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Lxamlners 8eporL nL8CSP lCC
March 2001 - uec 2004
Week 2

key Words
Dehne - rovlde a generally recognlsed or accepLed
Descr|be - Clve a word plcLure
Lxp|a|n - Clve a clear accounL of, or reasons for
G|ve - rovlde wlLhouL explanauon (used normally wlLh Lhe
lnsLrucuon Lo glve an example (or examples) of.")
Idennfy - SelecL & name
L|st - rovlde a llsL wlLhouL an explanauon
Cut||ne - Clve Lhe mosL lmporLanL feaLures of (less depLh
Lhan elLher explaln" or descrlbe", buL more depLh Lhan
Sketch - rovlde a slmple llne drawlng uslng labels Lo ldenufy
speclc feaLures
State - A less demandlng form of dene" or, where Lhere ls no
generally recognlsed denluon
Cccupauonal PealLh
March 2001 C8 & uec 2002 C6
An employee ls engaged ln general cleanlng
acuvlues ln a large veLerlnary pracuce.

(l) Idennfy ICUk speclc Lypes of hazard
LhaL Lhe cleaner mlghL face when underLaklng
Lhe cleanlng. (4)
(ll) Cut||ne Lhe precauuons LhaL could be
Laken Lo mlnlmlse Lhe rlsk of harm from Lhese
hazards. (4)
Lxamlners 8eporL
ln general, Lhls quesuon was reasonably well answered
alLhough mosL candldaLes coped beuer wlLh part (|) Lhan wlLh
part (||).

Many candldaLes were able Lo ldenufy hazards speclcally
relaung Lo cleaners, such as:
cleanlng ulds,
manual handllng,
sllps/Lrlps/falls & sharp ob[ecLs,
& Lhose assoclaLed wlLh Lhe worklng envlronmenL,
such as blologlcal hazards,
conLacL wlLh anlmals,
& Lhose arlslng from Lhe use of speclallsed equlpmenL.
ln answerlng part (||), Lxamlners were looklng Lo candldaLes
Lo ouLllne precauuons such as:
Lhe provlslon & use of personal proLecuve equlpmenL
(lncludlng overalls & gloves),
Lhe lnLroducuon of a procedure for handllng & dlsposal of
Lhe need for anlmals Lo be kepL ln secure enclosures,
& Lhe posslble need for lmmunlsauon agalnsL dlseases
known Lo be Lransmlued by anlmals.
Plghllghung LhaL Lhe employee would need speclc Lralnlng
ln Lhe precauuons ouLllned would have galned an
addluonal mark.
!une 2001 Cuesuon 3
(a) L|st ICUk resplraLory dlseases
LhaL could be caused by exposure Lo
dusL aL work. (4)
(b) Idennfy Lhe posslble lndlcauons
of a dusL problem ln a workplace.

Lxamlners 8eporL
MosL candldaLes coped well wlLh part (a) of Lhe quesuon, selecung
from a llsL of resplraLory dlseases lncludlng asbesLosls, slllcosls,
asLhma, bronchlus, & cancer of Lhe lung or oLher parL of Lhe
resplraLory sysLem.

art (b) was less well answered, wlLh mosL candldaLes able Lo ldenufy
only a llmlLed number of lndlcauons - such as:

vlslble slgns of dusL (ln Lhe alr or deposlLed on surfaces or cloLhes),
& complalnLs of dlscomforL by employees.
CLher examples could have lncluded cases of:
lmpalred healLh llnked Lo exposure (posslbly deLecLed by healLh or
medlcal survelllance),
Lhe resulLs of workplace monlLorlng,
& problems assoclaLed wlLh planL & equlpmenL such as blocked
!une 2004 Cuesuon 1
(a) Idennfy Lhe posslble lndlcauons of a dusL
problem ln a workplace. (4)
(b) Descr|be how Lhe body may defend lLself
agalnsL Lhe harmful eecLs of alrborne
dusL. (6)
(c) Cut||ne, uslng pracucal examples where
approprlaLe, Lhe conLrol measures LhaL
may be used Lo reduce levels of dusL ln a
work envlronmenL. (10)
Lxamlners 8eporL
art (b) was noL well answered wlLh surprlslngly few
candldaLes able Lo provlde an adequaLe descrlpuon of how
Lhe body may defend lLself agalnsL Lhe harmful eecLs of
alrborne dusL.
1he ma[orlLy menuoned coughlng & sneezlng buL only Lhe
beuer lnformed referred Lo Lhe lLerlng eecL of nasal
halrs & Lo Lhe role of Lhe mucus ln Lhe resplraLory LracL &
bronchl, whlch allows dusL parucles Lo be Lrapped & Lhen
carrled upwards by uny halrs (cllla).
llne dusL parucles reachlng Lhe bronchloles may be sub[ecL
Lo Lhe engulng acuon of scavenglng cells (macrophages)
& absorbed lnLo Lhe blood sLream, causlng Lhe eyes Lo
'waLer' & dusL parucles Lo be removed.
Cood answers Lo part (c) generally followed Lhe rsL parL of
Lhe conLrol hlerarchy & referred Lo conLrol measures such as:
ellmlnauon (e.g. by lnLroduclng pre-formed componenLs or
ouLsourclng Lhe dusLy operauon),
subsuLuuon (e.g. of powder by granules, llquld or pasLe),
lsolauon of Lhe process ln a separaLe room,
enclosure (ln a glove box, for lnsLance), Lhe provlslon of LLv,
& suppresslon by damplng down & carrylng ouL cleanlng
operauons by vacuumlng raLher Lhan sweeplng.
Some cand|dates concentrated so|e|y extracnon, some
prov|d|ng a |ot of |nappropr|ate deta||s on LLV systems.
Some cand|dates a|so mennoned d||unon venn|anon,
a|though genera||y th|s has ||u|e eect on a|rborne dust
Cther cand|dates d|d not read the quesnon w|th sumc|ent
care & referred to L & reduced exposure nmes, ne|ther
of wh|ch reduces |eve|s of dust |n the a|r
SepL 2001 Cuesuon 1
A facLory uses small quanuues of varlous Loxlc chemlcals
whlch are obLalned from & reLurned Lo a cenLral sLoreroom.

(l) Idennfy ICUk posslble rouLes of enLry of Loxlc
subsLances lnLo Lhe body &, ln LACn case, descr|be a
clrcumsLance ln whlch Lhe sLoreroom sLa mlghL be aL rlsk
of such exposure. (8)

(ll) Cut||ne Lhe facLors Lo conslder when assesslng Lhe
healLh rlsks Lo sLoreroom sLa from handllng Lhe chemlcals.

(ll) Cut||ne Lhe conLrol measures LhaL mlghL be requlred ln
order Lo mlnlmlse Lhe rlsk Lo Lhe healLh of Lhose worklng ln
Lhe sLoreroom. (8)
Lxamlners 8eporL
MosL candldaLes were able Lo ldenufy Lhe posslble rouLes of enLry
of Loxlc subsLances lnLo Lhe body referrlng Lo lnhalauon, lngesuon,
absorpuon & ln[ecuon.
uescrlblng Lhe clrcumsLances ln whlch Lhe sLoreroom sLa mlghL
be aL rlsk of such exposure, however, proved a llule more dlmculL.
Many havlng ldenued a rouLe of enLry, slmply added more deLall
raLher Lhan descrlblng Lhe parucular clrcumsLances ln whlch lL
mlghL occur.
8euer answers consldered Lhe operauons ln whlch Lhe sLoreroom
sLa would Lyplcally be engaged & relaLed posslble rouLes of enLry
Lo Lhese - for lnsLance:
lnhalauon ln relauon Lo splllage & Lhe bulld up of vapours,
lngesuon due Lo poor personal hyglene pracuces,
absorpuon Lhrough Lhe skln as a resulL of lnadequaLe personal
proLecuve equlpmenL or uncovered wounds,
& lnfecuon from Lhe use of damaged, broken or unsulLable
conLalners for handllng Lhe Loxlc subsLance.
Answers to part (||) of the quesnon were d|sappo|nnng w|th
few cand|dates d|sp|ay|ng an understand|ng of the factors
|nvo|ved |n assess|ng r|sks to hea|th.

Lxamlners were looklng for reference Lo mauers such as Lhe:
degree of LoxlclLy of Lhe subsLances used,
Lhe meLhods of work adopLed (whlch may deLermlne Lhe
rouLes of enLry),
Lhe posslble durauon & frequency of exposures,
& an assessmenL of Lhe eecuveness of exlsung conLrol

Many cand|dates addressed on|y the |ast of these by rec|nng
the contro| h|erarchy & hence prov|ded an answer that was
c|oser to that requ|red for part (|||).

In answer|ng the th|rd part, most cand|dates addressed
contro| measures |n rather vague terms.
1here was, aga|n, frequent reference to the h|erarchy of
contro|s but few showed an understand|ng of how th|s
m|ght be app||ed |n pracnce.

More consldered responses referred Lo speclc measures
such as:
Lhe use of sulLable conLalners for Lhe chemlcals & Lhe
meLhods for handllng Lhem,
Lhe provlslon of venulauon & approprlaLe personal
proLecuve equlpmenL,
procedures for deallng wlLh splllage,
Lhe lnLroducuon of slLe rules Lo ensure personal hyglene,
& Lhe provlslon of lnformauon & Lralnlng Lo Lhe sLa
SepL 2001 C6, uec 2002 C6 &
Mar 2003 C9
Cut||ne Lhe facLors Lo be consldered
when maklng an assessmenL of rsL-
ald provlslon ln a workplace. (8)
Lxamlners 8eporL

ln general, candldaLes provlded reasonable answers Lo Lhls
quesuon wlLh Lhe more able referrlng Lo & ouLllnlng Lhe wlde
range of facLors lnvolved.
1hese lnclude Lhe:
number & dlsLrlbuuon of employees,
Lhe hazards & assoclaLed rlsks ln Lhe workplace,
Lhe dlsLance of Lhe workplace from Lhe nearesL emergency
Lhe need Lo provlde cover for shl work, sLa holldays &
& Lhe posslblllLy of cooperaung wlLh oLher employers ln shared
Some cand|dates prov|ded a very br|ef ||st of po|nts |n answer
to th|s quesnon & thus restr|cted the number of marks that
cou|d be awarded.
uec 2001 C7 & uec 2002 C6
(a) Idennfy Lhe 1WC maln funcuons
of rsL-ald. (2)

(b) Cut||ne Lhe facLors Lo conslder
when maklng an assessmenL of rsL-
ald provlslon ln Lhe workplace. (6)
Lxamlners 8eporL
lor part (a), Lhe Lwo maln funcuons of rsL-ald

rsLly, Lhe preservauon of llfe &/or Lhe
mlnlmlsauon of Lhe consequences of serlous
ln[ury &,

secondly, Lhe LreaLmenL of mlnor ln[urles LhaL
do noL need medlcal auenuon.
uec 2001 Cuesuon 4
A furnlLure facLory uses solvenL-based
adheslves ln lLs manufacLurlng process.
(l) Idennfy Lhe posslble eecLs on
healLh of employees uslng Lhe
adheslves. (4)

(ll) State ICUk conLrol measures Lo
mlnlmlse such healLh eecLs. (4)
Lxamlners 8eporL

Answers Lo part (|) of Lhls quesuon were reasonable wlLh mosL
candldaLes ldenufylng healLh eecLs such as:

lrrlLauon of eyes,
skln & lungs,
nausea & dlzzlness.
1he more able candldaLes also referred Lo Lhe psychologlcal
eecLs of exposure Lo Lhe adheslve wlLh Lhe posslble
secondary eecL of an lncreased rlsk of accldenLs.


ln answerlng part (||), candldaLes could have selecLed from a number
of conLrol measures such as:
dlsconunulng Lhe use of Lhe adheslve or lnLroduclng a less Loxlc
mlnlmlslng Lhe use of Lhe producL or llmlung Lhe surface area of
provldlng venulauon for Lhe area where Lhe adheslve ls Lo be used,
lnLroduclng good housekeeplng & work procedures (e.g. Lo ensure
LhaL conLalners are noL le open),
provldlng sulLable personal proLecuve equlpmenL,
ensurlng good sLandards of personal hyglene,
& provldlng lnformauon, lnsLrucuon & Lralnlng for Lhe employees.
Some cand|dates suggested undertak|ng a r|sk assessment. Wh||e
th|s |s an acceptab|e course of acnon to fo||ow, r|sk assessment |s
not a contro| measure but the process that determ|nes wh|ch
contro| measures m|ght be appropr|ate.
uec 2001 Cuesuon 3
Cut||ne Lhe facLors LhaL could conLrlbuLe
Lowards Lhe developmenL of work-relaLed
upper llmb dlsorders (W8uLus) amongsL
employees aL a supermarkeL checkouL. (8)
Lxamlners 8eporL
1hls quesuon concerned a work envlronmenL LhaL should
have been famlllar Lo all candldaLes. lL was dlsappolnung,
Lherefore, Lo nd LhaL answers were noL Lo Lhe sLandards
lacLors LhaL should have been ouLllned lnclude:

space consLralnLs,
poor equlpmenL (such as chalrs LhaL are noL ad[usLable),
bulky or heavy lLems, poor deslgn or rellablllLy of scannlng
hlgh levels of repeuuon, worklng aL a fasL pace, over-reachlng
(oen from a seaLed posluon),
lnsumclenL resL breaks,
envlronmenLal condluons such as LemperaLure & humldlLy,
& lack of approprlaLe Lralnlng.
Many cand|dates d|d not grasp the fact that the quesnon
was concerned w|th a parncu|ar operanon |n a supermarket
& produced answers that re|ated to manua| hand||ng
acnv|nes |n genera|, ohen spec|fy|ng the contro| measures
for these acnv|nes.

Cthers were content to produce answers based so|e|y on
the types of prob|em assoc|ated w|th d|sp|ay screen
equ|pment, wh|ch m|ssed many of the key |ssues re|anng to
body movement & the transfer of purchases, w|th the need
very ohen to tw|st |tems |n order to pass them through a
uec 2001 Cuesuon 6
(a) Idennfy Lhe posslble eecLs on healLh
LhaL may be caused by worklng ln a hoL
envlronmenL such as a foundry. (2)

(b) Cut||ne Lhe measures LhaL may be
Laken Lo help prevenL Lhe healLh
eecLs ldenued ln (a). (6)
Lxamlners 8eporL

1hls quesuon , whlch has been used on a number of prevlous
occaslons, was well answered by a large number of
CandldaLes who ldenued such eecLs as:

skln burns from radlanL heaL,
dehydrauon & heaL cramps,
heaL caLaracLs,
& heaL sLress could galn boLh Lhe marks avallable for part (a).

A selecuon of conLrol measures should be employed ln hoL
envlronmenLs & mosL candldaLes, for part (b) ldenued
measures such as Lhe provlslon of:

mlnlmlslng Lhe exposure ume of employees,
ensurlng uld lnLake,
lncreaslng venulauon,
& Lhe provlslon of sulLable cloLhlng.

Cood answers also referred Lo oLher measures such as healLh
survelllance & Lhe need Lo allow workers Lo accllmause
gradually Lo Lhe envlronmenL.

