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We Open In Thee Name of Thee Creator Master Wallace D.

Fard Muhammad, Thee Messenger Thee

Glorious Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad, Thee Holy Spirit of Truth, Ansar El Muhammad, Thee
Select One, Thee ALLAH Master J man.
Thee Last and Greatest Messenger of ALLAH states:
.You should not argue with me about this because all of the diseases that
trouble us today -- from social disease to cancer -- came from the white race,
one way or another.
12 It is pitiful to go in these southern areas, out in the rural districts, and see how, after four hundred years, the wicked, sun
burned, keen-nosed, tobacco juice-mouthed, and blue-eyed devils are buckling our poor people down to such slavery
conditions; crushing them to death, and diseasing them. Their children are coming up suffering from malnutrition. Fever and
other diseases capture them and take them to their crude pine box graves or to a hole in the ground in the south. Without
anything like honor of their death, they are buried in rough pine wooden boxe

17 Little Black children are walking around with sores - pus running out of them - for the lack of medical attention. Little
Black children are dying of diseases right in the false "freedom" of the U.S.A.

37 The Muslims and their religion, Islam, will triumph and dominate the people of earth. We need a new people and a new
mind. A new mind will give to us a base for the building of something new.
38 In the next life, which will grow out of the old life, there will be no such thing as sickness and drugs used in the human
body for the purpose of destroying disease germs because we will not do that which will cause disease or sickness. It starts
on the order that the righteous shall not eat but one meal a day or every two days and eat better food. This will prolong our
life and double and triple our life-expectancy. To be blessed to see the next life is worth praying for, my Black Brothers and
Black Sisters.
39 The New Heavens and the New Earth are coming in now. The old heavens and the old earth are going out, as Peter
prophesied in the Epistles of Paul (Bible). What I would like to say here is that the so-called Negro or the Black Man in
America, up from slavery has, as Isaiah prophesied, "seen a great light."
Sajada Lahu and Asalaam Alaikum to the Degree of the Creators Master Plan
A few Weeks ago, after meditating over Thee Scripture in relation to the recent global
events in the media, we were moved to locate the Article attached below. The Author or
Person Posting the Article goes by the tag-title Lies Die; His Profile Picture is the famous
photo of [s/c] post NOI MalcolmX {El Hajj Malik Shabazz} Pointing to His Temple/Brain, a
reference prompting its viewers to think.
When meditating over the recent Ebola Virus Outbreak being reported in the Media, We, in
We were surprised that there were no articles {as of yet-on that date August 2014}
unveiling the Root of this Epidemic, Plague, and, or Weapon being used against our
people. Between 2008 and 2010 our DSW Book Keeper began urging us to investigate
certain sites reporting conspiracy theories regarding the proposed Planes that crashed into
the World Trade Center, and the Pentagon. This was the root of our re-introduction the
Global 2000 conference regarding the actual present Governments s/c diversionary tactic
of concern with the World Population and efforts to exterminate the Original People
{While of Course keeping a few Source original in Secret Tubes for Genetic Bio-
The Nation of Islam under the Leadership of Our Divinely Appointed National
Representative Minister Louis Farrakhan, gave the most thorough reports unveiling these
Government Cover-ups at the Saviours Day 2010-11? We are sure that this same research
is being done to excellently unravel this recent Ebola tactic being attempting by Yakubs
Grateful Dead Grafted Devils.
In the Meantime, since we could not locate such Root research being reported in the
Final Call, we were moved to do some digging, Thee Spirit then took us to the Articles
pasted below. Js Temple of Islam; Department of Supreme Wisdom Research staff will be
doing further investigation in the names and agencies and history mentioned in this
Article. Please Study and Send Links to JTI.Facebook; JsTempleofIslam; or AnsarEl
Muhammad.Com or any research you locate [especially from our Family in the Nation of
IslamFinal Call or Muhammad Speaks]
Also [Please Find] on YouTube or Other Video Sources the Video-Movie/Documentary
entitled: SHADOWS OF LIBERTY {shown on LINK TV}; which also aired a Documentary on
the History of PROZAC; Very Interesting Bearing witness to the Truth Brought to us about
this Diabolical Wicked Race of White Devils, and some of the Tactics our Scientists would
move them to use on those of us who refused to heed the Call of Our Messenger.
Also: The DSW has taken Note of the recent reports of the use of Nicotine in locating a cure
for Ebola; May be we should suggest Dr. Alim and the Nation of Islams Medical Team
should research the Ancient Scientific use of the Swine[Swine; Especially since the Bat
has been Identified as a reservoir. A Bat is a Flying Rat.

Whites Spreading Ebola in Africa

The unprecedented Ebola epidemic has now killed 660 people in four African
countries since it was first detected in March. Interestingly enough, angry
locals are now blaming foreign health workers for spreading the disease.
The fear of aid workers, mainly from 'Doctors without Borders' is helping to
spread the disease, health officials say.

The international "aid group" (NGO-CIA) Doctors without Borders, one
Guinean charged, Wherever those people have passed, the communities
have been hit by illness.

Villagers armed with slingshots and machetes are blocking the paths to
prevent health workers from entering. We dont want any visitors, said
the leader of a local youth league. We dont want any contact with

Astute students understand the dirty game by which "humanitarian" CIA-
Mossad fronts known as NGO's (Non-Governmental Organizations) will often
infiltrate a target nation and wreak havoc from within. The "health group"
with the high-sounding name "Doctors without Borders" is in fact one such
NGO, with links to George Soros and other shady characters.

Doctors without Borders (in French, Mdecins Sans Frontires) was founded
by French Zionist Jew Bernard Kouchner; a politician and doctor ranked as
the "15th most influential Jew in the World" by the Jerusalem Post. The
"humanitarian" Kirchner is also a rabid supporter of the UN and the EU.
Zionist Kouchner openly supports going to war against Iran (if others
measures fail).

Now Obama and his European Bloodline he has to cater to, has to do
damage control after their Nazi doctors accidently caught the virus they
were spreading. They have opened up their secret specialized
infectious disease control hospital in Atlanta, Georgia to use the cure their
labs created a long time ago to clean up their "Doctors", of which is a ruse
created in order to "Accidently" spread to the Black Population in

Re: Whites Spreading Ebola in Africa

Angry crowds in Africa have also accused foreigners of bringing the virus
into the country.

In April, the threat of violence forced Medicines Sans Frontieres to evacuate
all its staff from a treatment center in Guinea.

In Sierra Leone, which has the largest number of Ebola cases, thousands
protested outside the country's main Ebola treatment facility in the eastern
city of Kenema, where police had to disperse the crowd with tear gas.

Dr Leonard Horowitz, an international authority on public health education,
has conducted a major study into the origin of AIDS and Ebola, questioning
claims they are emerging viruses that jumped from ape to man.

In his book Emerging Viruses, he investigates the possibility the germs
were laboratory creations, accidentally or intentionally transmitted via
tainted hepatitis and smallpox vaccines.

He also examines CIA activities and foreign policy initiatives in Central
Africa in response to alleged threats posed by communism, Black
Nationalism, and Third World populations.

Re: Whites Spreading Ebola in Africa

Archival WHO documents explored along with the American health
agencies, including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
and National Cancer Institute (NCI). These institutions played leading roles
in the Whos early viral research network. During the 1960s and early
1970s the WHO served as the omnipotent supplier of the world's
pharmaceutical, bacteriological, and viral test reagents. Investigations
revealed the NCI, a branch of the National Institutes of Health (NIH),
functioned as the Whos chief distributor of viruses and viral testing
reagents during the late 1960s.

By 1968, the WHO had provided technical advisors and supplies of
"prototype virus strains" for more than "120 laboratories in 35 different
countries." By 1969, this number increased to "592 virus laboratories." In
this one year, four of the most active centers, including the NCI and CDC,
distributed 2,514 strains of viruses, 1888 ampoules of experimental
vaccines, and about 100 samples of cell cultures throughout the network.
70,000 virus isolations were reported by 1970.

