Business Report-Assignment

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Advise her to turn down the offer.

What strategy will she use and how will she communicate this to her senior

Since you are not interested in the job at is not matching your skills and career goals, you
can decline the position offered to you.
Face-Face: Since you have a good rapport with your superior, call for a one to one meeting
and talk to him in person about your interest and goals.
Email: Since there is no rapport with you guys, there is no point in having a meeting him.
Draft him a mail stating your decision and the reason for the same and wait for his reply.

Protogonist Email to her senior

Dear x,
Thank you very much for offering me this position. After careful consideration, although its a
difficult decision, I regret that I must decline your offer. Although you were most
encouraging in outlining future advancement possibilities of the profile offer, I feel my
current position is more in line with my skills and career goals. So I would like to consider
this offer after gaining adequate experience in the current field.

I would suggest, to employee a seniority,Talented, perosna who has a prior experience
working in that position would be a good decidsion for the company. It a demaniding


Help Protagonist s boss to plan and identify his goal and main msg that should be
communicated to his boss.

Due to Other commitments she has turned down the offer, but you can state that we have
seniors and talented guys who can be a replacement for that position. He might be busy so,
it is advisable to send him a mail, and wait for his reply

Protoginst is directly contacting with seniors boss. Why is it adv and course of you action
considering her interest and companies interest.
Advantage because of not having a proper relationship with my boss, it is always good to
approach a person who can take a stand from holistic point of view. Considering all the
other factors, it could have backfired by directly approach a superior person above whom
we are reporting to, but in this case, there is an opportunity to let him know what the
current situation is.
There are other senior members and talented guys available; it would be good for the
company to allow them to take this position. Since, I am new to this kind of a job profile. I
would like to take up this job after gaining adequate experience in that profile.

Step1: Identify employees with prior experience expected for the current position.
Step2: Have an interview to evaluate them and see whether they are interested in taking up
the job and add value to the company.

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