Econet Wireless Job Description Form: Section One NTP022

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Econet Wireless

Job Description Form

SECTION ONE Band Sub-Grade Job Number NTP022
Job Title : EngineerNetwork Performane
Division : Technical
Department : Network Planning
Location : Willowvale - Harare
Name of Analst!s" : #onomali $ai%i
N&mber of 'nc&mbent!s" : (
Name of Job 'nc&mbent!s" : TB!
Date of Analsis : ) J&l *+,*
O"G!NIS!TION ST"#CT#"E !Title onl"
'nc&mbent $&pervisor !*
Level" : -hief Network Planning .fficer
'nc&mbent $&pervisor !,
Level" : /anager 0Network Performance
'nc&mbent Job Title : Engineer Network Performane
$&bor%inates !,
Level" : Nil
$&bor%inates !*
Level" : Nil
$&bor%inates !(
Level" : Nil
$&bor%inates !1
level" : Nil
ST!TE T$E %!IN P#"POSE O& T$E JOB' !please give a brief statement of wh the 2ob e3ists"4 -omplete this
sentence last4
To perform overall network performance5 reporting an% recommen%ing necessar interventions so as to
maintain network &ptime an% services ass&rance in line with international stan%ar%s an% best practice
!greed b( Inumbent
66666666666666 6666666666666 66666666666
Print Name $ignat&re Date
!greed b( Su)er*i+or
66666666666666 6666666666666 66666666666
Print Name $ignat&re Date
!greed b( ,e)artmenta- $ead
66666666666666 6666666666666 66666666666
Print Name $ignat&re Date
Page 1
'n col&mn , please %escribe the 7e 8es&lt Areas of o&r 2ob5 an% the activities re9&ire% to achieve these in chronological or%er4 'n
col&mn *5 in%icate the meas&rements:stan%ar%s re9&ire% to ens&re the activit has been carrie% o&t to 9&alit an% 9&antit stan%ar%s4
-ol&mn (5 please in%icate whether there is a f&rther approval or control on the activit5 an% state what that is !for e3ample ;Approve% b
the H8 /anager<"4 'f the 2ob inc&mbent is responsible for the task5 then leave this col&mn blank4 =se present tense5 an% start with active
verb !for e3ample checks5 writes5 s&pervises"4
/E1 "ES#2T !"E!S
!where applicable"
&IN!2 !PP"O5!2
!where applicable "
78 NET.O"/ PE"&O"%!NCE ,!T! CO22ECTION !N,
=p%ate% Network
Performance Data
/anager Network
,4, >3tracts network performance %ata from all network no%es
&sing relevant tools4
1.2 -arries o&t %ata integrit checks &sing relevant tools
1.3 Provi%es Network performance statistics in line with agree%
1.4 8ecommen%s corrective action on potential %ata shortcomings4
,4? >3plores technologies an% tools to &se on network probing an%
give recommen%ation for a%option4
$che%&le% an% A%-
hoc 8eports
/anager Network
2.1 Participates in the engagement of &ser %epartments !e4g4
Technical5 -ommercial5 @inance5 'nformation $stems5 etc" on
information re9&irements4
*4* Designs an% reviews appropriate Network performance
8eporting mo%els an% tools to ai% in the overall b&siness %ecision
making process4
*4( Performs network performance %ata analsis in or%er to
pro%&ce reports an% recommen%ations
*41 Performs traffic forecasts base% on tren% analsis of the
e3tracte% %ata an% a%vises Planning an% Design4
-apacit forecast
*4? @ollows &p on changes implemente% an% check that the
changes implemente% achieve% %esire% res&lts4
68 CO%P2I!NCE 3PO2ICIES !N, P"OCE,#"E 9 S$E4 =p%ate% $LAs An%
(4, 'mplement Disaster 8ecover Plan !D8P" accor%ing to the
D8P proce%&re4
(4* >nforces compliance with Policies an% Proce%&res5 an%
recommen%s changes for a%option4