8euer candldaLes lndlcaLed as parL of Lhelr ouLllne an
lndlcauon of how Lhe measures help Lo prevenL harm.
March 2002 Cuesuon 3
Idennfy ICUk posslble rouLes of enLry
of Loxlc subsLances lnLo Lhe body &, ln
LACn case, descr|be a clrcumsLance ln
whlch an employee mlghL be aL rlsk of
such exposure. (8)
Lxamlners 8eporL
MosL candldaLes successfully ldenued Lhe rouLes of enLry of
Loxlc subsLances lnLo Lhe body as lnhalauon, lngesuon, Lhrough
Lhe skln & by ln[ecuon.
uescrlblng Lhe clrcumsLances ln whlch an employee mlghL be aL
rlsk ln each case, however, proved a llule more dlmculL.
Lxamlners were looklng for examples such as:
lnhalauon due Lo a bulld up of fume or vapour, elLher as parL of a
process (e.g. weldlng) or accldenLally (e.g. splllage),
lngesuon caused perhaps by poor personal hyglene (e.g. eaung
or smoklng wlLhouL rsL washlng Lhe hands),
enLry Lhrough Lhe skln lf wounds are noL covered or by conLacL
wlLh chemlcals (e.g. solvenLs) LhaL may be absorbed Lhrough Lhe
e[ecuon posslbly caused by Lhe handllng of conLamlnaLed sharp
March 2002 Cuesuon 6
Cut||ne Lhe facLors LhaL may lndlcaLe a
need for healLh survelllance of
employees ln Lhe workplace. (8)
Lxamlners 8eporL
1hls quesuon appeared Lo cause problems for many candldaLes,
some of whom ldenued parucular slLuauons where healLh
survelllance would be approprlaLe raLher Lhan ouLllnlng Lhe
facLors LhaL mlghL lndlcaLe Lhe need for lL.
ln answerlng, candldaLes could have chosen from a varleLy of
facLors such as:

lll-healLh & absence records,
rsL-ald LreaLmenLs,
complalnLs from employees,
Lhe ndlngs of rlsk assessmenLs,
Lhe resulLs of lnspecuons or monlLorlng acuvlues,
changes ln meLhods of work,
& Lhe relevanL requlremenLs of currenL leglslauon & approved
codes of pracuce.
SepL 2002 Cuesuon 6
(a) Lxp|a|n Lhe Lerm resplrable dusL.

(b) Cut||ne Lhe ways ln whlch Lhe levels
of dusL ln a workplace can be
assessed. (6)
Lxamlners 8eporL

ln answerlng part (a) of Lhe quesuon candldaLes were expecLed
Lo explaln LhaL resplrable dusL ls an aLmospherlc dusL of a
parucular parucle slze range LhaL enables lL Lo enLer Lhe lungs
durlng resplrauon.

Very few cand|dates managed to obta|n the 2 marks ava||ab|e
for th|s part of the quesnon.
lor part (b), beuer candldaLes were able Lo dlsungulsh beLween
quallLauve ways of assesslng dusL levels (e.g. vlsual examlnauon of
Lhe accumulauon of dusL on surfaces or Lhe use of a dusL lamp Lo
hlghllghL sources of dusL emlsslon) & quanuLauve meLhods (sampllng
meLhods or dlrecL readlng lnsLrumenLs).

As far as sampllng ls concerned, candldaLes should have referred Lo
baslc sampllng sLraLegles (personal versus xed or area sampllng) &
Lhe prlnclple of assesslng Lhe (b).

concenLrauon of alrborne dusL by noung Lhe welghL dlerence of a
pre-welghLed lLer aer a known quanuLy of conLamlnaLed alr ls
drawn Lhrough lL.

lL became clear LhaL a few candldaLes were aware of Lhe meLhods or
prlnclples of sampllng.

keferences |n answers to the use of sta|n tube detectors for dust
measurement & b|ow|ng |nto tubes were parncu|ar|y worry|ng.
!une 2001 Cuesuon 7
Cut||ne Lhe healLh & safeLy rlsks assoclaLed
wlLh weldlng operauons. (8)
Lxamlners 8eporL

Clven Lhe varleLy of Lypes of weldlng, & Lhe broad range of
hazards LhaL can be presenLed, an ouLllne of Lhe assoclaLed
rlsks should have posed llule problem.

Many cand|dates, however, concentrated on |dennfy|ng the
hazards rather than the r|sks.

uependlng on Lhe Lype of weldlng, rlsks may lnclude elecLrlc
shock, Lrlpplng over Lralllng cables or plpes, ln[urles from Lhe
handllng of cyllnders, & Lhe problems assoclaLed wlLh oxygen
enrlchmenL leadlng Lo an lncreased rlsk of re &/or exploslon.

8euer candldaLes referred Lo Lhe eecLs of fume lnhalauon,
damage Lo Lhe eyes from uv llghL, burns Lo Lhe skln & Lhe
lncreased rlsk of re from hoL maLerlals or sparks.
!une 2002 Cuesuon 10
(a) Dehne Lhe Lerm LargeL organ wlLhln
Lhe conLexL of occupauonal healLh.

(b) Cut||ne Lhe personal hyglene pracuces
LhaL should be followed Lo reduce Lhe
rlsk of lngesuon of a hazardous
subsLance. (6)
Lxamlners 8eporL

1he term target organ, for part (a) was poor|y dehned by
most cand|dates, a|though many were ab|e to demonstrate
an understand|ng of the concept w|th examp|es - !asbestos
& the |ungs was common|y c|ted.

A slmple denluon such as Lhe organ/s of Lhe human body
upon whlch a Loxlc maLerlal exerLs lLs eecLs was all LhaL
was requlred for full marks.
art (b) provlded anoLher example of Lhe lmporLance of carefully
readlng Lhe quesuon. Many dld noL seem Lo Lake noLe of Lhe key words
personal hyglene & lngesuon. Pence, Lhe quesuon was speclcally
abouL whaL should be requlred of employees Lo avold harmful
subsLances enLerlng Lhe mouLh.

Such pracuces as:
washlng hands before eaung,
Lhe avoldance of eaung,
drlnklng & smoklng ln Lhe workplace,
uullslng faclllues for conLamlnaLed cloLhlng,
approprlaLe use of gloves,
& avoldlng hand-Lo-mouLh conLacL were all relevanL ln Lhls respecL.
Severa| cand|dates c|ted tra|n|ng |n the|r answers to part (b).
nowever, wh||e tra|n|ng |s essenna| for emp|oyees, |t does not descr|be
a persona| hyg|ene pracnce |n the context of th|s quesnon.
uec 2001 Cuesuon 10
(a) Idennfy posslble rouLes of enLry of
blologlcal organlsms lnLo Lhe body.

(b) Cut||ne Lhe conLrol measures LhaL
could be used Lo reduce Lhe rlsk of
lnfecuon from blologlcal organlsms.
Lxamlners 8eporL

lor part (a), candldaLes could have chosen from a llsL lncludlng
lnhalauon, ln[ecuon, enLry Lhrough broken skln, exchange of body
ulds & lngesuon. MosL candldaLes obLalned all, or nearly all, Lhe
avallable marks for Lhls parL of Lhe quesuon

CandldaLes were noL so successful, however, ln answerlng part (b),
alLhough Lhere are a number of conLrol measures LhaL should have
become apparenL lf candldaLes had broughL Lo mlnd hosplLal or
laboraLory slLuauons.

1hls should have lnsplred an ouLllne of measures such as:
cleanlng & dlslnfecung,
englneerlng conLrols (such as conLalnmenL & Lhe use of
mlcroblologlcal safeLy cablneLs),
vermln conLrol, good personal hyglene & lmmunlsauon.
1he quesuon requlred an ouLllne.
Accordlngly, an answer provldlng a llsL of general measures such as
proLecuve cloLhlng or Lralnlng wlLhouL furLher explanauon was
March 2001 Cuesuon 3
lor LACn of Lhe followlng Lypes of hazardous
subsLance, g|ve a example & sLaLe lLs prlmary
eecL on Lhe body:

(l) lrrlLanL. (2)
(ll) Corroslve. (2)
(lll) 1oxlc. (2)
(lv) Carclnogenlc. (2)

Lxamlners 8eporL

Desp|te the fact that th|s quesnon has appeared on prev|ous
exam|nanon papers, answers were genera||y d|sappo|nnng.
Cnly beuer candldaLes showed a good grasp of Lhe Lypes of
hazardous subsLance llsLed & were able Lo glve examples
LogeLher wlLh Lhelr maln healLh eecLs.
Lven when candldaLes provlded an approprlaLe example of a Loxlc
subsLance, such as lead, mercury or pesucldes, few were ab|e to
|dennfy |ts pr|mary eect on the body.

lor corroslve subsLances, reference could have been made Lo sLrong
aclds or alkalls, whlch cause Lhe desLrucuon of llvlng ussue aL Lhe polnL
of conLacL (e.g. skln, resplraLory LracL or dlgesuve LracL).

MosL candldaLes were able Lo ldenufy LhaL carclnogenlc subsLances can
cause cancer & were able Lo speclfy Lhe parL of Lhe body normally
aecLed (e.g. Lhe lungs for asbesLos & Lhe nasal membrane for
chromlum) & Lhls was requlred for full marks.

lrrlLanLs cause lnammauon on conLacL wlLh Lhe skln, eyes or mucous
membranes, & adheslves & deLergenLs are prlme examples of Lhls Lype
of subsLance.

ke|anve|y few cand|dates ga|ned the 2 marks ava||ab|e here.
March 2002 C10, uec 2003
C6 & Mar 2003 C3
(a) Idennfy 1WC resplraLory dlseases LhaL
may be caused by exposure Lo asbesLos.

(b) Idennfy where asbesLos ls llkely Lo be
encounLered ln a bulldlng durlng
renovauon work. (6)
Lxamlners 8eporL

ln answerlng part (a) of Lhls quesuon, many candldaLes ldenued a
varleLy of resplraLory problems LhaL were elLher non-speclc or are
noL assoclaLed wlLh asbesLos.

neumoconlosls & asLhma were frequenLly glven as examples.
More knowledgeable candldaLes referred Lo speclcally asbesLosls,
mesoLhelloma or lung cancer

art (b) was reasonably well answered wlLh mosL candldaLes
ldenufylng, for lnsLance:
plpe lagglng,
roong maLerlals,
lo & wall lnsulauon,
sprayed coaungs (for example, ln re-reslsLanL encapsulauon of
meLal glrders),
& Lhe use of asbesLos ln celllng ules, panels & LexLured nlshes.

lewer menuoned Lhe posslblllLy of gaskeLs, packlng & plugs made of
asbesLos-conLalnlng maLerlals.
March 2001 Cuesuon
(a) Idennfy Lhe 1nkLL Lypes of asbesLos
commonly found ln bulldlngs. (3)

(b) Lxp|a|n where asbesLos ls llkely Lo be
encounLered ln a bulldlng durlng renovauon
work. (3)
Lxamlners 8eporL
1he ma[orlLy of candldaLes found llule dlmculLy wlLh part (a) of Lhe
quesuon & were able Lo ldenufy Lhe Lhree common Lypes of asbesLos:

whlLe (chrysoule),
brown (amoslLe), &
blue (crocldollLe).

lor full marks, Lhe chemlcal names of each Lype were noL necessary
buL were neverLheless ldenued by many.
art (b) was also dealL wlLh compeLenLly ln Lhe maln, wlLh candldaLes
ldenufylng posslble slLes of asbesLos such as:

plpe lagglng,
celllng ules,
asbesLos cemenL roof & wall sheeLs,
sprayed asbesLos coaungs on sLrucLural members,
lo & wall lnsulauon,
& asbesLos rope & gaskeLs.
uec 2002 Cuesuon 3
Cut||ne Lhe precauuons Lo ensure Lhe
healLh & safeLy of persons engaged ln
palnL-spraylng ln a moLor vehlcle
repalr shop. (8)
Lxamlners 8eporL
1hls quesuon presenLed candldaLes wlLh a parucular scenarlo &
requlred Lhem Lo ouLllne Lhe precauuons LhaL should be Laken Lo
ensure Lhe healLh & safeLy of Lhose lnvolved ln Lhe acuvlLy descrlbed.
Lxamlners were looklng Lo candldaLes Lo suggesL such precauuons as:

segregauon of Lhe acuvlLy, Lyplcally by means of a spray booLh ued
wlLh local exhausL venulauon & proLecLed elecLrlcal equlpmenL,
sulLable sLorage & re precauuons for ammable palnLs & solvenLs,
Lhe provlslon & use of personal proLecuve equlpmenL (cloLhlng,
resplraLory proLecuon eLc),
monlLorlng employees exposure Lo alrborne subsLances,
ensurlng Lhe examlnauon & malnLenance of conLrol measures,
provldlng approprlaLe Lralnlng Lo employees,
& malnLalnlng welfare & hyglene faclllues.

Some cand|dates were unab|e to oer anyth|ng more than the use of
persona| protecnve equ|pment & the prov|s|on of tra|n|ng, wh||e
others d|d not take fu|| advantage of the know|edge that they
appeared to have because they neg|ected to fo||ow the requ|rement
for an out||ne.
!une 2003 Cuesuon 4
lor LACn of Lhe followlng agenLs,
ouLllne Lhe prlnclple healLh eecLs AND
|dennfy a Lyplcal workplace slLuauon ln
whlch a person mlghL be exposed.
(l) carbon monoxlde (2)
(ll) asbesLos (2)
(lll) leglonella bacLerla (2)
(lv) hepauus vlrus. (2)

Lxamlners 8eporL
1hls quesuon was lnLended Lo LesL candldaLes knowledge of
Lhe healLh eecLs arlslng from exposure Lo varlous subsLances
LhaL appear ln Lhe syllabus.

lor part (|), Lhe prlnclpal eecLs from exposure Lo carbon
monoxlde are headaches, drowslness & posslble asphyxlauon.
Lxposure could occur when worklng near a vehlcle exhausL ln an
unvenulaLed area (e.g. vehlcle repalr premlses or underground
car park) or Lo a boller wlLh a defecuve ue.

Answers Lo part (||) should have recognlsed LhaL exposure Lo
asbesLos may cause asbesLosls (a brouc dlsease of Lhe lung),
lung cancer or mesoLhelloma (cancer of Lhe llnlng of Lhe lung).
1hose aL rlsk lnclude persons engaged ln malnLenance or
demolluon work where asbesLos ls conLalned ln Lhe fabrlc of Lhe
Leglonella bacLerla for parL (lll), may cause leglonellosls, whlch ls
characLerlsed by u-llke sympLoms, pneumonla &, ln abouL 13 of cases,
Any workplace has unLreaLed waLer Lanks & sysLems from whlch waLer
dropleLs may be released lnLo Lhe aLmosphere (e.g. from alr-condluonlng
sysLems or coollng Lowers) poses a rlsk Lo Lhose ln Lhe vlclnlLy.
LasLly, Lhe hepauus vlrus aecLs Lhe llver & may resulL ln [aundlce, fever,
abdomlnal paln &, ulumaLely, llver fallure.
Any workplace slLuauon LhaL exposes people Lo lnfecLed persons or Lo used
hypodermlc needles presenLs a parucular rlsk of Lhe dlsease.
1he hepauus A vlrus, whlch ls normally less serlous, ls Lransmlued vla Lhe
mouLh, hepauus 8 & C vla Lhe blood.
1hls was a quesuon LhaL relled on speclc knowledge & lL was noL posslble
Lo answer wlLh generallues.
1herefore, answers Lended Lo be polarlsed beLween candldaLes who
possessed Lhe knowledge & Lhose who evldenLly dld noL.
nowever, there were some cand|dates who perhaps cou|d have ga|ned
further marks by prov|d|ng ||u|e more by way of an out||ne.
Ior hepanns, for |nstance, |t was not enough [ust to state hosp|ta|s,
rather, |t was the parncu|ar s|tuanon w|th|n a hosp|ta| that was needed.
Mar 2004 C4 & Mar 2003
(a) Descr|be Lhe dlerences beLween
'acuLe' & 'chronlc' healLh eecLs.


(b) Idennfy Lhe facLors LhaL could aecL
Lhe level of harm experlenced by an
employee exposed Lo a Loxlc
subsLance. (4)
Lxamlners 8eporL
lor part (a), candldaLes should have explalned LhaL, ln Lhe case
of acuLe healLh eecLs, Lhe adverse eecLs appear aer a slngle
or shorL Lerm exposure Lo Lhe agenL, & Lhe response ls
lnvarlably rapld or lmmedlaLe.
ln mosL cases, acuLe eecLs recede on cessauon of exposure
(Lhe obvlous excepuon belng deaLh).
Chronlc healLh eecLs, on Lhe oLher hand, usually resulL from
prolonged or repeaLed exposure Lo Lhe agenL.
1he response ls normally gradual, oen progresslve &
lrreverslble, & may go unrecognlsed for long perlods of ume.
1here were few good answers Lo Lhls parL of Lhe quesuon, wlLh
many candldaLes unable Lo dlerenuaLe beLween Lhe 2 Lypes of
healLh eecL.

