movin! the 'arline downward mean !ivin! the
corre2ondin! 2arameter a ne!ative o++et"
?"?"="? Chan!ea'le detination and activation witch"
,he .oice $ro!rammer detination i chan!ea'le" 0ut ri!ht clic% on the column on the le+t
ideL a dro2 down menu will a22ear howin! )ou the 2arameter that can 'e ai!ned a
detination o+ the .oice $ro!rammer"
?"?"="E Allocation mode
,he 'ottom le+t 'lac% 'o7 determine the mode o+ voice allocationM in eence4 the direction"
3n F/D (+orward#4 the 'oard !oe +rom le+t to ri!ht" 6t !oe the other wa) on B/D
('ac%ward#4 and can alo 'e 2la)ed 'ac% and +orth on F/D B/D (Forward and 'ac%ward#"
Finall)4 it can ma%e the 'oard 2la) random) with the RAND3M ettin!"
(.(.% Modulation Matri:
,han% to thi +eature4 )ou can modulate man) 2arameter value ') everal control ource
uch a $itch 'end4 Modulation wheel4 .elocit)4 A+tertouch4 *F3 and Envelo2e"
,o o2erate the modulation matri74 jut clic% on the JSourceJ column and elect the control
ource" ,hen clic% on the detination column and elect one o+ the detination 2arameter"
,he Amount %no'4 in 'etween the two JourceJ and JdetinationJ menu4 et how much
modulation i ent +rom the ource to the detination" ,he center 2oition i the -ero value4
meanin! no modulation i ent" ,urnin! thi %no' to the le+t mean !ivin! the detination
2arameter a ne!ative amount o+ modulationM turnin! it to the ri!ht mean a 2oitive amount"
Sou can alo ma%e a Nla)ered ai!nmentO4 meanin! )ou can elect multi2le ource (in the le+t
column# to 'e the ame modulation ource4 then ai!n them to di++erent detination" For
e7am2le4 with the modulation wheel4 )ou can control the *F3 de2th and .CF cut o++ at the
ame time"
Converel)4 )ou can control ame detination with di++erent ource4 +or e7am2le4 control *F3
de2th ') 'oth the Modulation wheel and ') A+tertouch"
(.! E44E3)S
3'erheim SEM<. ha @ %ind o+ e++ect which are ditortion (overdrive#4 choru and dela)"
AR,&R6A 9 3'erheim SEM . 9 &erJ manual @D
(.!.1 *-erdri-e
DR6.EL Adjut the de!ree o+ ditortion"
DAM$6N(L Reduce the hi!h<+reGuenc) content o+ the out2ut"
(.!." 3#orus
S1A$E L Select the choru modulation wave+orm" Sou can choe either ine wave or noie"
RA,E L Modulation 2eed"
DE$,1 L Modulation de2thCamount"
FEEDBACK L .alue o+ the modulation +eed'ac%"
S$READ L Stereo width o+ the choru e++ect"
DE*AS L Dela) time o+ modulated i!nal (wet i!nal#"
,EM$3 SSNC L /hen thi 'utton i hi!hli!hted4 the modulation rate varie in 2ro2ortion to the
hot eGuencerJ tem2o"
(.!.% Dela.
*6NK L /hen thi 'utton i hi!hli!hted4 le+t and ri!ht channelJ dela) time will 'e identical"
,6ME L Dela) time"
FEEDBACK L Dela) +eed'ac% level"
$6N( $3N( L /hen thi 'utton i hi!hli!hted4 the dela)ed i!nal will 'e re2eated with tereo
DAM$6N( L ,one control o+ the dela) i!nal" Movin! thi %no' to the ri!ht will reduce hi!h
,EM$3 SSNC L /hen thi 'utton i hi!hli!hted4 the dela) time are 2ro2ortional to the hot
eGuencerJ tem2o"
AR,&R6A 9 3'erheim SEM . 9 &erJ manual @A
! )=E <AS3S *4 SU<)RA3)VE SJN)=ESS
3+ all +orm o+ ound )nthei4 u'tractive )nthei i one o+ the oldet and till certainl) one
o+ the mot em2lo)ed toda)" 6t i thi method that wa develo2ed on analo! )nthei-er li%e
the Moo!4 AR$4 Samaha4 Buchla4 3'erheim4 SeGuential Circuit ($ro2het erie#4 Roland4 Kor!
and man) other toward the end o+ the D>R" ,hi conce2t o+ u'tractive )nthei i till ued
on mot current di!ital )nthei-er4 com2lementin! am2le readin! or wave ta'le4 which
2ro!reivel) re2laced the analo! ocillator o+ the +irt )nthei-er in the A>R" 3'erheim
SEM4 or even )our own 3'erheim SEM<.4 i amon! the 'et illutration o+ the enormou
2oi'ilitie o+ u'tractive )nthei"
)#e t#ree main elements
!.1 *S3LLA)*RD *R V3*
3cillator (Voltage 3ontrolled *scillator# i the tartin! module (with the noie !enerator
which i o+ten claed amon! the ocillator# +or the creation o+ a ound on an analo! )tem"
6t will !enerate the initial ound i!nal" /e can thin% o+ the ocillator li%e a violin trin! that
once tro%ed or 2luc%ed4 vi'rate to create it ound"
)#e oscillators
,he main ocillator ettin! areL
,he 2itc#4 determined ') the ocillation +reGuenc)" Sou can et the +reGuenc) o+ the
ocillator with controller %no'"
On the Oberheim SEM +V, pitch changes are made b# semitone steps %Corse& 'hen #ou mo$e the 4nob. 2" mo$ing
'ith the control 4e# pressed, the 4nob 'or4s as a -"ine/ tuning 4nob %changes the "re1uenc# in Cents&.