In March of 1970, WHO consultants noted that it was "possible that
biological agents may be used ... to achieve the simultaneous infection of
key groups of people, and the military consequences might well be of major
importance...." They noted the "calculated risk that a virulent mutant might
appear and spread rapidly to produce an uncontrollable epidemic on a large
scale. In addition, if mutants are deliberately produced in the laboratory,"
they wrote, "there is the ever-present risk of an accidental escape."

The consultants also predicted that as a consequence of a biological attack,
"mass illnesses, deaths, and epidemics" would require the WHO to furnish
supplies and personnel to deal with the medical emergencies. These
contingencies and more are documented.

Re: Whites Spreading Ebola in Africa

The first viruses and retroviruses used for biological weapons research
passed through the NCI, which coordinates with the massive chemical and
biological war research campaign centered in Frederick (Fort Detrick),

A premier lab, specifically researching, developing, and testing immune
system destroying viruses, was the Cell Tumor Biology Laboratory at the
NCI. This was headed by Dr. Robert Gallo--the co-discoverer of the AIDS
virus. It has been argued as to when did Gallo discover HIV? In 1984, as
reported, or in 1970 in conjunction with the actual FACTS.

The FACTS are that Gallo's early publications document his intimate
association with Litton Bionetics--a subsidiary of the leading military
contracting firm, Litton Industries. Through Litton Bionetics, a major
biological weapons contractor, Gallo engineered simian (monkey) viruses to
cause a variety of cancers; especially leukemias, sarcomas, and wasting
diseases in humans.

Gallo's team extracted the nucleic acids from humanly benign simian
viruses, and then infused the empty monkey virus shells with cat leukemia
RNA and chicken leukemia-sarcoma RNA to produce mutants that could
produce the laundry list of diseases seen in AIDS patients. Then, to enable
the virus to infect humans, Gallo and company cultured these germs in
human white blood cells so they could "jump species." Most astonishing,
this chapter documents that Gallo presented this research, and the protocol
for developing AIDS-like viruses, to NATO's military scientists in Mol,
Belgium in 1970, which interestingly enough is also in conjunction when the
Ebola virus began to appear as well.

The targeting of groups at home and abroad by the FBI and CIA during and
after the McCarthy era is documented and discussed. The targeting of civil
rights groups by the CIA from the late 1960s through the 1980s in their
efforts to: 1) Prevent the coalition of militant Black Nationalist groups and
the beginning of a "true black revolution;" and 2) Prevent the rise of a black
"messiah." The development of 360 disruptive American intelligence
operations under the COINTELPRO Black Nationalist Group's umbrella,
including "Operation Chaos" which ran from 1966 until 1974. The pivotal
role of National Security Advisor, Dr. Henry Kissinger, who during the Nixon
era personally oversaw major CIA and FBI intelligence operations and
directed the military chiefs of staff, is well known.

Re: Whites Spreading Ebola in Africa

Only days after the DOD requisitioned $10 million from Congress to fund
the development of AIDS-like viruses, on July 29, 1969, the House
Republican committee, chaired by the Honorable George Bush of Texas,
cited the urgent need for population control activities to fend off "a growing
Third World crisis."

There was numerous discussions in regards to "American displeasure with
Black African culture," and "the roots of Third World foreign policy. Nixons
special presentation before the Population Conference in which he appealed
for urgent action; Economic, military, and "humanitarian" policies and
projects implemented under Nixon and Carter; Subsequent World Bank,
NASA, and the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) activities in Africa;
Henry Kissinger's leading role in establishing and directing African foreign
policy and "diplomatic" affairs; USAID and WHO sponsored immunization
programs in central Africa; and American intelligence connections to USAID
and African health care initiatives also sheds light on the subject and
ironically connected with the present crisis today.

The CIA's Top Secret PROJECT: MKNAOMI Discusses the CIA's BioWeapons
operation. CIA Director William Colby's admission that the agency's interest
in BioWeapons was for offensive uses during covert operations at the time
the CIA was operating at full force in Zaire, Angola, and Sudan--ground
zero for the AIDS and Ebola outbreaks--is documented. Nathan Gordon,
Chief of the chemistry branch of the Technical Services Division of the CIA
gave additional testimony of the agency's possible use of extensive virus
stockpiles to assistant intelligence agency scientists in their work on mass
immunization projects, vaccine development, and cancer research--exactly
the work conducted by scientists at the NCI, including Robert Gallo, in
association with Litton Bionetics in Bethesda and their affiliates in Uganda,
and in cooperation with MSD, CDC, and New York collaborators.

The CIA's presence in Africa has been well known for a long time, albeit but
by morons and the sheep.

Between 1970 and 1975, American cold war efforts focused on Zaire and
Angola. Following the withdrawal of American forces from Vietnam, Henry
Kissinger ordered the CIA to begin a major covert military operation against
MPLA (communist bloc backed) "rebels" in Angola.

Indebted by over $4.5 billion to the International Monetary Fund, Zaire,
headed by President Mobutu--paradoxically regarded as one of the world's
richest men with "a personal fortune put at $2,939,200,000 [1984
estimate] banked in Switzerland,"--was wooed by NATO allies during the
1970s, to be a staging area for CIA backed, Portuguese, French, and South
African mercenaries. American corporate investment, notably in copper and
aluminum, doubled following a 1970 visit by Mobutu to the United States.
Major investors included Rockefeller's Chase-Manhattan Bank.

Re: Whites Spreading Ebola in Africa

In 1975, President Mobutu turned against NATO allies, proclaimed his
intention to nationalize foreign owned enterprises, expelled the American
ambassador, and arrested most of the CIA's Zairian agents, placing some of
them under death sentences. The following year, in October 1976, the
Ebola virus broke-out in fifty five Zairian villages, first killing people who
had received injections. Mobutu then ordered his army to seal off the
Bumba Zone with roadblocks and shoot anyone trying to leave.

By the end of 1976, the Zairian leader had reconciled his differences with
American intelligence and, thereafter, continued to reap his western allies'
economic and "humanitarian" aid.

Comments on this Article Aug 2014
go figure..........
Re: Whites Spreading Ebola in Africa

Originally Posted by KissMeHerione
I didnt read everything because Im waiting till you post the article or in a better form (no shade I just prefer to read
it like that) however, I skimmed and this seems interesting.

I and my family have a theory that the whites created it years and years ago with either the intention for biological
warfare in other countries or genocide for the Africans. They either tested it on the monkeys and let them run free to
infect the Africans or just forgot one. I know for a fact Liberians eat monkeys, I meat is meat, its a food source and
I'm sure the whites knew that. It would be a very sly way to infect them.

Another reason why I think they created it is its a scarce disease that has been around for about 40-60 years it
seems. No white people ever got the chance to get sick. That was their mistake, the white people getting sick drew
attention to the disease and not that I dont believe they would have used those sick white doctors as scapegoats, but
maybe it would have been a problem for the whole world to know that there was such a thing as another "aids" in the
sense that it was uncurable and sickened very fast...

Im rambling but to get to the point, all of a sudden this extremely dangerous very deadly incurable disease as a
vaccine. There has always been a vaccine; that's what happens when you create things like this in a lab. What if the
scientists were to get infected they need a way to save themselves.
No its a biological weapon created and funded via the CIA and their European brothers. This all started back in the 70's as a population
control measure created to stem the tide of the growing African populations within the continent and outside.

Whites are dying at alarming rates from the SUN, War and their women's inability to birth, so their Neanderthal and is kicking in, where
they are now trying to destroy everything around them in an effort to preserve themselves. They either will attempt to mix with you, kill
you directly, or spread a disease and blame it on a bat, bird, pig or monkey.