Answers Lo part (b) were Lo a sllghLly beuer sLandard, wlLh
candldaLes ldenufylng facLors such as:
Lhe rouLe of enLry of Lhe Loxlc subsLance lnLo Lhe body
Lhe assoclaLed mode of exposure (e.g. conLacL, lnhalauon eLc)
Lhe concenLrauon,
physlcal sLaLe,
LoxlclLy of Lhe subsLance,
Lhe level, durauon & frequency of exposure,
Lhe eecuveness of Lhe conLrol measures ln place,
Lhe personal facLors such as Lhe age, gender, healLh sLaLus &
suscepublllues of Lhose exposed.
uec 2004 Cuesuon 9
Cut||ne Lhe conLrol measures LhaL
could be used Lo mlnlmlse Lhe healLh
rlsks from Lhe use of organlc solvenLs
ln Lhe workplace. (8)
Lxamlners 8eporL
ln answerlng Lhls quesuon, mosL candldaLes made an auempL aL
applylng Lhe CCSPP hlerarchy Lo solvenL exposure buL wlLh varylng
levels of success.
ln Lhls respecL, mosL answers referred Lo Lhe posslblllLy of
subsuLuung Lhe solvenL wlLh a less volaule or aqueous alLernauve &
Lo Lhe provlslon & use of LLv
8euer candldaLes expanded Lhelr answers by referrlng Lo oLher
conLrol measures such as
lsolaung or encloslng Lhe process where Lhe solvenLs are used,
reduclng Lhe exposure ume of employees,
uslng sulLable anu-splll & labeled conLalners & means of
Lransference (e.g. pumplng raLher Lhan pourlng),
Lhe use of barrler creams & aer-work sklncare producLs,
provldlng & malnLalnlng L such as eye proLecuon, gloves & 8L,
prohlblung food, drlnk & smoklng where conLamlnauon mlghL exlsL,
ensurlng LhaL employees are glven approprlaLe lnformauon &
encouraglng hlgh levels of personal hyglene.
Cccupauonal Pyglene
!une 2001 C3 & Sep 2003 C8
ln relauon Lo Lhe splllage of a Loxlc
subsLance from a rupLured drum sLored
ln a warehouse:

(l) Idennfy 1nkLL ways ln whlch persons
worklng ln close vlclnlLy Lo Lhe splllage
mlghL be harmed. (3)

(ll) Cut||ne a procedure Lo be adopLed ln
Lhe evenL of such a splllage. (3)
Lxamlners 8eporL
art (|) was generally well answered wlLh many candldaLes
galnlng maxlmum marks for ldenufylng posslble causes of harm
such as skln or eye conLacL, lnhalauon of fumes or parucles &
Marks were also avallable for ldenufylng ways LhaL were noL
speclc Lo Lhe Loxlc naLure of Lhe subsLance buL whlch could
sull be relevanL, such a sllps.
CandldaLes were generally noL as successful ln answerlng part
(||). A procedure for such a splllage should lnclude:
lsolauon of Lhe area & evacuauon of employees aL rlsk,
Lhe provlslon of bundlng Lo conLaln Lhe splllage,
Lhe lssue of approprlaLe personal proLecuve equlpmenL Lo
Lhose lnvolved ln carrylng ouL Lhe procedure,
conLacL wlLh Lhe emergency servlces,
Lhe safe dlsposal of Lhe spllled subsLance & any absorbenL
maLerlal used.
Aga|n, many cand|dates were content to prov|de a ||st when
more was needed for an adequate out||ne.
March 2002 Cuesuon 7
(a) Draw a labelled skeLch LhaL shows Lhe maln
componenLs of a local exhausL venulauon
(LLv) sysLem. (3)

(b) Cut||ne Lhe recommended requlremenLs
for Lhe examlnauon & Lesung of an LLv
sysLem. (3)
Lxamlners 8eporL

art (a) was well answered by Lhe ma[orlLy of candldaLes, who
were able Lo label & draw Lhe key componenLs of an LLv
sysLem as hood, ducung, alr cleanlng devlce, fan & exhausL

art (b), however, was less well answered. Lhe CCSPP ACo
recommends LhaL LLv planL musL be Lhoroughly examlned &
LesLed aL leasL once every 14 monLhs, or more oen when
used wlLh cerLaln specled processes.
8ecords of such examlnauon & Lesung, & any repalrs carrled
ouL as a resulL, musL be kepL for aL leasL 3 years.
Some candldaLes also correcLly referred Lo Lhe employers
general duLy Lo malnLaln planL & equlpmenL ln a good sLaLe of
SepL 2001 C9 & Sep 2003
Cut||ne Lhe facLors LhaL may reduce
Lhe eecuveness of an LLv sysLem.

Lxamlners 8eporL

Many candldaLes llsLed a reasonable range of facLors LhaL
lncluded damage Lo Lhe sysLem, blocked or lncorrecL lLers &
fan emclency, buL falled Lo add Lhe addluonal lnformauon
requlred for an ouLllne answer

8euer candldaLes were able Lo ldenufy a range of reasons for
a reducuon ln Lhe eecuveness of an LLv sysLem & also Lo
supplemenL Lhelr answers wlLh examples of pracucal

1hey also lncluded ln Lhelr answers addluonal facLors such as
process changes, unauLhorlsed alLerauons, lncorrecL use (e.g.
fallure Lo posluon hoods on exlble ducung correcLly) & Lhe
fallure Lo provlde a sysLem of regular malnLenance,
lnspecuon & Lesung.
SepL 2001 Cuesuon 10
(a) L|st Lhe elemenLs of a hlerarchy for Lhe
conLrol of alrborne conLamlnanLs. (6)

(b) Cut||ne 1WC reasons why a carLrldge
Lype resplraLor may ln pracuce fall Lo
provlde a sumclenL level of proLecuon.

Lxamlners 8eporL
1he hrst part of Lhe quesuon speclcally asked for a hlerarchy &
Lherefore marks were avallable for llsung Lhe conLrol measures ln
Lhe correcL order.

1he rsL meLhod Lo be consldered would be Lhe ellmlnauon of Lhe
subsLance or lLs subsuLuuon for someLhlng less harmful.

1hls would be followed by conslderauon of Lhe posslblllLy of
reduclng exposures by lnLroduclng changes Lo worklng meLhods,
such as Lhe use of a brush lnsLead of a spray, or Lo work pauerns.

1he nexL conLrols Lo be consldered would be Lhe segregauon or
enclosure of Lhe process & Lhe provlslon of local exhausL

1he nal conLrol measure would be Lhe provlslon & use of
personal proLecuve equlpmenL.
ln answerlng part (b), mosL candldaLes ldenued as a reason Lhe
posslble poor L of Lhe resplraLor, elLher because of Lhe use of
oLher personal proLecuve equlpmenL aL Lhe same ume or Lhe
presence of faclal halr.

llndlng a second reason proved a llule more dlmculL for many buL
Lhere were varlous posslblllues.

1hese lnclude:
Lhe use of an lncorrecL carLrldge for Lhe parucular conLamlnanL,
Lhe carLrldge lLself noL belng properly ued,
fallure Lo change Lhe carLrldge aL approprlaLe lnLervals, &
lnadequaLe sLorage faclllues for Lhe resplraLor leadlng Lo damage
or conLamlnauon.
March 2002 Cuesuon 1
An lnemclenL local exhausL venulauon (LLv) sysLem
has been ldenued as Lhe maln cause of excesslve dusL
levels ln a workplace.
(l) Idennfy ICUk posslble lndlcauons of a dusL
problem LhaL may have alerLed sLa Lo Lhe lnemclency
of Lhe LLv sysLem. (4)
(ll) Cut||ne Lhe facLors LhaL may have reduce Lhe
eecuveness of Lhe LLv sysLem. (8)
(lll) Descr|be conLrol meLhods oLher Lhan LLv LhaL
mlghL be used Lo mlnlmlse levels of alrborne dusL.
Lxamlners 8eporL
1hls quesuon was deslgned Lo assess candldaLes breadLh of
knowledge of Lhe problem of dusL ln Lhe workplace. ln
answerlng part (|), mosL candldaLes were able Lo ldenufy aL
leasL Lhree lndlcauons of a dusL problem ln a workplace, such

deposlLs of dusL on people & surfaces,
parucles vlslble ln Lhe alr, &
complalnLs of dlscomforL & lrrlLauon by Lhe employees.
Cnly a few referred Lo Lhe resulLs of alr monlLorlng or acLual lll-
healLh eecLs.
lor part (||), mosL candldaLes were able Lo ouLllne aL leasL a
reasonable range of facLors.

8euer candldaLes addressed boLh underlylng facLors, such as:

poor deslgn & a lack of malnLenance &/or perlodlc Lesung,
& Lhe more lmmedlaLe facLors,
such as Lhe hood belng placed Loo far from Lhe source of Lhe
damaged or blocked lLers,
unauLhorlsed alLerauon Lo Lhe sysLem,
lncorrecL semngs,
a faulLy fan,
& posslble changes Lo Lhe process leadlng Lo lncreased dusL
ln part (|||), candldaLes were glven Lhe opporLunlLy Lo descrlbe meLhods
of mlnlmlslng levels of alrborne dusL LhaL may be needed ln addluon or
as an alLernauve Lo local exhausL venulauon.

1hese could have lncluded Lhe cessauon of Lhe acuvlLy creaung Lhe dusL,
changlng Lhe process Lo reduce Lhe amounL of dusL produced,
subsuLuung a dusL creaung maLerlal for anoLher ln pasLe or llquld form,
segregaung or encloslng Lhe process & damplng down Lhe dusL Lo
enable lL Lo be removed by vacuum.

Many candldaLes demonsLraLed a good undersLandlng of Lhe prlnclples
by descrlblng such meLhods ln a hlerarchlcal order, & almosL all
lndlcaLed Lhe lmporLance of uslng cleanlng meLhods LhaL do noL dlsLurb
seuled dusL (l.e. vacuumlng lnsLead of sweeplng).

Some became a llule carrled away wlLh Lhe CCSPP hlerarchy by
referrlng Lo Lhe use of resplraLory proLecuve equlpmenL, whlch may
reduce personal exposure buL has no eecL on levels of alrborne dusL.
Many cand|dates a|so suggested the |ntroducnon of d||unon
venn|anon, wh|ch |s an |neecnve method of contro|||ng dust & may
even have the eect of d|sturb|ng |t more w|de|y across the workp|ace.
!une 2003 Cuesuon 8
An LLv sysLem ls used Lo exLracL weldlng
fume from Lhe worklng envlronmenL ln a
fabrlcauon workshop

(l) Cut||ne Lhe facLors LhaL mlghL reduce
Lhe eecuveness of Lhe LLv sysLem (6)

(ll) Idennfy Lhe posslble eecLs LhaL Lhe
use of Lhe LLv sysLem may have on Lhe
local envlronmenL (2)
Lxamlners' 8eporL
arL (ll) was noL well answered as Lhe rsL parL & mosL could
noL expand Lhelr answers beyond Lhe release of alrborne
polluLanLs lnLo Lhe aLmosphere

CandldaLes who referred merely Lo polluuon" were noL
awarded any marks as Lhls was consldered Loo vague

CLher eecLs LhaL could have been ldenued lncluded nolse,
odour & Lhe dlsposal of solld wasLe from Lhe lLer
!une 2002 Cuesuon 1
A glassworks produces covers for sLreeLllghLs &
lndusLrlal llghung. 1he process lnvolves molLen glass
belng blown by hand & shaped ln moulds.

(l) Idennfy ICUk healLh eecLs LhaL may be caused
by worklng ln Lhe hoL condluons of Lhe glass
facLory. (4)
(ll) Descr|be measures LhaL could be Laken ln order Lo
mlnlmlse Lhe healLh eecLs of worklng ln such hoL
envlronmenLs. (6)
(lll) Cut||ne Lhe facLors relaung Lo Lhe Lask & Lhe load
LhaL may aecL Lhe rlsk of ln[ury Lo an employee
engaged ln sLacklng Lhe nlshed producLs onLo
racklng. (10)
Lxamlners 8eporL
1hls Lhree-parL quesuon gave candldaLes Lhe opporLunlLy Lo ldenufy Lhe
healLh hazards assoclaLed wlLh worklng ln a hoL envlronmenL, ln Lhls case a
glassworks, Lo descrlbe Lhe approprlaLe conLrol measures LhaL should be
Laken &, lasLly, Lo dlsplay Lhelr knowledge of manual handllng.
ln answerlng part (|), candldaLes were expecLed Lo ldenufy four healLh
eecLs caused by worklng ln a hoL envlronmenL.

Such eecLs lnclude:
heaL sLress,
heaL caLaracLs,
& resplraLory dlsLress.
Wh||e most cand|dates cou|d a||ude to at |east two of these, some
perhaps d|d not read the quesnon w|th sumc|ent care & referred to
eects not d|rect|y re|ated to the hot cond|nons, such as manua| hand|ng
|n[ur|es, or those that cannot str|ct|y be termed hea|th eects, such as
burns & cuts.
art (||) produced beuer answers wlLh mosL candldaLes
descrlblng many of Lhe conLrol measures LhaL could be Laken Lo
mlnlmlse Lhe healLh eecLs of worklng ln a hoL envlronmenL.
1hese mlghL lnclude:

Lhe gradual accllmausauon of new personnel Lo Lhe
Lhe provlslon & consumpuon of adequaLe amounLs of uld,
Lhe provlslon of regular breaks away from Lhe work,
ensurlng adequaLe venulauon, Lhe provlslon of screens Lo
proLecL agalnsL radlanL heaL,
& Lhe wearlng of approprlaLe personal proLecuve equlpmenL.
art (|||) referred Lo Lhe facLors relaung Lo Lhe Lask & load LhaL mlghL
aecL Lhe rlsk of ln[ury Lo an employee engaged ln Lhe manual handllng
acuvlLy descrlbed.
As far as Lhe Lask ls concerned, candldaLes should have ouLllned facLors
such as:
holdlng or manlpulaung loads aL a dlsLance from Lhe Lrunk,
Lhe need Lo LwlsL Lhe body,
excesslve pushlng or pulllng of Lhe load or excesslve carrylng dlsLances,
unsausfacLory posLure caused perhaps by space resLrlcuon,
excesslve lllng dlsLances (e.g. from Lhe oor &/or on Lo hlgh racklng),
& frequenL or prolonged physlcal eorL coupled wlLh lnsumclenL resL or
recovery perlods.
As for Lhe load, reference could have been made Lo:
lLs welghL & slze or shape,
Lhe ease wlLh whlch Lhe load can be held or grlpped,
Lhe presence of sharp edges, &
Lhe posslblllLy LhaL some componenLs mlghL sull reLaln process heaL.
Some cand|dates d|d not concentrate on the task & |oad but
|nc|uded factors re|anng to the |nd|v|dua| carry|ng out the
work &]or the env|ronment |n wh|ch the work was be|ng
carr|ed out, other spent too much nme & eort |n descr|b|ng
correct ||h|ng techn|ques.
1h|s emphas|se once aga|n the need for cand|dates to read
the quesnon w|th care so that they fu||y understand what
they are be|ng asked to do.
!une 2002 Cuesuon 6
(a) Descr|be Lhe Lyplcal sympLoms of
occupauonal dermauus. (2)

(b) Idennfy Lhe facLors LhaL wlll lnuence
Lhe llkellhood of dermauus occurrlng ln
workers handllng dermauuc subsLances.
Lxamlners 8eporL
lor part (a), candldaLes were expecLed Lo ldenufy sympLoms
such as:
bllsLerlng, &
cracklng of Lhe skln.

MosL successful, wlLh Lhe more able also conslderlng Lhe
furLher posslblllLy of:

or ulcerauon.