,he ;a-e,orms4 which determine the harmonic richne o+ the audio i!nal" 3n the
3'erheim SEM<.4 the wave+orm hown 'elow are availa'leL
Su' 3cillator (: or = octave lower than 3SC:4 electa'le a a aw or Guare #
AR,&R6A 9 3'erheim SEM . 9 &erJ manual @;
*+er#eim SEM6V ;a-e,orm selector
!.1.1 Sa;toot#
,he sa;toot# ;a-e 2reent a rich audio i!nal (it contain all o+ the harmonic at
decreain! volume level in hi!h +reGuencie#" 6t ound i ideal +or 'ra4 trin!4
2ercuive 'a4 or rich accom2animent ound"
)ime and s2ectral re2resentations o, t#e sa;toot# ;a-e,orm
!.1." Pulse
Pulse ;a-e 2oee a more NhollowO ound that the awtooth (it contain onl)
odd harmonic#" 6t i o+ten ued +or woodwind ound li%e clarinet or o'oe
(de2endin! on the 2ercenta!e o+ $ule /idth#4 and deca)in! ound uch a 2iano
or !uitar"
AR,&R6A 9 3'erheim SEM . 9 &erJ manual ?>
)ime and s2ectral re2resentations o, t#e 2ulse @to2C and s7uare @+ottomC ;a-e,orms
!.1.% Pulse ;idt# Modulation
P?M (Pule ?idth Modulation# i a ettin! that allow )ou to modi+) the 2ercenta!e o+ the
a)mmetric diverit) o+ 2ule wave ') uin! an *F3 or the Envelo2e !enerator" ,hi 2ule
width variation tranlate to a 2ectrum modi+ication4 reem'lin! a wave+orm chan!e"
,he$ation o+ an ocillator with another create more com2le7 wave+orm" 6+ +or
e7am2le4 )ou )nchroni-e ocillator= with ocillator:4 ocillator= will retart a new 2eriod ever)
time the +irt ocillator com2lete a 2eriod4 even i+ ocillator= ha not com2leted a +ull 2eriod
(thi i!ni+ie that it i not tuned to the ame tonalit)W# ,he more )ou tune ocillator=
u2ward4 the more )ou will encounter com2oite wave+orm"
AR,&R6A 9 3'erheim SEM . 9 &erJ manual ?:
n t#e a+o-e imageD oscillator" is$ed ;it# t#e ,irst oscillator and tuned to dou+le
t#e tonalit.. )#e resulting ;a-e,orm is uni7ue in t#at it cannot +e created +. standard
s.nt#esis tec#ni7ues suc# as la.ering or ,iltering.
!.1.! Su+ *scillator
,he Su' 3cillator i not an inde2endent ocillator module" 6t 2itch i derived ') ta%in! the
2itch +rom 3cillator : and uin! a +reGuenc) divider to dro2 the 2itch ') either : or =
6t i o+ten ued in in!le 3SC )nthei-er to ma%e the ound richer and +atter4 li%e an octave
union 'a ound"
!.1.0 Noise
,he noie i!nal 2ectrum ha all +reGuencie at an eGual volume level4 o+ten re+erred to a
Nwhite noieO" For thi reaon4 the noie i ued to create 2ecial ound e++ect4 li%e the
imitation o+ the wind4 jet 2lane4 helico2ter4 team locomotive and much more"
3n 2re<ca'led (2atched# )nthei-er4 the noie i either inte!rated into the ocillator (it
audio out2ut 'ein! 2laced to com2liment the wave+orm out2ut#4 or within the mi7er directin!
the i!nal toward the +ilter"
!.1.1 4ilter or V34
,he audio i!nal !enerated ') an ocillator (the wave+orm# i then uuall) directed to a +ilter
module (Voltage 3ontrolled 4ilter#" 6t i thi module that we ue to control the ound ')
+ilterin! (') u'traction4 which e72lain the name !iven to thi t)2e o+ )nthei# the
harmonic ituated around a cut<o++ +reGuenc)" 6t can 'e een a a o2hiticated eGuali-er that
reduce4 de2endin! on the cae4 the hi!h or low +reGuencie o+ a ound"
AR,&R6A 9 3'erheim SEM . 9 &erJ manual ?=
E":"D": Cut<o++ +reGuenc)
,he removal o+ undeira'le +reGuencie at the cut<o++ +reGuenc) i not done uddenl) 'ut
2ro!reivel)4 de2endin! on the +ilterin! lo2e" ,hi +ilterin! lo2e i e72reed in deci'el 2er
octave (or dBC3ct#" ,he +ilter ued in claic analo! )nthei-er have =? dBC3ct or := dBC3ct
3'erheim SEM<. o++er one t)2e o+ lo2eL := dBC3ct lo2e"
S2ectral re2resentation o, 1"D< LP ,iltered signal @roug#C
/ith the 3'erheim SEM<.4 )ou have acce to three t)2e o+ +ilterin!"
