Sociology - Study Plan For CSS

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Study Plan

m f a i s a l u l i s l a m @ y a h o o . c o m
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0 3 3 3 - 5 3 3 7 0 0 0
1 1 / 9 / 2 0 1 4
Muhammad Faisal ul Islam
A!ocat" #i$h Cou%ts
&&'-(nt"%national &a)
Sociology Up to Date Study Plan for CSS2015
Compiled by: Muhammad Faisal ul Islam Advocate Cell: 03336!"#$0 Page %
Individual, Culture and
2014 Discuss attribution theories with special reference to media portrayals of social
issues. Explain the role of dispositional traits and situational factors for individual
actions or decision makin.
2014 !hat is the mind construction and explain if it is a planned activity" Discuss
the role of education policy towards the formation of social mind and also show its
importance in a separate pararaph.
200# $ %ndividual is product of society and culture. Different methods of sociali&ation
lead to a variety of buildin norms and values in the personality of individuals. Discuss'
a( )he relationship of individual* society and culture
b( Different methods of sociali&ation
c( )he variation exemplified due to different methods of sociali&ation in norms
and values.
200+ $ %n your opinion what are the advantaes of sociali&ation" %s sociali&ation
process applicable to the adults" Discuss it.
2004 Short Notes: Ethnocentrism
2004 $ !hy is culture indispensable to human society and what part do norms and
values play in social life"
2004 $ Define ,-tatus.. Discuss the factors which decide status of an individual in
2001 $ !hat is the role of culture in sociali&ation of an individual to become a useful
member of society" Discuss with examples.
2001 $ !hat factors are related to social and cultural chane" /ive examples of
1ole of culture in life
2arieties of -ub$cultures
3ultural 0atterns
)he variety of social forms
Cultural Norms and Values
Sociology Up to Date Study Plan for CSS2015
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4ethod of -ociali&ation
5dvantaes 6 Disadvantaes of -ociali&ation
Differentiate b7w -uccessful 83omplete( -ociali&ation and 9ailed
8%ncomplete( -ociali&ation.
Individual as a Social Product
)he relationship of individual* society and culture
2ariation in norms and values due to sociali&ation
Social Status
)ypes of -tatus
Decidin 9actors of -ocial -tatus

Study Area II
201: Define urban sprawlin. Explain in detail the socioeconomic impacts of
peripheral areas on crime rate of urban society of 0akistan.
2011 $ Discuss in detail ;<rbani&ation as a process;.
2010 $ <rbani&ation in 0akistan is increasin day by day. =ow do you look into the
future of ma>or cities in 0akistan" Discuss in liht of terror and security situation in
these cities.
200? Define the term @3ommunityA and discuss the important characteristics of a
rural and urban community.
200# $ Short Notes: 1ural$<rban converence of the future of cities in 0akistan.
200B $ )here is a thesis that @the development prorammes7strateies to chane the
fate of poor farmin community in rural 0akistan are not based upon the evidence$
based policy. )herefore* a failure* in this reard* is bein faced for the last several
decades.A =ow do you support this thesis" 4ake an evidence based arument in the
liht of different evaluation7assessments made for rural development in 0akistan.
2004 Short Notes: 9uture of 3ities in 0akistan
2000 $ !hat do you understand by the term 4oderni&ation" Discuss the important
factors associated with moderni&ation of a society with special reference to 0akistani

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3haracteristics of 1ural and <rban 3ommunities
Difference between 1ural and <rban 3ommunities
1ural Development in 0akistan
1ural$<rban 3onverence

0ros and 3ons of <rbani&ation
0roblems arisin due to <rbani&ation
)he 9uture of 4a>or cities in 0akistan
%mpact of terror and security situation in these cities
9actors of 4oderni&ation
4oderni&ation in 0akistan

