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he rst two chapters of this book introduce the nomenclature of immu-
nology and the components of the immune system. In Chapter 1, we
describe the types of immune responses and their general properties
and introduce the fundamental principles that govern all immune re-
sponses. Chapter 2 is devoted to a description of the cells and tissues of the
immune system, with an emphasis on their anatomic organization and struc-
ture-function relationships. This sets the stage for more thorough discussion of
how the immune system recognizes and responds to antigens.
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General Properties of
Immune Responses
InnateandAdaptiveImmunity 4
Types of AdaptiveImmuneResponses 5
Cardinal Features of AdaptiveImmune
Responses 8
Cellular Components of theAdaptiveImmune
System 10
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Phases of AdaptiveImmuneResponses 11
Recognitionof Antigens 11
Activationof Lymphocytes 13
Effector Phaseof ImmuneResponses: Elimination
of Antigens 14
Summary 15
he term immunity is derived from the Latin
word immunitas, which referred to the exemp-
tion from various civic duties and legal prose-
cution offered to Roman senators during their
tenures in ofce. Historically, immunity meant pro-
tection from disease and, more specically, infec-
tious disease. The cells and molecules responsible for
immunity constitute the immune system, and
their collective and coordinated response to the in-
troduction of foreign substances is called the im-
mune response.
The physiologic function of the immune system is
defense against infectious microbes. However, even
noninfectious foreign substances can elicit immune
responses. Furthermore, mechanisms that normally
protect individuals from infection and eliminate for-
eign substances are themselves capable of causing
tissue injury and disease in some situations. There-
fore, a more inclusive denition of immunity is a
reaction to foreign substances, including microbes, as
well as to macromolecules such as proteins and pol-
ysaccharides, regardless of the physiologic or patho-
logic consequence of such a reaction. Immunology is
the study of immunity in this broader sense, and of
the cellular and molecular events that occur after an
organism encounters microbes and other foreign
Historians often credit Thucydides, in Athens dur-
ing the fth century BC, as having rst mentioned
immunity to an infection that he called plague
(but that was probably not the bubonic plague we
recognize today). The concept of immunity may
have existed long before, as suggested by the ancient
Chinese custom of making children resistant to
smallpox by having them inhale powders made from
the skin lesions of patients recovering from the dis-
ease. Immunology, in its modern form, is an experi-
mental science, in which explanations of immuno-
logic phenomena are based on experimental
observations and the conclusions drawn from them.
The evolution of immunology as an experimental
discipline has depended on our ability to manipulate
the function of the immune system under controlled
conditions. Historically, the rst clear example of
this manipulation, and one that remains among the
most dramatic ever recorded, was Edward Jenners
successful vaccination against smallpox. Jenner, an
English physician, noticed that milkmaids who had
recovered from cowpox never contracted the more
serious smallpox. Based on this observation, he in-
jected the material from a cowpox pustule into the
arm of an 8-year-old boy. When this boy was later
intentionally inoculated with smallpox, the disease
did not develop. Jenners landmark treatise on vac-
cination (Latin vaccinus, of or from cows) was pub-
lished in 1798. It led to the widespread acceptance
of this method for inducing immunity to infectious
diseases, and vaccination remains the most effective
method for preventing infections (Table 11). An
eloquent testament to the importance of immunol-
ogy was the announcement by the World Health
Organization in 1980 that smallpox was the rst dis-
ease that had been eradicated worldwide by a pro-
gram of vaccination.
Since the 1960s, there has been a remarkable
transformation in our understanding of the immune
system and its functions. Advances in cell culture
techniques (including monoclonal antibody produc-
tion), immunochemistry, recombinant DNA method-
ology, x-ray crystallography, and creation of geneti-
cally altered animals (especially transgenic and
knockout mice) have changed immunology from a
largely descriptive science into one in which diverse
immune phenomena can be explained in structural
and biochemical terms. In this chapter, we outline
the general features of immune responses and intro-
duce the concepts that form the cornerstones of
modern immunology and that recur throughout this
Defense against microbes is mediated by the early
reactions of innate immunity and the later responses
of adaptive immunity (Fig. 11 and Table 12). In-
nate immunity (also called natural or native im-
munity) consists of mechanisms that exist before in-
fection, are capable of rapid responses to microbes,
and react in essentially the same way to repeated
infections. The principal components of innate im-
munity are (1) physical and chemical barriers, such
as epithelia and antimicrobial substances produced at
epithelial surfaces; (2) phagocytic cells (neutrophils,
macrophages) and natural killer (NK) cells; (3) blood
proteins, including members of the complement sys-
tem and other mediators of inammation; and (4)
proteins called cytokines that regulate and coordi-
nate many of the activities of the cells of innate
immunity. The mechanisms of innate immunity are
stimulated by structures that are common to groups
of related microbes and may not distinguish ne
differences between foreign substances. Innate im-
munity provides the early lines of defense against
microbes. The pathogenicity of microbes is, in part,
related to their ability to resist the mechanisms of
innate immunity.