,he *ow<2a +ilter (*$F# 2ro!reivel) eliminate hi!h +reGuencie a'ove the ai!ned
+reGuenc) limit (cut<o++ +reGuenc)# and allow the +reGuenc) o+ the ound 'elow the cut<o++ to
2a throu!h" /e will hear the ound 'ecomin! more N'ri!htO a we au!ment the cut<o++
+reGuenc)4 or more Nmu++ledO a we lower the cut<o++"
,hi i the t)2e o+ +ilterin! that )ou will +ind mot o+ten on )nthei-er that ue u'tractive
)nthei" 6t can 'e +ound on mot o+ the recent analo! and di!ital )nthei-er"
S2ectrum o, a noise signal 2roceed ;it# a lo;62ass ,ilter
,he Notch Filter eliminate +reGuencie around the cut<o++ +reGuenc) and allow all other
+reGuencie to 2a throu!h"
,he 1i!h<2a +ilter 2ro!reivel) eliminate hi!h +reGuencie 'elow the cut<o++ +reGuenc) and
allow the +reGuencie a'ove the cut<o++ to 2a throu!h" /e will hear the ound 'ecomin!
more NthinO a the cut<o++ +reGuenc) i au!mented4 or more Nthic%O a the cut<o++ i reduced"
Band<2a +ilter eliminate the +reGuencie a'ove and 'elow the cut<o++4 and allow the 'and
around the cut<o++ +reGuenc) to 2a throu!h"
E":"D"= Reonance
A econd ettin! to com2liment the cut<o++ +reGuenc) i the reonance" Sou will alo +ind it
called NEm2haiO or NUO 9 +or Uualit) o+ +ilterin! on certain )nth"
Reonance am2li+ie the 'and around the cut<o++ +reGuenc)" De2endin! on the t)2e o+ +ilter4
reonance reduce the +reGuencie a'ove or 'elow the cut<o++ +reGuenc) more or le
AR,&R6A 9 3'erheim SEM . 9 &erJ manual ?@
draticall)" 1owever4 reonance e7ce2tionall) wor% a the N'and widthO when ued on the
notch +ilter"
/hen )ou increae the reonance a lot4 the +ilter ran!e 'ecome narrower and the cut<o++
+reGuenc) i tron!l) am2li+iedL the ound 'e!in to rin!"
/ith a ver) hi!h reonance level4 the +ilter will 'e!in to el+<ocillate4 creatin! ound which i
cloe to a ine wave" At thi ta!e4 uin! a %e) +ollow on the +ilter +reGuenc) i ver) im2ortant4
ince it will allow )ou to 2la) a melod) with correct tunin!"
!.1.8 Am2li,ier or V3A
,he Am2li+ier (Voltage 3ontrolled Am2li,ier# receive the audio i!nal comin! +rom the +ilter
and adjut the volume 'e+ore it i ent to the 2ea%er"
6n concluion4 here i a dia!ram that hould hel2 )ou to undertand the com2oition o+ a 'aic
<asic audio 2at# in analog s.nt#esis
!." *)=ER M*DULES
!.".1 )#e 'e.+oard
6+ we to2 here4 the ound that )ou will o'tain will 'e uni+orm4 without li+e and without an
endWW ,he ocillator deliver a ound i!nal (the audio out2ut o+ a wave+orm# o+ a +i7ed 2itch in
a continuou manner" 6n the dia!ram a'ove4 the onl) wa) to to2 thi Guic%l) un2leaant
ound i to lower the +ilter cut<o++ +reGuenc) o that it 'ecome more and more dam2 until it
+inall) dia22earM or im2ler )et4 lower the volume o+ the am2li+ierW
,o tart and to2 the ound4 at the 2itch that we reGuire4 we ue a %e)'oard that i
connected 'oth to the .CA throu!h a !ate and to the +reGuenc) o+ the ocillator" ,hi
will N2la)O the ound a oon a a %e) i 2reed4 and mute it when releaed" 3+ coure4
thi connection i made throu!h M6D6 (it re2lace the N!ateO t)2e o+ connection on
analo! )nthei-er4 which tri!!er the note when a %e) i 2reed and to2 it when
AR,&R6A 9 3'erheim SEM . 9 &erJ manual ??
,he %e) 2oition 2rovide a control volta!e that tell the ocillator what 2itch level to
2la) when the !ate o2en"
2" #ou don9t ha$e a M2D2 4e#board, #ou can also pla# on the $irtual 4e#board o" the Oberheim SEM+V to hear sounds
'hile editing $oices on #our computer.
!."." )#e en-elo2e generator
,he envelo2e !enerator4 connected to the am2li+ier4 i ued to Ncul2tO the volume o+ the ound
when we 2re a %e) on the %e)'oard" 6t end (volume return to -ero# a+ter the note i
,he mot common module develo2ed ue ? ettin! that we can var)L
Attac' i the time that the ound will ta%e to reach it ma7imum volume once we have
2reed a %e) on the %e)'oard"
Deca. (+all# i the time that the ound will ta%e to diminih a+ter the attac% 2ortion i
Sustain (hold# i the ma7imum volume level that the ound will reach a+ter the deca) i
com2lete" 6t ta) at thi level a lon! a the %e) i held"
Release i the time that the ound will ta%e to +ade to ilence once the %e) ha 'een releaed"
!he t'o en$elopes o" the Oberheim SEM+V contain onl# : parameters( Attac4, Deca# and Sustain. !he release time
is thus identical to the deca# time o" the en$elope.
