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Hello Caroline School community. Even though we are only one month into
our school year, our school has been buzzing with activity. In only four
weeks, and I know I will miss quite a few, we have already had a start-up
camping trip, Terry Fox Run, Canadian shoreline cleanup, Welcome Back
BBQ, and our annual Fall Frenzy fundraiser (which was another huge
success so thank you everyone!). We have ongoing running clubs,
intramurals, SPEAK and leadership groups, and our school sports in season
right now are cross country running, volleyball, and football. So whether you
are inside or outside, it would not be hard to find our students from
Kindergarten to grade 12 actively involved. This month we also have the
opportunity to publicly recognize some our students. Our monthly elementary
assembly on October 2
and our Jr. and Sr. High awards night on October
gives us a chance to acknowledge our students for all of their positive
contributions to our school and our community so if you have a little free time,
come join us in celebrating their wonderful accomplishments.
To all of the new students and their families, welcome to our school and
community. Please feel free to stop by anytime our doors are always open.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and Happy Halloween!!
Dean Pilipchuk

Congratulations to the gr. 9-12 students for another phenomenal Fall Frenzy
during Sept. 17th-20th. A total of $9723.50 was raised over the 4 days.
The Lord and Lady were crowned at the Harvest Ball and they were
Megan Little and Johnaven Collicutt who were the grade 12 grade reps this
year. They raised a per capita total of $122.94 per student which was just
$2.00 more than 2nd place grade 9's. Congrats to the grade 9's for doing an
outstanding job their first year at it.
A HUGE Thank You to the Community of Caroline for all the support you
have shown for this annual fund raiser. Our 6 year total is almost
$55,000.00. Your support is very much appreciated.
Erin Willsie won the IPAD for working the minimum 15 hours. There was also
a draw for the students who worked a minimum of 10 hours and they have
received a permission form so they can enjoy an afternoon of fun at the
Collicutt Centre in Red Deer on the afternoon of October 29.
Thanks also to the parents who helped out with driving during fall frenzy.
We really appreciate this and so do the students!
We would also like to thank the parents who supervised during the Harvest
Ball on Sept. 26th. Without you, these dances are not going to happen.
Please call the office if you are available for the next one.

Dates to Remember:
October 7Photo Day
All Grades

October 10No School

October 13No School
Thanksgiving Day

October 17-Jr/Sr
Progress Reports
October 22Jr./Sr. High
Parent/Teacher Interviews
from 4-7 pm.
Please phone the school
office for an appointment
October 23School
Advisory Council
Meeting3:30 pm in the
October 24 PD Day
No school for students

October 31 &
November 1
Sr Girls Volleyball Home
October 2014
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Elementary Kids Kilometer Club
Congratulations to MEMPHIS WILLSIE, in grade 2, for being the first Elementary runner to run
10K in Kilometer Club this year !!!
Shortly after Memphis finished, 4 more runners also got their 10K completed.
Congratulations to RYDER LEITCH, JAXIN FOESIER from grade 5, AALIYA CLARK AND
RAYNE DANIELSON from grade 4.
The next day we had HADEN PARK AND REO LEITCH complete 10K as well!
Keep up the good work Elementary! Anybody can start running with us at anytime run as many laps as
you like, and you will win prizes once you have completed 4km, 6km and 10km. Just meet Mrs. Stange out
at the track after you have eaten your lunch, and as soon as you get outside.
Kilometer Club ends on Wednesday, October 8th.
JV Girls Volleyball
Congratulations to the JV girls volleyball team for a great start to their season. They split their
first league match losing the final game and unfortunately put an "L" in the points column
against Pigeon Lake. Our first home game is Tues. Sept. 30th and then we are home
again Tues. Oct. 14. Come out and cheer on our Caroline Cougars.
XCountry News
Congratulations to all the XC runners who participated at New Norway Sept. 25th. Your results
were outstanding. Special mention to Haylee Beeman who finished 2nd in the high school girls
open event, Elora Elson in grade 6 who also brought home a silver medal and Blaine
Pengelly in grade 6 who finished 5th and was awarded a running Tshirt for his efforts.
Honorable mention goes to Lizzy in Grade 6 who placed 11th and Jenna in grade 8 who finished 13th.