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Table11 Effectivenessof Vaccinationfor SomeCommonInfectiousDiseases
of Cases
Year of Maximum
Number of Cases
Number of
Cases in1992 Percent Change
Diphtheria 206,939 1921 4 99.99
Measles 894,134 1941 2,237 99.75
Mumps 152,209 1968 2,572 98.31
Pertussis 265,269 1934 4,083 98.46
Polio (paralytic) 21,269 1952 4 99.98
Rubella 57,686 1969 160 99.72
Tetanus 1,560 1923 45 97.12
Haemophilus inuenzae type B infection 20,000 1984 1,412 92.94
Hepatitis B 26,611 1985 16,126 39.40
This table illustrates the striking decrease in the incidence of selected infectious diseases for which effective vaccines have been developed.
In some cases, such as with hepatitis B, a vaccine has become available recently, and the incidence of the disease is continuing to
Adapted fromOrenstein WA, AR Hinman, KJ Bart, and SC Hadler. Immunization. In GL Mandell, J E Bennett, and R Dolin (eds). Principles and
Practices of Infectious Diseases, 4th ed. Churchill Livingstone, New York, 1995, p 2772.
Figure11 Innateand
The mechanisms of innate immunity
provide the initial defense against
infections. Adaptive immune re-
sponses develop later and consist
of activation of lymphocytes. Only
selected mechanisms are shown;
for example, the complement sys-
tem, an important component of in-
nate immunity, is not included. The
kinetics of the innate and adaptive
immune responses are approxima-
tions, and may vary in different in-
fections. NK, natural killer.
In contrast to innate immunity, more highly
evolved defense mechanisms are stimulated by ex-
posure to infectious agents and increase in magni-
tude and defensive capabilities with each successive
exposure to a particular microbe. Because this form
of immunity develops as a response to infection and
adapts to the infection, it is called adaptive immu-
nity. The dening characteristics of adaptive immu-
nity are exquisite specicity for distinct macromole-
cules and an ability to remember and respond
more vigorously to repeated exposures to the same
microbe. Because of its extraordinary capacity to dis-
tinguish among different, even closely related, mi-
crobes and macromolecules, adaptive immunity is
also called specic immunity. It is also sometimes
called acquired immunity, to emphasize that potent
protective responses are acquired by experience.
The components of adaptive immunity are lympho-
cytes and their products. Foreign substances that
induce specic immune responses or are the targets
of such responses are called antigens.
Innate and adaptive immune responses are com-
ponents of an integrated system of host defense in
which numerous cells and molecules function coop-
eratively. Two important links exist between innate
immunity and adaptive immunity. First, the innate
immune response to microbes stimulates adaptive
immune responses and inuences the nature of the
adaptive responses. Second, adaptive immune re-
sponses use many of the effector mechanisms of in-
nate immunity to eliminate microbes, and they
often function by enhancing the antimicrobial activi-
ties of the defense mechanisms of innate immunity.
We will return to a more detailed discussion of the
mechanisms and physiologic functions of innate im-
munity in Chapter 12.
The concept that adaptive immune responses en-
hance and improve innate immunity is also re-
ected in the phylogeny of defense mechanisms
(Box 11). In invertebrates, host defense against
foreign invaders is mediated largely by the mecha-
nisms of innate immunity, including phagocytes and
circulating molecules that resemble the plasma pro-
teins of innate immunity in vertebrates. Adaptive
immunity, consisting of lymphocytes and antibodies,
rst appeared in jawed vertebrates and became in-
creasingly specialized with further evolution.
There are two types of adaptive immune responses,
called humoral immunity and cell-mediated immu-
nity, which are mediated by different components of
the immune system and function to eliminate differ-
ent types of microbes (Fig. 12). Humoral immu-
nity is mediated by molecules in the blood, called
antibodies, that are produced by cells called B
lymphocytes. Antibodies specically recognize mi-
crobial antigens, neutralize the infectivity of the mi-
crobes, and target microbes for elimination by vari-
ous effector mechanisms. Humoral immunity is the
principal defense mechanism against extracellular
microbes and their toxins because secreted antibod-
ies can bind to these microbes and toxins and assist
in their elimination. Antibodies themselves are spe-
cialized, and different types of antibodies may acti-
vate different effector mechanisms. For example,
some types of antibodies promote phagocytosis, and
others trigger the release of inammatory mediators
from leukocytes such as mast cells. Cell-mediated
immunity, also called cellular immunity, is medi-
ated by cells called T lymphocytes. Intracellular
microbes, such as viruses and some bacteria, survive
and proliferate inside phagocytes and other host
cells, where they are inaccessible to circulating anti-
bodies. Defense against such infections is a function
of cell-mediated immunity, which promotes the de-
struction of microbes residing in phagocytes or the
lysis of infected cells.
Protective immunity against a microbe may be in-
Chapter 1 General Properties of Immune Responses 5
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Table12 Features of InnateandAdaptiveImmunity
Innate Adaptive
Specicity For structures shared by groups of
related microbes
For antigens of microbes and for
nonmicrobial antigens
Diversity Limited Very large
Memory None Yes
Nonreactivity to self Yes Yes
Physical and chemical barriers Skin, mucosal epithelia; antimicrobial
Lymphocytes in epithelia; antibodies
secreted at epithelial surfaces
Blood proteins Complement Antibodies
Cells Phagocytes (macrophages, neutro-
phils), natural killer cells
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duced by the hosts response to the microbeor by the
transfer of antibodies or lymphocytes specic for the
microbe (Fig. 13). The form of immunity that is
induced by exposure to a foreign antigen is called
active immunity because the immunized individ-
ual plays an active role in responding to the antigen.