)#e *+er#eim SEM6V ADS@RC en-elo2e
!.".% Lo; ,re7uenc. oscillator
,he *F3 (,o' 6re1uenc# Oscillator # 2oee more or le the ame characteritic o+ the
claic ocillator 'ut it onl) 2roduce +reGuencie lower than => 1-" 6n other word4 )ou wonRt
hear the ound +rom thi ocillator"
6t will create a c)clic modulation o+ the 2arameter to which it i connected"
For e7am2leL
6+ the ine wave+orm o+ an *F3 modulate the volume o+ an am2li+ier4 the ound will
increae in volume then dia22ear in a var)in! manner +ollowin! the 2eed (the
+reGuenc)# o+ thi *F3" ,hi will 2roduce a tremolo e++ect"
A ine wave+orm on an *F3 modulatin! the +reGuenc) o+ an ocillator would 2roduce a
-i+rato e++ect"
/ith an *F3 ine wave modulatin! the cut<o++ +reGuenc) o+ a li!htl) reonant low<2a
+ilter4 )ou will o'tain a N;a#6;a#O e++ect"
Oberhime SEM doesn;t ha$e ,6O modulation "or the VCA, so the Oberheim Sem+V doesn;t either.
AR,&R6A 9 3'erheim SEM . 9 &erJ manual ?E
)#e L4* modules o, t#e *+er#eim SEM6V
AR,&R6A 9 3'erheim SEM . 9 &erJ manual ?F
1ere are ome e7am2le that will !uide )ou to ma%e )our own ori!inal ound with 3'erheim
3ne o+ the t)2ical 3'erheim ound i im2le 'ut 2ower+ul )nth 'ra ound"
*etJ tr) to ma%e it +rom cratch (,em2late C 6nit .oice :#"
Firt o+ all turn .C3 = %no' to the le+t in the .CF ection" Now 'oth o+ the ocillator are
Secondl)4 in the .C3= ection (to the le+t o+ the .CF ection#4 turn the .C3 = FREU&ENCS
%no' li!htl) to the ri!ht with control V clic% (or ri!ht<clic% with the moue# in order to !et a
com+orta'l) detuned ound"
Ne7t4 returnin! to the .CF ection4 et the modulation ource to EN. = then ma%e the amount
o+ modulation ma7imum (2oitive4 toward the ri!ht#" ,urn FREU&ENCS %no' to the le+t to !et
the e++ect o+ EN. =J modulationL the +reGuenc) here et the 2oint where the modulation
return to" Becaue the modulation i et to 2oitive4 when a note i 2la)ed the +reGuenc) o+
the +ilter will increae (de2endin! on the EN.= ettin! that weJll loo% at in the ne7t
2ara!ra2h#4 'ri!thenin! momentaril) the ound4 then return to the +reGuenc) et here" ,urn
RES3NANCE to the ri!ht to !et ound to rin! a 'it more (enhance the +ilter +reGuenc)#L the
+ilter t)2e hould 'e et to *$ (low 2a +ilter#
AR,&R6A 9 3'erheim SEM . 9 &erJ manual ?D
(o to EN.= and adjut A,,ACK 'etween => to :>>m (recommended to emulate the +at
attac% o+ 'ra intrument#4 then adjut DECAS to a'out :>>m"
Now the 'aic Bra ound i com2leted"
,hi i another t)2ical 3'erheim ound"
Sta) on the Bra ound that )ou have jut made in the 2reviou ection" 6n the .CF -one4
adjut the .C3 : %no' to +ull) ri!ht and .C3 = to center" ,hi mean uin! .C3 : onl) with
2ule waveL .C3 =J volume i et to -ero"
*eave FREU&ENCS and M3D&*A,63N a the) are4 then adjut RES3NANCE value to what ever
)ou want ('etween >Y and E>Y i recommended#"
(o to EN. = and et the S&S,A6N %no' to le+t<mot ettin! (<F>">> dB# and adjut deca) time
to omewhere around =>>> mL thi !ive our +ilter envelo2e no utain 'ut a ver) lon! deca)
and releae time"
AR,&R6A 9 3'erheim SEM . 9 &erJ manual ?A
,he ne7t te2 involve adjutin! .C3 : and EN. :" 6n the .C3 : ection4 turn the $&*SE
/6D,1 %no' to le+t<mot ettin! in order to et the $/ value to :>">>Y4 then !o to EN. : and
adjut the deca) time to a'out :>>m and the utain level to a'out <D to <AdB"
,hi hould !ive )ou a clavinet li%e ound with a lon! deca)W

AR,&R6A 9 3'erheim SEM . 9 &erJ manual ?;
1 M*DES *4 *PERA)*N
3'erheim SEM . a22lication can 'e ued a an intrument inde2endentl) +rom a eGuencer
o+tware (Standalone mode#"
,hi allow )ou launch the a22lication a a in!le intrument4 and to 2la) with an e7ternal
M6D6 %e)'oard"
Launc#ing t#e a22lication
,o launch the 3'erheim SEM . a22lication on /indow4 !o to the menu Start T $ro!ram File
T Arturia T 3'erheim SEM . and chooe N3'erheim SEM .O"
3n Macintoh4 o2en the Finder T A22lication TArturia and dou'le<clic% on the 3'erheim SEM
. a22lication icon"
3on,iguration o, an instrument
Clic% on the KSettin! (/indow4 on the a22lication menu 'ar#K or K$re+erence""" (Mac#K" 6t
will how the +ollowin! KAudio M6D6 Settin!K dialo! 'o7"
AR,&R6A 9 3'erheim SEM . 9 &erJ manual E>
6n thi o2tion menu4 )ou can L