Study Area III
Sociological Theory
201: Short Notes: 4arxist influence on socioloical theory.
201: %s 4ax !eber more relevant than Durkheim in todayCs lobalisin world"
Discuss with reference to their theoretical contributions.
2012 Define suicide and its type. Explain in detail the theory of anomy presented by
Emile$Durkhein. %n what way the theory would be helpful in the solution of current
involvement of 0akistani youth in suicidal attempts.
2012 Explain in detail the analysis of social conflict in capitalist society shown by the
prominent socioloist and economist Darl 4arx.
2011 !rite a note in detail on ;Evolutionary )heory; iven by %bn$i$Dhaldun.
2011 Discuss in detail ;)heory of Eabour; iven by Darl 4arx.
2010 $ Discuss critically the theories of -ocial 5ction and Fureaucracy presented by
4ax !eber. =ow the theory of bureaucracy is relevant to situation in 0akistan"
Discuss with loic and evidence.
200? Darl 4ax @)heory of EabourA discuss in detail.
200? Discuss the ma>or contributions of 4ax !eber in understandin the society
Sociology Up to Date Study Plan for CSS2015
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200G Darl 4arx has discussed labour theory of value in detail. !hat do you
understand by that theory" !rite your answer in detail.
200# $ %n the liht of theoretical perspectives 8=eel* 4arx* 3oser* 4ills( explain the
true nature of conflict. Discuss the various forms of pervasive conflict in 0akistani
200# $ !hat ma>or contributions were made by Emile Durkheim and 4ax !eber to
the understandin of society theoretically" =ow far the two theorists can be taken
relevant today"
200B $ !hat is the role of 3.! 4ills in the development of 9rankfurt school of conflict
society" !here and how he differs from his contemporaries" Discuss with evidence.
200+ $ !hat are different theories about oriin of society" Discuss them in detail.
2004 $ !hat ma>or contributions did Darl 4arx and %bn$i$Dhaldun make to our
understandin of the social experience"
200: $ Durkheim wrote extensively on suicide. 3ritically examine his views about
200: $ Describe the idea philosophy of money as presented by /eore -immel. =ow
and in what ways other scholars have presented their views to describe the idea of
philosophy of money.
2002 $ 4ax !eber is a stron advocate of bureaucratic form of overnment. Explain
in detail what lead 4ax !eber to write in favour of bureaucracy.
2002 $ Division of labour has been discussed by various socioloical theorists. Discuss
in detail the point of view taken about division of labour by Darl 4arx and Emile
2001 $ %bne$Dhaldoon is known as @9ather of -ocioloyA. Friefly discuss his
contributions to socioloy.

