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CAE Writing Paper Part 2: Article

You have seen the following question in a computer magazine:
What difference has the I nternet made to your life?
Can you imagine life without email and the world
wide web?

Write in giving your views on what you like - and
hate - about being online, and we will publish the
best articles.

Write your article for the magazine. (Around 220-260 words).

Ideas for writing
Ask yourself the following questions to help you get started:
Make a list of what you use the internet for:
e.g. sending email, finding information from websites, making friends, studying
online, etc.
Sum up in one sentence the difference that each aspect has made to your life:
e.g. Being able to send an email in seconds has made it easier to keep in touch
with friends and relatives all around the world...
What are the things about the internet that you dislike?
e.g. it can be expensive to be online, slow download times, information on websites
might not be accurate... etc.
Finally, decide what life would be like without the internet. Better or
worse? Remember that the magazine editor is interested in strong
If you can, think of a good catchy title for your article.
Drafting and proofreading your work
You should look at your first draft of the task and decide:
Have you answered all the questions?
Is the layout and organisation appropriate?
Is the language accurate with a good range of structures?
Is the style appropriate and consistent?
Will it have a positive effect on the reader?
If the answer is 'no' to any of these questions then you will need to do some more


Should include all the points in the task, i.e.
what difference has the internet made, and
could the writer imagine life without the
Internet. The article should also include
some negative points about the Internet,
even if the overall opinion is positive.
Language of description, explanation and
opinion/evaluation. Vocabulary related to
the internet (e.g. email, web, snail mail, e-
groups, online, download, etc.), Should
contain phrasal verbs and some idioms.
Should have the layout of an article,
preferably with a title. Must be clearly
organised and divided into suitable
Could range from fairly formal to semi-
informal but should be consistent
Target reader
The reader would be informed about the
writer's opinion of the Internet and the role
it plays in their life, and might consider the
article for publication in the magazine.
Language accuracy
Should not contain major errors that lead
to misunderstanding or which irritate the

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