Set the audio out2ut 2ort
Choe the audio inter+ace
Choe memor) 'u++er i-e (maller i-e will increae the load on the C$&#
Chooe am2le rate 'etween ??:>>1- and ;F>>>1-
Chooe one or everal active midi in2ut 2ort(#
1." VS)%L
.S,@ i a new 2rotocol o+ audio 2lu!in" ,hi ha im2roved 2er+ormance over 2reviou
verion o+ the .S, 2rotocol and ha man) new +eature a well"
/ith .S,@ on /indow4 uer do not have to chooe a +older 2ath to intall the 2lu!in" ,he
intaller will 2ut "vt@ +ile automaticall) into the a22ro2riate director) on )our hard drive"
1.% 0(6<) 3*MPA)<L)J
3'erheim SEM . i o2timi-ed +or 'oth @=<'it and F?<'it mode" 6+ )ou have a F?<'it 3S and a
F?<'it DA/4 )ou hould ue F?<'it verion o+ the 2lu! in (/indow#"
&uall) on @=<'it /indow4 all (@=<'it# 2ro!ram are intalled in KCLZ$ro!ram FileK" however
on F?<'it /indow4 )ou can +ind the F?<'it 2ro!ram in KCLZ$ro!ram FileZK and the @=<'it
2ro!ram in KCLZ$ro!ram File (7AF#K
Mac uer donJt have to 'other with thi4 'ecaue the ame 2lu!in +ile contain 'oth the @=<'it
and the F?<'it verion4 and the hot automaticall) chooe the 'etter one"
From the 2lu!<in ta'4 im2l) dou'le clic% on the SEM . .S, icon or dra!<and<dro2 the 2lu!<in
into a M6D6 trac%"
AR,&R6A 9 3'erheim SEM . 9 &erJ manual E:
Using Audio Unit and VS) nstruments in Li-e
6+ necear)4 )ou can 2er+orm a recan o+ the 2lu!<in director) in the $re+erence4 NFile FolderO
ta'L 2re the OScanO 'utton or 2re NScanO while holdin! NAltO +or a +ull recan"
1.! R)AS M PR* )**LS
Utili$ation o, t#e 2lug6in
32enin! o+ the 2lu!<in
Acce to the 3'erheim SEM . 2lu!<in i li%e all other 2lu!<in in $ro,ool4 via an audio trac%
AR,&R6A 9 3'erheim SEM . 9 &erJ manual E=
*2ening t#e *+er#eim SEM V in Pro )ools
3'erheim SEM . mut 'e loaded on an audio tereo trac%" /e can now ma%e 3'erheim SEM .
ound ') 2la)in! with the moue on the virtual %e)'oard"
Connection to a M6D6 channel
,o ena'le the 3'erheim SEM . to 2la) the in+ormation comin! +rom a M6D6 trac%4 )ou have to
aociate it to a M6D6 channel via the a22ro2riate menu" (See the $ro ,ool menu +or more
in+ormation on 2lu!<in connection#"
Savin! the 2reet
/hen the eion i aved4 the tatu o+ 3'erheim SEM . i aved a it i4 even i+ it
2ro!rammin! doe not corre2ond to the 2reet" For e7am2le4 i+ )ou are wor%in! on a 2reet
N$:O in which )ou have modi+ied the 2arameter (without avin! them in the 2lu!in itel+#4 the
ne7t time )ou o2en the eion4 3'erheim SEM . will load the N$:O 2reet 2lu the
modi+ication )ou made to it" ,he N*i'rarian MenuO o+ $ro ,ool can 'e ued with 3'erheim
SEM . li%e with all other 2lu!<in" Neverthele it i hi!hl) recommended to ue the internal
3'erheim SEM . menuL with the 2reet aved li%e thi4 the) are ua'le no matter which
mode i choen (tandalone or other eGuencer#4 and the) can 'e e72orted4 e7chan!ed more
eail)4 and will ta) com2ati'le with +uture verion o+ 3'erheim SEM ."
Automation under $ro ,ool
,he automation +unction with 3'erheim SEM . +unction li%e with all R,ASC1,DM 2lu!<in
(chec% the $ro ,ool documentation +or more detail on 2lu!<in automation#"
AR,&R6A 9 3'erheim SEM . 9 &erJ manual E@
1.0 3U<ASE VS)
6ntrument ue in .S, mode
,he o2enin! o+ an 3'erheim SEM . .S, 2lu!<in i the ame a o2enin! all other .S, 2lu!<in"
$leae conult the intruction manual o+ )our hot eGuencer +or more 2eci+ic in+ormation"
&nder Cu'ae4 o2en the menu C .S, 6ntrument4 and chooe 3'erheim SEM . in the rac%"
Using *+er#eim SEM V as VS) instrument in 3u+ase
Recan the 2lu!<in director) in Cu'ae
6+ the 3'erheim SEM . doe not a22ear in the lit o+ .S, 2lu!<in4 )ou can 2er+orm a NrecanO
o+ the 2lu!<in director)"
Connection to a M6D6 trac%
6n order +or the 3'erheim SEM . to 2la) in+ormation comin! +rom a M6D6 trac%4 )ou have to
chooe a M6D6 trac% and elect 3'erheim SEM . a the M6D6 out2ut o+ thi trac%" See the
2icture 'elow +or more detail on how thi i accom2lihed"
Cu'ae a% )ou directl) i+ )ou wih to create a M6D6 trac% +or the newl) inerted .S," ,he
event 2la)ed on a M6D6 %e)'oard are recorded ') )our hot eGuencer4 and now )ou can ue
the M6D6 editin! 2oi'ilitie o+ the eGuencer to control an) 2arameter with the 3'erheim
SEM ."
AR,&R6A 9 3'erheim SEM . 9 &erJ manual E?