Whenever you see that there is not a cure for something that means it is man-made, as Nature and your body can heal you naturally.
These viruses that mutate so that they cannot be defeated means they have been created as sort of a super virus. Ebola along with the
HIV virus were created in European and Amerikkkan Labs backed and funded by europeeon intelligence and CIA agencies.
They have the vaccines for these strains they created, but are saving them for certain people.

Re: Whites Spreading Ebola In Africa

Originally Posted by Lies Die

Whenever you see that there is not a cure for something that means it is man-made, as Nature and your body can heal
you naturally. These viruses that mutate so that they cannot be defeated means they have been created as sort of a super
virus. Ebola along with the HIV virus were created in European and Amerikkkan Labs backed and funded by europeeon
intelligence and CIA agencies.
They have the vaccines for these strains they created, but are saving them for certain people.
Bio warfare is old as dust, corps with plague were thrown to enemies camps etc. etc.
BUT I have a problem with your statement that incurable diseases are man-made. What about cancer,
arthritis, genetic diseases and many more they been reported before people knew about and in fact cancer is
found in ancient mummies. Nature is one of the most ruthless killers.
Also, you are suggesting there is no black scientists who could create vaccines or get access to it? That
doesn't sit right with me, you give whites too much credit, I'd advise you to attend some of the stem
graduations and see who the main population is. You'd rarely see white face or hear white name, it'll be
Indians, Africans, and Asians.

Lies Die .
08-29-2014, 09:14 AM #29
Lies Die

Join Date: Aug 2014
Location: Cleveland,
Posts: 113

Re: Whites Spreading Ebola In Africa

Originally Posted by So Ambitious
Bio warfare is old as dust, corps with plague were thrown to enemies camps etc. etc.
BUT I have a problem with your statement that incurable diseases are man-made.
What about cancer, arthritis, genetic diseases and many more they been reported
before people knew about and in fact cancer is found in ancient mummies. Nature is
one of the most ruthless killers.
Also, you are suggesting there is no black scientists who could create vaccines or get
access to it? That doesn't sit right with me, you give whites too much credit, I'd advise
you to attend some of the stem graduations and see who the main population is. You'd
rarely see white face or hear white name, it'll be Indians, Africans, and Asians.
Good Points, but most of these incurable diseases only came about after mass contact
with Europeans.

Natural ailments and Disease are easily curable through herbal and other remedies that
can be found in a parts of Africa and throughout the Caribbean and south America.

Remember Disease comes from the mucus and bacteria that are found in the body, which
interestingly enough comes from many of the foods you intake, especially Western diets.

The viruses they speak of that have just come on the scene since Europeans forced
contact with native peoples in the motherland and here in North America were either
brought her by them and/or created here thereafter as super viruses.

Cancer and things like diabetes come from the defective genetics of Europeans who also
passed on their diets to our ancestors. Diabetes and heart disease especially comes from
the amounts of foods high in artificial sugars and fats and oils, which was fed to the
slaves, and it still reverberates throughout Black Families today. And with all the mixing
that went on after contact with Greek and roman invaders into ancient Egypt, I'm going
to have to stick to my above statements with regards to findings of cancer in ancient

Stockholm syndrome
Government officials getting rich off the aid pouring in from around the world is just one
of the theories circulating among West African communities. Other rumors and
conspiracy theories include:
The disease itself was brought to Africa by white foreigners.
Organs are being stolen from the dying and deceased to be sold on the international
Ebola is a bioweapon being spread through water.
Ebola is not a virus, but witchcraft.
A multi-national pharmaceutical company has created a new strain of Ebola in order to
financially benefit from the magic bullet cure they have also created.
Corpses are being wrapped in plastic bags unseen to the public because body parts
have been removed for witchcraft.
Doctors are intentionally infecting West Africans with the virus so they can test
experimental drugs on unsuspecting victims.
Ebola is really caused by an evil snake that if you look at it, you will die (before you
scoff, the virus magnified really does look snake-like see below).

Why the White Americans Got the Secret Ebola Serum
After two missionaries were given an experimental
treatment for Ebola, questions have swirled about why
the hundreds of Africans infected arent getting it. For
good reasons, it turns out.

A Washington Post blog asks: Why do two white Americans get the Ebola serum while
hundreds of Africans die?
The New Republic demands: Why did two U.S. missionaries get an Ebola serum while
Africans are left to die?
That was just media yammering, but it was echoed on streets and in subways by otherwise
reasonable people.
Never mind that there seem to have been no more than eight doses of the serum in existence.
Never mind that the white people in questionDr. Kent Brantly and Nancy Writebolwho
received three of those doses before they were flown home to the U.S. got perilously ill in the
first place because they risked their lives helping Ebola victims in Liberia who happened to be
And never mind that Samaritans Purse would not have established the Ebola clinic in
Monrovia and asked Brantly serve as medical director had it thought the life of a white
American was worth more than the life of a black African.
If nationality and race did influence the organizations decision to seek an untested serum for
Brantly and Writebol, it was likely only because any Western organization that administers an
untested serum to the African population runs the risk of being accused of using blacks as
guinea pigs in the way of the long-ago Tuskegee syphilis tests and the 1996 meningitis tests in
That was not a worry with the two white Americans.
Of course, Samanthas Purse may not have been immune from the sense of urgency that can
seize even the most altruistic organizations when one of its own is in mortal danger. The same
is true with a fire department when a firefighter is critically injured.
Watch what happens at the scene of a blaze when a radio call of Mayday! signals that a
firefighter who went in to save others suddenly needs saving himself.
This does not mean firefighters care any less about the people they are trying to save any more
than it means Samaritans Purse was leaving Africans to die when it began asking U.S.
scientists and health workers in the hot zone about experimental treatments described in various
scientific papers in recent years.
Samaritans Purse ended up in contact with Mapp Biopharmaceutical in San Diego, the lead
developer of a drug called ZMapp.
The scandal is not that t wo whit e peopl e got an unt est ed serum, but t hat the
deat hs of so many bl ack peopl e were i gnored until t wo whit e peopl e got si ck.
ZMapp is an enhanced version of MB-003, which was developed in conjunction with the U.S.
Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID). MB-003 consists of
three monoclonalartificially producedantibodies that proved capable of both deactivating
the Ebola virus and tagging it for attack by the victims immune system.
A year ago this month, USAMRIID and Mapp announced the results of a study involving
Rhesus monkeys that would have caused a sensation had we not been in a long lull between
Ebola outbreaks. MB-003 protected 100 percent of the monkeys when administered an hour
after exposure and two-thirds of those given the drug 48 hours after exposure.
We were able to use MB-003 as a true therapeutic countermeasure, USAMIID virologist
Gene Olinger said when the results were announced.
James Pettitt, the studys lead author, said he and his colleagues would be working with
Canadian researchers who had devised a different antibody cocktail. The immediate aim would
be to devise the most effective mixture of MB-003 and the Canadian compound and test it in
additional monkeys, along with the best dose.
The combination was called ZMAPP. The ultimate results are said to have been even more
promising than with MB-003 alone. But Ebola did not seem an imminent threat, and there was
no scramble to produce more of the stuff than would be needed for animal toxicity testing and
eventually the first human trials, which USAMIID expected to take between five to 10 years.
The federal Centers for Disease Control estimates that there were no more than eight doses of
ZMapp in existence when Samaritan's Purse sought some. Three doses were flown to Liberia.
Two were given to Writebol and one to Brantly, who was repeatedly also given a transfusion of
blood from a 14-year-old survivor he had treated.
The two stricken Americans were flown to Atlanta, and Brantly in particular seemed to be on
the mend. Governments of the affected countries in West African began inquiring about Zmapp.
U.S. scientists cautioned that the drug had not yet proven to be as beneficial to humans as it
apparently was to monkeys.
We dont know if it is effective, Dr. Heinz Feldmann of the U.S. National Institute of Allergy
and Infectious Disease told The Daily Beast. We dont have enough even if it was effective.
ZMapp is made by inserting modified genes into the cells of tobacco plants whose cells then
become mini-factories of the antibodies. The facility where this happens is owned by R.J.
Reynolds, which also makes cigarettes that kill by the hundreds of thousands.
Reynolds is now said to be accelerating its effort to do good as well as evil, but tobacco plants
grow only so fast, and extracting and purifying antibodies is considerably more complicated
than producing cancer sticks. Any significant quantity of ZMapp appears to be months away
even if another company with a larger facility joins in the effort.
The question of the serum came up at the press conference President Obama held at the end of
this weeks Africa Summit at the White House. He said it would be premature to rush ZMapp to
the hot zone.
Let the science guide us, he went on to say. I don't think all the information is in on whether
this drug is helpful.
He observed that previous epidemics had been brought under control by effective public health
Were focusing on the public health approach right now, but I will continue to seek
information about what were learning about these drugs going forward, he said.
Obama did authorize sending kits for a diagnostic Ebola test called the EZ1 Real-Time RT-PCR
Assay. His view that the primary focus should be on containment was echoed by the head of the
Centers for Disease Control at an emergency congressional hearing held on Thursday even
though lawmakers are in recess.
In terms of the promising drugs, I can assure you that the U.S. government is looking into this
very carefully, Dr. Thomas Frieden said. But I dont want there to be false hope out there.
Right now, we dont know if they work.
The CDC is moving to assist the fight by going to a Level 1 alert and surging 50 experts to
West Africa. Frieden emphasized that containment will require great care.
Its like fighting a forest fire: Leave behind one burning ember, one case undetected, and the
epidemic could reignite, he said.
When it came his turn to testify, Ken Isaacs of Samaritans Purse wondered why the forest fire
had been allowed to rage for months with little notice beyond those who were being consumed
by it. The scandal is not that two white people got an untested serum, but that the deaths of so
many black people were ignored until two white people got sick.
It took two Americans getting the disease in order for the international community and the
United States to take serious notice of the largest outbreak of the disease in history, he said.
The disease is uncontained and out of control in West Africa.
Isaacs, who is a vice president of the organization, spoke as someone who has been watching
the fire rage for months and believes it will be harder to contain than many anticipate. He said
that too many people in Western Africa remain suspicious of Western medicine and tied to
traditional practices that spread the virus, notably the washing and kissing of the dead. He noted
that even now university students in Liberia continue to mock and deny the existence of
I think we are going to see the death toll in numbers we cannot imagine, Ken Isaacs said.
He noted that the disease can travel anywhere at the speed of an airplane. He said the ultimate
goal should be an effective vaccine.
In the meantime it is a nasty, bloody disease that we must fight now, he said.