Some answers referred s|mp|y to |nammanon &]or pa|n
wh|ch were cons|dered too vague by themse|ves to be awarded

ln part (b), Marks were avallable lnlually for recognlslng LhaL:
Lhe naLure of Lhe agenL,
concenLrauon levels,
& Lhe durauon & frequency of exposure
were some of Lhe facLors LhaL mlghL lnuence Lhe llkellhood of
dermauus occurrlng when dermauuc subsLances are handled.
Addluonal facLors LhaL could lncrease Lhe rlsk lnclude:
cuLs & abraslons (whlch would allow chemlcals Lo be absorbed more
exlsung skln condluons,
Lhe Lype of skln & lLs sensluvlLy,
Lhe speclc slLe of skln conLacL,
poor personal hyglene,
& Lhe mlsuse or non-use of proLecuve measures.
Answers to th|s part of the quesnon were parncu|ar|y d|sappo|nnng
& many cand|dates, |nstead of address|ng the r|sk factors, deta||ed
the precaunons that shou|d be taken to prevent dermanns.
SepL 2004 Cuesuon 3
ln relauon Lo occupauonal dermauus

(l) Idennfy 1WC common causauve agenLs.

(ll) Descr|be Lhe Lyplcal sympLoms of Lhe
condluon. (2)

(lll) Cut||ne speclc measures deslgned
Lo prevenL Lhe occurrence of occupauonal
dermauus. (4)
Lxamlners' 8eporL
ln answerlng part (a), candldaLes could have chosen from a
wlde range of dermauuc subsLances LhaL lnclude:
mlneral olls,
organlc solvenLs,
meLal salLs &
a varleLy of speclc subsLances such as laLex & weL cemenL

1here were however, too many references to "adhes|ves" &
"chem|ca|s" that were to vague to |dennfy any parncu|ar
causanve agent.
art (b) was beuer answered wlLh candldaLes belng able Lo
ldenufy sympLoms of dermauus such as:

reddenlng of Lhe skln,
cracklng & bleedlng wlLh posslble lnfecuon & ulcerauon.

8euer candldaLes also referred Lo areas of Lhe skln mosL llkely
Lo be aecLed, such as beLween Lhe ngers & sensluve parLs
such as Lhe forearms.

1he acLual slLe aecLed wlll, of course, depend on Lhe parLs of
Lhe body ln conLacL wlLh Lhe subsLance.

lor part (c), candldaLes were expecLed Lo provlde an ouLllne of
speclc conLrol measures such as:

a change of process or a subsuLuuon of Lhe maLerlal or
subsLance belng used,
a reducuon ln exposure, Lhe provlslon of L (gloves, aprons,
Lhe use of barrler & aer-work creams,
Lhe provlslon of adequaLe washlng faclllues wlLh employees
belng encouraged Lo lmprove Lhelr sLandards of personal
hyglene, &
Lhe provlslon of lnformauon, lnsLrucuon & Lralnlng on Lhe
causes & prevenuon of dermauus.
SepL 2002 Cuesuon 3
Cut||ne Lhe healLh & safeLy rlsks
assoclaLed wlLh weldlng. (8)
Lxamlners 8eporL
Clven Lhe varleLy of Lypes of weldlng, & Lhe broad range of
hazards LhaL can be presenLed, an ouLllne of Lhe assoclaLed rlsks
should have posed llule problem.
Many cand|dates, however, concentrated on |dennfy|ng
hazards rather than the r|sks.
uependlng on Lhe Lype of weldlng, rlsks may lnclude:
elecLrlc shock,
Lrlpplng over Lralllng cables or plpes,
ln[urles from handllng cyllnders,
& Lhe problems assoclaLed wlLh oxygen enrlchmenL leadlng Lo
an lncreased rlsk of re &/or exploslon.
8euer candldaLes referred Lo Lhe eecLs of:
fume lnhalauon,
damage Lo Lhe eyes from uv llghL,
burns Lo Lhe skln,&
Lhe lncreased rlsk of re from hoL maLerlals or sparks.
SepL 2002 Cuesuon 3
Cut||ne Lhe parucular hazards LhaL
mlghL be encounLered by sLa worklng
ln a busy hoLel klLchen. (8)
Lxamlners 8eporL
Cf Lhe many hazards llkely Lo be encounLered by sLa worklng ln a
hoLel klLchen, Lhe followlng represenL [usL a few LhaL Lhe candldaLes
could have lncluded ln Lhelr answers:

elecLrlcal & mechanlcal hazards assoclaLed wlLh machlnery such as
food mlxers & processors,
hoL surfaces,
sharp lmplemenLs,
weL or obsLrucLed oors lncreaslng Lhe rlsk of sllps, Lrlps & falls,
bolllng waLer & hoL cooklng olls causlng burns,
manual handllng hazards,
healLh hazards (e.g. foodsLus causlng allerglc reacuons), &
cleanlng maLerlals LhaL may be corroslve.

A number of oLher hazards, relaung malnly Lo Lhe hoL, busy
envlronmenL of a commerclal klLchen, were ralsed by candldaLes.

art|y because of the w|de range of hazards, & part|y because a
genera| k|tchen env|ronment wou|d be fam|||ar to cand|dates,
th|s quesnon was genera||y we|| answered.

nowever, some cand|dates, aga|n, confused hazard & r|sk &
referred to eects of cuts, s||ps or burns w|thout spec|fy|ng the
parncu|ar hazards that wou|d cause them.

Cthers prov|ded s|mp|e ||sts w|th ||u|e reference to where the
hazards wou|d be found &]or the|r potenna|.

A few cand|dates concentrated on |dennfy|ng the precaunons
that shou|d be put |n p|ace, wh|ch were not requ|red.
1h|s aga|n emphas|ses the need to read the quesnon w|th great

SepL 02 C10 & uec 02 C4
A uer ls employed Lo lay carpeL ules ln
a new premlses uslng a solvenL based
adheslve. ln relauon Lo Lhe use of Lhe
adheslve ln such clrcumsLances:

(l)Idennfy Lhe posslble eecLs on healLh.
(ll) Cut||ne Lhe conLrol measures LhaL
should be consldered. (4)
Lxamlners 8eporL

lor part (|), candldaLes were expecLed Lo ldenufy Lhe posslble
healLh eecLs from Lhe use of a solvenL-based adheslve.
1hese may lnclude:
skln & eye lrrlLauon,
nausea & dlzzlness,
wlLh posslble & more serlous eecLs such as narcosls & loss of

1h|s was another examp|e where the quesnon was read w|th
|nsumc|ent care by some cand|dates, who oered knee
damage & cuts from kn|ves |n the|r answers desp|te the fact
that the quesnon spec|hca||y referred to the use of adhes|ves
& the|r eects on hea|th.
ln answerlng part (||), candldaLes should have referred Lo
conLrol measures such as:
Lhe posslble subsuLuuon of Lhe adheslve for a less Loxlc or
volaule one,
venulauon of Lhe worklng area,
uslng Lhe mlnlmum amounL of Lhe subsLance for Lhe [ob,
adherlng Lo good housekeeplng procedures (e.g. keeplng llds
on conLalners & avoldlng conLamlnaLed rags),
Lhe use of a resplraLor & oLher L,
good personal hyglene, &
Lhe provlslon of lnformauon, lnsLrucuon & Lralnlng Lo Lhe uer.
Many candldaLes referred correcLly Lo llmlung ume exposure &
Lhe use of resplraLors but few covered the w|der range of
|ssues mennoned above.
uec 2002 Cuesuon 9
ln relauon Lo work-relaLed upper llmb
dlsorders (W8uLus):

(l) Idennfy Lhe Lyplcal sympLoms LhaL
mlghL be experlenced by aecLed
lndlvlduals. (4)

(ll) Cut||ne Lhe facLors LhaL would
lncrease Lhe rlsk of developlng W8uLus.

Lxamlners 8eporL
lor part (|), candldaLes were expecLed Lo ldenufy Lyplcal
sympLoms such as:

paln Lo Lhe back, neck, shoulders &/or arms,
swollen [olnLs,
reduced moblllLy & suness,
cramps & muscle faugue.

1yplcally, such condluons wlll aecL sleep & normal
funcuonlng. MosL candldaLes were largely successful ln Lhelr
auempLs aL Lhls parL.
ln Lhelr responses Lo part (||), many candldaLes concenLraLed
solely on dlsplay screen equlpmenL lssues & ouLllned facLors such
as worksLauon layouL & Lhe fallure Lo provlde sumclenL breaks
from Lhe Lask.
CLhers produced lengLhy answers ln whlch Lhey repeaLed Lhe
same lLems ln dlerenL ways, Lhus loslng ume buL galnlng few
8euer candldaLes Look a broader vlew & referred Lo addluonal
facLors such as:
space consLralnLs resulung ln poor worklng posLures,
excesslve force or awkward hand movemenLs needed Lo carry ouL
an operauon,
Lhe frequency wlLh whlch Lasks need Lo be repeaLed,
Lhe use of vlbraung Lools & equlpmenL,
& Lhe lnvolvemenL of vulnerable workers such as Lhose wlLh pre-
exlsung condluons & pregnanL women.
March 2003 Cuesuon 2
ln relauon Lo Lhe lll-healLh eecLs from
Lhe use of vlbraung hand-held Lools:

(l) Idennfy Lhe Lyplcal sympLoms LhaL
mlghL be shown by aecLed lndlvlduals.
(ll) Cut||ne Lhe conLrol measures LhaL
may be used Lo mlnlmlse Lhe rlsk of such
eecLs. (4)

Lxamlners 8eporL
lor part (|), Lyplcal sympLoms are numbness & blanchlng of Lhe ngers &
swollen palnful [olnLs, leadlng Lo a reducuon ln boLh Lhe manual dexLerlLy
& Lacule sensauon.
Many cand|dates referred to the phys|o|og|ca| eects of v|branon, such
as constr|cnon of b|ood vesse|s, rather then the symptoms d|sp|ayed or
descr|bed by those aected.
Such answers d|d not auract marks.
Answers Lo part (||) were generally Lo a beuer sLandard, wlLh some
presenLed ln a hlerarchlcal order.
ln some cases, lL mlghL be posslble Lo alLer Lhe work process ln order Lo
ellmlnaLe or reduce Lhe use of vlbraung Lools (or perhaps Lo reduce Lhe
pressure upon Lhe Lool requlred by Lhe operaLor).
Ways of reduclng Lhe degree of vlbrauon, or changlng lLs characLerlsucs,
should be explored by proper selecuon of equlpmenL &/or by good
sLandards of malnLenance.
8lsk can also be reduced by llmlung Lhe ume LhaL operaLors are exposed,
by lnLroduclng a healLh survelllance/healLh promouon programme & by
approprlaLe personal proLecuve equlpmenL (such as gloves Lo keep hands
Mar 03 C11, & Mar 03 C11
Idennfy Lhe lnformauon LhaL should
be lncluded on a hazard daLa sheeL
supplled wlLh a hazardous subsLance.
Lxamlners 8eporL

CandldaLes famlllar wlLh hazard daLa sheeLs were able Lo
ldenufy a wlde range of lssues ln Lhelr answers Lo Lhls quesuon.
Some responses, however, were extreme|y ||m|ted, a|though |t
was not poss|b|e to determ|ne whether th|s was due to |ack of
nme or |ack of know|edge.
1he lnformauon LhaL should be conLalned on a hazard daLa
sheeL lncludes:
Lhe name of Lhe subsLance,
lLs chemlcal properues & composluon,
Lhe naLure of Lhe hazard, relevanL sLandards (e.g. occupauonal
exposure sLandards),
precauuons Lo be Laken ln lLs LransporL, handllng & use,
measures Lo be Laken ln an emergency (e,g splllage or accldenLal
exposure) lncludlng rsL-ald LreaLmenL,
& dlsposal requlremenLs.
uec 2004 Cuesuon 9
1he number of absences due Lo uLus
ln an organlsauon appears Lo be
Cut||ne Lhe posslble sources of
lnformauon LhaL could be consulLed
when lnvesugaung Lhe problem. (8)
Lxamlners 8eporL

Answers Lo Lhls quesuon were generally Lo a reasonable
sLandard wlLh some candldaLes showlng a very good grasp of
Lhe sub[ecL area.
Marks were avallable for ouLllnlng sources of lnformauon
such as:
rlsk assessmenLs,
Lhe resulLs of Lask analyses & Lhe ldenucauon of repeuuve
Lhe organlsauon's employees & safeLy represenLauves,
lll-healLh reporLs & Lhe analysls of absence records,
Lhe observauon of supervlsors & Lhe complalnLs LhaL may
have been made Lo Lhem by members of Lhelr Leams,
manufacLurers' lnformauon,
ergonomlsLs or occupauonal healLh pracuuoners,
& perhaps even lnformauon supplled by Lhe soclal acuvlues
co-ordlnaLor on ouL-of-work acuvlues such as Lennls, squash,
olluuon ConLrol
uec 2004 Cuesuon 4
A company produces a range of solld &
llquld wasLes, boLh hazardous & non-
Cut||ne Lhe arrangemenLs LhaL should
be ln place Lo ensure Lhe safe sLorage
of Lhe wasLes prlor Lo Lhelr collecuon &
dlsposal. (8)
Lxamlners 8eporL
ln answerlng Lhls quesuon, candldaLes could have referred Lo
arrangemenLs such as:
Lhe compleuon of rlsk assessmenLs LhaL address Lhe naLure, properues
& quanuues of Lhe wasLes llkely Lo be sLored,
mlnlmlslng Lhe quanuues sLored by organlslng regular collecuons,
ensurlng Lhe separauon of lncompauble wasLes,
provldlng approprlaLe means for conLalnlng Lhe wasLes ln secure
sLorage vehlcles (e.g. proLecLed agalnsL unauLhorlsed persons, weaLher,
vehlcles eLc),
lnsLalllng & malnLalnlng re proLecuon & re-ghung sysLems ln case of
ammable or combusuble wasLes,
lnsLalllng bunds & drawlng up procedures Lo deal wlLh splllages LhaL
mlghL presenL envlronmenLal rlsks,
provldlng safe means of LransporL & access Lo Lhe sLorage slLe,
ensurlng LhaL wasLes are correcLly ldenued & LhaL warnlng slgns are ln
place where approprlaLe,
Lralnlng employees ln Lhe precauuons Lo be Laken,
& ensurlng LhaL Lhey are provlded wlLh, & use, approprlaLe L, such as
gloves, overalls & eye proLecuon.
!une 2004 Cuesuon 3
Cut||ne Lhe lssues LhaL should be addressed
by an organlsauon when developlng a
sysLem for Lhe safe collecuon & dlsposal of
lLs wasLe. (8)
Lxamlners 8eporL
ln answerlng Lhls quesuon, candldaLes were expecLed Lo ouLllne
such lssues as Lhe ldenucauon of wasLe by:

lLs hazardous properues (e.g. general, blologlcal or speclal
wasLe) & by lLs naLure (e.g. solld or llquld),
Lhe quanuLy produced,
Lhe need for separauon of lncompauble wasLes,
Lhe means for conLalnlng wasLe & lLs marklng & labellng,
Lhe provlslon of safe sLorage on slLe & Lhe meLhods of
LransporLauon Lo & from Lhe sLorage faclllLy,
Lhe appolnLmenL of a compeLenL &/or llcensed wasLe carrler,
posslble polluuon lssues arlslng from splllages,
Lhe compeLence & Lralnlng of sLa,
& Lhe keeplng of Lhe necessary records.

