02.2 Document Control

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2 Document Control
Revision A 16/06/14
Page 1

1. To outline the process of archiving documents and document flow subject to the document
confidentiality level as indicated below.
Desired Outcomes
2. To ensure documents are kept efficiently and that documents are safely transacted.

3. To achieve 0% information leakage as a result of poorly defined instructions regarding
4. CLOSED is the classification for documents defined as files that are crucial for operations
but do not cost the loss of product momentum. However its leakage might lead to unnecessary details
released to public which may compromise the privacy of affected parties.

5. CLASSIFIED is the classification for documents defined as files important to operations
and could potentially damage the Partnerships efforts to market a product. It can also be a document
of importance of which only selected contractors or partners are able to view.

6. IN-CONFIDENCE is the classification for documents in which only the CM and selected
partners/contractors can view. These documents include medical histories, personal disputes or special

7. CONFIDENTIAL is the classification for documents defined as files with great importance
to the death of the company operations and its loss could compromise the security, reputation,
reliability and survival of the company. Documents classified as such are only viewable to the CM
and the VR of which either can allocate access to another partner if deemed necessary.

8. External Generated Documents are documents relevant to the operations of Komeiji Digital
from an external source.

9. Internal Generated Documents are documents relevant to the operations of Komeiji Digital
generated by its staff members.
10. All personnel of Komeiji Digital and its relevant contractors are to understand the document
classification system and ensure that all generated documents are classified to the definitions above.

11. CM and VR shall act as the central registry and the control of all documents generated above
the CLOSED status. They shall decide how long to retain documents and is to be in the loop of all
documents from Classified and above.

02.2 Document Control
Revision A 16/06/14
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12. External Generated Documents

a. All external generated documents are to be sent to the KAH(s) relevant to its content.
Should a document be sent to the wrong personnel, it must be forwarded to the correct KAH(s)
immediately and deleted.

b. When the document is received it is to be classified immediately.

13. Internal Generated Documents

a. All internal generated documents are to be classified upon creation.

b. Internal generated documents that are IN-CONFIDENCE and above shall not be
stored in any shared drives and are only accessible from a password protected drive belonging
to the CM and VR.

14. Mustering of Documents

a. CLASSIFIED and below documents that have exceeded their retention rate are to
be deleted from the system and its hard copies are to be thrown away.

b. IN-CONFIDENCE and above documents that have exceeded their retention rate
are to be deleted from the system and its registry cleaned to ensure to traces are erased. Its
hard copies are to be disposed personally by the CM or VR.

15. Security of Documents

a. Documents that are below IN-CONFIDENCE can be stored in any closed
compartment within the property of Komeiji Digital and its staff. Soft copies are to be stored
in the shared drive.

b. Hard copies of the above mentioned documents retained till 6 months after it becomes
obsolete. This is to ensure should there be a need to reopen a case or incident in past
operations. The data is still available.

c. Soft copies of the documents above shall not be forwarded to any unnecessary parties
and should be deleted in a year from shared drive.

d. Documents that are above IN-CONFIDENCE must be stored in sealed saves of
which only the CM and VR shall have access. Soft copies are to be stored in a private
password protected shared drive.

e. Hard copies of the above mentioned documents retained till both the CM and VR
agree to its disposal.

f. Soft Copies of the document shall be retained till both the CM and VR agree to its

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Revision A 16/06/14
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16. Loss Of Documents

a. Documents lost in the system shall attempt data recovery via Voltech an external
hardware contractor subjected to approval from CM. Files that are identified to be not
significantly crucial or can be reproduced from another source need not the data recovery

b. Documents lost in hard copy will be followed by a 48 hour search within operating
premises of Komeiji Digital. If the document cannot be found, CM and VR shall decide
further action.
Additional Information
17. NIL

Annexes and Appendices
18. NIL

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