Tobacco Serum Saved Two White American
Ebola Victims
August 05, 2014

Windows Media
RUSH: Okay, wait for it, wait for it. You're gonna love this. Folks, you're absolutely going to
love this. Well, wait. Maybe some of you won't love this. Let me speak for myself. I love
this. You know that magical serum that was given to two white Americans suffering from
Ebola? You know what the magic ingredient is? Nicotine. Tobacco is the magical ingredient
in the serum. It's a Kentucky tobacco plant from which they derive the magical serum that has
caused massive reversals of the symptoms of Ebola in the two white Americans.
RUSH: Okay. So yesterday on this program, when it
was learned that two American missionaries are a man by the name of Brantly and a woman by
the name of Writebol, Kent Brantly and Nancy Writebol... She, by the way, is the last to arrive.
She's arriving today from Africa. They both have Ebola, and a super-secret serum unbeknownst
to anybody but a precious few researchers had been tested on monkeys; it had shown some
So the rescue flights took doses of this magical serum on the jet from Georgia to Liberia,
wherever they went to pick up these two people, and administered the doses, and the reports
were that symptom reversals began rather quickly. Now, some people said they noticed
changes in an hour. Others say, "No, no, no, no! Not possible." But nevertheless, symptom
reversal has been profound.
So yesterday on this program, I -- your sensitive, ever-in-touch host -- posited that it wouldn't
be long before we would hear people in the media saying, "Wait. Wait just a second. You have
people dropping like flies with this disease in Africa, and you only took enough of this stuff for
two white Americans, and you didn't give any to the native Africans who are dying in record
numbers with this disease? What's with that? How in the world can you only give this to
Americans? White Americans to boot! Why didn't you take enough for everybody?"
Well, it didn't take five hours. Let's go to audio sound bite number one from CNN last night.
BURNETT: I know it's miraculous. I know it was untested, that it was very risky, but what
about everyone else? I mean (stammering), nearly a thousand have died, all of them Africans!
Suddenly two white Americans, um, get the disease, and -- and suddenly all the stops get pulled
GUPTA: Keep in mind, this had never been done before. I mean, he was the first human. So I
think there is now some proof of principle, and the question becomes: "Is this something that
could be, y'know, made more available to the masses?" This is a very unusual situation,
Erin. Typically you test things. It goes through a clinical trial to test for safety --
BURNETT: (mumbling)
GUPTA: -- to test for how effective it is, and then they figure out if it can be distributed to the
RUSH: Right. That is Dr. Sanjay Gupta, who announced the details of the serum yesterday,
and he said, "Weeeell, look, it had only been tested on monkeys. I mean, the fact of the matter
is, these 'white people,' as you say, were guinea pigs. We didn't know what was gonna
happen. You can't say that we denied giving it to Africans -- who are black, by the way -- in
favor of two Americans -- who are white, by the way -- 'cause, hell, it could have killed 'em!
"We didn't know. This stuff had never been tested. Now there's some proof of principle. Now
we know that maybe it could be used. So these two Americans..." (chuckles) That's excuse
that's being offered. I don't buy it. They wouldn't have given this stuff to these two people if
they thought it was gonna make 'em worse. In other words, they had enough evidence to know,
based on the reaction that monkeys had with it.
But, I mean, how long did it take? It was hours! It was hours.
Do I know these
people or do I know these people? Now the piece de resistance. The name of the serum is
ZMapp. It's named after a Kentucky bioprocessing company in Owensboro, and it is made from
... tobacco! It is made from a unique Kentucky tobacco plant. "The drug is a cocktail of three
'humanized' monoclonal antibodies that are manufactured in a group of fragrant plants or bushes
known by the genus name Nicotiana."
What do you think the root word of "Nicotiana" is? Try Joe Camel. Try nicotine. Exactly
right. Joe Camel is the root word. Nicotine! As Granny on the Beverly Hillbillies used to say,
"Tabacki!" It is "tabacki" that is responsible for the magical potion and serum that was used to
treat these two white Americans.
Again, the "drug cocktail" is known as ZMapp, developed by a San Diego company, Mapp
Biopharmaceutical (two P's in there: Mapp). "It is manufactured in Kentucky using fast-
growing tobacco plants, which act as 'photocopiers' to produce proteins that are extracted from
the plants and processed into the drug." Not just any tobacco plant. I mean, this is a bat-out-of-
hell, fast growing tobacco plant.
RUSH: You know what? You know how convoluted things are, folks. Here the media is all
concerned that we have this magical serum from the tobacco plant in Kentucky that has
produced a magical reversal in two white Americans suffering from Ebola, and why didn't we
give that to these poor, suffering Africans? Why did they only take enough for these two white
Yet nobody talks about
the number of Africans who have been killed from malaria because we banned DDT! Do you
know how many people have died unnecessarily because of this nutcase Rachel Carson? The
ban on DDT has caused the spread of malaria, which has killed people by the tens and hundreds
of thousands in Africa.
There's always a sense of proportion that is missing on all of these things, and it's largely
because conventional wisdom simply picks up some piece of information that is wrong. But it's
established as so-called fact, and it just survives -- and, again, it survives because it's approved
by left wingers! It's all political, every bit of this. Ebola is political -- given the way it's dealt
with, I mean.
You know, I think that's the thing that really presents us with the biggest problem in trying to
persuade low-information voters of what's going on. Isn't it true that most low-information
voters -- and maybe not confined to low-information voters. Isn't it true that you hear a lot of
people say, "I just hate politics? I hate it. I don't trust politicians. I'm fed up with it. I don't want
to hear about it. Nothing ever gets done," blah, blah.
You hear that all the time from people. Those are the same people that do not know that
everything is political. They hate "politics," but the only thing to them that's "politics" is
whatever the president and Congress might be arguing about or if it's happening in
Washington. But they would never see that there's politics attached to virtually everything in
pop culture that they are consuming.
They hate politics -- and this my point. If they knew, if they were able to spot the politics in
everything, given how much they hatred, it might be productive. But that, to me, is an
indication of the great task it is. I mean, low-information people, let's be frank: They're gonna
have to be turned into more-information-than-they've-got people if we're gonna have a serious
reversal here.
We can't continue to have the lowest-common denominator among us dominate things. It's not
that we do. It's that the Democrat Party panders to them. The Democrat Party cultivates
them. The Democrat Party wants them to remain low-information for as long as possible, and
they don't even see that. There's politics in so much, and these are the people that hate
They think they're escaping politics by watching TMZ, or E! Entertainment TV or reading
whatever they read, or going to Twitter and Facebook. There's nothing but politics on social
media. But they don't see it there. They only see it if acknowledged politicians are talking
about things, and therefore they miss so much. That's why, folks, for 27 years, 26 years I have
been on this quest to get everybody to see the ideology that's present in practically every news
RUSH: This Jim in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. You're next, sir. Great to have you. Hello.
CALLER: Mega dittos, Rush. Good to talk to you.
RUSH: Thank you very much, sir. I appreciate that.
CALLER: Yes, sir. I have a different take on this Ebola virus serum that they've made. Now,
it's never before been tested on humans, correct?
RUSH: Supposedly it has only been tested on monkeys, correct, and that comes from Dr.
Anthony Fauci at the National Institutes of Health.
CALLER: All right. These two folks that we brought back, they would have been considered -
- for all intents and purposes -- terminal, correct?
RUSH: Not necessarily. I mean, the death rate is between 50% and 90%. The fatality rate is
between 50% and 90%. It's not 100%.
CALLER: Right.
RUSH: It does depend on medical care, the treatment that you get. There's a number of
factors. The three countries in Africa where the outbreak has taken place, they're very
backwards, particularly the health care systems, and it stands to reason that patients in America
would not be as adversely affected, theoretically --
CALLER: Right.
RUSH: -- as people in these three countries in Africa.
CALLER: Okay. Yeah, well, I was just going down the line of this being an experimental drug
and having never been tested on humans, per se. Why is it that cancer patients that are terminal
don't get the same respect?
RUSH: You know, it's strange that you ask that. While I was having this discussing on the air,
I got an e-mail from a friend of mine who is currently starring in a major television show on
TNT, Adam Baldwin. He plays the XO, the executive officer on this show, Last Ship. He said
that a friend of his father... Let me double-check here. Where is it?
Oh, it's either his friend or a friend of his father is suffering from cancer and was given... He
doesn't know if it was this concoction, but it was monoclonal antibodies, whatever is being
given monoclonal antibodies, which is an ingredient in this conduction. Apparently Baldy's
friend's dad has had profound success in reversing the cancer with whatever it is they've given
I don't know what it is, and Adam doesn't, either. He doesn't know if it's the same thing or
not. But your question at large is, "Well, how in the world does an experimental drug that's
never been used on humans all of a sudden get used on two people who have Ebola?" 'Cause I
know that you are probably either somebody who has had this experience or knows somebody
who has had cancer of some kind.
And there is an experimental drug not released to the market 'cause it hasn't passed all the trials
but you'll try anything, and they won't give it to you. That's why people go to Mexico and other
places to try things as a last-ditch effort. Now, here you have a serum that's derived from a
Kentucky tobacco plant that, as far as we've been told, has only been used and tested on
Yet somebody made the decision, "Oh, yeah. Let's go ahead and use it on these two
missionaries, these Americans. We'll take some doses over to Africa. We'll administer them
there, we'll bring 'em home, and we'll continue the treatment." The story we're getting is of a
massive, miraculous reversal. No cure yet. Neither of these two patients is out of the
woods. They're still suffering, but they're better. They're much better.
I understand your question. How in the world does this happen without human trials? Nobody
knows what the... Well, we do know what it is. It's called MZapp. That's the name of the
