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All Rights Reseiveu Copyiight 2u12, Tylei Biamlett
No poition of this book may be iepiouuceu oi tiansmitteu in any foim oi by any
means, electionic oi mechanical, incluuing photocopying, iecoiuing, oi by any
infoimation stoiage anu ietiieval system, without the expiess wiitten peimission of
the publishei.
Nanufactuieu in the 0niteu States of Ameiica Publisheu by: Tylei Biamlett. Santa
Ciuz, Califoinia

I'm sau to have to incluue a uisclaimei but heie it is.
BISCLAINER STATENENT: The Waiiioi 0ppei Bouy Piogiam ieflects the authois
expeiience anu is pioviueu foi euucational puiposes anu geneial iefeience. It is not
be a substitute foi meuical auvice oi counseling.
The ieauei assumes all iisks fiom the use, non-use oi misuse of the infoimation in
this book. The Waiiioi 0ppei Bouy Piogiam focuses on movement quality in a step-
by-step foimat.
Neithei the authoi noi publishei assumes any iesponsibility foi the use oi misuse of
the infoimation containeu in this book. Please consult a Physician befoie beginning
any nutiition anu exeicise piogiam.

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Intiouuction Page 4
Section 1 Page 6
Section 2 Page 8
Section S Page 1u
Section 4 Page 11
Section S Page 1S



The fieestanuing hanustanu is one of the coolest exeicises out theie. It uisplays
stiength, balance anu coionation that only a few athletes have. But, most people
uon't unueistanu how to piopeily leain how to uo theii fiist peifect fieestanuing

In this piogiam I will show you the exact way foi you to achieve youi fiist
fieestanuing hanustanu. I uiviueu this piogiam into five uiffeient sections to make it
easy foi you to use.

The fiist section is focuseu on builuing a stiong founuation. In this section you will
leain how to builu the stiong founuation you will neeu to holu a peifect
fieestanuing hanustanu.

In the seconu section, you will leain how to get useu to the uncomfoitable position
of being upsiue uown. Nany people fail in theii quest to leaining the fiist
hanustanus simply because they nevei acclimateu theii bouy to holuing the inveiteu
position this section will show you how.

The thiiu section will teach you how to builu stiength anu builu a peifect position in
hanustanu. This section is the most impoitant step that you neeu to mastei! This
way, when you go to kick up to youi fiist ieal fieestanuing hanustanu you alieauy
have ample stiength anu peifect foim in youi bouy.

The fouith section is wheie you will leain the exact steps you neeu to take to go
fiom being able to peifoim a hanustanu against the wall to peifoiming a fiee
stanuing hanustanu. The tiicks anu tips that I highlight in this fouith section will
shave months off the amount of time it will take foi you to leain youi fieestanuing

In the fifth anu final section you will a few uiffeient auvanceu fieestanuing
hanustanu vaiiations that you can use to builu moie stiength while having moie fun
in youi bouy weight tiaining.

Nake suie you go thiough each step that I outline in the system anu take youi time
to mastei eveiy exeicise in each section befoie moving on to the next section. If you
follow the exact sequence outlineu in this aiticle you will get youi fiist hanustanu, I
can guaiantee that. Bowevei if you skip a step, if you go too fast, if you uon't mastei
the founuational uiills then you may nevei get theie.

So, let's get you staiteu on youi jouiney to achieving youi fiist peifect fieestanuing


The fiist exeicise you neeu to leain in this section is the hollow position holu. To
peifoim the hollow position holu, lie uown on youi back with youi aims oveiheau
anu youi legs outstietcheu. Fiom this position piess youi lowei back into the
giounu anu lift youi legs off the giounu about 2 inches. Stay tight as you point youi
toes, squeeze youi ankles togethei, lift youi aims off the giounu tucking youi chin
slightly so that youi heau is in a stiaight line with youi spine. Bolu this position foi

When you fiist stait you may only be able to holu this position foi S to S sets of 1u
seconus. As you get bettei, woik up in time until you'ie able to holu this position foi
a full 6u seconus without losing youi coie stiength.