Immunity can also be conferred upon an individual
by transferring serum or lymphocytes from a speci-
cally immunized individual, a process known as
adoptive transfer in experimental situations. The re-
cipient of such a transfer becomes immune to the
particular antigen without ever having been exposed
to or having responded to that antigen. Therefore,
this form of immunity is called passive immunity.
Passive immunization is a useful method for confer-
ring resistance rapidly, without having to wait for an
active immune response to develop. An example of
passive immunity is the transfer of maternal anti-
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BOX11 Evolutionof theImmuneSystem
Mechanisms for defending the host against foreign invaders are
present in some form in all multicellular organisms. These mecha-
nisms constitute innate immunity. The more specic and specialized
defense mechanisms that constitute adaptive immunity are found in
vertebrates only.
Various cells in invertebrates respond to microbes by enclosing
these infectious agents within aggregates and destroying them.
These responding cells resemble phagocytes and have been called
phagocytic amebocytes in acelomates, hemocytes in molluscs and
arthropods, coelomocytes in annelids, and blood leukocytes in tuni-
cates. Invertebrates do not contain antigen-specic lymphocytes and
do not produce immunoglobulin molecules or complement proteins.
However, they contain a number of soluble molecules that bind to
and lyse microbes. These molecules include lectinlike proteins, which
bind to carbohydrates on microbial cell walls and agglutinate the
microbes, and numerous lytic and antimicrobial factors such as lyso-
zyme, which is also produced by neutrophils in higher organisms.
Phagocytes in some invertebrates may be capable of secreting cyto-
kines that resemble macrophage-derived cytokines in the vertebrates.
Thus, host defense in invertebrates is mediated by the cells and
molecules that resemble the effector mechanisms of innate immunity
in higher organisms.
Many studies have shown that invertebrates are capable of re-
jecting foreign tissue transplants, or allografts. If sponges (Porifera)
from two different colonies are parabiosed by being mechanically
held together, they become necrotic in 1 to 2 weeks, whereas
sponges from the same colony become fused and continue to grow.
Earthworms (annelids) and starsh (echinoderms) also reject tissue
grafts from other species of the phyla. These rejection reactions are
mediated mainly by phagocyte-like cells. They differ from graft rejec-
tion in vertebrates in that specic memory for the grafted tissue
either is not generated or is difcult to demonstrate. Neverthe-
less, such results indicate that even invertebrates must express cell
surface molecules that distinguish self from nonself, and such mole-
cules may be the precursors of histocompatibility molecules in verte-
The various components of the mammalian immune system ap-
pear to have arisen virtually together in phylogeny and have become
increasingly specialized with evolution (see Table). Thus, of the cardi-
nal features of adaptive immune responses, specicity, memory, self/
nonself discrimination, and a capacity for self-limitation are present
in the lowest vertebrates, and diversity of antigen recognition in-
creases progressively in the higher species. All jawed vertebrates
contain antibody molecules. The appearance of antibodies coincides
with the development of specialized genetic mechanisms for generat-
ing a diverse repertoire. Fishes have only one type of antibody, called
immunoglobulin M; this number increases to two types in anuran
amphibians such as Xenopus and to seven or eight types in mam-
mals. The diversity of antibodies is much lower in Xenopus than in
mammals, even though the genes coding for antibodies are structur-
ally similar. Lymphocytes that have some characteristics of both B
and T cells are probably present in the earliest vertebrates, such as
lampreys, and become specialized into functionally and phenotypically
distinct subsets in amphibians and most clearly in birds and mam-
mals. The major histocompatibility complex, which is the genetic
locus that controls T lymphocyte antigen recognition, is present in
some of the more advanced species of amphibians and shes and in
all birds and mammals. The earliest organized lymphoid tissues de-
tected during evolution are the gut-associated lymphoid tissues;
spleen, thymus, and lymph nodes are found in higher vertebrates.
Phagocytes NKCells Antibodies
TandBLymphocytes LymphNodes
Elasmobranchs (sharks, skates, rays) (IgM only)
Teleosts (common sh) (IgM, others?)
Amphibians (2 or 3 classes)
Reptiles (3 classes)
Birds (3 classes) (some species)
Mammals (7 or 8 classes)
Abbreviations: IgM, immunoglobulin M; NK, natural killer.
Key: , present; , absent.
bodies to the fetus, which enables newborns to com-
bat infections before they acquire the ability to pro-
duce antibodies themselves. Passive immunization
against bacterial toxins by the administration of anti-
bodies from immunized animals is a life-saving
treatment for potentially lethal infections, such as
tetanus and rabies. The technique of adoptive trans-
fer has also made it possible to dene the various
cells and molecules that are responsible for mediat-
ing specic immunity. In fact, humoral immunity
Chapter 1 General Properties of Immune Responses 7
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Figure12 Types of
In humoral immunity, B lymphocytes
secrete antibodies that eliminate
extracellular microbes. In cell-medi-
ated immunity, T lymphocytes either
activate macrophages to kill phago-
cytosed microbes or destroy in-
fected cells.