Savin! o+ 2reet
/hen the eionC2roject i aved4 3'erheim SEM . i aved in it lat mode o+ o2eration4
with all modi+ication intact" For intance4 i+ )ou were wor%in! on a N$:O 2reet in which )ou
had modi+ied 2arameter (without avin! them a a e2arate 2reet within the 2lu!<in itel+#4
the ne7t time )ou o2en the 2roject4 3'erheim SEM . will load the N$:O 2reet 2lu the
modi+ication )ou made 2revioul)"
,he dro2<down menu in which the .S, eGuencer allow )ou to ave a new 2reet i o+ coure
ua'le with 3'erheim SEM ." 1owever4 it i hi!hl) advied to ue the 3'erheim SEM . internal
menuL the 2reet aved in thi wa) are ua'le in an) other mode (tandalone or with other
eGuencer#4 the) can 'e e72orted and e7chan!ed more eail)4 and the) will remain
com2ati'le with the +uture 3'erheim SEM . verion"
1.1 L*G3 N AUD* UN)S @MA3 *S A *NLJC
&e in *o!ic Audio
Select an 6ntrument trac%" 3n the channel o+ the mi7er corre2ondin! to the elected trac%4
clic% on the 'utton N6C3O to o'tain the lit o+ 2lu!<in4 then elect NStereo T A& 6ntrument T
Arturia 3'erheim SEM .O"
AR,&R6A 9 3'erheim SEM . 9 &erJ manual EE
*+er#eim SEM V o2ening in Logic
Since verion D4 there ha 'een an Audio &nit 2lu!<in mana!er in *o!ic" ,o launch it4 clic% on
the menu N$re+erence T Start *o!ic A& Mana!erO"
,hi Mana!er allow u to ee the lit o+ availa'le 2lu!<in4 to tet their com2ati'ilit) with
*o!ic4 and to activate or de<activate them"
6+ it ha22en that one o+ the Arturia 2lu!<in 2oe a 2ro'lem in *o!ic4 tart ') chec%in! that
thi 2lu!<in ha 2aed the com2ati'ilit) tet4 and that it i actuall) elected +or ue"
AR,&R6A 9 3'erheim SEM . 9 &erJ manual EF
*+er#eim SEM V
6n conideration o+ 2a)ment o+ the *icenee +ee4 which i a 2ortion o+ the 2rice )ou 2aid4
Arturia4 a *icenor4 !rant to )ou (hereina+ter termed K*iceneeK# a none7cluive ri!ht to ue
thi co2) o+ the 3'erheim SEM . 2ro!ram (hereina+ter the NS3F,/AREO#"
All intellectual 2ro2ert) ri!ht in the o+tware 'elon! to Arturia SA (hereina+terL KArturiaK#"
Arturia 2ermit )ou onl) to co2)4 download4 intall and ue the o+tware in accordance with the
term and condition o+ thi A!reement"
,he 2roduct contain 2roduct activation +or 2rotection a!aint unlaw+ul co2)in!" ,hi )tem i
%nown a e*icener and 2ermit a 2ermanent ue o+ the o+tware onl) a+ter the activation
2roce ha 'een totall) com2leted" ,he o+tware can 'e ued onl) to!ether with the e*icener
don!le (don!le# andCor the So+t<e*icenerM the 3EM o+tware can 'e ued onl) +ollowin!
6nternet acce i reGuired +or the activation 2roce" ,he term and condition +or ue o+ the
o+tware ') )ou4 the end uer a22ear 'elow" B) intallin! the o+tware on )our com2uter )ou
a!ree to thee term and condition" $leae read the +ollowin! te7t care+ull) in it entiret)" 6+
)ou do not a22rove thee term and condition4 )ou mut not intall thi o+tware" 6n thi
event !ive the 2roduct 'ac% to where )ou have 2urchaed it (includin! all written material4 the
com2lete undama!ed 2ac%in! a well a the encloed hardware# immediatel) 'ut at the latet
within @> da) in return +or a re+und o+ the 2urchae 2rice"
1. So,t;are *;ners#i2
Arturia hall retain +ull and com2lete title to the S3F,/ARE recorded on the encloed di%
and all u'eGuent co2ie o+ the S3F,/ARE4 re!ardle o+ the media or +orm on or in which
the ori!inal di% or co2ie ma) e7it" ,he *icene i not a ale o+ the ori!inal S3F,/ARE"

". Grant o, License
Arturia !rant )ou a non<e7cluive licene +or the ue o+ the o+tware accordin! to the
term and condition o+ thi A!reement" Sou ma) not leae4 loan or u'licene the
6+ the o+tware i 2rotected ') the e*icener don!le alone4 )ou ma) intall a licene +or the
o+tware on one or at mot @ com2uter which are in )our 2oeion" ,he o+tware ma)
'e ued onl) on one o+ the com2uter at the ame time ') uin! the Arturia %e)"
6+ the o+tware i 2rotected ') the So+t e*icener (alone or to!ether with the Arturia %e)#
or ha 'een old to the +irt end uer to!ether with other o+tware andCor hardware
(hereina+terL K3EM o+twareK#4 )ou ma) intall and ue a licene +or the o+tware onl) on
one com2uter which i in )our 2oeion"$urchain! a e*icener don!le ma%e it eail)
2oi'le to ue the o+tware on three com2uter i+ need occur"
,he ue o+ the o+tware within a networ% i ille!al where there i the 2oi'ilit) o+ a
contem2oraneou multi2le ue o+ the 2ro!ram"
Sou are entitled to 2re2are a 'ac%u2 co2) o+ the o+tware which will not 'e ued +or
2ur2oe other than tora!e 2ur2oe"
Sou hall have no +urther ri!ht or interet to ue the o+tware other than the limited ri!ht
a 2eci+ied in thi A!reement" Arturia reerve all ri!ht not e72rel) !ranted"

AR,&R6A 9 3'erheim SEM . 9 &erJ manual ED