The seconu exeicise you neeu to mastei in this fiist section is the elevateu plank.
The elevateu plank will help you builu the aim anu shouluei stiength, the coie
stiength anu bouy position necessaiy to holu the fieestanuing hanu.

To peifoim the elevateu plank, stait in a pushup position with youi feet against a
wall. Walk youi feet up the wall until they aie highei than youi hips. Bolu this
position keeping youi pelvis tuckeu anu make suie that youi lowei back uoes not
aich anu tiy to holu foi 6u seconus.

0nce you can holu each of these positions foi 6u seconus move on to the seconu


In oiuei to be able to peifoim a peifect fieestanuing hanustanu you must be
acclimateu to holuing an inveiteu position. I iemembei tiying to teach a fiienu of
mine yeais ago how to holu a peifect hanustanu anu he was not comfoitable in the
inveiteu position. Eveiy time he kickeu up to a wall he immeuiately collapseu to the
giounu. Since then I've leaineu a few tiicks that aie to help you get useu to the
inveiteu position, heie they aie.

The fiist exeicise is the wall heaustanu. To peifoim the wall heaustanu place youi
heau about S inches away fiom the wall anu youi hanus about S to S inches in fiont
of youi heau. Assume the kick up position as outlineu in the pictuie below. Fiom
theie, kick up against the wall, haiu enough that you can achieve the inveiteu
position. Nake suie you piess youi hanus into the giounu the whole time in oiuei to
take piessuie off of youi neck. Woik on holuing this wall heaustanu position foi 6u
seconus befoie moving to the next exeicise.

The next exeicise is the back to wall hanustanu. This is a gieat exeicise foi builuing
the stiength necessaiy to holu a peifect fieestanuing hanustanu. Assume the kick a
position in the pictuie below anu just like you uiu with the heaustanu kick up with
youi back facing the wall into a hanustanu position. If you can't make it a tiy to kick
so haiu that you put youi foot thiough the wall which will ensuie that you have
enough momentum to get up to the top position foi the back to wall hanustanu. Bolu
this position foi 6u seconus anu once you'ie able to holu this position foi a full 6u
seconus then feel fiee to move on to the section S exeicises.


In section S, I want you to leain how to builu the stiength anu the peifect position
that you'ie going to neeu to be able to holu a peifect fieestanuing hanustanu. This
one exeicise is peihaps the most poweiful exeicises you can use to builu uppei
bouy pushing stiength as well as piepaie you foi holuing the peifect fieestanuing
hanustanu. This exeicise is calleu the walk up to a face the wall hanustanu.

To peifoim the walk up to the face the wall hanustanu, stait in the same position
that you hau in the elevateu plank. Fiom this position begin to walk youi hanus
towaius the wall. As youi toiso gets closei to the wall you can take small steps with
youi feet oi weai a paii of slippeiy socks anu allow them to sliue up the wall. Biing
youi hanus as close to the wall anu holu the peifect face the wall hanustanu position
foi 1u seconus.

Theie aie some key points of alignment that you want to auuiess with the face the
wall hanustanu position, it may be beneficial foi you to have a paitnei watching
fiom a siue view oi to viueo tape youiself in oiuei to coiiect youiself into the
peifect hanustanu position.

Youi feet shoulu be squeezeu togethei anu toes pointeu. Youi hanus shoulu be no
wiuei than shouluei wiuth anu youi elbow shoulu be fully lockeu Piess youi hanus
into the giounu anu see how fai away you can make youi hanus fiom youi toes.
Youi pelvis shoulu be tuckeu in the same position you hau in the hollow position
holu in section 1. You shoulu have no aich in youi back whatsoevei.

Bolu this peifect face the wall hanustanu position foi 1u seconus tiying to maintain
active musculai tension the entiie time befoie walking back uown to the elevateu
plank position. Fiom theie walk back up anu holu the position again, once you can
uo thiee walk-ups anu holu the face the wall hanustanu position with complete
musculai activation foi thiee sets of a 1u seconu holu then it's time to go foi youi
fiist fieestanuing peifect hanustanu.


uoing foi youi fiist peifect fieestanuing hanustanu is awesome, but befoie we begin
let's covei the giounu iules anu key points that you neeu to know befoie kicking up.
The fiist thing you neeu to know is how to iollout of a hanustanu position.

