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Reusable napkin / diaper for adults

Description of the product

This will be patterned to babies reusable diaper. However, there will be inserts
similar to napkins used by women. The inserts can be disposable and reusable as
well depending on the need of the consumer.
Sanitary napkin industry
Target market
Working women and students/ teenagers/girls
Problem/reason why did we come up with the product
onthly period is an inevitable part of a womans life. Women nowadays are
undergoing busy schedules and one of their problems is to get stained when they
have their monthly period. When a woman get stained, it is hard to move,
uncomfortable, additional problem and activity to wash the clothes and the
shameful feeling when others see the red stain. This reusable napkin/diaper will
avoid getting stained because of its stained!proof material and can be used for the
whole day without thinking of getting the red stain.
! "void red stain
! With reusable pads which can be used for home
! With disposable pad which can be used if outdoor
! #co friendly
Umbrella raincoat
Description of the product
This two!in!one umbrella has a surrounding plastic to protect the whole body similar
to the picture above. However, the group proposed that the surrounding plastic
material will be pulled over like the rope in venetian blinds to be folded if not
needed or if the umbrella is used to protect from the sun.
$mbrella industry
Target market
%ommuters & working men ' women, students
Problem/reason why did we come up with the product
(hilippines is prone to rains and typhoons yearly. )ilipinos are used to bring umbrella
and *ackets / raincoats to protect themselves from getting wet. However, these
gears are not enough to fully protect one s self in getting wet especially when
heavy rains. This two!in!one product will protect the whole body from getting wet.
! +ot to get wet when it rains so hard
! "void getting sick as full body is protected from the rain
ouples! umbrella
Description of the product
This two!in!one umbrella will be designed for couples. Two umbrellas in one handle
to carry it easily and very handy.
$mbrella ,ndustry
Target market
)or couples and families
Problem/reason why did we come up with the product
(hilippines is a country that e-periences . seasons & rainy and dry seasons.
$mbrellas are being used for both seasons as protection from the heat and rain.
Some )ilipinos do not like to bring umbrella to protect themselves especially )ilipino
men who do not like to bring stu/ when going out. This umbrella is handy and good
to share with someone especially women loves to share their umbrellas with their
! Handy
! $mbrella to share for someone
Portable urinal
Description of the product
" portable urinal speciali0ed for men. ,t is a 1!piece set and wearable by men to
easily pee.
The brief is detachable to the rubber so men can opt to insert the rubber whenever
they feel to pee and would not like to wear the whole set all day.
$rinal ,ndustry
Target market
en especially in call center, with 2eldwork, reporters who are on the go and could
not be able to leave their work assignment *ust to pee.
Problem/reason why did we come up with the product
en are peeing everywhere while others have work assignments and activities
which cannot a/ord to go to the comfort room or 2nd one. This is a solution so that
men can easily do their thing without wasting their time and protect the
environment instead of doing it in walls.
! Saves time and e/ort to go or look for comfort room
! ore focus to do their work
! 3educe men from peeing everywhere. (rotecting the environment
Beer Belly
Description of the product
" handy and wearable li4uid container for drinks and can easily use / sip by the
(ackaging containers industry
Target market
5ids, teenagers, yuppies, families, runners, athletes, gym enthusiasts and beverage
Problem/reason why did we come up with the product
When we run or do outdoor activities, it is hard to bring a plastic container or bottle
for drinks while doing those activities. This wearable container is handy and can be
used as weights at the same time. ,t has its uni4ue shape which can be used by all
people at di/erent ages.
! 6ig container and wearable
! %an also be used as weights for e-ercise or while running

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