serum. It comes from a Kentucky tobacco plant. Now, I don't have the answer for you. I don't
know why it is that other drugs have to go through this extensive trial period.
They need documented results and so forth for years before they're ever administered to
humans, and this happened to be administered to humans without any of that taking place, as far
as we know. Again, we only know what's been reported, and the first place any of this was
reported was CNN. It was Dr. Sanjay Gupta who reported yesterday that this has only been tried
on monkeys, and his source was Dr. Fauci at the National Institutes of Health.
So it is curious what the protocols are and how this all works, from a regulatory standpoint.
RUSH: A little clarification here on the serum that the National Institutes for Health
administered to the two Ebola patients. It seems the term monoclonal antibodies has got people
thinking that, "Well, I've had that, I've had that." And you haven't. This is something brand-
new, and it really hasn't been administered before. Monoclonal antibodies simply describe the
way the drug is made, i.e., cloned from antibodies, but the antibodies will differ, depending on
the disease.
In this case, a company in San Diego -- don't know how -- experimented with a rapidly growing
tobacco plant in Kentucky, and, for whatever reason that they learned, they essentially
photocopied antibodies found in it that works in Ebola in monkeys. And the National Institutes
of Health determined to give some dosages to the two missionaries from America who were
discovered in Africa to have come down with the disease.
There all kinds of cancer treatments, in fact, that feature monoclonal antibodies, so it's not the
same thing that was used here. Monoclonal antibodies specifically bind to a substance like a
cancer cell. A monoclonal antibody is basically a detective. It's used to detect and find a
specific substance, say, in the bloodstream, and glom onto it and try to kill it.
Now, in the case of the Ebola serum, the antibodies, the monoclonal antibodies that they have
found in this Kentucky tobacco plant, apparently do something to the Ebola virus and retard it,
harm it, when in monkeys. They tried it on these two human beings, these two white
Americans, and the news reports are it was profoundly successful, overwhelming successful,
which now is causing people to ask, as I predicted yesterday, "Well, why didn't you take enough
to give to all the poor people in Africa?" CNN asked that last night.
And other people are saying, "Wait a minute. This thing hasn't been tried on humans, and yet
they released it? Why don't they do that for cancer drugs?" Well, sometimes they
do. Sometimes the National Institutes of Health will administer experimental drugs. It does
happen. But not all the time. There are times they withhold some of the drugs that they're
working on, largely because of the side effects or the real fear that the side effects will be worse
than whatever benefits there are. So that's as much as I have been able to learn here just in the
short three and a half, four-minute time-out at the bottom of the hour.
The bottom line, just because you might have heard that a friend or a relative was given
treatment that contained monoclonal antibodies, it's not this. That's just a technique that is used
in order to bind these attack agents to the proper cells that are considered the problem in the
body. Just imagine little detectives, little Inspector Clouseau's and they're released and they are
to find, in this case, the Ebola virus. And then they're to glom onto it and attack it. And if it
works, then the virus suffers, it is harmed, and it is weakened, and there is a reversal of
symptoms. That has apparently happened here. But you're still gonna see people ticked off
about this, about a lot of things on this.
You're gonna see, "Why do it on Americans first?" The answer, why not? Why not use
Americans as the guinea pigs? Why not, if it's not gonna work, why not try it on Americans
first and spare anybody else potential suffering. There's any number of things. The point is, we
shared with you the Facebook post yesterday. We read to you this really caustic and mean post
aimed at people who are alarmed here that we're bringing Ebola patients into this country for
the first time ever. There are people that don't understand why we're doing this. Why would we
bring a deadly virus into this country in the form of infected people? The reaction to that has
been really caustic. And it's been from people who are identified, people who I know are
They're really mad about this. "If you don't have it, you're not gonna get it, stop worrying,
screw off!" You know, this kind of stuff. Reactions that you'd never see when people talk about
bird flu, swine flu. So the question is -- and I of course have the answer, but I'm not gonna give
you the answer. Problem is, when I say something about anything, there's nothing left to be
said. And I have to leave some things for you to say on this program.
RUSH: Okay. Back to the phones, and we go to Bethel, Connecticut. This is Laurie. Great to
have you on the program. Hi.
CALLER: Mega dittos, Rush. Longtime listener, and I have been a responsible citizen by
raising both my now-adult children on your show, so they vote responsibly, and they are well
RUSH: Rush Babies!
CALLER: Yes, they definitely are. (Laughs)
RUSH: Well, thank you very much. I really appreciate that.
CALLER: I just wanted to make a comment. As a retired math teacher, I always look at
permutations and combinations. I was thinking about how this Ebola cure scenario could have
been played out, and I was just wondering what your thoughts would be. Let's say that they
tested this supposed cure on African citizens after having just been tested on monkeys.
I wonder whether there would be a racial slur associated with that, saying, "Well, Africans, are
they just the next step up from monkeys, as opposed to the white Americans?" That's one
scenario. Another one: Let's say, instead of the two Americans being white Americans, what if
they had been Afro-American or black Americans, and let's say they were not Christians. Let's
say they were Muslim instead. So you wonder how those different scenarios would have played
out. What are your thoughts on that?
RUSH: Well, now, you see here's a great example, ladies and gentlemen. This is a woman --
our caller here, Laurie -- who is looking at the politics of this, exactly as I teach, exactly as I
hope people would. Those excellent thoughts, and she is only able to conceive of those
thoughts because she knows how the left operates.
For example, I hadn't even stopped to think about what the case would be if the news got out
that we tested a serum only on monkeys and then we gave it to Africans suffering the disease.
Even if it had been successful, you're exactly right: There would have been people on the left
who, when they heard that, would have charged racism at the NIH or something and, "How dare
So your basic point is that they needed some public trials of this, but they had to be white
Americans --
CALLER: Correct.
RUSH: -- because political correctness would not permit any other such trial. Is that basically
your point?
CALLER: That's one of the points. The other thing, aside from the insult that they were "white
Americans," let's say they had been "black Americans," and let's say they hadn't been
Christians. Let's say they were part of a Muslim-outreach organization. Would there still have
been the same hue and cry?
RUSH: Well, wait a minute. There isn't any hue and cry over this. The hue that I've
heard... Well, I've got two seconds. Let me take a break and have more time on the other side.
RUSH: As far as I know, there is no hue and cry over who got the vaccine. And it's not a
vaccine. I'm just using that to simplify our discussion here. I don't think there's any anger over
who got it. Not yet, anyway. But I tell you the thinking that went in. There's no way the NIH
was going to use Africans as guinea pigs. Remember, this has not been tried on human
beings. There's no way. They had no idea what the result was gonna be. Well, maybe they
did. I don't know. If you've been studying on monkeys and its okay on monkeys do you make
the assumption that it's gonna work on humans the first time?
I don't have any experience with this. I have to assume that as much as they exercise caution
with this stuff, I would think that they would probably think of the worst-case scenario in
determining who gets it, and the last thing that was gonna happen, knowing this bunch, the last
thing was gonna happen was they're gonna give something to a couple of Africans and have it
not work. So you give it to a couple of Americans and roll the dice and see what
happens. Which has happened. And, for now, we're being told that the serum is working and is
reversing systems.
But nobody's talking cure yet. We don't know if the Ebola virus is gonna rebound and figure
out this serum and overwhelm it later this week. Nobody knows this. So everybody's still
cautiously analyzing this. The reason that we even think this way, though, folks, the real point
to Laurie's question is, is exactly the politics of the left is what forces us to think this way. If
there were no politics to this, you know all this would be? "Oh, my God, there's a serum and
they gave it to a couple of people and it worked, hallelujah!" End of story.
"My gosh, maybe we've made some inroads. Whoa, wow," is all it would be. Nobody would
care about who got it. Nobody would care about the race of who got it. Nobody would be
raising questions about where it was administered or any of that. But because of political
correctness and identity politics and the way the left determines things and because the left has
already politicized this, the only hue and cry I have seen is directed at people who think it's a
little weird to bring the disease within the borders. We've never done that before. We've never
had Ebola in our country. And we've brought two patients with it in and they're in Atlanta at
Emory Hospital.
You ought to see, there were motorcades. The news media had helicopters flying over the
ambulances and the accompanying SUV army guarding these ambulances as they were on the
way from the airport into the hospital. And then when they had the patient, Nancy Writebol,
when she got out of the ambulance she was on a stretcher, people in full hazmat gear carrying
the stretcher, or rolling the stretcher, wheeling it, she's laying down on the stretcher also totally
covered. The camera from the chopper is covering this like a visiting dignitary had arrived or
We're forced to look at it like this because we're just waiting, we're just waiting for some angry
leftist to start bitching and moaning about this. And look, like yesterday, it didn't take hours for
it to happen. "Why did only Americans get it? Why did we only take enough for
Americans?" That was asked on CNN last night. That was an easy prediction. It's easy for
somebody who knows the left, and I know the left.
We'll just have to wait and see what else causes them anger over this. Give it time. Something
about it will besides, "Well, why give it to a couple of white Americans? Why not take enough
to give to the Africans?" There was no way we're gonna give a serum that has not been tried on
human beings to Africans first, no way, in case it didn't work, no way. That was not gonna