Figure13 Activeandpassiveimmunity.
Active immunity is conferred by a host response to a microbe, whereas passive immunity is conferred by adoptive transfer of antibodies or T
lymphocytes specic for the microbe. Both forms of immunity provide resistance to infection and are specic for microbial antigens, but only active
immune responses generate immunologic memory.
Sect i on
was originally dened as the type of immunity that
could be transferred to unimmunized, or naive,
individuals by antibody-containing cell-free portions
of the blood (i.e., plasma or serum [ once called hu-
mors ] ) obtained from previously immunized indi-
viduals. Similarly, cell-mediated immunity was de-
ned as the form of immunity that can be
transferred to naive individuals with cells (T lym-
phocytes) from immunized individuals but not with
plasma or serum.
Clinically, we do not measure immunity by test-
ing an individuals resistance to an infection. Immu-
nity is actually assayed by determining whether in-
dividuals who have been previously exposed to a
foreign substance manifest a detectable reaction
when reexposed to, or challenged with, that sub-
stance. Such a reaction is an indication of sensitiv-
ity to challenge, and individuals who have been
exposed to a foreign substance are said to be sensi-
tized. Diseases caused by abnormal or excessive im-
mune reactions are called hypersensitivity diseases.
The rst experimental demonstration of humoral
immunity was provided by Emil von Behring and
Shibasaburo Kitasato in 1890. They showed that if
serum from animals who had recovered from diph-
theria infection was transferred to naive animals, the
recipients became specically resistant to diphtheria
infection. The active components of the serum were
called antitoxins because they neutralized the patho-
logic effects of the diphtheria toxin. In the early
1900s, Karl Landsteiner and other investigators
showed that not only toxins but also nonmicrobial
substances could induce humoral immune responses.
From such studies arose the more general term an-
tibodies for the serum proteins that mediate hu-
moral immunity. Substances that bound antibodies
and generated the production of antibodies were
then called antigens. (The properties of antibodies
and antigens are described in Chapter 3.) In 1900,
Paul Ehrlich provided a theoretical framework for
the specicity of antigen-antibody reactions, the ex-
perimental proof for which came over the next 50
years from the work of Landsteiner and others using
simple chemicals as antigens. Ehrlichs theories of
the physicochemical complementarity of antigens
and antibodies are remarkable for their prescience.
This early emphasis on antibodies led to the general
acceptance of the humoral theory of immunity, ac-
cording to which immunity is mediated by sub-
stances present in body uids.
The cellular theory of immunity, which stated
that host cells were the principal mediators of im-
munity, was championed initially by Elie Metchni-
koff. His demonstration of phagocytes surrounding a
thorn stuck into a translucent starsh larva, pub-
lished in 1893, was perhaps the rst experimental
evidence that cells respond to foreign invaders. Sir
Almroth Wrights observation in the early 1900s
that factors in immune serum enhanced the phago-
cytosis of bacteria by coating the bacteria, a process
known as opsonization, lent support to the belief
that antibodies prepared microbes for ingestion by
phagocytes. These early cellularists were unable to
prove that specic immunity to microbes could be
mediated by cells. The cellular theory of immunity
became rmly established in the 1950s, when
George Mackaness showed that resistance to an in-
tracellular bacterium, Listeria monocytogenes, could be
adoptively transferred with cells but not with serum.
We now know that the specicity of cell-mediated
immunity is due to lymphocytes, which often func-
tion in concert with other cells, such as phagocytes,
to eliminate microbes.
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All humoral and cell-mediated immune responses to
foreign antigens have a number of fundamental
properties that reect the properties of the lympho-
cytes that mediate these responses (Table 13).
G Specicity. Immune responses are specic for dis-
tinct antigens and, in fact, for different structural
components of a single complex protein, polysac-
charide, or other macromolecule (Fig. 14). The
portions of such antigens that are specically rec-
ognized by individual lymphocytes are called de-
terminants or epitopes. This ne specicity exists
because individual lymphocytes express mem-
brane receptors that are able to distinguish subtle
differences in structure between distinct antigens.
Clones of lymphocytes with different specicities
are present in unimmunized individuals and are
able to recognize and respond to foreign antigens.
This concept is the basic tenet of the clonal selec-
tion hypothesis, which is discussed in more detail
later in this chapter.
G Diversity. The total number of antigenic specici-
ties of the lymphocytes in an individual, called
Table13 Cardinal Features of AdaptiveImmune
Functional Signicancefor
Specicity Ensures that distinct microbes elicit
specic responses
Diversity Enables immune systemto respond to
a large variety of microbes
Memory Leads to enhanced responses to re-
peated exposures to the same mi-
Specialization Generates responses that are optimal
for defense against different types of
Self-limitation Allows immune systemto respond to
newly encountered microbes
Nonreactivity to self Prevents injury to the host during re-
sponses to microbes
the lymphocyte repertoire, is extremely large.