In oiuei to piopeily ioll out of the hanustanu position stait in the same position as
you uiu in section 2 with youi heau on the giounu anu youi hanus slightly in fiont of
youi face, insteau of kicking up to a full heaustanu kick up anu cuil youi spine as if
you'ie tiying to biing youi knees into youi chest anu simply uo a someisault iolling
ovei onto youi back. This will piopeily piepaie you if you finu youiself ovei
balancing in youi fieestanuing hanustanu.

Next, woik on youi fieestanuing balance anu bouy position thiough piacticing the
fieestanuing heaustanu. To peifoim the fieestanuing heaustanu set youiself up just
like you uiu in section 2. With youi heau on the giounu anu youi hanu slightly in
fiont of youi face, kick up gently to a fieestanuing heaustanu while maintaining the
peifect bouy position you hau in the face the wall hanustanu. Bolu this position foi
time anu woikup to holuing this position foi 6u seconus befoie moving on to tiying
to kick up to youi fiist peifect hanustanu.

0kay, you've masteieu the iollout, you've masteieu the hanustanu position, you've
masteieu youi coie contiol anu stiength necessaiy to holu hanustanus anu finally
you'ie ieauy to kick up to youi fiist ieal peifect fieestanuing hanustanu.

A few things to note befoie you tiy youi fiist fieestanuing hanustanu. Nake suie
when you kick up you uo not move youi hanus at all. In fact if you move youi hanus
while woiking on the peifect fieestanuing hanustanu you will tiain bau foim anu it
will become haiuei foi you to achieve a peifect hanustanu eveiy time you tiy to kick
up. So, iule numbei one, uo not walk aiounu on youi hanus tiying to get a peifect

Numbei two it to make suie that youi fingeis aie as stiong as possible to help you
balance in this position. Tiy to maintaining what's calleu a ciimpeu fingeitip
position wheie youi seconu knuckle is bent anu piessing into the giounu the whole
time. This will give you bettei balance anu builu bettei hanu stiength.

Begin youi kick us by assume the same position as you uiu foi youi back to wall
hanustanu in section 2. Stait by gently kicking up to youi hanustanu position not
actually tiying to ieach the position but iathei as a means builu confiuence on youi
hanus anu also so you know how much effoit it will take to kick off the giounu into a
peifect hanustanu position.

As you kick haiuei anu get closei to the hanustanu position just kick up slightly
moie until you finu youiself getting into the peifect hanustanu position. 0nce you
ieach this position immeuiately lock youi elbows, piess youi hanus into the giounu,
squeeze youi coie, squeeze youi feet togethei, point youi toes anu tiy to maintain
youi balance exclusively thiough the stiength of youi wiists anu fingeitips.

Now. Bon't foi one seconu think that this can happen easily oveinight, in fact on
aveiage takes me Su to 6u uays to teach someone how to holu a fieestanuing
hanustanu by themselves unuei my watchful eye. It may take you less oi it may take
you moie, but. The goluen iule to getting goou at fieestanuing hanustanus is
patience anu peisistence.

Piacticing youi hanustanu uaily foi a minimum of five minutes is ciucial if you ieally
want to get goou at holuing a peifect fieestanuing hanustanu. Noie tiaining is
bettei, howevei I tenu to focus on the minimal uose necessaiy to become competent
anu five minutes seems to uo the tiick foi most people.

0nce you've masteieu holuing the peifect hanustanu position foi Su seconus then
feel fiee to move on to moie complicateu hanu balancing skills.


0kay so you've masteieu the hanustanu wheie you go fiom theie.

0nce you mastei the peifect hanustanu the oppoitunities in youi bouy weight
tiaining aie enuless. Look foi moie challenging ways to holu hanustanus, to get into
hanustanus anu moie. Youi tiaining will nevei be as much fun anu challenging then
when piacticing hanustanus.

uoou Luck Anu uo Bo A Banustanu Right Now!!

Tylei }. Biamlett

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