%. Acti-ation o, t#e So,t;are
Arturia ma) ue a com2ulor) activation o+ the o+tware and a com2ulor) re!itration o+
the 3EM o+tware +or licene control to 2rotect the o+tware a!aint unlaw+ul co2)in!" 6+
)ou do not acce2t the term and condition o+ thi A!reement4 the o+tware will not wor%"
6n uch a cae the 2roduct includin! the o+tware ma) onl) 'e returned within @> da)
+ollowin! acGuiition o+ the 2roduct" &2on return a claim accordin! to [ :: hall not a22l)"

(. Su22ortD U2grades and U2dates a,ter Product Registration
Sou can onl) receive u22ort4 u2!rade and u2date +ollowin! the 2eronal 2roduct
re!itration" Su22ort i 2rovided onl) +or the current verion and +or the 2reviou verion
durin! one )ear a+ter 2u'lication o+ the new verion" Arturia can modi+) and 2artl) or
com2letel) adjut the nature o+ the u22ort (hotline4 +orum on the we'ite etc"#4 u2!rade
and u2date at an) time"
,he 2roduct re!itration i 2oi'le durin! the activation 2roce or at an) time later
throu!h the 6nternet" 6n uch a 2roce )ou are a%ed to a!ree to the tora!e and ue o+
)our 2eronal data (name4 addre4 contact4 email<addre4 and licene data# +or the
2ur2oe 2eci+ied a'ove" Arturia ma) alo +orward thee data to en!a!ed third 2artie4 in
2articular ditri'utor4 +or u22ort 2ur2oe and +or the veri+ication o+ the u2!rade or
u2date ri!ht"

!. License module @eLicenser Fe. andBor So,t eLicenserC
Arturia ue a hardware device connected throu!h the &SB connection o+ a com2uter4 the
Ke*icener don!leK andCor a 2rotection cheme4 the KSo+t e*icenerK +or licene control
(hardware andCor virtual don!le#" ,he e*icener don!le andCor So+t e*icener 2ermanentl)
ave the licene in+ormation and re!ulate acce to the o+tware" 6+ a e*icener don!le i
reGuired +or the ue o+ the o+tware4 then the e*icener don!le mut 'e connected
2h)icall) to the com2uter throu!h the &SB inter+ace"
For the activation o+ the o+tware4 u2date or u2!rade o+ the o+tware the com2uter which
i connected to the Arturia %e) andCor uin! the So+t e*icener or uin! the 3EM o+tware
mut 'e connected to the erver o+ S6A e*icener throu!h the 6nternet" 6+ the 2roduct wa
delivered with the e*icener don!le4 the licene in+ormation wa alread) tran+erred to the
e*icener don!le" 6+ the 2roduct wa delivered with a 2roduct card (without the e*icener
don!le#4 the activation code o+ the encloed 2roduct card mut 'e entered manuall) ')
the uer u2on intallation and the licene in+ormation mut 'e e7chan!ed with the erver
o+ S6A e*icener"
6n the event o+ 3EM o+tware4 the activation code will 'e end to an email<addre
u'mitted ') )ou durin! a re!itration and mut 'e entered manuall) ') the uer u2on
intallation and the licene in+ormation mut 'e e7chan!ed with the erver o+ S6A
,he reintallation o+ the o+tware < on the ame or another com2uter < i 2ermitted onl) in
cae the alread) intalled o+tware cannot 'e ued an) more (e"!" +ollowin! deintallation#"
6+ the o+tware doe not ue an e*icener don!le4 the new activation code ma) 'e
o'tained +rom the uer online account +or u22ort created durin! the 2eronal 2roduct
re!itration" Further4 the activation code mut 'e entered manuall) ') the uer u2on
intallation and the licene in+ormation mut 'e e7chan!ed with the erver o+ S6A
Stein'er!" Arturia ma) reGuire +or the 2roviion o+ +urther activation code e"!" )our 2roo+
o+ 2urchae (invoice4 recei2t# and a i!ned aurance ') +a7 or letter tatin! )our name4
addre and that the alread) intalled o+tware cannot 'e ued an) more"
Sou can alo ue another com2uter other than the one on which the o+tware i to 'e
intalled +or the activation and tran+er o+ licene data to the e*icener don!le4 i+ the
o+tware i uin! an e*icener don!le" 1owever4 in uch a cae a corre2ondin! acce
o+tware (e*icener Control Center4 Ke*CK# mut 'e intalled on the com2uter connected to
the 6nternet4 which i u'ject to a e2arate licenin! a!reement"
AR,&R6A 9 3'erheim SEM . 9 &erJ manual EA
0. De,ect and loss o, t#e eLicenser dongle
6n the cae o+ a de+ect or dama!e to the e*icener don!le Arturia or a third 2art) en!a!ed
') Arturia will chec% the e*icener don!le" 6n the cae o+ a le!itimate claim the e*icener
don!le and the licene included hall 'e re2laced in return +or a handlin! +ee" ,he licene
will onl) 'e re2laced 2rovided that the) are licene iued ') Arturia" Further claim
a!aint Arturia are e7cluded"
Arturia aume no lia'ilit) or o'li!ation i+ the e*icener don!le i milaid a a reult o+
lo4 the+t or otherwie" Arturia reerve the ri!ht to 'loc% the licene aved on the
e*icener don!le u2on 'ein! noti+ied ') the re!itered uer o+ the lo" ,he licene aved