It is estimated that the mammalian immune sys-
tem can discriminate 10
to 10
distinct antigenic
determinants. This property of the lymphocyte
repertoire is called diversity. It is the result of
variability in the structures of the antigen-binding
sites of lymphocyte receptors for antigens. In
other words, there are many different clones of
lymphocytes that differ in the structures of their
antigen receptors and, therefore, in their specic-
ity for antigens, creating a total repertoire that is
extremely diverse. The molecular mechanisms
that generate such diverse antigen receptors are
discussed in Chapter 7.
G Memory. Exposure of the immune system to a
foreign antigen enhances its ability to respond
again to that antigen. Responses to second and
subsequent exposures to the same antigen, called
secondary immune responses, are usually more
rapid, larger, and often qualitatively different
from the rst, or primary, immune responses to
that antigen (see Fig. 14). Immunologic memory
occurs partly because each exposure to an antigen
expands the clone(s) of lymphocytes specic for
that antigen. In addition, memory cells have spe-
cial characteristics that make them more efcient
at eliminating the antigen than are naive lympho-
cytes that have not previously been exposed to
the antigen. For instance, memory B lymphocytes
produce antibodies that bind antigens with higher
afnities than do previously unstimulated B cells,
and memory T cells are better able to home to
sites of infection than are naive Tcells.
G Specialization. As we have already noted, the im-
mune system responds in distinct and special
ways to different microbes, maximizing the ef-
ciency of antimicrobial defense mechanisms.
Thus, humoral immunity and cell-mediated im-
munity are elicited by different classes of microbes
or by the same microbe at different stages of in-
fection (extracellular and intracellular), and each
type of immune response protects the host against
that class of microbe. Even within each type of
immune response, the nature of the antibodies or
T lymphocytes that are generated may vary from
one class of microbe to another. We will return to
the mechanisms and functional signicance of
such specialization in Sections III and IV of this
G Self-limitation. All normal immune responses
wane with time after antigen stimulation, thus
returning the immune system to its resting basal
state, a process called homeostasis (see Fig. 14).
Homeostasis is maintained largely because im-
mune responses are triggered by antigens and
function to eliminate antigens, thus eliminating
the essential stimulus for lymphocyte activation.
In addition, antigens and the immune responses
to them stimulate mechanisms whose main role is
feedback regulation of the response itself. These
homeostatic mechanisms are discussed in Chapter
G Nonreactivity to self. One of the most remarkable
properties of every normal individuals immune
system is its ability to recognize, respond to, and
eliminate many foreign (nonself) antigens while
not reacting harmfully to that individuals own
(self) antigenic substances. Immunologic unre-
sponsiveness is also called tolerance. Tolerance
to self antigens, or self-tolerance, is maintained by
several mechanisms. These include eliminating
lymphocytes that express receptors specic for
some self antigens and allowing lymphocytes to
encounter other self antigens in settings that ei-
ther fail to stimulate or lead to functional inacti-
vation of the self-reactive lymphocytes. The
mechanisms of self-tolerance and discrimination
between self and foreign antigens are discussed in
Chapter 10. Abnormalities in the induction or
maintenance of self-tolerance lead to immune re-
sponses against self antigens (autologous anti-
gens), often resulting in disorders called autoim-
mune diseases. The development and pathologic
consequences of autoimmunity are described in
Chapter 18.
These features of adaptive immunity are neces-
sary if the immune system is to perform its normal
function of host defense (see Table 13). Specicity
and memory enable the immune system to mount
heightened responses to persistent or recurring stim-
ulation with the same antigen and thus to combat
infections that are prolonged or occur repeatedly.
Diversity is essential if the immune system is to de-
fend individuals against the many potential patho-
gens in the environment. Specialization enables the
Chapter 1 General Properties of Immune Responses 9
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Figure14 Specicity, memory, andself limitationof
Antigens A and B induce the production of different antibodies (speci-
city). The secondary response to antigen A is more rapid and larger
than the primary response (memory). Antibody levels decline with time
after each immunization (self limitation).
host to custom design responses to best combat
many different types of microbes. Self-limitation al-
lows the system to return to a state of rest after it
eliminates each foreign antigen and to be prepared
to respond to other antigens. Self-tolerance and the
ability to distinguish between self and nonself are
vital for preventing reactions against ones own cells
and tissues while maintaining a diverse repertoire of
lymphocytes specic for foreign antigens.
The principal cells of the immune system are lym-
phocytes, accessory cells, and effector cells. Lympho-
cytes are the cells that specically recognize and re-
spond to foreign antigens and are, therefore, the
mediators of humoral and cellular immunity. There
are distinct subpopulations of lymphocytes that dif-
fer in how they recognize antigens and in their ef-
fector functions (Fig. 15). B lymphocytes are the
only cells capable of producing antibodies. They rec-
ognize extracellular as well as cellular surface anti-
gens and differentiate into antibody-secreting cells,
thus functioning as the mediators of humoral immu-
nity. T lymphocytes, the cells of cell-mediated im-
munity, are further subdivided into functionally dis-
tinct populations, the best dened of which are
helper T cells and cytolytic (or cytotoxic) T
cells. T cells do not produce antibody molecules.
Their antigen receptors are membrane molecules dis-
tinct from but structurally related to antibodies (see
Chapter 6). Helper and cytolytic T lymphocytes
(CTLs) have a restricted specicity for antigens; they
recognize only peptide antigens attached to host
proteins that are encoded by genes in the major
histocompatibility complex (MHC) and that are ex-
pressed on the surfaces of other cells. As a result,
these T cells recognize and respond to cell surface
associated but not soluble antigens (see Chapter 5).