(4( >nforces $H> compliance in line with compan $H> Polic
(41 >nforces a&%it an% ins&rance compliance thro&gh
implementing recommen%e% stan%ar%s
Page 2
(4? >nforces Network elements:no%es:sites sec&rit is in place A
a%here% to all the times in liaison with #&siness 8isk4
Page 3
Please state appro3imatel *-( ma2or %ecisions that are ma%e in the 2ob4 These normall flow from agree%
%epartmental:in%ivi%&al ob2ectives4 $tart the sentences with the wor% ;Deci%es<6
Deci%es when to escalate iss&es to /anager Network Performance4
Deci%es on prioritisation of works an% activities
Su)er*i+ion reei*ed
Describe the s&pervisor control receive%5 from whom A how often it is receive% !for e3ample: receives s&pervision from
the Line $&pervisor on a %ail basis"
8eceives s&pervision from /anager Network Performance on a weekl basis thro&gh meetings5 briefings an%
Su)er*i+ion Gi*en
Describe the s&pervision given5 to whom an% how often !for e3ample: s&pervises the artisans thro&gh %ail meetings an%
planning sessions"
/E1 CONT!CTS and )ur)o+e 3if a))-iab-e4
These are e3ternal to the -ompan onl !s&ch as the Hea% of Bimra5 or ->. Besa"
8eg&lator A&thorities !e4g4 P.T8AB5 etc"
>9&ipment Cen%ors
$ervice provi%ers
$tate specific long term A short term %ea%lines5 if an5 which m&st be met !for e3ample: inc&mbent m&st ens&re that all
month en% statements are rea% b *D
of each month"4
$&bmits inp&ts for weekl5 monthl5 ann&al an% a%-hoc reports
$&bmits inp&ts into the sectional Network Performance #&siness -ontin&it plan on short an% long term basis4
$tate the minim&m level of formal school e%&cation re9&ire% for this 2ob to be carrie% o&t at the relevant competence
level4 !This ma not e9&ate to the stan%ar% of e%&cation of the present inc&mbent"
) E.F Levels 'ncl&%ing /athematics5 $cience an% >nglish
* EAF Level passes
$tate the minim&m level of formal post school 9&alifications re9&ire% for this 2ob to be carrie% o&t at the relevant
competence level4 !@or e3ample: a Degree5 Diploma5 -ertificate5 -it A G&il%s Apprenticeship 9&alifications"4
Degree in >lectronic >ngineering or e9&ivalent4 A relevant vocational 9&alification will be an a%%e% a%vantage
O" HND in Telecomm&nications pl&s -it A G&il%s @&ll Technological -ertificate
$tate the minim&m length an% tpe of relevant e3perience re9&ire% for this 2ob to be carrie% o&t at a minim&m level of
competence !for e3ample: three ears< e3perience in the %esign an% maintenance of certain e9&ipment ma be re9&ire%
for a technical position"4
Page 4
* to 1 ears e3perience in a similar or relate% environment O" ( to ? ears e3perience in a similar or relate%
S#%%!"1 O& IN,IC!TO"S O& T$E JOB SI<E IN T$E O"G!NIS!TION 3t=e+e are for to) and +enior
management )o+ition+ on-(4
$o-d+ fu-- re+)on+ibi-it( for'
Direct an% in%irect n&mber of permanent:non permanent staff
Cal&e of b&%get manage% for the c&rrent ear for the relevant Department5 $ection or =nit
Cal&e of assets manage% for the Department5 $ection or =nit !for e3ample: e9&ipment5 plant5 machiner5 pro%&ct"
$!<!",S !N, S!&ET1 "E:#I"E%ENTS
$tate onl specific haHar%s that wo&l% lea% to safet training or the wearing of safet e9&ipment on a contin&al basis !for
e3ample: 2ob hol%er is re9&ire% to wear f&ll safet e9&ipment - mask5 overalls an% boots for the D ho&r shift"
Page 5

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