Ameyo Adadevoh and the Ebola conspiracy
In an essay titled A Virus Called Ebola and the Secret Club from Hell (Premium Times, 17th
August 2014) I wrote that Patrick Sawyer was an evil man with an evil intention and purpose.
Worse still, he was not working alone. Some people, and I mean rich, powerful and well-
connected people, were working with him. As a matter of fact they sent him on the mission.
I stand by those words and I maintain, as I argued in that essay, that there is an Illuminati
connection to the whole Ebola episode. I urge those that have not read that write-up to Google it
and do so. This short contribution is something of an addendum to that essay. I was compelled
to write it for two reasons. Firstly, because the sheer depth, complexity and audacity of the
conspiracy is so utterly mind-boggling that I believe that a little more detail is required to make
the case. Secondly, because Nigeria has just lost a woman of substance and one of her brightest
and best, who happens to be a medical practitioner, to the Ebola virus as a direct consequence of
Sawyers sinister and nefarious activities.
Those that refuse to accept the fact that there is a hidden agenda unfolding here and who refuse
to accept the fact that there is a mysterious and diabolical force working behind the scenes
ought to attempt to explain to us why it was, that the Liberian Deputy Finance Minister, Mr.
Sebastian Omar, gave Sawyer permission to travel to Nigeria even though he knew that he was
infected with Ebola and even though he knew that his sister had just died from the same disease.
Worse still, they ought to explain to us why it was, that after the demon was let loose, after the
damage had been done and after a number of Nigerians had been infected with the virus as a
consequence of their direct interaction with Sawyer, the Liberian Minister boastfully and arro-
gantly told the world that he refused to apologize to Nigeria for his error even though that
error had led to panic, fear, disease and numerous deaths in our country.
Sawyer arrived in Nigeria with a clear understanding about what he intended to do. His deadly
mission was simple and clear. Had it not been for the efforts of a very brave woman by the
name of Dr. Ameyo Adadevoh, who refused to release him from the hospital in which he had
been admitted, despite the enormous pressure that was brought to bear upon her to do so from
the Liberian embassy, Sawyer could have spread the virus, with its lethal package of death, to
many other people in Lagos. This could undoubtedly have resulted in an uncontrollable and
deadly epidemic and many lives could have been lost. Worse still, this terrible plague could
have also ended up in Calabar which was Sawyers ultimate destination.
When he was told that he would not be allowed to leave the hospital, in a fit of rage and
frustration, Sawyer removed the drip that was used to transfuse blood into his veins and he
sprayed his blood all over Adadevoh and some of her nursing staff. He also poured his urine all
over them. Such was his resolve to conclude his mission and kill as many Nigerians as possible.
The only thing that stood in his way and stopped him from achieving it was the due diligence
and professionalism of the First Consultants Hospital where he was admitted and where he was
diagnosed as having Ebola and the sheer courage, determination and pure spirit of Adadevoh
who understood the implications of releasing him and who stood her ground and refused to do
By that single act alone, this noble lady saved the lives of thousands of Nigerians. I sincerely
hope that she will be honored by Nigerian people and by our government for her efforts and her
gallant contribution. I am not in the least bit surprised by the remarkable role she played simply
because she comes from excellent stock and she is the product of a noble and illustrious lineage.
She was the great great granddaughter of Herbert Macaulay, the founder of Nigerian
nationalism, a great and courageous nationalist, the scourge of the British colonialists, the
founder of the first Nigerian political party, the Nigerian National Democratic Party (NNDP),
the founder of the Nigerian Youth Movement (NYM) and the founder of one the most
formidable political parties in our history, the National Council of Nigeria and the Cameroons
She was also the great, great, great granddaughter of Thomas Babington Macaulay, the founder
of the first secondary school in Nigeria, Christian Missionary Grammar School, Lagos (CMS
Grammar School). She was also the great, great, great, great granddaughter of Bishop Samuel
Ajayi Crowther, the first African Bishop of the Anglican Church, the man who first translated
the Holy Bible to yoruba, the man who first translated the Book of Common Prayer to Yoruba,
the first Nigerian to be awarded a Doctorate of Divinity from Oxford University in 1864 and the
man who introduced Christianity to the Lagos Colony (as it then was) and to most of south-
western Nigeria. In terms of heritage, excellent blood lines and good stock you cant do much
better than that.
Sadly Adedovoh paid for her courage and fortitude with her life because she contracted the
virus from Sawyer and she died a few days later. The truth is that she gave her life so that others
may live. If ever there was a Nigerian heroine that was worthy of adulation and adoration it was
this deeply courageous and selfless lady. In her, her husband and son have everything to be
proud of and so do Nigerian people. I join millions of others in praying that her beautiful and
noble soul rests in perfect peace as she joins her illustrious forefathers in the great beyond.
In Uganda business largely ceased during outbreaks because of fears that money
might carry the infection, and in Sudan people resisted their loved ones being placed in
Whos windowless pop-up isolation units because they had no way to communicate
and comfort them and were not allowed to see their bodies once they had died, leading
to fears that the outbreak was concocted by the international teams in order to harvest
villagers organs.