Most cand|dates had troub|e w|th th|s quesnon & produced
answers that referred vague|y to CCSnn & r|sk assessments
w|thout address|ng the spec|hc |ssues assoc|ated w|th the
deve|opment of part of a waste management system.
Sep 2003 Cuesuon 6
AbsorbenL maLs & granules have been
used Lo soak up a chemlcal splllage.
Cut||ne Lhe lssues LhaL wlll need Lo be
consldered ln relauon Lo Lhe handllng,
Lemporary sLorage & nal dlsposal of
Lhe wasLe maLerlal (8)
Lxamlners' 8eporL
ln answerlng Lhls quesuon, candldaLes were expecLed Lo
conslder noL only Lhe safeLy lmpllcauons buL also Lhose
lssues LhaL would have an eecL on Lhe envlronmenL

1he quesuon speclcally asked for an ouLllne of Lhose
lssues Lo be consldered ln Lhe handllng, Lemporary
sLorage & dlsposal of Lhe wasLe maLerlal, & Lhose
candldaLes who dld besL sLrucLured Lhelr answers under
Lhose Lhree headlngs

rocedures would have Lo be drawn up for handllng Lhe wasLe
maLerlal whlch would lnclude Lhe use of compeLenL employees who
had recelved Lralnlng ln Lhe rlsks arlslng from Lhe operauon & Lhe
precauuons Lo be observed,

1he provlslon & use of L such as gloves, overalls & eye proLecuon,
1he proLecuon of dralns agalnsL polluuon from Lhe splllage & safe
means of LransporL of Lhe wasLe Lo Lhe Lemporary sLorage slLe
1he sLorage area should provlde adequaLe conLalnmenL for Lhe wasLe
maLerlal & should be proLecLed & made secure agalnsL re, vehlcles,
Lrespassers & Lhe weaLher

1he wasLe would need Lo be marked, labelled & an accuraLe
lnvenLory kepL & arrangemenLs made for separauon of lncompauble
llnal dlsposal would have Lo be carrled ouL by a llcensed wasLe
!une 2002 Cuesuon 4
(a) Idennfy 1WC Lypes of lonlslng
radlauon. (2)

(b) Cut||ne Lhe ways ln whlch exposure
Lo lonlslng radlauon aL work may be
conLrolled. (6)

Lxamlners 8eporL
ln answerlng part (a), many candldaLes ldenued gamma radlauon & x-
rays Lo galn Lhe Lwo marks avallable.
1here were few references Lo alpha or beLa radlauon.
uesnons on rad|anon sn|| seem to present cand|dates w|th prob|ems
& the answers aga|n showed that some are confused between the
|on|s|ng & noon-|on|s|ng types, wh|ch was reected |n the marks that
cou|d be awarded.
lor part (b), candldaLes were expecLed Lo ouLllne measures such as:
lncreaslng Lhe dlsLance beLween source & person,
reduclng Lhe durauon of exposure,
& Lhe use of approprlaLe personal proLecuve equlpmenL.
Most |dennhed the hrst two measures but no marks cou|d be awarded
for referr|ng to persona| protecnve equ|pment un|ess there was
add|nona| |nformanon on the type of equ|pment that shou|d be worn.
1ransporL SafeLy
uec 2001 Cuesuon 11
L|st LIGn1 lLems Lo be lncluded on a
checkllsL for Lhe rouune lnspecuon of
a fork-ll Lruck aL Lhe beglnnlng of a
shl. (8)
Lxamlners 8eporL
MosL candldaLes had llule dlmculLy wlLh Lhe lasL quesuon on Lhe paper,
whlch Lradluonally appears as one LhaL can be answered very qulckly by
Lhose runnlng ouL of ume.
Lven Lhose candldaLes who are noL lnvolved wlLh Lhe operauon of fork-
ll Lrucks should have been able Lo cope wlLh slnce many of Lhe checks
are essenually Lhe same as Lhose made rouunely by car drlvers.
1he checkllsL should have lncluded lLems such as:
Lhe condluon & pressure of Lyres,
Lhe lnLegrlLy & proper funcuonlng of llghLs, horn, brakes & mlrrors,
Lhe absence of oll leaks &,
a seaL LhaL ls securely xed (wlLh properly funcuonlng & lnLacL
resLralnLs where ued).
1he fork-ll Lruck should also be checked for obvlous slgns of damage
Lo bodywork & lllng mechanlsm, & for Lhe securlLy of any equlpmenL
ued such as an LC Lank.
uec 2002 Cuesuon 8
Cut||ne Lhe precauuons Lo be used
when uslng a moblle elevaung work
plauorm (MLW) Lo reach a hlgh polnL
such as a sLreeLllghL. (8)
Lxamlners 8eporL

CandldaLes should have ouLllned precauuons such as:
Lhe need Lo lnspecL Lhe equlpmenL before use & Lo ensure lL ls ln a
good sLaLe of repalr,
uslng only compeLenL workers uslng ouLrlggers & brakes,
erecung warnlng slgns & barrlers Lo avold colllslons,
ensurlng Lhe plauorm ls noL overloaded,
avoldlng overhead obsLrucuons,
& wearlng a harness.
1here seemed Lo be confuslon ln some candldaLes mlnds beLween
a MLW & a Lower scaold alLhough forLunaLely Lhere are a few
precauuons, such as Lhe proLecuon of Lhose aL ground level, LhaL
are common Lo boLh.
1hose candldaLes who dld know Lhe dlerence, however, had a
dlsuncL advanLage
Wh||e, on the who|e, answers to th|s quesnon were of a
reasonab|e standard, some cand|dates aga|n fa||ed to ga|n a|| the
marks that m|ght by prov|d|ng no more than a bu||et-po|nted ||st.
SepL 2003 Cuesuon 11
Idennfy LIGn1 ways ln whlch a fork-ll
Lruck may become unsLable durlng
operauon. (8)

Lxamlners' 8eporL

MosL candldaLes coped well wlLh Lhls quesuon, wlLh Lhose who adopLed
a sLrucLured approach LhaL consldered:
1he load,
Lhe envlronmenL,
& Lhe vehlcle lLself,
Lendlng Lo produce more compleLe answers.
1yplcal lssues menuoned where:
lnsecure, excesslve or uneven loadlng,
lncorrecL elevauon of forks when Lravellng,
uneven or unconsolldaLed ground,
slopes (& lncorrecL procedures for deallng wlLh Lhem),
obsLrucuons (overhead or low level) or changes ln level (e.g. edges of
loadlng bays),
cornerlng aL excesslve speeds,
sudden braklng,
poor condluon of Lyres, &
mechanlcal fallures.
SepL 02 C11 & Mar
04 C7
L|st LIGn1 rules Lo follow when a
fork-ll Lruck ls le unauended ln a
workplace. (8)
Lxamlners 8eporL
1hls quesuon was generally well answered & mosL candldaLes
were able Lo clLe a number of rules LhaL need Lo be followed
when leavlng a fork-ll Lruck unauended, such as:

reLurnlng Lhe Lruck Lo a deslgnaLed parklng area where
applylng Lhe brake & leavlng conLrols ln a neuLral posluon,
ensurlng Lhe forks are resung on Lhe oor & Lhe masL ulLed
sllghLly forward,
avoldlng Lhe obsLrucuon of walkways, exlLs & re polnLs,
& removlng Lhe lgnluon key & reLurnlng lL Lo a responslble
March 2003 Cuesuon 1
8auery-powered fork-ll Lrucks are used Lo move
palleused goods wlLhln a warehouse.

(l) Descr|be ICUk hazards assoclaLed speclcally
wlLh bauery-powered fork ll Lrucks. (4)
(ll) Cut||ne Lhe precauuons LhaL may be needed Lo
ensure Lhe safeLy of pedesLrlans ln Lhe areas
where Lhe fork-ll Lrucks are operaung. (8)
(lll) Cut||ne LIGn1 rules Lo follow when a fork-ll
Lruck ls le unauended durlng a drlvers work
break. (8)

Lxamlners' 8eporL
lnLernauonally, Lhere ls a hlgh proporuon of accldenLs lnvolvlng lL1s ln
Lhe workplace & Lhls quesuon was deslgned Lo LesL candldaLes'
knowledge of Lhe conLrol measures LhaL are needed Lo reduce Lhe rlsk
from Lhe use of Lhls form of LransporL

art (|) relaLed Lo hazards speclc Lo bauery powered Lrucks & was noL
as well answered
Many candldaLes clLed general lL1 hazards & concenLraLed on
overLurnlng lssues
1he few candldaLes who recognlsed LhaL Lhls quesuon was speclc Lo a
parucular Lype of lL1 descrlbed hazards relaung Lo
bauery charglng (lncludlng Lhe generauon of hydrogen gas & release of
bauery acld),
Pazards assoclaLed wlLh Lhe handllng of bauerles, elecLrlcal hazards
wlLh Lhe poLenual for elecLrlc shock or burns, &
colllslons wlLh pedesLrlans due Lo Lhe near-sllenL runnlng of Lhe Lruck
ln answerlng part (||), mosL candldaLes referred Lo such
precauuons such as
marklng of Lramc rouLes,
one-way sysLems,
segregauon of pedesLrlans from LransporL,
Warnlng slgns & audlble alarms' &
vlslblllLy lssues such as adequaLe llghung, mlrrors, hlgh vlslblllLy
cloLhlng & LransparenL doors

Iew cand|dates, however, cons|dered
1he prov|s|on of safe systems of work for |oad|ng,
Un|oad|ng & stack|ng,
1he enforcement of s|te ru|es on speed restr|cnons & access,
& the tra|n|ng & superv|s|on of sta
!une 01 C2 & SepL 03 C7
Cut||ne measures Lo be Laken Lo
prevenL accldenLs when pedesLrlans
are requlred Lo work ln vehlcle
manoeuvrlng areas. (8)
Lxamlners' 8eporL
Many candldaLes Lended Lo answer Lhe quesuon by ouLllnlng general
conLrol measures for lL1 operauon
Pence, Lhe welghL & sLablllLy of Lhe load, drlver compeLence, Lhe
condluon of Lhe lL1 & ground condluons were all relevanL lssues
Powever, Lxamlners were looklng Lo candldaLes Lo relaLe Lo Lhese
speclcally Lo Lhe slLuauon descrlbed & Lo recognlse LhaL oLher lssues
would Lake on a speclal lmporLance
ln parucular, Lhe proxlmlLy of pedesLrlans & oLher vehlcles (movlng or
sLauonary) would need Lo be consldered ln Lerms of Lhe means of
segregauon & Lhe probable need for a banksman or supervlsor Lo
oversee Lhe operauon
CLher facLors such as space consLralnLs, Lhe presence of kerbs or oLher
obsLrucuons & Lhe adequacy of llghung, dependlng upon Lhe weaLher
condluons &/or ume of day, should also have recelved menuon
Some cand|dates focussed the|r answers narrow|y & wrote |n depth
on on|y one or two of the above cons|deranons & wh||st these were
undoubted|y re|evant, the |ack of breadth |n the|r responses d|d
sever|y ||m|t the number of marks that cou|d be awarded
Lxamlners 8eporL

1hls quesuon was well answered by mosL candldaLes.
Answers generally lncluded references Lo:

segregaLed sysLems for vehlcular & pedesLrlan Lramc,
approprlaLe road marklngs,
malnLalnlng good vlslblllLy (mlrrors, LransparenL doors,
provlslon of llghung eLc) & audlble warnlngs on vehlcles.
CLher relevanL measures LhaL were menuoned lncluded Lhe:
drawlng up & enforcemenL of slLe rules,
Lhe provlslon of refuges,
Lhe wearlng of hlgh-vlslblllLy cloLhlng,
a good sLandard of housekeeplng, &
Lralnlng for, & supervlslon of all concerned.
uec 2002 Cuesuon 2
Cut||ne Lhe precauuonary measures Lo
be Laken Lo avold accldenLs lnvolvlng
reverslng vehlcles wlLhln a workplace. (8)
Lxamlners' 8eporL

1hls quesuon has been used prevlously & produced very llule dlmculLy
for Lhe ma[orlLy of candldaLes, who were able Lo speclfy a varleLy of
precauuonary measures.
8euer candldaLes presenLed a h|erarch|ca| range, from:
avoldlng Lhe need for vehlcles Lo reverse (one-way & drlve-Lhrough
sysLems, Lurnlng clrcles eLc),
Lhrough Lhe separauon of vehlcles & pedesLrlans (barrlers, slgns, eLc),
& aspecLs of vehlcles & workplace deslgn (audlble alarms, mlrrors on
vehlcles & aL bllnd corners, refuges, llghung, eLc),
Lo procedural measures (use of banksmen, slLe rules, drlver Lralnlng,
Cnce aga|n, some cand|dates d|d not read the quesnon w|th sumc|ent
care & prov|ded a ||st of short po|nts rather than the out||ne requ|red,
wh|ch m|ght have |nc|uded on th|s occas|on some deta|| on how the
stated contro| measure ach|eves th|s.
SepL 2004 Cuesuon 6
Descr|be Lhe physlcal feaLures of Lramc
rouLes wlLhln a workplace Lo ensure Lhe
safe movemenL of vehlcles. (8)
Lxamlners' 8eporL

ln answerlng Lhls quesuon, an accepLable descrlpuon of Lhe physlcal
feaLures of Lramc rouLes wlLhln a workplace would have lncluded
reference Lo
adequaLe wldLh of Lramc rouLes wlLh Lhe avoldance of bllnd corners,
separauon of vehlcles & pedesLrlans wlLh Lhe provlslon of barrlers &
a one-way sysLem wlLh Lurnlng clrcles Lo reduce Lhe need for reverslng,
rm, even & well malnLalned road surfaces,
roadways unobsLrucLed & slgned Lo lndlcaLe speed llmlLs, rlghLs of way
& no enLry,
vlslblllLy alds such as mlrrors, LransparenL screens across doorways &
llghung, Lramc calmlng measures such as road humps,
marked pedesLrlan crosslngs polnLs on vehlcle rouLes
W|th such a w|de range of features ava||ab|e, marks were ga|ned fa|r|y
nowever, some answers conta|ned |rre|evant deta|| on IL1 stab|||ty &
procedura| contro|s for acnv|nes such as |oad|ng operanons.
1h|s perhaps |nd|cates the temptanon of cand|dates to answer the
quesnon that they had hoped to hnd rather than the one that actua||y
appeared. 134
Mechanlcal Pandllng
!une 01 C3, uec 03 C9 & Mar 03 C8
Cut||ne a procedure for Lhe safe lllng
of a load by a crane, havlng ensured
LhaL Lhe crane has been correcLly
selecLed & posluoned for Lhe [ob. (8)
Lxamlners 8eporL
Pavlng correcLly selecLed & posluoned a crane for a lllng operauon,
a number of precauuons should be puL ln place Lo ensure LhaL loads
are lled safely.
Lxamlners were expecung candldaLes Lo ouLllne such mauers as:
Lhe correcL selecuon of Lhe sllng & lLs lnspecuon for damage before
Lhe employmenL of compeLenL persons Lo auach Lhe sllng Lo Lhe load
ln order Lo ensure a correcL balance,
Lhe provlslon of an unresLrlcLed vlew for Lhe carne drlver or, where
Lhls ls noL posslble, Lhe use of compeLenL banksmen Lo malnLaln
eecuves communlcauon wlLh Lhe drlver,
checklng LhaL Lhe area where Lhe ll ls Lo Lake place ls kepL clear of
& ensurlng LhaL Lhe load ls ralsed aL Lhe correcL speed, lowered
slowly Lo lLs landlng posluon & conLrolled durlng lLs passage, posslble
by Lhe use of Lag llnes.
Cand|date appeared to hnd th|s quesnon d|mcu|t & the answers
were not parncu|ar|y encourag|ng.
D|mcu|nes were compounded |n many cases where cand|dates d|d
not read the quesnon w|th sumc|ent care & spent nme & eort |n
out||n|ng the procedures for the correct crane se|ecnon &
pos|non|ng for wh|ch no cred|t cou|d be g|ven.
SepL 2001 Cuesuon 3
(a) Cut||ne Lhe posslble causes of a
dumper Lruck Lo overLurn. (6)

(b) Idennfy 1WC deslgn feaLures of Lhe
vehlcle lnLended Lo mlnlmlse Lhe
consequences of an overLurn. (2)
Lxamlners 8eporL
lor part (a) of Lhe quesuon, Lxamlners were expecung
candldaLes Lo ouLllne causes such as:
overloadlng or uneven loadlng of Lhe buckeL,
cornerlng aL excesslve speed,
hlmng obsLrucuons,
drlvlng Loo close Lo Lhe edges of embankmenLs or excavauons,
mechanlcal defecLs,
lnapproprlaLe Lyre pressures, &
drlvlng across slopes.
Many cand|dates had d|mcu|ty |n |dennfy|ng the range of
causes requ|red &, a|though the quesnon c|ear|y spec|hed a
dumper truck, some concentrated so|e|y on fork-||h trucks |n
the|r answers, |nd|canng that they had e|ther not read the
quesnon w|th sumc|ent care or were unab|e to d|erennate
between the two types of truck.
lor part (b) of Lhe quesuon requlred an ldenucauon of Lhe
deslgn feaLures lnLended Lo mlnlmlse Lhe consequences of an
overLurn, such as rollover proLecuon & seaL belLs.