The Sociological Perspectives
Evolutionary )heories 8theories about oriin of society(' %bn$e$Dhaldun*
-pencer and )annis
Hrder )heorists' 5uust 3omte* Emile Durkheim* 4ax !eber*
3onflict )heorists' /eore =eel. Darl 4ars. Eewis 3oser* 4ills.
Major Theories and Theorists
4ax !eber' )heories of -ocial 5ction and Fureaucracy
Darl 4ars' )heory of Eabour
Emile Durkheim' )heory of -uicide
%bne$Dhaldoon.s contribution in -ocioloy
elevancy o! These Theories To Pa"istani Society
#pplication o! these theories in Today$s %lobalising &orld
Sociology Up to Date Study Plan for CSS2015
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Study Area IV
Sociological Research
201: !hat is hypothesis" Develop a hypothesis and identify'
a( %ndependent variables
b( Dependant variable and
c( 4ediatin variable 8if any(
2012 Define ethnomethodoloy. Explain in detail /arfinkel view reardin
ethnomethodoloy. =ow he used ethnomethodoloy in the field of socioloical
research and inIuiry"
2011 Define the term ;-ocial 1esearch; and discuss the procedure ;=ow to conduct
a 1esearch";
2010 $ !hat is internal validity that influences social science research desin" !hat
are different threats to internal validity" Discuss with examples.
200? Define the term -ocioloical 1esearch and explain the important steps of
conductin the -ocial 1esearch.
200G !hat type of survey research do you use to study youn criminals" Defend the
loic of your choice in detail.
200# $ 5 research desin is a roadmap for investiation. Discuss the ma>or decisions a
researcher makes in desinin a study. !hile discussin decision* identify a research
problem with reference to which the desinin has been envisaed.
200B $ !hat is a research desin" !hat type of research desin can be used for
studyin the problems of dru addiction7=%275%D- in 0akistani -ociety" Discuss with
200+ $ Discuss the importance of -ocial research for the study of -ocioloy. Explain
the steps to be taken in social 1esearch 0rocess.
2004 $ !hy is research essential to the scientific enterprise and what are the principal
theoretical methods available to -ocioloists in the study of social life" !hat are the
advantaes and disadvantaes of each"
200: $ !hen is survey research appropriate" !hat type of survey research would you
use to study heroin users" Define the loic of your choice.
2002 $ !hat do you understand by experimental method used in data collection"
Explain why some researchers preferred it over other data collection methods in social
sciences and for kind of studies experimental method is used by researchers.
2001 $ Discuss briefly the method of socioloical research. 9ormulate three hypothesis
indicatin variables of each.
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Social esearch
4ethods of -ocial 1esearch
-teps in 3onductin -ocial 1esearch
%mportance of -ocial 1esearch
5dvantaes and Disadvantaes of 2arious 1esearch 4ethods
esearch 'esign and Its Types
esearch Survey and Its Types
(ypothesis and Various )inds o! variables
Study Area V
Social Interaction
201: Short Notes: Determinants of social mobility
201: Define and differentiate between caste and class. Discuss the dynamics of
classes in the existin feudal system.
2012 Short Notes: 1ole of mosIue in the interation of 0akistani society.
2010 $ !hat is role of Firadri7castes in political system of 0akistan" -upport your
answer with data and evidence from previous eneral election results in 0akistani
200G !hat do you understand by -ocial 4obility" Do transfer of payments aid or
discourae social mobility"
200# $ Discuss the class structure of 0akistan society with special reference to'
a( the influence of the class structure at the time of independence
b( the determinants of social mobility
c( the feudal system
200B $ !hat role biradri7caste system is playin in decision makin on political issues
especially local bodies election in rural areas of 0akistan" =ow this biradri$based
political orani&ation influences the community development process" Discuss in the
liht of issues7conflicts arisin from the situation and their impact on the individual*
family* and society.
2001 $ !hat are the systems of forms of -ocial 3lasses" Discuss the impact of 9eudal
-ystem in 0akistan.
2012 1. 3ulture diffusion and schools of thouhts on culture diffusion. 2. 1ole of
mosIue in the interation of 0akistani society. :. 3hanin family pattern* its causes
and conseIuences.
Sociology Up to Date Study Plan for CSS2015
Compiled by: Muhammad Faisal ul Islam Advocate Cell: 03336!"#$0 Page "
Social Interaction
)ypes of %nteraction
9reIuency* Duration* %ntensity 89D%9(
Social %roups
)ypes of -ocial /roups
Differences 6 -imilarities between various types of -ocial /roups
Social Strati!ication +Class System, in Pa"istan
9orms of -ocial 3lasses )ribes* Firadaris* 3astes
-inificance of -ocial 3lasses
9eudal -ystem in 0akistan
%mpacts of 3lass -ystem
0roblems arisin from class system and their solutions
Social Mobility
Jature of social mobility
4obility determinants in 0akistani society
-ocial %mmobility