Ebola: The result of colonialism?
By: Peregrino Brimah2014-08-07 07:00
They say the colonialist conquered Africa by the means of gunpowder from Arabia/Asia
and germs. Hygiene was not a virtue in Europe. The Queen of England is famed to
have said she only had a bath once a month, whether she needed it or not. King
James custom was to have his bath only once a year. [Ref] So it was in Europe.
A bathroom was not a natural property of a home and till date, we find in England that
bathrooms are recent extensions of many homes, being added later. The relevance of
this is the relationship between moral hygiene and disease. Europe had the worst
plagues in recent human history. The Bubonic plagues... the plagues in the dark eras.
These plagues wiped out much of the population of Europe, most especially its men;
indeed it was plagues and wars that led to the feminist culture and women in the work
environment, because with the death of so many workers, women were forced to work
to assist the European economy. The plagues were directly related to filth in Europe.
The colonialist picked up soap and bathing habits from his exploits to Africa, the Middle
East and Asia.
Fast-forward to 2014. Africa is plagued by HIV and plagued today by Ebola. Africa has
become the bastion of sorry health problems in addition to other inabilities. What is the
commonly attributed source of Ebola (if we deny any biological warfare intentional
dissemination), it is from bush meat. In Africa many of us love to eat these wild
animals. Baboons, Gorillas, snakes and what have you. Nothing will stop us from
biting in to the juicy strands of these animals, spicily roasted. And these animals
remain the reservoir of Ebola.

Read more:

Monkey Cage
The long and ugly tradition of treating Africa as a
dirty, diseased place
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Comments 19
By Laura Seay and Kim Yi Dionne August 25

Vivian Koshefobamu, a 45-year-old vendor, speaks in front of dried meat, at the
Ajegunle-Ikorodu market in Lagos on August 13, 2014. AFP PHOTO/PIUS UTOMI
This weeks Newsweek magazine cover features an image of a chimpanzee behind the
words, A Back Door for Ebola: Smuggled Bushmeat Could Spark a U.S. Epidemic.
This cover story is problematic for a number of reasons, starting with the fact that there
is virtually no chance that bushmeat smuggling could bring Ebola to America. (The
term is a catchall for non-domesticated animals consumed as a protein source; anyone
who hunts deer and then consumes their catch as venison in the United States is eating
bushmeat without calling it that.) While eating bushmeat is fairly common in the Ebola
zone, the vast majority of those who do consume it are not eating chimpanzees.
Moreover, the current Ebola outbreak likely had nothing to do with bushmeat

