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Christian Morality: Our Response to Gods Love

2012 by Saint Marys Press

Living in Christ Series Document #: TX001812

John 4:442: Jesus Meets the Samaritan
Woman at the Well
1. What does this Gospel account invite us to consider about sin in our personal lives?
Shows that Jesus knows all of our sin
2. Why is it significant that this account occurs in Samaria? What does the Gospel invite us to
consider about social sin, sin in society?

3. What does this account tell us about the consequences of sin?
4. What is Jesus response to the woman? How does he offer her freedom?
You are right when you say you have no husband.
The fact is, you have had five
husbands, and the man you now have is not your husband. What you have just said is
quite true.
5. How does this Gospel account symbolize the waters of Baptism?
Purifies, gives us new life.
John 9:141: Jesus Heals the Man Born Blind
1. What is the communitys belief about the relationship between sin and suffering? What is their
attitude toward the man born blind?

Because he did something bad (sin) he is suffering.
Gospel Reflections on Sin and Salvation Page | 2

2012 by Saint Marys Press
Living in Christ Series Document #: TX001812

2. What is Jesus response to this belief?
Neither this man nor his parents sinned, but this happened so that the works of God might be
displayed in him.

As long as it is day, we must do the works of him who sent me. Night is coming,
when no one can work.
3. How does the man born blind respond to his healing?
The man they call Jesus made some mud and put it on my eyes. He told me to go to Siloam and
wash. So I went and washed, and then I could see.
4. Why does Jesus tell the Pharisees they are blind?
If they were blind, they would not be guilty of sin; but now that they claim they can see, their guilt
5. What sins blind us to seeing and believing in Gods saving grace?

John 11:144: Jesus Raises Lazarus from the Dead
1. What do you think is the primary question posed to readers in this Gospel account?

Who is Jesus?

2. Why do Christians view sin as spiritual death?

Gospel Reflections on Sin and Salvation Page | 3

2012 by Saint Marys Press
Living in Christ Series Document #: TX001812

God says The wage of sin is death.
3. The story of Lazarus is a sign of the Paschal MysteryJesus suffering, death, Resurrection, and
Ascension. How does the Paschal Mystery offer freedom to all believers?

Being free from fear of death.

4. How do Christians turn from sin and death to new life in Christ?

By believing Jesus.

5. How does belief in Christ strengthen the desire to choose life and goodness over the
consequences of sin?

Believing Jesus makes us to love him, and makes desire to follow his saying. To
follow his saying

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