Study Area VI
Social Institutions
2014 !hat is a social orani&ation" Discuss how precepts about caste and social
classes influences smooth runnin of society.
201: Discuss the nature and enesis of institutions alon with the chane takin
place in 0akistani family.
2012 Short Notes: 3hanin family pattern* its causes and conseIuences.
2010 $ =ow do you perceive the future of family institution7system in 0akistan"
Discuss with examples especially keepin in view marriae* elderly and youth
problems in the families.
200G !hy does dissatisfaction with Fureaucracy arises" !hat is the ma>or obstacle
in eliminatin bureaucratic features which cause resentment" Discuss in detail.
200# $ Short Notes: )he nature and enesis of social institutions with special
reference to political institution
200B $ Define -ocial %nstitution. !hat is sinificance of family* reliion* and education
as institutions in the process of sociali&ation" Explain your answer with examples from
0akistani society.
Sociology Up to Date Study Plan for CSS2015
Compiled by: Muhammad Faisal ul Islam Advocate Cell: 03336!"#$0 Page !
200+ $ Differentiate between primary and secondary roups* and discuss the character
of primary relations.
2004 $ Define social institution and how can reliion hold in check the explosive social
tensions produced by ineIuality and in>ustice"
2002 $ Discuss in detail how social institutions7orani&ations have been helpful in
social and economic development of society"
!hat are -ocial %nstitutions"
1ole of -ocial %nstitutions in -ocial 6 Economic Development.
1ole of -ocial %nstitutions in Endin -ocial Evils.
Study Area VII
Social Problems
201: Short Notes: %nstitutional evasions
2012 $ Short Notes: )he role of overnment and non$overnmental orani&ation in
poverty alleviation of 0akistan.
2011 Discuss the status of elderly people in 0akistani society.
2011 Define the term ;-ocial problem; and discuss the causes of dru abuse in
2010 Short Notes: 1. 0overty in 0akistan 2. Dru 5buse in 0akistan
200? Define the term ,-ocial 0roblem.. Discuss smulin as a social problem in a
200? Discuss miration as a -ocial 0henomenon.
200G Short Notes: 1. Effects of 0opulation 0olicy 2002 2. %nternal 4iration
200G 4iration from rural to urban area is on the rise in 0akistan. Discuss all the
positive and neative points at the oriin and destination keepin theory of miration
into consideration.
200# $ Short Notes: Demoraphic )ransition identifyin the stae in 0akistan
200B Short Notes: 1. Dru 5buse 2. -ocial 3onflicts
200B $ 1ural$<rban miration is causin labour$drain from rural communities. !hat
problems this situation is creatin in the labour market of rural communities. 5s a
Sociology Up to Date Study Plan for CSS2015
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sub>ect scholar* what solutions do you suest to minimi&e these problems" Discuss
with examples.
200+ $ Short Notes: 1. 9actions and 9euds 2. 0arole system in 0akistan
2004 Short Notes: %mplication of population rowth
2004 !hat are the social effects of deviance and do 3rime$fihtin prorammes
includin imprisonment work in 0akistan"
2004 =ow can you define poverty and what strateies the /overnment of 0akistan
has adopted to alleviate poverty and also discuss the role of J/Hs to address the issue
of poverty.
200: )he youn criminals have been on the increase in 0akistan for the last many
years in >ail. !rite down critically the main factors associated with Kuvenile
2002 $ Explain social* environmental and psycholoical factors associated with youn
200: Short Notes: 1. 5in of 0opulation 2. 9actors influencin hih divorce
rate in 0akistan
2002 Short Notes: 1. 3hild and !omen 5buse in 0akistan 2. 0overty issue in
2001 Short Notes: 1.Dru 5buse 2. %nternational 4iration.
Social Problem
Some Prominent Social Problems +*vils,
Dru abuse
3hild Eabour 83hild 5buse(
!omen =arassment 8!omen 5buse(
%lliteracy and Education 0olicies
0overty 1ole of /overnment of 0akistan and J/Hs to address it
0opulation Explosion and Effects of 0opulation 0olicy 2002
5in and the status of elderly people in 0akistani society
-ocial 3onflicts 9actions and 9euds
0arole system in 0akistan
=ih Divorce 1ate in 0akistan
%nstitutional evasions
%nternal and %nternational 4iration
0ros and 3ons of 4iration
0roblems arisin due to 4iration
)he 9uture of 4a>or cities in 0akistan
%mpact of terror and security situation in these cities
'eviant -ehaviour
-ocial effects of deviance
3rime$fihtin prorammes in 0akistan
Sociology Up to Date Study Plan for CSS2015
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(onour )illing
.uvenile 'elin/uency and 0actors #ssociated &ith It
Study Area VIII
Social Control
200# $ 0olitical thinkers in 0akistan lament that man in the street is alienated. Do you
aree to the statement and if you aree ive reasons. Discuss'
a( Jature of alienation
b( %nteration
c( %nterative patterns in 0akistan
2001 $ Discuss briefly the internal and external means of -ocial control with reference
to 0akistani -ociety.