An American prepares a deer he killed. Photo by John Beagle, shared with Creative
Commons license.
Far from presenting a legitimate public health concern, the authors of the piece and the
editorial decision to use chimpanzee imagery on the cover have placed Newsweek
squarely in the center of a long and ugly tradition of treating Africans as savage animals
and the African continent as a dirty, diseased place to be feared. What can social
science tell us about why Newsweeks cover story is so problematic?
Categorizing peoples in the colonial period
The Europeans who colonized Africa in the late 19th century were members of a culture
obsessed with classifying and categorizing the natural world. This quest built much of
modern biology (think Darwin and his beetle collection), but it also led to some rather
unscientific justifications for the colonial project.
One of these was an idea developed by Frederick Coombs, author of Coombss Popular
Phrenology. In the book, Coombs expounded a then-popular (and completely wrong)
idea that the size, shape and other physical characteristics of a persons skull determine
that individuals intelligence. Coombs and his fellow phrenologists started with the
assumption that non-northern and western Europeans namely, southern Europeans
(who were not considered to be racially white at the time) and people of color were
inherently less intelligent than northern Europeans with light-colored skin.
Not surprisingly, this flawed premise led these Victorian gentlemen to reach a flawed
conclusion: that people with heads that were supposedly more ape-like in shape were
less intelligent than northern Europeans and therefore in need of the civilizing
mission that colonization was supposed to bring. The Victorian phrenologists
developed elaborate typologies supposedly showing that Africans had the most apelike
and therefore most savage skull types, thus justifying their subjugation under
colonial rule.
While Coombss book may be the best-known of the works of Victorian phrenology, the
racism that his conjectures embodied was deeply embedded in the culture of most
colonizing states. Most Westerners of the time believed that people of color were
savages, desperately in need of the benefits of modernity, Christianity and
intelligence the colonists believed they were well-suited to bring to Africa.
As societal norms tend to do, the racism embodied in the notion that African peoples
skulls are more similar to those of other primates than those of other homo
sapiens skulls made its way into popular culture. And it did so in a particularly
insidious way: by portraying Africans as apelike savages. Images showing Africans as
apelike were commonplace. In popular culture, Africans were portrayed
in postcards, film and literature as savages who were not as civilized as their
colonizers. These stereotypes even extended to childrens books. A Belgian cartoon
book, Tintin au Congo, is perhaps the most famous of these representations; there, the
Congolese people whom boy adventurer Tintin encounters are at times almost
indistinguishable from the great apes of central Africa. Africans with exaggerated lips
and other features who maintain extended-limb, apelike postures
are portrayed throughout the Babar series.
As historian Sarah Steinbock-Pratt notes, imagery of Africans as hyper-sexualized
savages cannibals, even persisted in cinematic representations of Africa
throughout the 20
century. This long history of white people associating Africans with
primates both savage, running wild in the jungle (never mind that most Africans live
nowhere near a jungle or any of the great apes) and threatening any white people who
approach has not evolved as much as we might hope in the last century.
Coombs, the Victorians and the people who created appalling 20
century popular
culture relating to Africa were engaging in a practice scholars call othering. Othering
happens when an in-group (in this case, white northern Europeans) treat other groups
of people (the out-group, here, Africans and other people of color) as though there is
something wrong with them by identifying perceived flaws in the out-groups
appearance, practice or norms.
Othering has real consequences; for example, international media othering of Somalia
in the early 1990s led to the misidentification and oversimplification of the conflicts
dynamics by global policy actors. Rather than understanding the complex nature of
Somali society, the violence there was portrayed as clan warfare involving savage
peoples who had hated one another since time immemorial. This misrepresentation led
to two decades of misguided and ineffective policy responses to the Somalia crisis.
Newsweeks use of a chimpanzee to represent a scientifically invalid story about an
African disease is a classic case of othering. It suggests that African immigrants are to
be feared, and that apes and African immigrants who eat them could bring a
deadly disease to the pristine shores of the United States of America.
Othering is particularly harmful in the context of a health epidemic, as one
scholar notes, because it hampers the containment of contagion during an infectious
epidemic by compelling people to reject public health instructions.
Newsweeks piece is in the worst tradition of what journalist Howard French calls
Ooga-Booga journalism, the practice of writing in exoticizing and dehumanizing ways
about Africa. In case you havent read the Newsweek story, heres one summary, from a
political scientist on Twitter:
Fact-finding and the #NewsweekFail
A most troubling aspect of the Newsweek story is this claim:
there is an additional risk all but ignored by the popular press and publiclurking
in the cargo hold [of trans-Atlantic flights] below: bushmeat contaminated with the
virus and smuggled into the U.S. in luggage.
The reason this risk is ignored is because it is infinitesimally close to zero.
No scientist claims to have conclusive evidence substantiating the pathway through
which Ebola crosses from animals to humans. The theory with the most traction,
however, involves fruit bats (not chimpanzees) as reservoirs of Ebola virus. In-depth
research studying the May-November 2007 Ebola outbreak in the Democratic Republic
of the Congo found:
By tracing back the initial human-human transmission events, we were able to show
that, in May, the putative first human victim bought freshly killed bats from hunters to
eat. We were able to reconstruct the likely initial human-human transmission events
that preceded the outbreak. This study provides the most likely sequence of events
linking a human Ebola outbreak to exposure to fruit bats, a putative virus reservoir.
Likewise, the Guardian is reporting that a team of scientists studying the source of the
current Ebola outbreak in West Africa point to a toddlers chance contact with a single
infected bat.
Though non-human primates like the one featured on the Newsweek cover have
been found to have Ebola virus, cane rats, the delicacy described by
the single informant to the Newsweek story on the availability of bushmeat in the
Bronx, have not. [Sidenote: on the word bushmeat: why dont we just call it wild
game, the same term we use for non-domesticated meat animals sometimes hunted
and consumed in the United States some of which has also been known to threaten
human handlers with disease (e.g., deer, elk, armadillos, rabbit, etc.)?]
How threatening is illegal fruit bat importation as a potential pathway for an Ebola
outbreak in the United States? The study cited in the Newsweek story on illegally
imported wildlife does not make any mention of fruit bats being smuggled into the
country. There were also no fruit bats among specimens confiscated as part of a
crackdown on (and study of) illegal importation of meats from African countries via
Pariss Charles de Gaulle Airport. The studys authors also characterize Paris as being at
the extreme end of a spectrum meaning it would not be representative of other
international cities to which people from African countries may travel.
Ebolas jump from its animal reservoir to humans is an incredibly rare event even in
those locations where the likely animal reservoirs are much more prevalent.
Extrapolating the likelihood of an animal-to-human jump for Ebola in the United
States a context where there are likely no fruit bats for sale is not only misleading,
its irresponsible.
Newsweek is not alone in scare-mongering about the Ebola outbreak. Newsweek is not
even original in its approach pointing the finger at African immigrants smuggling
bushmeat as British and Swedish newspapers have previously published similar
Some politics and history of associating immigrants and disease in
There is a persistent association of immigrants and disease in American society.
The Immigration Act of 1891 explicitly excluded from entry to America all persons
suffering from a loathsome or dangerous contagious disease. Fast-forward one
hundred years and we see Haitian refugees who tested positive for HIV confined like
prisoners at the naval base at Guantanamo Bay despite knowledge at least five years
earlier that HIV was not casually communicated. In the 2003 SARS epidemic, New
York Citys Chinatown was identified as a site of contagion and risk despite never
having a single case of SARS.
Specific to Ebola, an earlier Monkey Cage post reported on the [completely
baseless] concerns raised by retired physician and current U.S. Rep. Phil Gingrey (R-
Ga.) that migrant children crossing into the United States from Mexico were likely
carrying Ebola as well as other deadly diseases that are not indigenous to this
The Newsweek story implies increased vulnerability to Ebola in the United States,
which psychology research shows will likely amplify negative reactions to people
heuristically associated with the disease in this case, the many African migrants
living in the Bronx (and potentially elsewhere in the United States) accused by
Newsweek of liking bushmeat (never mind that Newsweeks investigative reporters
were never able to locate any for sale). The negative reactions to increased vulnerability
include having more xenophobic attitudes. Relatedly, a recent review of public
attitudes toward immigration by political scientists Jens Hainmueller and Hopkins points
out how prejudice and ethnocentrism can engender support for more restrictive
immigration attitudes.
The Newsweek story could generate additional prejudice against African migrants, a
population that already suffers from greater prejudice than other immigrant groups. In
the psychology study referenced above, researchers found that simply manipulating the
geographical origin of a hypothetical immigrant group from Eastern Africa to Eastern
Asia to Eastern Europe yielded significant differences in attitudes in a study
population toward the immigrant group.

Fear-mongering narratives about Ebola circulating in the popular media can also have
a serious effect on knowledge and attitudes about Ebola. Though there are no cases of
person-to-person infection in the United States, a recent poll conducted by the Harvard
School of Public Health reports 39 percent of Americans think there will be a large
Ebola outbreak in the United States and more than a quarter of Americans are
concerned that they or someone in their immediate family may get sick with Ebola in
the next year. A similar poll conducted for Reason-Rupe had four in 10 Americans
saying an Ebola outbreak in the United States was likely, and conservative Americans
were more likely to say an outbreak was likely. These two national surveys show
Americans are grossly overestimating their risk of infection.
The long history of associating immigrants and disease in America and the problematic
impact that has on attitudes toward immigrants should make us sensitive to the impact
of othering African immigrants to the United States in the midst of the current Ebola
outbreak in West Africa. Scare-mongering about infinitesimally small risks in one
context serves no purpose to the greater good of trying to curb disease transmission
and relieve peoples suffering in another context.
The irony of writing about the use of primate imagery as an othering technique in a
blog that takes its name from a reference to monkeys does not escape us. We hope our
readers will understand, however, that The Monkey Cage is named for a quote about
American politicians and politics, and that its naming had nothing to do with Africa
or an attempt to other anyone.
We thank Adia Benton, Melissa Browning, Michelle Carey, Mohammad Hamze,
Meredith Killough, Kennedy Opalo, Charles Thomas, and Ben Witt for their
suggestions for and assistance with this post.

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