Also relevanL were Lhose feaLures deslgned Lo prevenL
overLurnlng, such as Lhe wldLh of Lhe wheelbase & Lhe posluon
of Lhe cenLre of gravlLy of Lhe Lruck.

Many cand|dates, however, d|d not address the requ|rements
of the quesnon |n re|anon to des|gn features & concentrated
|nstead of factors such as dr|v|ng pracnces & tra|n|ng.
!une 2002 Cuesuon 9
Cut||ne ICUk hazards & Lhe
correspondlng precauuons Lo be
Laken when uslng conveyor sysLems
for movlng maLerlals wlLhln a
workplace. (8)
Lxamlners 8eporL
CandldaLes galnlng hlgh marks on Lhls quesuon were Lhose who read
Lhe quesuon carefully & noLed rsL LhaL lL referred Lo conveyor
sysLems &, secondly, LhaL lL requlred an ouLllne of boLh hazards & Lhe
precauuons agalnsL Lhose hazards.
1yplcal hazards & precauuons LhaL should have been menuoned
Lraps & drawlng-ln (wlLh nlp guards & Lrlp devlces as posslble
enLanglemenL (xed guards, avoldance of loose cloLhlng),
lmpacL agalnsL overhead sysLems (bump caps, resLrlcLed access,
warnlng slgns, cushlonlng),
lLems falllng o (edge guards or barrlers),
conLacL hazards (belL edge proLecuon, resLrlcLed access, ellmlnauon of
sharp edges),
manual handllng hazards (approprlaLe helghL of conveyor, Lhe use of
mechanlcal alds), &
nolse (varlous auenuauon meLhods, hearlng proLecuon).
Most cand|dates strugg|ed w|th th|s quesnon.
Many cou|d refer to some of the mechan|ca| hazards
assoc|ated w|th a conveyor be|t but reference to the
correspond|ng precaunons was genera||y ||m|ted to n|p
guards on the ro||ers.

ke|anve|y few cand|dates expanded the|r answers to
|nc|ude a range of other precaunons aga|nst the
mechan|ca| hazards c|ted, & there were very few
references at a|| to non-mechan|ca| hazards.
!une 2004 Cuesuon 8
An organlsauon ls abouL Lo purchase a
lL1. WlLh reference Lo lLs posslble
lnLended use & worklng envlronmenL.

Cut||ne Lhe parucular feaLures of Lhe
vehlcle LhaL should be Laken lnLo
accounL when deLermlnlng lLs sulLablllLy
for Lhe [ob. (8)
Lxamlners 8eporL
Lxamlners were looklng Lo candldaLes Lo lnlually Lo ldenufy
sallenL feaLures such as
Lhe power source of Lhe Lruck,
lLs slze & capaclLy,
Lhe helghL of Lhe masL,
Lhe Lype of Lyres & warnlng sysLems ued, &
Lhe proLecuon provlded for Lhe operaLor.
CandldaLes were Lhen expecLed Lo ouLllne facLors LhaL should
be Laken lnLo accounL ln deLermlnlng sulLablllLy ln each case.
lor example, ln Lhe case of Lhe power source, Lhe cholce of
bauery, dlesel or LC would depend parLly on wheLher Lhe
Lruck was Lo be operaLed lndoors or ouLdoors, whlch ln Lhe
case of Lyres, Lhe cholce of solld or pneumauc would depend
on Lhe naLure of Lhe Lerraln over whlch Lhe Lruck was Lo run.
Wh||e cand|dates genera||y made reasonab|e auempts at
|dennfy|ng the ma|n safety-re|ated features of IL1s, they
were not so successfu| |n out||n|ng factors to be taken |nto
account |n determ|n|ng the|r su|tab|||ty for d|erent types
of operanon.

Some cand|dates referred to cost, dr|ver tra|n|ng &
segreganon of pedestr|ans but none of these |s a feature
of the veh|c|e, none wou|d aect |ts stab|||ty.
SepL 02 C9 & SepL 04
Cut||ne Lhe precauuons Lo be Laken
when employees are worklng aL ground
level ln a workshop where loads are
lled & LransporLed by means of an
overhead ganLry crane. (8)
Lxamlners 8eporL
It became obv|ous, from references to p|ac|ng the crane on
at |eve| ground & to the use of outr|ggers, that some
cand|dates were unfam|||ar w|th the term 'gantry crane'

CandldaLes should have had ln mlnd a crane LhaL normally
runs on ralls or glrders & ls operaLed from a hlgh-level cab or
from a pendanL conLrol aL ground level.

Iortunate|y, perhaps, many of the |ssues re|anng to the use
of an overhead gantry crane |n a workp|ace are common to
a|| crane operanons.
Lxamlners 8eporL
Many of Lhe lssues relaung Lo Lhe use of an overhead ganLry crane
ln a workplace wheLher operaLed from a cab or from oor level by
pendanL, are common Lo all crane operauons.
1he use, Lralnlng & compeLence of key personnel (operaLor,
slgnaller, sllnger) are of uLmosL lmporLance Lo general crane safeLy,
as are Lhe requlremenLs for malnLenance & sLaLuLory lnspecuon of
Lhe crane & lllng Lackle.
As far as Lhe acLual operauon ls concerned, candldaLes should have
had ln mlnd Lhe workplace slLuauon & referred approprlaLely Lo:
warnlngs of a ll Laklng place (audlble &/or vlslble),
ensurlng LhaL Lhe load ls secure,
does noL exceed Lhe safe worklng load,
ls lled Lo Lhe correcL helghL & moved aL an approprlaLe speed,
& ensurlng LhaL al Lhose worklng ln Lhe area have been properly
Lralned & are adequaLely supervlsed.
Lven though the quesnon requ|red an out||ne of these
quesnons, |n many |nstances noth|ng more than a ||st of
po|nts was g|ven.

An out||ne |n th|s case wou|d typ|ca||y refer br|ey to the way
|n wh|ch the parncu|ar precaunon enhances safety.
In add|non, aper A1 quesnons norma||y requ|re pracnca|
|ssues to be addressed but there were many references to
gener|c |ssues, such as r|sk assessment & safe systems of

Ne|ther of these demonstrates know|edge of safe ||h|ng
operanons. Indeed, a r|sk assessment |s undertaken |n order
to determ|ne the precaunons that are needed & |s not, |n
|tse|f, a precaunon.
LlecLrlcal SafeLy
!une 01 C9 & uec 04 C11
State Lhe lLems LhaL should be
lncluded on a checkllsL for Lhe rouune
lnspecuon of porLable elecLrlcal
appllances. (8)
Lxamlners 8eporL

MosL candldaLes were able Lo provlde reasonable checkllsLs
ln answer Lo Lhls quesuon lncludlng lLems as:

Lhe need Lo check LhaL Lhe appllance ls of a sulLable Lype for
Lhe operauons Lo be carrled ouL,
LhaL Lhe connecung plugs are ln sound condluon & sockeLs
noL overloaded, LhaL Lhe fuses ued are of Lhe correcL raung,
LhaL Lhe appllance ls operaLed aL reduced volLage (where
approprlaLe) &/or proLecLed by a 8Cu,
LhaL cables are undamaged & rouLed safely,
& LhaL Lhe caslng of Lhe appllance ls ln good condluon.
AlmosL wlLhouL excepuon, addluonal reference was made Lo
Lhe need Lo check LhaL a A1 has been carrled ouL & ls
currenL, & LhaL Lhe relevanL lnformauon ls provlded.
SepL 2001 Cuesuon 7
A decoraLor uses a large porLable
elecLrlc sLeamer for wallpaper sLrlpplng.

(l) Idennfy ICUk hazards assoclaLed
wlLh Lhe use of Lhe sLeamer. (4)

(ll) Cut||ne Lhe checks LhaL should be
made Lo ensure elecLrlcal safeLy
when uslng Lhe sLeamer.
Lxamlners 8eporL
1he hrst part of Lhe quesuon posed few problems & mosL candldaLes
could ldenufy aL leasL Lhree of Lhe hazards assoclaLed wlLh Lhls plece
of equlpmenL - lncludlng manual handllng, conLacL wlLh Lhe sLeam &
hoL surfaces, ergonomlc & elecLrlcal hazards, & sllps, Lrlps & falls.

ln answerlng part (||), mosL candldaLes ldenued Lhe general need Lo
carry ouL a vlsual lnspecuon of cables, plugs & sockeLs.
8euer candldaLes referred Lo oLher speclc checks LhaL should be
made such as ensurlng LhaL:

Lhe equlpmenL conforms Lo relevanL sLandards (CL marklng),
LhaL lL has been sub[ecL Lo porLable appllance Lesung,
LhaL Lhe equlpmenL does noL show slgns of damage,
LhaL fuses are of Lhe correcL raung,
LhaL resldual currenL devlces are ln use,
& LhaL Lhere are approprlaLe means of lsolaung Lhe sLeamer.
uec 01 C7 & Mar 04 C3
Cut||ne a range of checks LhaL should
be made Lo ensure elecLrlcal safeLy ln
an omce envlronmenL. (8)
Lxamlners 8eporL

Surpr|s|ng|y few cand|dates oered comprehens|ve answers for the
range of checks requ|red to ach|eve e|ectr|ca| safety |n an omce
Answers could have lncluded reference Lo vlsual lnspecuons for:
damage Lo cables,
plugs & sockeLs,
Lhe need Lo ensure LhaL all fuses are of Lhe correcL raung,
& checklng LhaL equlpmenL ls slLed such LhaL ouLleLs are noL
overloaded & cable are noL ln vulnerable posluons.
1he equlpmenL lLself should be checked Lo ensure sulLablllLy &
conformlLy wlLh recognlsed sLandards (e.g. CL marklng) & a speclc
Lesung procedure for porLable appllances should be ln place, as well
as a procedure for reporung defecLs or damage.
Many answers were based on best pracnce |n factor|es or on
construcnon s|tes rather than the range of rounne checks that
shou|d be undertaken |n an omce env|ronment.
Severa| cand|dates concentrated so|e|y on A1, some descr|b|ng |t
|n great deta||, but om|ued any |nformanon on the other checks
!une 2002 Cuesuon 8
(a) Descr|be Lhe posslble healLh eecLs
of elecLrlclLy on Lhe body. (4)

(b) Cut||ne ICUk facLors LhaL may
aecL Lhe severlLy of harm of ln[ury
from conLacL wlLh elecLrlclLy. (4)
Lxamlners 8eporL

lor part (a), mosL candldaLes were bale Lo speclfy Lhe Lwo maln
eecLs of elecLrlclLy on Lhe human body as lnLerference wlLh
nerve/muscle acuon & ussue burns - alLhough some were
conLenL Lo rely on vague references Lo shock or hearL auack,
whlch were lnsumclenL as a descrlpuon.
More able candldaLes lncluded reference Lo:

cardlo-resplraLory eecLs,
ln parucular Lhe rlsk of faLal ln[ury due Lo dlsrupuon of hearL

As far as ussue burns are concerned, candldaLes should have
referred Lo Lhe maln slLes of damage as belng Lhe enLry & exlL
polnLs & Lo Lhe posslblllLy of damage Lo lnLernal organs.

lor part (b), many answers concenLraLed almosL enurely on Lhe
volLages lnvolved.

8elauvely few candldaLes ouLllned addluonal facLors such as:
Lhe rouLe Laken Lhrough Lhe body,
Lhe lengLh of conLacL ume,
Lhe general healLh & age of Lhe person lnvolved, &
Lhose facLors LhaL mlghL aecL Lhe slze of currenL passlng
Lhrough Lhe body.

ln parucular, Lhere was llule undersLandlng of reslsLance, based
on such Lhlngs as:
dryness of Lhe skln,
naLural body reslsLance,
ground condluons, &
Lype of fooLwear.
uec 02 C4, SepL 03 C4 & Mar 03 C 10
ln relauon Lo elecLrlcal safeLy, exp|a|n
Lhe meanlng of Lhe followlng Lerms:
(l) lsolauon (2)
(ll) earLhlng
(lll) reduced low volLage
(lv) overcurrenL proLecuon. (2)

Lxamlners 8eporL
1he quesuon almed Lo LesL candldaLes knowledge of some key
elecLrlcal Lerms.
Iso|anon refers Lo shumng o Lhe elecLrlcal supply Lo an lLem of
equlpmenL or parL of an elecLrlcal sysLem & prevenung lnadverLenL
reconnecuon ln order, for lnsLance, Lo carry ouL malnLenance
Larth|ng, on Lhe oLher hand ls a means whereby elecLrlcal
equlpmenL & conducuve lLems are connecLed Lo earLh by a cable
or meLal plpework such LhaL Lhe rouLe Lo earLh provldes Lhe paLh
of leasL reslsLance Lo a currenL owlng under faulL condluons.
keduced |ow vo|tage, commonly used on consLrucuon slLes,
lnvolves Lhe reducuon of malns volLage by a Lransformer Lo a
lower, safer volLage - Lyplcally 110 or 33 volLs,
whlle overcurrent protecnon ls a meLhod of prevenung Lhe ow
of excess currenL by cumng Lhe supply under faulL condluons by
means of a fuse or clrculL breaker.
Desp|te the quesnon, or parts of |t, hav|ng appeared on prev|ous
papers, |t was poor|y answered by most cand|dates, w|th on|y the
more ab|e produc|ng answers to a reasonab|e standard.
March 2003 Cuesuon 9
(a) Cut||ne Lhe dangers assoclaLed
wlLh elecLrlclLy. (4)
(b) Cut||ne Lhe emergency acuon Lo
Lake lf a person suers a severe
elecLrlcal shock. (4)
Lxamlners 8eporL

art (a) of Lhe quesuon was noL answered as well as part (b).
Many candldaLes referred Lo Lhe maln danger slmply as belng
elecLrlc shock wlLhouL acLually sLaung why Lhls ls dangerous &
how lL may aecL a person by lnLerferlng wlLh hearL rhyLhm.

