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There's a few things to know before being an obstacle in the Aria League
As !ou know" e#er! t!$e has two %!& Lea'ers( Both !ou an' the other
Lea'er of !our t!$e will guar' the Ba'ge of !our %!& an' battle to
!our best to $re#ent challengers fro& taking it If !ou aren't con)'ent
in the other Lea'er's abilities" either talk to the& $ri#atel! an' $ractice
together" or ask a Roo& Owner to train the&(
If !our na&e is highlighte' blue or $ur$le in the &e&ber list" !ou will
not be allowe' to acce$t league challenge battles until the sta* has
'ee&e' !ou rea'! to(
If a challenger 'efeats either !ou or the other Lea'er of !our t!$e" the!
will obtain the %!&'s Ba'ge( A challenger will ne#er be re+uire' to
)ght two Lea'ers of a t!$e, howe#er" the! are able to challenge the
Lea'er the! 'i' not battle to obtain a -secon' chance- if the! lose to a
Lea'er later on in their challenge(
If both !ou an' the other Lea'er of !our t!$e is online" the challenger
&a! choose which Lea'er the! woul' like to battle(
If a challenger loses in a battle against either !ou or the other Lea'er
of !our t!$e" the! will not be allowe' to challenge either Lea'er for a
'a!" unless the! 'eci'e to use a -secon' chance- on !ou or the other
If a Lea'er has to go o.ine or 'isconnects 'uring a %!& battle" onl!
the other Lea'er of their t!$e" an Elite Four" or the /ha&$ion is
allowe' to 0oin the battle in their $lace( If nobo'! of these statuses are
$resent" the battle ti&er shoul' be starte' an' the challenger shoul'
wait for either the ti&er to en' or so&ebo'! who +uali)es to return(
Onl! acce$t %!& battles when there is at least one Elite Four an' three
%!& Lea'ers 1inclu'ing !ourself2 online(
There's a few things to know before challenging the Aria League
To register a challenge" si&$l! )ll out the challenger for& an' alert the
league that !ou ha#e registere'( Once !our infor&ation has been
re#iewe'" !our challenge will begin Be sure to follow the following
tea& rules when 'eci'ing on !our tea&(
If !ou will be using an O4 tea& 1or otherwise a tea& co&$rise' of
'i*erent t!$es of 5ok6&on2" all O4 clauses" bans" an' restrictions
a$$l! to !our tea&( Further&ore" the 5ok6&on Talon7a&e is not
allowe' to be use' un'er an! circu&stances(
If !ou will be using a Monot!$e tea&" ignore O4 clauses" bans" an'
restrictions" an' instea' use the rules set b! the Monot!$e tier(
Note that !ou will not be $er&itte' to change !our tea& un'er an!
circu&stances" whether !ou change 5ok6&on" &o#es" or abilities( %!&
Lea'ers 'o not ha#e battle rules" so an! strategies or attacks allowe'
in stan'ar' O48Monot!$e will be allowe' in !our challenge(
E#er! t!$e has two %!& Lea'ers( Both Lea'ers of a t!$e will guar' the
Ba'ge of their %!& an' battle to their best to $re#ent challengers fro&
taking it If !ou 'efeat one Lea'er of a t!$e" !ou ha#e obtaine' that
%!&'s Ba'ge" an' are not re+uire' to face the other Lea'er( 3owe#er(((
(((if !ou lose to a %!& Lea'er" !ou're not allowe' to challenge an! %!&
Lea'er of the t!$e for one 'a!( 9ou are free to challenge other Lea'ers"
If !ou 'efeat one %!& Lea'er of a t!$e" !ou are allowe' to challenge
the other for a -secon' chance-( Secon' chances will allow !ou to
b!$ass the one 'a! wait rule an' re:challenge a %!& Lea'er
i&&e'iatel!( 9ou &a! onl! ha#e one secon' chance at a ti&e" an' !ou
&ust announce when !ou are going to use it( In a''ition" if !ou are
using a Monot!$e tea&" !ou are not allowe' to go for secon' chance
battles against a t!$e !ou ha#e a $ositi#e &atchu$ o#er( 1i(e( a Fire
&onot!$e tea& woul' not be allowe' to face %rass" Ice" Steel" or Bug
%!&s for secon' chances2
If !ou 'efeat the %!& Lea'er in the secon' chance battle" !ou will
obtain a secon' chance an' !ou can consi'er !ourself a &aster of
battling the %!&'s t!$e
If !ou lose to the %!& Lea'er in the secon' chance battle" !our
challenge will be halte' i&&e'iatel!( 9ou will not be allowe' to &ake
an! &ore challenges until a 'a! has $ase'( Think wisel! when going
for a secon' chance
9our beginning goal is to obtain twel#e ba'ges Once !ou'#e 'one so"
$resent !our re$la!s to the Elite Four an' the! will re#iew the& for
$ossible tea& changes(

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