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Dear Sir,

Have pleasure to receive our offer for BOSIET training schedule as the following terms and conditions:

Consist of Basic Life Support, Basic Fire Fighting, HUET & Sea Survival
Conducted in accordance with guidelines set by PSLA, AMSA, IAGC, OPITO, UKOOA AND E&P Forum

Training Overview : To provide participants with survival and emergency training in order to prepare them for an
emergency in an offshore environment.

Training Contents :Safety Induction

General BOSIET Introduction
Basic First Aid technique to save live, prevent worsening and promote recovery.
Principle of Basic Life Support EAR, CPR, DR, ABC.
Basic Life Support Practical
All about Fire, theory, chemistry, anatomy, classification, caused, etc
Action in case of fire
Practical of fire fighting, using fire extinguishers, fire blanket, etc
Helicopter safety procedures, before flight, boarding, in flight, landing, disembark, etc
Helicopter emergencies, surface evacuation, vital actions, underwater escape and rescue
Offshore installation safety briefing, emergency situations, evacuations and escape methods
Survival techniques in the open water.

Training date : To be define upon approval both parties

Training Time & Day :8.00 17.00 2 days
Day 1 :
- Basic Life Support & Basic Fire Fighting (Theoretical & Practical)
Day 2 :
- HUET & Sea Survival (Theoretical & Practical)
Validity of Training : 3 (three) years

Training Fee :
Location Minimum Pax Price Pax Remarks
Jakarta 8 IDR 4.500.000
Batam 10 IDR 5.000.000

Training Quotation Inclusive
Instructor & Assistant
Certificate completion for participant who completed both session
Training ID Card for participant who have completed and passed hands on
Standby Paramedic during HUET & SS practical session
Class Room, Yard Area and Swimming pool
LCD Projector / in focus Monitor during theoretical session
2x Coffee Break & Lunch
Equipment support, souvenirs & handout (Bahasa Indonesia)

Transportation for participants to training venue

VAT 10% : We do not collect VAT 10% as accordance to Government Regulation No.144 / 2000.
if needed we can forward the Statement Letter from Tax Department, Balikpapan.

Payment Terms : 2 (two) weeks after date of training

Payment Adrdress : Bank NIAGA, Balikpapan Kalimantan Timur
Account Number : 078.0100263001 (IDR)
Recipient Name : Indosafe Pratama, PT
NPWP : 02.497.647.4.721.000

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