In response to antigenic stimulation, helper T cells
secrete proteins called cytokines, whose function is
to stimulate the proliferation and differentiation of
the T cells as well as other cells, including B cells,
macrophages, and other leukocytes. CTLs lyse cells
that produce foreign antigens, such as cells infected
by viruses and other intracellular microbes. Some T
lymphocytes, which are called suppressor T cells,
may function mainly to inhibit immune responses.
The nature and physiologic roles of these suppressor
T cells have been issues of considerable controversy.
The current view is that most suppressor cells are
not a distinct class of lymphocytes but are subsets of
helper T cells that produce cytokines that inhibit
certain immune responses (see Chapter 10). A third
class of lymphocytes, natural killer (NK) cells, is in-
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Figure15 Classes of lymphocytes.
B lymphocytes recognize soluble antigens and develop into antibody-secreting cells. Helper T lymphocytes recognize antigens on the surfaces
of host accessory cells and secrete cytokines, which stimulate different mechanisms of immunity and inammation. Cytolytic T lymphocytes
recognize antigens on target cells and lyse these targets. Natural killer cells use receptors that are not fully identied to recognize and lyse
volved in innate immunity against viruses and other
intracellular microbes. We will return to a more de-
tailed discussion of the properties of lymphocytes in
Chapter 2.
The initiation and development of adaptive im-
mune responses depend on nonlymphoid cells called
accessory cells, which are not specic for different
antigens but play important roles in antigen display
to and activation of antigen-specic lymphocytes.
Mononuclear phagocytes, dendritic cells, and several
other cell populations function as accessory cells in
the induction of immune responses. The activation
of lymphocytes by antigen leads to the generation of
numerous mechanisms that function to eliminate
the antigen. The effector phase of antigen elimina-
tion often requires the participation of cells called
effector cells. Activated T lymphocytes, mononu-
clear phagocytes, and other leukocytes function as
effector cells in different immune responses.
Lymphocytes and accessory cells are concentrated
in anatomically discrete lymphoid organs, where
they interact with one another to initiate immune
responses. Lymphocytes are also present in the
blood, from where the naive lymphocytes can recir-
culate to lymphoid tissues and the effector cells can
migrate to peripheral sites of antigen exposure to
eliminate the antigen (see Chapter 2).
Adaptive immune responses may be divided into
three phasesthe recognition of antigen, the activa-
tion of lymphocytes, and the effector phase (Fig. 1
6). All immune responses are initiated by the spe-
cic recognition of antigens. This recognition leads
to the activation of the lymphocytes that recognize
the antigen and culminates in the development of
effector mechanisms that mediate the physiologic
function of the response, namely the elimination of
the antigen. After the antigen is eliminated, the im-
mune response abates and homeostasis is restored.
In the following section we summarize the impor-
tant features of each phase, and throughout the
book we discuss the mechanisms of adaptive immu-
nity in the context of these phases.
Recognitionof Antigens
Every individual possesses numerous clonally derived
lymphocytes, each clone having arisen from a single
precursor and being capable of recognizing and re-
Chapter 1 General Properties of Immune Responses 11
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Figure16 Phases of adaptiveimmuneresponses.
Adaptive immune responses consist of three phases: the recognition of antigen, the activation of lymphocytes, and the effector phase
(elimination of antigen). The response declines as antigen-stimulated lymphocytes die by apoptosis, and the antigen-specic cells that
survive are responsible for memory. The duration of each phase may vary in different immune responses. The y-axis represents an
arbitrary measure of the magnitude of the response. These principles apply to humoral immunity (mediated by B lymphocytes) and
cell-mediated immunity (mediated by T lymphocytes).
Sect i on
sponding to a distinct antigenic determinant, and
when an antigen enters, it selects a specic preexist-
ing cloneand activates it (Fig. 17). This fundamen-
tal concept is called the clonal selection hypothe-
sis. It was rst suggested by Niels Jerne in 1955,
and most clearly enunciated by Macfarlane Burnet
in 1957, as a hypothesis to explain how the immune
system could respond to a large number and variety
of antigens. According to this hypothesis, antigen-
specic clones of lymphocytes develop prior to and
independent of exposure to antigen. The cells consti-
tuting each clone have identical antigen receptors,
which are different from the receptors on the cells
of all other clones. Although it is difcult to place an
upper limit on the number of antigenic determinants
that can be recognized by the mammalian immune
system, a frequently used estimate is on the order of
to 10
. This is a reasonable approximation of
the potential number of antigen receptor proteins
that can be produced, and may, therefore, reect
the number of distinct clones of lymphocytes present
in each individual. Foreign antigens interact with
preexisting clones of antigen-specic lymphocytes in
the specialized lymphoid tissues where immune re-
sponses are initiated.