8euer candldaLes were able Lo refer Lo a wlder range of
dangers, such as:
burns Lo ussue,
re & exploslon, &
secondary eecLs such as falllng from a helghL as resulL of an
elecLrlc shock.
lor part (b), Lhe rsL acuon on dlscoverlng a person havlng
suered an elecLrlc shock should always be Lo summon help
& followlng Lhls, lf Lhe person ls sull ln close proxlmlLy Lo Lhe
llve parL, lsolaLe Lhe supply or push Lhe person clear uslng a
non-conducuve lmplemenL.

llrsL-ald should Lhen be admlnlsLered, whlch, dependlng on
Lhe severlLy of Lhe shock, may lnclude cardlo-pulmonary

lf successful, an alrway should be malnLalned by placlng Lhe
vlcum ln Lhe recovery posluon & breaLhlng should be
monlLored unul medlcal help arrlves
!une 2004 C7 & Mar 2003
Cut||ne Lhe pracucal measures Lo
reduce Lhe rlsk of ln[ury from
elecLrlclLy when uslng a porLable
elecLrlcal appllance on a consLrucuon
slLe. (8)
Lxamlners 8eporL

lor Lhls quesuon, Lhere was a large range of lssues avallable Lo
Lhose candldaLes who could envlsage worklng condluons on a
consLrucuon slLe & ouLllne Lhe pracucal measures requlred Lo
reduce Lhe rlsk of ln[ury from Lhe use of porLable elecLrlcal
relevanL measures lnclude:
Lhe approprlaLe selecuon of equlpmenL such as bauery-
operaLed appllances or Lhose operaung aL a reduced volLage
(Lyplcally 110v),
cables connecLed Lo Lhe power supply wlLh proper connecLors,
Lhe use of 8Cus,
Lralnlng of operaLors ln Lhe checklng procedures Lo be followed
before use,
Lhe lnLroducuon of a regular appllance lnspecuon & Lesung
procedure, &
Lhe avoldance of uslng ln weL condluons.
As w|th past quesnons on e|ectr|c|ty, there was a m|xed
response, w|th some cand|dates show|ng the|r know|edge
of the sub[ect to good eect & others strugg||ng to ga|n

Many cand|dates appeared confused w|th terms such as
'reduced |ow vo|tage', & abbrev|anons such as 'A1' &

Answers genera||y tended to concentrate on ma|ntenance
& |nspecnon |ssues a|though, as a|ways, there were some
gener|c, rather vague & dec|ded|y opnm|snc references to
L & tra|n|ng when noth|ng e|se came to m|nd.
Work LqulpmenL &
March 2001 Cuesuon 6
Cut||ne Lhe sources & posslble eecLs of
ICUk non-mechanlcal hazards commonly
encounLered ln a woodworklng shop. (8)
Lxamlners 8eporL
1he key expresslon ln Lhls quesuon was non-mechanlcal & lL
surprlslng how many candldaLes spenL ume provldlng
lrrelevanL ouLllnes of mechanlcal hazards presenL ln a wood
worklng shop.
1hose who dld read Lhe quesuon wlLh care were able Lo
ouLllne hazards such as:
dusL from sawlng & sandlng operauons (leadlng Lo lung
dlsorders & posslbly cancer),
chemlcal hazards from varnlshes, glues eLc (leadlng Lo a range
of lll-healLh eecLs),
nolse from machlnery (causlng nolse-lnduced hearlng loss &
oLher audlLory & non-audlLory eecLs),
sharps & spllnLers (causlng eye ln[urles, cuLs & lnfecuons),
manual handllng hazards (resulung ln musculoskeleLal
dlsorders), &
elecLrlclLy causlng shocks, burns & re.
March 2001 Cuesuon 9
(a) Dehne Lhe Lerm ergonomlcs. (2)

(b) L|st SIk observauons made durlng
Lhe lnspecuon of a machlne operauon
whlch may suggesL LhaL Lhe machlne
has not been ergonomlcally
Lxamlners 8eporL
lor part (a), mosL candldaLes were able Lo produce an accepLable
denluon of Lhe Lerm ergonomlcs, such as Lhe sLudy of Lhe
lnLeracuon beLween workers & Lhe work envlronmenL or maklng Lhe
[ob or Lask L Lhe person.
A number of observauons could have been llsLed ln answer Lo part (b),
Lhe need for excesslve force or repeuuve movemenLs by Lhe operaLor,
Lhe need for operaLor Lo sLreLch or sLoop,
machlne conLrols slLed ln awkward posluons,
conLrols & dlsplays unmarked or poorly marked & Lhelr funcuons noL
lack of vlslblllLy of Lhe Lask by Lhe operaLor,
Lhe work plece dlmculL Lo posluon because of lLs slze or welghL or
because of Lhe Lype of machlne proLecuon provlded,
& Lhe dlmculLy experlenced ln changlng, ad[usung or cleanlng machlne
1here were not too many good answers to !"#$ &'() w|th
many cand|dates strugg||ng to come to terms w|th what
the quesnon actua||y requ|red.

Many ||sted the features of good ergonom|c des|gn
w|thout |dennfy|ng poor ones, others saw th|s as a
stra|ghuorward mach|ne quesnon & proceeded to ||st
the poss|b|e mechan|ca| & non-mechan|ca| hazards.
!une 2001 Cuesuon 8
A cleaner ls requlred Lo pollsh oors
uslng a roLary oor pollsher.

(l) Idennfy Lhe hazards LhaL mlghL be
assoclaLed wlLh Lhls operauon. (4)

(ll) Cut||ne sulLable conLrol measures
LhaL mlghL be used Lo mlnlmlse Lhe rlsk.
Lxamlners 8eporL

art (|) of Lhe quesuon was generally well answered wlLh
candldaLes ldenufylng mosL of Lhe hazards concerned

enLanglemenL, sllps, Lrlps & falls,
nolse & vlbrauon,
elecLrlcal & ergonomlc hazards,
& Lhe posslble use of chemlcal cleanlng agenLs.

Pavlng successfully ldenued Lhe hazards, however,
cand|dates exper|enced more d|mcu|ty |n out||n|ng su|tab|e
contro| measures that m|ght be taken to m|n|m|se the r|sk.
1hese should have lncluded:
cable managemenL,
lsolauon of Lhe machlne for changlng brushes,
Lhe wearlng of approprlaLe fooLwear,
regular malnLenance & Lesung of Lhe machlne,
LogeLher wlLh Lhe use of resldual currenL devlces,
& Lhe provlslon of Lralnlng for Lhe operaLor wlLh emphasls
placed on pre-use checks.
CandldaLes who performed well on Lhe second parL of Lhls
quesuon were Lhose who worked loglcally Lhrough Lhe llsL of
hazards LhaL Lhey had ldenued ln Lhe rsL parL & ouLllned
conLrol measures for each one.
uec 2001 Cuesuon 1
(a) rov|de sketches Lo show clearly Lhe naLure of Lhe
followlng mechanlcal hazards from movlng parLs of
(l) enLanglemenL (2)
(ll) crushlng (2)
(lll) drawlng-ln. (2)

(b) Cut||ne Lhe lssues LhaL should be addressed ln assesslng
Lhe approprlaLeness & sulLablllLy of a xed guard used Lo
proLecL agalnsL dangerous parLs of a machlne. (6)

(c) Idennfy ICUk non-mechanlcal hazards Lo whlch
woodworklng machlne operaLors may be exposed & ouLllne
Lhe posslble healLh & safeLy eecLs ln LACn case. (8)

Lxamlners 8eporL
art (|) of Lhls quesuon was generally well answered.
CandldaLes should noLe, however, LhaL ln order Lo show
clearly Lhe hazards of movlng machlnery, Lhey should
lndlcaLe ln Lhelr skeLches Lhe form of movemenL of Lhe
machlne parLs lnvolved.

As an example, Lhe roLauonal movemenL of machlnery
presenung an enLanglemenL hazard should be drawn by
means of an arrow.

CandldaLes are noL assessed on Lhelr draughLsmanshlp
skllls buL skeLches musL be sumclenLly clear Lo show Lhe
naLure of Lhe hazard belng referred Lo.
art (||), on Lhe oLher hand, was noL so well answered & few
candldaLes were able Lo develop Lhelr responses Lo Lhe exLenL
requlred Lo achleve ll marks.
MosL referred Lo lssues such as Lhe need Lo:
assess Lhe sLrengLh,
rlgldlLy & durablllLy of Lhe maLerlal from whlch Lhe guard ls made,
Lhe securlLy of lLs fasLenlngs ln requlrlng a speclal Lool for lLs
& Lhe lmporLance of securlng sumclenL venulauon when requlred.
8euer candldaLes ouLllned addluonal lssues such as:
Lhe use of a xed guard only when frequenL removal of Lhe
proLecuon ls noL requlred,
Lhe need Lo ensure LhaL Lhe guard nelLher lnLerferes wlLh Lhe
operauon of Lhe machlne nor obsLrucLs Lhe vlslon of Lhe operaLor, &
any openlngs ln Lhe guard should be of such slze as Lo prevenL
access Lo Lhe danger polnL.
ln answerlng part (|||), candldaLes could have ldenued
hazards such as:
dusL (causlng lung dlsorders & res/exploslons),
nolse (resulung ln hearlng loss or unnlLus),
vlbrauon (causlng hand-arm vlbrauon syndrome),
spllnLers (resulung ln ln[urles Lo Lhe eye, cuLs & lnfecuon),
manual handllng (whlch could resulL ln musculoskeleLal
dlsorders), &
elecLrlclLy (wlLh lLs assoclaLed rlsk of shock, elecLrlcal burns &
CandldaLes generally coped well wlLh Lhls parL of Lhe
quesuon & mosL were able Lo ldenufy four non-mechanlcal
hazards Lo whlch woodworklng machlne operaLors mlghL be
L|nk|ng the hazards to poss|b|e hea|th & safety eects,
however, proved a ||u|e more d|mcu|t.
March 2001 Cuesuon 2
Cut||ne Lhe posslble hazards from
uslng a peLrol-drlven sLrlmmer Lo
malnLaln roadslde verges. (8)
Lxamlners 8eporL
1hls was noL a well answered quesuon, wlLh mosL candldaLes able
Lo achleve only a few of Lhe marks avallable for ouLllnlng some of
Lhe posslble hazards arlslng from uslng a peLrol-drlven sLrlmmer.
Such hazards lnclude:
exposure Lo fumes,
Lhe posslblllLy of re or exploslon,
conLacL wlLh Lhe movlng parLs of Lhe sLrlmmer,
belng sLruck by ylng sLones & fragmenLs,
nolse & vlbrauon,
manual handllng,
sllps, Lrlps & falls,
Lhe posslblllLy of belng sLruck by movlng Lramc,
& exposure Lo exLreme weaLher condluons.
Some cand|dates dec|ded not to answer the quesnon that was
asked & e|ther out||ned the poss|b|e hazards ar|s|ng from the use
of an e|ectr|c str|mmer or d|scussed how the r|sks assoc|ated w|th
the use of the equ|pment m|ght be contro||ed.
March 2002 Cuesuon
L|st LIGn1 non-mechanlcal hazards
assoclaLed wlLh machlnery. (8)
Lxamlners 8eporL

1hls was lnLended Lo be a sLralghuorward quesuon LhaL should have
been answered qulckly as well as glvlng Lhe candldaLes an
opporLunlLy Lo galn valuable marks.
1he llsL should have lncluded such hazards as:
nolse & vlbrauon,
exLremes of LemperaLure,
re & exploslon,
hazardous subsLances (boLh by dlrecL conLacL wlLh for lnsLance,
olls & greases & by exposure Lo dusL & fumes), &
Lhose relaLed Lo lnsumclenL auenuon Lo ergonomlc lssues.
Some cand|dates |nc|uded |n the|r ||st, or even concentrated on
exc|us|ve|y, var|ous mechan|ca| hazards, for wh|ch no marks cou|d
be g|ven.
1h|s suggests that they had e|ther m|sread the quesnon or d|d not
fu||y apprec|ate the d|snncnon between mechan|ca| & non-
mechan|ca| hazards.
Mar 2002 C4 & uec 2003 C4
(a) Cut||ne Lhe prlnclples of Lhe
followlng Lypes of machlne guard:
(l) A xed guard. (2)
(ll) An lnLerlocked guard. (2)

(b) Idennfy 1WC advanLages & 1WC
dlsadvanLages of a xed machlne
guard. (4)
Lxamlners 8eporL

ln answerlng part (a) of Lhe quesuon, mosL candldaLes showed
Lhey had aL leasL a baslc undersLandlng of Lhe prlnclples of Lhe
mosL common Lypes of guard.
1he ma[orlLy correcLly ldenued LhaL a xed guard ls physlcally
auached Lo Lhe machlne & normally requlres a speclal Lool Lo
remove lL.
lewer, however, speclcally menuoned Lhe facL LhaL lL provldes
a physlcal barrler LhaL has no movlng parLs & ls noL llnked Lo Lhe
conLrols, mouon or hazardous condluon of Lhe machlne.
lnLerlocked guards, on Lhe oLher hand, work on Lhe prlnclple
LhaL a machlne cannoL sLarL or oLherwlse become dangerous
unul Lhe guard ls closed, & LhaL when Lhe machlne ls ln a
dangerous condluon elLher Lhe guard cannoL be operaLed or
openlng Lhe guard causes Lhe machlne Lo come Lo a resL.

Where problems dld arlse was ln Lhe ldenucauon of Lhe
advanLages & dlsadvanLages of a xed guard.
CandldaLes should have ldenued LhaL Lhe slmpllclLy of a xed
guard means lL ls easy Lo lnspecL & malnLaln & Lhe facL LhaL
Lhere are no movlng parLs leads Lo lncreased rellablllLy
Cn Lhe oLher hand, Lhe facL LhaL lL ls noL llnked Lo Lhe machlne
conLrols means LhaL no proLecuon ls aorded should lL be
removed &, slnce lL ls xed & requlres a speclal Lool for lLs
removal, access, when requlred, ls more dlmculL.
A physlcal barrler, parucularly lf lL ls solld raLher Lhan meshed,
may also hamper vlsual lnspecuon of Lhe machlne or Lhe work
belng performed.
SepL 2001 Cuesuon 2
Idennfy ICUk mechanlcal hazards
presenLed by pedesLal drllls & out||ne
ln LACn case how ln[ury may occur.
Lxamlners 8eporL

WlLh several Lo choose from, mosL candldaLes had llule
dlmculLy ln ldenufylng 4 mechanlcal hazards assoclaLed wlLh
Lhe use of a pedesLal drllllng machlne.
1hese lnclude:
enLanglemenL of halr wlLh Lhe drlll blL or chuck,
sLabblng ln[urles from Lhe end of Lhe blL,
conLacL wlLh Lhe drlll blL or chuck resulung ln abraslons, &
e[ecuon of, or lmpacL by, unclamped workpleces, made
worse by Lhe facL LhaL Lhe workplece may be splnnlng aL fasL
speed on Lhe blL.

Cumng hazards may also be presenLed by meLal swarf
produced by Lhe drllllng process.
Some candldaLes elLher dld noL nouce or dld noL undersLand
Lhe word mechanlcal & gave examples of non-mechanlcal
hazards, such as nolse & elecLrlclLy.
SepL 2002 Cuesuon 7
Idennfy ICUk hazards when cumng
grass on roadslde verges wlLh a rlder-
operaLed moLor-mower & out||ne Lhe
precauuons Lo be Laken agalnsL LACn
one. (8)
Lxamlners 8eporL
CandldaLes were generally able Lo ldenufy a number of
hazards assoclaLed wlLh Lhe use of a moLor-mower, Lhe more
obvlous perhaps belng:
fasL roLaung blades & Lhe poLenual for Lhe machlne Lo
overLurn when operaung on lncllnes.
CLher hazards LhaL could have been menuoned were:
nolse & vlbrauon,
colllslon wlLh road Lramc or pedesLrlans,
ylng ob[ecLs (e.g. sLones from Lhe machlne),
& hazards assoclaLed wlLh fuel.
More able candldaLes referred Lo Lhe envlronmenLal lssues
such as exLreme exposure Lo sunllghL & Lhe presence of
sunglng lnsecLs.
ApproprlaLe precauuons would lnclude:
Lhe mng of guards Lo proLecL Lhe blades,
Lhe provlslon of personal proLecuve equlpmenL such as ear
defenders, eye proLecuon, & hlgh vlslblllLy cloLhlng,
conlng o areas ln close proxlmlLy Lo movlng Lramc, &
Lralnlng drlvers ln operaung Lhe machlne on sloplng ground,
ln re-fuelllng procedures & ln carrylng ouL rouune
malnLenance work.

Wh||e the use of persona| protecnve equ|pment featured
frequent|y as a precaunon to be taken, very few cand|dates
gave deta||s of the types of protecnon to be prov|ded.

More successful answers Lended Lo be Lhose LhaL were
sLrucLured loglcally so LhaL a parucular hazard was ldenued,
& Lhe correspondlng precauuons ouLllned, before movlng on
Lo Lhe nexL hazard.
uec 2002 Cuesuon 1
An employee ls Lo use a peLrol-drlven chalnsaw Lo
fell a Lree from ground level.

(l) Cut||ne Lhe hazards faced by Lhe employee ln
carrylng ouL Lhls Lask. (10)
(ll) L|st IIVL lLems of personal proLecuve
equlpmenL LhaL should be provlded Lo, & used
by, Lhe employee. (3)
(lll) Cut||ne conLrol measures oLher Lhan personal
proLecuve equlpmenL LhaL would be necessary
Lo ensure Lhe healLh & safeLy of Lhe chalnsaw
operaLor & oLher persons lnvolved ln Lhe
operauon. (3)

Lxamlners 8eporL
art (|) of Lhe quesuon was generally well answered wlLh mosL
candldaLes able Lo ouLllne a number of hazards assoclaLed wlLh Lhls
Lask. 1hey lnclude:

conLacL wlLh movlng parLs of Lhe chalnsaw (Lhe chaln ln parucular),
exposure Lo fumes & dusL,
manual handllng hazards,
nolse & vlbrauon,
e[ecLed parucles & fragmenLs,
falllng ob[ecLs (ulumaLely, Lhe Lree lLself),
& re & exploslon hazards from Lhe fuel.
8euer candldaLes were able Lo exLend Lhelr answers Lo lnclude
some posslbly well less obvlous hazards assoclaLed wlLh:
hoL parLs of Lhe chalnsaw,
uneven &/or weL ground,
Lhe use of lubrlcaung olls, &
exposure Lo sunllghL.
Cand|dates exper|enced more d|mcu|ty |n answer|ng part

1hey were expecLed Lo llsL ve lLems of personal proLecuve
equlpmenL assoclaLed wlLh Lhls Lask &, whlle Lhe ma[orlLy
were able Lo clLe:
ear defenders,
gloves & helmeLs.

