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GROUP: 90030_887

1. Compose a short article for a fitness magazine to express your health habits and
how often you practice your favorite sport.

Currently, this Latin quote is used to refer to a healthy mind in a healthy body. It is
commonly accepted that people who are physically fit, are more likely to be
psychologically well. There is strong theoretical kind enough evidence that
indicates that physical activity influences emotional states such as anxiety or
depression, stress reduction, improved intellectual and cognitive abilities; all
supported by functional changes from the practice of physical activity and sport. It
is a process of dedication all starts with a good disposition and, importantly, food
plays an important role in the habits of daily life for the people we must first cleanse
the body detox after diet, eat more vegetables and vegetables and less fat and
flour affecting our cardiovascular system is not the other consult a nutritionist to
guide us in this process another very important fact rest and sleep helps us recover
from physical activity my habit is to go to the gym in the morning can be taken by
day routines and eating a balanced protein diet in this place can improve your body
shape and lead a healthy life.

2. Write a letter to a friend describing your daily routine and activities.

Hi Vanesa

I am living in the neighborhood Barranquilla below and get up at 5 am every day to go to
the gym and jogging back home at 6 in the morning to work my tools ready at 7:30 am I'm
on my way to work is always a demanding day thank god they are only 8 hours a day at
5pm I prepare to practice martial arts is a sport of high discipline and focus is good to
know a bit to defend against any aggression I invite practice Monday Thursdays and
Saturdays at 5 we always meet at the park or outdoor places you will feel good and you
can de-stress your day duty.

your friend

Yorman perez

2. Invite to your best friend to practice a sport and tell him/her how often you can
practice it and where.

Hi Vanesa want invent this sport is self defense karate but first look at the benefits of this
discipline. According to many practitioners and consulted various doctors and
psychologists these are some benefits that are generated by its practice as . Provides
concentration techniques that can be applied in everyday life , at school, at work, in private
life teaches Karate to strengthen the body and can feel more confident self . It also
provides the confidence to face other challenges. Use mind control techniques that can
help overcome weaknesses. It teaches the secrets of relaxation and leverage and optimize
energy. In this sport the only protagonist is the person doing the exercise as she set their
own goals and progressively adapts without any danger exercises . The goals are set
individually and are not exercises that involve danger to older ages , in fact, the
federations are people practicing the sport for over 35 years my train schedules are
Thursday through Saturday from 7:00 evening until 9:00 pm whenever the appointment is
in the parks.

Second Moment Make a list of words you may use and write the main idea and the
supporting ideas of your text.

List of words and
Healthy, mind, body, people,physically, strong,
evidence, activity, emotional, anxiety, reduction,
supported, sport

Main idea

healthy mind in a healthy body

Supporting ideas

quality of life, sports, health, routine


hello my name is perez yorman I am from Barranquilla live in the neighborhood I have
below 27 I am part of a company of Colombian private televison I worked as technical
operator my contact number is 3205656682.

It is a pleasure to meet.


enriquezedor the English is something we can learn many terms used to improve the
matching of words as a take out order using verbs tenses and personal development.

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