The key postulates of the clonal selection hypoth-
esis have been convincingly proved by a variety of
experiments and form the cornerstone of the current
concepts of lymphocyte specicity and antigen rec-
Denitive proof of the existence of antigen-specic
clones of lymphocytes before antigen exposure came
when the structure of antigen receptors and the molecu-
lar basis of receptor expression were dened. All the
lymphocytes of a particular clone express receptors of
one specicity, and these receptors are expressed at a
stage of maturation when and in tissues where the lym-
phocytes have not encountered antigens (see Chapter 7).
The fact that an individual clone of lymphocytes can
recognize and respond to only one antigen was estab-
lished by limiting dilution culture experiments. In this type
of experiment, lymphocytes are distributed in culture
wells in such a way that each well contains cells froma
single clone. When mixtures of antigens are added to
these wells, the cells in each well respond to only one of
the antigens (e.g., by producing antibodies specic for
that antigen).
More recently, methods for assaying the expansion of
antigen-specic lymphocyte populations in vivo have
shown that administration of an antigen stimulates expan-
sion of specic lymphocyte populations and no detecta-
ble response of other, bystander, lymphocyte popula-
tions that are not specic for that antigen (see Chapters
8 and 9).
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Figure17 Theclonal
Each antigen (A or B) selects a
preexisting clone of specic lym-
phocytes and stimulates the prolif-
eration and differentiation of that
clone. The diagramshows only B
lymphocytes giving rise to antibody-
secreting effector cells, but the
same principle applies to T lympho-
Activationof Lymphocytes
The activation of lymphocytes requires two distinct
signals, the rst being antigen and the second being
either microbial products or components of innate
immune responses to microbes (Fig. 18). This idea
is called the two-signal hypothesis for lymphocyte
activation. The requirement for antigen (so-called
signal 1) ensures that the ensuing immune response
is specic. The requirement for additional stimuli
triggered by microbes or innate immune reactions
(signal 2) ensures that immune responses are in-
duced when they are needed (i.e., against microbes
and other noxious substances) and not against
harmless substances, including self antigens. We will
return to the nature of second signals for lympho-
cyte activation when we discuss this process in more
detail (see Chapters 8 and 9) and in the context of
innate immunity (see Chapter 12).
The responses of lymphocytes to antigens and sec-
ond signals consist of the synthesis of new proteins,
cellular proliferation, and differentiation into effec-
tor and memory cells (Fig. 19).
Early after stimulation, lymphocytes begin to tran-
scribe genes that were previously silent and to syn-
thesize a variety of new proteins. These proteins in-
clude secreted cytokines (in Tcells), which stimulate
the growth and differentiation of the lymphocytes
themselves and of other effector cells; cytokine re-
ceptors, which make lymphocytes more responsive
to cytokines; and many other proteins involved in
gene transcription and cell division.
In response to antigen and growth factors made by
the antigen-stimulated lymphocytes and by other
cells, the antigen-specic lymphocytes undergo mi-
totic division. This results in proliferation and in-
creased size of the antigen-specic clone, so-called
clonal expansion. In some acute viral infections, the
numbers of virus-specic T cells may increase
100,000-fold, from a basal (unstimulated) level of
about 1 in 1 million lymphocytes to 1 in 10 at the
peak of the infection! These are remarkable exam-
ples of the magnitude of clonal expansion during
immune responses to microbes.
Some of the progeny of the antigen-stimulated lym-
phocytes differentiate into effector cells, whose func-
tion is to eliminate the antigen. Differentiated helper
T cells function by secreting cytokines that activate
other cells. Differentiated CTLs lyse virus-infected
and tumor cells. B lymphocytes differentiate into
cells that actively synthesize and secrete antibodies.
At the end of an immune response, the immune
system returns to its basal state, in large part be-
cause most of the progeny of antigen-stimulated
lymphocytes die by apoptosis. Apoptosis is a form of
regulated, physiologic cell death in which the nu-
cleus undergoes condensation and fragmentation,
the plasma membrane shows blebbing and vesicula-
tion, the internal sequestration of some membrane
lipids is lost, and the dead cells are rapidly phagocy-
tosed without their contents being released. (This
process contrasts with necrosis, a type of cell death
in which the nuclear and plasma membranes break
down and cellular contents often spill out, inducing
a local inammatory reaction.) A large fraction of
antigen-stimulated lymphocytes undergoes apoptosis,
probably because the survival of lymphocytes is de-
pendent on antigen and antigen-induced growth
factors, and as the immune response eliminates the
antigen that initiated it, the lymphocytes become de-
prived of essential survival stimuli. A considerable
amount of information has accumulated about the
Chapter 1 General Properties of Immune Responses 13
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Figure18 Thetwo-signal requirementfor lymphocyte
Microbes produce antigens that are recognized by specic lympho-
cytes, providing signal 1. Microbes also produce substances, such as
endotoxin (shown as small circles), that bind to specic receptors on
accessory cells and stimulate the secretion of cytokines or the expres-
sion of costimulators (not shown), as part of innate immune responses.
Cytokines and costimulators are examples of signal 2, because they act
on lymphocytesin this case, T lymphocytesto enhance responses
to antigens. Second signals for B lymphocytes include breakdown prod-
ucts of complement, which may also be generated during innate im-
mune reactions to microbes (not shown). These examples of second
signals are components of innate immunity, but microbes may them-
selves act on lymphocytes to provide signal 2.