Cnly Lhe more asLuLe (or perhaps Lhose wlLh knowledge &/
or experlence of Lhe acuvlLy) alluded Lo such lLems as:
face vlsors,
foresLry booLs & speclallsed (e.g. kevlar) proLecuve cloLhlng
deslgned Lo choke Lhe chaln lf conLacL ls made.

Weaker responses to part (||) tended to connnue |n the same ve|n |n
the hna| part of the quesnon.
Aga|n, on|y beuer cand|dates cou|d out||ne a range of su|tab|e
contro| measures.
Such measures mlghL lnclude:
proper plannlng of Lhe [ob,
placlng barrlers & warnlng slgns Lo resLrlcL access Lo Lhe felllng area,
ensurlng LhaL Lhe chalnsaw ls sulLable for Lhe Lask, LhaL Lhe guard ls
always ln place & LhaL Lhe equlpmenL ls properly malnLalned,
uslng only cerued operaLors,
provldlng lnformauon lnsLrucuon & Lralnlng for Lhe [ob ln hand,
ensurlng adequaLe supervlslon Lo check LhaL procedures (relaung Lo
safe felllng meLhods, refuelllng, excluslon zones, eLc) are followed, &
lnLroduclng a sysLem of healLh survelllance (e.g. Lo look for slgns of
hearlng loss &/or hand-arm vlbrauon syndrome).
SpeclallsL knowledge of chalnsaw operauons was noL needed
ln order Lo provlde a good answer Lo Lhls quesuon.
lL requlred candldaLes Lo be aware of Lhe sorL of work lnvolved
(from seelng such operauons on Lelevlslon perhaps), Lo
speculaLe on Lhe hazards LhaL mlghL face operaLors, & Lhen Lo
apply generlc conLrols Lo Lhe slLuauon ln order Lo proLecL
agalnsL Lhose hazards.
lor lnsLance, oLher Lhan suggesung LhaL approprlaLe
proLecuve cloLhlng should be worn, candldaLes were noL
expecLed Lo know speclcally abouL kevlar cloLhlng & lLs
means of provldlng proLecuon.
Slmllarly, a deLalled knowledge of safeLy feaLures on
chalnsaws (such as chaln caLchers & anu-klckback devlces) was
noL needed.
Powever, candldaLes should be able Lo apply Lhelr knowledge
of healLh & safeLy generally Lo slLuauons LhaL are noL
lmmedlaLely famlllar Lo Lhem - & Lhls was one such example.
uec 2003 Cuesuon 8
A chalnsaw ls Lo be used Lo fell a Lree
from ground level. ln relauon Lo Lhls
(l) Idennfy ICUk hazards assoclaLed
wlLh Lhe use of Lhe chalnsaw. (4)

(ll) L|st Lhe lLems of personal
proLecuve equlpmenL LhaL should
be used by Lhe chalnsaw operaLor.
Lxamlners 8eporL
ln answerlng part (|) of Lhe quesuon, candldaLes could
have chosen from a wlde range of mechanlcal & non-
mechanlcal hazards, lncludlng

conLacL or enLanglemenL wlLh Lhe chaln,
nolse & vlbrauon,
dusL & fumes,
e[ecLed parucles,
hoL surfaces,
manual handllng & ergonomlc hazards, &
belng sLruck by falllng branches or Lrees

1he ma[orlLy were able Lo provlde Lhe 4 examples requlred
lor part (||), reference should have been made Lo L such

foresLry booLs,
helmeLs ued wlLh meshed face shlelds
hearlng proLecuon &
speclallsed gloves & cloLhlng (e.g. kevlar)
LhaL would aord Lhe necessary body & leg proLecuon

A general reference Lo Lhe wearlng of
safeLy booLs,
gloves & eye proLecuon,
WlLhouL a speclc reference Lo approprlaLe Lypes ln relauon
Lo chalnsaw use, was lnsumclenL Lo galn Lhe marks avallable
March 2003 Cuesuon 9
An employee ls Lo use a peLrol-drlven
chalnsaw Lo fell a Lree from ground

Cut||ne Lhe hazards faced by Lhe
employee ln carrylng ouL Lhls Lask (8)
uec 2002 Cuesuon 3
(a) ldenufy:
(l) 1WC mechanlcal hazards assoclaLed
wlLh movlng parLs of machlnery. (2)
(ll) 1WC non-mechanlcal hazards Lo whlch
a machlne operaLor may be exposed.

(b) Cut||ne a hlerarchy of conLrol measures
LhaL may be used Lo reduce Lhe rlsk of ln[ury
from dangerous parLs of machlnery.

Lxamlners 8eporL
1hls Lype of quesuon on hazards posed by machlnery, & Lhe assoclaLed
measures for reduclng rlsk, ls well esLabllshed aL CerucaLe level.
Desp|te th|s, |t |s ev|dent that some cand|dates are unab|e to
d|snngu|sh between mechan|ca| & non-mechan|ca| hazards, &
are unfam|||ar w|th the genera| categor|sanon of each group.

1haL sald, however, part (a) was generally well answered.
Mechanlcal hazards (l.e. Lhose from ,movlng parLs of machlnery &/or
Lhe maLerlal belng worked) lnclude:
lmpacL, enLanglemenL, crushlng, shearlng, e[ecuon, cumng & abraslon,
whereas a llsL of non-mechanlcal machlnery hazards lncludes:
nolse, vlbrauon, elecLrlclLy , hazardous subsLances, radlauon, exLremes
of LemperaLure & ergonomlc lssues.
Such concepts are fundamenta| to an understand|ng of mach|nery
safety & course prov|ders shou|d ensure that they are c|ear|y grasped
by cand|dates.
Cand|dates tended to strugg|e w|th part (b) of the quesnon
1herefore, an answer LhaL referred Lo:
xed guards,
oLher Lypes of guards or proLecuve devlces,
safeLy alds such as [lgs,
holders & push-sucks, &
Lhe provlslon of lnformauon, lnsLrucuon, Lralnlng & supervlslon,
- ln Lhls preferred order buL noL muLually excluslve - was well
Mar 03 C4 & uec 04 C10
(a) ln relauon Lo machlnery safeLy,
out||ne Lhe prlnclples of operauon of:

(l) lnLerlocked guards (2)
(ll) Lrlp devlces. (2)

(b) CLher Lhan conLacL wlLh dangerous
parLs, |dennfy ICUk Lypes of danger
agal nsL whl ch xed guards on
machlnes may provlde proLecuon.

Lxamlners 8eporL
lor part (a), candldaLes should have referred Lo an lnLerlocked guard as
one LhaL ls llnked Lo Lhe machlne conLrols (by mechanlcal, elecLrlcal,
hydraullc or pneumauc means) so LhaL Lhe machlne wlll noL operaLe
unul Lhe guard ls closed, & when Lhe machlne ls ln a dangerous
condluon, Lhe guard ls elLher prevenLed from openlng or, lf lL ls opened,
Lhe dangerous parLs of Lhe machlne are made safe.
A Lrlp devlce, on Lhe oLher hand, operaLes when a person approaches a
danger area. 1yplcal examples are Lrlp bars or probes, pressure maLs &
phoLo-sensluve sysLems (llghL curLalns). Cnce Lhe devlse ls Lrlggered,
lL Lrlps Lhe machlne, whlch elLher sLops or oLherwlse becomes safe.
Answers to th|s part of the quesnon were d|sappo|nnng.
Whlle mosL candldaLes, for parL (a)(l), were able Lo demonsLraLe some
awareness of Lhe prlnclples of lnLerlocked guards, few referred to the
||nk to mach|ne contro|s. Ior part (a)(||), many confused tr|p dev|ces
w|th emergency stop buuons or res|dua| current dev|ces (desp|te
there be|ng no reference to e|ectr|c|ty).
ke|anve|y few cand|dates read part (b) carefu||y enough to
take note of the requ|rements to |dennfy hazards other than
those caused by contact w|th dangerous parts.

Lxamlners expecLed candldaLes Lo descrlbe how a xed guard
mlghL help Lo proLecL employees by:
reduclng nolse emlsslons,
by conLalnlng hazardous subsLances such as oll, mlsL or dusL,
by provldlng shleldlng agalnsL heaL or elecLrlclLy, &
by prevenung Lhe e[ecuon of parucles from Lhe machlne.
SepL 2002 Cuesuon 6
Idennfy Lhe hazards assoclaLed wlLh
Lhe use of a cemenL mlxer & explaln
how Lhey should be conLrolled. (8)
Lxamlners 8eporL
ln answerlng Lhls quesuon, Lxamlners expecLed candldaLes Lo
refer Lo hazards such as:
manual handllng (whlch mlghL be conLrolled by Lhe use of
mechanlcal alds, reduced welghL of loads, Lhe posluonlng of
maLerlals Lo reduce Lwlsung &/or Lhe provlslon of Lralnlng),
Lhe corroslve & lrrlLanL properues of cemenL (whlch could be
counLered by Lhe provlslon & use of approprlaLe personal
proLecuve equlpmenL, safe sysLems of work & good hyglene
lnhalauon of Lhe cemenL dusL (agalnsL whlch masks mlghL be
provlded), &
machlnery hazards such as movlng parLs, e[ecuon of maLerlals
& nolse (where Lhe conLrol measures would lnclude, where
approprlaLe, Lhe provlslon of guardlng, goggles & hearlng
Also relevanL are hazards assoclaLed wlLh Lhe power supply Lo
Lhe mlxer.
lf peLrol-drlven, requlremenLs would lnclude sLorage faclllues
for Lhe fuel Lo proLecL agalnsL Lhe rlsk of re, Lralnlng ln
refuelllng procedures, & Lhe prohlbluon of Lhe use of Lhe
mlxer ln conned areas Lo proLecL employees agalnsL
lnhalauon of fumes.
lf elecLrlcal, a slmllar sysLem of regular lnspecuon & Lesung of
Lhe equlpmenL, & Lhe use of resldual currenL devlces Lo
mlnlmlse Lhe rlsk of shock, should be ln place.
MosL candldaLes recognlsed movlng parLs & cemenL as
hazards buL only beuer answers lncluded ergonomlc & fuel/
power lssues.
Cand|dates shou|d have recogn|sed the need to g|ve an
exp|ananon of the|r suggested contro| measures (I.e. what
they are |ntended to ach|eve) but, |n many cases, ||u|e more
than a ||st was g|ven.
!une 2004 Cuesuon 3
*+$,-./ "#$ 0*12 %&'( )&"$*+,'$- +.
*/&,0- 1 -&.$*/&,0'(* 0$2')$- "#&"
%&3 4$ /-$0 "+ %'('%'-$ "#$ ,'-5 +.
)+("&)" 6'"# 0&(*$,+/- 7&,"- +.
Lxamlners 8eporL
Answers Lo Lhls quesuon were raLher varlable. Many
candldaLes could noL name Lhe 4 maln caLegorles of guards
& safeguardlng devlces (oen lnsplred by Lhe acronym
'llA1') buL were elLher unable Lo provlde Lhe necessary
addluonal deLall LhaL an ouLllne requlres or became
confused beLween Lhe varlous Lypes
MosL candldaLes lnlually menuoned xed guards descrlbed
a physlcal barrler held ln lLs place aL all umes, noL llnked Lo
Lhe machlne operauon & requlrlng a speclal Lool for lLs
nexL, lnLerlocked guards could have been descrlbed as a
guard llnked mechanlcally, elecLrlcally, or pneumaucally Lo
Lhe machlne operauon & prevenung access when Lhe
machlne ls ln a dangerous posluon, whlle also prevenung
operauon of Lhe machlne when Lhe guard ls open
A Lhlrd caLegory of guard, Lhe ad[usLable or self-ad[usung
guard, ls essenually a xed guard LhaL has elemenLs LhaL can
be ad[usLed (or whlch ad[usL Lhemselves) Lo allow for Lhe
maLerlal belng processed. 1yplcal examples can be found on
clrcular saws & drlll chucks
LasLly, Lhe Lrlp devlce (for example, a pressure maL, probe or
phoLo-elecLrlc sysLem) sLops movemenL of Lhe machlne
when approach ls deLecLed
Whlle noL really 'maln' Lype of guard due Lo lLs llmlLed
appllcauon, credlL was glven Lo candldaLes who referred Lo
auLomauc (or self-acung) guards wlLhln Lhelr 4 Lypes. An
auLomauc guard ls llnked Lo Lhe machlne mechanlsm &
physlcally moves an operaLor from Lhe danger zone
Sep 2004 Cuesuon 1
ln relauon Lo cumng umber uslng a bench-mounLed
clrcular saw
(l) Cut||ne Lhe mechanlcal hazards Lo whlch Lhe
operaLors may be exposed. (6)

(ll) Idennfy Lhe guards & proLecuve devlces
deslgned Lo prevenL conLacL wlLh Lhe saw blade, & ln
LACn case, exp|a|n how Lhe operaLor ls proLecLed.
(lll) Cut||ne ICUk non-mechanlcal hazards
presenLed by Lhe operauon ldenufylng Lhe posslble
P&S eecLs ln LACn case. (8)
Lxamlners 8eporL
ln answerlng part (|) of Lhe quesuon, many candldaLes were
able Lo ldenufy Lhe mechanlcal hazards assoclaLed wlLh Lhe
use of machlnery buL only Lhe more able could relaLe Lhem Lo
a bench-mounLed clrcular saw
1he mosL obvlous & serlous hazard ls Lhe cumng hazard
assoclaLed wlLh Lhe roLaung blade buL candldaLes mlghL also
have referred Lo enLanglemenL wlLh roLaung parLs (such as
Lhe splndle or parLs of Lhe Lransmlsslon machlnery) & Lhe
hazards creaLed by ylng parucles & e[ecuon of Lhe wood
belng processed
Some candldaLes referred Lo hazards such as shearlng &
crushlng, whlch would be unllkely Lo arlse on Lhls Lype of
equlpmenL, wh||e others |dennhed var|ous non-mechan|ca|
hazards that were not requ|red for th|s part of the quesnon
lor part (||), very few candldaLes could glve examples of
guards & proLecuve devlces LhaL were relevanL Lo clrcular
saws, wlLh many answers ouLllnlng only Lhe general
hlerarchy of safeguardlng
8euer candldaLes referred Lo
an ad[usLable or self-ad[usung guard for Lhe Lop of Lhe saw,
exposlng as llule of Lhe blade as posslble,
xed guards over Lhe parL of Lhe blade below Lhe bench &
around Lhe moLor & drlve mechanlsm,
proLecuon aL Lhe rear of Lhe blade ln Lhe form of a rlvlng
& Lhe use of a push suck Lo keep Lhe operaLor's hand away
from Lhe blade aL Lhe end of Lhe cuL
Answers to th|s part of the quesnon suggested that many
cand|dates were unfam|||ar w|th th|s parncu|ar |tem of
work equ|pment, desp|te the spec|hc reference |n the
Ior part (|||), as for part (|), some cand|dates had d|mcu|ty |n
d|snngu|sh|ng between mechan|ca| & non-mechan|ca|
Powever, ln general, candldaLes gave relevanL examples of
non-mechanlcal hazards, lncludlng
wood dusL,
nolse, &
hoL surfaces
1he ldenucauon of relaLed P&S eecLs was dlsappolnung
wlLh only Lhe beuer candldaLes referrlng for example Lo
nolse-lnduced hearlng loss,
Lhe posslblllLy of lung dlsorders or nasal cancer from exposure
Lo dusL, &
shock or burns from conLacL wlLh a defecuve elecLrlclLy supply
Lo Lhe machlne

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