on the e*icener don!le cannot 'e re2laced"

1. No Un+undling
,he o+tware uuall) contain a variet) o+ di++erent +ile which in it con+i!uration enure
the com2lete +unctionalit) o+ the o+tware" ,he o+tware ma) 'e ued a one 2roduct onl)"
6t i not reGuired that )ou ue or intall all com2onent o+ the o+tware" Sou mut not
arran!e com2onent o+ the o+tware in a new wa) and develo2 a modi+ied verion o+ the
o+tware or a new 2roduct a a reult" ,he con+i!uration o+ the o+tware ma) not 'e
modi+ied +or the 2ur2oe o+ ditri'ution4 ai!nment or reale"
Sou ma) alo not ell the e*icener don!le e2aratel) a a liceneM the ua!e ri!ht alwa)
remain with the o+tware4 in 2articular with the ori!inal o+tware data carrier (e"!" CD#"

8. Assignment o, Rig#ts
Sou ma) ai!n all )our ri!ht to ue the o+tware to another 2eron u'ject to the
condition that (a# )ou ai!n to thi other 2eron (i# thi A!reement and (ii# the o+tware
or hardware 2rovided with the o+tware4 2ac%ed or 2reintalled thereon4 includin! all
co2ie4 u2!rade4 u2date4 'ac%u2 co2ie and 2reviou verion4 which !ranted a ri!ht to
an u2date or u2!rade on thi o+tware4 ('# )ou do not retain u2!rade4 u2date4 'ac%u2
co2ie und 2reviou verion o+ thi o+tware and (c# the reci2ient acce2t the term and
condition o+ thi A!reement a well a other re!ulation 2uruant to which )ou acGuired a
valid o+tware licene"
A return o+ the 2roduct due to a +ailure to acce2t the term and condition o+ thi
A!reement4 e"!" the 2roduct activation4 hall not 'e 2oi'le +ollowin! the ai!nment o+
/. U2grades and U2dates
Sou mut have a valid licene +or the 2reviou or more in+erior verion o+ the o+tware in
order to 'e allowed to ue an u2!rade or u2date +or the o+tware" &2on tran+errin! thi
2reviou or more in+erior verion o+ the o+tware to third 2artie the ri!ht to ue the
u2!rade or u2date o+ the o+tware hall e72ire"
,he acGuiition o+ an u2!rade or u2date doe not in itel+ con+er an) ri!ht to ue the
,he ri!ht o+ u22ort +or the 2reviou or in+erior verion o+ the o+tware e72ire u2on the
intallation o+ an u2!rade or u2date"
10. Limited ?arrant.
Arturia warrant that the di% on which the o+tware i +urnihed to 'e +ree +rom de+ect in
material and wor%manhi2 under normal ue +or a 2eriod o+ thirt) (@># da) +rom the date o+
2urchae" Sour recei2t hall 'e evidence o+ the date o+ 2urchae" An) im2lied warrantie on
the o+tware are limited to thirt) (@># da) +rom the date o+ 2urchae" Some tate do not
allow limitation on duration o+ an im2lied warrant)4 o the a'ove limitation ma) not a22l) to
AR,&R6A 9 3'erheim SEM . 9 &erJ manual E;
)ou" All 2ro!ram and accom2an)in! material are 2rovided Na iO without warrant) o+ an)
%ind" ,he com2lete ri% a to the Gualit) and 2er+ormance o+ the 2ro!ram i with )ou" Should
the 2ro!ram 2rove de+ective4 )ou aume the entire cot o+ all necear) ervicin!4 re2air or
11. Remedies
ArturiaJ entire lia'ilit) and )our e7cluive remed) hall 'e at ArturiaJ o2tion either (a# return
o+ the 2urchae 2rice or ('# re2lacement o+ the di% that doe not meet the *imited /arrant)
and which i returned to Arturia with a co2) o+ )our recei2t" ,hi limited /arrant) i void i+
+ailure o+ the o+tware ha reulted +rom accident4 a'ue4 modi+ication4 or mia22lication" An)
re2lacement o+tware will 'e warranted +or the remainder o+ the ori!inal warrant) 2eriod or
thirt) (@># da)4 whichever i lon!er"
1". No ot#er ?arranties
,he a'ove warrantie are in lieu o+ all other warrantie4 e72reed or im2lied4 includin! 'ut not
limited to4 the im2lied warrantie o+ merchanta'ilit) and +itne +or a 2articular 2ur2oe" No
oral or written in+ormation or advice !iven ') Arturia4 it dealer4 ditri'utor4 a!ent or
em2lo)ee hall create a warrant) or in an) wa) increae the co2e o+ thi limited warrant)"
1%. No Lia+ilit. ,or 3onse7uential Damages
Neither Arturia nor an)one ele involved in the creation4 2roduction4 or deliver) o+ thi 2roduct
hall 'e lia'le +or an) direct4 indirect4 coneGuential4 or incidental dama!e ariin! out o+ the
ue o+4 or ina'ilit) to ue thi 2roduct (includin! without limitation4 dama!e +or lo o+
'uine 2ro+it4 'uine interru2tion4 lo o+ 'uine in+ormation and the li%e# even i+
Arturia wa 2revioul) advied o+ the 2oi'ilit) o+ uch dama!e" Some tate do not allow
limitation on the len!th o+ an im2lied warrant) or the e7cluion or limitation o+ incidental or
coneGuential dama!e4 o the a'ove limitation or e7cluion ma) not a22l) to )ou" ,hi
warrant) !ive )ou 2eci+ic le!al ri!ht4 and )ou ma) alo have other ri!ht which var) +rom
tate to tate"
AR,&R6A 9 3'erheim SEM . 9 &erJ manual F>

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