Sect i on
mechanisms of apoptosis, and its regulation, in
lymphoid cells (see Box 102, Chapter 10).
Some of the progeny of antigen-stimulated B and T
lymphocytes do not differentiate into effector cells.
Instead, they become functionally quiescent mem-
ory lymphocytes, which are capable of surviving
for long periods, apparently in the absence of anti-
gen. Thus, the presence of memory cells may be the
only indication of a prior active immune response
and is the dening characteristic of adaptive immu-
nity. The development of memory cells is described
in Chapter 2.
Effector Phaseof ImmuneResponses: Eliminationof
During the effector phase of immune responses, lym-
phocytes that have been specically activated by an-
tigens perform the effector functions that lead to the
elimination of the antigens. Antibodies and T lym-
phocytes eliminate extracellular and intracellular mi-
crobes, respectively. These functions of antibodies
and T cells often require the participation of other,
nonlymphoid effector cells and defense mechanisms
that also operate in innate immunity. Thus, the
same innate immune mechanisms that provide the
early lines of defense against infectious agents may
be used by the subsequent adaptive response to
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Figure19 Phases of lymphocyteresponses.
Naive lymphocytes respond to antigens and second signals by protein synthesis, cellular proliferation, and differentiation into effector
and memory cells. Homeostasis is restored as many of the antigen-activated lymphocytes die by apoptosis. Note that these phases of
lymphocyte response correspond to the phases of adaptive immunity illustrated in Figure 1 6. CTL, cytolytic T lymphocyte.
eliminate microbes (Fig. 110). In fact, as we men-
tioned earlier, an important general function of
adaptive immune responses is to enhance the effec-
tor mechanisms of innate immunity and to focus
these effector mechanisms on those tissues and cells
that contain foreign antigen.
In Sections II, III, and IV of the book, we describe
in detail the recognition, activation, and effector
phases of adaptive immune responses. The principles
introduced in this chapter recur throughout the
G Protective immunity against microbes is mediated
by the early reactions of innate immunity and the
later responses of adaptive immunity. Innate im-
munity is stimulated by structures shared by
groups of microbes. Adaptive immunity is specic
for different microbial and nonmicrobial antigens
and is increased by repeated exposures to antigen
(immunologic memory).
G Humoral immunity is mediated by B lymphocytes
and their secreted products, antibodies, and func-
tions in defense against extracellular microbes.
Cell-mediated immunity is mediated by T lym-
phocytes and their products, such as cytokines,
and is important for defense against intracellular
G Immunity may be acquired by a response to anti-
gen (active immunity) or conferred by transfer of
antibodies or cells from an immunized individual
(passive immunity).
G The immune system possesses several properties
that are of fundamental importance for its normal
functions. These include specicity for different
antigens, a diverse repertoire capable of recogniz-
ing a wide variety of antigens, memory for anti-
gen exposure, specialized responses to different
microbes, self-limitation, and the ability to dis-
criminate between foreign antigens and self anti-
G Lymphocytes are the only cells capable of speci-
cally recognizing antigens and are thus the princi-
pal cells of adaptive immunity. The two major
subpopulations of lymphocytes are B cells and T
cells, and they differ in their antigen receptors
and functions. The activation of lymphocytes of-
ten requires the participation of nonlymphoid ac-
cessory cells, and the elimination of antigens of-
ten requires the participation of various effector
G The adaptive immune response is initiated by the
recognition of foreign antigens by specic lym-
phocytes. Lymphocytes respond by proliferating
and by differentiating into effector cells, whose
function is to eliminate the antigen, and into
memory cells, which show enhanced responses
on subsequent encounters with the antigen. The
activation of lymphocytes requires antigen and
additional signals that may be provided by mi-
crobes or by innate immune responses to mi-
G The effector phase of adaptive immunity requires
the participation of various defense mechanisms,
including the complement system and phagocytes,
that also operate in innate immunity. The adap-
tive immune response enhances the defense
mechanisms of innate immunity.
Chapter 1 General Properties of Immune Responses 15
38769 Abbas SAUNM
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Figure110 Adaptive
immunityenhances the
effector mechanisms of
A. In innate immunity, microbes
activate complement (labeled C)
directly, by the alternative path-
way, resulting in killing of some
of the microbes. Antibodies pro-
duced as part of the adaptive hu-
moral immune response increase
the activation of complement, by
the classical pathway, resulting in
greater microbial elimination.
B. Phagocytes ingest and destroy
some microbes as part of innate
immunity. T lymphocytes, acti-
vated during the adaptive cell-
mediated immune response, inter-
act with phagocytes and
stimulate the microbicidal activi-
ties of the phagocytes, leading to
increased microbial killing.
Sect i on
Burnet FM. A modication of Jernes theory of antibody
production using the concept of clonal selection. Aus-
tralian Journal of Science 20:6769, 1957.
du Pasquier L, and M Flajnik. Origin and evolution of the
vertebrate immune system. In WE Paul (ed). Funda-
mental Immunology, 4th ed. Lippincott-Raven Publish-
ers, Philadelphia, 1999, pp 605650.
Jerne NK. The natural-selection theory of antibody forma-
tion. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
USA 41:849857, 1955.
Silverstein AM. A History of Immunology. Academic Press,
San Diego, 1989.
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