-ocial 3ontrol
)ypes of -ocial 3ontrol
4eans of -ocial 3ontrol' %nternal and External
5dvantaes 6 Disadvantaes of -ocial 3ontrol
%nteration and %nterative 0atterns in 0akistani -ociety.
Study Area IX
Social Change
201: Short Notes: -ocial 0lannin
201: Discuss as to how the process of social and cultural chane in 0akistan can be
accelerated" Lour answer must include theoretically relevant factors in the rate of
2012 Short Notes: 3ulture diffusion and schools of thouhts on culture diffusion.
2012 Discuss in detail the acceleratin and deceleratin factors of social chane. =ow
culture ethnocentrism promotes social chane and maintain social order.
Sociology Up to Date Study Plan for CSS2015
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2012 Define culture invasion" Explain in detail the role of technoloical innovation
and mass media in the revolution of risin expectations and the disruption of
traditional society of 0akistan.
2011 Define the term ;-ocial chane; and discuss the process of social chane in
roup behaviour.
2010 $ Discuss the role of media in social and cultural chane in 0akistan. !hat type
of social plannin7policy is needed to direct this chane in the context of our own social
and cultural values" Discuss with examples.
200? Define the term @-ocial 3haneA. =ow it occurs in a traditional society" Discuss
it in detail.
200# Short Notes: %ncentives and inhibitions to social and cultural chane in
200: $ !hat to you understand by diffusion of innovation" )akin 0akistani situation*
are we in a position to reach the stae of takin off economically"
2001 $ !hat factors are related to social and cultural chane" /ive examples of

Social and Cultural Change
Processes o! Social and Cultural Change
0actors in the ate o! Social and Culture Change
Incentives and inhibitions to social and cultural change in Pa"istan
Culture Invasion
)he role of technoloical innovation and mass media in the revolution of
risin expectations
)he disruption of traditional society of 0akistan
Social planning and directed social and cultural change

Sociology Up to Date Study Plan for CSS2015
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Study Area X
Miscellaneous Questions
2014 Short Notes: 1. Education as a factor of development 2. -ecurity as a social
2014 Discuss the bureonin role of social media in 0akistan. Explain the
importance of reulatin the mainstream electronic media towards the achievement
of national oals. %llustrate your answer with examples from 0akistan.
2014 !hat is the trained incapacity" !rite two examples about two institutions in
0akistan where trained incapacity is promoted and where empowerment is
2014 Define the concept of perception and reality Discuss how perception of people
are manoeuvred to influence public opinion. Explain your answer with examples from
201: =eredity versus roup influence has iven birth to controversy in explainin
socialisation process. !here do you locate yourself in the theoretical debate"
200G %n what respects are your values similar to those of your parents" %n what
respects do they differ" =ow do you explain these differences"
200+ $ Define the terms ,1ace and 1acism.. Discuss the causes responsible for 1ace
0re>udices* and how these can be eradicated"
2004 Short Notes: 0robability and Jon$probability -amplin
200: $ !hat do you understand by scales and indexes used in sciences" !hen is it
necessary to shift the base of an index and how is this process carried out"
2001 Short Notes: )heory of differential association.

1 21'3 INC*#S* M4 )N1&2*'%*3

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