Intramural News
Intramural Football and Soccer are both up and running. Students are playing FB
on Tuesdays at lunch and Soccer on Thursdays at lunch time. So far, the schedule
is running smoothly and the kids are having fun. Playoffs begin in the next couple
of weeks and medals will be awarded at the end of this month.

Caroline School Advisory Council Meeting Dates
Meetings will be the third Tuesday of the month (unless otherwise noted).
All meetings will be held in the library at 3:30 pm
Free Babysitting will be provided
October 23, 2014 (Thursday)
November 18, 2014 AGM
December 16, 2014
January 20, 2015
February 17, 2015
March 17, 2015
April 21, 2015
May 19, 2015

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Scholastic Book Fair
The Fall edition of Scholastic Book Fair will be held on October 21 - 23.
The Book Fair will be open all day long, throughout the 3 days.
Tuesday & Thursday the hours are 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Wednesday is the Family Event Night and so we are open from 8:00 am - 7:00 pm.
Parents, grandparents & the general public are welcome to come into the fair at any time during the day.
The students may attend during the same times as always; before school, at lunch and after school.
There will be books for everyone, from Pre-school right through Adult selections.
As always, students who purchase books may enter their names in for the draws for free books.
There will be a winner from each grade, and a grand prize winner who receives $25 in free books for
themselves, and $25 in free books for their classroom. Draws are made at noon on Thursday.
The Family Event will have a special draw for families.
Come and get some early Christmas presents, and be prepared for birthday parties etc.
Please come out and support this GREAT fundraiser, that not only encourages and promotes literacy,
but also enables the library to receive free books.
Help us keep good books on our shelves for ALL of the students to enjoy!

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Senior High Opening Campout

Whew! The month of September was incredibly busy! The Senior High started their
year with the annual start-up camping trip. This year saw 68 students from the High
school (80%) go to Snow Creek Group camp site and take
training in Wilderness navigation and Wilderness Survival.
We took a hike up to Allstones lake seeing 7 intrepid travellers
make it all the way to the top in an hour and a half.

After supper, students were
treated to a tour of the Big
Horn reserve where Barry
took some time to explain the significance of the
placement of the reserve and the local landmarks in
the area. He also told students about the spiritual
beliefs that have informed the growth of the Stoney
people. To end the visit, students took a ride through
the reserve to see the homes and farms of the people
living there.
After a night time game of murder students
had a snack, listened to Brodey Grumetzas
story of over coming addiction and headed off
to bed. Morning came early and a group of
enthusiastic camp counsellors led students
through team building and leadership activities
before heading home on the bus. A huge thank
you goes out to Eric and Denise Berg (organized
the Big Horn tour, the food, and our
counsellors), to Rachelle Peters (supervising
and driving the bus), Deb Little, Angela McIvor,
Randy Jorgenson, Dale Westergaard, and
Brodey Grumetza (for supervising). Such a
great start to our year!!
Figure 1 - Austin Schrader
creating a fishing spear
Figure 3Brodey Hamilton
learning to start a fire with
no matches
Figure 2Erin Willsie, Megan Leek, Donavin Nichols and Ms. Collison
part way to Allstones Lake
Figure 4 Students with Barry from the Big Horn Reserve learning
about the Stoney culture
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Community Barbeque!!
Our community barbeque was once again a fun and boisterous way to start off our school year! This year
saw Parent Council join up with the staff and students of Caroline school to, once again, host a wonderful
supper complete with music and games. Student leadership helped with set up and tear down and hosted a
face painting booth and a balloon race at half time. The fan couch, super popular, was won by Jayden
Ogilivie and he and three friends enjoyed a catered football experience at the 50 yard line. Our bantam
football team even got some action as they played an exhibition game during the half time break. Though our
Cougars didnt come out on top, it was an entertaining way to bring our community together for another year.

