St. John's Bulletin October 2014

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The Apostolic Johannite Church

Initiated by the Baptist, transmitted by the

Apostle, and restored in the modern era, the
Apostolic Johannite Church enacts the
Johannite Tradition through an esoteric, Gnostic
and Christian path of spiritual understanding and
self-discovery. Ignited in community, nurtured
by individual practice, and fed by service, the
Sacred Flame of Gnosis embodied in the tradition
of the Holy Saints John, lives anew through the
work of the Apostolic Johannite Church.

Prayer Requests:
This month, we ask that you say an extra prayer for:

James Backus

Mar Thomas

Dcn. John DiGilio

The Lewandosky Family

LGBTQ Youth &


An end to the Ebola crisis

Peace in the Middle East

Thanks & Blessings:

Linda Lewandosky for feeding so many Johannites every
month; the folks at Second Unitarian for use of their space;
Matthew Backus & Stephanie Hailey for transporting our
pilgrims; His Grace, Mar Thomas, for celebrating our
inaugural mass at 2U; All of our online followers, financial
contributors, and those who sustain and support us with
their labors and spirit.

St. John the Revelator Apostolic Johannite Church

Templar Sunday
The Apostolic Johannite Church

St. John the Revelator

October 12, 2014

Bishops Message
Office of the Archbishop of Wisconsin and
Primate of the United States

Dear Sisters and Brothers:

Grace, peace, the love of God and fellowship of the Holy Sophia be with all of you.
This month, we have a number of celebrations that merit attention. The feast of the Martyrdom of the Holy
Templars occurs on October 13th, and we will celebrate with a liturgy at St. Michaels in Kenosha on Saturday the
11th. This feast marks the date on which the Templar Order was betrayed by Philip the Fair of France and forced
underground. The story of the Templars is well told by Johannite priest Father Donald Donato in a recent blog
post which can be found at The lineage which passes through the Templar
Order is an important part of the Johannite story. It even forms part of our liturgy, in which the passage of the
office of Sovereign Pontiff and Patriarch from Theoclete to Hugues de Payens is recounted. Therefore this is a time
for both serious and somber reflection on the betrayal, but also a celebration that the Templar line and spirit has
been preserved. It is a reminder that we are all called to be Knights in service to our fellow human beings, and to
struggle for the light, even in the face of the bitter betrayal of those in whom we have placed our love and trust.
In addition to this, we have the celebration of the first liturgy at the Parish of St. John Revelators new home at
the Second Unitarian Church in Chicago on Sunday the 12th. We will celebrate this wonderful new start with the
Ritual for the Dedication and Consecration of a Church which is a little performed rite of the AJC which
celebrates the blessing of a new space for the celebration of the mysteries by the people of God. St. John
Revelators rector Deacon John DiGilio has been tireless both in his dedication to the AJC, having organized not
one but two international Conclaves in Chicago, and also to the local community which he has fostered and
nurtured. We are deeply grateful to Deacon John for all of his contributions.
Our community in the Indiana-Illinois-Wisconsin area continues to grow, and we want to thank all of our laity,
seminarians, and clergy including not only Deacon John but also Subdeacon Juliana Eimer who assists us at St.
Michaels, and the Rev Mr Matthew Backus who keeps things going at the Mission Hugues de Payen in
Chesterton, IN. Without so many helping hands and generous hearts, we would not have been able to accomplish
so much in so little time. We are grateful to each and every one of you.
We look forward to having an opportunity to meet and celebrate with many of you; those who cannot attend our
liturgies and events this month nonetheless remain in our prayers and our thoughts, and we ask that you keep
us in your prayers throughout the month. We remain
your devoted brother and servant before the Sacred Flame

His Grace, William Mar +Thomas

Archbishop of Wisconsin
Primate for the United States of America
Given at the Oratory of St. Athanasius, Kenosha, WI
9 October, 2014

EMAIL: WEB: TEL: +1 262 724 62 60

OFFICE: 5213 10th Ave, Kenosha, WI 53140 USA

Parish News
Our New Home @ 2U
We are excited today to be hosting our first service at the Second
Unitarian Church of Chicago. Both the church building and the
members who sustain it have a long and beautiful history. We
are honored to be able to gather in this magnificent space of
worship. Please treat the Church with respect. Thank you 2U!

St. Johns GNOsh to Return!

If you have been missing our monthly social and study gatherings,
we have some great news to share. St. Johns GNOsh will be
starting up again shortly. New seminarian, Josh Novak, will be
assisting Deacon John in planning the monthly gathering. Watch
our online newsletter and site for more information!

The Parish Coffers October 2014



Member giving: $10

Space Rental: $100

Rectors Contribution: $110

Website: $20

Bishop: His Grace, William
Behun, in ecclesia, Mar
Deacon: John J. DiGilio
Sub-deacon: Juliana Eimer
Acolyte: Matthew J. Backus

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