SPEAK Students visit the Cultural Arts Fair in Red Deer
Several SPEAK students headed to Red Deer on Sept 26th to listen to the stories from immigrant youth.
They got to meet and sit with a young woman from the Sudan who escaped war to find peace in Red Deer
and to two young men from the Philipines who came to Canada to find a better life. They also ate cultural
food, got henna tattoos and watched a film based in the Sudan by Monybany Dau (who had actually come to
Caroline school to speak with our students during multicultural week two years ago) and who is now raising
money to build water wells in his home village. They ended the day watching a cultural play Babas
Perogies and going out to Mongolie Grill for supper. A great time and a mind opening experience.

SPEAK students organizing trip to Ecuador Spring 2016
Ms. Collison and Ms. Barr are helping our SPEAK students finally realize their dream of going to Ecuador to
see the building that is occurring due to the funds that our whole school has raised. All students in the senior
high are welcome to attend the 10 day trip that is currently slated for the spring of 2016. EF tours is hosting
this Me to We trip that will see students living in the Amazon basin and working on a building project.
Information for this trip is available in the office and there is a MANDATORY parent meeting on Oct. 30th at
7:00 pm for any students planning to attend. The experience promises to be life altering and will make a
difference in the lives of those living in poverty in Ecuador. We are looking for companies who might be
interesting in sponsoring a students trip. This will be based on a draw from those who have been working to
raise money for our build a school, build the world campaign. If your company is interested let me
(Kirsten Collison) know. Thanks!!

We Day 2014
On Nov 3 2014, 18 students and 2 teachers will be heading from Caroline School to WE Day in Calgary.
This will be Caroline Schools fifth WE day as we participated in two in Vancouver prior to WE Day coming
to Calgary. What is WE day you ask?? It is a day of inspiration provided by Free the Children to encourage
children to look after their world. A series of speakers, musicians and celebrities tell their stories and
encourage students to get involved in making a difference.
So who gets to go??
SPEAK students earn their ticket to WE day by belonging to this group and doing on-going projects all year.
Other students can earn their ticket by writing a letter indicating how they plan to make a difference in the
school this year. Winners will be chosen by committee.

Octobers Upcoming Grad and Leadership Events
Oct. 17 - JR/SR High movie night X Men Days of Future Past
Oct. 19 Grad Bottle Drive If youd like your bottles picked up contact Grad president Lane Oliver
(403) 872-4402 (after school hours) or during school hours (403)722-3833 just leave a message
Oct. 31 Door Decorating contest and Costume Parade (K 12)
Nov. 3 We Day Grades 7-12

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OF 2015

Bottle Drive
Sunday October 19

If you are interested in donating your bottles to the Grad Class of 2015.
Please contact Grad President Lane Oliver at (403) 872-4402 (after school hours) or during school hours
(403) 722-3833 at the school office and leave a message.
You may also talk with grade 12 student
The grads can arrange to come and pick them up on or prior to October 19.

Thank you for supporting he Caroline Grad Class of 2015

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Hi there!

My name is Amanda MacLurg and I am a Speech Language Pathologist with Alberta Health Services.
This year I will be back at Caroline School to partner with the teachers, staff and parents to support your chil-
drens speech and language.

What is speech and language?

Speech is how we pronounce our sounds, words, and sentences. Common speech difficulties in-
clude sound errors (e.g., A child might say the /th/ sound instead of the /s/ sound) and stuttering.

Language is how we understand and use words to communicate our ideas. Understanding language
impacts our ability to read, understand concepts, and follow directions. Our ability to use language is illustrat-
ed by our vocabulary, grammar, and how we put together sentences.
If you have any concerns about your childs speech and language let your childs teacher now. You can also
give me a call at 403 845-8529 and I would be happy to answer any questions you might have!

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